Istituto di media e giornalismo (IMeG)
Articolo pubblicato in rivista scientifica (159)
Magaudda P., Balbi G. (2024)
Theorizing failure in digital media. Four eclectic theses , Annals of the International Communication Association:1-14
Fomasi M. , Barcella D. , Benecchi E. , Balbi G. (2023)
Genealogy of an archive. The birth, construction, and development of the World Wide Web collection at CERN , Internet Historie:1-18
Balbi G. , Hagedoorn B., Haydari N., Schafer V., Schwarzenegger C. (2023)
Media persistence: Theories, approaches, categorization , Studies in Communication Sciences, 23 (3):299-310
Magaudda P., Balbi G. (2023)
Pour une théorie de l’échec dans le domaine des médias numériques , Communication, 40 (1):1-23
Bory P., Lüthi E., Balbi G. (2022)
«A story of friendship and misunderstandings»: the origins of the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre 1985–1992 , Itinera (Special Issue "Digital Federalism: Early Digital Infrastructures, 1960–2000"), 49:141-173
Lüthi E. (2021)
Media and Communication as Swiss Cohesive Forces? The Role of Radio and Supercomputing in Gluing the Country. , Medien & Zeit, 36 (1):27-41. ISSN 0259-7446
Rikitianskaia M., Balbi G. (2021)
What time is it? History and typology of time signals from the telegraph to the digital. , International Journal of Communication:1513-1530
Di Salvo P., Porlezza C. (2020)
Hybrid professionalism in journalism: Opportunities and risks of hacker sources , Studies in Communication Sciences (SComS), 20 (2):243-254. ISSN 1424-4896
Di Salvo P. (2020)
Issues and limitations in data journalism covering the Covid-19 pandemic: The Italian case , The International Journal of Communication Ethics, 17 (3/4):20-34. ISSN 1742-0105
Rikitianskaia M., Balbi G. (2020)
Radio studies beyond broadcasting: Towards an intermedia and inter-technological radio history , "Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast & Audio Media", 18(2):159-173
Porlezza C. , Di Salvo P. (2020)
The Accountability and Transparency of Whistleblowing Platforms Issues of Networked Journalism and Contested Boundaries , Journalism Studies:1-21
Negro G., Balbi G. , Bory P. (2020)
The path to WeChat: How Tencent’s culture shaped the most popular Chinese app, 1998–2011 , Global Media and Communication:1-19
Schwarzenegger C., Balbi G. (2020)
When the ‘Messiah’ went to ‘Mecca’: Envisioning and reporting the digital future at the CeBIT tech fair (1986–2018) , Convergence, online first:1-16
Schwarzenegger C., Lobinger K. , Balbi G. (2019)
Academic Traditions in Communication: Expanding the Field and Redrawing the Boundaries. ECREA 2018 Special Panel Report , Studies in Communication Sciences, 2019(2):233-237
Wilczek B. (2019)
Complexity, Uncertainty and Change in News organizations: Toward a Cycle Model of Digital Transformation , The International Journal on Media Management, 21(2):88-129
Balbi G. , Berth C. (2019)
Introduction: Towards a telephonic history of technology , History and Technology, 35(2):105-114
Di Chiara F. (2019)
Introduzione , Schermi - Storie e culture del cinema e dei media in Italia, 3 (5):7-14
Bory P. (2019)
La rete spezzata La storia e la resilienza dell’infrastruttura di Telecom Italia (1994-1997) , Mondo Digitale, 2:1-12
Bory P. (2019)
The Italian network hopes: Rise and fall of the Socrate and Iperbole projects in the mid-1990s , Internet Histories, 3 (2):105-122
Natale S., Bory P., Balbi G. (2019)
The Rise of Corporational determinism: Digital media corporations and narratives of media change , Critical Studies in Media Communication:1-16
Balbi G. (2018)
La “svolta apocalittica” negli studi sul digitale: introduzione , Quaderni di teoria sociale, 1:11-24
Learning From Switzerland in the Brexit Era. The MEDIA Programme Case Study , Studies in European Cinema:x-x
Oliva A. (2018)
Logica applicata all'arte. Il sostegno pubblico al cinema e la formula produttiva di Indigo Film , Studi culturali, 15 (1):107-128
Bory P. (2018)
L'urlo dei media. La paura, il terrore e la nascita dei mezzi di comunicazione nel Novecento , H-ermes. Journal of communication, 12:17-34
Wilczek B. (2018)
Media Use and Life Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of Social Events , International Review of Economics, 65(2):157-184
Rikitianskaia M., Balbi G. , Lobinger K. (2018)
The Mediatization of the Air. Wireless Telegraphy and the Origins of a Transnational Space of Communication, 1900-1910s , Journal of Communication, 68 (4):758-779
Complexity and Uncertainty Reduction in Media Companies An Investigation of Trade-offs During the Formation of Product Strategies (in review)
Rikitianskaia M. (2017)
How children learned to listen: the formation of radio clubs in the Soviet Union [Kak detej uchili slushat’(sja): stanovlenie radiokruzhkov v Sovetskom Sojuze] (in Russian) , Logos, 27(5):141-162
L'industria cinematografica europea e la sindrome del Gattopardo , Economia della cultura, 27 (4):497-510
Wilczek B., Blangetti C. (2017)
Live Blogging about Terrorist Attacks: The Effects of Competition and Editorial Strategy , Digital Journalism, 6(3):344-368
Balbi G. (2017)
Wireless’s “Critical Flaw”: The Marconi Company, Corporation Mentalities, and the Broadcasting Option , Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, online first:1-22
Balbi G. , Delfanti A., Magaudda P. (2016)
Digital Circulation: Media, Materiality, Infrastructures. An introduction , TECNOSCIENZA: Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies, 7(1):7-16
Wilczek B. (2016)
Herd Behavior and Path Dependence in News Markets. Towards an Economic Theory of Scandal Formation , Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, 28(2):137-167
Bory P., Benecchi E. , Balbi G. (2016)
How the Web was Told: Continuity and Change in the founding fathers' narratives on the origins of the World Wide Web , New Media & Society Special Issue Web 25, 18 (7):1066-1087
Il valore del baratto. "In grazia di Dio" e il rinnovamento delle pratiche produttive italiane , Comunicazioni sociali, 38 (3):437-444
Bory P. (2016)
Ludus Ex Machina. Il ruolo della ludicità nella storia del computer , Comunicazioni Sociali, n.2:317-329
Parravicini B. (2016)
Normalità da record. Finanziamento, promozione e distribuzione dei film con Checco Zalone , L'Avventura. International Journal of Italian Film and Media Landscape, 2 (2):377-394
Balbi G. , Kittler J. (2016)
One-to-One and One-to-Many Dichotomy: Grand Theories, Periodization, and Historical Narratives in Communication Studies , The International Journal of Communication, 10:1971-1990
Dagnino G. (2016)
Studying Italian para-industry: the case of Boris , Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies, Vol.4, N.2, February 2016:231-247
Blockbuster Outsourcing: Is There Really No Place Like Home? , Film Studies, 13 (1):73-93
Bory P., Bory S. (2015)
I nuovi immaginari dell'intelligenza artificiale , Im@go A Journal of the Social Imaginary, 6 (1):66-88
Benecchi E. (2015)
Online Italian fandoms of American TV shows , Transformative Works and Cultures, 19:19-23
Balbi G. , Natale S. (2015)
The Double Birth of Wireless: Italian Radio Amateurs and the Interpretive Flexibility of New Media , Journal of Radio and Audio Media, 22(1):26-41
Richeri G. , Balbi G. (2015)
The final days of the RAI hegemony. On the sociocultural reasons behind the fall of the public monopoly , Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies, 3(1-2):63-79
Balbi G. , Scaglioni M. (2014)
Editorial Special Issue on Convergent Television(s). , VIEW. Journal of European Television History and Culture, 3(6):1-4
Natale S., Balbi G. (2014)
Media, History, Imaginary: The Role of Fantasies in Different Stages of Media Change , Media History, 20(2):203-218
Balbi G. , Ortoleva P. (2014)
Plea for an un-natural history of digital culture , Contemporanea, 3:482-489
Balbi G. (2014)
Quando i nuovi media erano nuovi. Sulle ragioni socio-culturali della precoce metabolizzazione del telefonino in Italia , Studi Culturali, 1:71-76
Regioni alla ribalta: vizi e virtù di un incipiente federalismo cinematografico , Bianco e nero, 578:12-20
Scaglioni M. (2014)
Shooting Bollywood abroad: the outsourcing of Indian films in Italy , Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies, 2 (3):417-432
Fari S., Balbi G. , Richeri G. (2014)
Telecommunications Italian Style. The shaping of the constitutive choices (1850-1914) , History of Technology, vol. 32:235-258
Richeri G. , Zhang Z., Jiang Fei (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) (2014)
The latest Look at media studies in China (A special issue of journal publication co-organized with Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) , Studies in Communication Sciences, 13/issue 2:106-138
Scaglioni M. (2013)
Dico parolacce, incasso e finisco su Sky. Tv, cinema, di nuovo tv. Il viaggio del comico nel XXI secolo , Bianco e nero, 575:30-40
Dhoest A., Nikunen K., Cola M. (2013)
Exploring media use among migrant families in Europe. Theoretical foundations and reflections , Observatorio (OBS*), special issue on Media, Technology and the Migrant Family (guest editors Myria Georgiou and Cristina Ponte), pp. 13-31
From the State to the Regions: the Devolution of Italian Cinema , Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies, 1(3):263-277
Il cinepanettone nell'economia del cinema italiano , Economia della cultura, 23 (4):475-488
Il mercato delle location cinematografiche: un modello interpretativo , Comunicazioni sociali, 35 (1):135-145
Balbi G. , Fari S., Richeri G. , Calvo S. (2013)
Specialità svizzere. L’influenza della Confederazione elvetica sull’origini dell’Unione Telegrafica, 1855-1875 , Tst: Transportes, Servicios y telecomunicaciones, 25:150-175
Balbi G. , Fari S., Calvo S., Richeri G. (2013)
Swiss specialties: Switzerland’s role in the genesis of the Telegraph Union, 1855-1875 , Journal of European Integration History, 19 (2):207-225
Fari S., Balbi G. , Richeri G. (2013)
The Bureaucratisation of the Telegraph Union , Storia Economica, 2:377-394
Cola M., Prario B. (2013)
The commercialization of television in Switzerland: a matter of neighbours , Comunicazioni Sociali, No. 1, pp. 122-132
Balbi G. (2013)
The idles mattered. The early Italian telephone and its users , Estudos em Comunicação / Communication Studies, 14:39-58
Cola M., Prario B. (2012)
New ways of consumption: the audiences of public service media in Italy and Switzerland , Media, Culture and Society, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 181-194
Dhoest A., Cola M., Mauri Brusa M., Lemish D. (2012)
Studying Ethnic Minorities’ Media Uses: Comparative Conceptual and Methodological Reflections , Communication, Culture & Critique, pp. 372-391
Cola M., Iseni B., Mauri Brusa M. (2012)
The Kosovar diaspora in Switzerland: construction of identities between media use and diasporic traits , Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations, Special issue: Diasporic Identities, Media, and the Public Space, Vol. 14 (4), pp. 47-63
Benecchi E. (2011)
Cream Soda, the rhythm of everydaylife , Image&Narrative
Balbi G. (2011)
Doing Media History in 2050 , "Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture", 8 (2):113-133
Richeri G. (2011)
Film Commission e sviluppo territoriale: esperienze a confronto e bilanci , Economia della cultura, 21(2):171-185
Candeloro J. P. (2011)
Italian Feature Films on National Public and Commercial Broadcasters , Observatorio (OBS*),5(4): 31-48
Calvo S., Balbi G. , Fari S., Richeri G. (2011)
La voie suisse aux télécommunications. Politique, économie, technologie et société (1850–1915) , "Revue Suisse d'Histoire", 61(4): 435-453
Balbi G. (2011)
The Origins of the Telephone in Italy, 1877-1915: Politics, Economics, Technology and Society , "International Journal of Communication", 5:1058-1081
Balbi G. (2011)
Un percorso bibliografico nella storia dei media , "Problemi dell'informazione", 2-3: 339-348.
