Benedetto Lepori
Approved (1)
In progress (2)
Completed (36)
- Lepori B. (2021) The Employment of Academics and Administrators in European Higher Education: National and Organizational Determinants
- Lepori B. (2021) ETERIV - Implementation and further development of the European Tertiary Education Register
- Lepori B. (2019) RISIS 2 - European Research Infrastructure for Science, technology and Innovation policy Studies
- Lepori B. (2017) ETER 3 - Implementation and Further Development of a European Tertiary Education Register
- Lepori B. (2015) Research Organizations under Scrutiny. New Indicators and Analytical Results
- Lepori B. (2015) ETER2 - European Tertiary Education Register - continuation
- Lepori B. (2015) Performances de la recherche en sciences humaines et sociales – Implementations- und Adaptationsprojekte 2015/2016
- Lepori B. (2015) PREF - Analysis of national public research funding, by theme and by type of allocation
- Lepori B., Lomi A. (2014) PEERE - New Frontiers of Peer Review
- Lepori B. (2014) IMPACT-EV - Evaluating the impact and outcomes of European SSH research
- Lepori B. (2014) RISIS - Research infrastructure for research and innovation policy studies
- Lepori B. (2013) ETER - European Tertiary Education Register
- Lepori B. (2013) Developing indicators for the usage value of research in Communication sciences. Testing the productive interactions approach
- Lepori B. (2013) SCCER - Entwicklung eines Controllin und Monitoring Konzeptes für die Kompetenz-zentren im Engergiebereich
- Lepori B. (2013) Performance della ricerca in scienze umane e sociali
- Lepori B. (2010) Supporto alla Direzione del SSPH per lo svilupo di un questionario + analisi del risultato
- Lepori B. (2010) Investimenti nei programmi di ricerca congiunti e impatto sul sistema della ricerca
- Lepori B. (2010) Angebote der Schweizer Fachhochschulen im Bereich Public Health
- Lepori B. (2009) EUROAC - The Academic Profession in Europe: Responses to Societal Challenges
- Lepori B. (2009) Abklärungstudie über die PhD Programme der SSPH+
- Lepori B. (2009) TRUE - Transformation of European Universities
- Lepori B. (2008) Cambiamenti nella governance e il finanziamento dell´educazione superiore in Europa
- Lepori B. (2008) Classifying European Institutions for higher education
- Lepori B. (2008) Valutazione della qualità della ricerca in scienze della comunicazione
- Lepori B. (2008) Building indicators for researchers´ mobility based on electronic Curriculum Vitae (Euro-CV)
- Lepori B. (2008) Research performance measurement
- Lepori B. (2007) ENID - European Network of Indicators Designers
- Lepori B. (2006) Indicators on Science, Technology and Innovation. History and New Perspectives
- Lepori B. (2006) Research Policy in Switzerland
- Lepori B., Filippini M. (2004) AQUAMETHPSR - Metodi quantitativi avanzati per la valutazione della performance della ricerca nel settore pubblico
- Lepori B. (2004) ENIP - Rete europea di produttori di indicatori
- Lepori B. (2004) PRIME - Policies for Research and Innovation in the Move towards the European Research Area
- Poglia E. (2002) REPOL - Research Policy in a Learning Society
- Lepori B. (2002) EDUM - Educational Management in the Swiss Virtual Campus
- Lepori B. (2001) Application of organization theory in higher education research
- DECINA M., Rigotti E., Scaroni F. (1997) Swisscast - An Information Casting System for Switzerland