Landscape, myths and technology: Encyclopedia of infrastructure buildings in the Gotthard region and their implications on changes of landscape since 1850
Laffranchi M.
Solà-Morales P.
Torricelli G. P.
In the Gotthard region arises a new impulse of urbanisation. Examples are the construction of NEAT tunnel, project of Porta Alpina and elevation of Grimseldam as well as planning applications for solar- and wind energy developments. In addition new tourism projects are planned in form of resorts, for example a project of Egyptian investor Mr Sawiris in Andermatt where 3000 beds will be generated on a derelict military area.
The stamp series „Technology und Landscape “ by Karl Bickel 1950 shows thematical background of the proposed research. Densification impulses and changes of concerned landscaping regions are shown in relation to construction of infrastructure. The proposed research will look at urbanisation of the Gotthard area in the last 150 years. Also non built projects will be researched as well as options, for example alternative railway lines for the Gotthard railway through pass Lukmanier.The enquiry puts with a new methodical approach past, present and future in relation and permits consequences in urban planning.The research in cooperation with AAM and ETHZ is interdisciplinary. Architecture, Engineering, Landscaping, Geography, History and Information technology are joint together. Background fo the research is the archive of LabiSalp of AAM. The research will be coordinated with relevant offices of the Swiss government (Amt für Raumplanung ARE des Bundesamtes für Umwelt BAFU) and cantons and is a contribution to ongoing preparations of the opening of NEAT tunnel in 2020.