Sara Greco
Pubblicazioni principali (5)
- Oswald S., Lewiński M., Greco S., Villata S. (2022) The pandemic of argumentation
- Greco S. (2022) Twitter activists’ argumentation through subdiscussions: Theory, method and illustration of the controversy surrounding sustainable fashion.
- Greco S., De Cock B. (2021) Argumentative misalignments in the controversy surrounding fashion sustainability
- Greco S. (2020) Dal conflitto al dialogo: Un approccio comunicativo alla mediazione
- Greco S. (2011) Argumentation in dispute mediation: A reasonable way to handle conflict
Articolo pubblicato in rivista scientifica (35)
- Drzewiecka J., Greco S., Hernandez G. L. (in uscita) FortressEurope integrating through division: an actantial narrative analysis, Journal of Contemporary European Studies:1-20
- Greco S., Mercuri C., De Cock B., Schaer R. (2023) Arguing through best practice: The role of argumentation from example in activists’ social media posts on sustainable fashion, Discourse Studies:1-19
- Greco S., Cigada S., Jermini C. (2022) The naming of emotions in dispute mediators’ strategic manoeuvring: A case study using a French language corpus., Text & Talk:1-22
- Greco S. (2022) Twitter activists’ argumentation through subdiscussions: Theory, method and illustration of the controversy surrounding sustainable fashion., Argumentation:1-23
- Serafis D., Raimondo C., Assimakopoulos S., Greco S., Rocci A. (2021) Argumentative dynamics in representations of migrants and refugees: Evidence from the Italian press during the ‘refugee crisis’, Discourse & Communication 15(5):559-581
- Greco S., De Cock B. (2021) Argumentative misalignments in the controversy surrounding fashion sustainability, Journal of Pragmatics:55-67
- Greco S., Jermini C. (2021) Mediators’ reframing as a constitutive element of a reconciliatory argumentative style, Journal of Argumentation in Context:73-96
- Greco S., Mercuri C., De Cock B. (2021) Victims or agents for change? Representations and self-representations of women in the social media debate surrounding sustainable fashion, Babylonia:90-94
- Serafis D., Greco S., Pollaroli C., Jermini C. (2020) Towards an integrated argumentative approach to multimodal critical discourse analysis: Evidence from the portrayal of refugees and immigrants in Greek newspapers, Critical Discourse Studies 17(5):545-565
- Greco S., Schaer R., Pollaroli C., Mercuri C. (2018) Adding a temporal dimension to the analysis of argumentative discourse: justified reframing as a means of turning a single-issue discussion into a complex argumentative discussion, Discourse Studies, 20 (6):726-742
- Greco S., Schaer R., Pollaroli C., Mercuri C. (2018) Adding a temporal dimension to the analysis of argumentative discourse: justified reframing as a means of turning a single-issue discussion into a complex argumentative discussion, Discourse Studies, 20 (6):726-742
- Greco S. (2018) Designing dialogue: Argumentation as conflict management in social interaction, Tranel - Travaux neuchâtelois de linguistique, 68:7-15
- van Bijnen E., Greco S. (2018) Divide to Unite: Making Disagreement Explicit in Dispute Mediation, Journal of Argumentation in Context:285-315
- Lombardi E., Greco S., Massaro D., Schaer R., Manzi F., Iannaccone A., Perret-Clermont A. N., Marchetti A. (2018) Does a good argument make a good answer? Argumentative reconstruction of children's justifications in a second order false belief task, Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 18:13-27
- Andone C., Greco S. (2018) Evading the burden of proof in European Union soft law instruments: The case of Commission recommendations, International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, 31 (1):79-99
- Greco S., Perret-Clermont A. N., Iannaccone A., Rocci A., Convertini J., Schaer R. (2018) The Analysis of Implicit Premises within Children’s Argumentative Inferences, Informal Logic:438-470
- Schaer R., Greco S. (2018) The Emergence of Issues in Everyday Discussions between Adults and Children, International Journal of Semiotics and Visual Rhetoric:29-43
- Greco S. (2018) The role of family relationships in migration decisions: a reconstruction based on implicit starting points in migrants' justifications, Migration Letters:33-44
- Greco S. (2017) Using Argumentative Tools to Understand Inner Dialogue, Argumentation, 31 (2):331-358
- Greco S. (2016) Analysing multiple addressivity in research interviews: A methodological suggestion from argumentation theory, Learning, Culture and Social Interaction 8:61-74
- Xenitidou M., Greco S. (2014) Parental discourse and identity management in the talk of indigenous and migrant speakers, Discourse & Society 25 (1):100-121
- Greco S., Zittoun T. (2014) The trajectory of food as a symbolic resource for international migrants, Outlines. Critical Practice Studies.15(1):28-48
- Greco S. (2013) Multivoiced decisions. A study of migrants’ inner dialogue and its connection to social argumentation, Pragmatics & Cognition.21 (1):55-80
- Greco S. (2012) Contextual frames and their argumentative implications: a case-study in media argumentation, Discourse Studies 14(2): 197 –216.
