Andrea Rocci
Key publications (5)
- Musi E., Rocci A. (2017) Evidently epistential adverbs are argumentative indicators: A corpus-based study
- Rocci A. (2017) Modality in Argumentation
- Rocci A., Luciani M. (2016) Economic-financial journalists as argumentative intermediaries
- Rocci A., de Saussure L. (2016) Verbal Communication
- Palmieri R., Rocci A., Kudrautsava N. (2015) Argumentation in Earnings Conference Calls. Corporate standpoints and analysts’ challenges.
Journal Article (26)
- Serafis D., Raimondo C., Assimakopoulos S., Greco S., Rocci A. (2021) Argumentative dynamics in representations of migrants and refugees: Evidence from the Italian press during the ‘refugee crisis’, Discourse & Communication 15(5):559-581
- Rocci A., Pollaroli C. (2018) Introduction, Semiotica 220: 1-17. (Special issue “Multimodality in Argumentation” guest edited by Andrea Rocci and Chiara Pollaroli):1-17
- Saltamacchia F., Rocci A. (2018) Metapragmatica della cortesia nell’Italia del primo Ottocento. La polemica sulla cortesia tra Melchiorre Gioja e Antonio Rosmini: utilitarismo o principio di carità., L’Analisi Linguistica e Letteraria:137-156
- Greco S., Perret-Clermont A. N., Iannaccone A., Rocci A., Convertini J., Schaer R. (2018) The Analysis of Implicit Premises within Children’s Argumentative Inferences, Informal Logic:438-470
- Rocci A., Mazzali Lurati S., Pollaroli C. (2018) The argumentative and rhetorical relevance of multimodal metonymy, Semiotica. Special issue Multimodality in Argumentation:123-153
- Musi E., Rocci A. (2017) Evidently epistential adverbs are argumentative indicators: A corpus-based study, Argument and Computation, vol. 8, (no. 2):175-192. ISSN 1946-2166
- Rocci A., Andone C. (2016) Argumentation in journalism: Professional practices and the public sphere, Journal of Argumentation in Context, 5 (1):1-8. ISSN 2211-4742
- Rocci A., Luciani M. (2016) Economic-financial journalists as argumentative intermediaries, Journal of Argumentation in Context, 5 (1):88-111. ISSN 2211–4742
- Palmieri R., Rocci A., Kudrautsava N. (2015) Argumentation in Earnings Conference Calls. Corporate standpoints and analysts’ challenges., Studies in communication Sciences 15(1):120-132
- Pollaroli C., Rocci A. (2015) The argumentative relevance of pictorial and multimodal metaphor in advertising, Journal of Argumentation in Context:158-200
- Rocci A. (2012) Modality and argumentative discourse relations: a study of the Italian necessity modal dovere, Journal of Pragmatics
- Rocci A. (2010) Modals as lexical indicators of argumentation, A study of Italian economic-financial news, L'analisi linguistica e letteraria XVI, 2008: 577-619. Special Issue: Word meaning in argumentative dialogue.
- Rocci A., Monteiro Wariss M. (2009) Cultural keywords in arguments. The case of interactivity, Cogency., 1 (2):65-100
- Lepori B., Rocci A. (2009) Reasonableness in grant proposal writing, Studies in Communication Sciences, 9(2):171-190
- Rocci A. (2008) Modality and its conversational backgrounds in the reconstruction of argumentation, Argumentation. 22/2: 165-189
- Rocci A. (2007) Le modal italien dovere au conditionnel: évidentialité et contraintes sur l'inférence des relations de discours argumentatives, In: Saussure, L. de (éd), Temps, description, interpétation, TRANEL.(à paraître, premier trimestre 2007)
- Rocci A. (2007) Modalità: lo sguardo sull'enunciato, Cultura e comunicazione, 1/1: 11-12
- Rocci A. (2006) Pragmatic inference and argumentation in intercultural communication, Intercultural Pragmatics 3/4: 409-442
- Rigotti E., Rocci A. (2006) Towards a definition of communication context, In: M. Colombetti (ed.). Studies in Communication Sciences. Communication Sciences as a Multidisciplinary Enterprise 6(2):155-180
- Rocci A. (2005) Connective predicates in dialogic and monologic argumentation, In: M. Dascal, F.H. van Eemeren, E. Rigotti, S. Stati and A. Rocci (eds.). Argumentation in Dialogic Interaction. Studies in Communication Sciences, Special Issue: 97-118
- Rocci A., Armani J. (2004) Conceptual Maps in e-learning. How map based interfaces help the contextualization of information and the structuring of knowledge, IDJ/DD Information Design Journal/Document Design 11 (2/3)
