Maddalena Fiordelli
Journal Article (35)
- Messina A., Amati R., Annoni A. M., Bano B., Albanese E., Fiordelli M. (2024) Culturally Adapting the World Health Organization Digital Intervention for Family Caregivers of People With Dementia (iSupport): Community-Based Participatory Approach, JMIR Formative Research 8:1-15
- Rizzi G., Pacifico D., Sabatini S. ., Annoni A. M., Mele F., Jovic S., Piccoli L., Corna L., Amati R., Pertoldi W., Fiordelli M., Sallusto F., Albanese E. (2024) SARS-CoV-2 infection and cognition in community-dwelling and nursing home residents in southern Switzerland, Brain, Behavior, & Immunity - Health:1-6
- Fiordelli M., Rubinelli S., Diviani N. (2023) Acceptance of public health measures during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study of the Swiss population’s beliefs, attitudes, trust, and information-seeking behavior, International Journal of Public Health:1-12
- Pacifico D., Sabatini S. ., Fiordelli M., Frei A., Puhan M., Graf G., Albanese E. (2023) Associations of multilingualism and language proficiency with cognitive functioning: epidemiological evidence from the SwissDEM study in community dwelling older adults and long-term care residents, BMC Geriatrics:1-11
- Pacifico D., Sabatini S. ., Fiordelli M., Annoni A. M., Frei A., Puhan M. A., Graf G., Albanese E. (2023) Associations of multilingualism and language proficiency with cognitive functioning: epidemiological evidence from the SwissDEM study in community dwelling older adults and long-term care residents, BMC Geriatrics:629-629
- Rubinelli S., Häfliger C., Fiordelli M., Ort A., Diviani N. (2023) Institutional crisis communication during the COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland. A qualitative study of the experiences of representatives of public health organizations, Patient Education and Counseling:107813-107820
- Fiordelli M., Diviani N., Farina R. ., Pellicini P., Rubinelli S. (2023) Strengthening adolescents’ critical health literacy and scientific literacy to tackle mis- and dis-information. A feasibility study in Switzerland, Frontiers in Public Health:1-9
- Amati R., Piumatti G., Franscella G., Buttaroni P., Camerini A. L., Corna L., Levati S., Fadda M., Fiordelli M., Annoni A. M., Bezani K., Amendola A., Fragoso Corti C., Sabatini S., Kaufmann M., Frei A., Puhan M. A., Crivelli L., Albanese E. (2023) Trajectories of Seroprevalence and Neutralizing Activity of Antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in Southern Switzerland between July 2020 and July 2021: An Ongoing, Prospective Population-Based Cohort Study, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20 (4):3703-3703
- Messina A., Lattanzi M., Albanese E., Fiordelli M. (2022) Caregivers of people with dementia and mental health during COVID-19: findings from a cross-sectional study, BMC Geriatrics, 22 (1):1-9
- Fadda M., Bezani K., Amati R., Fiordelli M., Crivelli L., Albanese E., Suggs L. S., Caiata Zufferey M. (2022) Decision-making on COVID-19 vaccination: A qualitative study among health care and social workers caring for vulnerable individuals, Social Science and Medicine - Qualitative Research in Health, 2 (100181):1-10
- Pacifico D., Fiordelli M., Fadda M., Sabatini S., Piumatti G., Carlevaro F., Magno F., Franscella G., Albanese E. (2022) Dementia is (not) a natural part of ageing: a cross-sectional study on dementia knowledge and misconceptions in Swiss and Italian young adults, adults, and older adults, BMC Public Health:1-9
- Messina A., Amati R., Albanese E., Fiordelli M. (2022) Help-Seeking in Informal Family Caregivers of People with Dementia: A Qualitative Study with iSupport as a Case in Point, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health:7504-7522
- Rubinelli S., Fiordelli M., Zanini C., Diviani N. (2022) It is time for health institutions to invest in persuasive communication to combat low quality information: A lesson learned from the COVID-19 infodemic, Frontiers in Communication:1-4
- Pacifico D., Sabatini S., Fiordelli M., Albanese E. (2022) The role of disability and depressive symptoms in the relation between objective cognitive performance and subjective cognitive decline, Frontiers in Psychiatry:1-11
