Michael Gibbert
Key publications (3)
- Estez Z., Guest D., Gibbert M., Mazursky D. (2012) A dual-process model of brand extension: Taxonomic, feature-based and thematic, relation-based similarity independently drive brand extension evaluation
- Gibbert M., Hampton J., Estes Z., Mazursky D. (2012) The curious case of the Fridge-TV: Dissimilarity and Hybridization
- Weiss M., Hoegl M., Gibbert M. (2011) Making virtue of necessity: The role of team climate for innovation in resource-constrained innovation projects
Journal Article (42)
- Märcz L., Gibbert M. (2023) Fear of the Wolf: Are Human-Wildlife Conflicts Actually Human-Human Feuds?, Society & Animals:1-20
- Demartini E., Vecchiato D., Marescotti M. E., Gibbert M., Viganò R., Giacomelli S., Gaviglio A. (2021) The more you know: The equivocal effects of prior knowledge on preferences for hunted vs. farmed wild boar meat, International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 24:1-16
- Hoorani B. H., Balachandran Nair L., Gibbert M. (2019) Designing for impact: the effect of rigor and case study design on citations of qualitative case studies in management, Scientometrics:1-22
- Giacomelli S., Hare D., Gibbert M., Blossey B. (2019) Public trust thinking and public ownership of wildlife in Italy and the United States, Environmental Policy and Governance:1-11
- Maślikowska M., Gibbert M. (2019) The relationship between working spaces and organizational cultures, Facilities:1153-1165
- Giacomelli S., Gibbert M., Roberto V. (2018) Community empowerment for managing wild boar: a longitudinal case study of northern Italy 2001–2018, Ecology and Society, 23 (4):12-25
- Giacomelli S., Gibbert M. (2018) “He likes playing the hero – I let her have fun shooting”. Gender games in the Italian forest during the hunting season, Journal of Rural Studies:164-173
- De Groote J. K., Mendini M., Gibbert M. (2018) In the eye of the beholder: the role of cognitive style and similarity in the evaluation of brand extensions, Journal of Consumer Behaviour:1-11
- Mendini M., Peter P. C., Gibbert M. (2018) The dual-process model of similarity in cause-related marketing: How taxonomic versus thematic partnerships reduce skepticism and increase purchase willingness, Journal of Business Research:195-204
- Pizzetti M., Gibbert M. (2018) The value of gift personalization: Current insights from the gift recipient’s perspective and future research directions, Journal of Consumer Marketing:1-1
- Pizzetti M., Seele P., Gibbert M. (2018) Unpacking the Unethical Gift: Gift Experience and Unethicality Assessment, Ethics & Behavior:1-12
- Balachandran Nair L., Gibbert M. (2016) Analyzing inconsistent cases in management fsQCA studies: A methodological manifesto, Journal of Business Research, 69 (4):1464-170
- Balachandran Nair L., Gibbert M. (2016) Judging by its title: The link between title characteristics and citation count in management research, Scientometrics (Accepted for publication):-----
- Weiss M., Hoegl M., Gibbert M. (2014) Perception of material resources in innovation projects: What shapes them and how do they matter?, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 31 (2):278-291
- Hills T., Noguchi T., Gibbert M. (2013) Information overload or search-amplified risk? Set size and order effects on decisions from experience, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 20 (5):1023-1031
- Estez Z., Guest D., Gibbert M., Mazursky D. (2012) A dual-process model of brand extension: Taxonomic, feature-based and thematic, relation-based similarity independently drive brand extension evaluation, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 22 (1), 86-101
- Schiele H., Calvi R., Gibbert M. (2012) Customer attractiveness, supplier satisfaction, and preferred customer status, Industrial Marketing Management 41(8), 1178-1185
- Gibbert M., Hampton J., Estes Z., Mazursky D. (2012) The curious case of the Fridge-TV: Dissimilarity and Hybridization, Cognitive Science 36(6), 992-1018
- Gibbert M., Hoegl M. (2011) In praise of dissimilarity, MIT Sloan Management Review 52(4), 20-22
- Weiss M., Hoegl M., Gibbert M. (2011) Making virtue of necessity: The role of team climate for innovation in resource-constrained innovation projects, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 28(1): 196-207
- Gibbert M., Probst G., Davenport T. (2011) Sidestepping implementation traps in large-scale, IT enabled change, Behavior and Information Technology, 30 (1), 63-75
