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Giuseppe Perale


Born in Venice in 1978, in 2002 I obtained my Master degree at the Politecnico di Milano (Italy) in Biomedical Engineering, with curriculum courses from the Medicine Faculty of University of Milan. In 2006 I got my  Ph.D. degree in Industrial Bioengineering, at the Politecnico di Milano. I live in Switzerland since 2012 and I joined USI in 2019 where, I head the neuroregeneration research laboratory.

I'm also permanent visiting professor at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Experimental and Clinical Traumatology in Vienna (neuroregeneration group).

My scientific and research interests are focused on regenerative medicine, tissue engineering and controlled drug delivery systems, grounding on my competencies in materials and technologies for biomedical applications and stem cells for clinical translational applications, applying on a wide spectrum of tools ranging from hybrid system design to bio-fabrication. Following the so-called “nature inspired” philosophy, my research and experimental activities are devoted to theoretical investigations and development of feasible solutions for human tissues regeneration, aiming at both achieving new knowledge and developing industrially-scaled processes for applicable new generation therapeutic approaches. From an engineering perspective, my research is based on resorbable materials such as formulated hydrogels, biopolymers and composite materials in general. From a technological point of view, my attention is mainly given to multidisciplinary approaches to solve biomedical process engineering and to develop sustainable next generation medical devices. From a theoretic perspective, my main interests are towards principles of regenerative medicine, applied physical chemistry and transport phenomena, with a particular attention to their implications in human physiology. From a clinical point of view, my research activities are focused on regeneration of injured spinal cord, bone regeneration, custom made solutions for personalized medicine and in vitro models for preclinical studies. Orthogonal interest to such topics is given to mathematical modelling and to the development of computational supportive tools to couple with experimental evidences, fully embracing the “safety by design” paradigm and the “3Rs” philosophy.

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