Marta Fadda
Articolo pubblicato in rivista scientifica (45)
- Poretti Guigli M., Monti M., Fadda M. (in uscita) Exploring clinical teachers’ beliefs about teaching in a newly established medical school in Southern Switzerland, BMC Medical Education:1-12
- Milani G. P., Corsello A., Fadda M., Falvo I., Bianchetti M., Peroni D., Chiappini E., Cantoni B., Sannino P., Destrebecq A., Marchisio P. (2023) Approach to fever in children among final-year nursing students: a multicenter survey, BMC Nursing, 22 (1):1-10
- Milani G. P., Corsello A., Schulz P. J., Fadda M., ... .., Peroni D. (2023) Are we confident that we all share a common understanding of discomfort in febrile children?, Acta Paediatrica:1-2
- Milani G., Corsello A., Schulz P. J., Fadda M., Giannì M., Alberti I., Comotti A., Marchisio P., Chiappini E., Peroni D. (2023) Childhood fever and medical students: a multicenter, educational intervention, Acta Paediatrica:1-10
- Sabatini S. ., Kaufmann M., Fadda M., ... .., Von Wyl V. (2023) Factors Associated With COVID-19 Non-Vaccination in Switzerland: A Nationwide Study, International Journal of Public Health, 68 (1605852):1-10
- Fadda M., Melotto M., Caiata Zufferey M., Puhan M. A., Frei A., Albanese E., Camerini A. L. (2023) Joys or sorrows of parenting during the Covid-19 lockdown: A scoping review, Public Health Reviews:1-10
- Gruebner O., van Haasteren A., Hug A., Elayan S., Sykora M., Albanese E., Stettner G. M., Waldboth V., Messmer-Khosla S., Enzmann C., Baumann D., Von Wyl V., Fadda M., Wolf M., von Rhein M. (2023) Mental health challenges and digital platform opportunities in patients and families affected by pediatric neuromuscular diseases - experiences from Switzerland, Digital Health, 9:1-10
- Merlo F., Falvo I., Caiata Zufferey M., Schulz P. J., Milani G. P., Simonetti G., Bianchetti M., Fadda M. (2023) New insights into fever phobia: A pilot qualitative study with caregivers and their healthcare providers, European Journal of Pediatrics:1-10
- Bedulli M., Falvo I., Merlani P., Hurst S., Fadda M. (2023) Obstacles to patient inclusion in CPR/DNAR decisions and challenging conversations: A qualitative study with internal medicine physicians in Southern Switzerland, PLOS ONE:1-24
- Milani G., Bianchetti M., Fadda M., Falvo I., Corsello A., Gianni L., Marseglia G., Cuppari C., Bruzzese E., Agostoni C., Proni D., Chiappini E., Marchisio P. (2023) Perception, knowledge and attitude towards childhood fever: a survey among final-year medical students, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology:1-10
- Sellaiah V., Merlo F., Malacrida R., Albanese E., Fadda M. (2023) Physician-reported characteristics, representations, and ethical justifications of shared decision‐making practices in the care of paediatric patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness, BMC Medical Ethics:1-13
- Quiroga Gutierrez A., Lindegger D., Taji Heravi A., Stojanov T., Sykora M., Elayan S., Mooney S., Naslund J., Fadda M., Gruebner O. (2023) Reproducibility and Scientific Integrity of Big Data Research in Urban Public Health and Digital Epidemiology: A Call to Action, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20 (2):1-15
- Amati R., Piumatti G., Franscella G., Buttaroni P., Camerini A. L., Corna L., Levati S., Fadda M., Fiordelli M., Annoni A. M., Bezani K., Amendola A., Fragoso Corti C., Sabatini S., Kaufmann M., Frei A., Puhan M. A., Crivelli L., Albanese E. (2023) Trajectories of Seroprevalence and Neutralizing Activity of Antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in Southern Switzerland between July 2020 and July 2021: An Ongoing, Prospective Population-Based Cohort Study, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20 (4):3703-3703