- Gibbert M., Dubois A. (2010) From complexity to transparency: managing the interplay between theory, method and empirical phenomena in IMM case studies, Industrial Marketing Management, 39 (1):129-136
- Gibbert M., Ruigrok W. (2010) The What and How of case study rigor: Three strategies based on published work, Organizational Research Methods, 4:710-737
- Gibbert M., Scranton P. (2009) Constraints as sources of radical innovation? Insights from Jet Propulsion development, Management & Organizational History,4(4), 01-15
- Gibbert M., Mazursky D. (2009) How successful would a phone-pillow be? Using dual process theory to predict the success of hybrids involving two dissimilar products, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 19(4), 652-660
- Gibbert M., Weiss M., Hoegl M., Valikangas L. (2009) Resource constraints and innovation in the car industry, Leader to Leader. 54(3), 13-19
- Gibbert M., Weiss M., Hoegl M., Valikangas L. (2009) When less is more: What large car manufacturers can learn from an innovative start-up, Strategy & Leadership. 37(5), 40-41
- Valikangas L., Hoegl M., Gibbert M. (2009) Why learning from failure isn’t easy (and what to do about it): Innovation trauma at Sun Microsystems, European Management Journal, 27(4): 225-233
- Hoegl M., Gibbert M., Mazursky D. (2008) Financial constraints in innovation projects: When is less more?, Research Policy 37(8):1382-1391
- Gibbert M., Wicki B., Ruigrok W. (2008) What passes as a rigorous case study?, Strategic Management Journal, 29:1465-1474
- Gibbert M., Zerbini F., Golfetto F. (2007) Marketing of competence: Exploring the resource-based content of value-for-customers through a case study analysis, Industrial Marketing Management, 36(6), 784-798
- Gibbert M., Hoegl M., Vilikangas L. (2007) Praise of resource constraints., MIT Sloan Management Review 48(3), 15-17
- Gibbert M. (2006) Generalizing about uniqueness, Journal of Management Inquiry. 15(2):124-134
- Gibbert M., Golgetto F. (2006) Marketing competencies and the sources of customer value in business markets, Industrial Marketing Management, 35(8), 904-912
- Gibbert M. (2006) Munchausen, black swans, and the RBV, Journal of Management Inquiry. 15(2), 145-151
- Gibbert M., Valikangas L. (2005) Boundary-setting strategies for escaping innovation traps, MIT Sloan Management Review. 48(3), 58-65
- Gibbert M., Golfetto F., Zerbini F. (2005) What does marketing competencies mean?, Journal of Business Research. 59, 148-151
- Gibbert M., Valikangas L. (2004) Boundaries and Innovation: Introduction to the special issue, Long Range Planning. 37, 495-504
- Gibbert M. (2004) Crafting strategy imaginatively, European Management Journal. 46(15), 669-684
- Gibbert M., Leibold M., Probst G. (2002) Five styles of customer knowledge management and how smart companies use them to create value, European Management Journal, 20(5), 459-469
- Gibbert M., Leibold M., Kaes B. (2001) Avoiding the predatory effect in global strategic alliances, Business Dynamics. 10(2), 4-28
- Gibbert M., Leibold M., Voelpel S. (2001) Rejuvenating corporate intellectual capital by co-opting customer competence, Journal of Intellectual Capital. 2(2), 109-126
Book (6)
- Valikangas L., Gibbert M., Balachandran Nair L., Paukku M., Peixoto I. (2015) Strategic Innovation. The definitive guide to outlier strategies. The Financial Times Press
- Gibbert M. (2010) Strategy-Making in a Crisis. Cheltenham Glos: Edward Elgar
- Woodside A., Golfetto F., Gibbert M. (2008) Delivering superior value for the business customer. Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing (vol. 14). Bingley: Emerald
- Gibbert M., Durand T. (2007) Strategic Networks: Learning to compete. Blackwell/Strategic Management Society Book Series, Oxford
- Gibbert M. (2005) Strategic Management in the Knowledge Economy (2nd edition). John Wiley and Sons
- Gibbert M., Leibold M., Probst G. (2002) Strategic Management in the Knowledge Economy. John Wiley and Sons
Book chapter (16)
- Giacomelli S., Gibbert M. (2021) Overabundant Ungulates Causing Biodiversity Loss and Human-Wildlife Conflicts. The Role of the National Law and Governance Structure in the Italian Jurisprudence. Environmental Law for Transitions to Sustainability. Intersentia, 241-250
- Gibbert M., Maślikowska M., Mazursky D. (2020) Wicked pedagogy as creative bricolage. The Sustainability Grand Challenge: A Wicked Learning Workbook. Routledge, Chapter-12