- Fadda M., Camerini A. L., Fiordelli M., Corna L., Levati S., Amati R., Piumatti G., Crivelli L., Suggs L. S., Albanese E. (2022) Why vaccinate against COVID-19? A population-based survey in Switzerland, International Journal of Public Health:67:1604226
- Fiordelli M., Fadda M., Amati R., Albanese E. (2021) Older adults’ motivations to participate or not in epidemiological research. Qualitative inquiry on a study into dementia in Switzerland, PLOS ONE, 16 (2):1-15
- Falvo I., Fiordelli M., Amati R., Ibnidris Elsiddig A. A., Albanese E., Fadda M. (2021) Participants’ comprehension of the informed consent in an epidemiological study on dementia prevalence: A qualitative study, Frontiers in Psychiatry:1-10
- Rubinelli S., Ort A., Zanini C., Fiordelli M., Diviani N. (2021) Strengthening Critical Health Literacy for Health Information Appraisal. An Approach from Argumentation Theory, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health:1-10
- Amann J., Fiordelli M., Brach M., Berstschy S., Scheel-Sailer A., Rubinelli S. (2020) Co-designing a Self-Management App Prototype to Support People With Spinal Cord Injury in the Prevention of Pressure Injuries: Mixed Methods Study, JMIR mHealth and uHealth:---
- Zanini C., Fiordelli M., Amann J., Brach M., Gemperly A., Rubinelli S. (2020) Coping strategies of family caregivers in spinal cord injury: a qualitative study, Disability and Rehabilitation:1-10
- Fiordelli M., Sak G., Guggiari B., Schulz P. J., Petrocchi S. (2020) Differentiating objective and subjective dimensions of social isolation and apprasing their relations with physical and mental health in italian older adults, BMC Geriatrics:1-13
- Amann J., Fiordelli M., Scheel-Sailer A., Brach M., Rubinelli S. (2020) Opportunities and Challenges of a Self-Management App to Support People With Spinal Cord Injury in the Prevention of Pressure Injuries: Qualitative Study, JMIR mHealth and uHealth:---
- Fadda M., Fiordelli M., Amati R., Falvo I., Ibnidris Elsiddig A. A., Hurst S., Albanese E. (2020) Returning individual-specific results of a dementia prevalence study: insights from prospective participants living in Switzerland, International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry:1-8
- Fiordelli M., Zanini C., Amann J., Scheel-Sailer A., Brach M., Stucki G., Rubinelli S. (2020) Selecting Evidence-Based Content for Inclusion in Self-Management Apps for Pressure Injuries in Individuals With Spinal Cord Injury: Participatory Design Study, JMIR mHealth and uHealth:---
- Wulfovich S., Fiordelli M., Rivas H., Conception W., Wac K. (2019) “I Must Try Harder”: Design Implications for Mobile Apps and Wearables Contributing to Self-Efficacy of Patients With Chronic Conditions, Frontiers in psichology:---
- Fadda M., Galimberti E., Fiordelli M., Schulz P. J. (2018) Evaluation of a Mobile Phone-Based Intervention to Increase Parents' Knowledge About the Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccination and Their Psychological Empowerment: Mixed-Method Approach, JMIR Mhealth Uhealth:e59-e59
- Fadda M., Galimberti E., Fiordelli M., Romanò L., Zanetti A., Schulz P. J. (2017) Effectiveness of a smartphone app to increase parents' knowledge and empowerment in the MMR vaccination decision: a randomized controlled trial, Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 13 (12):1-10
- Fadda M., Galimberti E., Fiordelli M., Romanò L., Faccini M., Senatore S., Zanetti A., Schulz P. J. (2017) Validation of a scale to measure parental psychological empowerment in the vaccination decision, Journal of Public Health Research:2512-2521
- Mantwill S., Fiordelli M., Ludolph R., Schulz P. J. (2015) EMPOWER-support of patient empowerment by an intelligent self-management pathway for patients: study protocol, BMC medical informatics and decision making:1-7
- Wac K., Rivas H., Fiordelli M. (2015) Quality of life technologies: Experiences from the field and key challenges, IEEE Internet Computing:28-35
- Fiordelli M., Schulz P. J., Caiata-Zufferey M. (2014) Dissonant role perception and paradoxical adjustments: an exploratory study on Medical Residents’ collaboration with Senior Doctors and Head Nurses, Advances in Health Sciences Education:--online first
- Fiordelli M., Diviani N., Schulz P. J. (2013) Mapping m-Health research: a decade of evolution, In Journal of Medical Internet Research, 15(5):e95.
