Gianluca Colombo
Pubblicazioni principali (5)
- Colombo G., Conca V., Buongiorno M., Gnan L. (2007) Integrating Cross - Border Acquisitions: a process - oriented approach
- Colombo G., Koiranen M., Chirico F. (2006) Understanding family businesses as value creation systems through system dynamics
- Marangoni G., Colombo G., Fezzi G. (2004) Modelling Intra-Group Relationships
- Colombo G. (1999) Economia delle combinazioni interaziendali
- Colombo G. (1997) From Athena to Hermes: Thinking and Acting Strategy
Articolo pubblicato in rivista scientifica (4)
- Chirico F., Nordqvist M., Colombo G., Mollona E. (2012) Simulating Dynamic capabilities and value creation in family firms: Is Paternalism an ‘Asset’ or ‘Liability’?, Family Business Review
- Colombo G., Conca V., Buongiorno M., Gnan L. (2007) Integrating Cross - Border Acquisitions: a process - oriented approach, Long Range Planning
- Colombo G. (2005) Soggetto economico, governo e responsabilità sociale dell'impresa alla luce del pensiero di Carlo Masini, Contabilità e cultura aziendale., Vol. V, N. 1, Roma, RIREA:23-60
- Marangoni G., Colombo G., Fezzi G. (2004) Modelling Intra-Group Relationships, Economic Systems Research
Libro (3)
- Colombo G. (2003) Pensieri e Parole, Omaggio a Carlo Masini,. Quaderni del Dipartimento di Economia, Università degli Studi dell´Insubria, Varese
- Colombo G. (1999) Economia delle combinazioni interaziendali. EGEA, Milano
- Colombo G., Dubini P. (1988) I servizi per la nascita e lo sviluppo di nuove imprese. Giuffri, Milano
Contributo in libro (10)
- Chirico F., Colombo G. (2008) An experimental examination of the FITS family-business model: new insights from a simulation study through system dynamics. In Butler J.E. and Phan P.H. (eds). Research in Entrepreneurship and Management. Information Age Press of Greenwich, CT. (forthcoming, 2008)
- Colombo G., Koiranen M., Chirico F. (2008) Le imprese familiari: Sistemi di generazione di valore attraverso le generazioni. Mulino Editore.
- Colombo G. (2007) Management, narration, rhétorique. Un discours sur le discours et la pratique de la stratégie. in A. Ch. Martinet (ed.), Sciences du management. Epistémique, pragmatique et étique, FNEGE - Vuibert, Paris
- Colombo G., Koiranen M., Chirico F. (2006) Understanding family businesses as value creation systems through system dynamics. Family firms as arenas for trans-generational value creation: a qualitative and computational approach. University of Jyvaskyla Press.
- Colombo G., Pasquier-Dorthe J., Barbuscia D., Giorgetti F., de Gottardi C. (2004) Il private equity strumento di facilitazione delle transizioni nelle imprese familiari. Private Equity et Microfinance, Schulthess, Genève, Zurich, Bale, 2004
- Colombo G. (2000) "Competitive Actions", in Calori R., Atamer T., Nunes P. (a cura di), The Dynamics of International Competition: From Practice to Theory. Sage pubblications, London
- Colombo G. (2000) Geographic Scope: Exploring product ´market variety´, in Calori R - Atamer T. - Nunes P. (a cura di), The Dynamics of International Competition: From Practice to Theory. Sage pubblications, London
- Colombo G. (1999) "Il governo strategico delle organizzazioni innovative" in Rullani E. - Vicari S. (a cura di), Sistemi ed evoluzione nel management. ETAS libri, Milano
- Colombo G., Montemerlo D. (1993) "Assetti istituzionali e gestione strategica", in C. Dematti e G. Corbetta I processi di transizione delle imprese familiari. Mediocredito Regionale Lombardo, Milano
- Colombo G. (1991) La complessità nelle aziende e nelle discipline manageriali. EGEA, Milano
Working paper (1)
Atti di conferenza (1)
- Colombo G., Meneguzzo M. (2004) Introducing Feedback Thinking and Simulation in ECOSTATO Training Programme. 22nd System Dynamics Conference. Keble College, Oxford, England. July 25 - 29
Relazione in convegno scientifico (10)
- Colombo G., Sacco F. (2005) "Management, narration, rhetoric A discussion on discussing and implementing strategy". Presented at the EURAM Conerence, Munich, May 4 - 6
- Colombo G., Mauret M. (2005) Why So Many Start-ups Fail? A Resource Based Approach Through System Dynamics. presented at the 23rd International Conference of the System Dynamics Society Boston, Massachusetts USA. July 17 - 21
- Colombo G., Sacco F. (2004) Entrepreneurial and Professional Management in Small and Medium Sized Entrepreises: Combining Creativity and Technical Skills. Report on the 33rd Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Samll Business Conference. ARPENT Annual Review of Progress in Entrepreneurship research: Volume 2, 2202 - 2003, EFMD
- Colombo G., La Rocca S. (2003) Thinking a Sub-Field of Strategic Thinking form a Pluralistic Approach to Knowledge Invention. 3a Conferenza EURAM. SDA-Bocconi, Milano. maggio
- Colombo G. (2002) From Context to System and Back. How Systems Emerge from Actors Cognitive and Social Interactions. A System Dynamics Perspective. The 5th European Congress of Systemic. Creta. 16 - 19 ottobre
- Colombo G., Conca V., Buongiorno M. (2002) International Acquisitions: The Key to Success in the Experience of Italian companies. Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances. Bocconi - INSEAD, Milan. 23rd - 24th May
- Colombo G., La Rocca S. (2002) La pansée et la parole: conversation, logique et rhétorique du management stratégique. présenté à la Conférence de l'AIMS, Paris, EASCP - EAP, juin, 2002 et à la revue Management International
- Colombo G., Marangoni G., Fezzi G. (2002) Modelling intra - group relationships. XIV International Conference on Input-Output Techniques. Montréal (Canada). 10 - 15 October
- Colombo G., La Rocca S. (2001) Ye Werw Not Formed To Live The Life Of Brutes. Theory and Proctice of Mental Model Change From Participatory Action Research and Constructivist Grounded Theroy. presented at EGOS 2001 Conference, Lyon July
- Colombo G. (2000) Les nouvelles exigences du mètier de manager professionnel. presentato a Entretiens J. Cartier, HEC Montréal, Montréal