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Institute of Digital Technologies for Communication (ITDxC)


The Institute of Digital Technologies for Communication (ITDxC) studies the interactions between information technologies and human communication processes. Such interactions are bidirectional: on the one hand, information technologies allow us to design innovative tools, which dramatically change the landscape of human communication; on the other hand, theories of human communication may have a remarkable impact on how communication between software systems is conceived.

Currently, the main themes of interest at ITDxC are:

  • eLearning
    The role and use of digital technologies to improve the quality of education and learning. Special focus is devoted to instructional design, which takes into consideration the design of all interventions in formal and informal learning, and communication mediated by technologies.
  • eTourism
    The role and use of digital technologies in tourism. The focus is particularly devoted to the dynamics of communication from touristic operators and users. Thanks to the possibilities offered by the Web 2.0, have become active actors producing content to be shared online. Special focus is devoted to the role of on-line word of mouth, digital reputation, eLearning in tourism, and digital communication and representation of touristic destinations.
  • eGovernment and ICT4D
    Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) describes the impact of ICTs in developing countries with special attention to sustainability.
  • Digital Fashion Communication
    Digital fashion stands for the use of digital technologies in the fashion domain. At ITDxC different facets of digital fashion are studied: from the evaluation of online communication strategies used by the fashion brands, to the understanding of the technological use in the marketing activities, to the assessment of requested competences and skills.
  • Digital Visual Communication
    The field of “networked photograpy” aims to explore social, economic and cultural implications resulting from the convergence of digital photography, and mobile and digital communication. It examines the effects of increasing visual representation of online contexts and their responses to diverse areas (i.e. political decision processes and social relations).
  • Digital Analytics
    Study the relationship between users and technological artifacts, with a focus on user requirements, usability and user experience, and on digital analytics activities.
  • Norms and semantic web technologies
    Study how knowledge representation and reasoning techniques developed in the area of artificial intelligence (e.g. semantic web technologies) can be used to represent and check compliance of norms, policies and contracts concerning the exchange of digital resources. The focus is on the formalization of obligations, prohibitions, permissions and sanctions, and on the automatic detection of violations.
  • Digital media for sustainable tourism at heritage sites
    The role and use of digital technologies to promote sustainable tourism in heritage sites. Five fields of intervention through digital media can be recognized: access information; improvement of visiting experience; the establishment of relations and removal of barriers between residents, tourists and heritage sites; formation of touristic operators.


ITDxC coordinates two master programmes: the Master in Digital Fashion Communication and the Master in International Tourism. It is also responsible for courses, in its areas of expertise, within other Master programmes offered by USI.

As part of the Bachelor in Communication - - ITDxC actively promotes the study and use of digital technologies as both fundamental educational methods and essential components of the professional knowledge of a communication practitioner. The institute is responsible for the specialisation in “Culture and Communication Technologies” and the following courses:

  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • Online Communication
  • ICT in Business
  • ICT, Media and Society
  • ICT, E-government and Development
  • ICT for Cultural Heritage

ITDxC is also responsible for the coordination of “Skills” courses in the third-year of the Bachelor in Communication, and for the coordination of complementary courses and seminars.

Competence areas