Institute of Digital Technologies for Communication (ITDxC)
Journal Article (148)
Tarnutzer S., Lobinger K. (forthcoming)
"Firsties”—Where it all began: A qualitative analysis of photographs in couple relationship initiation , Visual Communication Quarterly
Roshankish S. , Fornara N. (2024)
How to Formalize Different Types of Norms in Multi-agent Systems: A Methodology Focused on the T-Norm Model , SN Computer Science, 5 (749)
Tarnutzer S., Lobinger K. , Lucchesi F. (2024)
Image types revisited. A texto-material approach for creating image types , Studies in Communication Sciences, 24(1):103-121
Lucchesi F. , Lobinger K. (2024)
Visual-related conflicts in close relationships , Visual Communication, (Online First):1-27
Almeida de Oliveira R., De Ascaniis S. , Baracho R. M., Canela Salgado H., Cantoni L. (2023)
A Proposal to Categorize Cultural Sustainability Elements for the Management of World Cultural Heritage Sites , Academica Turistica:9-22
Tarnutzer S., Lobinger K. , Lucchesi F. (2023)
Baked bunnies, couple selfies, and video-call gardening. Visual communication in couple relationships during COVID-19 , MedieKultur. Journal of media and communication research, 38(73):122-151
Rosani I., Gravari-Barbas M., De Ascaniis S. , Cantoni L. (2023)
eLearning Courses for Tourism and Heritage during a Pandemic: The Case of ‘Tourism Management at UNESCO World Heritage Sites (Vol. 3)’ , Academica Turistica, 16 (1):35-47
Mutangala M. M., Cantoni L. (2023)
Managing Digital Media During the Lockdown: The Case of Sanctuaries in Lazio, Italy , International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage, 11 (6):Article 6-Article 6
Nobile T. H. , Cantoni L. (2023)
Personalisation (In)effectiveness in email marketing , Digital Business, 3 (2):100058-100068
Tardini S. (2023)
The digital educational offer of museums in Switzerland: a preliminary survey / L’offerta didattica digitale dei musei in Svizzera: un’indagine preliminare , Journal of Inclusive Methodology and Technology in Learning and Teaching, 3 (1 suppl.). ISSN 2785-5104
Lee K., Ham J., Cantoni L. , Koo C. (2022)
Identifying the nature of authentic and fake reviews in restaurant context , Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 39 (3):353-369
Nobile T. H. , Cantoni L. (2022)
Personalization and customization in fashion: searching for a definition , Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management:1-18
Almeida de Oliveira R., Baracho R., Cantoni L. (2022)
The perception of UNESCO World Heritage Sites' managers about concepts and elements of cultural sustainability in tourism , Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development:1-20
Nobile T. H. , Noris A. , Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. (2021)
A review of digital fashion research: before and beyond communication and marketing , International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education:1-9
Tardini S. , Cantoni L. (2021)
Tecnologie digitali e insegnamento a distanza: riflessioni sull’eLearning in tempo di pandemia , Veritas et Jus, 22:81-93
Karamalak O., Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. (2021)
What do Hashtags Afford in Digital Fashion Communication? An Exploratory Study on Gucci-related Hashtags on Twitter and Instagram , Semiotica:X-X
Lobinger K. , Venema R., Tarnutzer S., Lucchesi F. (2021)
What is Visual Intimacy? Mapping a Complex Phenomenon , MedieKultur. Journal of media and communication research, 37 (70):151-176
Mele E. , Kerkhof P., Cantoni L. (2020)
Cultural localization in online heritage promotion , Journal of Heritage Tourism:1-17
Noris A. , Nobile T. H. , Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. (2020)
Digital Fashion: A systematic literature review. A perspective on marketing and communication , Journal of Global Fashion Marketing:1-15
Venema R. (2020)
How to Govern Visibility?: Legitimizations and Contestations of Visual Data Practices after the 2017 G20 Summit in Hamburg , Surveillance & Society, 18 (4):522-539
Lobinger K. , Venema R., Kaufhold A. (2020)
Hybrid Repertoires of Photo Sharing: Exploring the Complexities of Young Adults’ Photo-Sharing Practices , Visual Communication:1-24
Schwarzenegger C., Lobinger K. , Balbi G. (2019)
Academic Traditions in Communication: Expanding the Field and Redrawing the Boundaries. ECREA 2018 Special Panel Report , Studies in Communication Sciences, 2019(2):233-237
Mele E. , Cantoni L. (2019)
Analysing Cultural Values in Heritage Promotion by DMO Websites. A Methodological Proposal , e-Review of Tourism Research (eRTR), 16 (2/3):175-183
Ornati M., Cantoni L. , Sabatini N. , Cominelli F., Sàdaba T., SanMiguel P. (2019)
Fashion Communication Research. A way ahead , Studies in Communication Sciences. ISSN 1424-4896
Permatasari P. A., Cantoni L. (2019)
Indonesian Tourism and Batik: An Online Map , e-Review of Tourism Research (eRTR), 16 (2/3):184-194
Brantner C., Lobinger K. , Stehling M. (2019)
Memes Against Sexism? A Multi-method Analysis of the Feminist Protest Hashtag #distractinglysexy and its Resonance in the Mainstream News Media , Convergence: (Online First)
Cantoni L. , Koo C. (2019)
Special issue on informatics/data analytics in smart tourism , Information Processing & Management, 56 (4):1373-1375
Stokłosa Ł. ., Marchiori E. , Cantoni L. (2019)
Understanding the web maturity of Polish DMOs , Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 11:192-199
Fornara N. , Colombetti M. (2019)
Using Semantic Web Technologies and Production Rules for Reasoning on Obligations, Permissions, and Prohibitions , AI Communications, 32 (4):319-334
Mele E. , Lobinger K. (2018)
A Framework to Analyze Cultural Values in Online Tourism Visuals of European Destinations , International Journal of Semiotics and Visual Rhetoric (IJSVR):41-56
Marchiori E. , Niforatos E., Preto L. (2018)
Analysis of users’ heart rate data and self-reported perceptions to understand effective virtual reality characteristics , Journal of Information Technology & Tourism:1-23
Sabatini N. , Sádaba T., Cantoni L. (2018)
Fashion communication: Between tradition and digital transformation , Studies in Communication Sciences, 18 (2):269-285
De Ascaniis S. , Mutangala M. M., Cantoni L. (2018)
ICTs in the tourism experience at religious heritage sites: a review of the literature and an investigation of pilgrims’ experiences at the sanctuary of Loreto (Italy) , Church. Communication and Culture, 3 (3):310-334
Fornara N. , Balke-Visser T. (2018)
Modeling Organizations and Institutions in Multiagent Systems , Journal of Applied Logics - IfCoLoG Journal of Logics and their Applications, 5 (2):565-590
Lin J., Cantoni L. , Murphy J. (2018)
MOOCs in tourism and hospitality: a review , Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism:1-19
Marchiori E. , Scaglione M., Schegg R., Cantoni L. (2018)
Research Agenda for Analysing Online Climate and Weather Information in the Process of Vacation Planning , e-Review of Tourism Research (eRTR), 9:1-5
Rikitianskaia M., Balbi G. , Lobinger K. (2018)
The Mediatization of the Air. Wireless Telegraphy and the Origins of a Transnational Space of Communication, 1900-1910s , Journal of Communication, 68 (4):758-779
Sabatini N. , Ayala Ramírez E., Cantoni L. (2018)
The Role of Tourism Destinations within the Online Presence of Fashion Week , Almatourism - Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development, 9 (9):87-114. ISSN 2036-5195
Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. (2018)
The use of eLearning strategies among travel agents in the United Kingdom, India and New Zealand , Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism:138-158
Noris A. , Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. (2018)
When Fashion Meets Social Commitment: The Case of Art Lumiere , Luxury - History, Culture, Consumption, 5 (3):281-288
Önder I., Marchiori E. (2017)
A Comparison of Pre-Visit Beliefs and Projected Visual Images of Destinations , Tourism Management Perspectives, 21:42-53
Marfia F. , Fornara N. , Nguyen T. T. V. (2017)
A Framework for Managing Data Provider and Data Consumer Semantic Obligations for Access Control , AI Communications, 30 (1):67-82
Venema R., Lobinger K. (2017)
“And Somehow It Ends up on the Internet.” Agency, Trust and Risks in Photo-Sharing Among Friends and Romantic Partners , First Monday, 22 (7):
Marchiori E. , Cantoni L. (2017)
Applying the counseling-learning approach to a tourism-related massive open online course , Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism, 18 (1):58-74
David S., Sabiescu A., Cantoni L. (2017)
Community design: a collaborative approach for social integration , The Journal of Community Informatics, 13 (1):177-192
Lin J., Cantoni L. (2017)
Decision, Implementation, and Confirmation: Experiences of Instructors behind Tourism and Hospitality MOOCs , The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning
Fernández-Cavia J., Marchiori E. , Haven-Tang C. ., Cantoni L. (2017)
Online communication in Spanish destination marketing organizations The view of practitioners , Journal of Vacation Marketing, 23 (3):264-273
Adukaite A., Van Zyl I., Sebnem E., Cantoni L. (2017)
Teacher perceptions on the use of digital gamified learning in tourism education: The case of South African secondary schools , Computers & Education, 111:172-190
Murphy J. (2017)
Tourism and Hospitality MOOCs (2008 – 2015): A Review of the Curriculums , submitted and under review
Garbelli M., Adukaite A., Cantoni L. (2017)
Value perception of world heritage sites and tourism sustainability matters through content analysis of online communications: the case of Victoria Falls world heritage site , Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 8 (3):417-431
Sabatini N. , Janowski T., Estevez E., Cantoni L. (2017)
When digital government matters for tourism: a stakeholder analysis , Journal of information technology & tourism, 17 (3):315-333
Concept of Massive Open Online Course: Expand the Horizon of the Visible , submitted and under review
Lobinger K. , Brantner C. (2016)
Different Ways of Seeing Depictions of Politicians: A Qualitative–Quantitative Analysis using Q Methodology , Communications, 41 (1):47-69
De Ascaniis S. , Cantoni L. (2016)
Editorial : Information and Communication Technologies in Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage , International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage, 4 (3):Article 2-Article 2
Adukaite A., Cantoni L. , Sabatini N. (2016)
Evaluation of formality and informality of the learning context. The case of online training courses about tourism destinations , Zeitschrift für Tourismuswissenschaft, 8 (1):95-111
Lin J., Cantoni L. , Sabatini N. (2016)
How to Develop and Evaluate an eTourism MOOC: An Experience in Progress , e-Review of Tourism Research (eRTR), 7:1-5
Cantoni L. , Linaza Saldaña M. T. (2016)
Mobile systems for tourism , Information Technology & Tourism. Special Issue: Mobile Systems for Tourism:149-151
Lobinger K. (2016)
Photographs as Things – Photographs of Things. A Texto-Material Perspective on Photo-Sharing Practices , Information, Communication & Society, 19 (4):475-488
Cantoni L. , De Ascaniis S. , Marchiori E. , Mele E. (2016)
Pilgrims in the Digital Age: a research manifesto , International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage, 4 (3):Article 3-Article 3
Adukaite A., Cantoni L. (2016)
Raising awareness and promoting informal learning on World Heritage in Southern Africa: The case of WHACY, a gamified ICT-enhanced tool , International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology (IJEDICT), 12 (2):50-67
Mutinda Ndivo R., Cantoni L. (2016)
Rethinking local community involvement in tourism development , Annals of Tourism Research, 57:275-278
Ng M., Lin J. (2016)
Testing for mediation effects under non-normality and heteroscedasticity: a comparison of classic and modern methods , International Journal of Quantitative Research in Education:24-40
Mutinda Ndivo R., Cantoni L. (2016)
The Efficacy of Heritage Interpretation at the Lalibela Rock-Hewn Churches in Ethiopia: exploring the need for integrating ICT-mediation , International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage:Article 5-Article 5
Rapanta C., Cantoni L. (2016)
The LinkedIn Endorsement Game: Why and How Professionals Attribute Skills to Others , Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 80 (4):443-459
Adukaite A., Van Zyl I. J., Cantoni L. (2016)
The role of digital technology in tourism education: A case study of South African secondary schools , Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education (JoHLSTE), 19:54-65
Adukaite A., Van Zyl I. J., Cantoni L. (2016)
The Role of ICT in Tourism Education: A Case Study of South African Secondary Schools , e-Review of Tourism Research (eRTR):ENTER 2016: Volume 7 Research Notes-ENTER 2016: Volume 7 Research Notes
Cantoni L. (2015)
Alcune riflessioni sul Direttorio omiletico , Rivista Teologica di Lugano:195-205
Nguyen T. T. V., Fornara N. , Marfia F. (2015)
Automatic Policy Enforcement on Semantic Social Data , Multiagent and Grid Systems – An International Journal, IOS Press, 11 (3):121-146
Mutinda Ndivo R., Cantoni L. (2015)
Economic empowerment of communities through tourism: a pro-poor tourism value chain approach , Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research, 3 (2):116-134
Cantoni L. , Werthner H., Alzua-Sorzabal A., Dickinger A., Gretzel U., Jannach D., Neidhardt J., Proell B., Ricci F., Scaglione M., Stangl B., Stock O., Zanker M. (2015)
Future research issues in IT and tourism , Journal of information technology & tourism, 15:1-15
Lobinger K. , Brantner C. (2015)
In the Eye of the Beholder: Subjective Views on the Authenticity of Selfies , International Journal of Communication, 9:1848-1860
Carassa A. , Colombetti M. (2015)
Interpersonal Communication as Social Action , Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 45 (4-5):407-423. ISSN 0048-3931
Lobinger K. , Brantner C. (2015)
Likable, Funny or Ridiculous? A Q-Sort Study on Audience Perceptions of Visual Portrayals of Politicians , Visual Communication, 14 (1):15-40
Marchiori E. , Boegli F., Adukaite A., Cantoni L. (2015)
The Role of Food and Gastronomy in Online Travel Reviews About Agritourism Experiences , Journal of Gastronomy and Tourism, 1 (1):57-65
Marchiori E. , Cantoni L. (2015)
The role of prior experience in the perception of a tourism destination in user-generated content , Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 4 (3):194-201
Brantner C., Lobinger K. (2014)
Campaign Comics: The Use of Comic Books for Strategic Political Communication , International Journal of Communication, 8:248-274
Adukaite A., Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. (2014)
E-learning on tourism destinations. The case of Ticino Switzerland Travel Specialist course , ELC Research Paper Series (8):27-34
De Rose M., Marchiori E. , Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. (2014)
Independent e-learning offers in Tourism and Hospitality. In search of a map and possible quality indicators , ELC Research Paper Series, 8:45-55
Carassa A. , Colombetti M. (2014)
Interpersonal responsibilities and communicative intentions , Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 13 (1):145-159. ISSN 1568-7759 (print), 1572-8676 (online)
Murphy J., Sabatini N. , Williams A., Ryan P., Cantoni L. , Horton-Tognazzini L. (2014)
Massive Open Online Courses: Strategies and Research Areas , Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, 26:39-43
Camponovo G. , Picco Schwendener A. , Cantoni L. (2014)
Motivations and Barriers for Participation in a Hybrid Wireless Community: The Case of FON , International Journal of Technology Diffusion (IJTD), 5 (3):22-38
Sabatini N. (2014)
National Tourism Organizations’ online training offer. Switzerland Travel Academy Case Study , ELC Research Paper Series, 8:35-44
Urovi V., Carmine Olivieri A., de la Torre A. B., Bromuri S., Fornara N. , Schumacher M. (2014)
Secure P2P Cross-Community Health Record Exchange in IHE Compatible Systems , International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 23 (1):1-29
Oriol M., Cantoni L. , Sabatini N. (2014)
The role of e-learning applications within the tourism sector , ELC Research Paper Series, 8:4-5
Urovi V., Carmine Olivieri A., Bromuri S., Fornara N. , Schumacher M. (2013)
A Semantic Publish-Subscribe Coordination Framework for IHE based Cross-Community Health Record Exchange , ACM/SIGAPP Applied Computing Review, 13 (3):38-49
De Ascaniis S. , Gretzel U. (2013)
Communicative functions of Online Travel Review titles. A pragmatic and linguistic investigation of destination and attraction OTR titles , Studies in Communication Sciences
Boissier O., Colombetti M. , Luck M., Meyer J. J., Polleres A. (2013)
Norms, organisations, and semantics , The Knowledge Engineering Review, 28 (1):107-116
Chopra A. K., Artikis A., Bentahar J., Colombetti M. , Dignum F., Fornara N. , Jones A. J. I., Singh M. P., Yolum P. (2013)
Research Directions in Agent Communication , ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (ACM TIST), 4 (2):20:1-20:23
Chopra A. K., Artikis A., Bentahar J., Colombetti M. , Dignum F., Fornara N. , Jones A. J. I., Singh M. P., Yolum P. (2013)
Research Directions in Agent Communication , ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (ACM TIST):20:1-20:23
Schettino P. (2013)
Rethinking the digital media process in museum , Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal-Annual Review:1-18
Fornara N. , Tampitsikas C. (2013)
Semantic Technologies for Open Interaction Systems , Artificial Intelligence Review, Springer Netherlands, 39 (1):63-79. ISSN 0269-2821
Argente E., Boissier O., Carrascosa C., Fornara N. , McBurney P., Noriega P., Ricci A., Sabater-Mir J., Schumacher M. I., Tampitsikas C., Taveter K., Vizzari G., Vouros G. (2013)
The Role of the Environment in Agreement Technologies , Artificial Intelligence Review, Springer Netherlands, ISSN: 0269-2821, 39 (1):21-38
Sabatini N. , Lee A., Cantoni L. , Law R. (2013)
UK travel agents’ evaluation of eLearning courses offered by destinations. An exploratory study , Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 12 (1):7-14
Eynard D., Mazzola L., Dattolo A. (2012)
Exploiting tag similarities to discover synonyms and homonyms in folksonomies , Software: Practice and ExperienceJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Barbarito F., Pinciroli F., Mason J., Marceglia S., Mazzola L., Bonacina S. (2012)
Implementing standards for the interoperability among healthcare providers , J Biomed Inform (2012)
Tampitsikas C., Bromuri S., Fornara N. , Schumacher M. I. (2012)
Interdependent Artificial Institutions in Agent Environments , Applied Artificial Intelligence 26(4):398-427
Inversini A., Cantoni L. , Brulhart C. (2012) analysis of online communication and promotion , Journal of information technology & tourism, 13 (1):39-49
Carassa A. , Colombetti M. (2012)
On normative cognition, and why it matters for cognitive pragmatics , Intercultural Pragmatics, 9 (2):271-280. ISSN 1613-365X (online), 1612-295X (print)
Marchiori E. , Cantoni L. (2012)
The Online Reputation Construct: Does it Matter for the Tourism Domain? A Literature Review on Destinations’ Online Reputation , Journal of information technology & tourism, 13 (3):139-159
Brantner C., Lobinger K. , Wetzstein I. (2011)
Effects of Visual Framing on Emotional Responses and Evaluations of News Stories about the Gaza Conflict 2009 , Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 88 (3):523-540
Cantoni L. (2011)
Introduction: eTourism and eLearning , Itt - Journal of information technology & tourism, 13(1):1-1
Sabatini N. (2011)
Travel Agents and Destination Management Organizations: eLearning as a strategy to train tourism trade partners , Journal of Information Technology & Tourism, 13(1):3-12
Lobinger K. , Wetzstein I., Dobernig K. (2010)
Covering Conflict: Differences in Visual and Verbal Coverage on the Gaza-Crisis 2009 in Four Weekly News Media , Journal of Visual Literacy, 29 (1):88-105
Fornara N. , Colombetti M. (2010)
Representation and monitoring of commitments and norms using OWL , In J. Sabater-Mir and P. Davidsson, eds., Special issue: European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS) 2009, AI Communications, IOS Press, Amsterdam, ISSN 0921-7126 (Print) 1875-8452, 23 (4/2010):341-356
Cantoni L. , Sabatini N. , Inversini A. (2009)
eLearning in Tourism and Hospitality: A Map , Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 8(2):148-156
Lobinger K. (2009)
Facing the picture – Blicken wir dem Bild ins Auge! Vorschlag für eine meta-analytische Auseinandersetzung mit visueller Medieninhaltsforschung , IMAGE. Journal of Interdisciplinary Image Science, 10:
Carassa A. , Colombetti M. (2009)
Joint meaning , Journal of Pragmatics, 41 (9):1837-1854. ISSN 0378-2166
Fornara N. , Viganò F., Verdicchio M., Colombetti M. (2008)
Artificial institutions: A model of institutional reality for open multiagent systems , Artificial Intelligence and Law, Springer Netherlands, Volume 16, number 1, pages 89-105, March 2008.