Balbi G. (2011)
Una storia della storia dei media. Mappa di una disciplina in formazione , "Problemi dell'informazione", 2/3: 163-192
Colapinto C. (2010)
Beijing Olympics between Media, Sport and Politics: Perspectives from the Swiss and Italian Media , International Journal of the History of Sport, Vol. 27 (9-10), June-July 2010:1697-1719
Colapinto C., Luo Q. (2010)
China Radio International in the Digital Age: Propagating China on the Global Scenario , Global Media Journal 9 (16), Spring 2010
Major cinematografiche e network televisivi. L'avvento di sinergie nel mercato statunitense dell'audiovisivo , Studies in Communication Sciences, 10(1):181-202
Colapinto C. (2010)
Moving to a multichannel and multiplatform company in the emerging and digital Media eco-system: the case of Mediaset Group , International Journal on Media Management, Vol. 12(2), pp: 59-75
Balbi G. (2010)
Radio before Radio: Araldo Telefonico and the invention of Italian broadcasting , "Technology and Culture", 51 (4):786-808
Balbi G. , Prario B. (2010)
The history of Fininvest/Mediaset's media strategy: 30 years of politics, the market, technology and Italian society , "Media, Culture and Society", 32 (3):391-409
Colapinto C. (2010)
The Run-up to the Beijing Olympics in Switzerland and Italy , International Journal of the History of Sport, Vol. 27 (9-10), June-July 2010:1460-1471
Balbi G. , Calvo S., Fari S., Richeri G. (2009)
Bringing together the two large electric currents that divide Europe’: Switzerland’s Role in Promoting the Creation of a Common European Telegraph Space, 1849-1865 , ICON, 15:61-80
Balbi G. (2009)
I «parassiti» contano. La telefonia italiana e i primi abbonati (1880-1915) , "Studi Culturali", Anno VI (1):43-59
Balbi G. (2009)
Studying the Social History of Telecommunications. Between Anglophone and Continental Traditions , "Media History", 15 (1):85-101
The Promise is Great. The Blockbuster and the Hollywood Economy , Media Culture & Society, 31(2):215-230
Balbi G. (2009)
Tra stato e mercato. Le prime società telefoniche italiane, 1878-1915 , "Contemporanea. Rivista di storia dell'800 e del '900" (3):447-470
Balbi G. (2008)
Dappertutto telefonini. Per una storia sociale della telefonia mobile in Italia , "Intersezioni" (3):465-490
Zavaritt G. (2008)
Il giornalismo fragile , Comunicazione Politica 1, 2008, pag 61
Prario B. , Cola M. (2008)
Le diete mediatiche degli svizzeri italiani nel contesto europeo , Observatorio (OBS*), Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 118-36
Le radici del successo hollywoodiano. Analisi del vantaggio strutturale e storico dell'industria cinematografica statunitense , Observatorio (OBS*), 2(4):137-152
Elia Ott C. (2007)
Die Vermittler , Journalist - DAS DEUTSCHE MEDIENMAGAZIN, 4/07
Poglia E. , Molo Bettelini C. (2007)
Le choix des études universitaire: sciences sociales plutôt que sciences exactes ou techniques? , Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Bildungswissenschaften/ Revue suisse des sciences de l'éducation, 29 (1) 2007, 100-200
Elia Ott C. (2007)
L'ombudsman ha quarant'anni. Un'indagine sugli ombudsmen nel mondo , Problemi dell'informazione (1)
Prario B. (2007)
Mobile Television in Italy: Value Chains and Business Models of Telecommunications Operators , Journal of Media Business Studies, 4 (1)
Prario B. , Balbi G. (2007)
Ritorno al Futuro. Il passato e il presente della Mobile TV , "Observatorio (OBS) Journal", 2:103-122
Balbi G. (2007)
Squilli di carta. I primi 40 anni del telefono nelle pagine della letteratura italiana , "Memoria e Ricerca". Fasciolo 25, Maggio-Agosto:127-152
The Economics of Journalism and the Challenge to Improve Journalism Quality , in: Studies of Communication Science (forthcoming)
Elia Ott C. (2007)
Vierzig Jahre Presseombudsmann: Wer sind die Leserschaftsanwälte und wie kommunizieren sie? Eine vergleichende Analyse , Europäische Medienethiken, zfkm, Zentrum für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft, Ausgabe 1/2007 | 9. Jahrgang: 100-105. ISSN 1861-2687
Elia Ott C. (2006)
Geburtstag eines Leitmediums , Message (2):104-105
Elia Ott C. (2006)
L'esame di coscienza dei media americani , Problemi dell´informazione (1)
Cola M. (2006)
Media Studies and Social Geography: A Combination of Theories in an Empirical Qualitative Research , Studies in Communication Sciences, 6 (2):269-279
Vodoo-Zauber, Prinzipale und Agenten. Zur Interaktion von Journalismus und PR - Eine ökonomische Analyse , in: PR-Magazin, November 2006, 55-62
Zavaritt G. (2006)
Wahlkampf "Kommunikation all'italiana" , Message 2, 2006:5-7
Altered Realities. , Studies of Communication Sciences Vol. 5/1, 2005, S. 231-232
BESIO C., Morici L. (2005)
Auf dem Weg zu einer entgrenzten Wissenschaft? Irritationen, die Massenmedien in der Forschung auslösen , Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 31, 3, 487-506
Höhne A. (2005)
Der "Homo oeconomicus" im Feuilleton. Zur Ökonomik der Kulturberichterstattung. , in: Wegmann, Thomas (Hrsg.): Markt. Literarisch, Publikationen zur Zeitschrift für Gemanistik, Neue Folge, Band 12, Bern u.a.: Verlag Peter Lang, 2005, 229-248
Elia Ott C. (2005)
Die Komplizen des Terrors , Message (4):48-50
BESIO C., Corti A. (2005)
Die Medienwirksamkeit von Betroffenheit oder weshalb Ethikkommissionen mit Risikofragen betraut werden , Medienwissenschaft Schweiz, 1, 47-56
BESIO C., Hungerbühler Savary R., Morici L., Prario B. (2005)
Die Unverzichtbarkeit organisationstheoretischer Ansätze für die Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaften , Medienwissenschaft Schweiz, 2, 33-41
Elia Ott C. (2005)
Erfolgsmodell "all'italiana" , Message, Nr. 2, pag. 98
Balbi G. (2005)
I vecchi e i giovani. Strategie di mimesi tra old e new media , "Studies in Communication Sciences", 5 (1):183-204
Zavaritt G. (2005)
Media and power in post-soviet Russia, Zassoursky, Ivan (2004) Book review , Message 3, 2005, pag.111; Studies of communication science 2005
Elia Ott C. (2005)
Neue Anklage gegen den RAI-Regenten , Message (4):102-103
Zavaritt G. (2005)
Reporting War, journalism in war time Stuard Allan, Barbie Zelizer 2004. Book review , Journalism, No.1 2006, Volume 7; Message 2, 2005, pag. 102; Comunicazione politica II 2005
Pagani G., Prario B. , Visentin F., Zorzi Boletis Y. (2005)
The Key of Sucess, the Cause of Failure: A Comparative Analysis of Two UK Digital Television Companies , JJBS Research Reports No. 2005-2
Zwischen Selbstbeweihrächerung und Konkurrenzkritik. Medienjournalismus in der Schweiz - drei Fallstudien. , Medienwissenschaft Schweiz Nr. 1/2005, S. 64-68
Elia Ott C. (2004)
Das Gute an Berlusconi , Message, 4/2004:105-106
Die harmlosen Watch-Dogs. Zwischen Konkurrenzschelte und Selbstbeweihräucherung. , Message Nr. 3, S. 96-98
Hungerbühler R., Morici L. (2004)
Fiat Lux. Il paesaggio notturno tra vita di notte, sicurezza e inquinamento luminoso , GEA paesaggi, territori, geografie, n.18, 16-25
Candeloro J. P., Richeri G. (2004)
La fiction televisiva nel mercato unico europeo , Studies in Communication Sciences, 4 (1)
Sorice M. (2004)
La fiction televisiva nella prospettiva italiana , Studies in Communication Sciences, Università della Svizzera italiana
Ganz-Blättler U. (2004)
Scripted and Staged Media Realities , Studies in Communication Sciences, 4, 1.:111-128
Elia Ott C. (2004)
Ueber einen neuen Plural: "Journalismen" , Message, 3/2004, p. 111
Elia Ott C. (2004)
Vom Sein und Sollen der Nachrichten , Message, 1/2004, p.100
Höhne A. (2004)
Zur Ökonomik und Ethik der Kriegsberichterstattung , in: Zeitschrift für Kommunikationsökologie, Ausgabe 1/2004, 11-23
Elia Ott C. (2003)
Book Review sul libro di Carlo Sorrentino - Journalism: what it is and how it works , in: Studies in Communication Sciences 3/1, p. 221
Tota A. L. (2003)
Collective Memories at , Comparative Social Research, Yearbook
Prario B. , Richeri G. (2003)
(Full paper) Flussi e infrastrutture di comunicazione nel mediterraneo , in Studies in Communication Sciences, Università della Svizzera italiana
Candeloro J. P. (2003)
Hollywood e la pirateria , Economia della cultura, Anno XIII, n. 2
Casetti F. (2003)
King Kong a Broadway. In: Paolo Bertetto (a cura di), L´interpretazione del film , Venezia, Marsilio
Tota A. L. (2003)
La comunicazione pubblica del passato. Uno studio etnografico sulla commemorazione della strage di Bologna , Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia
Casetti F. (2003)
Stilistica e retorica del Neorealismo. In: C. Cosulich (a cura di), Storia del cinema Italiano , Roma, Marsilio/Bianco e Nero
Russ-Mohl S. (2003)
Towards a European Journalism? Limits, Opportunities, Challenges , in: Studies in Communication Sciences/Studi di scienze della comunicazione, Vol. 3/Nr.2
Ganz-Blättler U. (2003)
"Tu n´est pas seul!" Big Brother en Allemagne. In: Guy Lochard / Guillaume Soulez (ed.): La tele-realite, un debat mondial. Les metamorphoses de Big Brother. (MediaMorphoses, fuori serie) , Parigi: Presses Universitaires de France, pp. 37-41
Prario B. (2002)
(Book review) Taisto Hujanen, The power of schedule, Tapere 2002 , The international Journal on Media Management, volume 2
Russ-Mohl S. (2002)
Garanzia di qualità giornalistica nel ciclo dell´attenzione , in: Studies in Communication Sciences/Studi di scienze della comunicazione, Vol. 2, Nr. 1
Casetti F. (2002)
La nascita del cinema e l´ambiente della metropoli. In: G. Alonge e F. Mazzocchi (a cura di), Ombre Metropolitane. Città e spettacolo nel Novecento , Torino, Lexis
BESIO C., Hungerbühler R., Morici L., Spoerl Voegtli E. (2002)
Radio und Fernsehen online: neue Wege der Bildung? , Medienwissenschaft Schweiz, 2, 28-36
Tota A. L. (2002)
Tra simbolo e funzione: l´orologio della memoria , Il Mulino
BESIO C. (2001)
(book review): B. Heintz, B. Nievergelt (Hrsg.), Wissenschafts-und Technikforschung in der Schweiz. Sondierungen einer neuen Disziplin, Seismo Verlag, Zürich 1998 , Studies in Communication Sciences, 1, 1
BESIO C. (2001)
(book review) H. Nowotny, Es ist so. Es kvnnte auch anders sein. \ber das verdnderte Verhdltnis von Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main 1999 , Studies in Communication Sciences, 1, 1.
Hungerbühler Savary R. (2001)
Drei Sprachregionen drei Oeffentlichkeiten. Politische Berichterstattung beim Schweizer Rundfunk. In: Drei Sprachregionen drei Oeffentlichkeiten. Politische Berichterstattung beim Schweizer Rundfunk , Universit` della Svizzera italiana.
Tota A. L. (2001)
Homeless Memories: how societies forget their past , Studies in Communication Sciences
Sorice M. (2001)
Le strategie e le tecnologie della comunicazione interna , Ministero delle Finanze, Roma
Sorice M. (2001)
Online journalism: information and culture in the Italian technological imaginary , Carfax Publishing, London
Sorice M. (2001)
Radio Days in the ´70s in F. Colombo (a cura di), Gli anni delle cose , Vita & Pensiero, Milano
Tota A. L. (2001)
When Orff meets Guiness: music in advertising as a form of cultural hybrid , Poetics. Journal of Empirical Research on Literature, Media and the Arts
Prario B. (2000)
(Book review) Manuel Castels: The Internet Galaxy. Reflections on the Internet, Business and Society , Studies in Communication Sciences, Università della Svizzera italiana, vol. 1
Prario B. (2000)
(Report review) Italian Communications Authority, The White Book on Digital Terrestrial Television, Rome, 2000, , in Studies in Communication Sciences, Università della Svizzera italiana
Casetti F. (2000)
Visibilità/invisibilità. Scena oscena. In: La Valle dell´eden, 4
Tota A. L. (1999)
Arte e scienza in pubblico: il ruolo dei musei , Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia
BESIO C., Pronzini P. (1999)
Die Beobachtung von Theorien und Methoden. Antwort auf A. Nassehi , Soziale Systeme 5, 2, 385-397
Tota A. L. (1999)
La guerra dei sogni? L´immaginario come risorsa di genere , Adultità
Casetti F. (1999)
Lo sguardo novecentesco: traversate e punti d´approdo. In: S. Bernardi (a cura di), Storie dislocate , Pisa, ETS
Tota A. L. (1998)
Context as resource for constructing artistic value: cases of non-recognition , Social Science Information
Casetti F. (1994)
La pragmatica: un breve profilo. In: G. Bettetini (a cura di), Teoria della comunicazione , Milano, Angeli
Casetti F. (1990)
Specchio su specchio: autoriflessività nel cinema italiano degli anni cinquanta. In: La scena e lo schermo, 3-4
Casetti F. (1989)
Pragmatique et thiorie du cinima aujourd´hui. In: Hors Cadre, 7
Casetti F. (1983)
A tu per tu. Il film e il suo spettatore. In: Documenti di lavoro , CISL, Universit` di Urbino, 123/124
Casetti F. (1979)
Il testo del film. In: Comunicazioni sociali, 3
Libro (66)
Balbi G. , Leggero R. (2024)
Communication Maintenance in Longue Durée . Routledge
Balbi G. (2023)
The Digital Revolution. A Short History of an Ideology . Oxford University Press
Balbi G. (2022)
L’ultima ideologia. Breve storia della rivoluzione digitale . Roma-Bari: Laterza.
Balbi G. , Ribeiro N. ., Schafer V., Schwarzenegger C. (2021)
(Eds.) Digital Roots. Historicizing media and communication concepts of the digital age . Berlin: De Gruyter
Balbi G. , Ribeiro N. ., Schafer V., Schwarzenegger C. (2021)
(Eds.) Digital Roots. Historicizing media and communication concepts of the digital age . Berlin: De Gruyter
Economia del film. Industria, politiche, mercati . Carocci, Roma
Balbi G. , Fickers A. (2020)
(Eds.) History of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Transnational techno-diplomacy from the telegraph to the Internet . Berlin: De Gruyter
Bory P., Negro G., Balbi G. (2019)
(Eds) Computer Network Histories: Emerging Streams from the Internet Past . Chronos
Balbi G. , Magaudda P. (2018)
A History of Digital Media. An Intermedia and Global Perspective. . Milton: Routledge. ISBN 9781138630222
Balbi G. , Magaudda P. (2018)
A History of Digital Media. An Intermedia and Global Perspective. . Milton: Routledge. ISBN 9781138630222
Magaudda P., Balbi G. (2018)
(Eds.). Fallimenti digitali. Per un’archeologia dei nuovi media. . Milano: Unicopli
Sparviero S., Peil C., Balbi G. (2017)
(Eds.). Media Convergence and Deconvergence . London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan
Manzoli G. (2017)
Il cinema di Stato. Finanziamento pubblico ed economia simbolica nel cinema italiano contemporaneo (a cura di) . Il Mulino, Bologna
Fari S., Balbi G. , Richeri G. (2015)
The formative years of the Telegraph Union. . Newcastle-Upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholar Publishing
La trama dei media: Stato, imprese, pubblico nella società dell'informazione (a cura di) . Carocci, Roma
Lasagni M. C. (2014)
Nanook cammina ancora. Il cinema documentario, storia e teoria . Bruno Mondadori
Balbi G. , Fari S., Richeri G. , Calvo S. (2014)
Network Neutrality. Switzerland’s role in the genesis of the Telegraph Union, 1855-1875 . Peter Lang: Bern.
