What does smartphone-mediated communication feel like?
Marciano L.
External participants
Ort Alexander
(Third-party collaborator)
Nowadays, almost everybody in Switzerland owns a smartphone, which has become a ubiquitous device in daily lives, especially among younger populations. Although smartphones offer a wide range of functionalities, instant messaging, through WhatsApp and alike, remains among the most popular and used one. However, only recently researchers have started to disentangle the effects of different aspects of this form of communication. In the current project, we conduct two experimental studies on smartphone-mediated communication with young adults in Canton Ticino.
Additional information
- Camerini A. L., Marciano L., Annoni A. M., Ort A., Petrocchi S. (2022) Exploring the emotional experience during Instant Messaging among young adults: An experimental study incorporating physiological correlates of arousal, Frontiers in Psychology:13:840845
- Camerini A. L., Marciano L., Wirz D., Ort A. (2022) Linking real-time response measures to survey data to track the emotional experience. 72nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Paris, France. 26th-30th May 2022
- Camerini A. L., Marciano L., Annoni A. M., Ort A., Petrocchi S. (2022) When the timing matters: Exploring the psychophysiological correlates during Instant Messaging among young adults. Conference proceedings. 72nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Paris, France. 26th-30th May 2022
- Annoni A. M., Petrocchi S., Camerini A. L., Marciano L. (2021) The Relationship between Social Anxiety, Smartphone Use, Dispositional Trust and Problematic Smartphone Use: A Moderated Mediation Model, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health:1-16
- Camerini A. L., Annoni A. M., Marciano L., Ort A., Fahr A., Petrocchi S. (2020) Alles eine Frage der Zeit? – Eine experimentelle Studie zum Einfluss von Asynchronität und Valenz auf das Erlebnis und die wahrgenommene soziale Präsenz des Anderen beim Instant Messaging. 46th Annual Conference organized by the Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research (SACM). Winterthur, Switzerland. 20th November 2020
- Annoni A. M., Marciano L., Petrocchi S., Camerini A. L. (2020) The role of dispositional trust, social anxiety and smartphone use in predicting smartphone addiction. ICA. 70th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Converted from Australia to virtual due to COVID-19. 21st-25th May 2020
- Petrocchi S., Marciano L., Annoni A. M., Camerini A. L. (2020) “What you say and how you say it” matters: An experimental evidence of the role of synchronicity, modality, and message valence during smartphone-mediated communication. ICA. 70th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Converted from Australia to virtual due to COVID-19. 21st-25th May 2020
- Petrocchi S., Marciano L., Annoni A. M., Camerini A. L. (2020) “What you say and how you say it” matters: An experimental evidence of the role of synchronicity, modality, and message valence during smartphone-mediated communication, PlosOne:e0237846
- Petrocchi S., Marciano L., Annoni A. M., Camerini A. L. (2020) “What you say and how you say it” matters: An experimental evidence of the role of synchronicity, modality, and message valence during smartphone-mediated communication, PlosOne:e0237846
- Annoni A. M., Marciano L., Petrocchi S., Camerini A. L. (2019) “Control yourself and don’t trust anybody!”: A moderated mediation model of impulsivity, social anxiety, and dispositional trust and their relationship to smartphone use and addiction in young adults. European Conference on Health Communication. Zurich, Switzerland. 13th-15th November 2019