Luca Massimiliano Visconti
Key publications (4)
- Tissier-Desbordes E., Visconti L. M. (2020) Gender After Gender in Consumer Culture
- Visconti L. M., Penaloza L., Toulouse N. (2020) Marketing Management: A Cultural Perspective - 2nd edition
- Visconti L. M., Jafari A. ., Batat W., Broeckerhoff A., Dedeoglu A. Ö. ., Damangeot C., Lindridge A., Peñaloza L., Pullig C., Regany F., Ustundagli E., Weinberger M. F. (2015) Consumer Ethnicity Three Decades After: A TCR Agenda
- Van Laer T., de Ruyter K., Visconti L. M., Wetzels M. (2014) The Extended Transportation-Imagery Model: A Meta-Analysis of the Antecedents and Consequences of Consumers’ Narrative Transportation
Journal Article (25)
- Coffin J., Eichert C., Bettany S., Lindridge A., Oakenfull G., Ostberg J., Peñaloza L., Rinallo D., Rowe D. ., Santana J. . ., Visconti L. M., Walther L. (2022) Crossing Wires: Short-Circuiting (A)sexual Hierarchies of Knowledge in Marketing Theory, Marketing Theory:275-292
- Silchenko K., Visconti L. M. (2022) Facemask: from pandemic to marketplace iconicity, Consumption Markets & Culture:287-310
- Nepomuceno M., Visconti L. M., Cenesizoglu T. (2020) A Model for Investigating the Impact of Owned Social Media Content on Commercial Performance and Its Application in Large and Mid-sized Online Communities, Journal of Marketing Management:1762-1804
- Holmqvist J., Visconti L. M., Grönroos C., Guais B., Kessous A. (2020) Understanding the Value Process: Value Creation in a Luxury Service Context, Journal of Business Research:114-126
- Tissier-Desbordes E., Visconti L. M. (2019) Gender after Gender: Fragmentation, Intersectionality, and Stereotyping, Consumption, Markets & Culture, 22 (4):307-313
- Zanette C., Blikstein I., Visconti L. M. (2019) Intertextual Virality and Vernacular Repertories: Internet Memes as Objects Connecting Different Online Worlds, RAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas, 59 (3):1-13
- Van Laer T., Feiereisen S., Visconti L. M. (2019) Storytelling in the Digital Era: A Meta-analysis of Relevant Moderators of the Narrative Transportation Effect, Journal of Business Research, 96 (March):135-146
- Visconti L. M. (2019) The Long March from Stonewall to a LGBTQ+ Market, Economia & Management, 2:29-36
- Van Laer T., Visconti L. M., Feiereisen S. (2018) Need for Narrative, Journal of Marketing Management, 34 (5-6):484-496
- Visconti L. M. (2016) A Conversational Approach to Consumer Vulnerability: Performativity, Representations, and Storytelling, Journal of Marketing Management, 32 (3-4):371-385
- Visconti L. M., Jafari A. ., Batat W., Broeckerhoff A., Dedeoglu A. Ö. ., Damangeot C., Lindridge A., Peñaloza L., Pullig C., Regany F., Ustundagli E., Weinberger M. F. (2015) Consumer Ethnicity Three Decades After: A TCR Agenda, Journal of Marketing Management, 30 (17-18):1882-1922
- Demangeot C., Broeckerhoff A., Kipnis E., Pullig C., Visconti L. M. (2015) Consumer Well-being Among Shifting Places and Ethnicities, Marketing Theory, 15 (2):271-278
- Jafari A. ., Visconti L. M. (2015) New Directions in Researching Ethnicity in Marketing and Consumer Behaviour: A Wellbeing Agenda, Marketing Theory, 15 (2):265-270
- Visconti L. M., Di Giuli A. (2014) Principles and Levels of Mediterranean Connectivity: Evidence from Prada’s “Made in …Worlds” Brand Strategy, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 13 (3):164-175
- Visconti L. M., Minowa Y., Maclaran P. (2014) Public Markets: An Ecological Perspective on Sustainability as Megatrend, Journal of Macromarketing, 34 (3):349-368
- Visconti L. M., Minowa Y., Maclaran P. (2014) Public Markets: An Ecological Perspective on Sustainability as Megatrend, Journal of Macromarketing:349-368
