Institute of Media and Journalism (IMeG)
In progress (3)
- Porlezza C. (2023) DIACOMET - Fostering capacity building for civic resilience and participation: Dialogic communication ethics and accountability
- Balbi G. (2021) Global Media and Internet Concentration Project
- Balbi G. (2020) The origins and spread of the World Wide Web. Rediscovering the early years of the Web inside and outside the CERN archive (1989-1995)
Completed (35)
- Balbi G. (2022) Media Concentration & Platform Regulation: Emerging Lessons from Canada, Switzerland and Selected EU Countries
- Porlezza C. (2020) JoIn-DemoS - Innovationen im Journalismus in demokratischen Gesellschaften: Index, Einfluss und Voraussetzungen im internationalen Vergleich
- Benecchi E. (2019) DIGITALSKILLS - Social Media Management for the University
- Lasagni M. C. (2019) DIGITALSKILLS - Documentary: digital shooting and editing
- Balbi G. (2018) The Chinese Imaginary of the Internet governance
- Balbi G. (2018) Digital Federalism. The early history of SWITCH and CSCS Manno (1985-1995)
- Balbi G. (2018) Digital Transformation, Going Out Policy and Chinese Standards: An Investigation on the Development of DTMB Standard, 1987-2017
- Balbi G. (2018) Decoding Wireless. An immersive and interactive experience to unveil the meanings, the (infra)structures and the historical construction of an omnipresent technology.
- Balbi G. (2017) The Chinese political economy of the Internet. Cultural Values, BAT strategies and Internet governance
- Balbi G. (2017) What Are the Frame Strategies New Media Use? A Comparative Study of Chinese and European Media
- Balbi G. (2017) Reconciliation or Polarization: A Case Study of the Pattern of Online Opinion Evolution on Controversial Issues
- Hibberd M., Russ-Mohl S. (2017) Herd Behavior in Mediatized Scandals – A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation
- Balbi G. (2015) International Workshop on Transnational Histories of Telecommunications
- Balbi G., JIANG F. (2015) Remapping or Remapped – A workshop on Chinese Global Media
- Balbi G. (2014) Inventing European Wireless. A cultural history of wireless from point-to-point telegraphy to one-to-many broadcasting, 1903-1927
- Cola M. (2014) Schweizer Kinder & Medien-Studie MIKE der ZHAW
- Russ-Mohl S. (2013) EPICUR II - Expanding Public Interest by Communicating Understandable Research: Marketing of the EJO as a Dissemination Network"
- Richeri G. (2013) Réseau Cinéma CH
- Richeri G. (2011) Partnership between Faculty of Communication Sciences, USI, and the Communication University of China
- Russ-Mohl S. (2011) HERTA - Hedging European Research Transfer Activities
- Visentin C. (2010) The Federal Tourism Policy, 1917-1955
- Hungerbühler Savary R., VALSANGIACOMO COMOLLI N. (2010) Egalité des sexes: une idée suisse?
- Richeri G., D'Amato G., Poglia E. (2010) The role of media in cultural and social identities construction
- Cola M. (2010) Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies
- Russ-Mohl S. (2010) MediaACT - Media Accountability and Transparency in Europe
- Richeri G. (2009) The Swiss Influence in the International Telecommunication Union
- Russ-Mohl S. (2008) Accuratezza e credibilità nei quotidiani regionali
- Richeri G. (2008) Réseau Cinéma CH
- Richeri G. (2006) Gehört - gesehen: Das audiovisuelle Erbe und die Wissenschaft
- Hungerbühler Savary R. (2006) Language, media and differences in political identity
- Richeri G. (2006) Réseau Cinéma CH
- Richeri G. (2005) Cultural Studies Today: Problems and Perspectives
- Richeri G. (2005) Media Diet in Swiss Italian Households
- Hungerbühler Savary R., Ganz-Blättler U. (2004) Hear and See
- Russ-Mohl S. (2004) DIGIREP - Digital Repository