Laura Pranteddu
Laura Pranteddu is a Ph.D. student, teaching and research assistant with the Institute of Media and Journalism at the Università della Svizzera italiana supervised by Professor Colin Porlezza.
She is currently also the COM Ph.D. students’ representative at USI.
She is a Teaching Assistant to the following USI university modules: Journalism, for the BA in Communication, and Swiss Media System for the MA in Media Management.
Her main field of research at USI is the impact of artificial intelligence on digital journalism, where she investigates the way AI-driven tools currently used in newsrooms are designed to respect and support journalistic values, as well as ethics codes regarding AI.
She’s the Research Assistant of a project called "Designing Hybrid Journalism", funded by the Tow Center For Digital Journalism from the Columbia University in the City of New York, analyzing how AI-driven tools currently used in newsrooms are designed to embed journalistic values.
She is also collaborating in a research project funded by the Federal Office of Communications OFCOM on the governance of AI in public service media.
She holds a Bachelor of Art in Sociology and a Master of Science in Data Science both from the University of Trento. During her bachelor studies, she visited the West Virginia University (WV) in the United States whilst during her masters she was a visiting student at the University College Dublin in Ireland, and at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University known as Virginia Tech (VA) in the United States.
Over the summer of 2020, she was admitted to a national program in the United States promoted by the University of Virginia (UVA)called Data Science for the Public Good Young Scholar where she conducted research at the intersection of statistics, computation, and social sciences combined to determine how information generated within every community can be leveraged to improve the quality of life and inform public policy.