- Van Laer T., de Ruyter K., Visconti L. M., Wetzels M. (2014) The Extended Transportation-Imagery Model: A Meta-Analysis of the Antecedents and Consequences of Consumers’ Narrative Transportation, Journal of Consumer Research, 40 (February):797-817
- Minowa Y., Visconti L. M., Maclaran P. (2012) Researchers’ Introspection for Multi-Sited Ethnographers: A Xenoheteroglossic Autoethnography, Journal of Business Research, 65 (4):483-489
- Visconti L. M. (2010) Ethnographic Case Study (ECS): Abductive Modeling of Ethnography in Business Marketing Research, Industrial Marketing Management, 39 (1):25-39
- Visconti L. M., Sherry J. F. J., Borghini S., Anderson L. (2010) Street Art, Sweet Art? Reclaiming the "Public" in Public Place, Journal of Consumer Research:37 (3), 511-529
- Borghini S., Visconti L. M., Anderson L., Sherry J. F. J. (2010) Symbiotic Postures of Commercial Advertising and Street Art: Implications for Creativity, Journal of Advertising:39 (3), 113-126
- Visconti L. M. (2008) Gays’ Market and Social Behaviors in (De)constructing Symbolic Boundaries, Consumption, Markets & Culture, 11 (2):115-137
- Visconti L. M. (2008) Nuovi Italiani, Nuovi Marketing: Approcci Emergenti per la Conquista del Mercato Etnico Nazionale, Micro & Macro Marketing, XVII (1):46-69
- Visconti L. M. (2007) Contestazione e Restituzione dei Luoghi Pubblici: Il Potere Trasformativo della Street Art sulle Identità Contemporanee, Passaggi – Rivista Italiana di Scienze Transculturali, 14:54-74
- Visconti L. M. (2002) Responsabilità Sociale e Disclosure di Informazioni Socio-Ambientali: Un’Analisi Critica della Letteratura, Azienda Pubblica, XV (6):591-614
Book (9)
- Tissier-Desbordes E., Visconti L. M. (2020) Gender After Gender in Consumer Culture. Routledge
- Visconti L. M., Penaloza L., Toulouse N. (2020) Marketing Management: A Cultural Perspective - 2nd edition. Routledge
- Borghini S., Carù A., Golfetto F., Pace S., Rinallo D., Visconti L. M. (2012) Prodotto, Consumatore e Politiche di Mercato Quarant’Anni Dopo: Scritti in Onore di Stefano Podestà. Egea
- Peñaloza L., Toulouse N., Visconti L. M. (2011) Marketing Management: A Cultural Perspective. Routledge
- Napolitano E. M. ., Visconti L. M. (2011) Welcome Bank: Migranti, Banche e Marketing. Egea
- Visconti L. M., Napolitano E. M. . (2009) Cross Generation Marketing. Egea
- Visconti L. M. (2007) Diversity Management e Lavoratori Migranti: Linee Guida per la Gestione del Caso Italia. Egea
- Fiorio C., Napolitano E. M. ., Visconti L. M. (2007) Stili Migranti. Biella: I quaderni di Welcome Marketing
- Mauri L., Visconti L. M. (2004) Diversity Management e Società Multiculturale: Teorie e Prassi. FrancoAngeli
Book chapter (35)
- Zamparini A., Visconti L. M., Lurati F. (2022) Polysemic corporate branding: Managing the idea. The Routledge Companion to Corporate Branding. Routledge, 300-320
- Visconti L. M. (2020) Communicating Luxury Brands through Stories. Research Handbook on Luxury Branding. Edward Elgar Publishing, 225-247
- Visconti L. M., Hughes M. Ü., Corengia M. (2020) Re-examining Market Segmentation: Bifurcated Perspectives and Practices. Marketing Management: A Cultural Perspective. Routledge, 287-312
- Visconti L. M., Maclaran P., Bettany S. (2018) Gender(s), Consumption, and Markets. Consumer Culture Theory. Sage, 180-205
- Visconti L. M. (2018) Il Marketing dell’Arte, l’Arte nel Marketing e il Marketing come Arte. Marketing: Una Disciplina Fantastica. Università Bocconi Editore, 525-537
- Visconti L. M. (2017) Interview avec Luca Visconti : Le Storytelling Dans le Luxe. Luxe et Expérience Client. Dunod, 103-105