Lobinger K. (2008)
Visuelles Zeitalter ohne visuelle Kompetenz? , Fachblatt des BÖKWE, 4 (8):28-29
Fornara N. , Viganò F., Colombetti M. (2007)
Agent Communication and Artificial Institutions , Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Springer Netherlands,, 14 (2):121-142
Faré M. (2007)
Book Review: David Weinberger. Everything is miscellaneous , «Studies in Communication Sciences», 7/2 (2007), pp. 273-275
Mazza R., Dimitrova V. (2007)
CourseVis: A Graphical Student Monitoring Tool for Facilitating Instructors in Web-Based Distance Courses , International Journal in Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS). Vol. 65 (2007). Elsevier Ltd.:125-139
Mazza R., Botturi L. (2007)
Monitoring an Online Course with the GISMO Tool: A Case Study , Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 18 (2):251-265
Bolchini D., Di Blas N., Garzotto F., Paolini P., Torrebruno A. (2007)
Simple, Fast, Cheap:Success Factors for Interactive Multimedia Tools , PsychNology Journal, 5(3) 2007, (from
Bolchini D., Dean T., Distante D., Tilley S. (2007)
Special Issue on Web Site Evolution (WSE 2006): Editorial , Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice, , John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 19 (5), 277 - 279.
Amigoni F., Schiaffonati V. (2007)
The Multiagent Technology and Paradigm Within Scientific Discovery , International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, World Scientific, 16(2):219-242
Batini C., Bolchini D., Ceri S., Matera M., Maurino A., Paolini P. (2007)
The UM-MAIS Methodology for Multi-Channel Adaptive Web Information Systems , World Wide Web Journal, 10 (4) 2007, 349-385
Mazza R. (2006)
An information visualization approach to textual variants , The Evolution of Texts: Confronting stemmatological and Genetical Methods, Proceedings of the International Workshop held in Louvain-la-Neuve on September 1-2, 2004. In Linguistica Computazionale, volumes XXIV-XXV.
Faré M. (2006)
Book Review: Giuseppe Granieri. Blog Generation. Roma, 2005: Laterza , «Studies in Communication Sciences», 6/1 (2006), pp. 206-209
Colombetti M. , Paolini P. (2006)
Information technologies and human communication , In M. Colombetti, ed., The Communication Sciences as a multidisciplinary enterprise, special issue of Studies in Communication Sciences, 6 (2), 55-70
Bolchini D., Paolini P. (2006)
Interactive Dialogue Model: a Design Technique for Multi-Channel Applications , IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 8 (3) 2006, 529-541.
Mazza R. (2006)
Monitoring Students in Course Management Systems: From Tracking Data to Insightful Visualizations , SCOMS - Studies in Communication Sciences, Special Issue The Communication Sciences as a Multidisciplinary Enterprise. Università della Svizzera italiana., 6 (2):305-312. ISSN 1424-4896
Piccini C., Carassa A. , Colombetti M. (2006)
Narrative activity within an institutional framework. How a rehabilitation team constructs problems that can be solved. Special issue on The Communication Sciences as a Multidisciplinary Enterprise , Studies in Communication Sciences, 6 (2), 327-336
Schiaffonati V. (2006)
Riflettere sui dettagli della scienza: Patrick Suppes e i modelli , Epistemologia, XXIX, p. 239-266
Perrone V., Bolchini D. (2005)
Designing Communication-Intensive Web Applications: Experience and Lessons from a Real Case , International Journal of Computer Science & Technology (IJCS&T), Special Issue on Software Requirements Engineering, 5 (2) 2005, 51-56
Bolchini D., Paolini P. (2005)
Designing Interactive Communication: Insights from the Cultural-Heritage Domain , Guest Editors' Introduction to the Thematic Section on "User-Centered Communication Design for Interactive Applications", Studies in Communication Sciences, 5 (1) 2005, 1-8.
Fornara N. , Colombetti M. (2004)
A commitment-based approach to agent communication , Applied Artificial Intelligence an International Journal, Taylor & Francis Group, 18(9-10):853-866, 2004
Schiaffonati V. (2004)
A Framework for the Foundation of the Philosophy of AI , Minds and Machines, Special Issue on the Philosophy of Information, Springer, 13(4), p.537-552
Rocci A. , Armani J. (2004)
Conceptual Maps in e-learning. How map based interfaces help the contextualization of information and the structuring of knowledge , IDJ/DD Information Design Journal/Document Design 11 (2/3)
Bolchini D., Paolini P. (2004)
Goal-driven requirements analysis for hypermedia-intensive Web applications , Requirements Engineering Journal, Springer, RE03 Special Issue 9 2004: 85-103.
Bolchini D., Yu E. (2004)
Modelling User Requirements for Web Applications , Studies in Communication Sciences, 4 (2) 2004, 173-196
Anton A., Earp J., Bolchini D., Quingfeng H., Jensen C., Stufflebeam W. (2004)
The Lack of Clarity in Financial Privacy Policies and the Need for Standardization , IEEE Security & Privacy, 2 (2)
Ceri S., Gennaro C., Paraboschi S., Serazzi G. (2003)
Effective Scheduling of Detached Rules in Active Databases , IEEE-TKDE 15(1): 2-13
Colombetti M. , Fornara N. , Verdicchio M. (2003)
Linguaggio e realtà sociale nei sistemi di agenti artificiali , Networks/1:48-67
Amigoni F., Schiaffonati V., Somalvico M. (2003)
The Bipolar Man Framework for Human-Centred Intelligent Systems , International Journal of Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems, KES International, 7(1), p. 23-29
Rizzoli A. E. , Fornara N. , Gambardella L. M. (2002)
A Simulation Tool for Combined Rail-Road Transport in Intermodal Terminals , Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Elsevier Science, 59/1-3 pp. 57-71
Verdicchio M., Colombetti M. (2002)
Commitments for Agent-Based Supply Chain Management , ACM SIGecom Exchanges, 3 (1), 13-23
Bolchini D. (2002)
Goal-Based Web Design - Towards Bridging the Gap between Requirements and Design of Web Applications , Studies in Communication Sciences, Vol. 3, N. 1
Brambilla M., Ceri S., Comai S., Fraternali P., Manolescu I. (2002)
Model-driven Specification of Web Services Composition and Integration with Data-intensive Web Applications , IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin 25(4): 53-59
Bonifati A., Ceri S., Paraboschi S. (2001)
Active rules for XML: A new paradigm for E-services , VLDB Journal 10(1): 39-47
Cantoni L. , Paolini P. (2001)
Hypermedia Analysis: Some Insights from Semiotics and Ancient Rhetoric , Studies in Communication Sciences, 1, 33-53
Bonifati A., Ceri S., Paraboschi S. (2001)
Pushing reactive services to XML repositories using active rules , World Wide Web Conference
Colombetti M. (2000)
A language for artificial agents , Studies in Communication Sciences, 1 (1), 1-32
Bonifati A., Ceri S. (2000)
Comparative Analysis of Five XML Query Languages , SIGMOD Record 29(1): 68-79
Ceri S., Cochrane R., Widom J. (2000)
Practical Applications of Triggers and Constraints: Success and Lingering Issues (10-Year Award) , Very Large Data Bases
Ceri S., Fraternali P., Bongio A. (2000)
Web Modeling Language (WebML): a modeling language for designing Web sites , WWW9 / Computer Networks 33(1-6): 137-157
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Noris A. , Cantoni L. (2022)
Digital Fashion Communication: An (Inter)cultural Perspective . Brill
De Ascaniis S. , Cantoni L. (2022)
Handbook on Heritage, Sustainable Tourism and Digital Media . Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN 9781788970075
Ioannides M., Fink E., Cantoni L. , Champion E. (2021)
Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection . Springer
Sadaba T. , Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. , Cominelli F., Torregrossa M. (2021)
Fashion Communication. Proceedings of the FACTUM 21 Conference, Pamplona, Spain, 2021. . Springer, Cham
De Ascaniis S. , Gravari-Barbas M., Cantoni L. (2021)
Tourism management at UNESCO world heritage sites: Vol. 2 . Università della Svizzera italiana. ISBN 9788861010215
Brantner C., Götzenbrucker G., Lobinger K. , Schreiber M. (2020)
(Eds.), Vernetzte Bilder. Visuelle Kommunikation in Sozialen Medien . Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag
Cantoni L. , De Ascaniis S. , Elgin-Nijhuis K. (2020)
“Preceedings” of the Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality International Conference – HTHIC2020: “Living Heritage and Sustainable Tourism” . USI – Università della Svizzera italiana
Lobinger K. (2019)
Handbuch Visuelle Kommunikationsforschung . Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien
Grittmann E., Lobinger K. , Neverla I., Pater M. (2018)
(Eds.). Körperbilder – Körperpraktiken. Visualisierung und Vergeschlechtlichung von Körpern in Medienkulturen . Köln: Herbert von Halem
De Ascaniis S. , Gravari-Barbas M., Cantoni L. (2018)
Tourism Management at UNESCO World Heritage Sites . Università della Svizzera italiana. ISBN 9788861010185
Geise S., Birkner T., Arnold K., Löblich M., Lobinger K. (2016)
(Eds.), Historische Perspektiven auf den Iconic Turn. Die Entwicklung der öffentlichen visuellen Kommunikation . Köln: Herbert von Halem
Cantoni L. , Danowski J. A. (2015)
Communication and Technology . De Gruyter Mouton. 5th volume of the Handbook of Communication Science, De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin
Lobinger K. , Geise S. (2015)
(Eds.), Visualisierung – Mediatisierung. Bildliche Kommunikation und bildliches Handeln in mediatisierten Gesellschaften . Köln: Herbert von Halem
Oriol M., Cantoni L. , Sabatini N. (2014)
The role of e-learning applications within the tourism sector . ELC Research Paper Series
Geise S., Lobinger K. (2013)
(Eds.), Visual Framing. Perspektiven und Herausforderungen der Visuellen Kommunikationsforschung . Köln: Herbert von Halem
Geise S., Lobinger K. (2012)
(Eds.), Bilder – Kulturen – Identitäten. Analysen zu einem Spannungsfeld Visueller Kommunikationsforschung . Köln: Herbert von Halem
Haas H., Lobinger K. (2012)
(Eds.), Qualitäten der Werbung – Qualitäten der Werbeforschung . Köln: Herbert von Halem
Ornati M. (2012)
Oltre il CRM. La customer experience nell'era digitale. Strategie, best practices, scenari del settore moda e lusso . Franco Angeli. Campud della Moda. ISBN 9788856838176
Lobinger K. (2012)
Visuelle Kommunikationsforschung. Medienbilder als Herausforderung für die Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft . Wiesbaden: VS Verlag
De Vos M., Fornara N. , Pitt J., Vouros G. (2011)
COIN 2010 International Workshops, COIN@AAMAS 2010, Toronto, Canada, May 2010, COIN@MALLOW 2010, Lyon, France, August 2010, Revised Selected Papers . LNCS/LNAI 6541/2011, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-642-21267-3
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Book chapter (85)
Permatasari P. A., Cantoni L. (2023)
More Than Words: Evaluating iWareBatik Digital Technologies in the Perspective of Heritage Tourism . Combining Modern Communication Methods With Heritage Education. IGI Global, 47-68
Lobinger K. (2023)
Wo ist eigentlich die Kritik an Selfies geblieben? Zum ‚Coming of age‘ eines oft problematisierten Genres visueller Kommunikation . In A.K. Steimer, C. Paganini & A. Filipović (Eds.), Das Selbst Im Blick. Nomos, 97-116
Garbani-Nerini E. , Korkut S., De Ascaniis S. (2022)
Better: Digital media can make tourism experiences at heritage destinations better . Cover Handbook on Heritage, Sustainable Tourism and Digital Media Handbook on Heritage, Sustainable Tourism and Digital Media. Edward Elgar Publishing, 108-128
Islas-Sedano C., De Ascaniis S. , Sutinen E., Cantoni L. (2022)
Co-creating on-the-road ICT solutions to promote sustainable tourism in World Heritage Sites . Handbook on Heritage, Sustainable Tourism and Digital Media. Edward Elgar Publishing, 242-253
De Ascaniis S. , Elgin-Nijhuis K. (2022)
Connect: Digital media can connect residents, visitors and heritage . Handbook on Heritage, Sustainable Tourism and Digital Media. Edward Elgar Publishing, 191-209
Lobinger K. (2022)
Datenvielfalt in der qualitativen Multimethodenforschung: Überlegungen zur Integration verbaler und visueller Daten . In C. Lohmeier & T. Wiedemann (Eds.), Datenvielfalt in kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Forschungskontexten. Potenziale und Herausforderungen. Springer, 39-60
Picco Schwendener A. , Sabatini N. , Hasenzahl L. , Cantoni L. (2022)
e-Government and Tourism . Handbook of e-Tourism. Springer, n.d-n.d
Schwarzenegger C., Wagner A., Brantner C., Lobinger K. (2022)
Hitler, Stalin, LOL? Geschichte als Ressource „grenzwertiger Komik“ in Memes linker und rechter Aktivist*innen in Social Media . In C. Schwarzenegger, E. Koenen, C. Pentzold, T. Birkner & C. Katzenbach (Eds.), Digitale Kommunikation und Kommunikationsgeschichte: Perspektiven, Potentiale, Problemfelder. Digital Communication Research, 317-341
Lobinger K. , Brantner C. (2022)
"Niemand muss diese Videos zeigen!" Der medienethische Diskurs über die visuelle Berichterstattung zum Terroranschlag 2020 in Wien . In U. Autenrieth & C. Brantner (Eds.), It's all about video. Visuelle Kommunikation im Bann bewegter Bilder. Herbert von Halem, 253-277
Tritto A., De Ascaniis S. (2022)
Potential of online travel reviews argument analysis for the management of natural heritage sites: the case of Jiuzhaigou National Park, China . Handbook on Heritage, Sustainable Tourism and Digital Media. Edward Elgar Publishing, 294-310
De Ascaniis S. , Reale R. (2022)
The presence of Swiss and Italian World Heritage Sites on Facebook . Handbook on Heritage, Sustainable Tourism and Digital Media. Edward Elgar Publishing, 254-271
Lobinger K. , Mele E. (2022)
Visual Methods and Visual Analysis in Tourism Research . In Z. Xiang, M. Fuchs, U. Gretzel & W. Höpken (Eds.), Handbook of e-Tourism. Springer, 865-892
Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. (2021)
e-Learning in Tourism Education . Handbook of e-Tourism. Springer, Cham, 1-20
Lobinger K. , Krotz F. (2021)
Mediated perception and the mediatization of seeing: Perspectives for researching visual communication with a mediatization lenP . In C. A. Scolari, J. L. Fernández, & J. R. Rodríguez-Amat (Eds), Mediatization(s). Theoretical conversations between Europe and Latin America. intellect, 53-71
Venema R. (2020)
Brennende Barrikaden, Riot Hipster und Verdächtige: Vernetzte Protestbilder zwischen Repräsentation, Legitimierung, Strafverfolgung und Überwachung am Beispiel der G20-Proteste 2017 . In C. Brantner, G. Götzenbrucker, K. Lobinger, & M. Schreiber (Eds.), Vernetzte Bilder. Visuelle Kommunikation in Sozialen Medien. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag, 238-263
Cantoni L. (2020)
Digital transformation, tourism and cultural heritage . A Research Agenda for Heritage Tourism. Elgar, 235-252
Venema R., Pfurtscheller D., Lobinger K. (2020)
Doing Visual Analysis Online. Forschungsethische Herausforderungen und Handlungsempfehlungen zur Analyse vernetzter Bilder . In C. Brantner, G. Götzenbrucker, K.Lobinger, & M. Schreiber (Eds.), Vernetzte Bilder. Visuelle Kommunikation in Sozialen Medien. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag, 288-310
Tan S., O’Halloran K., Wignell P., Lobinger K. (2020)
