MEDIATICINO 2.0 - MEDIATICINO 2.0: i mobile media nella vita degli adolescenti
Marciano L.
Persone esterne
Osgood Nathaniel
(Partner di progetto)
La diffusione dei media digitali tra gli adolescenti si accompagna parallelamente a un crescente interesse scientifico per i rischi e i benefici dei media sul benessere degli adolescenti. A oggi, la ricerca sui media digitali mobili nella vita dei giovani fa uso, per la maggior parte, di dati cross-sectional derivanti da questionari di adolescenti e, a volte, dei loro genitori. Inoltre, la maggior parte degli studi sugli adolescenti in Svizzera si è focalizzata sull’uso di internet in generale, ma meno sul ruolo dei media digitali mobili, e dello smartphone in particolare. Dal momento che le generazioni più giovani utilizzano sempre di più i dispositivi digitali, studi approfonditi sull’uso e l’impatto sul benessere dell’adolescente hanno sempre più carattere di urgenza. Perciò, il presente progetto di ricerca propone quattro studi con lo scopo di approfondire la conoscenza sui rischi e benefici dell’utilizzo dello smartphone nella vita degli adolescenti. Il progetto si propone come estensione del progetto longitudinale MEDIATICINO. Lo studio ha un disegno longitudinale e prevede l’uso di diverse metodologie, il campione è composto da studenti delle scuole medie e dai loro genitori del Canton Ticino. Lo studio combina dati oggettivi sull’uso dello smartphone negli adolescenti (utilizzando l'applicazione Ethica) con le risposte ai questionari degli adolescenti e dei loro genitori, tiene inoltre in considerazione i voti scolastici di fine anno.
Informazioni aggiuntive
- Marciano L., Viswanath K., Morese R., Camerini A. L. (2023) Screen time and adolescents' mental health before and after the Covid-19 lockdown in Switzerland: A natural experiment, Frontiers in Psychiatry:2616
- Marciano L., Ostroumova M., Schulz P. J., Camerini A. L. (2022) Digital media use and adolescents' mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Frontiers in Public Health:9:793868
- Marciano L., Ostroumova M., Schulz P. J., Camerini A. L. (2022) Digital media use and adolescents’ mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Conference proceedings. 72nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Paris, France. 26th-30th May 2022
- Marciano L., Camerini A. L. (2022) Duration, frequency, and time distortion: Which is the best predictor of problematic smartphone use in adolescents? A trace data study, PlosOne:e0263815
- Marciano L., Driver C. C., Schulz P. J., Camerini A. L. (2022) Dynamics of adolescents’ smartphone use and well-being are positive but ephemeral, Scientific Reports:1316
- Marciano L., Camerini A. L., Schulz P. J. (2022) Neuroticism and internet addiction: What is next? A systematic conceptual review, Personality and Individual differences:111260-111270
- Marciano L., Driver C. C., Schulz P. J., Camerini A. L. (2022) Reciprocal and individual effects of smartphone use on adolescents’ well-being: An intensive longitudinal study. Conference proceedings. 72nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Paris, France. 26th-30th May 2022
- Marciano L., Schulz P. J., Camerini A. L. (2021) How do depression, Internet use, and social connection in adolescence influence each other over time? An extension of the RI-CLPM including contextual factors. Conference proceedings. 71st Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Denver, United States. 27th-31st May 2021
- Marciano L., Schulz P. J., Camerini A. L. (2021) How Smartphone Use Becomes Problematic: Application of the ALT-SR Model to Study the Predicting Role of Personality Traits., Computers in Human Behavior
- Marciano L., Camerini A. L. (2021) Recommendations on screen time, sleep and physical activity: associations with academic achievement in Swiss adolescents, Public Health:211-217
- Marciano L., Ostroumova M., Camerini A. L. (2021) Screen media use and well-being among adolescents and young adults during the Covid-19 pandemic: A systematic literature review. European Conference on Health Communication. Amsterdam, The Netherlands (converted to virtual due to Covid-19). 4th-5th November 2021
- Marciano L., Camerini A. L., Morese R. (2021) The developing brain in the digital era: A systematic review of structural and functional correlates of screen time in adolescence, Frontiers in Psychology, 12:671817
- Filipponi C., Petrocchi S., Camerini A. L. (2020) Bullying and substance use in early adolescence: Investigating longitudinal and reciprocal effects over three years using the random intercept cross-lagged panel model, Frontiers in Psychology:571943
- Marciano L., Schulz P. J., Camerini A. L. (2020) Cyberbullying in youth: A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication:zmz031
- Camerini A. L., Marciano L., Bullo A., Schulz P. J. (2020) Cyberbullying perpetration and victimization among children and adolescents: A systematic review of longitudinal studies., Telematics & Informatics, 49:101362-101362
- Antonietti C., Camerini A. L., Marciano L. (2020) Intra- and interpersonal predictors of social appearance anxiety in adolescence: A longitudinal study of self-esteem, social closeness, and the mediating role of coping (poster). ICA. 70th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Converted from Australia to virtual due to COVID-19. 21st-25th May 2020
- Camerini A. L., Marciano L. (2020) Media use and academic achievement. The International Encyclopedia of Media Psychology. Wiley