- Schulz P. J., Hartung U., Fiordelli M. (2012) Assessing the rationality of argumentation in media discourse and public opinion: an exploratory study of the conflict over a smoke-free law in Ticino, In Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication, 3(1), 83-110
- Schulz P. J., Hartung U., Fiordelli M. (2012) Do Journalists' Opinions Affect News Selection in a Low-Key Conflict, In Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 89(3),414-430
- Schulz P. J., Hartung U., Fiordelli M. (2012) Effect of smoke-free legislation on Ticino gastronomy revenue, In International Journal of Public Health, 57:861-866
Book (4)
- Rubinelli S., Diviani N., Fiordelli M. (2023) La buona comunicazione. Pratiche per il dialogo quotidiano. Carocci
- Rubinelli S., Diviani N., Fiordelli M., Zanini C. (2022) Salute: il valore della scienza. Prontuario contro la disinformazione. Carocci
- Rubinelli S., Diviani N., Fiordelli M. (2020) Pensiero critico e disinformazione. Un problema contemporaneo. Carocci
- Schulz P. J., Diviani N., Fiordelli M. (2013) La ricerca empirica nelle scienze della comunicazione. Fondamenti, metodi e strumenti. Roma: Carocci.
Book chapter (4)
- Rubinelli S., Diviani N., Fiordelli M. (2024) Towards a Framework of Skills for Health Information Appraisal: Insights from Argumentation Theory and the Cognitive and Behavioural Sciences. Communicating COVID-19. Media, Trust, and Public Engagement. Palgrave MacMillan, 439-461
- Fiordelli M., Diviani N. (2022) Granting access to information is not enough. Towards an integrated concept of health information acquisition.. Quantifying Quality of Life: Incorporating Daily Life into Medicine. Springer Nature, 501-510
- Diviani N., Rubinelli S., Fiordelli M. (2022) Media, Quality of Health Information. The International Encyclopedia of Health Communication. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1-6
- Rubinelli S., Diviani N., Fiordelli M. (2020) The Cognitive and Behavioural Sciences. Communicating about Risks and Safe Use of Medicines. Adis, Singapore., 195-217
Working paper (2)
Conference proceedings (12)
- Messina A., Amati R., Bano B., Annoni A. M., Albanese E., Fiordelli M. (2023) iSupport Swiss: a community based participatory approach to culturally adapt the WHO online intervention for family caregivers of people with dementia. International Psychogeriatrics Association. New Perspectives in a Changing World: Social Connectedness, Ageing and Mental Health
- Messina A., Amati R., Albanese E., Fiordelli M. (2022) How far can we adapt iSupport? Preliminary results from the cultural adaptation of an intervention for caregivers of people living with dementia in southern Switzerland. Alzheimer Disease International. New horizons in dementia: Building on hope
- Messina A., Amati R., Annoni A. M., Albanese E., Fiordelli M. (2022) iSupport: a complex intervention in dementia care. European Public Health Conference. Strengthening health systems: improving population health and being prepared for the unexpected
- Messina A., Lattanzi M., Albanese E., Fiordelli M. (2021) Caregivers di persone con demenza e salute mentale durante il COVID-19 risultati da un cross-sectional study.. Società italiana di Psicologia dell'Invecchiamento. XIV Convegno Nazionale SIPI
- Messina A., Lattanzi M., Albanese E., Fiordelli M. (2021) Impact of COVID-19 on caregivers of people with dementia. Swiss Public Health Conference. Swiss Public Health Conference
- Fiordelli M., Diviani N., Schulz P. J. (2013) M-Health: a systematic review of the first ten years of research. International Communication Association annual conference. London
- Fiordelli M., Diviani N., Schulz P. J. (2012) Mapping M-Health: a decade of Evolution. Medicine 2.0: Social Media, Mobile Apps, and Internet/Web 2.0 in Health, Medicine and Biomedical Research, Boston