- Bigi S., Greco S. (2012) Keywords, frames and the reconstruction of material starting points in argumentation, Journal of Pragmatics 44 (10): 1135–1149
- Greco S. (2012) Learning as a precondition of migrants’ interest and engagement, Human Affairs 22 (3):313-324
- Rigotti E., Greco S. (2010) Comparing the Argumentum Model of Topics to Other Contemporary Approaches to Argument Schemes: The Procedural and Material Components, Argumentation 24(4): 489-512
- Greco S. (2010) Dialogue-in-process. Review of Frans H. van Eemeren and B. Garssen (eds.), Pondering on Problems of Argumentation, Cogency 2 (2): 179-191.:179-191
- van Eemeren F. H., Greco S., Grossen M., Perret-Clermont A. N., Rigotti E. (2009) Argupolis: A doctoral program on argumentation practices in different communication contexts, Studies in Communication sciences 9 (1): 289-301.
- Arcidiacono F., Pontecorvo C., Greco S. (2009) Family conversations: the relevance of context in evaluating argumentation, Studies in Communication Sciences 9 (2): 79-92.
- Greco S. (2008) The ontology of conflict, Pragmatics and Cognition 16(3): 540-567
- Greco S. (2006) Comments on strategic manoeuvring: a synthetic recapitulation, Argumentation 20(4): 393-398.
- Greco S. (2006) Towards a multidisciplinary practice-dependent and context-dependent model of mediation, In: M. Colombetti (ed), Communication sciences as a multidisciplinary enterprise, Special issue of Studies in Communication Sciences
- Greco S. (2005) Der kommunikative Bestandteil der mediatorischen Kompetenz, Forum Mediation. Zeitschrift des schweizerischen Vereins für Mediation
- Greco S. (2003) When presupposing becomes dangerous. How the procedure of presuppositional accommodation can be exploited in manipulative discourses, Studies in Communication Sciences 3/2:217-234
Libro (9)
- van Eemeren F. H., Garssen B., Greco S., van Haaften T., Labrie N., Leal F., Wu P. (2022) Argumentative Style: A pragma-dialectical study of functional variety in argumentative discourse.. John Benjamins
- Oswald S., Lewiński M., Greco S., Villata S. (2022) The pandemic of argumentation. Springer
- Oswald S., Greco S., Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J., Pollaroli C., Rocci A. (2020) Argumentation and Meaning. Special issue of Journal of Argumentation in Context (JAIC)
- Greco S. (2020) Dal conflitto al dialogo: Un approccio comunicativo alla mediazione. Santarcangelo di Romagna: Maggioli (Apogeo Education)
- Rigotti E., Greco S. (2019) Inference in argumentation: A topics-based approach to argument schemes. Cham: Springer (Argumentation Library)
- Oswald S., Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J., Greco S., Pollaroli C., Rocci A. (2019) Rhetoric and Language: Emotions and Style in Argumentative Discourse. (= Informal Logic,39:4)
- Danesi M., Greco S. (2016) Case studies in Discourse Analysis. Munich: Lincom
- Greco S. (2011) Argumentation in dispute mediation: A reasonable way to handle conflict. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Rigotti E., Greco S. (2009) Argumentative processes and communication contexts. Thematic section of Studies in Communication sciences
Contributo in libro (14)
- Greco S., Mazzali Lurati S. (2021) Rhetoric. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible. Palgrave Macmillan, 1-10