- Marciano L., Schulz P. J., Camerini A. L. (2020) Neuroticism in the digital age: A meta-analysis. ICA. 70th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Converted from Australia to virtual due to COVID-19. 21st-25th May 2020
- Marciano L., Camerini A. L., Schulz P. J. (2020) Neuroticism in the digital age: a meta-analysis, Computers in Human Behavior Reports
- Marciano L., Petrocchi S., Camerini A. L. (2020) Parental knowledge of children’s screen time: The role of parent-child relationship and communication, Communication Research
- Marciano L., Camerini A. L. (2020) Predicting problematic smartphone use from digital trace data and time distortion in adolescents. ICA. 70th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Converted from Australia to virtual due to COVID-19. 21st-25th May 2020
- Camerini A. L., Gerosa T., Marciano L. (2020) Predicting smartphone addiction in adolescence: A latent class regression analysis of online and offline activities, New Media & Society
- Antonietti C., Camerini A. L., Marciano L. (2020) The impact of self-esteem, family and peer cohesion on social appearance anxiety in adolescence: examination of the mediating role of coping, International Journal of Adolescence and Youth:1089-1102
- Camerini A. L., Bullo A., Marciano L., Schulz P. J. (2019) Cyberbullying and cyber-victimization among children and adolescents: A systematic review of longitudinal studies. ICA. ICA. 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Washington DC, United States. 24th-28th May 2019
- Marciano L., Schulz P. J., Camerini A. L. (2019) Cyberbullying in youth: A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. ICA. ICA. 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Washington DC, United States. 24th-28th May 2019
- Camerini A. L., Marciano L. (2019) Der Einfluß von Online- und Offline-Aktivitäten auf die schulischen Leistungen: Eine latente Klassenanalyse mit Längsschnittdaten der Mittelschüler im Kanton Tessin (within Panel on "Children’s and young people’s media use and communication practice in times of digital transformation"). Annual Conference organized by the Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research (SACM). St. Gallen, Switzerland. 4th-5th April 2019
- Marciano L., Camerini A. L. (2019) Personality and self-esteem in adolescence: The mediating role of different social networking activities. ECREA CYM Congress Salamanca 2019. Salamanca, Spain. 19th-20th September 2019
- Marciano L., Camerini A. L. (2019) Predicting problematic smartphone use in adolescence: A latent class regression analysis of online and offline activities. ECREA CYM Congress Salamanca 2019. Salamanca, Spain. 19th-20th September 2019
- Antonietti C., Camerini A. L., Marciano L. (2019) Protective factors of perceived stress in adolescence: A moderated mediation model of self-esteem, adaptive coping, and social support. European Conference on Health Communication. Zurich, Switzerland (poster). 13th-15th November 2019
- Marciano L., Camerini A. L. (2019) Screen time, sleep, and physical activity: Associations with academic achievement is Swiss students. 2nd International Conference on Well-being in Education Systems. Locarno, Switzerland. 12th-14th November 2019
- Camerini A. L., Marciano L. (2019) Self-selection bias in research including ecological momentary assessment and digital trace data. 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association. Zagreb, Croatia. 15th-19th July 2019
- Marciano L., Camerini A. L. (2019) Smartphone overuse, attention problems, and media multitasking: Their associations with academic achievement in Swiss students. 2nd International Conference on Well-being in Education Systems. Locarno, Switzerland. 12th-14th November 2019
- Marciano L., Camerini A. L. (2019) Social network use in adolescents: The impact of DSM-5 personality conceptualization and social motivations. Annual Conference organized by the Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research (SACM). St. Gallen, Switzerland. 4th-5th April 2019
- Marciano L., Thomas T., Osgood N., Camerini A. L. (2019) Systematic bias in adolescents’ self-report smartphone use: Comparison of three different assessment modes to evaluate the quality of survey data. 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association. Zagreb, Croatia. 15th-19th July 2019
- Camerini A. L., Marciano L. (2019) The longitudinal relationship between smartphone use, smartphone addiction and depression in adolescents: An application of the RI-CLPM. ICA. ICA. 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Washington DC, United States. 24th-28th May 2019
- Marciano L., Schulz P. J., Camerini A. L. (2019) Time online, time with friends: How do they influence depressive symptomatology over time? A random-intercept longitudinal panel model on adolescents in Switzerland. European Conference on Health Communication (ECHC), "Best Proposal Panel". Zurich (Switzerland). 13-15 November 2019
- Bullo A., Marciano L., Schulz P. J., Camerini A. L. (2018) A longitudinal view on cyberbullying among children and adolescents: Systematic review and meta-analysis. ICA. 68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Prague, Czech Republic. 24th-28th May 2018
- Marciano L., Petrocchi S., Camerini A. L. (2018) What predicts how well parents know the screen time of their children?: The role of parent-child relationship and communication. Pre-conference on "Trust, control, and privacy: Mediatisation of childhood and adolescence in the digital age" to the 68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Prague, Czech Republic. 23rd May 2018