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PREF - Analysis of national public research funding, by theme and by type of allocation



Lepori B.



This study on the analysis of national public research funding, by theme and by type of allocation (competitive project based funding versus institutional block funding) will provide an overview of the evolution and current state of public research funding in European member states. It aims to analyse in detail and break down public R&D funding of Member states in terms of S&T fields, Key Enabling Technologies, societal challenges, type of beneficiaries and type of research. It will also analyse the funding allocation mechanisms, including flows to and from funding agencies and the criteria used for basing funding allocation decisions. Another important result from the study is a robust estimate of the share of public R&D funding allocated on a competitive basis in each Member State. In combination with the study "Collection and analysis of private R&D investment and patent data in different sectors, thematic areas and societal challenges"; it aims to deliver a picture of the public and private funding landscape for KETs and Societal Grand Challenges.

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Start date
End date
36 Months
Funding sources
European Commission
European and International Programmes