- Lepori B., Greco S. (2020) Grant proposal writing as a dialogic process. A. Leßmöllmann, M. Dascal, and T. Gloning (Eds.). Science Communication. Berlin: De Gruyter, 377-395
- Perret-Clermont A. N., Schaer R., Greco S., Convertini J., Iannaccone A., Rocci A. (2019) Shifting from a monological to a dialogical perspective on children’s argumentation: Lessons learned.. In F. H. van Eemeren and B. Garssen (Eds.), Argumentation in actual practice: Topical studies about argumentative discourse in context. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 211-236
- Tribastone M., Greco S. (2018) Framing in News Discourse: The Case of the Charlie Hebdo Attack. Empirical Research in Semiotics and Visual Rhetoric. Marcel Danesi. IGI Global, 71-85
- Greco S. (2016) Framing and reframing in dispute mediation: An argumentative perspective. Case studies in Discourse Analysis, Ed. M. Danesi and S. Greco. Munich: Lincom, 353-379
- Greco S. (2016) L’analisi semantica come strumento per l’argomentazione giuridica. Il prestito semantico tra le lingue naturali e i diritti vigenti in una prospettiva filosofico e informatico giuridica. Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 71-88
- Greco S. (2015) Argumentation from analogy in migrants' decisions. Scrutinizing argumentation in practice, ed. F. H. van Eemeren and B. Garssen. John Benjamins, 265-280
- Perret-Clermont A. N., Arcidiacono F., Breux S., Greco S., Miserez-Caperos C. (2015) Knowledge-oriented argumentation in children. Scrutinizing argumentation in practice, ed. F. H. van Eemeren and B. Garssen. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 135-149
- Greco S., Perret-Clermont A. N., Miserez C. (2015) L'argumentation à visee cognitive chez les enfants. Une étude exploratoire sur les dynamiques argumentatives et psychosociales. L'argumentation dans les contextes de l'éducation. Bern: Peter Lang. Invited paper for the volume L’argumentation dans les contextes de l’éducation, ed. N. Muller Mirza and C. Buty, 39-82
- Marzin P., Buty C., Julien R., Greco S. (2015) Modélisation de l'argumentation d'élèves lors de l'utilisation d'un environnement informatique pour l'apprentissage des sciences. L'argumentation dans les contextes de l'éducation, ed. N. Muller Mirza and Christian Buty. Bern: Peter Lang, 83-133
- Greco S., Morasso C. (2014) Argumentation from expert opinion in science journalism: The case of Eureka’s Fight Club. Rhetoric and Cognition, ed. S. Oswald and T. Herrman. Bern: Peter Lang. Accepted for publication in: Rhétorique et Cognition, ed. S. Oswald and T. Herrman, Bern: Peter Lang, ---
- Rigotti E., Greco S. (2009) Argumentation as an object of interest and as a social and cultural resource. In: N. Muller-Mirza and A.N. Perret-Clermont (eds), Argumentation and Education, New York: Springer
- Rigotti E., Rocci A., Greco S. (2006) The semantics of reasonableness. in: P. Houtlosser and A. van Rees (eds), Considering Pragma-Dialectics, Mahwah,NJ/London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: 257-274
- Rigotti E., Greco S. (2005) Communication: semiotic approaches to. The Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics (2nd Edition), Amsterdam/New York: Elsevier
Atti di conferenza (4)
- Greco S. (2011) International mobility and personal development: the experience of migrating mothers in London. CRONEM International Conference, University of Surrey, (UK), June 28-29, 2011.
