Moreno Baruffini
Pubblicazioni principali (5)
- Baruffini M., Rossi F. M. (2024) Who was more likely to work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic? A gender perspective in Switzerland
- Baruffini M., Motz A., Griga D. (2023) The Swiss Labour Market and the Green Transition: Expected Impacts, Monitoring Challenges, and Policy Needs
- Stricker L., Baruffini M. (2020) Impact of labour market liberalisation on minimum wage effects: The case of the construction sector in a small open economy
- Naguib C., Baruffini M., Maggi R. (2019) Do wages and job satisfaction really depend on educational mismatch? Evidence from an international sample of Master graduates
- Baruffini M. (2015) An Agent-Based Simulation of the Swiss Labour Market: An Alternative for Policy Evaluation
Articolo pubblicato in rivista scientifica (7)
- Baruffini M., Rossi F. M. (2024) Who was more likely to work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic? A gender perspective in Switzerland, Regional Studies, Regional Science:236-254
- Stricker L., Baruffini M. (2020) Impact of labour market liberalisation on minimum wage effects: The case of the construction sector in a small open economy, Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 8 (3):155-174. ISSN 2353-8821
- Stricker L., Baruffini M. (2020) The effect of reduced unemployment duration on the unemployment rate: a Synthetic Control Approach, European Journal of Government and Economics, 9 (1-2020):46-73. ISSN 2254-7088
- Naguib C., Baruffini M., Maggi R. (2019) Do wages and job satisfaction really depend on educational mismatch? Evidence from an international sample of Master graduates, Education + Training, 61 (2):201-221
- Baruffini M. (2019) Perceptions of Job Insecurity in Switzerland: Evidence Using Verbal and Numerical Descriptors, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(10) (1785):16-1785
- Stricker L., Baruffini M. (2017) Spatial Planning and Policy Evaluation in an Urban Conurbation: a Regional Agent-Based Economic Model, Economy of Region, 13 (1):261-275. ISSN 2072-6414
- Baruffini M. (2015) An Agent-Based Simulation of the Swiss Labour Market: An Alternative for Policy Evaluation, Policy and Complex Systems Volume 2, Number 1, Spring 2015:15-30
Contributo in libro (11)
- Griga D., Motz A., Baruffini M. (2024) Skills Shortages in Switzerland: Assessment of the Challenge, Proposed Solutions, and Insight into a Key Sector. Shortages of Skilled and Unskilled Labour: Insights and Evidence to Inform Strategies Relevant to Regional and Local Labour Markets and Labour Market Observatories.. Nomos, 19-28. ISBN 9783748947769
- Baruffini M., Motz A., Griga D. (2023) The Swiss Labour Market and the Green Transition: Expected Impacts, Monitoring Challenges, and Policy Needs. Pathways of Greening Labour Markets. Opportunities and Challenges for Regional and Local Labour Market Observation in Europe and Beyond. Nomos, 141-156
- Baruffini M., Griga D. (2022) Digitisation, Artificial Intelligence, and the (Re)integration of Vulnerable Groups in the Labour Market: Evidence from Switzerland. The Relevance of Artificial Intelligence in the Digital and Green Transformation of Regional and Local Labour Markets Across Europ. Nomos, 301-316
- Baruffini M., Stricker L. (2021) Disparities in Unemployment and Economic Activity in Switzer-land during the COVID-19 Pandemic Health Crisis. Evidence at the Regional Level.. Transformations of Regional and Local Labour Markets Across Europe in Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Times Challenges for Regional and Local Observatories.. Nomos, 203-223. ISBN 9783985420131
- Baruffini M. (2020) Innovation and Sustainable Inclusive Employment: Evidence from the “region Insubrica” during the COVID-19 Outbreak. The Importance of SMEs as Innovators of Sustainable Inclusive Employment New Evidence from Regional and Local Labour Market. Rainer Hampp Verlag, Augsburg, München, 281-293. ISBN 9783957102805
- Baruffini M. (2018) Analysing Demand-oriented Skills in the Commercial Sector: The Swiss Case. Developing Skills in a Changing World of Work: Concepts, Measurement and Data Applied in Regional and Local Labour Market Monitoring Across Europe. Rainer Hampp Verlag, Augsburg, München, 227-239. ISBN 9783957102157
- Baruffini M., Stricker L. (2017) The Governance Process in the Swiss Regional Labour Market Observatories. The Importance of Governance in Regional Labour Market Monitoring for Evidence-based Policy-making. Larsen, Christa; Rand, Sigrid; Schmid, Alfons; Nagel, Tilman; Hoess, Heike. Rainer Hampp Verlag, 25-39. ISBN 9783957102003
- Baruffini M. (2016) The Impact of Industry 4.0 in a Regional Labour Market. Digital (R)evolution and Its Effects on Labour: Opportunities and Challenges for Regional and Local Labour Market Monitoring. Rainer Hampp Verlag, München u. Mering, 85-104
- Baruffini M. (2015) Assessing Data Collection and Data Quality for Labour Market Monitoring. Big Data and the Complexity of Labour Market Policies: New Approaches in Regional and Local Labour Market Monitoring for Reducing Skills Mismatches. Rainer Hampp Verlag, München, u. Mering, 255-274
- Baruffini M. (2011) Cross-border commuting in the Swiss-Italian region; labour market effects of progressive integration. Christa Larsen, Ruth Hasberg,Alfons Schmid, Marc Bittner, Franz Clément (Eds.)Measuring Geographical Mobility in Regional Labour Market MonitoringState of the Art and PerspectivesISBN 978-3-86618-657-6 (print), ISBN 978-3-86618-757-3 (e-book pdf)Rainer Hampp Verlag, München u. Mering
- Baruffini M., Baruffini M. (2005) Le NTIC nella pianificazione partecipata. Applicazione di un metodo di Foresight alla pianificazione: progetto AlpTransit e regione insubrica. Cecchini, Arnaldo e Plaisant, Alessandro (a cura di) (2005)Analisi e modelli per la pianificazione Teoria e pratica: lo stato dell’arte, FrancoAngeli, Milano
Working paper (3)
- Baruffini M. (2018) Are perceptions of job insecurity among workers consistent with actual economic outcomes? The case of Switzerland
- Naguib C., Baruffini M., Maggi R. (2017) Identifying the impact of mismatch on job satisfaction using an instrumental variable approach
- Baruffini M., Origo F. (2017) Job satisfaction, flexibility and security: evidence from Swiss individual-level data
Relazione in convegno scientifico (1)
- Rudel R., Baruffini M., Baruffini M. (2007) MONITRAF - Rapporto finale WP 7. Team di progetto MONITRAF