Master in Storia e teoria dell’arte e dell’architettura (90 + 30 ECTS) (MSTAA90)
Courses 2024-2025
Fall semester
- Argumentation, Coppola C., Rocci A.
- Cinema and Audiovisual Futures, Gills L., Lee K. B.
- Cinema and Visual Arts, Tescari V.
- History of the Italian Language, Motolese M.
- History of the Theater, Giovannelli M.
- Literature and text books, Bisello E.
- Literature of the late Nineteenth century and of the Twentieth century A, Anedda Angioy A.
- Poetry and poetic translation in the European twentieth century, Pusterla F. A.
- Rhetorics and stylistics, Paternoster A.
- Storie e poetiche del cinema italiano, Tescari V.
Lecture ex cathedra
- Architecture in Ticino, 1945-2000, Navone N.
- Building an Empire: Roman Architecture, Ivanovici V.
- Elements of History and Theory of Photography, Tescari V.
- Enlightenment, Frank C., Gatta L., Maronnie B. S. E. D.
- Future Energy Landscapes, Roesler S., Levin N., Raffetseder J.
- History and Theories of Architectural Conservation, Haupt I., Nicelli G.
- Inclusive architecture: accessibility and use of cultural sites, Bernardi A.
- Italian Design: 1945-2024, Neri G.
- Living, Dwelling and Building in the Alps, Lorenzetti L.
- Methods and Techniques of Architectural Restoration, Bettini S., Nicelli G.
- Monuments in the Service of the Idea of Nation, Emelianova I.
- Philosophy of Housing and Living, Vegetti M., Nigrelli C.
- Social Architecture, Hildebrand S., Grahn F.
- Sophie Taeuber-Arp (1889-1943) - Artist, Architect and Designer, Martinoli Stebler S., Pennati L.
- Transatlantic Architecture: Venturi, Scott Brown and Switzerland, Grahn F.
Research seminar
Spring semester
Lecture ex cathedra
- AI in the Humanitites, Fornaro P., Chestnova E.
- Algorithmic Images. Artificial Intelligence and Visual Culture, Somaini A.
- Architecture in Photography, Mondini D., Gitto F.
- Architecture on Display: The Sir John Soane Museum in London, Frank C., Gatta L., Maronnie B. S. E. D.
- Bruno Munari and Enzo Mari: Design as Social Aesthetics, Carnevali B., Rugini A.
- Renaissance in Lombardy and the Ticinese Region, Moizi M.
- Territory, environmental history and historical landscape, Leggero R.
- The Bauhaus: A Conceptual Model, Neri G., Gatta L.
- Theory and criticism of contemporary architecture, Weaver T., Da Pozzo C.
- Why History?, Chestnova E.
Research seminar
Courses 2023-2024
Fall semester
- Argumentation, Rocci A., Lucchini C.
- Audiovisual Arts and Archives, Tescari V.
- Cinema and Audiovisual Futures, Gills L., Lee K. B.
- History of the book in the modern age, Barbieri E.
- History of the Italian Language, Motolese M.
- History of the Theater, Giovannelli M.
- Literature and text books, Bisello E.
- Literature of the late Nineteenth century and of the Twentieth century A, Anedda Angioy A., Trissino L.
- Poetry and poetic translation in the European twentieth century, Pusterla F. A., Bettoni M.
- Rhetorics and stylistics, Paternoster A.
- Storie e poetiche del cinema italiano, Tescari V.
Lecture ex cathedra
- Gothic and its Reception, Mondini D., Moizi M.
- History of Contemporary Art, Bezzola T., Gargaglia E.
- Methodologies of Art History, Frank C., Gatta L., Maronnie B. S. E. D.
- Methods and Techniques of Architectural Restoration, Bettini S., Di Nallo M.
- Modern Architecture and Politics: Berlin, Hildebrand S., Grahn F.
Research seminar
Spring semester
Research seminar