- De Ascaniis S., Greco S. (2011) When tourists give their reasons on the web. The argumentative significance of tourism related UGC. In: R. Law et al. (eds.), Information and communication technologies in tourism 2011. Proceedings of the International Conference ENTER 2011, Innsbruck, January 26-28, 2011. Best Paper Award (3rd place).
- Greco S. (2007) The Covert Argumentativity of Mediation: Developing Argumentation through Asking Questions. In: F.H. van Eemeren, J. Anthony Blair, C. A. Willard and B. Garssen (eds.), Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation, Amsterdam: Sic-Sat
- Greco S. (2005) The intercultural mediator: personal qualities and communicative skills. Proceedings of the V International Conference of the World Mediation Forum, Cransmontana, September 9-11, 2005, pp. 195-206.
Contributo in atti di conferenza (4)
- Serafis D., Greco S., Pollaroli C., Jermini C. (2020) Multimodal arguments in the mainstream press: Illustrating portrayals of migration. Proceedings of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation Conference, Vol. 12.. Ontario: University of Windsor. The Twelfth Conference of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation (OSSA12) ‘Evidence, Persuasion & Diversity’. Ontario, Canada. 3-6 June 2020
- Greco S., Perret-Clermont A. N., Iannaccone A., Rocci A., Convertini J., Schaer R. (2017) Analysing implicit premises within children's argumentative inferences. In: Oswald, S. & Maillat, D. (Eds.) (2018). Argumentation and Inference: Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Argumentation, Fribourg 2017. European Conference on Argumentation ECA. Fribourg, Switzerland. 20 - 23 June 2017
- Greco S. (2016) Commentary on Janier, Aakhus, Budzynska and Reed’s Modeling argumentative activity in mediation with Inference Anchoring Theory: The case of impasse. Proceedings of the first European Conference on Argumentation, Ed. D. Mohamed and M. Lewiński. ECA. Lisbon. 9-12 June 2015.
- Greco S., Mehmeti T., Perret-Clermont A. N. (2016) Getting involved in an argumentation in class as a pragmatic move: Social conditions and affordances. Proceedings of the first European Conference on Argumentation, Ed. D. Mohamed and M. Lewiński. ECA. Lisbon. 9-12 June 2015
Relazione in convegno scientifico (28)
- Greco S. (2022) Building spaces for argumentative dialogue to resolve conflict in interpersonal communication.. Keynote address at Rethinking relationships: Pre-conference of Interpersonal Communication and Social Interaction Section, ECREA. Online. 14 October 2022
- Greco S. (2020) Reconstructing children's (implicit) inferences. Keynote address at the colloquium Kinder im Gespräch – Mit Kindern im Gespräch. Halle (Germany). 24-25 January 2020
- Greco S., Convertini J., Perret-Clermont A. N., Iannaccone A. (2019) (Un)expected arguments? An analysis of children’s contributions to argumentative discussions in contexts pre-designed by adults. Third European Conference on Argumentation (ECA). Gröningen, The Netherlands. 24-27 June 2019
- Perret-Clermont A. N., Schaer R., Convertini J., Iannaccone A., Greco S., Rocci A. (2018) A contribution from Argumentation Theory to the study of young children's reasoning in play activities. International Society for the Study of Argumentation. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 3 -6 July 2018
- Greco S. (2018) Argumentationstheorie. Argumentative Gesprächskompetenz in der Schule – Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven. Basel. 15-16 Feb 2018
- Greco S. (2018) Conflict and emotions in interpersonal communication: A discursive analytical perspective. ECREA conference. Lugano. November 2018
- Jermini C., Greco S. (2018) Dispute mediators' reframing as argumentative competence. ISSA Conference (Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation). University of Amsterdam. 3-6.07.2018
