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Arnaldo Soldani


Arnaldo Soldani’s fields of expertise are mainly History of Italian Literary Language and the Forms of Poetry; in particular, he focuses on metrics, syntax, lexicon, the forms of argumentation and narration in verse, the subject's voice in lyric poetry. Furthermore, he researches on prosodic scanning criteria of Italian verse and on digital filing of metric phenomena (AMI - Archivio Metrico Italiano). His studies have focused on Dante, Petrarch and the tradition of the XIVth century, Sannazaro and Petrarchism of the XVth and XVIth centuries, the chivalric poems by Ariosto and Tasso, the Renaissance didactic poems, the poetic language of the XIXth and XXth centuries (Pascoli, Montale, etc.). He is Co-Editor of the journal “Stilistica e metrica italiana”.

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