Francesco Lurati
Pubblicazioni principali (2)
- Mariconda S., Zamparini A., Lurati F. (2021) Organizational reputation: In search of lost time
- Broch C., Lurati F., Zamparini A., Mariconda S., Mariconda S. (2018) The Role of Social Capital for Organizational Identification: Implications for Strategic Communication
Articolo pubblicato in rivista scientifica (19)
- Zamparini A., Gualtieri G., Lurati F. (2023) Iconic buildings in the making of city identity: The role of aspirational identity artefacts, Urban Studies:1-22
- Mariconda S., Zamparini A., Lurati F. (2021) Organizational reputation: In search of lost time, Strategic Organization:1-28
- Mariconda S., Zamparini A., Lurati F. (2019) Identity Matters: How the Relevance of a Crisis to Organizational and Stakeholder Identities Influences Reputation Damage, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 24 (1):115-127
- Broch C., Lurati F., Zamparini A., Mariconda S., Mariconda S. (2018) The Role of Social Capital for Organizational Identification: Implications for Strategic Communication, International Journal of Strategic Communication:46-66
- Zamparini A., Lurati F. (2017) Being different and being the same: Multimodal image projection strategies for a legitimate distinctive identity, Strategic Organization:6-39
- Mariconda S., Lurati F. (2015) Ambivalence and Reputation Stability: An Experimental Investigation on the Effects of New Information, Corporate Reputation Review, 18 (2):87-98
- Mariconda S., Lurati F. (2015) Does Familiarity Breed Stability? The Role of Familiarity in Moderating the Effects of New Information on Reputation Judgments, Journal of Business Research, 68 (5):957-964
- Comi A., Lurati F., Zamparini A. (2015) “Green Alliances: How Does Ecophilosophy Shape the Strategies of Environmental Organizations?”, VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - forthcoming, 26 (4):1288-1313
- Mariconda S., Lurati F. (2015) Stakeholder Cross-Impact Analysis: A Segmentation Method, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 20 (3):276-290
- Mariconda S., Lurati F. (2014) Being Known: A Literature Review on Media Visibility, Public Prominence and Familiarity with Implications for Reputation Research and Management, Corporate Reputation Review, 17 (3):219-236
- Illia L., Lurati F., Casalaz R. (2013) Situational Theory of Publics: Exploringa Cultural Ethnocentric Bias, Journal of Public Relations Research, 25:93-122
- Zamparini A., Lurati F. (2012) Communicated identities of regional cluster firms. Evidence from the Franciacorta wine cluster, Corporate Communications: An International Journal., 17 (4):498-513
- Zamparini A., Lurati F., Illia L. (2010) Auditing the Identity of Regional Wine Brands: The case of Swiss Merlot Ticino, International Journal of Wine Business Research 22 (4):386-405
- Birth G., Illia L., Lurati F., Zamparini A. (2008) Communicating CSR: The practice in the top 300 companies in Switzerland, Corporate Communication: An International Journal,vol 13, Issue 2:182-196
- Lurati F., Eppler M. (2006) Communication and Management: Researching Corporate Communication and Knowledge Communication in Organizational Settings, Studies in Communication Sciences, 6(2):75-98
- Illia L., Lurati F. (2006) Stakeholders Perspectives on Organizational Identity: Searching for a Relationship Approach, Corporate Reputation Review, 8(4)
- Lurati F. (2005) La Maturità delle Relazione Pubbliche, Sviluppo & Organizzazione. 212, 115-120
- Lurati F. (2004) The Power of Corporate Communication: Crafting the Voice and Image of your Business (book review), Corporate Reputation Review, 7/1, pp. 96-98
- Lurati F. (1993) Esquisse des fondements historiques et théoriques de l´estimation du revenu national et de la comptabilité nationale, Cahiers des questions conjoncturelles, Berne, 4/93
Libro (1)
- Lurati F. (1992) Systhème Financier National et Développement Economique. Editions Universitaires Fribourg, Switzerland
Contributo in libro (6)
- Zamparini A., Visconti L. M., Lurati F. (2022) Polysemic corporate branding: Managing the idea. The Routledge Companion to Corporate Branding. Routledge, 300-320
- Lurati F., Zamparini A. (2018) Communication SWOT Analysis.. The International Encyclopedia of Strategic Communication. John Wiley & Sons, 272-280
- Mariconda S., Lurati F. (2016) Familiarity. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Corporate Reputation. Craig E. Carroll, 310-311
- Mariconda S., Lurati F. (2016) Prominence. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Corporate Reputation. Craig E. Carroll, 587-588
- Mariconda S., Lurati F. (2013) Haven’t We Met Before? An Investigation on the Influence of Familiarity on the Cognitive Processes Underlying Reputation Formation. In Balmer, J., Illia, L., and Gonzalez del Valle, A. (eds.), Contemporary Perspectives on Corporate Marketing: Contemplating Corporate Branding, Marketing and Communications in the 21st Century.. Milton Park: Routledge, 130-146
