Istituto del software
In corso (9)
- Bavota G. (2024) PARSED - Personalized and contextuAlized Recommendations for SoftwarE Developers
- Tonella P. (2023) Sec4AI4Sec - Cybersecurity for AI-Augmented Systems
- Tonella P. (2023) TopoScope: a Topographical Approach to Software Testing
- Furia C. A. (2022) LastMile - Narrowing the Usability Gap of Software Verification
- Parchet R., D'Ambros M. (2022) Institutional Foundations of Industrialization, Financialization, and Globalization of the Swiss Economy. Evidence from 140 Years of the Commercial Registry
- Papadopoulou E. (2022) Dimension++
- Pautasso C. (2021) Modeling and Deployment of Flexible Choreographies in Multi-chain Environments
- Pautasso C. (2020) API-ACE - Analytics-based Continuous Design and Evolution of Microservice APIs
- Bavota G. (2020) DEVINTA - An Artificial Assistant for Software Developers
Conclusi (38)
- Pozzi L. (2023) Incremental SAT Solving for Quantified Boolean Formulas
- Lanza M. (2020) INSTINCT - Improving Database Interactions in NoSQL Applications
- D'Ambros M., Parchet R. (2020) Firms and tax competition in the digital economy: a data platform for geo-temporal network analysis
- Bavota G., Lanza M. (2020) SENSOR - SENsible SOftware Refactoring
- Mocci A. (2020) Beyond Watching: Next Generation Programming Tutorials Leveraging Interaction Data
- Hauswirth M. (2019) Conceptual Change in Learning to Program
- D'Ambros M., Ferrante A. (2019) E-WASTE - Cheap and Smart Boxes for Medical Waste Management
- Furia C. A. (2019) Hi-Fi - Widely Applicable and Usable Automated Program Repair
- D'Ambros M. (2019) Tako - Collecting and Visualizing Development Activities in Visual Studio Code
- Tonella P. (2019) Precrime - Self-assessment Oracles for Anticipatory Testing
- Bavota G. (2018) CCQR - Crowdsourced Code Quality Review
- Pezzè M. (2018) ASTERIx - Automatic System TEsting of inteRactive software applIcations
- Lanza M. (2017) PROBE - Live Actionable Software Analytics
- Soulé R., Lanza M. (2017) BIGDATA - Exploratory Visual Analytics for Interaction Graphs
- Bavota G. (2017) JITRA - Just-In-Time Rational refActoring
- Pautasso C. (2015) Innovative teaching curricula, methods and infrastructures for computer science and software engineering
- Hauswirth M. (2014) ParaBoost - Exploiting multi-variant execution
- Pautasso C. (2014) Spottedmap - Emerging technologies integration
- Lanza M. (2014) ESSENTIALS - People-centric Essentials for software evolution
- Pautasso C. (2013) BenchFlow - A Benchmark for Workflow Management Systems
- Jazayeri M., Crestani F., Lanza M., Pautasso C., Pezzè M. (2013) BLISS - Bacau and Lugano – Teaching Informatics for a Sustainable Society
- Lanza M. (2013) HI-SEA - Holistic Immersive Software Evolution Ambient
- Pautasso C. (2013) Feasibility study: Elastic Cloud platform for social networking
- Pautasso C. (2013) Elastic Cloud Platform for Social Networking
- Pautasso C. (2011) USI Virtual Grid
- Hauswirth M. (2011) ParaBoost - Many-core exploitation through virtual-machine-level multi-variant speculation
- Lanza M. (2010) Gsync - Global Synchronous Software Development
- Pautasso C., Jazayeri M. (2010) S-Cube - Reti di Sistemi e Servizi Software
- Binder W., Pautasso C. (2010) SOSOA - Self-organising Service-Oriented Architectures
- Pautasso C. (2009) CLAVOS - Continuous Lifelong Analysis and Verification of Open Services
- Hauswirth M. (2009) VIA - Vertical Profiling and Optimization of Modern Interactive Applications
- Pautasso C. (2009) USI Desktop Grid II
- Pautasso C. (2008) Projet B02 - AAA / SWITCH, e-Infrastructure for e-Science; Swiss Grid Portal
- Pautasso C. (2008) Projet B02 - AAA / SWITCH, e-Infrastructure for e-Science; Virtual EZ-Grid
- Pautasso C. (2008) SMSCG - Projet B02 - AAA / SWITCH, e-Infrastructure for e-Science; Swiss Multi-Science Computing Grid
- Pautasso C. (2008) USI Desktop Grid
- Hauswirth M. (2007) VIA - Vertical Profiling and Optimization of Modern Interactive Applications
- Eppler M., Lanza M. (2006) - An E-learning Course on Visual Literacy for Communication, Engineering and Business