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Tourism Growth and Economic Development


Antonioli Mantegazzini B.

Docente titolare del corso

Scagnolari S.

Docente titolare del corso


The first part of the course focuses on State intervention and the public organization of tourism, examining concepts like market failures, externalities, and public goods. Students will gain insights into the reasons behind State intervention, available instruments, and financing possibilities, equipping them with a comprehensive understanding of the role of government in shaping the tourism industry.

In the central part of the course, students will delve into the critical analysis of the interplay between tourism and sustainability dimensions. The concept of sustainability, encompassing economic, environmental, and social aspects, will be explored in the context of the tourism sector. By examining sustainability practices and challenges, students will be prepared to contribute to sustainable tourism development in their future careers.

The final part of the course analyzes the impact of tourism on the economy, with a specific focus on its role as an engine of local development. Students will examine the economic aspects of international tourism, such as exchange rates, multinational companies, and balance of payments. Understanding these key concepts will enable students to evaluate the economic effects of tourism on income and employment levels in local economies.  

On the completion of this course, students will understand:

  • The reasons behind the intervention of the State in the economy, its available instruments, and financing possibilities.
  • The concept of sustainability, with its economic, environmental, and social dimensions, and its application to tourism.
  • The key role of tourism as an engine of local development.
  • The key concepts of international tourism, such as the exchange rate and the balance of payments.

All these arguments will be formally treated, by using the proper economic toolbox and modeling to approach the problems and intuitively presented, by using examples.


"Tourism Growth and Economic Development" represents a natural extension of the course “Tourism Economics”. 

This course is a specialized course that offers a personalized learning experience, catering to the diverse needs of students. Throughout the course, students will explore the intricate relationship between tourism, economic development, and sustainability.

Throughout the course, students will be exposed to formal economic analysis, utilizing appropriate economic models and tools to approach problems. The concepts and theories will be presented intuitively through real-world examples, ensuring a practical understanding of the material.

Upon completion of this course, students will have a profound understanding of the rationale behind State intervention in the economy, the application of sustainability principles to tourism, the significance of tourism for local development, and the essential concepts of international tourism. This knowledge will empower students to make informed decisions and contribute meaningfully to the advancement of the tourism industry and its sustainable growth.

Obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile

  • Istruzione di qualità
  • Energia pulita e accessibile
  • Industria, innovazione e infrastrutture
  • Città e comunità sostenibili

Modalità di insegnamento

In presenza

Impostazione pedagogico-didattica

In "Tourism Growth and Economic Development," we employ an optimized and adaptive teaching methodology, personalized to cater to the unique skills and interests of each student. Throughout the course, students will work on individual dossiers, gradually compiling and enriching their knowledge as they progress. One-on-one interactions with instructors at the beginning will help assess students' prior knowledge and set personalized short-term and long-term goals.

Learning resources will be released weekly, following the course timetable, providing structured guidance and support. These resources will cover essential topics such as State intervention in tourism, the relationship between tourism and sustainability dimensions, and the impact of tourism on the economy.

Active participation empowers students to achieve their learning objectives and prepares them to contribute effectively to the dynamic field of tourism growth and economic development.

Modalità d’esame

70% written test/exam

30% exercises/group work



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