L'argomentazione come alternativa ragionevole al conflitto
The main goal of this project - which is part of the ProDoc graduate school on Argumentative Practices in Contexts (Argupolis, www.argupolis.net) - is to consider the role and effectiveness of argumentative strategies for conflict prevention and resolution. More precisely, we focus on the conditions under which a disagreement or incompatibility of positions between individuals or groups - possibly related also to differences in the parties´ desires, goals, strategies - can be managed through argumentative means instead of leading to overt interpersonal hostility, where each party is committed to hinder the adversary´s realization of his/her own goal. Besides their scientific relevance for argumentation studies and studies in social conflict, project´s results promise a useful contribution also in the field of conflict prevention and resolution strategies. The project focuses on two interaction contexts - family and corporation - which, by design, differ markedly with respect to the dimension of institutionalization, with family being largely defined in interpersonal terms and corporation in institutional terms (by contracts), so that it is expected that both conflict development and argumentative discussions will be chiefly intertwined with interpersonal and institutional constraints respectively. The analysis of each context, the collection of the data and the analysis of the communicative interaction is developed in parallel for each context by the two PhD working on the project (Antonio Bova and Camilla Palmieri), based on a common theoretical framework, and will constitute the subject of their dissertations; at the same time, the adoption of common parameters for the characterization of argumentative strategies will allow intensive comparative work, both enriching the value of individual dissertations and leading to further scientific outputs from the whole project group. The project team has been established by focusing on interdisciplinary complementarities between the research of the three partners: the Institute of Linguistics of Semiotics of the University of Lugano (Eddo Rigotti, Sara Greco Morasso) focused in the last decade on the study of argumentation and on the dynamics of conflict; the Swiss Finance Institute (Eric Nowak) Eric Nowak is providing specific knowledge about the context of corporate finance; Clotilde Pontecorvo (University of Roma3) and Francesco Arcidiacono (University of Neuchâtel) are collaborating in relation to the context of family conversation.
Informazioni aggiuntive
- van Bijnen E., Greco S. (2017) Divide to Unite: the Tools Used by Dispute Mediators to Make Division Explicit. The 6th “Rhetoric in Society Conference of the Rhetoric Society of Europe (RSE). Norwich, England. July 3-5
- van Bijnen E. (2017) Formality and Proximity: A Preliminary Categorization System Beneficial for Starting Point Analysis in Conflict Mediation. University of Amsterdam Research Colloquium Rhetoric and Argumentation Theory. Amsterdam, the Netherlands. November 24, 2017
- van Bijnen E. (2017) How We Conduct Ourselves and What We Have in Common: a Study on Context under Negotiation in Labor Dispute Mediation
- van Bijnen E. (2017) Negotiating Power in Workplace Dispute Mediation: a Dialogical Perspective. 2017 International Association for Dialogue Analysis (IADA) Conference. Bologna, Italy. October 11-17
- Arcidiacono F., Bova A. (2013) Argumentation among family members in Italy and Switzerland: A cross-cultural perspective. Steering the Cultural Dynamics. IACCP, 167-174. ISBN 9780984562732
- Bova A. (2013) Function of argumentative interactions between parents and children. 16th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Lausanne, Switzerland 3-7 September 2013
- Bova A., Arcidiacono F. (2013) Investigating children’s Why-questions. A study comparing argumentative and explanatory function, Discourse Studies, 15 (6):713-734
- Bova A., Arcidiacono F. (2013) Invoking the authority of feelings as a strategic maneuver in family mealtime conversations, Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 23 (3):206-224
- Bova A. (2012) Argumentative and explanatory functions of children’s Why-questions. Anéla 2012 Applied Linguistics Conference, Lunteren, The Netherlands
- Bova A. (2012) Communicative functions of Why-questions in parent-child interaction at home. Medimond. Proceedings of the 15th European Conference of Developmental Psychology. 15th European Conference of Developmental Psychology. ISBN 9788875876364
- Bova A. (2012) Linguistic indicators triggering argumentative discussions in family conversations. 4th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, London, UK, Franklin Wilkins Building, Kings College, July, 10-12, 2012
- Arcidiacono F., Bova A. (2011) Argumentative strategies for conflict management and resolution in Italian and Swiss families, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 30, 1385-1389
- Arcidiacono F., Bova A. (2011) Argumentative strategies for conflict management and resolution in Italian and Swiss families. II World Conference on Psychology, Counselling and Guidance. Abstracts Book. Antalya (Turkey) (p. 181)
- Palmieri R. (2011) Argumenter la crise: « acte de Dieu » ou « acte humain »? Responsabilité managériale et catastrophe économique dans le débat sur l'aide financière publique aux "Big 3" de Detroit.. ILCEA - GREMUTSGroupe de Recherche Multilingue en Traduction Spécialisée« Traduire la crise: 2007-2009 » Journée d'études ILCEA - GREMUTS
- Bova A. (2011) Communicative Functions of Why Questions in Parent-Child Interaction at Home. (Poster Presentation) XV European Conference on Developmental Psychology. Bergen (Norway), 23-27 August 2011
- Bova A. (2011) Functions of Why Questions Used by Children in Family Conversations, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 30, 776-782
- Bova A. (2011) Functions of Why Questions Used by Children in Family Conversations. II World Conference on Psychology, Counselling and Guidance. Abstracts Book. Antalya (Turkey) (p. 182)
- Arcidiacono F., Bova A. (2011) I want to talk but it's not possible! Dinnertime argumentation in Swiss and Italian families, Journal of US-China Education Review A, vol. 3, 355-368
- Bova A. (2011) Implicitness functions in family argumentation. Rozenberg / Sic Sat. Proceedings of the 7th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation. 7th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation. ISBN 9789036102438
- Arcidiacono F., Bova A. (2010) A cross-cultural perspective in studying argumentation: dinnertime interactions among adults and children in Italian and Swiss families. XXth Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP). Cultural Change - Meeting the Challenge. Symposia Abstracts. Melbourne: The Australian Psychological Society (p. 157)
- Bova A. (2010) Different Types of Why Questions During Family Conversations. International Workshop "Argumentation and Education: Psychosocial dimensions of argumentation in natural and social science education". University of Lausanne. Lausanne: Switzerland
- Arcidiacono F., Bova A. (2010) Families in transition during their everyday interactions: the role of the context in the reconstruction of argumentation among parents and children. 5th ESFR Congress «Family transitions and families in transition». Catholic University of Milan (Italy). Symposia Abstracts. Milan: ESFR. (pp. 86-87)
- Bova A. (2010) Is the family dinner a context fit for argumentation? X-Ray of a family activity. XI Amsterdam-Lugano Colloquium on Argumentation Theory. University of Lugano. Lugano: Switzerland
- Bova A. (2010) The role of argumentation in families with young children. 5th ESFR Congress «Family transitions and families in transition». Catholic University of Milan (Italy). Symposia Abstracts. Milan: ESFR. (pp. 92-93)
- Bova A. (2009) Argumentation as reasonable alternative to conflict in family context. (Poster Presentation) Epi Day First USI-Com Young Scholars Research Day. Università della Svizzera Italiana. Lugano 27.05.2009
- Rigotti E., Greco S. (2009) Argumentative processes and communication contexts. Thematic section of Studies in Communication sciences
- Bova A. (2009) (Book Review) Argumenter en classe de sciences. C. Buty and C. Plantin (Eds.), Studies in Communication Sciences 9(2): 291-294