Giuseppe Arbia
Pubblicazioni principali (5)
- Arbia G., Lafratta G., Simeoni C. (2007) Optimal sampling plans for 3D soil pollution
- Arbia G., Lafratta G. (2002) Spatial sampling designs optimized under unisotropic superpopulation model
- Arbia G., Benedetti R., Espa G. (1999) Contextual classification in image analysis: an assessment of accuracy of ICM
- Arbia G., Haining R. P., Griffith D. A. (1998) Error propagation in overlay operations
- Arbia G., Haining R. (1993) Error propagation through map operations
Articolo pubblicato in rivista scientifica (33)
- Arbia G., Ghiringhelli C., Mira A. (2019) Estimation of spatial econometric linear models with large datasets: How big can spatial Big Data be?, Regional Science and Urban Economics:67-73
- Arbia G., Espa G., Giuliani D., Cella R. (2015) A micro spatial analysis of firm demography: the case of food stores in the area of Trento, Empirical Economics, 48, 3:923-937
- Arbia G., Lafratta G., Simeoni C. (2007) Optimal sampling plans for 3D soil pollution, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
- Arbia G., Costantini M. (2006) Testing the Stochastic Convergence of Italian Regions using panel data, Applied Economics Letters. 2006, 13:775-783
- Arbia G., Lafratta G. (2005) Exploring non linear dependence in the tails of bivariate marginals of a random field, Geographical analysis, 37, (4), 423-437
- Arbia G., Paelinck J. (2004) Continuous time modelling of regional convergence, International Regional Science Review
- Arbia G., Paelinck J. (2004) Convergence or divergence? Modelling the interregional dynamics of EU regions, 1985-1999, Journal of Geographical systems, 5, 291-314,
- Arbia G., Lafratta G. (2004) Spatial correlation estimates based on satellite observations corrected with the prior knowledge of the sensor devices, Statistica, Bologna
- Arbia G., Haining R., Griffith D. (2003) Error propagation computing vegetation indices based on LAndsat imagery, Environmental and ecological statistics, 10, 2
- Arbia G. (2002) Bivariate value-at-risk, statistica, Bologna
- Arbia G., Lafratta G. (2002) Spatial sampling designs optimized under unisotropic superpopulation model, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, C - Applied Statistics - 51, 2
- Arbia G. (2001) Modelling the geography of economic activities in a continuous space, Papers in regional sciences, 80, 4
- Arbia G. (2001) The role of spatial effects in the empirical analysis of regional concentration, Journal of Geographical Systems, 3
- Arbia G. (2000) Two critiques to the statistical measures of spatial concentration and regional convergence, International Advances in economic research, 6, 3
- Arbia G., Benedetti R., Espa G. (1999) Contextual classification in image analysis: an assessment of accuracy of ICM, Computational statistics and data analysis
- Arbia G., Haining R., Griffith D. (1999) Modelling error propagation in maps: arithmetic operations, CArthography & Geographical Information Science
- Arbia G., Haining R. P., Griffith D. A. (1998) Error propagation in overlay operations, International Journal of Geographical Information Systems, 12 (2)
- Arbia G., Lafratta G. (1997) Evaluating and updating the sample design: the case of the concentration of SO2 in PAdua, Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistica, 2, 4
- Arbia G., Espa G., Benedetti R. (1996) Effects of MAUP on image classification, Journal of Geographical Systems
- Arbia G., Espa G. (1996) Forecasting statistical modelling of archeological site location, Archaeology and Computers
- Arbia G., Espa G. (1996) Statistical modelling of archaeological sites as non stationary Cox processes and its use in forecasting, Archaelogy and Computers
- Arbia G. (1994) A bird´s eye view of spatial data and applications, Quaderni di statistica e matematica applicata alle scienze economico-sociali, Volume XVI, n. 1-2, 1-16