- Rocci A., Armani J., Botturi L. (2003) SWISSLING: an e-learning linguistics net-work in the making. Motivations, results, and outlook, Studies in Communication Sciences [Special Issue on New Media in Education], March 2003
- Rigotti E., Rocci A. (2001) Sens - non-sens - contresens, Studies in Communication Sciences, 2: 45-80
- Rocci A. (2000) L´interprétation épistémique du futur en italien et en fançais: une analyse procédurale, in J. Moeschler (ed.) Inférences directionnelles, représentations mentales et subjectivité, Cahiers de Linguistique Française, 22: 241-274
- Rocci A. (1997) Inferenza ed enunciazione nella semantica dei modali, L´analisi linguistica e letteraria IV 2: 535-553 [Review article]
- Rocci A. (1996) Funzioni comunicative della posizione dell´aggettivo in italiano, L´analisi linguistica e letteraria, III, 1: 220-284
Book (10)
- Oswald S., Greco S., Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J., Pollaroli C., Rocci A. (2020) Argumentation and Meaning. Special issue of Journal of Argumentation in Context (JAIC)
- Oswald S., Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J., Greco S., Pollaroli C., Rocci A. (2019) Rhetoric and Language: Emotions and Style in Argumentative Discourse. (= Informal Logic,39:4)
- Rocci A. (2017) Modality in Argumentation. Springer. Argumentation Library, vol. 29. 1a. ISBN 9789402410617
- Rocci A., de Saussure L. (2016) Verbal Communication. De Gruyter Mouton. Handbooks of Communication Science [HoCS] 3. 1a. ISBN 9783110255454
- Rocci A., Palmieri R., Gautier L. (2015) Text and discourse analysis in financial communication.. Thematic issue of Studies in Communication Sciences. in press
- Rocci A., Duchêne A., Gnach A., Stotz D. (2010) Sociétés en mutation: les défis méthodologiques de la linguistique appliquée. Actes du colloque VALS-ASLA 2008 (Lugano, 7-9 février 2008) (2 vols.). Bulletin Suisse de Linguistique Appliquée. Special Issue. 261+261 pages.
- Danesi M., Rocci A. (2009) Global Linguistics: An Introduction. Berlin/New York: Mouton-De Gruyter
- Dascal M., van Emeren F., Rigotti E., STATI S., Rocci A. (2005) Argumentation in Dialogic Interaction. Special Issue of Studies in Communication Sciences
- Rocci A. (2005) La modalità epistemica tra semantica e argomentazione. Milano: Pubblicazioni dell'ISU Università Cattolica (368 pp.)
- Giacalone R. A., Rocci A., Rigotti E. (2003) Linguistica e nuove professioni. Materiali linguistici dell´Università di Pavia´, Milano: Franco Angeli (selected articles from the conference ´Linguistics & The New Professions´, Pavia-Lugano, November 27-30 2002
Book chapter (27)
- Perret-Clermont A. N., Schaer R., Greco S., Convertini J., Iannaccone A., Rocci A. (2019) Shifting from a monological to a dialogical perspective on children’s argumentation: Lessons learned.. In F. H. van Eemeren and B. Garssen (Eds.), Argumentation in actual practice: Topical studies about argumentative discourse in context. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 211-236
- Saltamacchia F., Rocci A. (2019) The Nuovo galateo (1802) by Melchiorre Gioia, politeness (‘pulitezza’) and reason.. Politeness in Nineteenth Century Europe. John Benjamins, 75-106
- Rocci A., Raimondo C. (2018) Conference Calls: a Communication Perspective. The Handbook of Financial Communication and Investor Relations. JohnWiley & Sons, 293-308
- Luciani M., Rocci A. (2018) Journalist's arguing newsmaking decisions on the basis of anticipated audience uptake. In: Burger, M. (ed.) Investigating Journalism Practices: Combining Media Discourse Analysis and Newsroom Ethnography. Cahiers de l'ILSL, n. 54, 2018. Université de Lausanne, 147-170
- Nanni P., Rocci A. (2017) Le falsificazioni in storia. In: P. Nanni, E. Rigotti, C. Wolfsgruber (eds.) Argomentare per un rapporto ragionevole con la realtà.. Fondazione per la Sussidiarietà. Itaca Libri., 180-208
- Rocci A. (2017) Ragionevolezza dell'impegno persuasivo. In: P. Nanni, E. Rigotti, C. Wolfsgruber (eds.) Argomentare per un rapporto ragionevole con la realtà.. Fondazione per la Sussidiarietà. Itaca Libri., 88-115
- Rocci A., Musi E. (2017) The interface between semantics and discourse functions: exploring the adjective 'possibile' in a corpus of Italian financial news. J. Blochowiak et al. (eds.) Formal Models in the Study of Language. Springer, 391-413