- Valikangas L., Gibbert M., Balachandran Nair L., Paukku M., Peixoto I. (2015) Outliers from a theoretical and methodological perspective. Strategic Innovation. The definitive guide to outlier strategies. Pearson-Financial Times Press, 17-30
- Albert A., Gibbert M. (2005) Learning networks: the three key challenges. In M. Pagani Encyclopaedia of digital commerce. Idea Group Publishing
- Gibbert M., Kugler P., Voelpel S. (2002) Getting real about knowledge sharing. In Davenport, T., Probst, G. Knowledge management case book 2nd Ed. (pp. 200 - 217). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons
- Kugler P., Gibbert M., Völpel S. (2002) Internationalen Wissensaustausch visualisieren und motivieren. In Pawlowsky, P. & Reinhardt, R. (Hrsg.): Wissensmanagement für die Praxis: Methoden und Instrumente zur erfolgreichen Umsetzung, Berlin/Neuwied: Luchterhand, S.275-302
- Gibbert M., Jonczyk C., Trillitzsch U. (2002) Networked knowledge: implementing a system for sharing technical tips and expertise. In Davenport, T., Probst, G. Knowledge management case book 2nd Ed. (pp. 54 – 67). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons
- Gibbert M., Krause H. (2002) Practice exchange in a best practice marketplace. In Davenport, T., Probst, G. Knowledge management case book 2nd Ed. (pp. 68 - 85). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons
- Gibbert M., Jonczyk C., Voelpel S. (2002) Sharenet – next generation knowledge management. In Davenport, T., Probst, G. Knowledge management case book 2nd Ed. (pp. 22 – 39). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons
- Probst G., Gibbert M., Raub S. (2002) Wissensmanagement im Personalwesen. Forthcoming in Gaugler, Oechsler & Weber (eds.) Handbuch des Personalwesens. Schaeffer-Poeschel Verlag
- Trillitzsch U., Gibbert M. (2001) No one said it would be easy: Erfahrungen bei der Wissensmanagement Einführung bei der Telcotech AG. . In Eppler, M., Sukowski, O. Wissensmanagement in der Praxis (pp. 143 – 162). St. Gallen, Switzerland: NetAcademy Press
- Gibbert M., Goller A. (2000) Customer empowerment via the Web. In Davenport, T., Probst, G. Knowledge management case book (pp. 231 - 245). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons
- Gibbert M., Kugler P., Voelpel S. (2000) Getting real about knowledge sharing. In Davenport, T., Probst, G. Knowledge management case book (pp. 200 - 217). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons
- Gibbert M., Jonczyk C., Trillitzsch C. (2000) Networked knowledge: implementing a system for sharing technical tips and expertise. In Davenport, T., Probst, G. Knowledge management case book (pp. 54 – 67). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons
- Gibbert M., Krause H. (2000) Practice exchange in a best practice marketplace. In Davenport, T., Probst, G. Knowledge management case book (pp. 68 - 85). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons
- Gibbert M., Jonczyk C., Voelpel S. (2000) Sharenet – next generation knowledge management. In Davenport, T., Probst, G. Knowledge management case book (pp. 22 – 39). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons
Working paper (1)
- Balachandran Nair L., Gibbert M. (2016) Hot on the audit trail: How to assess methodological transparency of grounded theory in management?
Conference proceedings (10)
- Hoorani B. H., Gibbert M. (forthcoming) Selection Strategies for Single Case Study Research (2020). AOM. Academy of Management Meeting, Vancouver, Canada
- Hoorani B. H., Gibbert M., Phillips N. (forthcoming) The Evolution of Mindfulness: the Case of the Large Hadron Collider Breakdown at CERN (nominated for the PhD prize award) (2020). SMS. Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, London, UK
- Maślikowska M., Gibbert M. (2021) Dynamic boundaries in virtual teams: Is participant alignment the new team cohesion?. European Group for Organizational Studies. EGOS. Amsterdam (virtual)
- Weiss M., Balachandran Nair L., Gibbert M., Hoegl M., Doms H., Hoorani B. H. (2019) Towards inclusion in strategy research: Transparent reporting of field studies as a catalyst between qualitative and quantitative scholars. EURAM. European Academy of Management, Lisbon, Portugal
- Maślikowska M., Gibbert M. (2019) Two Levels of ‘Fit’ between Working Spaces and Organizational Culture: A Comparative Case Study. European Academy of Management. EURAM. Lisbon
- Hoorani B. H., Plakoyiannaki E., Gibbert M. (2019) Unboxing the Black Box: Towards a Typology of Theorizing from Qualitative Single Case Studies. BAM. British Academy of Management, Birmingham, UK.