Balbi G. , Magaudda P. (2014)
Storia dei media digitali. Rivoluzioni e continuità . Laterza: Roma-Bari. Laterza. ISBN 9788858116272
Balbi G. , Winterhalter C. (2013)
(a cura di) Antiche novità. Una guida transdisciplinare per interpretare il vecchio e il nuovo . Napoli: Orthotes
Richeri G. (2013)
Il mercato delle location cinematografiche . Marsilio, Venezia
Balbi G. , Miconi A., Ortoleva P. (2011)
Come cambiano i media. Sfide, categorie, direzioni di ricerca . Numero monografico di "Problemi dell'informazione", 2-3. Bologna: il Mulino
Balbi G. (2011)
Le origini del telefono in Italia. Politica, economia, tecnologia, società . Bruno Mondadori. Milano: Bruno Mondadori
Il film blockbuster. Storia e caratteristiche delle grandi produzioni hollywoodiane . Carocci. Roma
Balbi G. (2010)
La radio prima della radio. L'Araldo Telefonico e l'invenzione del broadcasting in Italia . Roma: Bulzoni
Cola M., Prario B. , Richeri G. (2010)
Media, tecnologie e vita quotidiana: la domestication . Roma: Carocci
Cola M., Prario B. (2009)
Dotazione e uso dei media. La Svizzera italiana nel contesto elvetico . Bern: Peter Lang
Russ-Mohl S. , Zavaritt G. , Merkel B. (2007)
A complicated, Antagonistic & Symbiotic Affair: Journalism, Public Relations and their Struggle for Public Attention . Bellinzona, Casagrande
SOSIO L., De Blasio E., Gili G., Hibberd M. (2007)
La ricerca sull´audience . Hoepli, Milano
Sorice M., De Blasio E., Gili G., Hibberd M. (2007)
La ricerca sull'audience . Hoepli, Milano
Sorice M., Gillespie M. (2007)
Media Audiences . Milano: Hoepli
Elia Ott C. , Russ-Mohl S. , Egli, von Matt S (2006)
Media Journalism in the Attention Cycle: Problems, Perspectives, Visions . Bellinzona, Casagrande
Benecchi E. (2005)
Anime. Cartoni con l'anima . Perdisa Editore
Fengler S., Russ-Mohl S. (2005)
Der Journalist als Homo oeconomicus . Konstanz, UVK
Sorice M., Pasquali F. (2005)
Gli "altri" media. Ricerca nazionale sui media non-mainstream . Vita & Pensiero, Milano
Sorice M. (2005)
I media. La prospettiva sociologica . Carocci, Roma
Prario B. (2005)
Le trasformazioni dell'impresa televisiva verso l'era digitale . Peter Lang
Sorice M. (2005)
Programmi in scatola. Il format nella tv globale . Effatà , Torino
Traduzione del manuale «Journalismus. Das Lehr- und Handbuch» in serbo: «Novinarstvo» (con Ana J. Zagorac-Kerscher) e ceco «Zurnalistika» (con Hana Bakicova) . Algoritam
De Blasio E., Sorice M. (2004)
Cantastorie mediali. La fiction come story teller della società italiana . Dino Audino Editore, Roma
Sorice M., Frezza G. (2004)
La tv che non c´è . Edizioni 10/17, Salerno
Casetti F. (2003)
Communicative negotiation in Cinema and Television . Milano, Vita e Pensiero
Russ-Mohl S. (2003)
Journalismus. Das Lehr- und Handbuch . Frankfurter Allgemeine Buch im F.A.Z.-Institut
Tota A. L. (2003)
La città ferita. Memoria e comunicazione pubblica della strage di Bologna, 2 agosto 1980 . il Mulino
Russ-Mohl S. , Fengler S. (2002)
BusinessJournalism, Corporate Communications, and Newsroom Management . Lugano, Università della Svizzera Italiana
Sorice M. (2002)
Lo specchio magico. Linguaggi, formati, generi, pubblici della televisione italiana . Editori Riuniti, Roma
Tota A. L. (2001)
La memoria contesa. Studi sulla comunicazione sociale del passato . Angeli
Lasagni M. C., Richeri G. (2000)
Il palinsesto sociale in Europa . Rai-Eri
Sorice M. (2000)
Le comunicazioni di massa. Storia, teorie, tecniche . Editori Riuniti, Roma
Russ-Mohl S. , Fengler S. (2000)
Medien auf der Buehne der Medien. Zur Zukunft von Medienjournalismus und Medien-PR . Berlin: Dahlem University Press
Russ-Mohl S. (2000)
Qualitaet durch Kommunikation sichern. Vom Qualitaetsmanagement zur Qualitaetskultur - Erfahrungsberichte aus Industrie, Dienstleistung und Medienwirtschaft . Frankfurt: F.A.Z.-Institut fuer Management-, Markt- und Medieninformationen
Sorice M., Morcellini M. (1999)
Dizionario della comunicazione . Editori Riuniti, Roma
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Sociologie dell'arte. Dal museo tradizionale all'arte multimediale . Carocci
Sorice M. (1998)
Futuri immaginari. Le parole chiave dei new media . Logica University Press, Roma-Genova
Sorice M. (1998)
L´industria culturale in Italia . Editori Riuniti, Roma
Tota A. L. (1997)
Etnografia dell´arte. Per una sociologia dei contesti artistici . Logica University Press
Lasagni M. C. (1997)
Genere femminile e nuovi media domestici . Centro Studi Telecom Italia
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Televisione e qualità . Rai-Eri
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L´ospite fisso. Televisione e mass media nelle famiglie italiane . San Paolo, Milano
Sorice M. (1995)
Logiche dell´illogico. Introduzione alle teorie del consumo . Seam, Roma
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Teorie del cinema. 1945-1990 . Milano, Bompiani
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Dentro lo sguardo. Il film e il suo spettatore . Milano, Bompiani
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L´altro mondo quotidiano. Telenovelas, TV brasiliana e dintorni . Rai-Eri
Ganz-Blättler U.,
Signs of Time. Cumulative Narrative in Broadcast Television Fiction . pubblicazione pendente
Contributo in libro (115)
Balbi G. , Magaudda P. (2022)
Warum die Geschichte digitaler Medien erforschen - und wie? . In C. Schwarzenegger, E. Koenen, C. Pentzold, T. Birkner, & C. Katzenbach (Eds.), Digitale Kommunikation und Kommunikationsgeschichte: Perspektiven, Potentiale, Problemfelder,. Berlin, 31-61
Balbi G. , Ribeiro N. ., Schafer V., Schwarzenegger C. (2021)
Digging into Digital Roots. Towards a Conceptual Media and Communication History . G. Balbi, N. Ribeiro, V. Schafer, & C. Schwarzenegger (Eds.), Digital Roots. Historicizing media and communication concepts of the digital age. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1-16
Rospocher M., Balbi G. (2021)
Networks. Infrastructures, Materiality, and Communities from Ancient Rome to Social Media . G. Balbi, N. Ribeiro, V. Schafer, & C. Schwarzenegger (Eds.), Digital Roots. Historicizing media and communication concepts of the digital age. Berlin: De Gruyter, 19-39
Film Production . The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society. Sage, Thousand Oaks, 623-626
Balbi G. (2020)
I media come cose (2011) . L. Barra & G. C. Galvagno (Eds.), Media-storie. Lezioni indimenticate di Peppino Ortoleva. Rome: Viella, 51-55
Balbi G. , Fickers A. (2020)
Introduction: The ITU as Actor, Arena, and Antenna of Techno-Diplomacy . G. Balbi & A. Fickers (Eds.), History of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Transnational techno-diplomacy from the telegraph to the Internet. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1-12
L'architettura di politiche a sostegno dell'export cinematografico . In Scaglioni M. (a cura di), Cinema made in Italy. La circolazione internazionale dell'audiovisivo italiano. Carocci, Roma, 55-75
Le catene dell'impegno e della creatività . In Holdaway D., Missero D. (a cura di), Il sistema dell'impegno nel cinema italiano contemporaneo. Mimesis, Milano-Udine, 163-175
Balbi G. (2019)
Allungare e allargare la TV. Come la storia della tecnologia può aiutare quella della televisione . M. Scaglioni (Ed.), Appassionati dissodatori. Storia e storiografia della televisione in Italia. Studi in onore di Aldo Grasso. Milano: Vita e pensiero, 75-81
Merziger P., Balbi G. , Barrera C., Sipos B. (2019)
Crises, Rise of Fascism and the Establishment of Authoritarian Media Systems . K. Arnold, P. Preston & S. Kinnebrock (Eds.), European Communication History Handbook. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley., 135-152
Le istituzioni e le politiche a sostegno della circolazione internazionale del cinema italiano . In Parigi S., Uva C., Zagarrio V. (a cura di), Cinema e identità italiana. Roma TrE-Press, 415-424
Bory P., Negro G., Balbi G. (2019)
The tributaries and distributaries of network histories . Computer Network Histories: Emerging Streams from the Internet Past. Chronos, 7-15
Rikitianskaia M. (2018)
A transnational approach to radio amateurism in the 1910s . G. Föllmer & A. Badenoch (Eds.), Transnationalizing radio research: new approaches to an old medium. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 133-140
Bory P. (2018)
A Web made of media - Media imaginaries and the birth of the World Wide Web . Temps et temporalités du Web. Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre, 15-28
Bory P. (2018)
La mancata disseminazione di Socrate. La storia dimenticata della rete a banda larga di Telecom Italia . Fallimenti Digitali. Un'archeologia dei nuovi media.. Unicopli, 93-108
Rikitianskaia M. (2018)
Listening to “Concert of Europe”: pioneering radio amateurs during World War I. . C. Hart (Ed.), World War I: Media, Entertainments & Popular Culture.. Chester: Lulu Press, 123-144
Magaudda P., Balbi G. (2018)
Per una teoria del fallimento nei media digitali . P. Magaudda e G. Balbi, Fallimenti digitali. Un'"archeologia" dei nuovi media. Milano: Unicopli, 7-26
Dagnino G. (2018)
Public Film Policy and the Rise of Economic Principles: The Case of Switzerland . In Murschetz P.C., Teichmann R., Karmasin M. (eds.), Handbook of State Aid for Film. Finance, Industries and Regulation. Springer, 427-445
The Many Enemies of Co-productions in Italy: Moviegoers, Broadcasters, Policymakers and Half-hearted Producers . In Hammett-Jamart J., Mitric P. Novrup Redvall E. (eds.), European Film and Television Co-production. Policy and Practice. Palgrave, Cham, 191-206
Benecchi E. , Porlezza C., Colapinto C. (2018)
The Transmedia Revitalization of Investigative Journalism: Opportunities and Challenges of the Serial Podcast . Exploring Transmedia Journalism in the Digital Age. IGI Global, 183-201
The Vertical Axis of Film Policies in Europe: Between Subsidiarity and Local Anarchy . In Mingant N., Tirtaine C. (eds.), Reconceptualising Film Policies. Routledge, New York, 263-275
Barra L. (2018)
Tra "orribile pubblicità e attenzione globale: Gomorra-La serie e il rapporto problematico con il territorio . In Guerra M., Martin S., Rimini S. (a cura di), Universo Gomorra. Da libro a film, da film a serie. Mimesis, Milano-Udine, 67-80
Natale S., Bory P. (2017)
Constructing the Biographies of the Web : An examination of the Narratives and Myths around Web history . Web 25. Histories from the first 25 Years of the World Wide Web. Peter Lang, 29-42
Manzoli G. (2017)
Introduzione . In Cucco M., Manzoli, G. (a cura di), Il cinema di Stato. Finanziamento pubblico ed economia simbolica nel cinema italiano contemporaneo. Il Mulino, Bologna, 7-32
La rottura della clessidra. Le sfide del VOD alla filiera cinematografica e alle politiche pubbliche . In Re V. (a cura di), Streaming media. Distribuzione, circolazione, accesso. Mimesis, Milano-Udine, 73-88
L'industria e le leggi del cinema in Italia (2000-2015) . In Cucco M., Manzoli G. (a cura di), Il cinema di Stato. Finanziamento pubblico ed economia simbolica nel cinema italiano contemporaneo. Il Mulino, Bologna, 33-83
Barra L. (2017)
Quid pro quo. Le serie tv, il territorio e il "problema" Gomorra . In Graziano T., Nicosia E. (a cura di), Geo-fiction. Il volto televisivo del Belpaese. Casi di studio a confronto. Aracne, Canterano, 133-143
Balbi G. , Moraglio M. (2016)
A Proposal to Hybridise Communication and Mobility Research Agendas . S. Fari & M. Moraglio (Eds.), Peripheral flows: A Historical Perspective on Mobilities between Cores and Fringes. Newcastle-Upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 10-27
Andare al cinema è ancora popolare? Pubblico e tendenze di consumo negli anni Duemila . in Armocida P., Buffoni L. (a cura di) Romanzo popolare. Narrazione, pubblico e storie del cinema italiano negli anni Duemila. Marsilio, Venezia, 261-269
Scrutare l'iceberg. Limiti e strade per lo studio dell'economia del cinema italiano . In Barra L., Bonini T., Splendore S. (a cura di), Backstage. Studi sulla produzione dei media in Italia. Unicopli, Milano, 117-125
Barra L., Balbi G. (2016)
The Italian way to teletext: The History, Structure and Role of Televideo Rai. . In H. Moe & H. Van den Bulck (Eds.), Teletext in Europe: From the Analogue to the Digital Era. Göteborg: Nordicom, 205-226
Balbi G. (2015)
Old and New Media. Theorizing Their Relationships in Media Historiography . In S. Kinnebrock, C. Schwarzenegger, & T. Birkner (Eds.), Theorien des Medienwandels. Köln: Halem., 231-249
Balbi G. , John R. R. (2015)
Point-to-Point: Telecommunications Networks from the Optical Telegraph to the Mobile Telephone . L. Cantoni & J. A. Danowski (Eds.), Communication and Technology, 5th volume of the Handbook of Communication Science. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 35-55
Balbi G. (2015)
The International Bureau . S. Fari, with G. Balbi and G. Richeri (Eds.), The formative years of the Telegraph Union. Newcastle-Upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 59-79
Che cosa è un film? La grande bellezza in una prospettiva di economia e politica dei media . In Cucco M. (a cura di), La trama dei media: Stato, imprese, pubblico nella società dell'informazione. Carocci, Roma, 101-119
Zhang Z. (2014)
Considerations of the function of Microblogging service in foreign media’s news practice in China . Annual Report on Media Development of Shanghai (2014 blue book). Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 158-176
Balbi G. (2014)
Da Morse a Jobs. Politica, impresa, tecnologia e utenti nella storia delle telecomunicazioni . M. Cucco (a cura di). La trama dei media. Stato, imprese, pubblico nella società dell’informazione. Rome: Carocci-xy
Zhang Z. (2014)
Heating the Chaos—coverage of Diaoyu Islands dispute in Chinese legacy media . The Disputed Islands in the East China Sea: How Media Narratives Shape Public Opinions and Challenge the Global Economy. Palgrave MacMillan, New York, Aug.2014, forthcoming-forthcoming
Dagnino G. (2014)
Il ruolo dei brand nel mercato dell'audiovisivo . in Marco Cucco (ed.) La trama dei media. Stato, imprese, pubblico nella società dell'informazione. Carocci, 121-139
Introduzione: uno sguardo multifocale nello studio dei media . In Cucco M. (a cura di), La trama dei media: Stato, imprese, pubblico nella società dell'informazione (a cura di M. Cucco). Carocci, Roma, 9-15
Dagnino G. (2014)
It’s a Branded New World: The Influence of Regional Policy and Product Placement upon Contemporary Italian Film Narrative . in Pearson, R. & Anthony Smith (eds.) Storytelling in the Media Convergence Age: Exploring Screen Narratives. Palgrave Macmillan, 93-107
Benecchi E. (2014)
L'economia del Fandom . La trama dei media. Carocci, 75-96
Benecchi E. (2013)
Culto Convergente. Quo Vadis Baby? La serie. . Tutta un'altra Fiction. Carocci. in Scaglioni, M., Barra, L., (a cura di), Tutta un'altra fiction. La serialità pay in Italia e Europa tra narrazioni, generi, mercati, Carocci, 140-146
Balbi G. (2013)
Dal telefono alla radio (e ritorno?) . V. Marchis and F. Profumo (a cura di), Il contributo italiano alla storia del pensiero. Tecnica.. Rome: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana., 437-448
Balbi G. (2013)
I media. Quattro paradigmi nella relazione tra vecchi e nuovi mezzi di comunicazione . G. Balbi e C. Winterhalter (a cura di). Antiche novità. Una guida transdisciplinare per interpretare il vecchio e il nuovo.. Napoli: Orthotes, 15-36
Balbi G. (2013)
‘I Will Answer You, My Friend, but I am Afraid’: Telephones and the Fear of a New Medium in Nineteenth and Early Twentieth-Century Italy . In S. Nicholas & T. O’Malley (Eds.), The Media, Social Fears and Moral Panics: Historical Perspectives. London and New York: Routledge. S. Nicholas and T. O’Malley (eds.). Moral Panics, Social Fears, and the MediaHistorical Perspectives. London and New York: Routledge., 59-75
Investimenti e modelli economici. Il ruolo della fiction Sky nel sistema dei media e nel sistema-paese . In Scaglioni M., Barra L. (a cura di), Tutta un'altra fiction. La serialità pay in Italia e nel mondo. Il modello Sky. Carocci, 81-87
Cola M., Nikunen K., Dhoest A., Titley G. (2013)
‘Lost in Mainstreaming’? Ethnic Minority Audiences for Public and Private Television Broadcasting . In N. Carpentier, K.C. Schroder, L. Hallett (eds.), Audience Transformations: Shifting Audience Positions in Late Modernity, London: Routledge, pp. 82-100
Benecchi E. , De Masi V. (2013)
Media Management in Disaster Events: A Case Study of a Japanese Earthquake . in Ahmad, R., Khan, M., Saeed, Business Strategies and Approaches for Effective Engineering Management, Hershey PA, IGI Global
Cola M., Mauri Brusa M. (2013)
Researching ethnic minority groups as audiences: Methodological challenges and research strategies . in G. Patriarche, H. Bilandzic, J.L. Jensen and J. Jurisic (eds.), Researching Transforming Audiences. Methodological Issues and Innovations in Audience Research, London: Routledge, pp. 107-123
Balbi G. (2013)
Telecommunications . P. Simonson, J. Peck, R. T. Craig, & J. P. Jackson (Eds.), Handbook of Communication History. London and New York: Routledge. P. Simonson, J. Peck, R. T. Craig, and J. P. Jackson (eds.). Handbook of Communication History. London and New York: Routledge, 209-222
Balbi G. (2013)
Telephony . in M. Danesi (ed.). Encyclopedia of Media and Communication. Toronto, Buffalo and London: University of Toronto Press
Benecchi E. , Richeri G. (2013)
Tv to talk about. Engaging with American tv series through the Internet . in Abbruzzese, A., Fortunato L. (eds),'The New Television Ecosystem', Peter Lang, Bern
Balbi G. (2013)
Wireless. Nascita, morte e resurrezione di un’idea . D. Borrelli (a cura di). Media che cambiano, parole che restano. Roma: Carocci
Benecchi E. , Colapinto C. (2012)
Movie Industry goes Viral . in Ibrus, I., Scolari, C. (a cura di), Cross Media Innovation, Berlino/New York, Peter Lang
Cola M., Mauri Brusa M. (2012)
The Kosovar Diaspora in Switzerland: cultures, identities and sense of belongings . In A. Eamer (ed.) Border Terrains: World Diasporas in the 21st Century. Oxford: Inter-disciplinary Press, pp. 119-128
Cola M. (2011)
Audience research in Switzerland . In Bilandzic, H., Carpentier, N., Patriarche, G., Ponte, C., Schroder, K., Vossen, E., and Zeller, F. (eds). Overview of European Audience research. Research report of the COST Action IS0906 Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies. Bruxelles: COST, pp. 159-164
Jaws . In Geraghty L. (ed.), Directory of World Cinema - American Hollywood. Intellect Books: Bristol & Chicago, pp.269-71
Benecchi E. , Colapinto C. (2011)
TV series go beyond the screen . in Perez Gomez, M., Previously On, Siviglia, Frame
Benecchi E. , Colapinto C. (2011)
When Music Meets Television and Social Media. Idols in the Era of Convergence and Participation . in Faustino, P., Vukanovic, Z., Managing Media Economy, Media Content and Technology in the age of Digital Convergence, Formalpress, Media XXL
Benecchi E. , Colapinto C. (2010)
Engaging with Glee! Transmedia storytelling for a television in transition . in Guerrero, E., et al., Business Models for a digital economy: the Value of Content, Navarra, University Press of Navarra
Balbi G. , Isabella S. (2010)
I media e il privato in pubblico: una storia . In P. Jedlowski e O. Affuso, Sfera pubblica. Il concetto e i suoi luoghi. Cosenza: Pellegrini
L'evoluzione del mercato televisivo cinese . Lupano, E., "Media in Cina Oggi. Testimonianze e orientamenti", Milano: Franco Angeli
Balbi G. , Mäusli T. (2009)
Studiare la storia della radio e della televisione nella Svizzera italiana . In T. Mäusli (a cura di), Voce e specchio. Storia della radiotelevisione svizzera di lingua italiana. Locarno: Armando Dadò
Colapinto C., Prario B. (2009)
The "network" in the Italian television industry . in I. Bernhard, The geography of innovation and entrepreneurship, University West (Sweden), pp: 307-319.
