Alberto Ferrante
In corso (1)
Conclusi (12)
- Alippi C., Ferrante A. (2020) ARPI - Automated Recognition of Pest Insect Images
- D'Ambros M., Ferrante A. (2019) E-WASTE - Cheap and Smart Boxes for Medical Waste Management
- Ferrante A. (2019) GNSS Data Acquisition and Replay System - Next Generation
- Ferrante A. (2017) MAKALU - PPP Geodetic-grade GNSS System
- Ferrante A. (2017) GAD - Machine Learning GNSS Attack Detection
- Ferrante A. (2015) GDAS3 - High performance GNSS data acquisition system with software receiver
- Ferrante A., Malek M. (2015) A Personal Device for Automatic Evaluation of Health Status during Physical Training
- Malek M. (2013) Heart Failure Prediction Based on Continuous ECG Monitoring
- Ferrante A. (2012) SDES - Progettazione di sistemi embedded orientata alla sicurezza
- Sami M. G., Ferrante A. (2010) Bmob2 - Subscriber vehicle identification and position detection in on-street partking
- Sami M. G. (2006) ATHER - Self-Adaptive Embedded Technologies for Pervasive Computing Architectures
- Sami M. G., Bondi U. (2005) COOPER - Collaborative Open Environment for Project-Centered Learning