- Hoorani B. H., Gibbert M. (2018) Diamonds in the Dust: A Tale of Two Level Case Selection. AOM. Academy of Management Meeting, Chicago, USA
- Hoorani B. H., Balachandran Nair L., Gibbert M. (2018) Hitting the bullseye! Impact of methodological rigor and research design on article citations for qualitative case studies (Best Full Paper Award). BAM. British Academy of Management, Bristol, UK.
- Mendini M., Peter P. C., Gibbert M. (2017) Fit in Cause-Related Marketing: The Roles of Similarity, Trust, and Regulatory Focus in Assessing Skepticism. Marketing & Public Policy Academic Conference Proceedings. Marketing & Public Policy Conference
- Mendini M., Gibbert M. (2017) “What if a celebrity and a brand co-create a new collection?”: the new frontier of cobranded endorsement. Global Fashion Management Conference Proceeding. Global Fashion Management Conference
Article in conference proceedings (3)
- Giacomelli S., Gibbert M., Viganò R. (2017) Approaches to Preventing Illegal Releases of Boars in the Wild. Human Dimensions II. The Wildlife Society’s 24th Annual Conference. Albuquerque. 26th September 2017
- Giacomelli S., Gibbert M., Viganò R. (2017) Challenges in wild boar management: balancing the demands of hunters and the public. Challenges in Managing Sustainability Transitions. Academy of Management (AoM). Atlanta. 6th of Agust 2017
- Weiss M., Balachandran Nair L., Gibbert M., Koepplin H. (2015) What Passes as a Transparent Field Study in Management?. Academy of Management Proceedings. Academy of Management Conference. Vancouver, Canada. August
Report in scientific conference (26)
- Gibbert M., De Groote J. K., Estes Z., Hoegl M., Mendini M. (2018) How understanding similarity can help to discover new complementarity. 22nd Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation (G-Forum). Stuttgart, Germany. October
- Mendini M., Miniero G., Gibbert M. (2017) The relationship between consumers’ attitude, emotions and words used on Twitter: The case of the masstige collaboration Balmain x H&M. American Marketing Association Conference. New Orleans. February
- Balachandran Nair L., Gibbert M. (2016) Analyzing fsQCA inconsistent cases: A methodological manifesto for management and organizational studies. European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Conference. Naples, Italy. July, 2016
- Balachandran Nair L., Weiss M., Gibbert M., Hoegl M., Koepplin H. (2016) Does it pay to be transparent? An analysis of qualitative and quantitative research in leading management journals. Western Academy of Management Conference. Portland, USA. March, 2016
- Mendini M., Peter P. C., Gibbert M. (2016) “It Might Fit but Cost More”: Similarity, Skepticism, and Regulatory Focus in Cause-Related Marketing. Association for Consumer Research Conference. Berlin. October
- Mendini M., Peter P. C., Gibbert M. (2016) When the cause fits: taxonomic vs. thematic similarity in cause-related marketing. 45th European Marketing Academy Conference. Oslo. May
- Mendini M., Peter P. C., Gibbert M. (2016) When the cause fits: taxonomic vs. thematic similarity in cause-related marketing. 45th European Marketing Academy Conference. Oslo. May
- Balachandran Nair L., Gibbert M. (2015) Analyzing inconsistent cases in management fsQCA studies- Review and recommendations. GIKA Conference (GIKA-JBR). Valencia. July, 2015
- Mendini M., Gibbert M., Mazursky D. (2015) “Less is More”: Feature Deletion and Ad-Hoc Categorization. 16th Continuous Innovation Network Conference. Stockholm. September
- Balachandran Nair L., Gibbert M. (2015) Paying homage to inconsistency: A review and further recommendations for analyzing inconsistent cases in Management QCA studies (1987-2013). Social Science Applications and Methodological Challenges Conference, 2015. Tilburg, Netherlands. Janaury 14-15
- Gibbert M., Balachandran Nair L., Ruigrok W. (2015) Replication Logic 2.0: What Makes a Case Study Rigorous?. Strategic Management Society Conference (SMS). Denver. October, 2015
- Balachandran Nair L., Gibbert M. (2015) ‘That is Odd! What do we do now?’: Recommendations and case based strategies for analyzing deviant cases in management fsQCA studies. European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM). Warsaw. June 2015