Images of Austerity in the British Press and in Online Media . In T. Griebel, S. Evert, & P. Heinrich (Eds.), Multimodal Approaches to Media Discourses. Reconstructing the Age of Austerity in the United Kingdom. Routledge, 134-162
Lobinger K. , Krämer B., Venema R., Benecchi E. (2020)
Pepe – Just a Funny Frog? A Visual Meme Caught Between Innocent Humor, Far-Right Ideology, and Fandom . In B. Krämer, C. Holtz-Bacha (Eds.), Perspectives on Populism and the Media. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 333-353
Lobinger K. , Brantner C. (2020)
Picture-Sorting Techniques: Card-Sorting and Q-Sort as Alternative and Complementary Approaches in Visual Social Research . In: L. Pauwels & D. Mannay (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Visual Research Methods. Sage, 309-321
Venema R., Lobinger K. (2020)
Visual Bonding and Intimacy: A Repertoire-Oriented Study of Photo-Sharing in Close Personal Relationships . In C. Thurlow, C. Dürscheid, & F. Diemoz (Eds), Visualizing Digital Discourse. Mouton De Gruyter, 171-185
Venema R. (2019)
Bilder – Normen – Diskurse. Theoretisch-konzeptionelle Grundlagen für die Analyse von Normen in Debatten über visuelle Alltagspraktiken . In C. Schwender, C. Brantner, C. Graubner, J. von Gottberg (Eds.), zeigen | andeuten | verstecken. Bilder zwischen Verantwortung und Provokation. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag, 40-59
Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. (2019)
Digital Fashion Competences: Market Practices and Needs . Business Models and ICT Technologies for the Fashion Supply Chain. IT4Fashion 2017. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. Springer, Cham, 125-136
Permatasari P. A., Cantoni L. (2019)
Mapping Mobile Apps on Batik: A Journey across Heritage and Fashion . FACTUM 2019: Fashion Communication in the Digital Age. Springer, 166-178
Lobinger K. , Venema R., Krämer B., Benecchi E. (2019)
Pepe the Frog – lustiges Internet-Meme, Nazi-Symbol und Herausforderung für die Visuelle Kommunikationsforschung . In C. Schwender, C. Brantner, C. Graubner, J. von Gottberg (Eds.), zeigen | andeuten | verstecken. Bilder zwischen Verantwortung und Provokation. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag, 79-99
Lobinger K. , Reißmann W., Pfurtscheller D., Brantner C., Venema R., Marchiori E. (2019)
Theoretische, thematische, forschungsethische und methodologische Herausforderungen der Visuellen Kommunikationsforschung . In K. Lobinger (Ed.), Handbuch Visuelle Kommunikationsforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien, 723-749
Lobinger K. , Venema R. (2019)
Visuelle Kommunikationsforschung - ein interdisziplinäres Forschungsfeld. Einleitung in das Handbuch Visuelle Kommunikationsforschung . In K. Lobinger (Ed.), Handbuch Visuelle Kommunikationsforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien, 1-19
Lobinger K. , Mengis J. (2019)
Visuelle Methoden. Forschen mit Bildern - Erforschen von Bildern . In: K. Lobinger (Ed.), Handbuch Visuelle Kommunikationsforschung. Springer Fachmedien, 597-620
Mele E. , Cantoni L. (2018)
Localization of tourism destinations' websites: theory and practices . Innovative Perspectives on Tourism Discourse. IGI Global, 132-154
Mele E. , De Ascaniis S. , Cantoni L. (2018)
Localizing National Tourism Websites. The case of World Heritage Sites . Heritage and Tourism. Places, Imageries and the Digital Age. Amsterdam University Press, 131-149
Stehling M., Brantner C., Lobinger K. (2018)
Meme als Diskursintervention: Körperbilder gegen Sexismus am Beispiel von #distractinglysexy . In E. Grittmann, K. Lobinger, I. Neverla, & M. Pater (Eds.), Körperbilder – Körperpraktiken. Visualisierung und Vergeschlechtlichung von Körpern in Medienkulturen. Köln: Herbert von Halem, 225-244
Venema R., Averbeck-Lietz S. (2018)
Moralizing and Deliberating in Financial Blogging. Moral Debates in Blog Communication during the Financial Crisis 2008 . A. Hepp, U. Hasebrink, A. Breiter (Eds.). Communicative Figurations. Cham: Palgrave, 241-264
De Ascaniis S. , Cantoni L. (2018)
Social media analysis from a communication perspective: the case of the argumentative analysis of online travel reviews . Advances in Social Media for Travel, Tourism and Hospitality. Routledge. New Directions in Tourism Analysis, 262-276. ISBN 9781472469205
Arasa D., Cantoni L. , Narbona J. (2018)
The Catholic Church and Twitter . Spiritual News Reporting Religion Around the World. Peter Lang, 1-20
Lobinger K. , Reißmann W., Pfurtscheller D., Brantner C., Venema R., Marchiori E. (2018)
Theoretische, thematische, forschungsethische und methodologische Herausforderungen der Visuellen Kommunikationsforschung . In K. Lobinger (Ed.), Handbuch Visuelle Kommunikationsforschung (Living Book Project). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien, 1-28
Lobinger K. , Mengis J. (2018)
Visuelle Methoden. Erforschen mit Bildern - Erforschen von Bildern . In: K. Lobinger (Ed.), Handbuch Visuelle Kommunikationsforschung (Living Book Project). Springer Fachmedien, 1-24
Pucciarelli M., Cantoni L. (2017)
A journey through public art in Douala: framing the identity of New Bell neighbourhood . Murals and Tourism Heritage, Politics and Identity. Routledge, 149-164
Murphy J., Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. , Horton-Tognazzini L., Ryan P., Williams A. (2017)
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in tourism . Handbook of Teaching and Learning in Tourism. Edward Elgar, 154-172
Lobinger K. , Schreiber M. (2017)
Photo-Sharing. Visuelle Praktiken des Mit-Teilens . In K. Lobinger (Ed.), Handbuch Visuelle Kommunikationsforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien, 1-22
Lobinger K. (2017)
Visual Research Methods . In J. Matthes (Ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods, Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1-10
Lobinger K. (2016)
“Creative” and Participatory Visual Approaches in Audience Research . In S. Kubitschko, & A. Kaun (Eds.), Innovative Methods in Media and Communication Research. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 293-309
Marchiori E. , Cantoni L. (2016)
Evaluating Destination Communications on the Internet . Analytics in Smart Tourism Design, ed. Z. Xiang, D. R. Fesenmaier. Springer, 253-279
Geise S., Lobinger K. (2016)
Nicht standardisierte Methoden Visueller Kommunikationsforschung . In S. Averbeck-Lietz, & M. Meyen (Eds.) Handbuch nicht standardisierte Methoden in der Kommunikationswissenschaft. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 499-512
Lobinger K. (2016)
Zwischen Selfie-Shaming und Selfie-Celebration. Kontroverse Perspektiven auf vernetzte Körper-(Selbst)bilder . In T. Gojny, K. S. Kürzinger, & S. Schwarz (Eds.), Selfie - I like it. Anthropologische und ethische Implikationen digitaler Selbstinszenierung. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 43-56
Cantoni L. , Danowski J. A. (2015)
Communication technologies: An itinerary . Communication and Technology. De Gruyter Mouton, 3-18
Averbeck-Lietz S., Venema R. (2015)
Communicative Figurations of Financial Blogging: Deliberative and Moralizing Modes of Crisis Communication during the Eurocrisis . M. F. Eskjaer, S. Hjarvard, M. Mortensen (Eds.). The Dynamics of Mediatized Conflicts. Peter Lang, 71-89
Marchiori E. , Cantoni L. (2015)
Including Augmented Reality in Tourism Education Programs . Tourism Education: Global Issues and Trends. Emerald, 115-134
Lobinger K. (2015)
Praktiken des Bildhandelns in mediatisierten Gesellschaften – eine Systematisierung . In K. Lobinger, & S. Geise (Eds.), Visualisierung – Mediatisierung. Bildliche Kommunikation und bildliches Handeln in mediatisierten Gesellschaften. Köln: Herbert von Halem, 37-58
Lobinger K. , Brantner C. (2015)
Q-Sort: Qualitativ-quantitative Analysen bildlicher Rezeptions- und Aneignungsprozesse – Leistungen und Limitationen für das Feld Visueller Kommunikationsforschung . In K. Lobinger, & S. Geise (Eds.), Visualisierung – Mediatisierung. Bildliche Kommunikation und bildliches Handeln in mediatisierten Gesellschaften. Köln: Herbert von Halem, 181-206
Van Zyl I. J., Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. (2015)
The use of eLearning courses in African-based travel trade – an evaluation survey. . Contemporary Issues in Tourism and Development in Sub-Sahara Africa.. Tourism and Hospitality Research, in press-in press
Geise S., Lobinger K. (2015)
Visualisierung – Mediatisierung: Reflexion und weiterführende theoretische Überlegungen . In K. Lobinger, & S. Geise (Eds.), Visualisierung – Mediatisierung. Bildliche Kommunikation und bildliches Handeln in mediatisierten Gesellschaften. Köln: Herbert von Halem, 313-333
Lobinger K. (2015)
Visualität . In A. Hepp, F. Krotz, S. Lingenberg, & J. Wimmer (Eds.), Handbuch Cultural Studies und Medienanalyse. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 91-100
Brantner C., Lobinger K. (2015)
„Weil das absolute Poserbilder sind!“ Die Wahrnehmung expressiver Authentizität digitaler Selbstbilder und Selfies . In O. Hahn, R. Hohlfeld, & T. Knieper (Eds.), Digitale Öffentlichkeiten. Konstanz: UVK, 267-283
De Ascaniis S. (2014)
Argomentazione nel turismo . In A. Inversini & L. Cantoni, Nuovi media nella comunicazione turistica. Società editrice Dante Alighieri, 175-187
Carassa A. , Colombetti M. (2013)
Creating interpersonal reality through conversational interactions . In Kobow, B., Schmid, B., & Schmitz, M., (eds.), The background of social reality. Springer, Berlin, 91-104.
Lobinger K. , Geise S. (2013)
Does the Frame Remain the Same?’ Visual Framing und Multimodalität als theoretische und methodische Herausforderung der Visuellen Kommunikationsforschung . In S. Geise, & K. Lobinger (Eds.), Visual Framing. Perspektiven und Herausforderungen der Visuellen Kommunikationsforschung. Köln: Herbert von Halem, 332-357
Sabatini N. (2013)
Formazione Turistica Mediata dalle Nuove Tecnologie . Nuovi Media nella Comunicazione Turistica. In. Inversini, A. & Cantoni, L. (Eds.). Società Editrice Dante Alighieri, 290-300
Marchiori E. (2013)
Formazione Turistica Mediata dalle Nuove Tecnologie . In. Inversini, A. & Cantoni, L.. Società Editrice Dante Alighieri, 249-274
Geise S., Lobinger K. , Brantner C. (2013)
Fractured Paradigm? Theorien, Konzepte und Methoden der Visuellen Framingforschung: Ergebnisse einer systematischen Literaturschau . In S. Geise, & K. Lobinger (Eds.), Visual Framing. Perspektiven und Herausforderungen der Visuellen Kommunikationsforschung. Köln: Herbert von Halem, 42-76
Fornara N. , Lopes Cardoso H., Noriega P., Oliveira E., Tampitsikas C. (2013)
Modelling Agent Institutions . Agreement Technologies, Law, Governance and Technology Series. Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht, 277-307
Noriega P., Chopra A. K., Fornara N. , Lopes Cardoso H., Singh M. P. (2013)
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Fornara N. , Jeić G., Kuec M., Lovrek I., Podobnik V., Trec K. (2013)
Semantics in Multi-Agent Systems . Agreement Technologies, Law, Governance and Technology Series. Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht, 115-136
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Lobinger K. (2013)
Visuelle Kommunikation . In M. Karmasin, M. Rath, & B. Thomaß (Eds.), Kommunikationswissenschaft als Integrationsdisziplin. Zum Stand der Debatte. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 299-316
Geise S., Lobinger K. (2012)
Bilder – Kulturen – Identitäten: Zur visuellen Konstruktion sozialer Wirklichkeit . In S. Geise, & K. Lobinger (Eds.), Bilder – Kulturen – Identitäten. Köln: Herbert von Halem, 309-333
Lobinger K. , Geise S. (2012)
Zur Analyse von Bildern, Kulturen und Identitäten: Perspektiven und Herausforderungen der Visuellen Kommunikationsforschung . In S. Geise, & K. Lobinger (Eds.), Bilder – Kulturen – Identitäten. Köln: Herbert von Halem, 9-33
Grittmann E., Lobinger K. (2011)
Quantitative Bildinhaltsanalyse . In T. Petersen, & C. Schwender (Eds.), Die Entschlüsselung der Bilder – Methoden zur Erforschung visueller Kommunikation. Köln: Herbert von Halem, 145-162
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Lobinger K. (2010)
Different Images. Different Literacies . In P. Fitzsimmons, & B. McKenzie (Eds.), Refocusing the Vision, the Viewer & Viewing through an Interdisciplinary Lens. Oxfordshire: Interdisciplinary Press. [EBook], 39-48
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Viganò F., Colombetti M. (2009)
Verifying organizations regulated by institutions . In V. Dignum editor, Handbook of Research on Multi-Agent Systems: Semantics and Dynamics of Organizational Models, IGI Global, Hershey (PA), 367-396
Lobinger K. (2009)
Visuelle Stereotype. Resultate besonderer Bild-Text-Interaktionen . In T. Petersen, & C. Schwender, (Eds.), Visuelle Stereotype. Köln: Herbert von Halem, 109-122
Verdicchio M., Colombetti M. (2008)
A commitment-based communicative act library . In J. van Diggelen, J.-J. Meyer, and R. Kremer, eds., Agent Communication II, Springer, Berlin, 61-75
Viganò F., Colombetti M. (2008)
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Developing rational agents . In L. Cantoni, V. Di Gesù (eds.), Human and machine perception 3: Thinking, deciding, and acting, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 51-66
Colombetti M. (2000)
Ragionare senza significato . In P. Cherubini, P. Giaretta, A Mazzocco (eds.), Ragionamento: psicologia e logica. Giunti, Firenze, 157-169
Colombetti M. , Holland H. J., Booker L. B., Dorigo M., Goldberg D. E., Forrest S., Riolo R. L., Smith R. E., Lanzi P. L., Stolzmann W. (2000)
What is a Learning Classifier System? . In P.L. Lanzi, W. Stolzmann and S.W. Wilson, eds., Learning Classifier Systems, Springer, Berlin, 3-32
Conference proceedings (107)
Sabatini N. , Sadaba T. , Tosi A., Neri V., Cantoni L. (2023)
Fashion Communication in the Digital Age . Springer. FACTUM 23 Conference
Hasenzahl L. , Ghezili S., Cantoni L. (2022)
eLearning for Tourism During COVID-19 - Learning from Students’ Perspectives. A Pilot Study . Springer. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2022
Noris A. , Cantoni L. (2021)
COVID-19 Outbreak and Fashion Communication Strategies on Instagram: A Content Analysis . Springer ham. HCII 2021
Nobile T. H. , Cantoni L. (2021)
Digital Fashion Communication: An Explorative Study of Fashion Newsletters. . Springer. HCI International 2021
Noris A. , Cantoni L. (2021)
Intercultural Crisis Communication on Social Media: A Case from Fashion . Springer, Cham. Fashion Communication
Hasenzahl L. , Cantoni L. (2021)
“Old” and “New” Media Discourses on Chinese Outbound Tourism to Switzerland Before and During the Covid-19 Outbreak. An Exploratory Study. In: Wörndl W., Koo C., Stienmetz J.L. (eds) Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2021. . Springer. ENTER2021
Portela Cabán C., Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. (2021)
Omni-channel Retailing in the Fashion Industry: Its Definition and Implementation. . Springer, Cham. FACTUM 21 Conference, Pamplona, Spain, 2021
Picco Schwendener A. , Nobile T. H. , Gaduel Thaloka T. (2021)