- Rocci A. (2016) Semantics. The International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy. Wiley & Sons, 1-12
- Rocci A., Luciani M. (2016) Semantics and Verbal Communication. Verbal Communication. De Gruyter Mouton, 57-75
- Rocci A., Mazzali Lurati S., Pollaroli C. (2013) Is this the Italy we like? Multimodal argumentation in a Fiat Panda TV commercial. In B. Pennock-Speck and M.M. del Saz Rubio (Eds.), The multimodal analysis of television commercials, 157-187. Valencia: Publicacions de la Universitat de València (PUV)
- Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J., Rocci A., Zlatkova G. (2013) Le funzioni inferenziali e polifoniche dell’avverbio epistemico italiano forse. In: Pirazzini, D. e Schiemann, A. (eds.), Dialogizität in der Argumentation. Eine multidisziplinäre Betrachtung (pp. 201-230). Frankfurt a. M., Peter Lang. Bonner Romanistische Arbeiten 108, 201-230
- Rocci A. (2012) Discourse Theory. In: M. Danesi (ed.) Encyclopedia of Media and Communications. Toronto: University of Toronto Press [Encyclopedia Entry]
- Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J., Rocci A., Zlatkova G. (2012) L'argumentation dans la presse économique et financière italienne. In: L. Gautier (ed.) Les discours de la bourse et de la finance. (= Forum für Fachsprachen-Forschung). Berlin: Frank und Timme, 65-83
- Rocci A. (2009) Doing discourse analysis with possible worlds. In J. Renkema (Eds.). Discourse, of Course, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: J. Benjamins (pp. 15-35).
- Rocci A. (2009) Manoeuvring with voices: The polyphonic framing of arguments in an institutional advertisement. In: F.H. van Eemeren (ed.) Examining Argumentation in Context: Fifteen studies on strategic maneuvering. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 257-283
- Rocci A. (2009) Modalities as Indicators in Argumentative Reconstruction. In F. H. van Eemeren and B. Garssen (Eds). Pondering on problems of argumentation. Dordrecht: Springer, 207-228
- Rocci A. (2008) Analysing and evaluating persuasive media discourse in context.. M. Burger (ed.) L'analyse linguistique des discours des médias: théories, méthodes et enjeux. Québec: Editions Nota Bene
- Rigotti E., Rocci A. (2006) Le signe linguistique comme structure intermédiaire. In: Louis de Saussure (ed.) Nouveaux Regards sur Saussure. Mélanges offerts à René Amacker. Genève, Droz: 219-247
- Rigotti E., Rocci A. (2006) Tema-rema e connettivo: la congruità semantico-pragmatica del testo. in: G. Gobber, M.C. Gatti e Sara Cigada (eds.), Syndesmoi: connettivi nella realtà dei testi, Milano: Vita e Pensiero: 3-44
- Rigotti E., Rocci A., Greco S. (2006) The semantics of reasonableness. in: P. Houtlosser and A. van Rees (eds), Considering Pragma-Dialectics, Mahwah,NJ/London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: 257-274
- Rocci A. (2005) Are Manipulative Texts Coherent? Manipulation, presuppositions, and (in-)congruity. In: L. Saussure & P. Schulz (eds.). Manipulation and Ideologies in the Twenthieth century: Discourse, Language, Mind. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins
- Rigotti E., Rocci A. (2005) Denotation vs Connotation. In: K. Brown (ed.). The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd Edition, Amsterdam: Elsevier (5000 word entry)
- Rocci A. (2005) Epistemic Readings of Modal Verbs in Italian: the relationship between propositionality, theme-rheme articulation an inferential discourse relations. In: B. Hollebrandse, A. van Hout and C. Vet (eds.) Crosslinguistic Views on Tense, Aspect and Modality. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi (Cahiers Chronos 13): 229-246
- Rigotti E., Rocci A. (2004) From argument analysis to cultural keywords (and back again). In: F. van Eemeren & P. Houtlosser (eds), The Practice of Argumentation. Amsterdam: Benjamins
- Rigotti E., Rocci A. (2003) Categorie nascoste in prospettiva interlinguistica. TIn: L. Mondada & S. Pekarek Doehler (eds.). Plurilinguisme/ Mehrsprachigkeit/ Plurilingualism : Enjeux identitaires, socio-culturels et éducatifs. Festschrift pour Georges Lüdi. Tübingen: Francke: 277-294
- Rocci A., Armani J. (2003) Le mappe concettuali come strategia di contestualizzazione nell´e-learning. Il caso di SWISSLING. In: A. Giacalone Ramat, A. Rocci & E. Rigotti, (eds.)
