Anna Maria Annoni
Journal Article (14)
- Messina A., Amati R., Annoni A. M., Bano B., Albanese E., Fiordelli M. (2024) Culturally Adapting the World Health Organization Digital Intervention for Family Caregivers of People With Dementia (iSupport): Community-Based Participatory Approach, JMIR Formative Research 8:1-15
- Purgato M., Albanese E., Papola D., Prina E., Tedeschi F., Gross A., Sijbrandij M., Acarturk C., Annoni A. M., Silva M., Jordans M., Lund C., Tol W., Cuijpers P., Barbui C. (2024) How to distinguish promotion, prevention and treatment trials in public mental health? Study protocol for the development of the VErona-LUgano Tool (VELUT), BMJ Open
- Rizzi G., Pacifico D., Sabatini S. ., Annoni A. M., Mele F., Jovic S., Piccoli L., Corna L., Amati R., Pertoldi W., Fiordelli M., Sallusto F., Albanese E. (2024) SARS-CoV-2 infection and cognition in community-dwelling and nursing home residents in southern Switzerland, Brain, Behavior, & Immunity - Health:1-6
- Pacifico D., Sabatini S. ., Fiordelli M., Annoni A. M., Frei A., Puhan M. A., Graf G., Albanese E. (2023) Associations of multilingualism and language proficiency with cognitive functioning: epidemiological evidence from the SwissDEM study in community dwelling older adults and long-term care residents, BMC Geriatrics:629-629
- Frei A., Kaufmann M., Amati R., Butty Dettwiler A., von Wyl V., Annoni A. M., Vicentini J., Pellaton C., Pantaleo G., Fehr J. S., D’Acremont V., Bochud M., Albanese E., Puhan M. A. (2023) Development of hybrid immunity during a period of high incidence of Omicron infections, International Journal of Epidemiology:dyad-098
- Amati R., Piumatti G., Franscella G., Buttaroni P., Camerini A. L., Corna L., Levati S., Fadda M., Fiordelli M., Annoni A. M., Bezani K., Amendola A., Fragoso Corti C., Sabatini S., Kaufmann M., Frei A., Puhan M. A., Crivelli L., Albanese E. (2023) Trajectories of Seroprevalence and Neutralizing Activity of Antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in Southern Switzerland between July 2020 and July 2021: An Ongoing, Prospective Population-Based Cohort Study, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20 (4):3703-3703
- Camerini A. L., Marciano L., Annoni A. M., Ort A., Petrocchi S. (2022) Exploring the emotional experience during Instant Messaging among young adults: An experimental study incorporating physiological correlates of arousal, Frontiers in Psychology:13:840845
- Annoni A. M., Longhini C. (2022) Investigating men's motivations to engage in genetic screening for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations., PLoS One:3-3
- Annoni A. M., Petrocchi S., Camerini A. L., Marciano L. (2021) The Relationship between Social Anxiety, Smartphone Use, Dispositional Trust and Problematic Smartphone Use: A Moderated Mediation Model, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health:1-16
- Petrocchi S., Marciano L., Annoni A. M., Camerini A. L. (2020) “What you say and how you say it” matters: An experimental evidence of the role of synchronicity, modality, and message valence during smartphone-mediated communication, PlosOne:e0237846
- Petrocchi S., Marciano L., Annoni A. M., Camerini A. L. (2020) “What you say and how you say it” matters: An experimental evidence of the role of synchronicity, modality, and message valence during smartphone-mediated communication, PlosOne:e0237846
- Durante A., Greco A., Annoni A. M., Steca P., Alvaro R. R., Vellone E. (2019) Determinants of caregiver burden in heart failure: does caregiver contribution to heart failure patient self-care increase caregiver burden?, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing:1-9
- Olivero N., Annoni A. M., Greco A., Steca P., Lowry P. (2019) Does opportunity make the thief? Abilities and moral disengagement in illegal downloading., Behaviour & Information Technology:1-17
- Greco A., Pancani L., Annoni A. M., Sala M., Steca P., Paturzo M., D'Agostino F., Alvaro R., Vellone E. (2017) Psychometric characteristics of the caregiver burden inventory in caregivers of adults with heart failure, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing:1-9
Conference proceedings (9)
- Messina A., Amati R., Bano B., Annoni A. M., Albanese E., Fiordelli M. (2023) iSupport Swiss: a community based participatory approach to culturally adapt the WHO online intervention for family caregivers of people with dementia. International Psychogeriatrics Association. New Perspectives in a Changing World: Social Connectedness, Ageing and Mental Health