Online Communication Design Within Fashion Curricula. . Springer. HCI International 2021
Venema R., Lobinger K. (2019)
A New Standard of Proof? Discourses on Visual Data After the 2017 G20-Protests . AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research. 20th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers "Trust in the System"
Sabatini N. , Sadaba T., Cominelli F., Cantoni L. (2019)
Fashion Communication in the Digital Age. . Springer. FACTUM 2019 - Fashion Communication Conference
Rosani I., De Ascaniis S. , Gravari-Barbas M., Cantoni L. (2018)
ICTs to train on World Heritage and Tourism: the case of “Tourism Management at UNESCO World Heritage Sites” MOOC . Gangemi. Architettura, Urbanistica, Ambiente. World Heritage and Knowledge.. Capri. 15-15 June 2018. ISBN 9788849236293
Della Monica C., De Ascaniis S. , Tardini S. , Garbelli M., Cantoni L. (2017)
A Facebook Campaign about Heritage and Tourism: Its Results and how to Measure them . Turku School of Economics, Pori Unit. HTHIC2017 - Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality. Pori (Finland). 27-29 September 2017
De Ascaniis S. , Cantoni L. , Sutinen E., Talling R. (2017)
A LifeLike Experience to Train User Requirements Elicitation Skills . Springer International Publishing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Design, User Experience, and Usability: Understanding Users and Contexts. Vancouver (Canada). 12-14.07.2017
De Ascaniis S. , Della Monica C., Cantoni L. (2017)
A social media campaign to raise awareness about violent heritage destruction. The case of #faces4heritage . Turku School of Economics, Pori Unit. HTHIC2017 - Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality. Pori (Finland). 27-29 September 2017
Lin J., Cantoni L. (2017)
Assessing the Performance of a Tourism MOOC Using the Kirkpatrick Model: A Supplier’s Point of View . Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2017. Springer, Cham. ENTER 2017. 24-26 January, 2017
Mele E. , Cantoni L. (2017)
Localization of National Tourism Organizations Websites: The Case of ETC Members . Springer. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2017
Marchiori E. , Niforatos E., Preto L. (2017)
Measuring the Media Effects of a Tourism-Related Virtual Reality Experience Using Biophysical Data . In: Schegg R., Stangl B. (eds). Springer, Cham, 203-215. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2017
Cantoni E., Marchiori E. , Cantoni L. (2017)
Teenagers' Destination Website Navigation. A Comparison Among Eye-Tracking, Web Analytics, and Self-declared Investigation . Springer, Cham. 10290. In: Marcus A., Wang W. (eds) Design, User Experience, and Usability: Understanding Users and Contexts. DUXU 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Marchiori E. , Cantoni L. (2016)
Applying the Counseling-Learning Approach to a Tourism-related Massive Open Online Course . Thompson Rivers University.. Tourism Education Futures Initiative Conference (TEFI9), Kamloops, Canada, June 26–29, 2016
Mele E. , De Ascaniis S. , Cantoni L. (2016)
Localization of Three European National Tourism Offices’ Websites. An Exploratory Analysis . Springer. ENTER2016 eTourism Conference
Marchiori E. , Di Nardo C., Mariani M., Cantoni L. (2016)
The co-creation process of the online image of an Italian World Heritage Site: the Sassi of Matera . Springer. ENTER2016 eTourism Conference
Marchiori E. , Casnati F., Cantoni L. (2016)
The Role of Destination in Hotels’ Online Communications: A Bottom-Up Approach . Springer. ENTER2016 eTourism Conference
Marchiori E. , Niforatos E., Katsira M. (2016)
Using biophysical measurements to assess the effects of a tourism-related virtual reality experience . Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy. Consumer Behavior in Tourism Symposium (CBTS 2016), 14-17 December 2016, Bruneck, Italy
Cumbula S. D., Cantoni L. (2015)
Exploring and Experimenting Cooperative Design . Springer. Design, User Experience, and Usability: Design Discourse
De Ascaniis S. , Borre' A., Marchiori E. , Cantoni L. (2015)
Listen to your customers. How Hotels Manage Online Travel Reviews: The Case of Hotels in Lugano . Springer. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2015
Mele E. , De Ascaniis S. , Cantoni L. (2015)
Localization of National Tourism Organizations’ websites: How are World Heritage Sites portrayed online by European destinations for different markets? . CLUE+ Research Institute/Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality International Conference 2015. Amsterdam. 25-27 November 2015
Carassa A. , Colombetti M. (2015)
On the Psychological Infrastructure of Normativity . Nea Science 2 (9). XII Annual Conference of the Italian Association of Cognitive Sciences. Genoa. 10-12 December 2015
Marchiori E. , Cantoni L. (2015)
Studying Online Contents Navigation: a Comparison between Eye-Tracking Technique and Self-Reported Investigation . Springer International Publishing Switzerland. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2015. Proceedings of the International Conference in Lugano, Switzerland, February 4-6, 2015
Pucciarelli M. (2014)
Mapping the digital Douala: lights and shadows of an African City . Monash Centre, Prato, Italy. CIRN 2014 Community Informatics Conference: Challenges and solutions
Morganti F., Carassa A. , Colombetti M. , Braibanti P., Rezzonico G., Sgro I. (2013)
Joint commitment: An analysis of emotions and non-verbal behaviors . In M. Knauff, M. Pauen, N. Sebanz, & I. Wachsmuth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2013), Berlin, 3116-3121
Sorokolit O., Cantoni L. (2012)
Development and evaluation of an eLearning course presenting a regional destination. The case of Ticino Switzerland Travel Specialist . EuroChrie. EuroChrie - Hospitality for a better world Conference. Lausanne, Switzerland
Cantoni L. (2012)
eLearning courses on travel destinations. An exploratory study on Indian Travel Agents perspective . In J. Fountain & K. Moore (eds.). CAUTHE 2013: Tourism and Global Change: On the Edge of Something Big. Christchurch, N.Z.: Lincoln University. ISBN 9780864762832
Marchiori E. , Pavese G., Cantoni L. (2012)
eTcoMM – eTourism Communication Maturity Model. A Framework to evaluate the Maturity of a DMO when it comes to the Online Communication Management. The Case of Canton Ticino and Lombardy . Springer. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2012. January 24-27, 2012
Falakmasir M., Hsiao I. H., Mazzola L., Grant N., Brusilovsky P. (2012)
The Impact of Social Performance Visualization on Students . Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies and Technology-enhanced Learning, Rome, Italy, July 4-6, 2012 pgg. 565-569
Dattolo A., Eynard D., Mazzola L. (2011)
An Integrated Approach to Discover Tag Semantics . 26th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, vol. 1, pp. 814-820. Taichung, Taiwan, March 2001.
Marceglia S., Bonacina S., Mazzola L., Pinciroli F. (2011)
Innovative Personalized Health Informatics at Home . BioMed@POLIMI Proc 1st Workshop on the Life Sciences at Politecnico di Milanopgg. 385-388
Carassa A. , Colombetti M. (2011)
Layers of Joint Commitments in Interpersonal Communication . Proceedings of CogSci 2011, 1055-1060. Boston
Mazzola L., Mazza R. (2011)
Visualizing Learner Models through data aggregation: a test case . . Red-conference, rethinking education in the knowledge society, Monte Verità, Switzerland, March 7-10, pp.372- 380, ISBN 978-88-6101-010-9
Mazzola L., Mazza R. (2010)
An infrastructure for creating graphical indicators of the learner profile by mashing up different source . Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, AVI 2010
Cantoni L. (2010)
eLearning offers by Destination Management Organizations. . Wien: Springer. In W. Hopken, U. Gretzel & R. Law (Eds.), Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, pp. 247 - 261. Lugano, Switzerland
Mazzola L., Mazza R. (2010)
GVIS: A Facility for Adaptively Mashing Up and Representing Open Learner Models . "Sustaining TEL: From Innovation to Learning and Practice" Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6383/2010, pp. 554-559, Proceedings of EC-TEL 2010, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-16020-2_53
Mazzola L., Eynard D., Mazza R. (2010)
GVIS: a framework for graphical mashups of heterogeneous sources to support data interpretation . HSI2010. 3rd IEEE Conference on Human System Interactions, 2010.
Mazzola L., Mazza R. (2010)
GVIS: an integrating infrastructure for adaptively mashing up user data from different sources . Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Information Visualisation
Carassa A. , Colombetti M. (2009)
Situated communicative acts: A deontic approach . Proceedings of CogSci 2009, Amsterdam, 1382-1387
Mazzola L., Mazza R. (2009)
Supporting Learners in Adaptive Learning Environments through the Enhancement of the Student Model. . Human-Computer Interaction. Interacting in Various Application Domains, 13th International Conference, HCI International 2009, San Diego, CA, USA, July 19-24, 2009, Proceedings, Part IV. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5613 Springer 2009, ISBN 978-3-642-02582-2: 166-175
Mazzola L., Mazza R. (2009)
Toward Adaptive Presentations of Student Models in eLearning Environments. . 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, AIED 2009, July 6-10, 2009, Brighton, UK. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 200 IOS Press 2009, ISBN 978-1-60750-028-5 : 761-762
Mazzola L. (2009)
Towards Adaptive representations of Open Learner Models. . Doctoral Consortium of UMAP2009
Dobernig K., Lobinger K. , Wetzstein I. (2009)
Who's in the Picture about War? A Content Analysis of Reports on the Gaza-Crisis 2009 in Four News Media . In Y. Xiao, T. Amon, & P. Kommers (Eds.). Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing 2009. IADIS Press, 177-183
Bolchini D., Garzotto F., Paolini P. (2008)
Branding meets Value-Centered Design . CHI 2008 Workshop: Values, Value and Worth. Florence, Italy. April 2008
Bolchini D., Di Blas N., Garzotto F., Paolini P., Cantoni L. , Rubegni E. (2008)
Evaluating Usability Assessment Methods for Web Based Cultural Heritage Applications . Open Digital Cultural Heritage Systems. EPOCH Final Event, Rome, February 2008
Bolchini D., Paolini P., Garzotto F. (2008)
Value-Driven Design for "Infosuasive" Web Applications . Proceedings of the ACM International World Wide Web Conference, April 21-25, 2008 · Beijing, China
Bolchini D., Garzotto F., Paolini P. (2007)
Branding and Communication Goals for Content-Intensive Interactive Applications . in Proceedings of 15th IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering, New Dehli (India), IEEE Press, 2007.
Rubinelli S., Bolchini D., Paolini P. (2007)
Designing tailored arguments in on-line risk assessment . In: F. Grasso, A. Cawsey, C. Paris, S. Quaglini, R. Wikinson, Personalisation for e-Health. 11th International Conference on User Modeling (UM 2007), Corfu, Greece, 25-29 June, 57-60.
Mazza R., Berrè A. (2007)
Focus Group Methodology for Evaluating Information Visualization Techniques and Tools . Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Information Visualisation. Zurich 2-7 July 2007. pp. 74-80. IEEE. ISBN: 0-7695-2900-3
Bolchini D., Garzotto F. (2007)
Quality of Web Usability Evaluation Methods: an Empirical Study on MILE+ . Proc. of WISE (Web Information Systems Engineering) 2007, Workshop on Web Usability and Accessibility, Lille, France, Springer, 2007.
Mazza R. (2006)
A graphical tool for monitoring the usage of modules in Course Management Systems . In: Pierre P Levy, Benedicte Le Grand, Francois Poulet, Michel Soto, Laszlo Darago, Laurent Toubiana, Jean-Francois Vibert (editors), Pixelization Paradigm. Proceedings of VIEW2006. Paris, France - Apr. 24-25, 2006
Bolchini D., Colazzo S., Paolini P., Vitali D. (2006)
Designing Aural Information Architectures . in Proc. ACM 24rd International Conference on Design of Communication (SIGDOC 2006), ACM Press, Myrtle Beach, Florida, October 2006, 51-58.
Mazza R. (2006)
Evaluating Information Visualization Applications with Focus Groups: the CourseVis experience . BELIV´06 - BEyond time and errors: novel evaLuation methods for Information Visualization. A workshop of the AVI 2006 International Working Conference on Advanced visual interfaces. Venice May 23, 2006
Verdicchio M., Colombetti M. (2006)
From message exchange to communicative acts to commitments . Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Logic and Communication in Multi-Agent Systems (LCMAS 2005, Edinburgh), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 75-94
Speroni M., Paolini P., Bolchini D. (2006)
Museum Websites Interface Elements: Do Users Understand Them? . in Proc. Museums&Web Conference 2005, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.
Bolchini D., Dean T., Distante D., Tilley S. (2006)
Proceedings of the IEEE 8th International Symposium on Web Site Evolution . Philadelphia, 23-24 September 2006, IEEE Press.
Bolchini D., Inversini A., Cantoni L. , Guttormsen S. (2006)
Teaching Usability Online: the USABLE experience . in E. Pearson & P. Bohman (eds.), Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2006 - World Conference On Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (June 26-30, 2006; Orlando, Florida), Norfolk (Va), pp. 20-30
Perrone V., Bolchini D., Paolini P. (2005)
A Stakeholder-Centered Approach for Conceptual Modeling of Communication-Intensive Applications . in Proc. ACM 23rd International Conference on Design of Communication (SIGDOC 2005), ACM Press, Coventry, September 2005, 25-33.
Ceri S., Daniel F., Demaldè V., Facca F. (2005)
An Approach to User Behavior Aware Web Application
Facca F., Ceri S., Armani J., Demaldè V. (2005)
Building reactive web applications
Bolchini D. (2005)
Capturing Visions and Goals to Inform Communication Design . in Proc. ACM 23rd International Conference on Design of Communication (SIGDOC 2005), ACM Press, Coventry, September 2005, 131-137
Mazza R., Dimitrova V. (2005)
Generation of Graphical Representations of Student Tracking Data in Course Management Systems . 9th IEEE International Conference on Information Visualisation. London. 6-8 July 2005
Triacca L., Randazzo, G. Bolchini D (2005)
Improving prototype-based usability: lessons-learned from the OpenDrama case study . EVA05, Florence
González B. J., Chaparro D., Dimitrova V., Tebb C., Mazza R. (2005)
Producing educational resources in the "libre way": the edukalibre project . IADIS press.. IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2005. Lisbon, Portugal. 19-22 October 2005
Di Blas N., Paolini P., Speroni M., Capodieci A. (2004)
Enhancing accessibility for visually impaired users: the Munch´s exhibition . Museums and the Web Conference, Arlington, USA
Bolchini D., Qingfeng H., Antòn A., Stufflebeam W. (2004)
"I need it now": Improving Website Usability By Contextualizing Privacy Policies . Proc. International Conference on Web Engineering ICWE '04, Munich, Germany, May 2004, 31-44.
