Léna Pellandini-Simányi
Articolo pubblicato in rivista scientifica (20)
- Pellandini-Simányi L., Barnhart M. (2024) The Market Dynamics of Collective Ignorance and Spiraling Risk, Journal of Consumer Research:x-x
- Pellandini-Simányi L. (2023) Algorithmic classifications in credit marketing: How marketing shapes inequalities, Marketing Theory:x-x
- Pellandini-Simányi L., Conte L. (2021) Consumer de-responsibilization: changing notions of consumer subjects and market moralities after the 2008–9 financial crisis, Consumption Markets & Culture, 24 (3):280-305
- Vargha Z., Pellandini-Simányi L. (2021) Debt trails: following relations of debt across borrowers, organizations, and states, Journal of Cultural Economy:127-138
- Pellandini-Simányi L. (2020) Reluctant financialisation: Financialisation without financialised subjectivities in Hungary and the United States, Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space:x-x
- Pellandini-Simányi L., Vargha Z. (2019) How risky debt became ordinary: A practice theoretical approach, Journal of Consumer Culture:https://doi.org/10.1177/1469540519891293-online first
- Pellandini-Simányi L., Vargha Z. (2019) Legal infrastructures: How laws matter in the organization of new markets, Organization Studies:x-https://doi.org/10.1177/0170840619835245
- Pellandini-Simányi L., Vargha Z. (2018) Spatializing the future: Financial expectations, EU convergence and the Eastern European Forex mortgage crisis, Economy and Society:47 (2), 280-312
- Ariztia T., Agloni N., Pellandini-Simányi L. (2017) Ethical living: relinking ethics and consumption through care in Chile and Brazil, British Journal of Sociology:i-xxi
- Pellandini-Simányi L. (2017) How Do Friends Manage Income Differences? The Role of Lay Concepts of Justice in the Erosion of Income-Bridging Friendships and Social Segregation, Sociology:592-607
- Pellandini-Simányi L. (2016) Non-marketizing agents in the study of markets: Competing legacies of performativity and Actor-Network-Theory in the marketization research program, Journal of Cultural Economy:i-xix
- Pellandini-Simányi L., Zsuzsanna V., Ferenc H. (2015) The Financialization of Everyday Life or the Domestication of Finance? How Mortgages Engage With Borrowers’ Temporal Horizons, Relationships, and Rationality in Hungary, Cultural Studies:733-759
- Pellandini-Simányi L. (2014) Bourdieu, Ethics and Symbolic Power, Sociological Review:651-671
- Pellandini-Simányi L. (2014) Everyday consumption norms as discourses of the good life in pre-socialist and socialist Hungary, Journal of Consumer Culture:1-19
- Pellandini-Simányi L. (2012) Freelance or Free Fall? Flexible Work and Gender in the Creative Industries (Szabadúszás vagy szabadesés? Rugalmas munka és női esélyegyenlőség a kreatív iparágakban), Café Bábel:37-44
- Pellandini-Simányi L. (2009) “O Mum, Why Do You Hang on to that Junk?” Changing Value Regimes of Home Decoration (“Jaj, mama, minek őrzöd ezt a sok kacatot?” A berendezési tárgyakhoz kötődő értékrezsimek változásai ), Replika:197-227
- Hofmeister-Toth A., Pellandini-Simányi L. (2006) Cultural Values in Hungary, Society and Economy:41-59
- Pellandini-Simányi L. (2005) Cross-cultural Comparative Study on Honesty (Kulturakozi osszehasonlito vizsgalat a becsuletessegrol), Vezetéstudomány. (Management Review):17-24
- Pellandini-Simányi L. (2005) Introduction to the Theory of Consumer Society (Bevezetés a fogyasztói társadalom elméletébe), Replika:165-195
- Pellandini-Simányi L. (2004) Why Do Postmaterialists Consume More than Materialists? (Miért fogyasztanak többet a posztmaterialisták, mint a materialisták?), Vezetéstudomány. (Management Review):16-23