- Messina A., Amati R., Annoni A. M., Albanese E., Fiordelli M. (2022) iSupport: a complex intervention in dementia care. European Public Health Conference. Strengthening health systems: improving population health and being prepared for the unexpected
- Annoni A. M., Greco A., Maloberti A., Giannattasio C. (2018) The influence of illness perception on anxiety among hypertensive patients. Selected Abstracts from XXXV National Congress of the Italian Society of Hypertension (SIIA), Rome, 27–29 September 2018. (2018). High Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Prevention.. XXXV National Congress of the Italian Society of Hypertension (SIIA)
- Greco A., Annoni A. M., Maloberti A., Sormani P., Colombo G., D'Addario M., Laurent S., Boutouyrie P., Giannattasio C., Steca P. (2017) La personalità di Tipo A come principale determinante psicologica dell’indice di massa ventricolare sinistra nei pazienti ipertesi. Firenze University Press. XII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Psicologia della Salute (SIPSa). Firenze. ISBN 9788864536002
- Greco A., Annoni A. M., Maloberti A., Varrenti M., Lucente D., Pessina L., Peretti A., Franzosi C., Mondellini G., Palazzini G., Laurent S., Boutouyrie P., Giannattasio C. (2017) La relazione tra la velocità dell’onda di polso e la depressione nei pazienti ipertesi. Firenze University Press. XII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Psicologia della Salute (SIPSa). Firenze. 3-5 novembre 2017. ISBN 9788864536002
- Annoni A. M., Greco A., Pancani L., D'Addario M., Steca P. (2017) L’influenza dell’ansia di tratto e delle aspettative di risultato sul consumo di tabacco. Firenze: Firenze University Press.. XII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Psicologia della Salute (SIPSa). Firenze. 3-5 novembre 2017. ISBN 9788864536002
- Greco A., Maloberti A., Varrenti M., Piccinelli E., Bassi I., Panzera F., Laurent S., Boutouyrie P., D'Addario M., Annoni A. M., Steca P., Giannattasio C. (2017) Psychological determinants of target organ damage in hypertensive patients: Focus on type A personality and Left Ventricular Mass Index.. Artery Research. 20. Association for Research into Arterial Structure and Physiology - Artery 2017
- Greco A., Maloberti A., Sormani P., Colombo G., Laurent S., Boutouyrie P., D'Addario M., Annoni A. M., Moreo A., Giannattasio C. (2017) Type A personality as the principal psychological determinants of left ventricular mass index in hypertensive patients. Springer International Publishing. XXXIV National Congress of the Italian Society of Hypertension – SIIA
- Greco A., Maloberti A., Sormani P., Colombo G., Laurent S., Boutouyrie P., D'Addario M., Annoni A. M., Steca P., Giannattasio C. (2017) Type A personality as the principal psychological determinants of left ventricular mass index in hypertensive patients. Artery Research. 20. Association for Research into Arterial Structure and Physiology - Artery 2017
Article in conference proceedings (5)
- Rizzi G., Annoni A. M., Pacifico D., Fiordelli M., Jovic S., Giacchetto - Sasselli I., Piccoli L., Corna L., Amati R., Pertoldi W., Sallusto F., Albanese E. (2022) COVID-19 and cognitive performance: a nested case-control study in older adults from Ticino, southern Switzerland - preliminary results. Presentation. 35th Global Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International. London, United Kingdom. 9th-11th June 2022
- Pacifico D., Mele F., Annoni A. M., Fiordelli M., Jovic S., Giacchetto-Sasselli I., Piccoli L., Corna L., Di Stefano R., Pertoldi W., Sallusto F., Albanese E. (2022) COVID-19 infections and cognitive function in long-term care home residents in Southern Switzerland – empirical evidence of ‘cognitive COVID’.. Presentation. 35th Global Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International. London, United Kingdom. 9th-11th June 2022
- Camerini A. L., Marciano L., Annoni A. M., Ort A., Petrocchi S. (2022) When the timing matters: Exploring the psychophysiological correlates during Instant Messaging among young adults. Conference proceedings. 72nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Paris, France. 26th-30th May 2022
- Annoni A. M., Marciano L., Petrocchi S., Camerini A. L. (2020) The role of dispositional trust, social anxiety and smartphone use in predicting smartphone addiction. ICA. 70th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Converted from Australia to virtual due to COVID-19. 21st-25th May 2020
- Petrocchi S., Marciano L., Annoni A. M., Camerini A. L. (2020) “What you say and how you say it” matters: An experimental evidence of the role of synchronicity, modality, and message valence during smartphone-mediated communication. ICA. 70th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Converted from Australia to virtual due to COVID-19. 21st-25th May 2020
