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CodeVis - Code of conduct for open data practices in visual social research



Lobinger K.


Picco Schwendener A.



Open science poses challenges for visual research due to specific ethical and legal requirements. So far, there are no clear guidelines for handling visual data in open science practices. As the role of visual data is augmenting in the social sciences, our project aims to create a clear, understandable Code of Conduct for visual social research (data community specific), integrating legal and ethical considerations with a focus on open science. We will review existing guidelines, collect input from visual scholars and academic associations, develop the Code of Conduct in a whitepaper, and disseminate it via research networks. We will leverage the expertise of the CCdigitallaw team, visual communication scholars, and associations such as the German Communication Association and the International Communication Association.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Data d'inizio
Data di fine
10 Mesi
In corso
Other Swiss Programmes / Académies suisses des sciences / Open Research Data calls - Measure D2.6: Codes of Conduct