- Fadda M., Bezani K., Amati R., Fiordelli M., Crivelli L., Albanese E., Suggs L. S., Caiata Zufferey M. (2022) Decision-making on COVID-19 vaccination: A qualitative study among health care and social workers caring for vulnerable individuals, Social Science and Medicine - Qualitative Research in Health, 2 (100181):1-10
- Pacifico D., Fiordelli M., Fadda M., Sabatini S., Piumatti G., Carlevaro F., Magno F., Franscella G., Albanese E. (2022) Dementia is (not) a natural part of ageing: a cross-sectional study on dementia knowledge and misconceptions in Swiss and Italian young adults, adults, and older adults, BMC Public Health:1-9
- Gruebner O., van Haasteren A., Hug A., Elayan S., Sykora M., Albanese E., Naslund J., Wolf M., Fadda M., von Rhein M. (2022) Digital platform uses for help and support seeking of parents with children affected by disabilities: A scoping review, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24 (12):1-10
- Fadda M., Sykora M., Elayan S., Puhan M. A., Naslund J., Mooney S., Albanese E., Morese R., Gruebner O. (2022) Ethical issues of collecting, storing, and analyzing geo-referenced tweets for mental health research, Digital Health:1-10
- Tusl M., Thelen A., Marcus K., Peters A., Shalaeva E., Schekel B., Sykora M., Elayan S., Naslund J., Shankardass K., Mooney S., Fadda M., Gruebner O. (2022) Opportunities and challenges of using social media big data to assess mental health consequences of the COVID-19 crisis and future major events, Discover Mental Health, 2 (14):1-6
- Merlo F., Malacrida R., Hurst S., Bassetti C. L., Albanese E., Fadda M. (2022) Physicians’ decision-making when managing pediatric patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness: A qualitative study, European Journal of Neurology:1-10
- Krasselt J., Robin D., Fadda M., Geutjes A., Bubenhofer N., Suggs L. S., Dratva J. (2022) Tick-Talk: Parental Online Discourse about TBE Vaccination, Vaccine:1-9
- Fadda M., Camerini A. L., Fiordelli M., Corna L., Levati S., Amati R., Piumatti G., Crivelli L., Suggs L. S., Albanese E. (2022) Why vaccinate against COVID-19? A population-based survey in Switzerland, International Journal of Public Health:67:1604226
- Bagateli L. E. ., Saeki E. Y., Fadda M., Agostoni C., Marchisio P., Milani G. P. (2021) COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among parents of children and adolescents living in Brazil, Vaccines, 9 (10):1-9
- Falvo I., Caiata-Zufferey M., Albanese E., Fadda M. (2021) Lived experiences of older adults during the first COVID-19 lockdown: A qualitative study, PLOS ONE, 16 (6):1-18
- Fiordelli M., Fadda M., Amati R., Albanese E. (2021) Older adults’ motivations to participate or not in epidemiological research. Qualitative inquiry on a study into dementia in Switzerland, PLOS ONE, 16 (2):1-15
- Falvo I., Fiordelli M., Amati R., Ibnidris Elsiddig A. A., Albanese E., Fadda M. (2021) Participants’ comprehension of the informed consent in an epidemiological study on dementia prevalence: A qualitative study, Frontiers in Psychiatry:1-10
- Merlo F., Lepori M., Malacrida R., Albanese E., Fadda M. (2021) Physicians’ acceptance of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences guidelines “COVID-19 pandemic: triage for intensive-care treatment under resource scarcity”, Swiss Medical Weekly:1-2
- Merlo F., Lepori M., Malacrida R., Albanese E., Fadda M. (2021) Physicians’ acceptance of triage guidelines in the context of the COVID‐19 pandemic: A qualitative study, Frontiers in Public Health:1-10
- Fadda M., Suggs L. S., Albanese E. (2021) Willingness to vaccinate against Covid-19: A qualitative study involving older adults from Southern Switzerland, Vaccine: X:1-7
- Ortenzi F., Albanese E., Fadda M. (2020) A Transdisciplinary Analysis of COVID-19 in Italy: The Most Affected Country in Europe, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (9488):1-12