Speroni M., Randazzo G., Garzotto F., Paolini P. (2004)
MEDINA (Mediterranean by Internet Access): a EU Funded Project for Promoting Mediterranean Cultural Tourism through ICT . EVA 2004 Conference, Florence
Speroni M., Fiordelli M. , Bolchini D., Randazzo G., Garzotto F. (2004)
MEDINA (MEDiterranean by Internet Access): an EU Funded Project for Promoting Mediterranean Cultural Tourism through ICT . EVA 2004 Conference, Florence
Triacca L., Bolchini D., Botturi L., Inversini A. (2004)
MiLE: Systematic Usability Evaluation for E-learning Web Applications . ED Media 04, Lugano, Switzerland (Outstanding Paper Award)
Capodieci A., Di Blas N., Paolini P., Speroni M., Bolchini D. (2004)
Reading Web Pages to Visually Impaired People . EVA 2004 Conference, Florence
Bolchini D., Arasa D., Cantoni L. (2004)
Teaching Websites as Communication: A "Coffee Shop Approach" . in L. Cantoni & C. McLoughlin (eds.), pp. 4119-4124
Rubinelli S., Tardini S. , Di Blas N., Cantoni L. (2004)
The impact of communication theory in the context of engineering curricula. The academic year 2003-2004 at the Politecnico of Milano (Como Campus). . In F. Flückiger, R. Ruprecht & R. Scheurer (Eds.), Local Identity - Global Awarness. Engineering Education Today.. IGIP / IEEE / ASEE Conference, Fribourg, Switzerland, 27 September - 1 October 2004
Garzotto F., Paolini P., Speroni M., Prvll B., Retschitzegger W., Schwinger W. (2004)
Ubiquitous Access to Cultural Tourism Portals . PEH (Presenting and Exploring Heritage on the Web)
Lepori B. , Bolchini D. (2004)
Usability analysis for CRIS: some examples and practical guidelines . Nase A., Van Grootel G., Putting the Sparkle in the Knowledge Society, 7th International Conference on Current Reseach Information Systems, Leuven University Press, Leuven
Di Blas N., Paolini P., Speroni M. (2004)
Web Accessibility for Blind Users Towards Advanced Guidelines . UI4ALL Conference (User Interfaces for All), Vien
Verdicchio M., Colombetti M. (2003)
A Logical Model for Agent Communication Languages . Proceedings of the Workshop on Logic and Communication in Multi-Agent Systems (LCMAS 03), Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Verdicchio M., Colombetti M. (2003)
A Logical Model of Social Commitment for Agent Communication . Proceedings of the Workshop on Agent Communication Languages (ACL 03), Melbourne, Australia
Bolchini D., Paolini P., Randazzo G. (2003)
Adding Hypermedia Requirements to Goal-Driven Analysis . RE03 - IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, September 8-12 2003, Monterey Bay, California, USA
Ceri S., Fraternali P., Bongio A., Butti S., Acerbis R., Tagliasacchi M., Toffetti G., Conserva C., Elli R., Ciapessoni F., Greppi C. (2003)
Architectural Issues and Solutions in the Development of Data-Intensive Web Applications . ACM-CIDR
Ceri S., Manolescu I. (2003)
Constructing and integrating data-centric Web Applications: Methods, Tools, and Techniques . VLDB 2003
Bolchini D. (2003)
Crafting Salient Web Scenarios Using Priorities . Proc. 6th Requirements Engineering Workshop (WER\'03)
Augurusa E., Braga D., Campi A., Ceri S. (2003)
Design and Implementation of a Graphical Interface to Xquery . ACM-SAC, 2003
Botturi L., Inglese T. M., Rozalèn S. (2003)
Design and Trust as Key Factors in E-learning . In: AACE, SITE 2003, Aulbuquerque, New Mexico
Braga D., Campi A., Ceri S., Klemettinen M., Lanzi P. (2003)
Discovering Interesting Information in XML Data with Association Rules . ACM-SAC
Bolchini D., Mylopoulos J. (2003)
From Task-Oriented to Goal-Oriented Web Requirements Analysis . Proc. International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE\'03)
Di Blas N., Paolini P., Speroni M. (2003)
Listen to a website: accessibility (beyond current standards) and a market opportunity . Proc. of the Conference ICHIM03, Paris
Paolini P., Speroni M. (2003)
MEDINA: A Case Study for Multichannel Web Design . Proc. of the conference AICCSA03, Ganmarth, Tunisia
Bolchini D., Triacca L., Speroni M. (2003)
MiLE: a Reuse-oriented Usability Evaluation Method for the Web . HCI International Conference. Crete, Greece. June 2003
Triacca L., Bolchini D., Cantoni L. (2003)
MiLE: a Usability Evaluation Approach for High Quality Web Sites . ABC (Association for Business Communication) European Convention. Lugano, Switzerland
Garzotto F., Paolini P., Speroni M. (2003)
Transnational portals for culture oriented tourism: the experience of the MEDINA project . Proc. of the Conference ICHIM03, Paris
Triacca L., Bolchini D., Di Blas N., Paolini P. (2003)
Wish you were Usable! How to improve the Quality of a Museum Web Site . International Conference on Electronic Imaging and the Visual Arts (EVA03) Florence, Italy
Triacca L., Bolchini D., Di Blas N., Paolini P. (2003)
Wish you were usable! How to Improve the Quality of a Museum Website . Proc. International Conference of Electronic Imaging and the Visual Arts (EVA\'03)
Bonifati A., Braga D., Campi A., Ceri S. (2002)
Active XQuery . International Conference on Data Engineering, Feb. 2002
Colombetti M. , Verdicchio M. (2002)
An Analysis of Agent Speech Acts as Institutional Actions . Proceedings of the First International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 02), Bologna, 1157-1166
Bolchini D., Paolini P. (2002)
Capturing Web Application Requirements Through Goal-Oriented Analysis . Proc. of Workshop on Requirements Engineering, Valencia, Springer
Bolchini D., Paolini P. (2002)
Goal-oriented Requirements Specification For Digital Libraries . Proc. of ECDL Conference on Digital Libraries, Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, Springer
Armani J., Botturi L., Rocci A. (2002)
Maps as Learning Tools: the SWISSLING Solution . In: F. Flückiger, C. Jutz, P. Schulz, L. Cantoni (eds.) ICNEE, 4th International Conference on New Educational Environments Università di Lugano, 8 - 11 Maggio 2002: 2.1/7-10
Macleod M., Garzotto F., Bolchini D. (2002)
User-centred Development for Cultural Heritage Applications: the VNET5 approach . in Proc. of EVA Conference, Florence
Mazza R. (2001)
Formazione continua e classe virtuale: l'apprendimento del linguaggio Java tramite . XXXIX Congresso annuale AICA, Tecnologie, Innovazione e Società. Como. 19-21 September 2001
Colombetti M. (2000)
A commitment-based approach to agent speech acts and conversations . Proc. Workshop on Agent Languages and Communication Policies, 4th Int. Conf. on Autonomous Agents, Barcelona, 21-29
Colombetti M. (2000)
Commitment-based semantics for agent communication languages . Proc. 1st Int. Workshop on the History and Philosophy of Logic, Mathematics and Computation, San Sebastian (ES), 27-36
Paolini P., Garzotto F., Valenti S., Bolchini D. (1999)
Modelling by Pattern of Web Applications . Proc. International Conference on Conceptual Modelling (ER \'99)
Article in conference proceedings (73)
Touch in Text. The Communication of Tactility in Fashion E-Commerce Garment Descriptions . Fashion Communication: Proceedings of the FACTUM 21 Conference. Springer. FACTUM 2021. Pamplona, Spain. 28 June - 1 July, 2021
Touch in Text. The Communication of Tactility in Fashion E-Commerce Garment Descriptions . FACTUM21. Springer (forthcoming). FACTUM21. Pamplona, Spain. 28 June - 1 July, 2021
Guitton C. ., Mayer S., Tamò-Larrieux A., Garcia K. ., Fornara N. (2024)
A Proxy for Assessing the Automatic Encodability of Regulation . In Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Science and Law (CSLAW '24). Association for Computing Machinery. Boston. March 12-13, 2024
Liu J. B. , Cantoni L. (2023)
European Fashion Companies and Chinese Social Media Influencers . Fashion Communication in the Digital Age. FACTUM 23 Conference. Pisa (Italy). July 2023
Noris A., Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. (2023)
Fashion Games, Fashion in Games and Gamification in Fashion. A First Map . International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Copenaghen. July 2023
Nobile T. H. , Cantoni L. (2023)
Teleworking and Video-Meetings. Does Fashion Fit? . International Conference on Fashion communication: between tradition and future digital developments. FACTUM 23 Conference. Pisa (Italy). July 2023
Stachel C. , Cantoni L. (2023)
When Shoe Heritage is on Display . International Conference on Fashion communication: between tradition and future digital developments. FACTUM 23 Conference. Pisa (Italy). July 2023
Roshankish S. , Colombetti M. (2022)
A Framework for Automatic Monitoring of Norms that Regulate Time Constrained Actions . In: Theodorou, A., Nieves, J.C., De Vos, M. (eds) Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, Norms, and Ethics for Governance of Multi-Agent Systems XIV. COINE 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13239, 9-27. Springer, Cham.
Roshankish S. , Colombetti M. (2022)
A Framework for Automatic Monitoring of Norms that Regulate Time Constrained Actions . In: Theodorou, A., Nieves, J.C., De Vos, M. (eds) Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, Norms, and Ethics for Governance of Multi-Agent Systems XIV. COINE 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13239, 9-27. Springer, Cham.
Fornara N. , Roshankish S. , Colombetti M. (2022)
A Framework for Automatic Monitoring of Norms that Regulate Time Constrained Actions . In: Theodorou, A., Nieves, J.C., De Vos, M. (eds) Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, Norms, and Ethics for Governance of Multi-Agent Systems XIV. COINE 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13239, 9-27. Springer, Cham.
Roshankish S. , Fornara N. (2022)
A Methodology for Formalizing Different Types of Norms . In: Baumeister, D., Rothe, J. (eds) Multi-Agent Systems. EUMAS 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 13442. Springer, Cham
Garbani-Nerini E. , Marchiori E. , Cantoni L. (2022)
Destinations and Data. State-of-the-art in Switzerland and Liechtenstein . Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2022. ENTER 2022. Online. 11-14 January 2022
Garbani-Nerini E. , Marchiori E. , Reale R., Cantoni L. (2022)
Understanding preferences in tourism email marketing . Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2022. ENTER 2022. Online. 11-14 January 2022
Roshankish S. , Colombetti M. (2021)
A Framework for Automatic Monitoring of Norms that regulate Time Constrained Actions . Proceedings of the International Workshop on Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, Norms and Ethics for Governance of Multi-Agent Systems (COINE2021). International Workshop on Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, Norms and Ethics for Governance of Multi-Agent Systems (COINE2021). co-located with AAMAS 2021, London, UK. 3rd May, 2021
Fornara N. , Sterpetti M. (2021)
An Architecture for Monitoring Norms that combines OWL Reasoning and Forward Chaining over Rules . Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops 2021 (JOWO 2021) Episode VII: The Bolzano Summer of Knowledge co-located with the 12th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS 2021), and the 12th International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies (ICBO 2021). Bolzano, Italy. September 11-18, 2021
Mosha M., Cantoni L. (2021)
Co-designing Digital Engagements with Cultural Heritage Sites in Africa: A Research Road Map for the Brandberg National Monument Area, Namibia . EuroMed 2020: Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection. Springer. EuroMed 2020: Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection. Online. 2020
Nobile T. H. , Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. , de Oliveira R. A. (2021)
Digital Fashion Competences: A Longitudinal Study . Fashion Communication. Springer. FACTUM21. Pamplona, Spain. June, 2021
Roshankish S. , Fornara N. (2021)
Exploration of Norms and Policies in Digital Fashion Domain Using Semantic Web Technologies . In: Soares, M.M., Rosenzweig, E., Marcus, A. (eds) Design, User Experience, and Usability: Design for Contemporary Technological Environments. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12781. Springer, Cham. Springer, Cham
Karamalak O., Cantoni L. (2021)
Rallying Hashtags as a Tool for Societal Change in Fashion . Fashion Communication. Springer. Fashion Communication. Pamplona. 2021
Ornati M. (2021)
Touch in Text. The Communication of Tactility in Fashion E-Commerce Garment Descriptions . Fashion Communication Proceedings of the FACTUM 21 Conference, Pamplona, Spain, 2021. Springer. FACTUM 2021. Pamplona, Spain. 28 June - 1 July, 2021. ISBN 9783030813208
Sironi O., Sabatini N. , Rösler J., Friedli T. (2021)
Understanding the internal and external drivers and barriers for digital servitization in the European textile manufacturing industry. . Fashion Communication. FACTUM 21 Conference, Pamplona, Spain, 2021. Pamplona, Spain. June, 2021
Ornati M., Cantoni L. (2020)
FashionTouch in E-commerce: An Exploratory Study of Surface Haptic Interaction Experiences . HCI in Business, Government and Organizations. Springer. HCI in Business, Government and Organizations. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. HCI International 2020. Online. 2020. ISBN 9783030503413
Noris A. , SanMiguel P., Cantoni L. (2020)
Localization and Cultural Adaptation on the Web: An Explorative Study in the Fashion Domain . Nah FH., Siau K. (eds). HCI in Business, Government and Organizations. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12204. Springer, Cham. Copenaghen. 22.07.2020
Nakaima K., Marchiori E. , Cantoni L. (2019)
Identification of Competing Destination Brand: The Case of Okinawa Island . Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2019. ENTER 2019. Nicosia, Cyprus. January 30–February 1, 2019
Fornara N. , Chiappa A., Colombetti M. (2019)
Using Semantic Web Technologies and Production Rules for Reasoning on Obligations and Permissions . In: Lujak M. (eds) Agreement Technologies, 6th International Conference, AT 2018. Bergen, Norway, December 6-7, 2018. Revised Selected Papers, LNAI 11327, pages 49-63, Springer, Cham
Garbani-Nerini E. , Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. (2018)
Evaluating the Development and Impact of an eLearning Platform: The Case of the Switzerland Travel Academy . In Stangl, B., Pesonen, J. (Eds.). Wien-New York: Springer, 450-462. Springer. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism. Sweden. January, 2018
Regazzoni N., Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. (2018)
Impact Study of Tourism Destinations' eLearning: The Case of the Switzerland Travel Academy . Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2018. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2018. Amsterdam. 25-29 June 2018
Sabatini N. (2018)
Mapping e-learning courses in the fashion domain . In J. Li (Ed.) Fashion Futures.. 20th Annual Conference for the International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institutes. Shanghai (China), 426-433.. Shanghai (China). April, 2018
Fornara N. , Colombetti M. (2018)
Operational semantics of an extension of ODRL able to express obligations . Multi-Agent Systems and Agreement Technologies - 15th European Conference, EUMAS 2017, and 5th International Conference, AT 2017, Evry, France, December 14-15, 2017, Revised Selected Papers, volume 10767 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 172-186. Springer, Cham
Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. (2018)
The context of online training, motivations and barriers on following them by travel agents in the United Kingdom, India and New Zealand . Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2018. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2018. Amsterdam. 25-29 June 2018
Mlynář J., Alavi H. S., Verma H., Cantoni L. (2018)
Towards a Sociological Conception of Artificial Intelligence . Artificial General Intelligence. Springer. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. 11th International Conference, AGI 2018. Prague, Czech Republic. August 22–25, 2018
Mele E. , Sutinen E. (2017)
Cultural calibration: technology design for tourism websites . International Conference of Design, User Experience, and Usability. Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) International. Vancouver. 9 - 14 July 2017
Fornara N. , Colombetti M. (2017)
Operational Semantics of an Extension of ODRL able to express Obligations . In Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems Évry, 14-15 December 2017.
Sabatini N. , Janowski T., Estevez E., Cantoni L. (2016)
E-Government relationships framework in the tourism domain. A first map . In: Inversini A., Schegg R. (Eds). Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2016. Springer. New York: Springer, 73-87. Bilbao, Spain. January 2016
Fornara N. , Marfia F. (2016)
Modeling and Enforcing Access Control Obligations for SPARQL-DL Queries . In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Semantic Systems (SEMANTiCS 2016) Leipzig, Germany, September 12 - 15 2016, Anna Fensel, Amrapali Zaveri, Sebastian Hellmann, and Tassilo Pellegrini (Eds.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, pages145-152
Marfia F. , Fornara N. , Nguyen T. T. V. (2016)
Modeling and Enforcing Semantic Obligations for Access Control . . In Multi-Agent Systems and Agreement Technologies: 13th European Conference, EUMAS 2015, and Third International Conference, AT 2015, Athens, Greece, December 17-18, 2015, Revised Selected Papers, Volume 9571 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 303-317
Pucciarelli M., Cantoni L. , Sabatini N. (2016)
The Digital Birth of an African City: an Exploratory Study on the city of Douala (Cameroon) . Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance. ACM New York. 223-229. Montevideo, Uruguay. March 2016
Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. (2016)
UNESCO enlisted Cultural Landscapes: their presence and presentation in eLearning courses by National Destinations . Tourism and Cultural Landscapes: towards a sustainable approach. Infota. 282- 294. Budapest, Hungary. June 2016
Murphy J., Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. , Horton-Tognazzini L. (2015)
Online learning and MOOCs: A framework proposal . Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2015. Springer. New York: Springer, 847-858.. Lugano (Switzerland). January, 2015
Picco Schwendener A. , Cantoni L. (2015)
Tourists and Municipal Wi-Fi Networks (MWN): The Case of Lugano (Switzerland) . Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2015. Springer. ENTER. Lugano (Switzerland). 3-6 February 2015
Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. (2014)
eLearning Courses Offered by tourism destinations: Factors Affecting Participation and Awareness among British and Indian Travel Agents . In Z. Xiang & I.Tussyadiah (Eds.). Springer. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, Springer, 763-777. Dublin (Ireland). February, 2014
Nguyen T. T. V., Fornara N. (2014)
Policy Enforcement for the Web of Data . In Proceedings of the ECAI 2014 Workshop on Intelligent Agents and Technologies for Socially Interconnected Systems (IAT4SIS '14), Ana Paula Rocha, Huib Aldewereld, Virginia Dignum, Eugénio Oliveira, and Laurent Vercouter (Eds.). ACM, New York, NY, USA
Urovi V., Olivieri A. C., Bromuri S., Fornara N. , Schumacker M. I. (2013)
A Peer to Peer Agent Coordination Framework for IHE based Cross-Community Health Record Exchange . In Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC '13). Coimbra, Portugal March 18-22, 2013. ACM, New York, NY, USA, pages 1355-1362
Okouya D., Fornara N. , Colombetti M. (2013)
An Infrastructure for the Design and Development of Open Interaction Systems . In: Cossentino M., El Fallah Seghrouchni A., Winikoff M. (eds) Engineering Multi-Agent Systems. EMAS 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 215-234, vol 8245. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. (2013)
e-Learning courses on travel destinations. An exploratory study on Indian travel agents perspective . In J. Fountain & K. Moore (eds.).. Christchurch, N.Z.: Lincoln University. CAUTHE 2013: Tourism and Global Change: On the Edge of Something Big. Lincoln, New Zealand. February, 2013. ISBN 9780864762832
Urovi V., Olivieri A. C., Bromuri S., Fornara N. , Schumacker M. I. (2012)
An Agent Coordination Framework for IHE based Cross-Community Health Record Exchange . Proceedings of the VII Workshop on Agents Applied in Health Care, A2HC 2012, co-located with AAMAS 2012, 4th June 2012 Valencia, Spain, pages 29-39
Okouya D., Fornara N. , Colombetti M. (2012)
An Infrastructure for Open Interaction Systems (Position paper) . Proceedings of the AT 2012 First International Conference on Agreement Technologies, October 15 - 16, 2012 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Pages 442-443, Vol-918 urn:nbn:de:0074-918-8, CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Argente E., Boissier O., Carrascosa C., Fornara N. (2012)
Environment and Agreement Technologies (Position paper) . Proceedings of the AT 2012 First International Conference on Agreement Technologies, October 15 - 16, 2012 in Dubrovnik, Croatia, pages 260-261, Vol-918 urn:nbn:de:0074-918-8, CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Sabatini N. , Inversini A., Cantoni L. (2012)
Evaluation of eLearning offers by Destination Management Organizations: Middle East Travel Agents’ Perspective . Proceedings of the 5th Conference on e-Learning Excellence in the Middle East. Hamdan Bin Mohammed e-University.. 5th Conference on e-Learning Excellence in the Middle East 2012 – Sustainable Innovation in Education [Capacity-building, blended learning and beyond] (Dubai, 30 January – 2 February 2012), Hamdan Bin Mohammed e-University, Dubai (UAE). 255-263. Dubai, UAE. May, 2012
Fornara N. , Colombetti M. (2012)
Specifying and Enforcing Norms in Artificial Institutions: Retrospective Review . . In Chiaki Sakama, Sebastian Sardina, Wamberto Vasconcelos, and Michael Winikoff, editors, International Workshop on Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies (DALT 2011), volume LNAI 7169, pp. 117–119 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Fornara N. , Okouya D., Colombetti M. (2012)
Using OWL 2 DL for expressing ACL Content and Semantics . Multi-Agent Systems 9th European Workshop, EUMAS 2011, Maastricht, The Netherlands, November 14-15, 2011. Revised Selected Papers, Massimo Cossentino, Michael Kaisers, Karl Tuyls, Gerhard Weiss editors, LNAI 7541, pp. 97-113, Springer, Heidelberg.