- Rocci A. (2003) Testualità. In: G. Bettetini, Sergio Cigada, S. Raynaud & E. Rigotti (eds.), Semiotica II: Configurazione disciplinare e questioni contemporanee. Brescia: La Scuola: 257-319
Working paper (4)
- Rigotti E., Rocci A. (2004) Intercultural communication: a linguistic and argumentative approach
- Rigotti E., Rocci A., Arrigo O. (2004) La comunicazione scolastica fra razionalità e ragionevolezza
- Rigotti E., Rocci A., Tardini S. (2003) Argumentieren in der Bank / Argumenter dans la banque
- Rigotti E., Rocci A., Arrigo O. (2003) Comunicazione verbale e argomentazione nell´istituzione scolastica
Conference proceedings (10)
- Saltamacchia F., Rocci A., Garssen B., Godden D., Mitchell G., Wagemans J. H. M. . (2019) Arguments justify norms of politeness. A study of argumentative loci in a nineteenth-century treatise about politeness. Amsterdam Sic Sat. Proceedings of the Ninth Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation
- Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J., Casoni M., Christopher S., Kamber A., Pandolfi E. M., Rocci A. (2015) Norme linguistiche in contesto / Sprachnormen im Kontext / Normes langagières en contexte / Language Norms in Context. Actes du colloque VALS-ASLA 2014 (Lugano, 12-14 février 2014).. Bulletin Suisse de Linguistique appliquée, special issue, 3 volumes. Norme linguistiche in contesto / Sprachnormen im Kontext / Normes langagières en contexte / Language norms in context
- Rocci A. (2011) The Italian modal dovere in the conditional: future reference, evidentiality and argumentation. In: T. Mortelmans, J. Mortelmans & W. De Mulder (eds.) In the mood for mood. (= Cahiers Chronos, 23). Amsterdam / New York: Rodopi.
- Rocci A. (2009) Per un'analisi semantica del connettore testuale in realtà.. In B. Moretti, E.M. Pandolfi and Matteo Casoni Linguisti in Contatto. Ricerche di linguistica italiana in Svizzera. Atti del Convegno di Bellinzona: Osservatori Linguistico della Svizzera Italiana. Bellinzona. 16-17 novembre 2007
- Rocci A. (2006) Modality and its conversational backgrounds in the reconstruction of argumentation. Paper presented at ISSA 2006. 6th International Conference on Argumentation. (Accepted for publication in the proceedings). Amsterdam. June 28-30, 2006
- Rocci A. (2004) Epistemic modality and questions in dialogue. The case of the Italian interrogative constructions in the subjunctive mood and the "epistemic" future tense. Paper delivered at CHRONOS 6 International colloquium on the syntax, semantics and pragmatics of tense, mood and aspect (Accepted for publication in a book of the Cahiers Chronos series by Rodopi).. Geneva. September 22-24, 2004
- Rocci A. (2003) SWISSLING: background, design choices and blended learning scenarios. 1st SCIL Congress on eLearning, St. Gallen, 8-9 October 2003 (on-line proceedings)
- Rigotti E., Rocci A. (2002) From argument analysis to cultural keywords (and back again). In: van Eemeren, F.H., Blair, A., Willard, C.A. & Snoek-Henkemans, F. (eds.). Fifth Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation, SicSat. Amsterdam: 903-908
- Armani J., Botturi L., Rocci A. (2002) Maps as Learning Tools: the SWISSLING Solution. In: F. Flückiger, C. Jutz, P. Schulz, L. Cantoni (eds.) ICNEE, 4th International Conference on New Educational Environments Università di Lugano, 8 - 11 Maggio 2002: 2.1/7-10
- Rocci A. (2000) L´antéposition de l´épithète en italien: valeurs sémantiques et argumentatives. In: Englebert, A., Pierrard, M., Rosier, L. & Van Raemdonck, D. (eds.) .Actes du XXIIe Congrès International de Linguistique et de Philologie Romanes, vol. VII, Sens et fonctions, Tübingen, Niemeyer: 631-640
Article in conference proceedings (3)