- Aebi N. J. ., De Ridder D., Ochoa C., Petrovic D., Fadda M., Elayan S., Sykora M., Puhan M. A., Naslund J., Mooney S., Gruebner O. (2020) Can Big Data be used to monitor the mental health consequences of COVID-19?, International Journal of Public Health:1-2
- Fadda M., Chappuis P. O., Katapodi M. C., Pagani O., Monnerat C., Membrez V., Unger S., Caiata Zufferey M. (2020) Physicians communicating with women at genetic risk of breast and ovarian cancer: are we in the middle of the ford between contradictory messages and unshared decision making?, PLOS ONE:1-10
- Fadda M., Fiordelli M., Amati R., Falvo I., Ibnidris Elsiddig A. A., Hurst S., Albanese E. (2020) Returning individual-specific results of a dementia prevalence study: insights from prospective participants living in Switzerland, International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry:1-8
- Fadda M., Albanese E., Suggs L. S. (2020) When a COVID-19 vaccine is ready, will we all be ready for it?, International Journal of Public Health:1-2
- van Haasteren A., Gille F., Fadda M., Vayena E. (2019) Development of the mHealth App Trustworthiness checklist, Digital Health, 5:1-21
- Blasimme A., Fadda M., Schneider M., Vayena E. (2018) Data Sharing For Precision Medicine: Policy Lessons And Future Directions, Health Affairs:702-709
- Fadda M., Galimberti E., Fiordelli M., Schulz P. J. (2018) Evaluation of a Mobile Phone-Based Intervention to Increase Parents' Knowledge About the Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccination and Their Psychological Empowerment: Mixed-Method Approach, JMIR Mhealth Uhealth:e59-e59
- Haeusermann T., Fadda M., Blasimme A., Greshake Tzovaras B. (2018) Genes wide open: Data sharing and the social gradient of genomic privacy, AJOB Empirical Bioethics:207-221
- Fadda M., Jobin A., Blasimme A., Greshake Tzovaras B., Price Ball M., Vayena E. (2018) User Perspectives of a Web-Based Data-Sharing Platform (Open Humans) on Ethical Oversight in Participant-Led Research: Protocol for a Quantitative Study, JMIR Research Protocols:e10939-e10939
- Camerini A. L., Diviani N., Fadda M., Schulz P. J. (2018) Using protection motivation theory to predict intention to adhere to official MMR vaccination recommendations in Switzerland, SSM Population Health:005-5
- Fadda M., Galimberti E., Fiordelli M., Romanò L., Zanetti A., Schulz P. J. (2017) Effectiveness of a smartphone app to increase parents' knowledge and empowerment in the MMR vaccination decision: a randomized controlled trial, Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 13 (12):1-10
- Fadda M., Galimberti E., Fiordelli M., Romanò L., Faccini M., Senatore S., Zanetti A., Schulz P. J. (2017) Validation of a scale to measure parental psychological empowerment in the vaccination decision, Journal of Public Health Research:2512-2521
- Fadda M., Kanj M., Kabakian-Kasholian T., Schulz P. J. (2016) Validation of three Arabic health literacy assessment tools in Lebanon, Health Promotion International:1-10
- Fadda M., Galimberti E., Carraro V., Schulz P. J. (2016) What are parents’ perspectives on psychological empowerment in the MMR vaccination decision? A focus group study, BMJ Open, 6:e010773:1-9
- Fadda M., Depping M. K., Schulz P. J. (2015) Addressing issues of vaccination literacy and psychological empowerment in the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccination decision-making: a qualitative study, BMC Public Health, 15 (836):1-13
- Fadda M., Allam A., Schulz P. J. (2015) Arguments and sources on Italian online forums on childhood vaccinations: Results of a content analysis., Vaccine, 33 (51):7152-7159
Relazione in convegno scientifico (1)
- Fadda M., Camerini A. L., Fiordelli M., Corna L., Levati S., Amati R., Crivelli L., Albanese E., Suggs L. S. (2021) COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity in Southern Switzerland – evidence from the Corona Immunitas study. Swiss Public Health Conference,. Bern, Switzerland. 24th-26th August