- Visconti L. M. (2017) Préface : La Pauvreté entre Idéologie et Réalité. Marketing et Pauvreté : Être Pauvre dans la Société de Consommation. Edition ems, 9-16
- Visconti L. M. (2017) Roland Barthes: The (Anti-)structuralist. The Routledge Companion to Canonical Authors in Social Theory on Consumption. Routledge, 177-184
- Visconti L. M. (2015) Emplaced Ethnicity: The Role of Space(s) in Ethnic Marketing. The Routledge Companion on Ethnic Marketing. Routledge, 69-83
- Regany F., Visconti L. M. (2014) La Clientèle Ethnique, un Dilemme pour le Distributeur ?. Repenser le Commerce : Vers une Perspective Socio-culturelle de la Distribution. Edition EMS, 153-173
- Visconti L. M., Napolitano E. M. . (2014) Migrant Banking in Europe: Approaches, Meanings and Perspectives. Islamic Finance in Europe. Towards a Plural Financial System. Edward Elgar Publishing, 109-125
- Regany F., Visconti L. M., Fosse-Gomez M. H. (2012) A Closer Glance at the Notion of Boundaries in Acculturation Studies: Typologies, Intergenerational Divergences, and Consumer Agency. Research in Consumer Behavior. Emerald, 195-213
- Visconti L. M. (2012) Keep Young and Beautiful: Elderly allo Specchio. 50plus Marketing. Comprendere e Servire i Protagonisti del Futuro: I Senior. FrancoAngeli, 75-85
- Visconti L. M. (2012) La Consommation Intergénérationnelle : Formes, Significations et Négociations. L’Ethnicité, Fabrique Marketing ?. Edition EMS, 257-286
- Visconti L. M. (2012) Segmentazione Obsoleta? Un Elisir di Lunga Giovinezza. Prodotto, Consumatore e Politiche di Mercato Quarant’Anni Dopo: Scritti in Onore di Stefano Podestà. Egea, 251-267
- Visconti L. M., Borghini S. (2011) Comportamento di Consumo del Cliente B2C. M@rketing Management: Progettare e Generare Valore per il Cliente. Egea, 99-120
- Napolitano E. M. ., Visconti L. M. (2011) Dieci Anni di WelcomeBank. E di Welcome Banking. Welcome Bank: Migranti, Banche e Marketing. Egea, 3-26
- Napolitano E. M. ., Visconti L. M. (2011) I Modelli di Migrant Banking: Ieri, Oggi e Domani. Welcome Bank: Migranti, Banche e Marketing. Egea, 189-218
- Borghini S., Visconti L. M. (2011) Ricerche Qualitative di Marketing. M@rketing Management: Progettare e Generare Valore per il Cliente. Egea, 239-260
- Visconti L. M., Üçok Hughes M. (2011) Segmentation and Targeting Revisited. Marketing Management: A Cultural Perspective. Routledge, 295-314
- Visconti L. M. (2010) Authentic Brand Narratives: Co-Constructed Mediterraneaness for l’Occitane Brand. Research in Consumer Behavior. Emerald, 231-260
- Visconti L. M. (2010) Islam Marketing: Una Partita Win-Win. Marketing Islamico. Egea, IX-XVI
- Visconti L. M. (2009) I Consumi della Cross Generation: Forme, Significati e Negoziazioni. Cross Generation Marketing. Egea, 73-110
- Napolitano E. M. ., Visconti L. M. (2009) Un Eccesso di Cultura. Cross Generation Marketing. Egea, XI-XVII
- Podestà S., Visconti L. M. (2008) Consumers Participation in Market Co-Creation: How Gays Impact Marketing Strategies through Consumer Society. Strategic Market Creation: A New Perspective on Marketing and Innovation Management. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 389-411
- Visconti L. M. (2008) La (De)costruzione dell’Identità Gay tra Mercato e Società. Manuale di Psicologia dei Consumi. McGraw-Hill, 205-207
- Visconti L. M., Napolitano E. M. ., Fiorio C. (2007) Conclusioni. Stili Migranti. Etnica, 227-242
- Visconti L. M., La Rocca G., Fontana Sabatini L., Scialpi S., Mosca E. (2007) I figli delle Migrazioni: G2 Marketing. Stili Migranti. Etnica, 107-153
- Napolitano E. M. ., Visconti L. M. (2007) I Target Migranti. Stili Migranti. Etnica, 1-36