- Arbia G., Haining R., Griffith D. (1994) Heterogeneity of attribute sampling error in spatial data sets, Geographical Analysis, 26 (4):300-320
- Arbia G. (1994) Selection techniques in sampling spatial untis, Quaderni di statistica e matematica applicata alle scienze economico-sociali, XVI (1-2):81-91
- Arbia G., Haining R. (1993) Error propagation through map operations, Technometrics, 35 (3):293-305
- Arbia G., Goodchild M., Haining R. (1993) Integrating GIS and spatial data analysis: problems and possibilities, International Journal of Geographical Information Sciences, 6, 5, 407-423
- Arbia G. (1993) The use of GIS in spatial surveys, International. Statistical Review, 61, 2, 339-359
- Arbia G., Benedetti R. (1990) Metodi di ricampionamento nella analisi di immagini aeree e da satellite, Quaderni di Statistica e Econometria, Vol. XII,143-152
- Arbia G. (1990) On second order non-stationarity in two-dimensional lattice processes, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 9, 147-160, North Holland
- Arbia G. (1989) Diseguaglianze territoriali, Rassegna Economica, 3, Year LIII, 569-596, Napoli
- Arbia G. (1989) Sull´analisi di serie spaziali non stazionarie: un metodo basato sul ricampionamento, Statistica, 4, 553-562
- Arbia G. (1989) The dampening effect on high order spatial autocorrelation in irregular lattices, Metron, Volume XLVI, 1-4, 459-488, Roma.
- Arbia G. (1986) The modifiable areal unit problem and the spatial autocorrelation problem: towards a joint approach, Metron, Volume XLIV, 1-4, 391-407, Roma.
Libro (3)
- Arbia G. (1996) Analisi econometrica di dati spaziali. DMQTE, Pescara
- Arbia G., Espa G. (1996) Statistica Economica Territoriale. Cedam, Padova
- Arbia G. (1988) Spatial data configuration in statistical analysis of regional economics and related problems. Advanced Statistical Theory and Applied Econometrics, Kluwer Academic Publisher
Contributo in libro (4)
- Arbia G., Haining R., Griffith D. (1999) Uncertainty and error propagation in map analyses involving arithmetic and overlay operations: inventory and porspect. in Spatial accuracy assessment, Kim Lowell and Annick Jaton (a cura di), Ann Arbor Press, Chelsea, Michigan, 11-25.
- Arbia G. (1992) Aggregation over time space and individuals in economic modelling: a generating mechanism approach. Chapter 6 of the volume Continuous time econometrics, G. Gandolfo ed., Chapman and Hall eds., London
- Arbia G. (1989) Statistical effects of spatial data transformations: a proposed general framework. in Accuracy of spatial databases, M. Goodchild And S. Gopal Eds., Taylor & Francis, 249-259, London
- Arbia G. (1986) Problems in the estimation of the spatial autocorrelation function arising from the form of the weights matrix. in Transformations through space and time, D.Griffith and R.P. Haining Eds., Martinus Nijhoff Publ., 294-308, Dordrecht.
Atti di conferenza (3)
- Conte A., Giovannini A., Savini L., Arbia G. (2003) Forecasting the geographical distribution and short term dynamics of C. IMICOLA abundance with spatio-temporal data: the case of Sardinia (Italy) 2001-2002. congress ISVEE. Chile. November
- Arbia G. (1995) The factor of scale on the statistical analysis of digital images. Proceedings of the 50th session of the International Statistical Institute, Beijng
- Arbia G., Coli M. (1991) The use of GIS in spatial and spatio-temporal surveys. Bullettin of the International Statistical Institute, Vol. 50, book 3, session 24, pagg. 1-28, Il Cairo
Relazione in convegno scientifico (2)
- Arbia G., Paelinck J. (2003) Border effects, specification and estimation issues in continuous time regional convergence analysis. European Regional science association. Jyvdskyld. August 2003
- Arbia G., Basile R., Salvatore M. (2003) Spatial Effects on Regional Growth. A Parametric and a Nonparametric Approach. congress Analytical Frontiers in Spatial Aspects of Economic Development May 29, 2003, WIDER, Helsinki