Balbi G. , Prario B. (2008)
Back to the Future. The Past and the Present of Mobile TV . In Gerard Goggin, Larissa Hjort (eds.), Mobile Technologies. From Telecommunications to Media. London: Routledge
Candeloro J. P. (2008)
Cinéma, festivals et retombées culturelles: le cas du Festival international du film de Locarno . In Boilatt A., Brunner P., Flückiger B. (hg./ed.), Kino CH / Cinéma CH. Rezeption, Ästhetik, Geschichte. Réception, esthétique, histoire. Marburg: Schüren, pp. 41-52
Il mercato televisivo cinese . Rigozzi, G., Fumagalli, P. e Saltini, L., "L'Occidente verso la Cina", Losone: Biblioteca Cantonale di Lugano/ELR Edizioni Le Ricerche
Russ-Mohl S. , Fengler S. (2007)
Journalisten als Partner der Unternehmenskommunikation . in: Manfred Piwinger/Ansgar Zerfass: Handbuch Unternehmenskommunikation, Gabler: Wiesbaden, 2007, 777-796
Prario B. (2007)
Mobile TV and IPTV: Two New Forms of Television in Media Literacy, Macedo, D. & Steinberg , S (eds.) . Peter Lang
Ganz-Blättler U. (2007)
National- und andere Ideologien im populären Mittelalter-Epos. Braveheart und First Knight aus filmsoziologischer Sicht. In: Mischa Meier / Simona Slanicka (eds.): Antike und Mittelalter im Film. Konstruktion - Dokumentation - Projektion . Köln / Weimar / Wien: Böhlau
Kops K., Ollig S. (2007)
The transformation of ideas into TV programms . Conference Reader 'The Internalization of Chinese TV Sector', Berlin: LIT Verlag.
The transformation of ideas into TV programs . Kops, M. and Ollig, S., "The internationalization of the Chinese TV sector", Berlin: LIT Verlag
Bashing the Competition, Indulging in Self-Adulation. . In: Egli von Matt, Sylvia/Elia, Cristina/Russ-Mohl, Stephan (Ed.): Media Journalism in the Attention Cycle. Problems, Perspectives, Visions.
Ganz-Blättler U. (2006)
Beherzt, behandschuht, beschlagen. Wissensspezialisten als Protagonisten populärer Fernsehserien. In: Karin Pühringer / Sarah Zielmann (eds.): Vom Wissen und Nicht-Wissen einer Wissenschaft. Kommunikationswissenschaftliche Domänen, Darstellungen und Defizite. . Muenster: Lit
Fengler S. (2006)
Der Journalist als homo oeconomicus. Das Beispiel Wahlkampf-Berichterstattung . in: Blum,Roger/Meier, Peter/Gysin, Nicole: Wes Land ich bin, des Lied ich sing? Medien und politische Kultur, Bern:Haupt 2006, 323-336
Ganz-Blättler U. (2006)
Der Krimi als Sport und Spiel. In: Brigitte Frizzoni / Ingrid Tomkowiak (eds.). Unterhaltung. Konzepte - Formen - Wirkungen. . Zuerich: Chronos
Ganz-Blättler U. (2006)
Die (Fernseh-)Fiktion als Gemeinschaftswerk(en) und kulturelle Teilhabe. In: Andreas Hepp / Rainer Winter (ed.): Kultur - Medien - Macht. Cultural Studies und Medienanalyse . Wiesbaden: Verlag fuer Sozialwissenschaften
Sorice M. (2006)
Gli studi sulla televisione in Srampickal, J., Mazza, G., Baugh, L., Cross Connections . Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Roma
Sorice M. (2006)
I quotidiani sportivi in Italia. La narrazione dello sport come fiction sociale, in Catolfi A., Nonni, G.( a cura di) Comunicazione e Sport . QuattroVenti, Urbino
Sorice M. (2006)
Il consumo performativo. Media e identità dei consumatori mediali, in Di Nallo, E., Paltrinieri, R., Cum Sumo. Prospettive di analisi del consumo nella società globale . Franco Angeli, Milano
Öffentlichkeitsarbeit von Forschungseinrichtungen - was bleibt für den Wissenschaftsjournalismus? . in: Göpfert, Winfried: Wissenschaftsjournalismus, Berlin: Econ-Ullstein, 2006 (5. Aufl.), 252-262
Ganz-Blättler U., Christen T. (2006)
Segments in an Endless Flow. Narrative Gaps and Partial Closure in Ally McBeal. In: Elwood Watson (ed.): Searching the Soul of Ally McBeal. Critical Essays. . Jefferson / London: McFarland
Ganz-Blättler U. (2006)
Sehen und erkennen. Zum Blick, der (bestimmtes) Wissen schafft. In: Liselotte Hermes da Fonseca / Thomas Kliche (eds.): Verfuehrerische Leichen - verbotener Verfall. . Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
Prario B. , Richeri G. (2005)
Integration Strategies of a Niche Communication Company: The Case of Gambero Rosso . JJBS Research Reports No. 2005-2
Fengler S. (2005)
Journalisten-Mythen - und ihr Ende in der Mediengesellschaft: Zur Ökonomik des Journalismus . in Rössler, Patrick/Krotz, Friedrich: Mythen der Mediengesellschaft - The Media Society and its Myths, Konstanz,UVK, 2005, 245-266
Journalistische Qualität als Werterhaltung und Produktionsfaktor . in Verband Österreichischer Zeitungen,Presse 2004, Wien: Vöz-Dokument, 2005, 162-183
Balbi G. (2005)
Leggere di televisione . In G.P. Caprettini e S. Zenatti (a cura di), Linguaggi televisivi. Roma: Carocci
Russ-Mohl S. , Held B. (2005)
Qualitätsmanagement als Mittel der Erfolgssicherung. Erfahrungen-Probleme-Perspektiven . in: Fasel, Cristoph: Qualität und Erfolg im Journalismus, Konstanz:UVK 2005, 49-64
Tota A. L. (2004)
Counter-Memories of Terror: Technologies of remembering and technologies of forgetting . Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Culture, Blackwell
Ganz-Blättler U., Schade E. (2004)
Die Anfaenge der Rundfunkpolitik in der Schweiz. Das Radio als Hort interkultureller Verstaendigung. In: Edgar Lersch / Helmut Schanze (ed): Die Idee des Radios. Von den Anfaengen in Europa und den USA bis 1933 . Konstanz: UVK
Rizza N., Mazzone P., Benecchi E. (2004)
La rappresentazione di genere nei programmi televisivi di informazione . ComEdit2000 scrl
PR in der Aufmerksamsamkeitsökonomie. Zur Machtbalance zwischen Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Journalismus - eine Ökonomische Analyse . PR-Magazin Nr.4/2004, 43-48
Russ-Mohl S. (2004)
PR und Journalismus in der Aufmerksamkeits-Oekonomie . in: Quo vadis Public Relations? Auf dem Weg zum Kommunikationsmanagement: Bestandsaufnahme und Entwicklungen, Festschrift fuer Barbara Baerns, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
Ganz-Blättler U. (2004)
Schoepferische Phantasie und "Realitaet" im Katastrophenfilm. Die De(kon)struktion als Modell und Spektakel. In: Manfred Mai / Rainer Winter (eds.): Das Kino der Gesellschaft - Die Gesellschaft des Kinos . Cologne: Herbert van Halem
Wissenschaftsjournalismus in der Aufmerksamkeits-Ökonomie . in: Imhof, Kurt et al. Mediengesellschaft: Strukturen, Merkmale, Prozesse. Reihe: Mediensymposium Luzern,Band 8, Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften 2004, 176-194
Tota A. L. (2003)
Cittadinanza elettronica e cittadinanza mediale . Vivencia. Generazioni e studi di genere, Torino, Rosenberg & Sellier
Ganz-Blättler U. (2003)
From Multiple to Cumulative Narrative. Thoughts on Syndication and Episodicity in Film and Broadcast Media. In: Anna Antonini (ed.): Il film e i suoi multipli / Film and Its Multiples. . Udine: Forum, pp. 317-323
Sorice M. (2003)
Introduzione a J. Lull, In famiglia davanti alla tv . Meltemi, Roma
Sorice M. (2003)
Teorie della radio, in P. Ortoleva & B. Scaramucci, a cura di, Enciclopedia della radio . Garzanti, Milano
Tota A. L. (2002)
A persistant past: the Bologna Massacre, 1980-2000 . Disastro! Disasters in Italy since 1860: Culture, Politics, Society, New York, Palgrave
Morici L. (2002)
Forme di comunicazione alternative in carcere: il contributo del volontariato organizzato . In: C. Besio, G. Corsi, A. La Palombara, L. Morici, Percorsi personali e di reclusione, Dogliani, Sensibili alle foglie, 125-150
Sorice M. (2002)
La radio nell´industria culturale italiana. in E. Menduni (a cura di), La radio . Baskerville, Bologna
BESIO C. (2002)
L´impatto del trattamento sugli stranieri in carcere . In: G. Corsi, C. Besio, A. La Palombara, L. Morici, Percorsi personali e di reclusione. Sensibili alle foglie, Dogliani, 107-123
Sorice M. (2002)
Non ci si incontra mai per caso, in AA.VV., Per Alberto Abruzzese . Luca Sossella, Roma
Nur dritte Klasse: Die fuenfte Gewalt in Deutschland. Eigeninteressierte Aufklaerung: Warum sich im Medienjournalismus mehr falsche Publizisten als investigative Reporter tummeln . in: Nawratil, Ute et al. (Hrsg.): Medien und Mittler sozialer Kommunikation. Beitraege zu Theorie, Geschichte und Kritik von Journalismus und Publizistik. Festschrift fuer Hans Wagner, Leipzig: Leipziger Universitaetsverlag
Morici L. (2002)
Tossicodipendenza e carcere: tra punizione e cura . In: C. Besio, G. Corsi, A. La Palombara, L. Morici, Percorsi personali e di reclusione, Dogliani, Sensibili alle foglie, 151-164
Benchmarking. Transparenz und Interaktivitaet bei fuehrenden amerikanischen Zeitungen . in: Kleinsteuber, Hans J. (Hrsg.): Aktuelle Medientrends in den USA, Wiesbaden; Westdeutscher Verlag
Ganz-Blättler U. (2000)
Risiken und Nebenwirkungen von Missverstaendnissen. Interkulturelle und intermediale Texte im erweiterten Bedeutungsspektrum. In: Caroline Y. Robertson-Wensauer / Carsten Winter (ed.): Kulturwandel und Globalisierung . Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 239-250
Tota A. L. (2000)
Sociologia e studi di genere: il caso italiano . Gli studi delle donne in Italia. Una guida critica, Carocci, Roma
Sorice M. (1998)
Globalizzazione, media ed etica . Cipsi, Milano
Baraldi C., Morici L. (1998)
I figli dell´ambivalenza . In: C. Baraldi, G. Piazzi (a cura di) La comunità capovolta. Bambini a San Patrignano, Milano, F. Angeli, 47-71
Baraldi C., Morici L. (1998)
La codipendenza . In: C. Baraldi, G. Piazzi (a cura di) La comunit` capovolta. Bambini a San Patrignano, Milano, F. Angeli, 35-46
Sorice M. (1998)
Storia di Internet, in A. Piersanti & V. Roidi, Giornalisti nella rete . Progetto di ricerca europeo SIGARO - Ente dello Spettacolo, Roma
Guepfert W., Russ-Mohl S. (1986)
Wissenschaftsjournalismus. Ein Handbuch fuer Ausbildung und Praxis . List Verlag
Working paper (9)
Richeri G. (2011)
Regole, funzioni e strutture delle Film Commission in Europa e modelli per la Svizzera italiana.
Cola M., Colapinto C., Prario B. , Richeri G. (2008)
Il pubblico delle emittenti televisive e radiofoniche private in Ticino. Perchè la gente le guarda e le ascolta e perchè non le guarda e non le ascolta
BESIO C. (2006)
Das Projekt als Form der Forschung
BESIO C., Hungerbühler Savary R., Morici L., Prario B. (2005)
Zwischen guten Absichten und unerwarteten Nebenfolgen. Die Implementierung der Quotenregelung am Beispiel der europäischen Richtlinie 'Fernsehen ohne Grenzen'.
