Francesca Galli
Francesca Galli is currently a postdoctoral fellow (SNSF Ambizione: PZ00P1_201935) at Universität Zürich and teaches Medieval literature and philology at Università della Svizzera italiana. She also participates in the PRIN project LiLeSC (Books and Readers in Florence from the 13th to the 15th Century: the Library of Santa Croce, division Roma Tre), working on unpublished works by Servasanto da Faenza. As a member of SISMEL, she contributes to the drafting of bibliographical records in Medioevo Latino (MEL). Her interdisciplinary research interests lie primarily in how Medieval sciences (especially optics) and literature intertwine, in Mendicant preaching and also in the relationship between texts and images.
Before joining the SGLP (UZH), she was a postdoctoral assistant at Istituto di studi italiani, where, under the supervision of Prof. Sara Garau, she was also involved in the educational planning and organization of symposia of the Scuola dottorale confederale in Civiltà italiana. In 2018 she was part of the team of In codice ratio (Roma Tre) and, previously, was awarded a Balzan Prize Foundation Fellowship at USI (supervisor: Prof. Piero Boitani, 2016 Balzan Prize for Comparative Literature). She received her Ph.D. from USI (2016, supervisor: Prof. Corrado Bologna), with a dissertation on a treatise about physical and spiritual light by the Franciscan Bartolomeo da Bologna (1275 ca). Her critical and commented edition of Bartolomeo’s De luce has just been published (SISMEL-Micrologus Library 2021).
Tesi Ph.D.: Edizione critica e commentata del De luce di Bartolomeo da Bologna o.f.m. (XIII sec.);
Progetto di ricerca Fondazione Internazionale Premio Balzan Postdoctoral Fellowship (Premio 2016 Prof. Piero Boitani): Dar forma all'Empireo. Creazioni letterarie e figurative di età medievale;
Partecipazione a simposi e conferenze organizzati dal gruppo di ricerca Ordered Universe;
Collaborazione al progetto In codice ratio presso Università degli studi Roma Tre.
Collaborazione al progetto PRIN Libri e lettori a Firenze dal XIII al XV secolo: la Biblioteca di Santa Croce, unità di Roma Tre (prof.ssa Anna Pegoretti)
Progetto SNSF Ambizione (201935): The «Ineffabilis Utilitas» of Optics. Hybrid Uses of a Pivotal science in 13th-century Imagery and Thinking
Competence areas