- Alhindi T., Musi E., Stede M., Kriese L., Muresan S., Rocci A. (2018) A Multi-layer Annotated Corpus of Argumentative Text: From Argument Schemes to Discourse Relations.. LREC 2018, Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC). Miyazaki, Japan. May 7-12, 2018
- Rocci A., Raimondo C. (2018) Dialogical Argumentation in Financial Conference Calls: the Request of Confirmation of Inference (ROCOI). In: S. Oswald, D. Maillat (eds.). Argumentation and Inference Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Argumentation Volume II. ECA European Conference on Argumentation. Fribourg. 2017
- Greco S., Perret-Clermont A. N., Iannaccone A., Rocci A., Convertini J., Schaer R. (2017) Analysing implicit premises within children's argumentative inferences. In: Oswald, S. & Maillat, D. (Eds.) (2018). Argumentation and Inference: Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Argumentation, Fribourg 2017. European Conference on Argumentation ECA. Fribourg, Switzerland. 20 - 23 June 2017
Report in scientific conference (9)
- Perret-Clermont A. N., Schaer R., Convertini J., Iannaccone A., Greco S., Rocci A. (2018) A contribution from Argumentation Theory to the study of young children's reasoning in play activities. International Society for the Study of Argumentation. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 3 -6 July 2018
- Saltamacchia F., Rocci A. (2018) Arguments justify norms of politeness. A study of argumentative loci in a nineteenth-century treatise about politeness. International Society for the Studies of Argumentation (ISSA). Amsterdam. 3-6 luglio
- Rocci A., Greco S., Schaer R., Convertini J., Perret-Clermont A. N., Iannaccone A. (2018) The significance of the adversative connectives ‘aber’, ‘mais’, ‘ma’ (‘but’) as indicators in young children’s argumentation.. Argage Argumentation and Language. Lugano. 07.02.-09.02.2018
- Saltamacchia F., Rocci A. (2016) Metapragmatica della cortesia nell’Italia del primo Ottocento. La polemica sulla cortesia tra Melchiorre Gioja e Antonio Rosmini: utilitarismo o principio di carità. 50° Congresso Internazionale di Studi, Società di Linguistica Italiana (SLI). Milano. 22-24 settembre
- Saltamacchia F., Rocci A. (2015) The historical metapragmatics of politeness and argumentation: fallacies and (im)politeness in Antonio Rosmini's Galateo de' Letterati. Argumentation & Language (Argage). Losanna. 9-11 settembre
- Rocci A., Palmieri R. (2008) Financial News between Narrative and Prediction. Paper Presented at the Annual DGPuk conference: Identity and plurality in the Sciences of Communication.. University of Lugano. 2 May 2008
- Rocci A. (2007) Financial News between Narrative and Forecast. paper presented at the 10th International Conference of Pragmatics. Goteborg. 9 July 2007
- Rocci A., Palmieri R. (2007) Financial News between Narrative and Forecast. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference of Pragmatics. Göteborg. July 2007
- Rocci A., Palmieri R. (2007) Financial News between Narrative and Prediction. Paper presented at IPRA 2007 10th International Pragmatics Conference – 8-13 July 2007 as part of the panel Les Narrativités médiatiques.. Göteborg, Sweden
Other publication (5)
- Oswald S., Greco S., Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J., Pollaroli C., Rocci A. (2020) Argumentation and Meaning
- Pollaroli C., Greco S., Oswald S., Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J., Rocci A. (2019) Introduction to the Special Issue
- Rigotti E., Wüest J., Rocci A., Zufferey J. (2003) Du texte au dialogue / Dal testo al dialogo
- Rigotti E., Rocci A. (2002) Lessico e Morfologia, with the collaboration of M. Passarotti e C. Restivo
- Rigotti E., Rocci A. (2001) Fondamenti di Semiotica Verbale