Report in scientific conference (2)
- Camerini A. L., Annoni A. M., Marciano L., Ort A., Fahr A., Petrocchi S. (2020) Alles eine Frage der Zeit? – Eine experimentelle Studie zum Einfluss von Asynchronität und Valenz auf das Erlebnis und die wahrgenommene soziale Präsenz des Anderen beim Instant Messaging. 46th Annual Conference organized by the Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research (SACM). Winterthur, Switzerland. 20th November 2020
- Annoni A. M., Marciano L., Petrocchi S., Camerini A. L. (2019) “Control yourself and don’t trust anybody!”: A moderated mediation model of impulsivity, social anxiety, and dispositional trust and their relationship to smartphone use and addiction in young adults. European Conference on Health Communication. Zurich, Switzerland. 13th-15th November 2019
Conference poster (11)
- Vellone E., Durante A., Greco A., Annoni A. M., Steca P., Alvaro R. (2018) Caregiver contribution to heart failure patient self-care does not increase caregiver burden. EuroHeartCare 2018, Dublin, Ireland, 7-9 June 2018
- Greco A., D'Addario M., Annoni A. M., Steca P. (2018) Dispositional and Social-cognitive Resources of Resilience, Lifestyle, and Well-being. An Empirical Study Among Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients. 19th edition of the European Conference on Personality (ECP 19); Zadar, Croatia, 17th-21st june 2018
- Greco A., Annoni A. M., Maloberti A., D'Addario M., Giannattasio C., Steca P. (2018) Does illness perception influences anxiety after 5 years?. 32nd annual conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Galway, Ireland, 21-25 August 2018.
- Annoni A. M., Greco A., Maloberti A., Giannattasio C. (2018) L’influenza della percezione di malattia in un gruppo di pazienti ipertesi. Uno studio di follow-up a 5 anni. Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana dell’Ipertensione Arteriosa (SIIA), Roma, 27-29 September 2018.
- Greco A., Annoni A. M., Maloberti A., Sormani P., Colombo G., D'Addario M., Laurent S., Boutouyrie P., Giannattasio C. (2017) La personalità di Tipo A come principale determinante psicologica dell’indice di massa ventricolare sinistra nei pazienti ipertesi. XII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Psicologia della Salute (SIPSa), Firenze, 3-5 novembre 2017
- Greco A., Annoni A. M., Maloberti A., Varrenti M., Lucente D., Pessina L., Peretti A., Franzosi C., Mondellini G., Palazzini M., Laurent S., Boutouyrie P., Giannattasio C., Steca P. (2017) La relazione tra la velocità dell’onda di polso e la depressione nei pazienti ipertesi. XII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Psicologia della Salute (SIPSa), Firenze, 3-5 novembre 2017
- Annoni A. M., Greco A., Pancani L., D'Addario M., Steca P. (2017) L’influenza dell’ansia di tratto e delle aspettative di risultato sul consumo di tabacco. XII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Psicologia della Salute (SIPSa), Firenze, 3-5 novembre 2017
- Greco A., Maloberti A., Varrenti M., Bassi I., Piccinelli E., Panzera F., Laurent S., Boutouyrie P., D'Addario M., Annoni A. M., Steca P., Giannattasio C. (2017) Psychological determinants of target organ damage in hypertensive patients: focus on Pulse Wave Velocity and depression. Artery 2017 (Association for Research into Arterial Structure and Physiology), Pisa, 12-14 october 2017.
- Greco A., Maloberti A., Sormani P., Colombo G., giupponi l., Laurent S., Boutouyrie P., D'Addario M., Annoni A. M., Moreo A., Giannattasio C., Steca P. (2017) Psychological determinants of target organ damage in hypertensive patients: focus on type A Personality and Left Ventricular Mass Index. Artery 2017 (Association for Research into Arterial Structure and Physiology), Pisa, 12-14 october 2017
- Annoni A. M., Greco A., Pancani L., D'Addario M., Steca P. (2017) The influence of trait-anxiety and outcome expectancies on tobacco consumption. 31st annual conference of the European Health Psychology Society from the 29th of August to the 2nd of September 2017, Padova (IT
- Greco A., Maloberti A., Sormani P., Colombo G., Laurent S., Boutouyrie P., D'Addario M., Annoni A. M., Moreo A., Giannattasio C., Steca P. (2017) Type A personality as the principal psychological determinants of left ventricular mass index in hypertensive patients. XXXIV Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana dell’Ipertensione Arteriosa (SIIA), Milano, 5-7 ottobre 2017