BESIO C., Morici L. (2004)
Quale rete osserva come? La percezione dei progetti sociali (L. 45/99) del Comune di Como da parte della rete locale
BESIO C., Hungerbühler Savary R., Morici L., Spoerl Voegtli E. (2003)
Radio-TV online: nuove vie per la formazione
BESIO C., Morici L. (2003)
Tendenze della popolazione over 65 residente a Cernobbio. L´anziano come portatore di bisogni e risorsa per il territorio
BESIO C. (2002)
Pianificare la novità. Il progetto come struttura del lavoro scientifico
BOSSHART L., Hungerbühler R., BESIO C., Morici L., Spoerl E. (2002)
Radio-TV online: nuove vie per l´edu-formazione
Atti di conferenza (20)
Doglio D. (2014)
Not a "natural right", copyright is still essential to fund film production . Forum, Udine. Whose Right ? Media,Intellectual Property and Authorship in the Digital Era - Film Forum 2013
Fari S., Balbi G. , Richeri G. (2012)
A common technical culture of telegraphy: the Telegraph Union and the significance of Technological Standardization, 1865-1875 . HISTELCON (History of Electro-technology Conference), Session 3 "Telecommunications 2". Pavia. 5-7 September
Balbi G. (2012)
Marconi’s diktats. How Italian international wireless policy was shaped by a private company, 1903-1911 . HISTELCON (History of Electro-technology Conference), Session 3 "Telecommunications 2". Pavia. 5-7 September
Dhoest A., Cola M., Mauri Brusa M., Lemish D. (2012)
Studying Ethnic Minorities’ Media Uses: Comparative Conceptual and Methodological Reflections . International Communication Association conference 2012 Phoenix
Richeri G. (2011)
Film Commission As Driver for Economic and Cultural Development . Fourth Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue on Public Management, Rabat. Governance, Culture and Territorial Development
Cola M., Mauri Brusa M. (2011)
The Kosovar Diaspora in Switzerland: cultures, identities and senses of belonging . 4th Global Conference Diasporas Exploring Critical Issues, Oxford, July
Benecchi E. , De Masi V. (2010)
Animated Canons: The Canons of Animation between East and West . Film Forum, University of Udine. XVII International Film Studies Conference, University of Udine, Italy
Prario B. , Balbi G. (2008)
Back to the Future. The Past and the Present of Mobile TV . In Karen Ross and Stuart Price (eds.), Popular Media and Communication: Essays on Publics, Practices and Processes. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Proceedings of MeCCSA Conference. Coventry. 10-12 January 2007
Balbi G. (2008)
The "Araldo Telefonico". Origins, Structures and Models of the Italian Broadcasting . "Antenna. Newsletter of the Mercurians". Proceedings Workshop Mercurians: "Technologies, Technologists & Networks. A Symposium on the History of Communication Technologies". Washington. 17-21 October, 2007
Cola M. (2007)
Media uses, activity spaces and (trans) border identities and belongings. How to combine cultural studies, media studies and social geography in an empirical qualitative research . Cultural Studies Now, University of East London, July 19th-22nd 2007
Elia Ott C. (2007)
«Reader's representatives - A comparative analysis» . Europäische Medienethiken, Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der DGPuK-Fachgruppe, Kommunikations- und Medienethik sowie des Netzwerks Medienethik. marzo 2007
Zavaritt G. (2006)
Italian political consulting for media relations: change or tradition? . Paper presented at the IAMCR´s Annual Conference. Il Cairo
Cola M., Pagani G. (2005)
"There´s Something about Football. A case study of football 3G mobile services" . III International Conference on Communication and Reality. Digital Utopia in the media: from discourses to facts
Prario B. (2004)
A multi-channel and multi-service television platform. The case of BSkyB . 6th World Media Economic Conference, Montréal
Imberti Dosi A., Prario B. (2004)
Digital television era: is content the king?
Prario B. , Richeri G. (2004)
Gambero Rosso: a unique company? . Growth and Dynamics of Maturing New Companies, MMTC. Jönköping University, Stockolm
BESIO C., Morici L. (2004)
Inwiefern lässt sich Wissenschaft von den Massenmedien irritieren? . Mediensymposium Luzern 2002. Mediengesellschaft: Strukturen, Merkmale, Entwicklungsdynamiken. Luzern , 28.-30. November 2002
Imberti Dosi A. , Prario B. (2004)
New Frontiers of T-Learning: the Emergence of Interactive Digital Broadcasting Learning Services in Europe
Sorice M. (2003)
Glocal Medium, . Piero Manni, Lecce
Sorice M. (1999)
Consumatori consumati. Dalla logica dell´ostentazione al consumo critico . Esi, Napoli
Contributo in atti di conferenza (2)
Nucci A. , Hibberd M. (2021)
Eco-activism, Human-Computer Interaction and Fast Fashion . Soares M.M., Rosenzweig E., Marcus A. (eds) Design, User Experience, and Usability: Design for Diversity, Well-being, and Social Development. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 12780. Springer, Cham. HCII. Virtual. 25th July 2021
Wilczek B. (2016)
Investigating Causal Mechanisms with Process Tracing in Communication Science: The Example of Journalistic Performance Formation in Converging Newsrooms . Communication Research Methods: Practices and Challenges. Preconference at the 66th ICA Annual Conference. Fukuoka, Japan. June 2016
Relazione in convegno scientifico (240)
Martini M. ., Fomasi M. , Barcella D. , Benecchi E. , Balbi G. (2024)
Data Solicitation for Media History. A new approach to study the CERN mailing list of the World Wide Web, 1991-1995. . 10Th ECREA General Conference. Ljubljana. September
Balbi G. (2024)
Making order. The Longue Durée of maintenance in communication infrastructures . 10Th ECREA General Conference. Ljubljana. September
Balbi G. (2024)
The Web in the public memory, the Web as a public memory . 7th World Conference of the International Federation for Public History. Luxembourg. September
Barcella D. (2023)
Barcella D. (2023)
Exploring the Hidden Gems of the World Wide Web Logo: Uncovering its Historical Significance and Untapped Marketing Potential through CERN Archive . ToE Tension of Europe - Surprising Sources. Online. 11.05.2023
Barcella D. , Fomasi M. , Balbi G. , Benecchi E. (2022)
Accelerating Digging. CERN Archives and the Sources to Retrace the History of the World Wide Web . ECREA Rethink Impact. Aarhus. 19-22 October
Lüthi E., Zhang Z. (2022)
Cultural Homogeneity or Cultural Heterogeneity? Questioning the Changing Corporate Culture Among Emerging Technology Companies . The Trajectory of Emerging Media & Technology Companies: Transnational Businesses, Transcultural Communications. Online. November 18
Bory P., Balbi G. , Natale S. (2022)
From big events to silence: The shift in the discursive construction of communication infrastructures. . 72nd ICA Conference. Paris. May
Lüthi E. (2022)
How to digitalise a country. Governmental strategies in Swiss digitalisation. . International Communication Association (ICA) Conference. Paris. May 26th-30th
Balbi G. (2022)
Il Metaverso è la prossima rivoluzione? . Möbius Incontri 2022. Lugano. October.
Lüthi E. (2022)
Impacting Swiss digitalisation. The role of government, parliament, and interest groups in shaping Switzerland’s digitalisation process. . 9th European Communication Conference (ECREA 2022). Aarhus (Denmark). October, 19th-22nd
Balbi G. (2022)
La rivoluzione a metà: storie della Rete tra miti e limiti . Milano Digital Week. Catholic University, Milan. November
Balbi G. (2022)
La rivoluzione digitale. Miti, racconti, ideologie . Seminar FISPPA e PASTIS University of Padoa. Padoa. October
Balbi G. (2022)
La rivoluzione digitale. Racconti, personaggi, oggetti . Museo dei mezzi di comunicazione. Arezzo. March
Balbi G. (2022)
La trasformazione digitale: storia e futuro . Lugano eventi. Lugano. August
Balbi G. , Barra L. (2022)
(Media) Flow: An Historical Perspective . ECREA 2022 General Conference. Aarhus. October
Balbi G. (2022)
Miti e leggende dell’era digitale . Wired Next Fest. Milano. October
Balbi G. (2022)
Networks . Seminar “Histories of Digital Concepts”, LUCK Lund Centre for the History of Knowledge. online. March
Balbi G. (2022)
Storia dell’idea di rivoluzione digitale, 1960-oggi. Narrazioni, ripetizioni, parallelismi . IV Convegno nazionale SISSC. Napoli. June
Lüthi E., Zeller S., Balbi G. (2022)
Swiss media markets. Wireless, wireline and broadcasting among regional, national and transnational forces, 2018-2020 . First Conference of the Global Media and Internet Concentration Project (GMICP). Digital communications and media markets: Power, policy and global perspectives. Ottawa (Canada). August 18-19
Barcella D. (2022)
The Promotion of the World Wide Web through the CERN Archives: A Historical Perspective of its Branding and Marketing strategy. . ECREA Summer School. Cadiz. 24-30 July
Fomasi M. (2021)
Come ha potuto funzionare il Web? Retrospettiva sulla comunicazione degli attori all’interno del CERN . STS Italia. Online. 17-19 Giugno
Balbi G. , Leggero R. (2021)
Communication is maintenance. Turning the agenda of media and communication studies upside down . STS Italia 2021. Trieste. June
Balbi G. , Rospocher M. (2021)
Networks . Roundtable “Historicizing Media and Communication Concepts of the Digital Age”, Tensions of Europe Digital Workshop Festival. online workshop. July
Balbi G. , Rospocher M. (2021)
Networks . ECREA 21 Conference. online. September
Balbi G. (2021)
Old media persistence in the digital era. A theory . ECREA 21 Post Conference “Old Media Persistence”. online. September
Balbi G. (2021)
Senza immaginario non ci sono i media. Immaginario e costruzione socio-tecnica dei media . AIS immaginario “L‘immaginario è reale”. online workshop. May
Magaudda P., Balbi G. (2020)
Between mobile privatization and privatized mobility. Looking at mobile media in historical perspective . Webinar “Mobility and the Humanities seminar series. Theories and Methods Node". Padoa University. May
Lüthi E. (2020)
Social media as third places? Plea for a (re)definition of social spaces and places. . IAMCR Online Conference. Online. July
Bory P., Balbi G. (2020)
The Birth of the Swiss Supercomputing Centre (CSCS) . Steering Innovation in Communication Infrastructures. Bern, Switzerland. 5-6 February 2020
Bory P., Lüthi E. (2020)
The birth of the Swiss Supercomputing Centre (CSCS). . Steering Innovation in Communication Infrastructures Conference. Bern. February
Lüthi E. (2020)
The Myth of Digital Federalism. Political Swiss Myths on Digitalisation, or the Myth of Supercomputing in Digitalising a Country. . Rethinking Digital Myths. Lugano. January
The Myth of Digital Federalism. Political Swiss Myths on Digitization, or the Myth of Supercomputing in Digitizing a Country. . Rethinking Digital Myths Mediation, Narratives and Mythopoiesis in the Digital Age. Lugano, Switzerland. 30-31 January 2020
Bory P. (2019)
A beautiful play: Deep Blue, AlphaGo and the social trust in AI . IAMCR 2019 International Association of Media and Communication Research. Madrid. 07-11 July
Balbi G. (2019)
Analog persistence. A new research agenda for historians of digital technology . 9th Tensions of Europe conference. Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH), Luxembourg. 27-30 June
Rikitianskaia M. (2019)
Doing research into the history of wireless . ‘Media history in Switzerland’ workshop. Museum of Communication, Bern. 8 February 2019
Schwarzenegger C., Balbi G. (2019)
Fairy Tales of the Past Future: Imaginaries of Digital Futures Through Consumer Fairs From the 1980s to the 2000s . Memories of the Future Conference. London. March
Balbi G. , Magaudda P. (2019)
Fallimenti digitali. Un’archeologia dei «nuovi» media . Lezione-incontro presso l'Università Sapienza. Roma. Aprile
Bory P. (2019)
From corporate narratives to corporate power. How tech companies reframe digitization . T.A.K.E. PART – Transnational Activities for Key digital skills in Engagement and youth PARTicipation. Naples PAN Palazzo delle Arti di Napoli. 13-15 November
Balbi G. (2019)
Gli strumenti di comunicazione interpersonale nella storia . Convegno Ciao Table “I fattori che facilitano gli scambi sociali spontanei e le amicizie”.. Lugano, Switzerland. November
Italian Co-productions With Foreign Countries: A Critical Analysis of Contemporary Trends . Italian Cinema(s) Abroad. Columbus, The Ohio State University. March 22-23
Balbi G. (2019)
La memoria della digitalizzazione. Eventi, momenti di svolta e immaginario . Premio Möbius Multimedia Lugano 2019. Lugano, Switzerland. October
Balbi G. (2019)
Marconi Company between wireless and broadcasting: A study on the culture of a company, 1910s-1920s . Invited by the Centre for Media History at Bournemouth University. Haven Hotel, Sandbanks. February
Lüthi E. (2019)
Media as Swiss Defence Forces. The Role of Radio and Supercomputing in the Preservation of Democracy. . 6th ECREA Communication History Section Workshop. Vienna, Austria. 11-13 September 2019
Scaglioni M. (2019)
Selling and Adapting “Film Formats”. Successful Transnational Storytelling in the Fragmented Global Film Market . Structures and Voices. Storytelling in the Post-Digital Times (NECS Conference). Danzig (Poland). June 13-15
Studiare il mercato dell'on-demand: sfide e ostacoli . L'economia del produttore audiovisivo ai tempi dello streaming. Università di Bologna. 5 dicembre
Studying Film Export: Relevance, Methodologies, Problems . Research Methods in Film Studies: Challenges and Opportunities (ECREA Film Studies Section Conference). Ghent University, Ghent. October 18-19
Bory P., Balbi G. (2019)
The birth of CSCS: The past future of supercomputing in Switzerland. . SHOT (Society for the History of Technology). Milan. November
Balbi G. , Bory P. (2019)
The Birth of CSCS: The Past Future of Supercomputing in Switzerland . Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) annual meeting. Milan, Italy. 24-27 October 2019
Bory P. (2019)
The parable of Iperbole, the first Italian civic network . The Web that Was: archives, traces, reflections. University of Amsterdam. 18-21 June
Bory P., Lüthi E., Balbi G. (2019)
The Past Future of Supercomputing in Switzerland. . SHOT (Society for the History of Technology) Annual Meeting. Milan. October
Balbi G. , Schwarzenegger C. (2019)
The Way the Future Was. Imagining the Digital Futures in Consumer Fairs, 1980s-2000s. IAMCR Conference, Madrid, July. . IAMCR Conference. Madrid. 8-11 July
Balbi G. (2019)
Tre dicotomie per la storia dei media: vecchio e nuovo, continuità e cambiamento, successo e fallimento . Summer School «I media e la storia». Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italia.. 19-21 June
Visual Tools and Data Analysis: Mapping Italian Cinema Abroad . American Association For Italian Studies, Annuale Conference. Wake Forest University (Wiston-Salem). March 14-16
Balbi G. (2019)
Why and how to do digital media history? . Conference “Digitale Kommunikation und Kommunikationsgeschichte: Perspektiven, Potentiale, Problemfelder“, Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Fachgruppen “Digitale Kommunikation“ und “Kommunikationsgeschichte“ der DGPuK. Bremen. January
Balbi G. (2018)
Aboliamo i novizi! I benefici di un approccio storico alla digitalizzazione . Summer School Vite Digitali. Essere umani nel XXI secolo. Cuneo. 11-15 settembre
Balbi G. (2018)
Aboliamo i novizi! I benefici di un approccio storico alla digitalizzazione . Summer School “Vite digitali. Essere umani nel XXI secolo”. Cuneo. settembre
Benecchi E. (2018)
Anime Fandom in-between . Japanese Animation and European Contexts. Venezia. 14 February
Rikitianskaia M. (2018)
Communicating the time: media networks in the service of Russian time reforms of the 1920s and 2010s . Network(ed) Histories: ICA PreConference. Prague. 24 May 2018
Wilczek B. (2018)
Complexity, Uncertainty and Change in News Organizations . World Media Economics and Management Conference (WMEMC). Rhodes University, Cape Town, South Africa. May 2018
Wilczek B. (2018)
Conditional Indirect Effects of Strategic Partnerships between News Organizations and Technology Companies on News Consumers' Online News Engagement. . World Media Economics and Management Conference (WMEMC). Rhodes University, Cape Town, South Africa. May 2018
Bory P., Natale S., Balbi G. (2018)
Corporational determinism. How digital media companies shape narratives of media change . ECREA’s 7th European Communication Conference. Lugano. 31 October -3 November
Rikitianskaia M. (2018)
European radiotelegraphy as a genuinely transnational project . Centre for Research in Communication and Culture (CRCC) seminar.. Loughborough University.. 20 June 2018
Bory P. (2018)
La mancata disseminazione di Socrate. Storia della banda larga e politica dell'innovazione . Democrazia Digitale. L'Europa che cambia: sfide, scenari, megatrend. Mediateca Santa Sofia, Napoli. 14 Febbraio 2018
Balbi G. (2018)