- Visconti L. M. (2006) Identità e Mediterraneità: L’alternanza Culturale come Terza Via tra Anoressia e Bulimia Identitaria. Marketing Mediterraneo: Tra Metafora e Territorio. Egea, 147-178
- Visconti L. M. (2006) Percorsi di Empowerment Socio-economico e Sub-ottimalità delle Scelte. Imprese di Migranti. Etnica, 121-128
- Visconti L. M. (2005) L’individualisme Postmoderne et la Pensée Méditerranéenne: Oxymore et Réconciliation par une Approche de Cultural-Crossing. Marketing Méditerranée et Postmodernité. Edition Euromed Marseille, 121-148
- Visconti L. M. (2004) Diversity Management e Lavoro Straniero: Vantaggio Competitivo o Cerimonia?. Diversity Management e Società Multiculturale. FrancoAngeli, 11-30
- Visconti L. M. (2004) I Servizi a Utenza Multiculturale: Una Lettura Aziendale dei Modelli di Risposta. I colori del Welfare. Servizi alla Persona di fronte all'Utenza che Cambia. FrancoAngeli, 47-77
- Tanzi E., Visconti L. M. (2003) Immigrazioni nel Territorio Milanese: Le Aziende Non Profit tra Affiancamento e Innovazione nel Sistema del Welfare Sanitario. Problematiche di Gestione nelle Aziende Non Profit. Edizioni 31, 211-248
Article in conference proceedings (20)
- Corengia M., Visconti L. M. (2020) Life Transition to Terminality: Dynamic Regimes of Representation, Permanent Liminality, and Coping Consumption. Advances in Consumer Research. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research. ACR North American Conference. Paris. October, 1-4 2020
- Corengia M., Visconti L. M. (2020) Life Transition to Terminality: Dynamic Regimes of Representation, Permanent Liminality, and Coping Consumption. Advances in Consumer Research. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research. ACR North American Conference. Paris. October, 1-4 2020
- Visconti L. M., Van Laer T. (2016) Brand Story-making and Digital Conversations. Advances in Consumer Research. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research. ACR North American Conference. Berlin. October, 27-30 2016
- Visconti L. M., Van Laer T. (2016) Brand Story-making and Digital Conversations. Advances in Consumer Research. ACR North American Conference. Berlin. October, 27-30 2016
- Fumagalli E., Visconti L. M., de Valck K. (2016) To Me or Not To Me: Personal Body as Contested Ownership. Advances in Consumer Research. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research. ACR North American Conference. Berlin. October, 27-30 2016
- Nepomuceno M., Collet S. ., Visconti L. M. (2015) How the Facebook Usage of Music Celebrities Impacts Streaming and Sales of Digital Music. Advances in Consumer Research. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research. ACR North American Conference. New Orleans. October 1-4 2015
- Visconti L. M., Feiereisen S., Van Laer T. (2014) Need For Narrative. Advances in Consumer Research. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research. ACR North American Conference. Baltimore. October 23-26 2014
- Brunk K., Visconti L. M., Veresiu E. (2013) Expanding the Theoretical Boundaries of Consumer Acculturation: Investigating the Role of Institutional Forces and Nostalgic Consumption. Advances in Consumer Research. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research. ACR North American Conference. Chicago. October 3-6 2013
- Bagramian R., Üçok Hughes M., Visconti L. M. (2012) Bringing the Nation to the Nation Branding Debate: Evidences from Ukraine. Proceedings of the 2012 Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress. Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress. Atlanta. August 28 - September 1 2012
