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Marco Meneguzzo


Marco Meneguzzo has been (since 2002) Professor of Public and Non-profit management at the Faculty of Economics, Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI), Lugano, and full professor of Public Administration and Management, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Economics, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome in Italy. He is currently the Academic Director of the Master’s programme in Public Management and Policy (SPAN), a joint degree programme organized by the Swiss Universities of Lugano, Lausanne, and Bern.

In recent years, he has coordinated various projects funded by the Italian Ministry for the University and Scientific Research (PRIN projects multi-universities research projects of the national relevance): public networks governance (social sector, health care, leisure and cultural sector); governance and performance evaluation of public and non-profit networks in the multimedia and cultural sector; governing, managing and developing networks of public administration and public/private partnership in labour and knowledge-intensive sectors.

In terms of membership of international research and academic networks  is involved in many activities, in particular, in the last experience he has been Co-chair of the Scientific Committee International Conference 2012 XVI IRSPM (International Research Society for Public Management) and coordinator  of the panel group regarding “Predicting the performance of public networks”. He is currently involved in other scientific research networks at international level such as EGPA (European Group of Public Administration as coordinator of permanent strategic group “Public Networks Governance and Management), EURAM (European Academy of Management), EGPA TAD (Transatlantic Dialogue involving ASPA American Society of Public Administration).


- 2002-2003: Ecostato. Definizione di un modello di System Dynamics per la valutazione delle politiche di intervento dello Stato (per Governo Canton Ticino, CEFOS).
- 2003-2004: Analisi dell´impatto economico e del potenziale strategico del Film Festival di Locarno.
- 2007: Coordinatore scientifico USI per progetto Interreg III Cooperazione Governo Canton Ticino e Regione Lombardia. Progetto di collaborazione Italia-Svizzera in materia di conoscenza e sviluppo delle autonomie locali: Conoscenza e Sviluppo delle Autonomie Locali (CSAL).
- 2007-2009: Progetto svolto in partnership con la Scuola universitaria superiore Sant´Anna Pisa per la Regione Toscana sulle relazioni tra sistema sanitario ed imprese private fornitrici.
- 2009: Studio di fattibilità distretto enoviticolo Municipio Collina d´Oro.
- dal 2009: Coordinatore insieme al Prof. Calciolari del progetto COST (finanziamento Unione Europea e Governo svizzero) - Managing Care for Frail Patients: The Role of Medicine and Technology in the Management Integrated Care and the Implications.
- dal 2009: Coordinatore scientifico per USI progetto Interreg IV - cooperazione Canton Ticino e Regione Lombardia - Cooperazione e sussidiarietà.

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