Fornara N. , Tampitsikas C. (2012)
Using OWL Artificial Institutions for dynamically creating Open Spaces of Interaction . Proceedings of the AT 2012 First International Conference on Agreement Technologies, October 15 - 16, 2012 in Dubrovnik, Croatia, pages 281-295, Vol-918 urn:nbn:de:0074-918-8, CEUR Workshop Proceedings,
Fornara N. , Colombetti M. , Okouya D. (2011)
A Framework of Open Interactions based on Web Services and Semantic Web Technologies . Proceedings. 9th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems EUMAS 2011. Maastricht, NL. 14th-15th November 2011
Fornara N. , Colombetti M. (2010)
Ontology and Time Evolution of Obligations and Prohibitions using Semantic Web Technology . In M. Baldoni, J. Bentahar, and M. v. R. J. Lloyd, editors, Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies VII 7th International Workshop, DALT 2009, Budapest, Hungary, May 11, 2009. Revised Selected and Invited Papers, volume 5948/2010 of LNCS, pages 101–118. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2010.
Fornara N. (2009)
Open Interaction System Specification and Monitoring Using Semantic Web Technology . in Proceedings. in Proceedings of the MALLOW (Multi-Agent Logics, Languages, and Organisations Federated Workshops) Workshop on Coordination, Organization, Institutions and Norms in Agent systems in On-line Communities (COIN@MALLOW09) ( Work in Progress, Torino, Italy, 7th-12th September, 2009. MALLOW (Multi-Agent Logics, Languages, and Organisations Federated Workshops) Workshop on Coordination, Organization, Institutions and Norms in Agent systems in On-line Communities (COIN@MALLOW09) ( Work in Progress. Torino, Italy,. 7th-12th September, 2009
Fornara N. (2009)
Open Interaction System Specification and Monitoring Using Semantic Web Technology . MALLOW (Multi-Agent Logics, Languages, and Organisations Federated Workshops) Workshop on Coordination, Organization, Institutions and Norms in Agent systems in On-line Communities (COIN@MALLOW09) ( Work in Progress. Torino, Italy,. 7th-12th September, 2009
Fornara N. , Colombetti M. (2009)
Specifying and Enforcing Norms in Artificial Institutions . In M. Baldoni, T. Son, B. van Riemsdijk, M. Winikoff editors, Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies VI: 6th International Workshop, DALT 2008 Estoril, Portugal, May 2008 Revised Selected and Invited Papers, volume 5397 of LNCS, pages 1-17. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg
Fornara N. , Colombetti M. (2008)
Specifying and Enforcing Norms in Artificial Institutions (Short paper) . Proceedings of the 7th international joint conference on Autonomous agents and multiagent systems - Volume 3 (AAMAS '08), May, 12th-16th, 2008, Estoril, Portugal. Vol. 3. Pages 1481-1484. International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. ISBN 9780981738123
Fornara N. , Colombetti M. (2007)
Specifying and Enforcing Norms in Artificial Institutions . In G. Boella, L. van der Torre, and H. Verhagen, editors, Normative Multi-agent Systems, number 07122 in Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings. Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany
Viganò F., Fornara N. , Colombetti M. (2006)
An Event Driven Approach to Norms in Artificial Institutions . In O. Boissier, J. Padget, V. Dignum, G. Lindemann, E. Matson, S. Ossowski, J. Simão Sichman, J. Vázquez-Salceda editors, Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, and Norms in Multi-Agent Systems: AAMAS 2005 International Workshops on Agents, Norms and Institutions for Regulated Multi-Agent Systems, ANIREM 2005, and Organizations in Multi-Agent Systems, OOOP 2005, Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 25-26, 2005, Revised Selected Papers. LNCS, Volume 3913, pages 142-154, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg. ISBN 9783540351733
Fornara N. , Colombetti M. (2006)
Specifying and Enforcing Norms in Artificial Institutions . Proceedings. 4th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 06),. Lisbona, Portugal,. 14th-15th December 2006
Fornara N. , Viganò F., Colombetti M. (2005)
Agent Communication and Institutional Reality . In R. M. van Eijk, M. P. Huget, and F. Dignum, editors, Agent Communication: International Workshop on Agent Communication, AC 2004, New York, NY, USA, July 19, 2004, Revised Selected and Invited Papers, volume 3396 of LNAI, pages 1–17. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg. Springer. ISBN 9783540250159
Viganò F., Fornara N. , Colombetti M. (2005)
An Operational Approach to Norms in Artificial Institutions . Proceedings. Fourth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems AAMAS 2005. Utrecht, The Netherlands. 25-29 July 2005
Fornara N. , Viganò F., Colombetti M. (2004)
A Communicative Act Library in the context of Artificial Institutions . . In C. Ghidini, P. Giorgini, and W. van der Hoek, editors, Proceedings of the 2nd European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 04), pages 223–235, 16th - 17th December 2004, Barcelona, Spain
Colombetti M. , Fornara N. , Verdicchio M. (2004)
A Social Approach to Communication in Multiagent Systems . In J. A. Leite, A. Omicini, L. Sterling, P. Torroni, (Eds.): Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies, First International Workshop, DALT 2003, Melbourne, Australia, July 15, 2003, Revised Selected and Invited Papers. LNCS 2990, page 191-220, Springer
Mazza R., Dimitrova V. (2004)
Visualising Student Tracking Data to Support Instructors in Web-Based Distance Education . 13th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2004). 13th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2004) - Educational Track. 2004 May 17-22.. 13th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2004). New York, NY, USA. May 17-22, 2004
Fornara N. , Colombetti M. (2003)
A Commitment based Agent Communication Language . Proceedings of the First European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems EUMAS
Mazza R., Dimitrova V. (2003)
CourseVis: Externalising Student Information to Facilitate Instructors in Distance Learning . International conference in Artificial Intelligence in Education. International conference in Artificial Intelligence in Education. Sydney. July 20-24, 2003
Fornara N. , Colombetti M. (2003)
Defining Interaction Protocols using a Commitment-based Agent Communication Language . In J. S. Rosenschein, T. Sandholm, M. Wooldrige, M. Yokoo editors, Proceedings of the Second international Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (Melbourne, Australia, July 14 - 18, 2003) AAMAS '03. ACM Press, New York, NY, pages:520-527. ISBN 1581136838
Mazza R., Dimitrova V. (2003)
Informing The Design of a Course Data Visualisator: An Empirical Study . 5th International Conference on New Educational Environments (ICNEE 2003). 5th International Conference on New Educational Environments (ICNEE 2003). Lucerne. 26-28 May, 2003
Fornara N. , Colombetti M. (2002)
Operational Specification of a Commitment-Based Agent Communication Language . In C. Castelfranchi and W. L. Johnson editors, Proceedings of the First international Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems: Part 2 (Bologna, Italy, July 15 - 19, 2002) AAMAS '02. ACM Press, New York, NY, pages: 536-542
Colombetti M. , Fornara N. , Verdicchio M. (2002)
The role of institutions in multiagent systems . Ottavo Convegno Associazione Italiana per l\'Intelligenza Artificiale AI*IA 2002. Siena, Italia. 10-13 Settembre 2002
Fornara N. , Colombetti M. (2001)
An Autonomous Bidding Agent for Simultaneous Auctions . In Klusch, M; Zambonelli F. editors. In Cooperative Information Agents V 5th International Workshop, CIA 2001 Modena, Italy, September 6–8, 2001 LNCS 2182, pages 130-141. Springer-Verlag, 2001.. Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents (CIA-2001) Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence LNAI 2182, pp. 130-141, Modena, Italy. ISBN 9783540425458
Report in scientific conference (142)
Lobinger K. , Lucchesi F. , Tarnutzer S., Venema R. (2024)
Beyond the Flag: User Expectations and Perceived Affordances for Moderating Hate Speech on Social Media Platforms and Swiss News Sites . SACM annual conference / SGKM Jahrestagung. Neuchâtel. 18.-19.4.2024
Lobinger K. (2024)
Politik visuell (Invited Keynote Talk) . Politik multimedial. Bern. 7.-9.2 2024
Lobinger K. (2023)
Different career steps - different challenges . Workshop: Behind the Veil of Success. Learning from (Academic) Failures and Mistakes. University of Berne.. Berne. 8.12.2023
Tarnutzer S., Lobinger K. , Lucchesi F. (2023)
How do couples and friends in Switzerland communication and connect? A repertoire-oriented perspective on the role of media and communication technologies in close social relationships . SACM Annual Conference 2023 | SGKM Jahrestagung 2023. Luzern. April, 20-21
Lucchesi F. (2023)
Social network sites and romantic relationships in the maintenance phase: A systematic literature review . Full Paper Presentation at the 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) "Reclaiming Authenticity.". Toronto. May, 25-29
Lucchesi F. , Lobinger K. (2023)
Ti ho riservato la giusta attenzione? Il ruolo della comunicazione visiva nella formazione e risoluzione dei conflitti interpersonali . SACM Annual Conference 2023 | SGKM Jahrestagung 2023. Luzern. April, 20-21
Lucchesi F. , Lobinger K. (2023)
Visual-related conflicts in close relationships . Full Paper Presentation at the 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) "Reclaiming Authenticity.. Toronto. May, 25-29
Tarnutzer S., Lobinger K. (2022)
"Firsties" - Where it all begins. A visual analysis of photographs taken during the initiation phase of couple relationships . ICA. Full Paper Presentation at the 72th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) "One World, One Network?". Paris. 26-30 May 2022
Lucchesi F. (2022)
Limited uses but important social functions: Maintaining romantic relationships through visual interpersonal communication on Social Network Sites . Full Paper Poster Presentation at the 72th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) "One world, one network?". Paris. May, 26-30
Tarnutzer S., Lobinger K. , Lucchesi F. (2021)
Baked bunnies, home-made banana bread and video call-gardening. Transformation and stability of visual communication practices in close social relationships in times of COVID-19. . Full Paper Presentation at the 71th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) "Engaging the Essential Work of Care: Communication, Connectedness, and Social Justice". Virtual Conference. 27-31 May 2021
Lucchesi F. , Tarnutzer S., Lobinger K. (2021)
Let’s play together: Fostering intimacy through playful visual practices in close social relationships . Digital Intimacies Conference 7. Digital Presentation.. Brisbane. December, 6-7
Lucchesi F. (2021)
Why do we visually ‘talk’ on social network sites? – The role of SNS in romantic relationships’ interpersonal communication universe: a participatory visual approach . International Visual Methods Conference 7 (IVMC7). Digital Presentation.. Cape Town. December, 13-15
Lucchesi F. , Tarnutzer S., Lobinger K. (2020)
Adapting methodologically to COVID-19: The combination of visual and verbal data for grasping changes in visual intimacy practices . Digital Intimacies Conference 6 "Connection in Crisis", Digital Presentation. Sydney. December, 7-9
Tarnutzer S., Lobinger K. (2020)
Bildtypenanalyse – Zur Bündelung von Bildern in kommunikativen Praktiken. . 20-jährige Jubiläumstagung der DGPuK-Fachgruppe Visuelle Kommunikation. Trier. November 12-14
Venema R., Lobinger K. (2020)
The Intimacy of Surveillance and Surveillance in Intimacy: Discerning Conceptual Entanglements . Panel Presentation at the 70th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) "Open Communication". Virtual Conference. May 20-26
Visual Intimacy. Conceptualization of a Complex Concept . Full Paper Presentation at the 70th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) "Open Communication". Virtual Conference. May, 20-26
Lobinger K. , Venema R., Tarnutzer S., Lucchesi F. (2020)
Visual Intimacy. Conceptualization of a Complex Concept . Full Paper Presentation at the 70th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) "Open Communication". Virtual Conference. May, 20-26
Venema R., Lobinger K. (2019)
A New Standard of Proof? Discourses on Visual Data after the 2017 G20-protests . 20th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers "Trust in the System". Brisbane. October 4
Venema R., Di Salvo P. (2019)
Automating Surveillance? Analyzing Patterns in News Media Coverage of Facial Recognition Tools in Germany, Ireland, Italy, Switzerland and the UK . Presentation at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association’s Division “Digital Communication”. Berlin. November 6-8
Tarnutzer S., Lucchesi F. , Venema R., Lobinger K. (2019)
Content and Context in Visual Elicitation. Where is the Visual Content in Visual Methods? . International Visual Methods Conference 6 (IVMC6). Bucharest. July 16-19
Lobinger K. (2019)
Datenvielfalt in der qualitativen Multimethoden-Forschung: Überlegungen zur Integration verbaler, visueller und mehrsprachiger Daten . 2. Tagung des Netzwerks Qualitative Methoden "Datenvielfalt: Potenziale und Herausforderungen". Salzburg, Austria. April 24-26
Lucchesi F. , Tarnutzer S., Lobinger K. , Venema R. (2019)
Follow (up) the Visual. Building Continuity within Sets of Interviews through Visual Methods . International Visual Methods Conference 6 (IVMC6). Bucharest. July 16-19
Schwarzenegger C., Brantner C., Wagner A., Lobinger K. (2019)
Gulag, Marx und SED: Historische Bezüge in (humorvollen) Memes linker und rechter AktivistInnen in Social Media . Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Divisions Digital Communication and Communication History of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) "Digitale Kommunikation und Kommunikationsgeschichte - Perspektiven, Potentiale, Problemfelder. Bremen, Germany. January 16-18
Lobinger K. (2019)
‚Hegemonic visualities‘. Methodische Ansätze der quantitativen und qualitativen Erforschung visueller Stereotype . LMUecxellent workshop “Wenn aus Menschen Fremde werden? Zur Stereotypisierung des ‘Fremden’ in sozialen Medien für Jugendliche”. Munich. April 28-29
Wagner A., Schwarzenegger C., Brantner C., Lobinger K. (2019)
Memefied Memory and History in Social Media Agitation: A Multimodal Analysis of Memes by Right-wing and Left-wing Online Groups. . Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) “Communication Beyond Boundaries”. Washington, DC. May 24-28
Tarnutzer S., Lucchesi F. , Lobinger K. (2019)
Methods on the Move. Grasping the Complexities of Visual Communication Practices with Repertoire-oriented Approaches . ECREA TWG Visual Cultures Conference. Ljubljana. September, 4-6
Pfurtscheller D., Brantner C., Lobinger K. (2019)
“People Only Share Videos They Find Entertaining or Funny.” Right-wing Populism, Humor and the Fictionalization of Politics. A Case study on the Austrian Freedom Party’s 2017 Online Election Campaign Videos. . Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) “Communication Beyond Boundaries”. Washington, DC. May 24-28
Lobinger K. (2019)
The Role of Photographs for Memory and Remembering. Approaches from Audience Research (Keynote talk) . 3rd Media and memory network meeting “Visual Communication in Public and Personal Memory”. Magdeburg. April 3-5 2019
Brantner C., Lobinger K. , Müller M., Pfurtscheller D., Stein M. (2019)
Video killed the populist star“: Ein Roundtable zu Ibizagate . Panel Discussion at the Annual Conference of the Division Visual Communication of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) "It's All About Video. Visuelle Kommunikation im Bann bewegter Bilder". Basel, Switzerland. November 21 - 23
Lucchesi F. , Tarnutzer S., Lobinger K. (2019)
Visual Intimacy – Moving towards an overall conceptualization . ECREA TWG Visual Cultures Conference. Ljubljana. September, 4-6
Visuals and Visibility in Networked Public Spheres. The 2017 G20-Protests, New Avenues of Policing and Implications for Visual Communication Research . Full Paper Presentation at the 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) "Communication Beyond Boundaries". Washington, D.C.. May 24-28
Visuals and Visibility in Networked Public Spheres. The 2017 G20-Protests, New Avenues of Policing and Implications for Visual Communication Research . Full Paper Presentation at the 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) "Communication Beyond Boundaries". Washington, D.C.. May 24-28
Venema R. (2019)
Visuals and Visibility in Networked Public Spheres. The 2017 G20-Protests, New Avenues of Policing and Implications for Visual Communication Research . Full Paper Presentation at the 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) “Communication Beyond Boundaries”. Washington, D.C.. May 24-28
Schwarzenegger C., Balbi G. , Lobinger K. (2018)
Academic Traditions in Communication: Expanding the Field and Redrawing the Boundaries . Panel organized at the 7th European Communication Conference (ECC) "Centers and Peripheries: Communication, Research, Translation". Lugano, Switzerland. October 31 - November 3
Lobinger K. (2018)
Das komplexe Verhältnis von Sichtbarkeit und Partizipation in Online-Kontexten. Visuelle Repräsentationen, Normen, Strukturen . Presentation at the 63rd Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) "Selbstbestimmung in der digitalen Welt". Mannheim, Germany. May 9 - 11
Venema R., Pfurtscheller D., Lobinger K. (2018)
Doing visual analysis online. Forschungsethische Herausforderungen und Handlungsempfehlungen zur Analyse vernetzter Bilder . Annual Conference of the Division Visual Communication of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) "Vernetzte Bilder. Visuelle Kommunikation in Sozialen Medien". Vienna. November 29 - December 1
Venema R. (2018)
Making and Breaking the Rules. Examinations of Evaluations, Norms and Rules of Visual Practices . The Visual Expression of Voice, Young Scholars Preconference 2018 of the ICA Visual Communication Studies Division. Prague. May 24
Pfurtscheller D., Brantner C., Lobinger K. (2018)