Libro (1)
- Pellandini-Simányi L. (2014) Consumption norms and everyday ethics. New York; Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Contributo in libro (5)
- Pellandini-Simányi L. (2024) Consumer Credit and Debt. Oxford Bibliographies in Sociology. Ed. Lynette Spillman. New York: Oxford University Press, x-x
- Pellandini-Simányi L. (2020) The Financialization of Everyday Life. Routledge Handbook of Critical Finance Studies. Robert Wosnitzer and Christian Borch, 278-299
- Pellandini-Simányi L., Gulyas E. (2018) Political Consumerism in Central and Eastern Europe. Oxford Handbook of Political Consumerism. Oxford University Press, x-x
- Pellandini-Simányi L. (2014) Hogyan kezelik a barátok az anyagi különbségeket?. Emlékkerti kőoroszlán. Eötvös Lóránd Tudományegyetem, 43-54
- Tamas D., Pellandini-Simányi L. (2012) Kids, Cars, or Cashews?: Debating and Remembering Consumption in Socialist Hungary. Communism Unwrapped: Consumption in Cold War Eastern Europe. Oxford University Press, 325-350
Working paper (1)
Contributo in atti di conferenza (6)
- Conte L., Pellandini-Simányi L. (2022) ‘Improving decisions about health, wealth, and happiness’? The ethics of consumer-oriented nudging from public policy to the business sector. MPCC Proceedings, Vol. 32. Stacey Finkelstein, Ann Mirabito and Marie Yeh. AMA Marketing and Public Policy Conference 2022. Austin TX, United States. 9-11 June. ISBN 9780877570134
- Pellandini-Simányi L., Conte L. (2020) Consumer De-responsibilization: Changing Notions of Consumer Subjects and Market Moralities after the 2008-9 Financial Crisis. Research in Consumer Culture Theory, Vol. 3. Georgios Patsiaouras, James Fitchett and AJ Earley. Consumer Culture Theory Conference 2020: Interrogating Social Imaginaries. Leicester, United Kingdom. 26-28 June. ISBN 9788794006033
- Silchenko K., Pellandini-Simányi L. (2020) Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde Consumer: New Forms of Consumer Subjects and Self-Governance. Research in Consumer Culture Theory. Vol 3.. G. Patsiaouras, J. Fitchett and AJ Earley. Research in Consumer Culture Theory. Vol 3.. Consumer Culture Theory Conference. Leicester, United Kingdom. 26-29 June 2020
- Pellandini-Simányi L. (2019) Beyond subjectivity: Competing governance regimes and the socio-material construction of rational consumer action. Association for Consumer Research. Annual Conference. Dallas. 2018
- Pellandini-Simányi L., Vargha Z. (2018) Maintaining expectations against warning signs: Spatializing the future and the financial crisis. In Guclu Atinc (Ed.), Proceedings of the Seventy-seventh Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Online ISSN: 2151-6561.. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Chicago. 2018
- Pellandini-Simányi L., Banai A. (2017) The Conformity-Risk Paradox: Why Increasingly Risky Mortgages are Acquired by Increasingly Risk-Averse Consumers. Association for Consumer Research. Annual Conference. San Diego. 2017
Poster per conferenza (2)
- Conte L., Pellandini-Simányi L. (2022) The Making of Healthy, Wealthy, and Happy Consumers: Practices and Politics of Nudging in For-Profit Firms. Michelle Barnhart and Aimee Dinnin Huff. Research in Consumer Culture Theory, Vol. 4
- Conte L., Pellandini-Simányi L. (2020) The Making of Healthy, Wealthy, and Happy Consumers: Practices and Politics of Nudging in For-Profit Firms. Jennifer Argo, Tina M. Lowrey and Hope Jensen Schau. Advances in Consumer Research. ISBN 9780915552818