Institute for Economic Research (IRE)
Completed (27)
- Antonioli Mantegazzini B. (2023) Scenari evolutivi nella dinamica demografica del Canton Ticino. Condizioni di attrattività per i nuovi residenti e impatto sullo sviluppo economico regionale.
- Scagnolari S. (2022) Night2Travel - A social cognitive analysis of night train travelling for leisure purposes
- Pellegrini A. (2021) A Non-Parametric Multiple Discrete Continuous Model for assessing complementarity and rich substitution effects and intertemporal choices in time-use decisions
- Maggi R. (2018) RSA Annual Conference 2018 - A World of Flows: Labour Mobility, Capital and Knowledge in an Age of Global Reversal and Regional Revival
- Parchet R., Jametti M. (2015) Fiscal rules, fiscal performance and tax competition among municipalities in Switzerland
- Larsen E. R., Maggi R., Van Ackere A. (2015) Security of supply in electricity: an integrated approach II
- Rudel R. (2014) GoEco! A community based eco-feedback approach to promote sustainable personal mobility styles
- Mantegazzi D. (2014) Solving the ecological fallacy problem in the analysis of agglomeration economies: a spatial hierarchical approach
- Maggi R. (2013) Post Car World
- Larsen E. R., Maggi R. (2012) Security of supply in electricity: an integrated approach
- Maggi R., Mengis J. (2011) An interdisciplinary project on the role of relationality in urban transformation processes
- Maggi R. (2009) Avenir Suisse-Studie "Weissbuch Infrastruktur"
- Maggi R., Albeverio S. (2007) Effects of Neighborhood Choice on Housing Markets
- Maggi R. (2006) Evaluation of the optimal resilience for vulnerable infrastructure networks
- Rudel R. (2006) Monitraf - Monitraf
- Maggi R. (1999) Utilità politico-economica dei trasporti
- Maggi R. (1999) Multimodal market potential in the transport of goods across the Alps
- Ratti R. (1999) Vers une mobilité durable: Qualité de l'acces et accessibilité des regions.
- Maggi R., Navone N. (1999) John Soane e i ponti in legno svizzeri. Architettura e cultura tecnica da Palladio ai Grubenmann
- Maggi R. (1999) Volkswirtschaftlicher Nutzen des Verkehrs
- Ratti R. (1997) European sea transport and intermodality. Consequences for Switzerland
- Maggi R. (1997) Die Nutzung neuer Telekommunikationsmittel in Industrie und Haushalten: eine Nachfrageanalyse für den Zukunftsraum Tessin
- Ratti R., Maggi R. (1997) Communication systems, social transformations and political-territorial strategies
- Ratti R., Maggi R. (1997) Projet cadre: Nouveaux médias, réseaux de communication et transformations sociales
- Maggi R. (1997) The use of new telecommunication means in businesses and households
- Maggi R. (1997) Plans to avoid the need to travel to Europe
- Maggi R. (1996) Integrated strategic infrastructure networks in Europe