Monica Mendini
Pubblicazioni principali (2)
- Mendini M., Pizzetti M., Peter P. C. (2019) Social food pleasure: When sharing offline, online and for society promotes pleasurable and healthy food experiences and well-being
- Mendini M., Peter P. C., Gibbert M. (2018) The dual-process model of similarity in cause-related marketing: How taxonomic versus thematic partnerships reduce skepticism and increase purchase willingness
Articolo pubblicato in rivista scientifica (5)
- Mendini M., Peter P., Maione S. (2022) The potential positive effects of time spent on Instagram on consumers’ gratitude, altruism, and willingness to donate, Journal of Business Research, 143:16-26
- Mendini M., Pizzetti M., Peter P. C. (2019) Social food pleasure: When sharing offline, online and for society promotes pleasurable and healthy food experiences and well-being, Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal:544-556
- De Groote J. K., Mendini M., Gibbert M. (2018) In the eye of the beholder: the role of cognitive style and similarity in the evaluation of brand extensions, Journal of Consumer Behaviour:1-11
- Mendini M., Peter P. C. (2018) Research note: The role of smart vs. traditional classrooms on students’ engagement, Marketing Education Review:1-7
- Mendini M., Peter P. C., Gibbert M. (2018) The dual-process model of similarity in cause-related marketing: How taxonomic versus thematic partnerships reduce skepticism and increase purchase willingness, Journal of Business Research:195-204
Contributo in libro (1)
- Mendini M., Peter P. C. (2019) “Marketing for social change". Marketing & Humanity: Discourses in the Real World. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 206-228
Atti di conferenza (2)
- Mendini M., Peter P. C., Gibbert M. (2017) Fit in Cause-Related Marketing: The Roles of Similarity, Trust, and Regulatory Focus in Assessing Skepticism. Marketing & Public Policy Academic Conference Proceedings. Marketing & Public Policy Conference
- Mendini M., Gibbert M. (2017) “What if a celebrity and a brand co-create a new collection?”: the new frontier of cobranded endorsement. Global Fashion Management Conference Proceeding. Global Fashion Management Conference
Contributo in atti di conferenza (2)
- Mendini M., Maione S. (2020) How do consumers emotionally and linguistically react to masstige collaborations? Evidence from the fashion industry. 2020 Global Marketing Conference. 2020 Global Marketing Conference. Seoul. November 5-8
- Mendini M., Peter P., Maione S. (2020) Instagram as agent of change: when social media makes us grateful and more altruistic. 2020 Global Marketing Conference. 2020 Global Marketing Conference. Seoul. November 5-8
Relazione in convegno scientifico (12)
- Mendini M., Peter P. C. (2018) “Are high-tech classroom always more engaging?”: An exploratory study on the role of low-tech vs. high-tech classroom design on students’ engagement. Global Marketing Conference (GAMMA). Tokyo. July
- Gibbert M., De Groote J. K., Estes Z., Hoegl M., Mendini M. (2018) How understanding similarity can help to discover new complementarity. 22nd Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation (G-Forum). Stuttgart, Germany. October
- Mendini M. (2018) “I did not manage to buy because of you!”: shifting from regret to “self-peer-brand” frustration in masstige collaborations. 47th European Marketing Academy Conference. Glasgow. May
- Mendini M. (2018) The Regret-Frustration Model in Masstige Collaborations. Global Marketing Conference (GAMMA). Tokyo. July
- Mendini M., Miniero G., Gibbert M. (2017) The relationship between consumers’ attitude, emotions and words used on Twitter: The case of the masstige collaboration Balmain x H&M. American Marketing Association Conference. New Orleans. February
- Giacomelli S., Mendini M., Miniero G. (2016) Cobranded Masstige. 45th European Marketing Academy Conference. Oslo. May
- Mendini M., Peter P. C., Gibbert M. (2016) “It Might Fit but Cost More”: Similarity, Skepticism, and Regulatory Focus in Cause-Related Marketing. Association for Consumer Research Conference. Berlin. October
- Mendini M. (2016) “The more it fits, the more it costs”: Taxonomic and Thematic Similarity, Skepticism, and Regulatory Focus in Cause-Related Marketing. Società Italiana Marketing Doctoral Colloquium. Pisa. June
- Mendini M., Peter P. C., Gibbert M. (2016) When the cause fits: taxonomic vs. thematic similarity in cause-related marketing. 45th European Marketing Academy Conference. Oslo. May
- Mendini M., Peter P. C., Gibbert M. (2016) When the cause fits: taxonomic vs. thematic similarity in cause-related marketing. 45th European Marketing Academy Conference. Oslo. May
- Mendini M., Gibbert M., Mazursky D. (2015) “Less is More”: Feature Deletion and Ad-Hoc Categorization. 16th Continuous Innovation Network Conference. Stockholm. September
- Mendini M., Gibbert M., Mazursky D. (2015) What is a phone without voice and would you buy it? Feature deletion, use innovation and ad-hoc categorization. 44th European Marketing Academy Conference. Leuven. May