- Visconti L. M., de Cordova F. (2012) Culturally and Linguistically Appropriated Servicescapes: The Making of Ethnicity in the Context of Healthcare Services. Advances in Consumer Research. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research. ACR North American Conference. St Louis. October 13 - 16 2011
- Visconti L. M., Üçok Hughes M., Bagramian R. (2012) Diversity Appreciated? A Visual Longitudinal Analysis of Ukraine’s Nation Branding Campaigns. Advances in Consumer Research. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research. ACR North American Conference. Vancouver. October 3-7 2012
- Stamboli C., Visconti L. M. (2012) Home Sweet Home: The Role of Home Country Nostalgia on Immigrants’ Acculturation and Consumption. Advances in Consumer Research. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research. ACR North American Conference. Vancouver. October 3-7 2012
- Visconti L. M. (2011) Cityscapes and Migration: Encapsulating Acculturation in the Urban Collective Space. Advances in Consumer Research. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research. ACR North American Conference. Jacksonville. October 7-10 2010
- Visconti L. M. (2011) Sharing In and Sharing Out: Problematizing the Consumption of Public Space. European Advances in Consumer Research. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research. European Association for Consumer Research Conference. London. June 30 - July 3 2010
- Visconti L. M. (2010) Cross Generation: Cultural (In)visibility in the Consumption of Second Generations. Advances in Consumer Research. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research. ACR North American Conference. Pittsburgh. October 22-25 2009
- Minowa Y., Maclaran P., Visconti L. M. (2010) Tales of Invisible Cities: Methodological Avenues for Multi-sited Researcher Autoethnography. Advances in Consumer Research. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research. ACR North American Conference. Pittsburgh. October 22-25 2009
- Visconti L. M. (2008) The Social Construction and Play of Ethnic Minorities Identities: Antecedents and Epiphany of Cultural Alternation. Advances in Consumer Research. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research. ACR North American Conference. Memphis. October 25-28 2007
- Borghini S., Visconti L. M., Anderson L., Sherry J. F. J. (2008) Use of Public Spaces as Creative Acts. Phenomenology of Street Art in a Cross-Cultural Perspective. European Advances in Consumer Research. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research. European Association for Consumer Research Conference. Milan. July 10-14 2007
- Visconti L. M. (2006) Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS): A Five Years Observation of Health-Care Services in the Multicultural Context of Milan. Proceedings of the First Joint Workshop of the Nonprofit and Arts/Heritage Marketing Special Interest Groups of the Academy of Marketing. London Guildhall University Press. First Joint Workshop of the Nonprofit and Arts/Heritage Marketing Special Interest Groups of the Academy of Marketing. London. March 15
- Visconti L. M. (2006) Mediterranean Marketing: Towards a Hegelian Synthesis of the Modernist ‘Thesis’ and the Postmodern ‘Antithesis’. European Marketing Conference Proceedings. Athens University of Economics and Business Press. EMAC Conference. Athens. April 25-29 2006
Book review (2)
- Visconti L. M. (2015) Creating Value: The Theory and Practice of Marketing Semiotics Research, Laura R. Oswald, Oxford University Press, 2015. European Journal of Marketing. 51 (5/6): 846-849
- Visconti L. M. (2011) Anne M. Cronin, Advertising, Commercial Spaces and the Urban. Journal of Consumer Culture. 11 (2): 286-9
Other publication (1)
- Visconti L. M. (2015) Commodities