Alessandra Motz
Articolo pubblicato in rivista scientifica (2)
- Motz A. (2021) Consumer acceptance of the energy transition in Switzerland: The role of attitudes explained through a hybrid discrete choice model, Energy Policy, 152:112152-112152
- Motz A. (2021) Security of supply and the energy transition: The households' perspective investigated through a discrete choice model with latent classes, Energy Economics, 97:105179-105179
Contributo in libro (4)
- Griga D., Motz A., Baruffini M. (2024) Skills Shortages in Switzerland: Assessment of the Challenge, Proposed Solutions, and Insight into a Key Sector. Shortages of Skilled and Unskilled Labour: Insights and Evidence to Inform Strategies Relevant to Regional and Local Labour Markets and Labour Market Observatories.. Nomos, 19-28. ISBN 9783748947769
- Baruffini M., Motz A., Griga D. (2023) The Swiss Labour Market and the Green Transition: Expected Impacts, Monitoring Challenges, and Policy Needs. Pathways of Greening Labour Markets. Opportunities and Challenges for Regional and Local Labour Market Observation in Europe and Beyond. Nomos, 141-156
- Ascari S., Motz A., Makholm J., Petrovich B., Correlje A. (2021) End-user price liberalization versus regulation. Lessons from advanced markets. Natural gas price control - Theoretical issues and world case studies. European University Institute, 1-32. ISBN 9789290849858
- Motz A., Ranci P., Cirillo M., Ferrari M., Campidoglio C., Bobbio D. (2011) Il gas naturale. Economia dell'Energia. Il Mulino, 107-137. ISBN 9788815232687
Contributo in atti di conferenza (1)
- Motz A., Galletta R., Checchi C. (2012) A market game for the new gas balancing market in Italy. 9th European Energy Market Conference. 9th European Energy Market Conference. Florence. May 2012
Altra pubblicazione (5)
- Motz A. (2024) "Renewable Energy Communities in Italy: Why Still so Few? Insights from the Journey of a Grassroots Initiative
- Gahrens S., Petrovich B., Motz A., Wüstenhagen R. (2022) Is Perceived Climate Friendliness Driving EV Adoption? Exploring Consumer Knowledge at Different Stages of the Vehicle Purchasing Process
- Motz A., Petrovich B., Gahrens S., Wüstenhagen R. (2022) "Solar sharing economy" or "my home is my power plant"? Profiling collective and individual solar prosumers in Southern Switzerland
- Motz A. (2021) What is the Value of Security of Supply for Households and Business Consumers? An Assessment Accounting for Trade-offs and Psychological Drivers
- Motz A. (2019) Die Schweiz ist keine Energieinsel