- van Bijnen E., Bakker M., Greco S., Maarten B. (2018) The Questions That Set Up the Opening Stage in Conflict Mediation. International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA) Conference 2018. Amsterdam. 3 July 2018 - 6 July 2018
- Rocci A., Greco S., Schaer R., Convertini J., Perret-Clermont A. N., Iannaccone A. (2018) The significance of the adversative connectives ‘aber’, ‘mais’, ‘ma’ (‘but’) as indicators in young children’s argumentation.. Argage Argumentation and Language. Lugano. 07.02.-09.02.2018
- Greco S., Schaer R., Perret-Clermont A. N., Iannaccone A. (2017) Argumentation as a dialogic interaction in everyday talk: Adults and children "playing by the rules" in board game play. Conference of the International Association for Dialogue IADA. Bologna, Italy. 11-14 October 2017
- van Bijnen E., Greco S. (2017) Divide to Unite: the Tools Used by Dispute Mediators to Make Division Explicit. The 6th “Rhetoric in Society Conference of the Rhetoric Society of Europe (RSE). Norwich, England. July 3-5
- Lombardi E., Greco S., Schaer R., Manzi F., Iannaccone A., Perret-Clermont A. N., Massaro D., Marchetti A. (2017) Good arguments for wrong answers: a different point of view on 2nd order false belief task children’s justification. Conference of the International Association for Dialogue IADA. Bologna, Italy. 11-14 October 2017
- Greco S. (2017) Les “voix” qui construisent le contexte de l’interaction dans la médiation de conflits. Les voix de l’interaction. Constructions dialogiques et débordements énonciatifs. Lausanne. 9-10 Octobre 2017
- Schaer R., Greco S. (2016) The emergence of issues in everyday discussions between adults and children. Earli SIG 26. Ghent, Belgium. 22-24 August 2016
- Greco S. (2015) Interconnected argument schemes in individual decision-making. Argage (Argumentation et Langage). Lausanne. 9-11 September 2015
- Greco S. (2015) L’enfant dans la discussion : questions de légitimité, de confiance et d’interprétation de sa parole. L’enfant, acteur dans la procédure et dans la médiation. Université de Neuchâtel, Cemaj et association GEMME. May 6th, 2015
- Greco S. (2015) L’enfant dans la discussion : questions de légitimité, de confiance et d’interprétation de sa parole. Invited talk at the workshop « L'enfant acteur dans la procédure et dans la médiation“ organized by CEMAJ (UniNE) and GEMME Suisse. Neuchâtel. 6 May 2015
- Greco S. (2014) Argumentation from analogy in migrants' decisions. ISSA Conference. Amsterdam. 1-4 July 2014
- Greco S. (2014) Identities in dialogue. Realignment of participants, interviewer and absent voices in research interviews to migrating mothers. EARLI-SIG conference 'Open Spaces for Interaction and Learning Diversities’. Padua, Italy. 27-30 August 2014
- Greco S., Morasso C. (2011) Argumentation from expert opinion in media-based scientific debate. Paper presented at the Conference Communication and Cognition 2011 Manipulation, Persuasion and Deception in Language, University of Neuchâtel, January 26-28 , 2010.
- Greco S. (2011) Migrating mothers' inner dialogue: A discourse analytical approach to settlement in a new country. Paper presented at the Migration Research Unit Seminar Series, University College London (UK), January 20, 2011.
- Greco S. (2010) Argumentative implications of time in media discourse: a case study. Space and Time across Languages, Disciplines and Cultures (STALDAC 2010), Cambridge, April 8-10, 2010
- Rigotti E., Greco S. (2010) How context affects argumentative moves: Methodological reflection on the analysis of contextualized argumentation. Paper presented at the International workshop Argumentation and Education. Lausanne. December 8-10, 2010
- Greco S. (2009) La mediazione come dialogo ragionevole. Conferenza per l'Associazione Ticinese della Mediazione (ATME), Lugano, 17 giugno 2009.