- Lurati F. (2007) The Media Effect on Corporate Governance. in Merkel, B., Russ-Mohl, S. and Zavaritt G. (ed.), "A Complicated, Antagonistic & Symbiotic Affair. Journalism, Public Relations and their Struggle for Public Attention". Bellinzona: Casagrande editore
Working paper (6)
- Zamparini A., Calegari P., Lurati F. (2010) Message Effectiveness in Corporate Career Websites: Analysis of the Top 30 Employers in Switzerland
- Zamparini A., Lurati F., Illia L. (2008) Auditing regional wine brands: the case of Merlot Ticino
- Birth G., Illia L., Lurati F., Zamparini A. (2006) Communicating CSR: The practice in the top 300 companies in Switzerland
- Illia L., Lurati F., Previatello S. (2006) Consumer Boycotts in Switzerland 1994-2004: Typologies and Strategies
- Lurati F. (1994) Sketch of a circuitist approach to money and economic growth: theory and policy insights
- Lurati F. (1993) The domestic financial system and economic development. Theoretical reflections on the Gurley-Shaw-McKinnon Model
Atti di conferenza (3)
- Illia L., Lurati F. (2007) The influence of cultural identity on stakeholders' communication behavior. Annual Meeting of the International Association for Business & Society, Florence (Italy), May 31 - June 3
- Illia L., Lurati F. (2005) What makes up and How to Measure Organizational Identity Enduringness. International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Image and Identity, Madrid, Spain, May 19-23
- Illia L., Lurati F. (2004) Stakeholder perspectives on organizational identity: searching for a relationship approach. International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Identity and Competitiveness, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US, May 20-23
Contributo in atti di conferenza (4)
- Zamparini A., Stigliani I., Lurati F. (2016) Once upon a Time: How Stories Construct Meaning for New Collective Identities. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2016, No. 1, p. 12265).. Academy of Management Meeting. Anaheim, Los Angeles, CA, USA. August 2016
- Broch C., Lurati F., Zamparini A., Mariconda S. (2014) Organizational Identification: The Role of Social Capital. Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2014, No. 1, p. 13519).. 74th Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. August 1-5
- Zamparini A., Lurati F. (2013) Combining Collective and Individual Identities into Organizational Stories: a Wine Region Case. Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2013, No. 1, p. 13660).. Academy of Management. Orlando, Florida. 8-13 August 2013
- Comi A., Lurati F., Zamparini A. (2013) Green Alliances: How Does Ecophilosophy Shape the Strategies of Environmental Organizations?. ACAD MANAGE PROC 2013:1 12603. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management 2013. Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida. 9-13 August
Relazione in convegno scientifico (25)
- Zamparini A., Lurati F. (2019) Are we our festival? When the project of a festival house makes a city think about its identity. EGOS Colloquium. Edinburgh. 4-6 July 2019
- Zamparini A., Lurati F. (2019) Are we our festival? When the project of a festival house makes a city think about its identity. Academy of Management Meeting. Boston (USA). Aug 9-13 2019
- Mariconda S., Lurati F., Zamparini A. (2018) Identity Matters: How Crisis Relevance to Organizational and Stakeholder Identities Moderates the Effect of Crises on Reputation. EUPRERA, 20th Annual Congress. Aarhus. September, 27-29
- Zamparini A., Lurati F. (2018) No country for old men? The interaction of festivals' spatiotemporality and cities' identity work. ECREA 2018. Lugano. October 31 - November 2 2018
- Zamparini A., Martini M., Lurati F. (2015) Fighting with narratives and antenarratives: The interplay of individual past and collective future in the making of a start-up organizational identity. EGOS Colloquium. Athens. July 2015
- Buehler A., Mariconda S., Lurati F. (2014) Argumentative Strategies of Sponsors Who Stand By Athletes Involved in Off-Field Transgression: The Cases of Tiger Woods and Michael Phelps. International Crisis and Risk Communication Conference. Orlando (FL). March 3-5
- Lurati F., Zamparini A. (2014) “Borrowing” cultural event’s brands. How host territories’ actors generate brand value by using brand identities of cultural events: The case of a film festival. ICIG (International Corporate Identity Group) Symposium. Cape Town. 27-29/10/2014
- Mariconda S., Lurati F. (2014) Introducing Cross Impact Analysis as a Methodology to Understand Stakeholders’ Reciprocal Influences. International Public Relations Research Conference. Miami (FL). March 5-9