- Balachandran Nair L., Weiss M., Gibbert M., Hoegl M. (2015) The virtues of clarity: Exploring the link between transparency and impact in qualitative Management research. Western Academy of Management Conference, 2015. Hawaii, USA. March, 2015
- Mendini M., Gibbert M., Mazursky D. (2015) What is a phone without voice and would you buy it? Feature deletion, use innovation and ad-hoc categorization. 44th European Marketing Academy Conference. Leuven. May
- Weiss M., Balachandran Nair L., Gibbert M., Koepplin H. (2015) What Passes as a Transparent Field Study in Management?. Academy of Management Conference. Vancouver. August 2015
- Balachandran Nair L., Gibbert M., Weiss M., Hoegl M. (2014) Anatomy of the highly improbable: A methodological manifesto and toolbox for analyzing outliers. European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM) 2014. Valencia. June 2014
- Seele P., Gibbert M., Lock I. (2014) Case Studies in Business Ethics Research: Reviewing methodological accuracy. EBEN Annual Conference. Berlin. 14.06.2014
- Balachandran Nair L., Gibbert M. (2014) Combining Comparative Outlier Analysis and QCA: A Review of 25 Years (Missed) Opportunities for Theory Building in Marketing and Management Studies. 30th IMP Conference, 2014. Bordeaux. September
- Pizzetti M., Gibbert M. (2014) How not to make friends: The effects of gift customization on relational outcomes. 122nd APA -American Psychology Association- Annual Convention. Washington. August 6-10
- Gibbert M., Balachandran Nair L., Weiss M., Hoegl M. (2014) Ooops, I've Got an Outlier in My Data - What Now? Using the Deviant Case Method for Theory Building. Academy of Management. Academy of Management Conference, 2014. Philadelphia. August 2014
- Pizzetti M., Gibbert M. (2014) The company you keep: how personalized gifts affect relationships with friends. 2014 Global Marketing Conference. Singapore. July 15-18
- Balachandran Nair L., Gibbert M., Weiss M., Hoegl M. (2014) Why Study Outliers? A Methodological Manifesto and Toolbox. Western Academy of Management (WAM) Conference. Napa, California. March 2014
- Gibbert M., Balachandran Nair L. (2013) Boosting Internal and External Validity in Team and Innovation Research: A review of internal and external validity of case study research 1996-2006. EURAM Conference 2013. ISTANBUL,TURKEY. June 2013
- Balachandran Nair L., Gibbert M. (2013) Combining Comparative Outlier Analysis and QCA: A conceptual paper. International QCA Expert Workshop. Zurich. October
- Pizzetti M., Gibbert M., Herrmann A., Guest D. (2013) I designed it myself – just for YOU’: Effects of gift-personalization on giver and recipient, and the role of product involvement, self-construal, and gender. 42nd EMAC -European Marketing Academy- Annual Conference. Istanbul. June 4-7
- Gibbert M., Balachandran Nair L. (2013) Towards Rigorous Case Study Research: How Replication Logic Enhances Internal and External Validity. AoM Conference 2013,FLORIDA,USA. Academy of Management Conference, 2013. Florida. August 2013
Conference poster (2)
- Darragh H., Giacomelli S., Gibbert M., Blossey B. (2017) Public Trust Thinking: Comparing Public Ownership of Wildlife in Italy and the United States
- Pizzetti M., Gibbert M. (2014) Gifts keep friendship warm: The moderating role of attachment style and intimacy on social and relational outcomes of personalized gifts
Other publication (11)
- Gibbert M. (2012) Cannobio, porta d'Italia per i turisti nord-europei
- Gibbert M. (2012) L'università fa bene al turismo Cannobiese
- Gibbert M. (2012) Un interessante studio sulla vocazione turistica di Cannobio
- Gibbert M. (2010) The power to disrupt
- Gibbert M., Valikangas L., Hoegl M. (2009) Scarce resources inspire creativity
- Gibbert M., Mazursky D. (2007) A Recipe for Creating New Products
- Nicolopoulou K., Gibbert M. (2003) Learning Networks unplugged: from the traditional old boys’ club to Open Source communities
- Zott C., Bancerek I., Gibbert M. (2002) Brainspark Plc
- Voelpel S., Kugler P., Gibbert M. (2002) Siemens Bonus-on-Top: Internationalen Wissensaustausch messen und motivieren
- Voelpel S., Kugler P., Gibbert M. (2002) Siemens Premium-on-Top: Measuring knowledge management with a bonus system for fostering innovation
- Voelpel S., Gibbert M., Jonczyk C. (2002) Siemens ShareNet - leveraging knowledge via the global knowledge management network