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Tourism and Food Experience


Garzia C.

Docente titolare del corso


The course is focused on advanced strategic analysis to develop innovative food & wine experiences. The course in dedicated to the illustration of main analytical frameworks for strategic analysis applied to food & wine industry, in particular to build food experiences that create synergies with tourism activities generating value for customers and destinations. 
During the course the following topics - related to food & wine industry - will be developed: 
•    advanced sector / market analysis techniques;
•    innovative business models development;
•    strategic use of geographical denomination/indications to foster enogastronomic tourism;
•    sustainability in enogastronomic experience. 


The aim of the course is to provide participants with tools that can be applied to the analysis of real business situations and to the implementation of strategic initiatives related to food & wine experiences. 
The course provides an opportunity to develop certain personal capabilities. Specifically, participants will develop the following skills:
•    analytical skills, in particular: thinking, problem solving, and decision-making; 
•    oral and written communication skills.

Obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile

  • Salute e benessere
  • Acqua pulita e igiene
  • Energia pulita e accessibile
  • Città e comunità sostenibili

Modalità di insegnamento

In presenza

Impostazione pedagogico-didattica

The course has a strong empirical approach, based on case discussion and in-class group assignments.

Modalità d’esame

Participants are evaluated on a final essay (take home exam, individual student work). Participants have the possibility to take up to 1 bonus point (to be added the final written exam grade) with in-class (group) assignments.

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