Not Just for Laughs: Humor in the 2017 Austrian Election Campaign . Presentation at the 7th European Communication Conference (ECC) "Centers and Peripheries: Communication, Research, Translation". Lugano, Switzerland. October 31 - November 3
Venema R. (2018)
Pictures and Questions of Right and Wrong. A Trilingual Qualitative Content Analysis of Norms in Swiss and German News Media Coverage about Visual Communication Practices . 7th European Communication Conference (ECC) "Centres and Peripheries: Communication, Research, Translation". Lugano. October 31 - November 3
Marchiori E. , Lobinger K. , Cantoni L. (2018)
"Spherical Storytelling": The Challenges and Potentials of Virtual Reality Experiences for Strategic Communication . Paper presented at the 7th European Communication Conference (ECC) "Centers and Peripheries: Communication, Research, Translation". Lugano, Switzerland. October 31 - November 3
Lobinger K. , Benecchi E. , Venema R., Krämer B. (2018)
The Pepe Dilemma. A Visual Meme Caught Between Humor, Hate Speech, Far-Right Ideology And Fandom . Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) "Voices". Prague. May 24-29
Venema R. (2018)
Vernetzte Bilder zwischen Mobilisierung, Strafverfolgung und Überwachung. Eine Untersuchung zu Bildern und Debatten über sie anlässlich der G20-Proteste 2017 . Annual Conference of the Division Visual Communication of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) "Vernetzte Bilder. Visuelle Kommunikation in Sozialen Medien". Vienna. November 29 - December 1
Marchiori E. , Sironi M., Cantoni L. (2017)
Being Smart with the Weather: Presenting Weather Forecasts to Visitors and Prospects . 1st UNWTO World Conference on Smart Destinations. Murcia, Spain. 15 – 17 February 2017
Venema R. (2017)
Bilder – Normen – Diskurse. Eine qualitative Inhaltsanalyse medialer Debatten über visuelle Alltagspraktiken. . Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Division Visual Communication of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) "zeigen, andeuten, verstecken. Visuelle Kommunikation zwischen Ethik und Provokation". Berlin. December 7-9
Lobinger K. (2017)
‘Creative’ and Participatory Visual Approaches in Audience Research . Panel Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) "Interventions: Communication Research and Practice". San Diego, CA. May 25-29
Lobinger K. (2017)
„Ich mache Selfies, also bin ich!“ – Identität im Netz . Plenary Presentation, Erfurter Psychotherapiewoche. Erfurt, Germany. September 13
Lobinger K. , Venema R. (2017)
“It Creates Some Kind of Closeness.” A Qualitative Analysis of Visual Social Interactions in Close Relationships . Paper presented at the Conference "Visualizing (in) the New Media". Neuchâtel. November 8-10
Lobinger K. (2017)
Mächtige Bilder, ohnmächtige Ethik? Der verantwortbare Umgang mit Filmen und Fotografien. Diskussion ethischer Grenzen . Panel Discussion on Ethical Challenges and Boundaries at "median impuls", Conference of the FSF (Voluntary Self-Regulation of Television in Germany) in Cooperation with the Division Visual Communication of the German Communication Association (DGPuK). Berlin. December 7
Brantner C., Lobinger K. , Stehling M. (2017)
Memes Against Sexism? A Multimethod Analysis of the Memes and Selfies in the Feminist Protest Hashtag #distractinglysexy and its Resonance in Mainstream News Media . Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) "Interventions: Communication Research and Practice". San Diego, CA. May 25-29
Venema R., Benecchi E. , Lobinger K. , Krämer B. (2017)
Pepe the Frog – Funny Meme and Racist Symbol. Critical Reflections on Contexts, Strategies, Politics, and the Analysis of Online Popular Cultures . Paper presented at the Conference "Viral/Popular Cultures and Social Media: An International Perspective". Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI), University of Westminster, London. September 13
Venema R. (2017)
Socially Desirable Or Disciplined? A Qualitative-Quantitative Analysis Of Mediated Public Meta-Discourses About Visual Practices In Switzerland . Presentation at the Conference "Visualizing (in) the New Media". Neuchâtel. November 8-10
Lobinger K. (2017)
Visual Methods and Approaches of Visual Analysis for eTourism . Invited Presentation at the ENTER2017@Rome – "eTourism: Sustaining Culture and Creativity". Rome, Italy. January 23-26
Lobinger K. , Benecchi E. , Krämer B., Venema R. (2017)
Wie „Pepe the Frog“ von einem lustigen Meme zu einem Nazi-Symbol wurde. Und welche nicht nur ethischen Fragen sich daraus für die kommunikationswissenschaftliche Forschung ergeben. Eine kritische Reflexion aus vielfältigen Perspektiven . Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Division Visual Communication of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) "zeigen, andeuten, verstecken. Visuelle Kommunikation zwischen Ethik und Provokation". Berlin. December 7-9
Sabatini N. (2016)
Awareness-raising, training and education, new tools, methods, assessment and quality objectives. . Tourism and Cultural Landscapes: Towards a Sustainable Approach.. Budapest, Hungary.. June 2016
Brantner C., Lobinger K. , Stehling M. (2016)
Contesting Sexism with Humorous Memes: Visual Body Representations in #distractinglysexy . Paper presented at the ECREA 2016 Conference "Mediated (Dis)Continuities: Contesting Pasts, Presents and Future". Prague. November 9-12
Averbeck-Lietz S., Venema R. (2016)
Deliberation and Moralization in Financial Blogging: A Case Study on Blog Communication During the Financial Crisis 2008 . presentation at the biannual conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). Prague, Czech Republic. November 11
Sabatini N. (2016)
ICTs and their application in tourism and hospitality (eTourism). . International Hospitality and Tourism Research Conference.. Sorenburg, Switzerland.. April 2016
Marchiori E. , Katsira M., Landi G., Ventrella M., Niforatos E. (2016)
Investigating the Effects of an Edutainment Virtual Reality experience using Biophysical Data . XXIV Congresso SIPF "Brains in Action: dalle Neuroscienze di Base ai Sistemi Sociali Complessi". Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy. 27-29 October 2016
Lobinger K. (2016)
Networked Visual Photography: Sharing Practices in the Communication Repertoires of Romantic Relationships . Invited Presentation at the Research Seminar of the Visual and Digital Cultures Research Group, School of Media and Communication, University of Leeds. Leeds. June 1
Lobinger K. (2016)
Picturing and Constructing the Social. A Repertoire-Oriented Perspective on Networked Visual Practices in Romantic Relationship . Invited Presentation at the Conference "Picturing the Social", organized by the Visual Social Media Lab. Manchester. June 20
Lobinger K. (2016)
Visual and Material Practices in Romantic Relationships: Repertoires, Uses, Meanings . Paper presented at the ECREA 2016 Conference "Mediated (Dis)Continuities: Contesting Pasts, Presents and Future". Prague. November 9-12
Brantner C., Lobinger K. , Stehling M. (2016)
Visuelle Körperrepräsentationen im Diskurs um Sexismus am Beispiel von #distractinglysexy . Paper presented at the Conference of the Divisions Visual Communication and Media, Public Spheres and Gender of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) "Körperbilder – Körperpraktiken". Hamburg. September 28-30
Venema R. (2015)
Bilder (wie) zeigen? Fragen und Herausforderungen aus forschungsethischer Perspektive. [(How) to show pictures? Questions and challenges of research ethics] . Presentation at the Workshop “Bilder zeigen? Herausforderungen und Bedingungen im Umgang mit Bildern in (kommunikations)wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungspraktiken”, Conference of the division Visual Communication, German Communication Association (DGPuK). Erfurt, Germany. November 19
Grittmann E., Lobinger K. (2015)
Bilder zeigen? Herausforderungen und Bedingungen im Umgang mit Bildern in kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungspraktiken . Presentation in the Workshop and Pre-Conference „Bilder zeigen?" of the Annual Conference of the Division Visual Communication of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) "Theorien der Visuellen Kommunikationsforschung". Erfurt. November 19
Sabatini N. (2015)
e-Tourism and Online Communication Management of UNESCO World Heritage Sites: New Trends and Research Perspectives. . Seminar for local Portuguese tourism and governmental stakeholders organized by the Operating Unit on Policy-Driven Electronic Governance of the United Nations University.. Guimarães, Portugal.. June 2015
Geise S., Bock M. A., Geise S., Lobinger K. (2015)
Ethical Challenges in Studying Visual Media Frames and Processes of Visual Framing . Presentation in the Panel "Ethical Perspectives on Visual Framing“ at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) "Communication Across the Life Span". San Juan, Puerto Rico. May 21-25
Geise S., Bock M. A., Lobinger K. (2015)
Ethical Challenges in Studying Visual Media Frames and Processes of Visual Framing . Presentation in the Panel „Ethical Perspectives on Visual Framing“, Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) „Communication Across the Life Span“. San Juan, Puerto Rico. May 21-25
Lobinger K. , Brantner C. (2015)
Genuine or Phony? A Q-Sort Study of the Perceived Authenticity of Self-Photographs and Selfies . Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) "Communication Across the Life Span". San Juan, Puerto Rico. May 21-25
Venema R., Lobinger K. (2015)
“Good” Pictures? Discussing Ethical Challenges of Visual Everyday Communication . Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) "Communication Across the Life Span". San Juan, Puerto Rico. May 21-25
Sabatini N. (2015)
Opportunities of using ICTs within training activities in the hospitality and tourism field. . ICON BEST - International Conference for Business, Economy, Sport and Tourism.. Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.. October 2015
Venema R., Lobinger K. (2015)
Practices, Obligations and Responsibilities. Visual Everyday Communication and its Challenges for Acting Responsible in and with Media . Presentation at the Conference “Responsibility and Resistance – Ethics in Mediatized Worlds”. Vienna. December 10-11
Sabatini N. (2015)
Technologies for informal learning: An awareness campaign about UNESCO World Heritage Sites in SADC. . eLearning Africa Conference.. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.. May 2015
Sabatini N. (2015)
The analysis and management of guests' interactions: Customer Relationship Management and the impact of Information and Communication Technologies. . Tourism in the Digital Age: Challenges and Opportunities for Mauritius.. Plaine Wilhelm, Mauritius.. September 2015
Lobinger K. (2015)
Theoretische Fundierungen einer nicht-bildzentrierten Visuellen Kommunikationsforschung . Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Division Visual Communication of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) "Theorien der Visuellen Kommunikationsforschung". Erfurt. November 20-21
Lobinger K. (2015)
What People Do With Images. The Various Modes and Meanings of Sharing Photographs . Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) "Communication Across the Life Span". San Juan, Puerto Rico. May 21-25
Murphy J., Ryan P., Sabatini N. , Horton-Tognazzini L., Cantoni L. (2014)
A framework for online learning. . 12th ApacCHRIE Conference.. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.. May 2014
Lobinger K. , Brantner C. (2014)
Avoiding Verbalizations. Picture Card Sorting and Q-Sort as Particular Forms of Visual Elicitation . Presentation in the Panel "Analytical Potentials of Picture Sorting Studies: Current Reserach Fields, Methodological Approaches, and Future Challenges" at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) "Communication and ‚the Good Life’". Seattle, WA. May 22-26
Offerhaus A., Lobinger K. (2014)
Between Belief and Religion – A Textual Q-Sort Study on Subjective Concepts of Mediatized Religion . Paper presented at the ICA Pre-Conference "Media and Religion - Betwixt and Between". Seattle, WA. May
Offerhaus A., Lobinger K. (2014)
Between Belief and Religion – A Textual Q-Sort Study on Subjective Concepts of Mediatized Religion . Conference Presentation at the BreStoLon Workshop. Bremen. May 8-10
Averbeck-Lietz S., Venema R., Sanko C. (2014)
Communication Ethics in Times of Crisis. The Case of the Financial Crisis in the German Public Sphere . presentation at the conference “Cycle de Conférences Erasmus. Sémaine Internationale”. IUT Info-Com, Université Lille 3 Charles de Gaule. November 3
Averbeck-Lietz S., Venema R., Sanko C. (2014)
Die kommunikative Figuration von Ethik im Feld der Wirtschaft. Diskurs oder Moralisierung? Zwei explorative Studien zu Fach- und Branchenzeitschriften sowie Blogs . Presentation at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) “Digitale Öffentlichkeit(en)”. Passau, Germany. May 29
Lobinger K. , Brantner C. (2014)
Different Ways of Seeing Political Depictions: A Quantitative-Qualitative Analysis Using Q Methodology . Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) "Communication and ‚the Good Life’“. Seattle, WA. May 22-26
Offerhaus A., Lobinger K. (2014)
Fluid Religions – A Textual Q-sort Study on Subjective Concepts of Mediatized Religion . Presentation at the ECREA Conference "Communication for Empowerment. Citizens, Markets, Innovations“. Lis. November 12-15
Sabatini N. (2014)
Knowledge transfer across the tourism supply chain: the role of eLearning applications within the tourism and hospitality sector. . International seminar on knowledge sharing for tourism destinations.. Vienna, Austria.. September 2014
Sabatini N. (2014)
Massive Open Online Courses: Future education in hospitality and tourism. . 12th ApacCHRIE Conference.. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. May 2014
Sabatini N. (2014)
MOOCs development for tourism and hospitality curriculum. . ENTER2014 - International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism. Dublin, Ireland.. January 2014
Averbeck-Lietz S., Venema R. (2014)
Moralizing Shame or Deliberating Value Orientations? The Communicative Figuration of the Financial Crisis in German Elite Blogs . Presentation at the biannual conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). Lisbon, Portugal. November 14
De Ascaniis S. , Pucciarelli M., Cantoni L. (2014)
Pilgrimage Experiences in Electronic Word-Of-Mouth: An Analysis of Paths and Preferences of Independent Pilgrims to Rome . Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage 6th Expert Conference. Veszprém, Hungary. June 19-22, 2014
Lobinger K. (2014)
Sharing Photos, Sharing Experiences, Sharing Lifes. A Critical Conceptualization of Visual Sharing Practices . Conference Presentation at the BreStoLon Workshop. Bremen, Germany. May 8-10
Lobinger K. (2014)
Sharing Photos, Sharing Experiences. What People Do With Images . Paper presented at the ICA Pre-Conference "Sharing". Seattle, WA. May 22
Lobinger K. , Geise S., Brantner C. (2014)
Visual Framing Research „Beyond“ Visual Studies? Current State and Future Prospects of Approaches Analyzing Visual Frames in Multimodal Contexts . Conference Presentation at the Panel "From a ‚Life Line’ to a ‚Bridging Model’ of Visual Research? Theoretical and Methodological Challenges of Visual Framing" at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) "Communication and ‚the Good Life’“. Seattle, WA. May 22-26
Lobinger K. , Brantner C. (2014)
Visuelle Authentizität und visuelle digitale Kultur. Zur Bedeutung von „Low-Tech“ und ästhetisierenden Bildfiltern auf die Zuschreibung von Authentizität digitaler Selbstbilder . Conference Presentation at the 59th Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) "Digitale Öffentlichkeiten“. Mainz. May 28-30
Adukaite A., Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. (2013)
eLearning on tourism destinations between formal and informal learning . SSRE2013 Conference Integrating formal and informal learning.. Lugano, Switzerland. August, 2013
Sabatini N. (2013)
Evaluation of eLearning platforms about tourism destinations by travel agents based in New Zealand. . Academy – Industry round table.. Auckland University of Technology. Auckland, New Zealand.. June 2013
Lobinger K. , Brantner C. (2013)
Forschungspraktische Einführung (Bild-)Sortierstudien. Introduction of the Method Workshop "Das Potential von (Bild-)Sortierstudien für die Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft: Methodik, Anwendung, Auswertungsverfahren“ . Preconference of the 58th Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) "Von der Gutenberg-Galaxis zur Google-Galaxis. Alte und neue Grenzvermessungen nach 50 Jahren". Mainz. May 8
Brantner C., Geise S., Lobinger K. (2013)
Fractured Paradigm? Theories, Concepts and Methodology of Visual Framing Research: A Systematic Review . Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) "Challenging Communication Research". London. June 17-21
Lobinger K. , Brantner C. (2013)
Likable, Funny or Ridiculous? A Q-Sort Study on Audience Perceptions of Visual Portrayals of Politicians . Presentation at the 58th Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) "Von der Gutenberg-Galaxis zur Google-Galaxis. Alte und neue Grenzvermessungen nach 50 Jahren“. Mainz. May 8-10
Lobinger K. (2013)
Media Frames are Multimodal! Theoretical Approaches, Empirical Conceptualizations and Dormant Potentials of Multimodal Framing Research . Paper presented at the International Symposium “Building the Frame(work) – Discussing Methodological Challenges of Applying Content Analysis in Visual Framing Research”. Hamburg. October 11-12
Lobinger K. , Rodriguez-Amat J. R. . (2013)
Power And the Visual: Mediatization in an Eye-guided World . Paper presented at the IAMCR-Conference “Crises, 'Creative Destruction' and the Global Power and Communication Orders”. Dublin. June 25-29
Lobinger K. (2013)
Praktiken des Bildhandelns in mediatisierten Gesellschaften - Versuch einer Typologie . Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Division Visual Communication of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) in Cooperation with the Priority Program 1505 "Mediatized Worlds" funded by the DFG " "Mediatisierung und Visualisierung“. Bremen. November 21-23