- Mariconda S., Lurati F. (2013) Ambivalence and reputation judgments: An experimental investigation on the effects of new(s) information. 29th EGOS Colloquium. Montréal, Canada. July 4-6
- Mariconda S., Lurati F. (2013) Being Known: A Literature Review on the Relationship Between Media Visibility, Public Prominence and Familiarity with Implications for Reputation Research and Management. 17th International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Brand, Identity and Competitiveness. Barcelona, Spain. June 5-7
- Lurati F. (2013) How does new information affect reputation judgments? The role of familiarity. Symposium: Experimental research in institutional theory - 73rd Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), FL. Academy of Management Meeting. Orlando. August 9-13
- Mariconda S., Lurati F. (2013) How does new information affect reputation judgments? The role of familiarity. Symposium: Experimental research in institutional theory - 73rd Academy of Management Annual Meeting.. Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), FL. August, 9-13
- Zamparini A., Lurati F. (2013) Winner of Best EGOS student paper award: The interpretation and editing of collective identity stories in coordinated fields: The case of a regional wine cluster. EGOS. Montreal. 4-6 July 2013
- Lurati F., Mariconda S. (2012) Corporate reputation robustness: Expanding reputation management through a better understanding of reputational risk. 28th EGOS Colloquium. Helsinki, Finland. July 2-7
- Zamparini A., Lurati F. (2012) How and why cluster firms combine regional and individual identities in their communication. The case of Franciacorta wineries. 16th International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Brand, Identity and Competitiveness.. Milan, Italy
- Zamparini A., Lurati F. (2012) Regional cluster identities in corporate communications: how and why firms adopt different patterns of collective and organizational identity integration. 15th ICIG Symposium. Aahrus, Denmark. September 19-21 2012
- Zamparini A., Lurati F. (2011) Communicating identities of regional business cluster firms. Evidence from the Franciacorta wine cluster. -. 14th ICIG Symposium. Segovia, Spain. September 14-16
- Lurati F. (2009) Corporate Reputation Robustness. Towards a better Understanding of Reputational Risk. 13th International Conference on Reputation, Brand, Identity & Competitiveness. Amsterdam. May 28 – 30
- Zamparini A., Lurati F., Illia L. (2008) Auditing regional wine brands: the case of Merlot Ticino. The Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management. Birmingham (UK). April 15-16
- Calegari P., Zamparini A., Lurati F. (2008) Employer Message Effectiveness in Corporate Career Websites. A Content Analysis of the Top 30 Employers in Switzerland. 12th International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Image and Identity. Beijing, China. May 29-June 1
- Zamparini A., Lurati F. (2008) The communication of Merlot Ticino. -. Second International Congress of Mountain and Steep Slope Viticulture. Monforte de Lemos, Spain. March 13-15, 2008
- Birth G., Illia L., Lurati F. (2006) Communicating Corporate social Responsibility: Empirical Investigation among Top 300 Companies in Switzerland. International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Image and Identity. New York. May 25-28
- Illia L., La Rocca A., Lurati F. (2006) Communication Flow, Channels, Content and Climate in Downsizing. European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM), ,. Oslo, Norway. May 17-19
- Illia L., Lurati F. (2005) What creates Continuity Costs when changing Features of Organizational Identity?. Annual International Conference European Academy of Management (EURAM), Responsible Management in an Uncertain World. Munich, Germany. May 4-5
- Lurati F. (1994) Domestic Financial System and Economic Development. Allied Social Science Associations Annual Conference, Boston, January 2-5
Altra pubblicazione (9)
- Lurati F., Mariconda S. (2014) 2013 Swiss Corporate Communication and Public Relations Practice Monitor
- Lurati F., Mariconda S., Reinhold H. J. (2011) 2011 Swiss Corporate Communication and Public Relations Practice Monitor
- Lurati F., Mariconda S. (2011) Women’s Football. Still Struggling to Score a Victory
- Lurati F., Aldyukhova T., Dixius U., Reinhold H. J. (2010) 2010 Swiss Corporate Communications and Public Relations Practice Monitor
- Lurati F., Ponzetta A., Reinhold H. J., Zamparini A. (2008) Vino ticinese: caratteristiche di consumo e immagine
- Lurati F., Herren A. (2007) FIFA “Football Turf”: a tool to promote football world wide
- Lurati F., Zamparini A., Illia L. (2006) La Comunicazione del Merlot del Ticino
- Lurati F., Illia L. (2003) STARBUCKS. La sfida del mercato globale - il caso dell’entrata sul mercato svizzero
- Lurati F. (1997) Quali cluster per l´economia ticinese?