La mediatizzazione dell’aria. Appunti e riflessioni sulla historical mediatization research . Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico e Fondazione Bruno Kessler, LX Settimana di Studio"Mediatizzazione e medialità della storia tra età moderna e contemporanea". Trento. 19-21 settembre
Balbi G. (2018)
La mediatizzazione dell’aria. Appunti e riflessioni sulla historical mediatization research . Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico e Fondazione Bruno Kessler, LX Settimana di Studio “Mediatizzazione e medialità della storia tra età moderna e contemporanea”. Trento. settembre
Le co-produzioni internazionali. Prassi e immagini del cinema italiano che dialoga con l'estero . Made in Italy. La circolazione internazionale dell'audiovisivo italiano come prodotto culturale. Università di Bologna. 19-20 giugno
Wilczek B. (2018)
Live Blogging about Terrorist Attacks. The Effects of Competition and Editorial Strategy. . Jahrestagung der SGKM. Università della Svizzera italiana. April 2018
Rikitianskaia M., Bory P. (2018)
Mapping telecommunications, mapping power: a comparative analysis of telegraphic, radiotelegraphic and internet global infrastructures . ECREA’s 7th European Communication Conference. Lugano. 31 October - 3 November 2018
Wilczek B. (2018)
Media Use and Life Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of Social Events . ICA annual conference. Prague, Czech Republic. May 2018
Benecchi E. , Dagnino G. , Bory P., Hibberd M. (2018)
Mobile kids: Mobile devices between kids, parents, and the playground . Children and Adolescents in a Mobile Media World. Pre-conference to ECREA’s 7th European Communication Conference, ECC 2018. Lugano. 31 October
Manzoli G. (2018)
National, World, Global: sempre lo stesso cinema? . Global F(r)ictions. Università di Bologn. 6-7 dicembre
Scaglioni M. (2018)
Strategie di produzione ed esportabilità internazionale del cinema di Luca Guadagnino . AAIS Conference. Sant'Anna Institute, Sorrento. 14-17 giugno
Di Salvo P. (2018)
Surveillance in the Press: Themes and Issues from the Coverage of Three Na- tional Laws Expanding Snooping Powers . 8th Biennial Surveillance Studies Network Conference. Aarhus University, Denmark. 08/06/2018
Holdaway D. (2018)
The Many Faces of Public Film Financing: A New Quali-Quantitative Approach to Studying Film Policy . Media Industries Conference: Current Debates and Future Directions. King's College London. 18-20 April
Dagnino G. (2017)
Funny But True: self-representations of creative labour in Italian screen entertainment media . "Mediating Cultural Work: Texts, Objects and Politics" Research Institute for Cultural and Media Economies. University of Leicester. 6-8 September 2017
Wilczek B. (2017)
How Actors in Media Companies Reduce Complexity and Uncertainty and Thereby Shape Journalistic Performance . IAMCR annual conference. Colombia, Cartagena. July 2017
Rikitianskaia M., Balbi G. (2017)
Internationalization of Time: Wireless Telegraphy and Time Signals in the 1910s . CRCC symposium "Media and Time". Loughborough University. 15-16 June 2017
Le istituzioni e le politiche a sostegno della circolazione internazionale del cinema italiano . Cinema e identità italiana. Cultura visuale e immaginario nazionale fra tradizione e contemporaneità. Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Roma. 28-29 novembre
Learning from Switzerland in the Time of Brexit . SCMS Conference. Chicago. March 22-26
Rikitianskaia M. (2017)
Networking ITU: shaping transnational vision of radiotelegraphy, 1911-1927 . ITU Workshop. Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg Center for Contemporary and Digital History. 18-20 October 2017
Rikitianskaia M. (2017)
Networking ITU: shaping transnational vision of radiotelegraphy, the 1910s . ITU Workshop. Maison des Sciences Humaines, Université du Luxembourg. 18-20 October 2017
Balbi G. , Fickers A. (2017)
The ITU as techno-diplomatic arena in international telecommunications 19th-21st century. A longue durée perspective . ITU Workshop. Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg Center for Contemporary and Digital History. 18-20 October
Rikitianskaia M., Balbi G. (2017)
The Transnational Mediatization of the Air. Reshaping a “natural” space through wireless-related fields, 1900-1910s. . The 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association. Interventions: Communication Research and Practice. San Diego, CA, USA.. 25-29 May 2017
Benecchi E. (2017)
When Voldemort meets The Donald . ICA (International Communication Association). San Diego. 25 maggio 2017
Wilczek B. (2017)
Wie Akteure Komplexität und Unsicherheit reduzieren und damit die Qualität des digitalen Journalismus verändern . Die Rolle von Akteuren in der Gestaltung und dem Wandel von Medienstrukturen. Workshop des Netzwerks Medienstrukturen. Hans-Bredow-Institut für Medienforschung, Hamburg, Germany. January 2017
Rikitianskaia M., Balbi G. (2017)
Wireless Around The Clock: Introducing Time Signals By Wireless Telegraphy in the 1910s . The Mediatization of Time: New perspectives on media, data and temporality. ZeMKI, Centre for Media, Communication and Information. Research University of Bremen, Germany. 7-8 December 2017
Blockbuster Franchises: Are They Proofs of a Creativity Crisis in Hollywood? An economic investigation . Franchises hollywoodiennes: innovations artistiques, technologiques et industrielles (1975-2015). Institut national d'histoire de l'art (INHA), Paris. 8-9 December
Doing historical research in film economics . Italian Cinemas/Italian Histories. Leeds. March 22-23
Bory P. (2016)
Giocatori d'artificio. La narrazione del computer in 70 anni di sfide con l'umano. . Ripensare il Gioco, seminario di studi Intorno ai Media. Università degli Studi di Torino, Campus Luigi Einaudi. 7 December
Negro G. (2016)
Global Internet(s) histories: open issues . Internet Rules AoIR Association of Internet Researchers - Pre-Conference Workshop 404 - History not found. Berlin. 5-8 October 2016
Bory P. (2016)
Global Internet(s) histories, open issues . Association of Internet Researchers. Berlin - Campus Mitte of the Humbold-Universität zu Berlin. Oct 5, 2016
Wilczek B. (2016)
Happiness Cascades: How Events Moderate the Effect of Social Networking Sites Use on Life Satisfaction . World Media Economics and Management Conference (WMEMC). Gabelli School of Business, Fordham University, NYC. May 2015
Negro G. (2016)
How Journalists Perceive Digital Surveillance. A Comparative Analysis in Europe, China and South Korea . European Communication Conference - Section:Digital Culture and Communication. Prague. Nov 8, 2016
Il film d'impegno e i beni meritori. Una riflessione sul finanziamento pubblico al cinema in Italia . Il sistema dell'impegno nel cinema italiano contemporaneo. Finanziamento, produzione, gusto.. Università di Bologna. 15-16 febbraio
Bory P., Bory S. (2016)
Il Sublime Artificiale . Dalla Nuova Atlantide alla Singolarità Tecnologica. Italian Institute for the Future, Libreria Ubik, Napoli. 2 December
Wilczek B. (2016)
Investigating Causal Mechanisms with Process Tracing in Communication Science: The Example of Journalistic Performance Formation in Converging Newsrooms . Communication Research Methods: Practices and Challenges. 66th ICA Annual Conference. Fukuoka, Japan. June 2016
Le film commission e il mercato delle location cinematografiche . This must be the place. Media, territorio, promozione. Università degli studi di Udine, Gorizia. 10 novembre
Bory P., Balbi G. (2016)
"Limiting Digital Media": a Theoretical Approach . STS Italia Conference. Trento. 24-26 November
Bory P. (2016)
Media as Limits. The Role of Boundaries in Digital Media History . What Is Media?. UO School of Journalism and Communication, Portland Oregon USA. 14-16 April 2016
Bory P., Balbi G. (2016)
Media e Narrazioni. Tecnologia, politica e immaginario in cinque casi di studio . Seminario di ricerca Funes, Atelier di ricerca sulla Narrazione e l'Immaginario. Napoli, Dipartimento di scienze sociali. 16 Maggio 2016
Balbi G. (2016)
Nothing really changes vs. Everything is constantly changing. Reflections on two determinisms . 66th ICA Annual Conference. Fukuoka, Japan. 9-13 June
OTT e ISP nel mercato cinematografico italiano: speranze, timori e forse leggi . Streaming media e cultura on-demand: dalla distribuzione alla circolazione?. Università Ca' Foscari, Venezia. 6-7 giugno
Rikitianskaia M. (2016)
Radio amateurs changed Europe’s tune: transnational nature of wireless development during the First World War . Transnational radio encounters conference 2016. Utrecht University & Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision Hilversum. 5 - 8 July 2016
Small, rich and fragmented Switzerland, is it time for a new Youth? . European Coproduction Symposium (CoRN-Coproduction Research Network). University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen. 23-24 November
Rikitianskaia M., Balbi G. (2016)
The “Conquer of the Air“ (1900 – 1920s). Wireless Telegraphy and the Symbolic Construction of a “New“ Space in Transnational and Inter-Institutional Perspectives . ECREA 2016 conference "‘Mediated (Dis)Continuities: Contesting Pasts, Presents and Future". Prague. 9-12 November 2016
Bory P., Natale S. (2016)
The epic life of the Web : An examination of the mythical narratives on the history of the World Wide Web and its inventor . ECREA (European Communication Research Association) General Conference. Prague. 09-12 November
Rikitianskaia M. (2016)
The ITU and Radio Amateurs . Conference: Telecommunications in the Aftermath of World War 1: Civilian and Military Perspectives. IET, Savoy Place, London. 10 August 2016
Holdaway D. (2016)
The shapes of State-funded cinema: researching Italian film policy . SCMS Conference. Atlanta. March 30 - April 3
Rikitianskaia M., Balbi G. (2016)
Wireless telegraphy and synchronisation of time. A transnational perspective . 2016 Zeitregimeund Geschichtswissenschaften / 8ème colloque 2016 Régimes temporelset sciences historiques. Bern, Progr–Zentrum für Kulturproduktion. 14 October 2016
Scaglioni M. (2015)
Cinema indiano e location italiane: nuove occasioni di cineturismo in Italia . La città di celluloide tra vocazione turistica ed esperienze creative. Università di Macerata (Macerata, Italia). 26 Marzo 2015
Balbi G. , Fari S., Richeri G. (2015)
Communications and the States. The Swiss Influence on the origins of ITU, 1855-1876. . 65th ICA Annual Conference – Preconference: Communications and the State. Puerto Rico. 19th May
Wilczek B. (2015)
Driving the Life Cycle of News Organizations . 65th ICA Annual Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico. May 2015
Scaglioni M. (2015)
Europe meets India: an in-depth analysis of the outsourcing of Indian Films in Western Countries . European Cinemas, Intercultural Meetings: Aesthetics, Politics, Industry, History (Ecrea Conference, Film Studies Section). Copenhagen. 13-14 November
Rikitianskaia M., Balbi G. (2015)
European dimension in transnational telecommunication studies. Inventing European Wireless, 1903-1927 . Tensions of Europe mini workshop. Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme (FMSH), Paris. 27-28 January 2015
Balbi G. (2015)
European Memories. A transnational project on media and the process of remembering in Europe . HERA Joint Research Programme, Matchmaking Event. Tallin. 29th January
Balbi G. (2015)
Historicizing Media Convergence as a buzzword, 1970s-2010s . International Communication Forum. Media Convergence in Global Comparative Perspectives. Shanghai. 25 -26 October
Balbi G. (2015)
Old and New Media: Theorizing Their Relationships in Media Historiography . Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Global Communication. Beijing Foreign Studies University. 17 October
Bory P., Benecchi E. , Balbi G. (2015)
On the edge between conservation and change. A diachronic analysis of the founding fathers’ narratives surrounding the World Wide Web . Times and temporalities of the Web CNRS/Paris-Sorbonne/UPMC. Institut des Sciences de la Communication ISCC. 1-3 December 2015
Balbi G. , Natale S. (2015)
Prophecies, Newness, Obsolescence. Media History and Past, Present and Future Imaginaries . Associazione italiana di sociologia/European Sociology Association Conference “From memories to the future. Collective memories and horizons of expectations in contemporary Europe”. Naples. 4-5 June
Balbi G. (2015)
Storia dei media digitali . PhD meetings “Scienze della mente e delle relazioni umane”. Lecce. 27 February
Balbi G. , Magaudda P. (2015)
Storia dei media digitali . Roundtable “Innovazione digitale. Tecnologie, informazione, media”. Osservatorio astronomico la Specola, Padoa. 29 April
The complex machine behind a popular success: the US blockbuster movie . Situating the Popular in World Cinemas. University of Leeds, Leeds. 18 November
Rikitianskaia M. (2015)
Transnational perspective of radio history during the First World War . Summer School for young scholars “Crises and Grand Challenges in European Past and Present”. KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. 1-3 September 2015
Rikitianskaia M. (2015)
Transnational perspective on radio amateurs movement during the First World War . World War 1: Media, Entertainments & Popular Culture. University of Chester, Chester. 2-3 July 2015
Bory P., Balbi G. (2015)
What does “Doing Internet History” Mean? . ECREA (European Communication Research Association), Communication History Workshop. Venice. 16-19 September
Rikitianskaia M., Balbi G. (2015)
Wireless-ments. The international understanding of wireless telegraphy in the early 20th century: common points and conflicts . Technology + Environment 7th Tensions of Europe Conference. KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. 3-6 September 2015
Balbi G. (2014)
A History of Media Convergence, 1970s-2010s . The NECS 2014 Conference. Milan, Universtà Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. 19-21 June
Di Salvo P. (2014)
How the Internet Re-Invented Whistleblowing: Towards the Digitalization of Leaks . STS Italia Conference - A Matter of Design, Making Society through Science and Technology. Politecnico di Milano. 13/06/2014
Il mercato delle location, tra amministrazioni locali, imprese cinematografiche e pubblico . Cinema, cineturismo e alimentazione (XII Convegno Internazionale sul Cineturismo). Ischia. 1 luglio
Il ruolo del cinema nella promozione della cultura e della lingua italiana nell'era digitale . Lectio magistralis. Ain Shams University, Cairo. October 19th
Balbi G. (2014)
Le origini del telefono in Italia. Politica, economia, tecnologia e società . Fondazione ISEC, "Sistemi di comunicazione, tecnici e imprese nelle carte degli archivi aziendali". Sesto San Giovanni (MI). 21 November
Natale S., Balbi G. (2014)
Media, Imaginary, History: The Role of Fantasies in Different Stages of Media Change. . ECREA (European Communication Research Association) General Conference. Lisbon. 13-16 November
Balbi G. (2014)
Mediastoriografica. Rapporti tra storia dei media e storia della TV . Seminar "Intorno ai media: scambi e discussioni". Turin. 15 December
Balbi G. (2014)
Per una storia dell’idea di servizio pubblico . Workshop “Servizio pubblico e informazione: le nuove sfide”. Lugano. 20 March
Balbi G. (2014)
Questioning “media convergence” through history . ECREA (European Communication Research Association) General Conference. Lisbon. 13-16 November
Balbi G. (2014)
Sui miti fondativi della rete . Progetto formativo ECM Comunicare nell’era di Internet. La grande rete, potenzialità e limiti. Turin. 17 October
Balbi G. (2014)
The re-emerging past. Reflections on media historiography . NSF-Kolloqium, NCCR Mediality, Universität Zürich. Zurich. 25 November
Dagnino G. (2014)
Think Global, Brand Local! Analysing Digital Product Placement. . MeCCSA Annual Conference 'Media and the Margins. University of Bournemouth, UK.. 8-11 January 2014
Towards a federal cinema? New trends in regulating and supporting Italian film production . ommunication for Empowerment: Citizens, Markets, Innovations (ECREA Conference). Lisbon. November 12-15
Balbi G. , Moraglio M. (2014)
Travelling or Communicating? The False Dilemma of Mobility. Questions about a marginalized issue . ICOHTEC (International Committee for the History of Technology). Brasov. 28 July - 2 August
Cerulo M., Balbi G. (2014)
Vecchio e nuovo. Media ed emozioni . Ossidiana (Osservatorio per lo studio dei Processi Culturali e della Vita Quotidiana). Arcavacata di Rende. 26 June
Will we regret the cinepanettoni? . Creative Energies, Creative Industries (NECS Conference). Milan. June 19-21
Balbi G. , Richeri G. (2013)
3 options for a research in media and mobility . Workshop Peripheral Mobilities. Granada. 13 November
Di Salvo P. (2013)
All the News That's Fit to Leak: Journalism in the WikiLeaks' Era. The Cablegate Case and the Guardian . SGKM Conference - Transdisciplinarity in communication and media research – A return on investment or a complete waste of time?. Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Winterthur (Switzerland). 13/04/2013