- Hartung U., Schulz P. J., Fiordelli M., Borrat-Besson C. (2009) Generating Opinion Change: A Study of Attitudes Towards a Smoking Ban in Ticino. Paper accepted at the WAPOR Annual Conference "Public Opinion and Survey Research in a Changing World", 11-13 September 2009, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Borrat-Besson C., Fiordelli M., Schulz P. J., Hartung U. (2007) Inquiring values of the population about the opinion on Smoking ban. Paper presented to the COMET Conference (Communication, Medicine & Ethics), Lugano, June 28-30, 2007
- Borrat-Besson C., Fiordelli M., Schulz P. J., Hartung U. (2007) Investigate population values concerning smoking ban. COMET (Communication, Medicine & Ethics). Lugano, CH
- Fiordelli M., Toti B., Schulz P. J., Hartung U. (2006) Shifting between freedom and regulation: public opinion concerning smoking ban in Tessin. COMET (Communication, Medicine & Ethics). Cardiff, GB
- Speroni M., Fiordelli M., Bolchini D., Randazzo G., Garzotto F. (2004) MEDINA (MEDiterranean by Internet Access): an EU Funded Project for Promoting Mediterranean Cultural Tourism through ICT. EVA 2004 Conference, Florence
Article in conference proceedings (2)
- Rizzi G., Annoni A. M., Pacifico D., Fiordelli M., Jovic S., Giacchetto - Sasselli I., Piccoli L., Corna L., Amati R., Pertoldi W., Sallusto F., Albanese E. (2022) COVID-19 and cognitive performance: a nested case-control study in older adults from Ticino, southern Switzerland - preliminary results. Presentation. 35th Global Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International. London, United Kingdom. 9th-11th June 2022
- Pacifico D., Mele F., Annoni A. M., Fiordelli M., Jovic S., Giacchetto-Sasselli I., Piccoli L., Corna L., Di Stefano R., Pertoldi W., Sallusto F., Albanese E. (2022) COVID-19 infections and cognitive function in long-term care home residents in Southern Switzerland – empirical evidence of ‘cognitive COVID’.. Presentation. 35th Global Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International. London, United Kingdom. 9th-11th June 2022
Report in scientific conference (11)
- Fiordelli M. (2024) Crafting scientific literacy in high school curricula: A participatory approach. COMET. Brescia. 26-28.06.2024
- Fiordelli M. (2023) Effective communication between and among public health institutions. A qualitative study. Swiss Public Health Conference. Lausanne. 12-13 September 2023
- Fiordelli M. (2023) Institutional health communication during COVID-19 in Switzerland: lessons learned to manage infodemics. Swiss Public Health Conference. Lausanne. 12-13 September 2023
- Fadda M., Camerini A. L., Fiordelli M., Corna L., Levati S., Amati R., Crivelli L., Albanese E., Suggs L. S. (2021) COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity in Southern Switzerland – evidence from the Corona Immunitas study. Swiss Public Health Conference,. Bern, Switzerland. 24th-26th August
- Fiordelli M. (2013) Social interaction and health in the era of computer mediated communication. ECREA - Interpersonal Communication and Social Interaction section. Lugano. 3-4 October 2013
- Fiordelli M., Schulz P. J. (2012) EMPOWER: Support of Patient Empowerment by an intelligent self-management pathway for patients suffering from Diabetes. Society for Risk Analysis Europe Conference. Zurich
- Fiordelli M., Schulz P. J. (2012) Medical Residents’ role in the age of 50-hour workweek. Congrès international de sociologie 2012 «Les professions de la santé en transition». Winterthur
- Fiordelli M., Schulz P. J. (2009) Argumentative effects of Ticino smoking ban on Swiss newspapers' coverage. CONDITION CRITICAL Health care, marketising reforms and the media. Coventry University, GB.
- Fiordelli M. (2009) Enriching content analysis through argumentation theory. COMET (Communication, Medicine & Ethics). Cardiff, GB.
- Hartung U., Schulz P. J., Borrat-Besson C., Fiordelli M. (2009) Inducing Opinion Change: A Study of Attitudes Towards a Smoking Ban in Ticino. WAPOR Conference. Lausanne, CH
- Schulz P. J., Borrat-Besson C., Fiordelli M., Hartung U. (2007) Introducing a smoking ban in canton Ticino in Switzerland. Einsichtige Raucher und eingebildete Hindernisse. The 19th IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education Health Promotion Comes of Age: Research, Policy & Practice for the 21st Century.. Vancouver, BC. June 10-15, 2007