- Greco S. (2008) Solving ambiguities for resolving conflicts. Paper presented at the VALS-ASLA Conference. Lugano. February 7-9, 2008
- Bigi S., Cigada S., Gobber G., Greco S. (2007) Cosa succede durante una consultazione medica? "Esame obiettivo" di una consultazione medico-paziente. Conferenza sulla Comunicazione per la Salute del Centro Universitario di Ricerca sugli Aspetti comunicativo-relazionali in medicina (C.U.R.A.), Università degli Studi di Milano, 10 novembre 2007.
- Rigotti E., Greco S. (2005) Conferenza: "Il contributo del mediatore alla comunicazione interculturale". Centro delle Mediazioni di Lugano. 17 maggio 2005
- Rigotti E., Greco S. (2005) The argumentative strength of mediation as a communicative practice. Paper presented at the X Conference of the International Association for Dialogue Analysis (IADA). Bucharest. May 26-29, 2005
Recensione (8)
- Greco S. (2021) Review of the volume: Emanuele Brambilla (2020). The quest for argumentative equivalence. Argumentative patterns in political interpreting contexts. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.. Journal of Argumentation in Context
- Greco S. (2018) Frans H. van Eemeren and A. Francisca Snoeck Henkemans: Argumentation: Analysis and Evaluation. Argumentation 32(1): 151–153
- Greco S. (2017) . H. van Eemeren, B. Garssen (Eds.): Reflections on theoretical issues in argumentation theory. Argumentation
- Greco S. (2017) Sophie Lambolez. « Dites donc il fonctionne pas ce machin. » Regard sur le support informatique.. Studies in Communication Sciences
- Greco S. (2015) Book review of the volume: L’intersubjectivité en questions: Agrégat ou nouveau concept fédérateur pour la psychologie?, C. Moro, N. Muller Mirza, P. Roman (Eds.), Antipodes, Lausanne, 2014.. Studies in Communication Sciences 15 (1): 161-162.
- Greco S. (2012) Strategic manoeuvring in institutionalised public discourse. Journal of Argumentation in Context 1 (3): 379-386.
- Greco S. (2010) Communicating and arguing in transition. Semiotica 182 (1/4): 535-546.
- Greco S. (2005) Dascal on interpretation and understanding. Studies in Communication Sciences 5/1
Rapporto tecnico (1)
- Greco S., De Cock B. (2019) Report on existing datasets - Cost Action CA17132 APPLY
Poster per conferenza (1)
Altra pubblicazione (14)
- Greco S. (2023) Contagio e contatto tra convergenza e distanza
- Greco S. (2023) Democrazia e spazi del dialogo argomentativo a scuola
- Greco S. (2021) L’argomentazione: Un processo di indagine della realtà?
- Oswald S., Greco S., Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J., Pollaroli C., Rocci A. (2020) Argumentation and Meaning
- Lobinger K., Greco S. (2019) Editorial, Studies in Communication Sciences, 19(1), 3-4
- Pollaroli C., Greco S., Oswald S., Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J., Rocci A. (2019) Introduction to the Special Issue
- Lobinger K., Greco S. (2018) Editorial, Studies in Communication Sciences, 18(2), 209–211
- Greco S. (2015) Argumentative dialogue
- Greco S., Barrett M. (2012) L'incontro interculturale
- Greco S. (2011) Feeling at home away from home: Migrants’ experience in London
- Greco S. (2010) La médiation en tant que dialogue raisonnable
- Greco S. (2009) Argumentative and other communicative strategies of the mediation practice
- Rigotti E., Greco S. (2006) Topics: the argument generator
- Rigotti E., Greco S. (2005) Introducing Argumentation