Balbi G. (2013)
Between telegraph and radio. When Marconi Company discovered the ‘broadcasting option’ of his wireless . Séminaire Histoire des Sciences Histoire de l’Innovation, Sorbonne Université. Paris. 23 April
Balbi G. (2013)
Conversing or listening? One-to-one and one-to-many communication: the cases of Telephone and Radio . Workshop "New Technologies and Cultures of Communication in the 19th and 20th Centuries", The German Historical Institute. Washington D.C.. 10-11 May
Balbi G. (2013)
Deconstructing “media convergence”: A cultural history of a buzzword, 1980s-2000s . Deconstructing Media Convergence Conference. Salzburg. 21-23 November
Fari S., Balbi G. , Richeri G. (2013)
“European Multilateralism” (1848-1865): a Telegraphic idea? . Conference of Tensions of Europe, "Democracy and Technology". Paris. 19-21 September
Balbi G. (2013)
Fare televisione non è fare telefono. O no? . Summer School – Prix Italia. Turin. 23-26 September
Locations on sale! How Local Public Administrations Are Entering the Film Business . Media Politics – Political Media (NECS Conference, Prague)
Balbi G. (2013)
Marconi and the broadcasting option, or, When Marconi didn’t invent broadcasting . The annual Byrne Bussey Marconi Lecture. Oxford University, Oxford. 20 April
Balbi G. (2013)
Old/New, Tradition/Innovation, Change/Continuity . ECREA (European Communication Research Association), Communication History Workshop "History of the Media in Transition Periods". Lisbon. 4-6 September
The European Way Towards the Production of Blockbusters Movies . Bestseller and Blockbuster Culture – Books, Cinema and Television (Aalborg University, Aalborg)
The Film Location Market. Towards a New Geography in Film Production . Spaces and Places of Culture (MeCCSA Conference, Derry)
Di Salvo P. (2013)
The Spread of the WikiLeaks Model: Whistleblowing After the Megaleaks . The Point is to Change It: Media Democracy and Democratic Media in Action Union for Democratic Communications/Project Censored Joint Conference. University of San Francisco. 02/11/2013
Dagnino G. (2013)
Virtual Brands, Complex Reality: A Study On Digital Product Placement . Branding in a digital world’ Advertising in Communication & Media Research ECREA Symposium. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. 4-5 luglio 2013
Balbi G. , Kittler J. (2012)
Dialoguing With Socrates or Disseminating Like Jesus? Rereading Communication History Through ‘One-to-One’ and ‘One-to-Many’ Lenses . 62nd Annual ICA Conference, Communication History Interest Group, Panel "Innovative Methods in Communication History". Phoenix. 24-27 May
Balbi G. , Natale S. (2012)
Doing by imagining: imagination and the construction of the media in history . Fourth Aberystwyth Media History Conference,"Perception, Reception:The History of the Media in Society". Aberystwyth. 4-6 July
Dhoest A., Nikunen K., Cola M. (2012)
Exploring media use among migrant families in Europe: Theoretical and conceptual foundations . 4th European Communication Conference ECREA, Istanbul: 24-27 October
Balbi G. , Fari S. (2012)
History and Historiography of Telecommunications in Italy . Workshop: The Italian Technology in a European and Global Context, 15th-20th Centuries, European University Institute. Florence. 8-9 November
Mauri Brusa M., Cola M. (2012)
Identities in-between. The conflict between family traditions and media consumption in 2nd generation migrants . 4th European Communication Conference ECREA, Istanbul: 24-27 October
Balbi G. (2012)
Invited Speaker . YECREA Panel at ECREA General Conference. Istanbul. 25 October
Dagnino G. (2012)
Italy’s New Rules on Product Placement: the Case of Silvio Soldini . Contemporary Screen Narratives Conference. University of Nottingham. 17 maggio 2012
Fari S., Balbi G. , Richeri G. (2012)
Last in First Out. How the Telegraph Brought to International Organization Before Post and Trains . 39th Annual Meeting ICOHTEC, Panel: "Telecommunications:Nationals Systems and International Organizations". Barcelona. 10-14 July
Cola M., Ponte C. (2012)
Mapping the field: gathering and colleting existent research on media use among migrant families in Europe . 4th European Communication Conference ECREA, Istanbul: 24-27 October
Benecchi E. , De Masi V. (2012)
Television and disaster mitigation What can we learn from Japanese Televisions’ Disaster Coverage . in "Disaster and cultural change", Research Workshop, Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures, University of East Anglia, Norwich
Balbi G. (2012)
There is something new under the media today, or rather, something ancient . Research Seminars, Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI), University of Westminster. London. March 14th
Balbi G. (2012)
There is something new under the media today, or rather, something ancient . 4th National STS Italia Conference, Track 8 "Nothing new in the new? history and the emergence of new media". Rovigo. 21-23 June
Balbi G. (2012)
What wireless testified. Italian Radio Amateurs and legal debates on communication . ECREA (European Communication Research Association) General Conference, Panel: Media regulation, public discourseand power. Istanbul. 24-27 October
Cola M., Iseni B., Mauri Brusa M. (2011)
Between Switzerland and Kosovo. Negotiating identities in transnational spaces . International Workshop: Migrant Transnationalism and Integration in Digital Era, Neuchâtel: 25th November (invited speakers)
Film Commission As Driver for Economic and Cultural Development . Governance, Culture and Territorial Development (Fourth Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue on Public Management). Rabat. 13-14 October
Balbi G. (2011)
Immaginario: etimologie e costruzione sociale dei media . minario di studi "Intorno ai media. Scambi e discussioni", Workshop: "Media e immaginario". Università degli Studi di Torino. December 12nd
Cola M., Mauri Brusa M. (2011)
Immigrants as audience: sampling strategies, definition of ethnic groups and selection of variables . New challenges and methodological innovations in European media audience research - conference of the COST Action IS0906, University of Zagreb, 7-9 April
Balbi G. (2011)
Invited speaker . YECREA workshop at Communication History Section 2011 Conference. Dublin. 7 September
Balbi G. (2011)
L’iPad di Clio. O sulla storia (dei media) quale disciplina in grado di leggere l’innovazione . Forum italiano per lo studio dell’innovazione. L’innovazione tecnologica tra vecchie e nuove diseguaglianze (Univesità di Padova-CIGA, Rovigo,November 21-22). Forum italiano per lo studio dell’innovazione. L’innovazione tecnologica tra vecchie e nuove diseguaglianze. Univesità di Padova-CIGA, Rovigo. November 21-22
Balbi G. (2011)
Media History Matters. Araldo Telefonico and the telephone as a one-to-many medium . Visiting Speaker’s Series. School of Journalism and Communication, Carleton University. Ottawa. 23 September
Balbi G. (2011)
Media History Matters! Araldo Telefonico - When the Telephone Served as Radio . PCA Informal Lecture Series, Performance and Communication Arts Department, St. Lawrence University. Canton, NY. 22 September
Cola M. (2011)
Patterns of audience and users engagement with media technologies: the case of the Kosovar Diaspora in Switzerland . ECREA – Diaspora, Migration and Media Section (DMM, National University of Ireland, Maynooth: 2-3 December
Balbi G. (2011)
The European Wireless, 1897-1925. Between National Styles and Common Patterns . ECREA Comm History Workshop. "The History of Mass Media in Europe: Towards Post-National Perspectives and [Hi-]Stories". Dublin. 7-9 September
Balbi G. (2011)
The Origins of the Telephone in Italy, 1877-1915: Politics, Economics, Technology, and Society . 61st Annual ICA Conference, Communication History Interest Group, Panel "Wired Histories: Technology in Social Context". Boston. 26-30 May
Balbi G. , Fari S., Calvo S., Richeri G. (2011)
The Swiss Influence in the ITU’s Decision-Making Process, 1855-76 . SHOT Conference. Panel "Do Politics Have Artifacts? The Promise of International Communications Networks". Cleveland. 3-6 November
Benecchi E. (2010)
Animated Canons. Adapting Japanese animation to other countries . in International Research Workshop “Japanese Media Studies”, Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures, University of East Anglia, Norwich
Balbi G. (2010)
Chi conserva e che cosa conservare per la storia dei media . Convegno organizzato dalla Fondazione Telecom Italia "2060: con quali fonti si farà la storia del nostro presente? Tecniche, pratiche e scienze sociali a confronto". Torino, Politecnico. 8-9 aprile
Cola M. (2010)
Cultural diversity in a 'diverse' country. How Public Service Media promote cultural diversity in Switzerland . European Communication Conference ECREA, Hamburg, October
Balbi G. (2010)
Discussant . Seminario di studi "Intorno ai media. Scambi e discussioni", Workshop: "Schermi, spettatori, studi, sondaggi. Ricerche sulla costruzione del pubblico cinematografico e televisivo". Torino, Museo Nazionale del cinema, Bibliomediateca "Mario Gromo". 29 ottobre
Balbi G. (2010)
How (relevant social) groups matter. The early Italian Telephone as a case study . 8th European Social Science History Conference. Panel: "TEC01: The Development of New Consumer Cultures". Ghent. 13-16 April
Balbi G. (2010)
How Subscribers Mattered. The Early Italian Telephone and its Users . First Conference of the ECREA Section Communication History. "User Generated Content. Historical perspectives on the participation of audiences in social communication. Potsdam. 3-5 June
Cola M., Prario B. (2010)
New ways of consumption: the audiences of PSM in Italy and Switzerland . RIPE@2010 conference, University of Westminster, London, September
Prario B. , Richeri G. (2010)
Product placement and broadcasters: a new strategic approach . EMMA Conference. London
Spectacular Movies for a Global Audience: The Avatar Case Study . Urban Mediations (NECS Conference, Istanbul)
Balbi G. , Calvo S., Fari S. (2010)
The Austro-German and the West European telegraph unions as predecessors of the International Telegraph Union . Workshop "Verkehrs- und Kommunikationsinfrastructur: Strategien una Handlungsspielraume in Ostmitteleuropa 1867-1914", GWZO-Geisteswissenschaftliches Zetrum. Leipzig, Universitat Leipzig. 25 Mai
Colapinto C. (2010)
The sustainable business model of Mediaset Group in the emerging and digital Media eco-system . European Media Management education association (EMMA).
Benecchi E. , Colapinto C. (2010)
TV series beyond the screen: The participatory media content model in Italy . ECREA conference, Hamburg, 12-15 October 2010
Balbi G. (2009)
All the Telephone's Men. Politici, imprenditori, tecnici nella storia della telefonia italiana . VI Colloquio Postale dell'Istituto di Studi Storici Postali: "Figure, attori, protagonisti della scena postale nazionale". Prato. 28 Febbraio
Colapinto C., Prario B. , Richeri G. (2009)
Digital Television and the Audience Fragmentation . European Media Management education association (EMMA)
Balbi G. (2009)
Doing Media History in 2050 . MiT (Media in Transition) 6, "Stone and Papyrus, Storage and Transmission". Panel: Archival Limits? What to Digitize. Boston, MIT. 24-26 April
Balbi G. , Isabella S. (2009)
I media e il privato in pubblico: una storia (intimità e sfera pubblica) . Convegno AIS "Le reti socievoli. Fare ricerca sul/nel web sociale". Workshop: La riflessione sociologica sul web sociale: comunità e identità 2. Università di Urbino. 20 Novembre
Balbi G. (2009)
La storia si ripete? Metabolizzazione del telefono fisso e mobile nelle società italiane di fine secolo . Seminario di studi "Intorno ai media. Scambi e discussioni", Workshop: "Dovunque siate. L'affermazione della telefonia mobile, dinamica di un successo". Università degli studi di Torino. 29 maggio
Benecchi E. (2009)
Relocating Hollywood advertising . Locating Media (NECS Conference, Lund)
Cola M. (2009)
The role of media in multicultural environment: "The Bridge" between diasporas and local community . Diaspora, Migration and Media Section - ECREA - Diasporas, Migration and Media: Crossing Boundaries, New Directions. Utrecht University. 6-7 November 2009
Balbi G. (2009)
The scary house. When the old telephone gave rise to new fears . IAMHIST conference 2009, "Social Fears and Moral Panics". Panel 1: Media, culture and Victorian/ Edwardian social fears. Aberystwyth University. 8-11 July
Cola M. (2009)
Transnational Audience Participation in Local-Multicultural TV programme: the case of "The Bridge" . Transforming Audiences 2. University of Westminster, London. 3nd-4th September
Balbi G. , Prario B. (2008)
Fininvest/Mediaset and the history of its media strategy. 30 years of politics, market, technology and society . ASMI Annual Conference, "The Media in Italy: Historical Perspectives and Future Challenges". Session 1.4: Broadcasting Policy. Edinburgh. 21-22 November
Cola M. (2008)
Media diets in comparison: Italians and Italian-speaking Swiss media consumption . The Association for the Study of Modern Italy (ASMI) Annual Conference, Edinburgh, 21-22 November
Balbi G. (2008)
Mercato, Stato, Pubblico. Storia delle prime società telefoniche italiane 1880-1915 . Convegno Quadriennale SISE, "Imprenditorialità e sviluppo economico. Il caso italiano (secc. XIII-XX)". Panel: Imprenditori e tecnologia. ano, Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi. 14-15 Novembre
Elia Ott C. (2008)
Profile and activity of news ombudsmen . Organization of News Ombudsmen, annual meeting. Stockholm, Svezia
Balbi G. (2008)
Storia e STS. La telefonia italiana ed i primi abbonati (1880-1915) . 2nd General Conference STS-Italia, "Capturing Proteus: Technoscience and Knowledge Society in Europe". Workshop: Processi sociotecnici, pratiche di appropriazione e conoscenza situata. Genova. 19-21 Giugno
Zavaritt G. (2007)
Before and after the endorsement. A content analysis of Corriere della Sera During the national political campaign 2006 . Paper presented to the international summer school on "POLITICAL COMMUNICATION AND ELECTORAL BEHAVIOUR". Milan. July 2-6, 2007
Il baco del Corriere. Il pericolo intreccio tra potere economico ed informazione . Festival Internazionale del giornalismo, Perugia, 24.03.2007
Cola M., Mauri Brusa M. (2007)
Intercultural Context and Global/ Local Identities: a Media Use Perspective . Conferenza NIC2007 - Changing identities in globalized world, Vilnius (Lt), 29th November - 1st December, 2007
The Challenge of Press Freedom . Lecture Cycle "50 Years of Ghana's Indipendence: The Role of Journalists in Society", organized by InWent, Berlin; Accra, Feb. 23, 2007; Kumasi, Feb. 26, 2007; Tamale, Feb. 28, 2007
Towards a European Journalism? . Keynote, Regional Media in an European Context, Masaryk Universität, Brno/Czech Republic, 9.2.2007
Cola M., Prario B. , Richeri G. (2007)
Traditional Audience and New Technologies. How new media are influencing people's media diet within the households . Transforming Audiences, University of Westminster. London. 6-7 September 2007
Cola M. (2007)
Transnational Audience and Local Identity. The role of media in identity formation within a fragmented media landscape . Transforming Audiences, University of Westminster, London, 6-7 September 2007
Russ-Mohl S. (2007)
Zur Organisationskommunikation von Medienunternehmen. Prinzipal-Agenten-Beziehungen und "blinde Flecken" in der Medienberichterstattung . Annual Convention of Swiss Communications Researchers, St. Gallen, 30./31.3.2007
Co-productions as New Form of Negotiation . Shifting Landscapes: Film and Media in European Context (First International Film and Media Conference, Istanbul)
Die neue Medienwelt. Konzepte der Qualitätspflege und-sicherung für Tageszeitungen . Workshop for top editors of Neue Ruhr Zeitung, Essen, 23.11.2006
BESIO C. (2006)
Experten und Laien in Wissenschaftssendungen: Rollen, Autorität und Legitimation . 7. Kolloquium Transferwissenschaften: „Wissenstransfer und Diskurs“, Göttingen, 4. - 6. Oktober 2006
Gesundheit in den Medien: Hysterie oder Information? . Contribution to Workshop "Gesundheitskommunikation" IPMZ, Universität Zürich, 7.9.2006
Herausforderung für die Journalistenausbildung: Qualität und Qualitätsmanagement im Journalismus . Workshop for Journalism Educators from Germany, Poland und Czech Republic, Passauer Pressegruppe. Lugano. June 28, 2006
Journalismus und PR als Frühwarnsysteme? . Mediensymposion on "Seimographische Funktion von öffentlicher Kommunikation im Wandel, 30.11.-2.12.2006
Lässt sich in Zukunft mit Qualität im Journalismus noch Geld verdienen? . Lilienberg-Unternehmerforum:"Strukturwandel der Medienwelt". Ermatingen. 21.11.2006
Mediatisierung der Wirtschaft - Ursachen und Folgen der Personalisierung in der Wirtschaftskommunikation . Öffentlichkeit in der Mediengesellschaft, Fachgruppe Mediensoziologie der DGPuK, Zürich, 25.-27. Mai 2006.