Lobinger K. , Brantner C. (2013)
Q-Sort: Qualitativ-quantitative Analysen bildlicher Rezeptions- und Aneignungsprozesse - Leistungen und Limitationen für das Feld Visueller Kommunikationsforschung . Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Division Visual Communication of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) in Cooperation with the Priority Program 1505 "Mediatized Worlds" funded by the DFG " "Mediatisierung und Visualisierung“. Bremen. November 21-23
Murphy J., Williams A., Ryan P., Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. (2013)
Tourism and Hospitality Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): An Overview and Diffusion Considerations . EuroCHRIE 2013 Cooperative Education and Research for Hospitality and Tourism. Freiburg, Germany. October, 2013
Cantoni L. , Sabatini N. (2013)
Travel agents’ learning about tourism destinations. Self-directed learning as ‘entrepreneurial’ learning? . Academy of Management Africa Conference at the Gordon Institute of Business Science. Johannesburg, South Africa. January, 2013
Lobinger K. (2013)
Visuelle Facetten der Mediatisierung. Zur Notwendigkeit, Theorien des Medienwandels (auch) „bildhaft“ zu denken . Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Division Communication History of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) "Theorien des Medienwandels". Augsburg. January 17-18
Brantner C., Förster K., Gruber O., Herczeg P., Kleinen-von Königslöw K., Lobinger K. , Rodríguez-Amat J. R., Tsapogas D. (2013)
“We are Nobel Prize!“ European Online Newspapers’ Coverage and Framing of the EU Identity in the Debate on the Nobel Peace Prize . Paper presented at the IAMCR-Conference "Crises, 'Creative Destruction' and the Global Power and Communication Orders". Dubli. June 25-29
Lobinger K. , Brantner C. (2012)
Different Views on Political Imagery? Examining Audience Perception of Visual Portrayals of Politicians . Paper presented at the IAMCR-Conference "South – North Conversations". Durban. July 15-19
Lobinger K. (2012)
„If Only the Donkey Was a Fiat, and the Horse a Mercedes-Benz!“ A Qualitative Heuristic Approach to How People Experience and Make Sense of Visual Images . Paper presented at the IAMCR-Conference „South – North Conversations“. Durban, South Africa. July 15-19
Brantner C., Lobinger K. , Meier D. C. (2012)
Policing Comics as Means of Political Campaigning: An Analysis of the Mass-Mediated Discourse on Comic Books Used in the Viennese Election Campaign 2010 . Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) "Communication and Community". Phoenix, AZ. May 24-28
Grittmann E., Lobinger K. (2012)
Quantitative Visual Content Analysis: An Overview of the State of the Art and Current Challenges . Presentation in the Panel "Analyzing the Visual. Theory, Methods & Practice of Visual Content Analysis“. Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) "Communication and Community". Phoenix, AZ. May 24-28
Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. (2012)
Re-Investigating the tourism curriculum: Including eTourism subject in a graduate tourism curriculum. An experience of students and alumni . ATHE. ATHE2012 Conference - Association for Tourism in Higher Education.. Cambridge, United Kingdom. November, 2012
Brantner C., Geise S., Lobinger K. (2012)
Theorien, Konzepte und Methoden der Visuellen Framing-Forschung: Ergebnisse einer Meta-Analyse . Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Division Visual Communication of the German Comnmunication Association (DGPuK) "Visual Framing". Berlin. November 29 - December 1
Brantner C., Lobinger K. , Meier D. C. (2011)
Campaign Comics as a Means of Strategic Political Communication. An Analysis of Comic Books Used in the Viennese Election Campaign 2010 . Paper presented at the IAMCR-Conference "Cities, Connectivity and Creativity". Istanbu. July 13-17
Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. (2011)
eTourism Curriculum Development and Assessment: Communication Sciences Perspective . Philadelphia, USA: Temple University.. Proceedings of TEFI2011 World Congress. Activating Change in Tourism Education. Temple University, Philadelphia (USA). 18 - 21 May 2011
Lobinger K. (2011)
Show, Don’t (Just) Tell! The Visualization of Media Content and Everyday Communication – a Research Synopsis . Presentation at the Conference "Mediatized Worlds“ of the Priority Program 1505 "Mediatized Worlds" funded by the DFG. Bremen. April 14-15
Lobinger K. (2011)
Show, Don’t (Just) Tell! The Visualization of Media Content and Everyday Communication – a Research Synopsis . Presentation at the Conference "Mediatized Worlds“ of the Priority Program 1505 "Mediatized Worlds" funded by the DFG. Bremen. April 14-15
Lobinger K. , Grittmann E. (2010)
20 Years of Visual Studies in Communication. Trends and Developments in International, European and German Visual Communication Research . Paper presented at the IAMCR-Conference "Communication and Citizenship”. Braga. July 18-22
Cantoni L. , Sabatini N. (2010)
The Waiter Game: Structure and Development of an Hospitality Training Game . VS-GAMES. In Debattista, K., Dickey, M., Proenca, A., Santos, L. P. 2nd International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications. Breda, Portugal. November, 2010
Mazzola L., Mazza R. (2010)
Un sistema per il monitoraggio per il supporto delle attività di studenti e docenti: un test case . Atti del convegno italiano Moodle Moot 2010 - Bari, Italia. ISBN 978-88-8459-162-3
Brantner C., Lobinger K. , Wetzstein I. (2010)
Visual Framing. How Images Affect Information Processing and Emotional Responses to Journalistic Messages about the War in Gaza . Paper presented at the IAMCR-Conference "Communication and Citizenship”. Br. July 18-22
Brantner C., Lobinger K. , Wetzstein I. (2010)
Visuelles Framing. Der Einfluss verschiedener Bild-Text-Kombinationen auf RezipientInnenbeurteilungen . Presentation at the Conference of the Divisions Visual Communication and Media Language and Media Discourse of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) and the section Media Communication of the Association of Applied Linguistics "Bild – Sprache – Multimodalität“. Main. February 18-20
Carassa A. , Colombetti M. (2009)
Achieving joint meaning of communicative acts . 3rd Joint Action Meeting. Amsterdam. 27-29 July 2009
Dobernig K., Lobinger K. , Wetzstein I. (2009)
Covering Conflict in Quality Journalism. Analyzing Visual and Verbal Texts on the Gaza-Crisis 2009 in Four Weekly News Media . Presentation at the Conference "Photography and International Conflict“. Clinton Institute for American Studies, University College Dublin, Ireland. June 25-26
Lobinger K. , Wallner C. (2009)
Der Einsatz politischer Werbung als „Korrektiv“ zur journalistischen Berichterstattung? . Conference Presentation at the 4th Workshop of the Research Group Advertising "Die Medien der Werbung". Kitzbühe. September 24-26
Lobinger K. , Grittmann E. (2009)
Der „Markt“ der Bildforschung in der Kommunikationswissenschaft . Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Division Visual Communication of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) "Der Bildermarkt - Strukturen, Vertriebswege, Kosten und die Folgen“. Potsdam. October 29-31
Lobinger K. (2009)
Exploring Media Images. A Meta-Analysis of Visual Content Analyses in Mass Communication Research . Presentation at the 1st International Visual Methods Conference. University of Leeds. September 15-17
Lobinger K. (2009)
Facing the Picture. A Meta-Analysis of Visual Content Analyses in Mass Communication Research . Presentation at the International Conference "Bilder – Sehen – Denken". Chemnitz. March 18-20
Carassa A. , Colombetti M. , Morganti F. (2009)
Intersubjectivity and Joint Commitment . Workshop on Social Commitments. Aix-en-Provence. 24-26 June 2009
Carassa A. , Colombetti M. , Schiaffonati V. (2009)
Joint activities: A deontic approach . 3rd Joint Action Meeting. Amsterdam. 27-29 July 2009
Lobinger K. (2009)
(Werbe)Bildanalyse in der Kommunikationsforschung . Conference Presentation in the Panel: „Die Bilder der Werbung“. 4th Workshop of the Research Group Advertising „Die Medien der Werbung“. Kitzbühel, Austria. September 24-26
Dobernig K., Wetzstein I. (2009)
Who's in the Picture About War? A Content Analysis of Reports on the Gaza-Crisis 2009 in Four News Media . Presentation at the Conference „IADIS Visual Communication 2009 (VC 2009)“. Algarve, Portugal. June 19-21
Dobernig K., Lobinger K. , Wetzstein I. (2009)
Who's in the Picture About War? A Content Analysis of Reports on the Gaza-Crisis 2009 in Four News Media . Presentation at the Conference "IADIS Visual Communication 2009 (VC 2009)“. Algarve. June 19-21
Lobinger K. (2008)
Bilder als internationale Elemente? Visualität in der vergleichenden Werbeforschung . Presentation at the 3rd Workshop of the Research Group Advertising "Problem- und Entwicklungsfelder der Werbeforschung“. Zurich. October 30 - November 1
Lobinger K. (2008)
Different Images – Different Literacies. Towards the Understanding of Media Images . Paper presented at the 2nd Global Conference "Visual Literacies. Exploring Critical Issues“. Mansfield College, Oxford. July 3-5
Lobinger K. , Wetzstein I. (2008)
Imag(in)e Quality! Zur Visualisierung abstrakter Themen im Qualitätsmagazinjournalismus. Eine Untersuchung der Darstellung des Klimawandels in „Profil“ 2007 . Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Division Visual Communication of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) "Methoden der visuellen Kommunikations- und Medienforschung“. Braunschweig. October 16-18
Lobinger K. (2008)
Visual Communication Research. Basic Principles and Methods in Communication Science . Paper presented at the International Seminar, European Graduate School for Social Sciences (EUSOC). Telc. May 8-11
Lobinger K. (2007)
Defining Image-Text Relations in Multimodal Texts . Presentation at the EUROQUAL-Conference "Digital Methods for Qualitative Research in the Social Sciences". Cardiff. May 22-24
Lobinger K. (2007)
Pictures – Analysing Contextualisation. Image-Text Relations in Multimodal Media Texts . Paper presented at the NordMedia 2007, 18th Nordic Conference for Media and Communication Research. Helsinki. August 16-19
Lobinger K. (2007)
Visuelle Stereotype. Resultate besonderer Bild-Text-Interaktionen . Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Division Visual Communication of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) and the Department of History and Sociology of the University of Konstanz "Visuelle Stereotypen“. Konstanz. October 11-12
Mazza R., Botturi L., Tardini S. (2006)
FOSLET 2006. Proceedings of the workshop on Free and Open Source Learning Environments and Tool . Held in conjunction with the second international conference on Open Source Systems - OSS 2006. June 8-10 2006, Como, Italy.
Mazza R., Milani C. (2005)
Exploring Usage Analysis in Learning Systems: Gaining Insights From Visualisations . Workshop on Usage analysis in learning systems. 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2005). Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 18 July 2005. pp. 65-72.
Piccini C., Carassa A. , Colombetti M. (2004)
Etnografia della comunicazione: le pratiche di lavoro di un'équipe terapeutico-riabilitativa . VI Convegno Accademia Scienze Cognitive. Monza
Carassa A. , Colombetti M. , Piccini C. (2003)
Conversazione come attività terapeutica congiunta in una comunità di pratiche . Riassunti del V Convegno ASCO (Accademia di Scienze Cognitive): La conversazione col paziente difficile. Monza. 19 Settembre
Book review (9)
Lobinger K. (2018)
Review: R. Coleman & D. Wu (2015). Image and Emotion in Voter Decisions. The Affect Agenda. Lanham: Lexington Books . Communications, 43 (1), 128-130
Lobinger K. (2017)
Review: W. Reißmann (2016). Mediatisierung visuell. Kommunikationstheoretische Überlegungen und eine Studie zum Wandel privater Bildpraxis. Baden-Baden: Nomos. M&K Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 65(1), S. 132-133
Lobinger K. , Venema R. (2017)
Shitstorms, Trolle, Online-Bashing – Kommunikationsverhalten im Web. Sammelrezension: I. Brodnig (2016): Hass im Netz. Was wir gegen Hetze, Mobbing und Lügen tun können. Wien: Brandstätter Verlag/ H. Haarkötter (Hrsg.) (2016): Shitstorms und andere Nettigkeiten. Über die Grenzen der Kommunikation in Social Media. Baden-Baden: Nomos . r:k:m; rezensionen:kommunikation:medien, 10. August 2017
Lobinger K. (2014)
Review: E. Margolis; & L. Pauwels (2012): The SAGE Handbook of Visual Research Methods. London: Sage . Communications, 39(1), p. 105–107.
Lobinger K. (2014)
Review: S. Hjarvard (2013): The Mediatization of Culture and Society. London: Routledge . International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, 9(3), p. 328-330.
Lobinger K. (2013)
Review: H. Scherer, D. Schlütz, H. Schmid-Petri. & A. Trommershausen (Hrsg.) (2012): Marken im Web 2.0. Theoretische Einordnung und empirische Erkenntnisse zur Markenkommunikation im Web 2.0 aus kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Sicht. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag. . r:k:m; rezensionen:kommunikation:medien, 1. November 2013
Lobinger K. (2013)
Review: M. Hart, J. Steinbrenner (Hrsg.) (2013): Bilder als Gründe. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag . M&K Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 61(4), S. 601-602
Lobinger K. (2011)
Review: N. Hofer, V. Radler, & K. Bermoser (2010): Wahrnehmung und Wirkung von TV-Spots. Eine Blickregistrierungsstudie. Reihe: Empirische Marketingforschung, Band 21. Wien: Facultas . r:k:m; rezensionen:kommunikation:medien
Lobinger K. (2011)
Review: P. Bernhardt, L. Hadj-Abdou, K. Leibhaft, & A. Pribersky (2009): EUropäische Bildpolitiken. Politische Bildanalyse an Beispielen der EU-Politik. Wien: Facultas . Medien Journal, 34(4), S. 64-65
Technical report (4)
Schories F., Stüben J., Hasenzahl L. , Strasdas W., Cantoni L. (2023)
Nachhaltigkeit bei Buchungsportalen und digitalen Reiseanbietern
Stahel L., Weingartner S., Lobinger K. , Baier D. (2022)
Digitale Hassrede in der Schweiz : Ausmass und sozialstrukturelle Einflussfaktoren
Mele E. , Cantoni L. (2016)
Localising Websites of National Tourism Organisations: The Case of ETC Members
Permatasari P. A., Edukaite A., Cantoni L. (2016)
The Online Presence of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in East, South, and South East Asia
Other publication (30)
Lobinger K. , Greco S. (2019)
Editorial, Studies in Communication Sciences, 19(1), 3-4
Lobinger K. , Balbi G. , Cantoni L. (2019)
Guest Editorial to the Thematic Section on ECREA 2018, Studies in Communication Sciences, 19(2), 157–160
Brantner C., Pfurtscheller D., Lobinger K. (2019)
"People Only Share Videos They Find Entertaining or Funny." Right-wing Populism, Humor and the Fictionalization of Politics. A Case Study on the Austrian Freedom Party's 2017 Online Election Campaign Videos. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May, Washington, DC. In: Zenodo,
Lobinger K. , Greco S. (2018)
Editorial, Studies in Communication Sciences, 18(2), 209–211
Lobinger K. (2018)
Panel Discussion "Berufungsverfahren". DGPuK Emerging Scholars Conference 2018 (in Cooperation with SGKM and ÖGK). September 6-8, Bremen, Germany
Lobinger K. (2018)
Starke Bilder. Wie wir sie nutzen und interpretieren. Joachim von Gottberg im Gespräch mit Katharina Lobinger. tv diskurs, 83, 26-31
Lobinger K. (2018)
Workshop "Visuelle Daten - Visuelle Analyse". DGPuK Emerging Scholars Conference 2018 in Cooperation with SGKM and ÖGK. September 6-8, 2018, Bremen, Germany
Garbani-Nerini E., Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. (2017)
Developing an e-learning course about tourism destinations: the case of the Switzerland Travel Academy. Industry report done in Collaboration with Switzerland Tourism.
Lobinger K. (2017)
Invited Participant in the Workshop "Texts and Images of Austerity in Britain". September 25-29, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany
Lobinger K. (2017)
Invited Participant in the Workshop "Verbal and Visual Framing of TV News", organized by The Media School (Indiana University) and the Institut für Publizistik- and Kommunikationswissenschaft (FU Berlin). July 25-26, Berlin, Germany
Lobinger K. (2016)
Invited Presentation "Picturing and Constructing the Social. A Repertoire-Oriented Perspective on Networked Visual Practices in Romantic Relationships". Conference "Picturing the Social", organized by the Visual Social Media Lab. June 20, Manchester, UK
Lobinger K. (2016)
Invited Talk "Reflections on the Various Authenticities of the Selfie". Talk and Discussion within the Series of Seminars "Intern ai media - scambi e discussion" curated by the Chair of Theory and History of Media at Università di Torino. November 14, Turin, Italy
Faré M. (2014)
Blog personale
Hu T., Sabatini N. , Cantoni L. (2013)
A picturesque online representation of Switzerland: a research conducted on Chinese social network Weibo.
Faré M. (2008)
GdP: Internet e valli
Faré M. (2007)
Azione: Mondoinrete
Faré M. (2007)
Sulle tracce dei visitatori
Faré M. (2006)
Il Politecnico di Milano e la PA del futuro
Faré M., Balbi G. (2006)
L'USI partner Kelyan partecipa al progetto PENG
Faré M. (2005)
Intervista a Martin Eppler
Bolchini D. (2003)
Dagli Obiettivi al Progetto Web: Spunti Metodologici per l´analisi dei requisiti
Anton A., Earp J. B., Bolchini D. (2003)
The Lack of Clarity in Financial Privacy Policies and the Need for Standardization
Anton A., Bolchini D., Qingfeng H. (2003)
The Use of Goals to Extract Privacy and Security Requirements from Policy Statements
Bolchini D., Triacca L. (2002)
Valutazione dell´Usabilità del prototipo del sito dell´USI,
Bolchini D. (2002)
Web as Dialogue: Interpreting navigational artifacts as dialogic structures
Bolchini D. (2002)
Web Site Design is Communication Design (T. M. van der Geest)
Bolchini D. (2001)
A Method for evaluating the communicability of user interfaces (R. Prates, C. De Souza, S., Barbosa)
Bolchini D., Cantoni L. (2001)
Content Analysis for web sites
Bolchini D., Paolini P. (2001)
Fundamentals of Hypermedia Design
Bolchini D. (2000)
Web Design Patterns: Improving Quality and Performance in Web Application Design