Qualität und Qualitätsmanagement im Journalismus . Workshop for editors in chief, maz. Lucerne. June, 1, 2006
Russ-Mohl S. (2006)
The Journalist as "Homo oeconomicus" . Contribution to International Institute of Journalism - Inwent, Summer Academy. Hamburg. July 10, 2006
BESIO C. (2006)
Transdisciplinary projects: an organizational and scientific challenge . EASST Conference: “Reviewing humanness: bodies, technologies and spaces” Lausanne, 23. - 26. August 2006
Vodoo-Zauber, Prinzipale und Agenten. Thesen und Trends zum Verhältnis von Journalismus und PR . Keynote, 13. Schweizer PR-Symposion "PR und Medien im digitalen Zeitalter". 25.10.2006
Al cinema con Woody Allen . Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bò - Facoltà di Psicologia
BESIO C., Hungerbühler Savary R., Morici L., Prario B. (2005)
Die Unverzichtbarkeit organisationstheoretischer Ansätze für die media studies . SGKM-Tagung: "Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft zwischen theoretischer Grundlegung und Anwendungsorientierung". Winterthur. 8. - 9. April 2005
Zavaritt G. (2005)
How Commercialization is Changing European News Production - A Grid to Link Macro and Micro Perspectives . First European Communication Conference. University of Amsterdam. 24. - 26. November 2005
Balbi G. (2005)
I vecchi e i giovani. Strategie di mimesi tra old e new media . Convegno AIS "Incerto Quotidiano". Workshop Routine/Innovazione. Napoli. 10-11 novembre
Cola M. (2005)
Media studies and social geography: a combination of theories in an empirical qualitative research . First European Communication Conference, "50 year of Communication research: past & future". Amsterdam. 24-26 November 2005
Cola M. (2005)
MEDIA USES AND IDENTITIES IN A FOUR LANGUAGES COUNTRY. A Case Study of Switzerland . Annual Conference of MeCCSA - Media, Communication & Cultural Studies Association
BESIO C., Hungerbühler Savary R., Morici L., Prario B. (2005)
The necessity to approach organizations in media studies. . First European Communication Conference. „50 year of Communication research: past & future“. Amsterdam, 24. - 26. November 2005.
Hungerbühler R., Morici L. (2004)
"Aspects of Swiss political communication: three linguistic regions with different perspectives on the world" . International Radio Summer School, Siena, 26/07 - 01/08
Balbi G. (2004)
City and home lights. Tecnologie d'illuminazione e trasformazioni dell'intimità . Convegno AIS "Legami Sociali. Nuove declinazioni dell'identità individuale e della socialità". Cagliari. 18-19 Giugno
BESIO C., Corti A. (2003)
Wissenschaftlicher Fortschritt und Risikodiskurs-Ethikkommissionen zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik . Workshop: Diskurs- Wissen- Kultur, AK Diskursanalyse und Sektion Wissenssoziologie der DGS, Augsburg, 25.-26. September 2003
BESIO C., Hungerbühler R., Morici L. (2002)
Radio und Fernsehen online: neue Wege der Volksbildung? . Netzkommunikation SGKM-Tagung. Solothurn, 26.-27. April 2002.
Ganz-Blättler U. (1999)
Shareware or Prestigious Privilege? Television Fans as Knowledge Brokers . "Media in Transition" Conference. MIT; Boston, Mass
Recensione (9)
Balbi G. (2021)
Review of the book "News from Germany. The Competition to Control World Communications, 1900–1945", written by Heidi J. S. Tworek. ARO, IV(3).
Balbi G. (2019)
Review of the book Marconi: The man who networked the world, written by Marc Raboy. Journal of Radio & Audio Media, 26(2), 369-372.
Rikitianskaia M. (2018)
Vanessa Ogle, The Global Transformation of Time (1870-1950). Connections.
Balbi G. (2015)
Review of the book Global Communication Electric: Business, News and Politics in the World of Telegraphy, edited by M. M. Hampf & S. Müller-Pohl. H-Soz-u-Kult, H-Net Reviews, October
Balbi G. (2014)
Il Concilio in diretta: il Vaticano II e la televisione tra informazione e partecipazione . Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 34(1): 121-122.
Balbi G. (2014)
Review of the book Vie e mezzi di comunicazione in Italia e Spagna in età contemporanea, edited by C. B. López, A. di Vittorio, G. Fenicia & N. Ostuni. The Journal of Transport History, 35(2), 251-252.
Dagnino G. (2013)
Marco Cucco e Giuseppe Richeri (2013) Il mercato delle location cinematografiche. Pubblicata in Economia della Cultura (2013) XXIII, n. 4, pp. 538-539
Di Salvo P. (2013)
Revolutions Between Digital Utopianism and the "Cascade Effect" . Studies in Communication Sciences. Elsevier. Volume 13, Issue 1
Balbi G. (2011)
S. Onger. 2010. Verso la Modernità: I bresciani e le esposizioni industriali 1800-1915. Milan: FrancoAngeli . "Technology and Culture", n. 4, October
Poster per conferenza (2)
Altra pubblicazione (93)
Lobinger K. , Balbi G. , Cantoni L. (2019)
Guest Editorial to the Thematic Section on ECREA 2018, Studies in Communication Sciences, 19(2), 157–160
Balbi G. , Berth C. (2019)
History and Technology, 35(2). Special issue “Towards a telephonic history of technology”.
Attraente e ingovernabile
Balbi G. (2018)
Quaderni di teoria sociale, 1. Parte monografica “Critical turn nel digitale”.
The Academy Award in the Promotion of Italian Films
Un mercato democratico
Fari S., Balbi G. (2017)
Curchod, Charles Louis.
Indigo Film: Carlotta Calori, Francesca Cima, Nicola Giuliano
Youth - La giovinezza
Balbi G. , Delfanti A., Magaudda P. (2016)
TECNOSCIENZA: Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies, 7(1). Double special issue “Digital Circulation. Media, Materiality, Infrastructures”
Di Salvo P. (2014)
New data shows drones killed hundreds of Pakistani civilians
Balbi G. , Scaglioni M. (2014)
VIEW. Journal of European Television History and Culture, 3(6). Special issue “Convergent Television(s)”.
Book Review: Cinéma Suisse. Une politique culturelle en action: l'Etat, les professionnels, les publics, by Olivier Moeschler
Book Review: The Hollywood Economist. The Hidden Financial Reality Behind the Movies, by Edward J. Epstein
Balbi G. , Miconi A., Ortoleva P. (2011)
Problemi dell'informazione, 2-3. Special issue “Come cambiano i media. Sfide, categorie, direzioni di ricerca”
Shi L. (2010)
Telecommunication Industry in China: Looking Back at the Thirty-Year Development
De Masi V. (2009)
Chinese Animation Production Industry: An Overview
Chinese Provincial Satellite TV: An Overview
Digital TV in China
Zavaritt G. (2008)
Informatica svizzera in crisi: mancano professionisti
Chinese media at a glance: news from China
Chinese Press Groups Listed on the Stock Exchange
Die Zitronenhändler
Elia Ott C. (2007)
Entschuldigung! Eine US-Rangliste der Irrtümer des Jahres
Elia Ott C. (2007)
L'errore giornalistico del 2007 (e molti altri)
Elia Ott C. (2007)
Osama statt Obama
Elia Ott C. (2007)
Quando i media cercano di raccontare la malavita organizzata
Zavaritt G. (2007)
Scienza nei videogiochi
Zavaritt G. (2007)
Stato e Fedi, il paradigma svizzero. Intervista a Rolf Bloch
Zavaritt G. (2007)
Superare le tendenze etnocentriche, Intervista a Milton Bennet
Zavaritt G. , Morgandi N. (2007)
Ten years after Barcelona and more: a synthesis of the evaluations
Elia Ott C. (2007)
Vermittler und Richter in heikler Position. Der Presse-Ombudsmann im internationalen Vergleich
Zavaritt G. (2007)
Volare con il sole e con la comunicazione
Zavaritt G. (2006)
Cavaliere senza impero, Prodi berlusconiano
Zavaritt G. (2006)
Critica e omaggio alle vignette della discordia
Cultural Differences and Diversity in Communication Processes - Einführung.
Das Private gewinnt an Bedeutung. Die Sportberichterstattung grosser Schweizer Pressetitel seit 1945.
Der Sportteil im Wandel.
Elia Ott C. (2006)
Eine Plattform der Linken
Elia Ott C. (2006)
Giornali di qualità malgrado la fretta - Parla Andrew Gowers già direttore di successo del prestigioso Financial Times
Elia Ott C. (2006)
Il 2005 è stato un anno nero per i media americani
Zavaritt G. (2006)
Il giornalista racconta la storia e la storia si avvicina al lettore
Kein Unfall in Italiens Geschichte. Berlusconi als Teil der journalistischen und politischen Kultur
Zavaritt G. (2006)
La fine dell'evoluzione
Zavaritt G. (2006)
La guerra? Il più terribile dei giochi
Elia Ott C. (2006)
La stampa, gli errori e il problema drammatico del plagio
Zavaritt G. (2006)
L'Ultima carta da giocare. Carla del Ponte e i poteri del tribunale internazionale
Faré M., Balbi G. (2006)
L'USI partner Kelyan partecipa al progetto PENG
Zavaritt G. (2006)
Ogni vero viaggio è un cammino attraverso la gente. Intervista al fondatore delle Lonely Planet
Qualitätssicherung durch Selbstbespiegelung.
Zavaritt G. (2006)
Tra scandali, media, cani e lampioni
Elia Ott C. (2005)
24 Stunden am Tag Sonne
Elia Ott C. (2005)
«Cia-gate», la stampa e il potere politico
Elia Ott C. (2005)
Come distinguere l´informazione di qualità?
Zavaritt G. (2005)
Da una lavanderia buia di Istanbul
Die Schnäppchenjagd geht weiter. Online-Auktionen als erfolgreiches Zusatzgeschäft.
Elia Ott C. (2005)
«Es war ein sehr schlechtes Jahr» - Die Irrtümer der US-Medien
Elia Ott C. (2005)
Gewissen des Journalismus - Was Ombudsleute leisten können
Zavaritt G. (2005)
Il giornalismo come il Titanic?
Elia Ott C. (2005)
"Il Sole 24 Ore" als Erfolgsmodell
Zavaritt G. (2005)
Immigrazione, un'opportunità
Elia Ott C. (2005)
L´11 settembre ha indebolito i media
Zavaritt G. (2005)
La laicità: un ideale sempre vivo
Zavaritt G. (2005)
La terza via dell'Islam che verrà
Elia Ott C. (2005)
L'importanza di non tradire il segreto redazionale
Elia Ott C. (2005)
Quando i giornalisti criticano il loro lavoro
Elia Ott C. (2005)
Quando la mafia non fa più notizia
Elia Ott C. , Foa M. (2005)
USA: minacce alla libertà di stampa
Ver-rückte Wahrnehmungen. Das Konzept des "Wirklichkeitstransfers".
Zavaritt G. (2004)
Ancora nuvole sul futuro dei Balcani
Elia Ott C. (2004)
Der Marketing-Politiker. Eine Bilanz von Silvio Berlusconis öffentlicher Tätigkeit
Elia Ott C. (2004)
Il giornalismo alla ricerca di nuove identità
Elia Ott C. (2004)
Il giornalismo di fronte all´etica
Corti A. (2004)
L'informazione a pagamento. Case study: La Svizzera
Schnäppchen für alle. Internet-Auktionen als Geldquelle für Regionalzeitungen.
Lasagni M. C., Scardovi A. (2004)
Video: La comunicazione medico-paziente. Un approccio al disagio psichico nella medicina generale 27
Wie verrückt die Wahrnehmung ist.
Elia Ott C. , Foa M. (2003)
I falsi giornalistici sotto la lente
Lasagni M. C. (2003)
Video: (2003) "Chi è fuori è fuori" 60'. Dopo la chiusura dei manicomi, una realtà di psichiatria di territorio raccontata dai pazienti.
Lasagni M. C. (2002)
Video: "Ho sognato che vivevo. Appunti di scena" 27'. Una compagnia teatrale professionale composta da pazienti psichiatrici, raccontata mentre mette in scena un testo di Pirandello
Candeloro J. P. (2001)
(Book Review) What Is Non-Fiction Cinema? On the Very Idea of Motion Picture Communication (Trevor Ponech)
Hungerbuehler R., Theo M. (2001)
Service public und Kultur im Wandel. Hermeneutische und empirische Analyse am Beispiel der Radios der SRG
Grossenbacher R., Hungerbühler Savary R., Saxer U., Tschudi R. (2000)
Radionutzung: Programmtreue und Wechselverhalten
BESIO C. (1999)
Grigione italiano, Il (giornale)
Barone M., La, Palombara A, Morici L. (1999)
Tendenze, gruppi giovanili a Vasto
Lasagni M. C. (1997)
Video: Oltre l´aula. Il lavoro delle Commissioni Parlamentari ´160
Cini D., Lasagni M. C. (1996)
Video: Maremma Terra e Acqua 27
Hungerbühler Savary R. (1995)
Familie und Familienpolitik. In: Eidgenvsische Kommission fuer Frauenfragen (Ed.): Viel erreicht - wenig veraendert? Zur Situation der Frauen in der Schweiz
Lasagni C., Cini D. (1995)
Video: Uomini, macchine, società. I lavoratori dentro le innovazioni tecnologiche. Collana di 10 video didattici
Lasagni M. C. (1994)
Video: Contro la nostra volontà ´26
Hungerbühler Savary R. (1992)
Familienexterne Kinderbetreuung: Die Situation im Kanton Tessin. In: Eidgenoesische Kommission fuer Frauenfragen (Ed.): Familienexterne Kinderbetreeung
Hungerbühler Savary R. (1989)
Haus- und Familienarbeit. In: Ballmer-Cao Than Huyen: Die Frauen im Wandel der Schweiz
Hungerbühler Savary R. (1988)
Haus- und Familienarbeit im Dilemma. Ueberlegungen aus schweizerischer Perspektive. In: Rapin Hildegard (Ed.): Frauenforschung und Hausarbeit