Faculty of Economics
Journal Article (667)
- Andreella A., . Balafas S., Mira A., Wit E. J., Ruggeri F., Nattino G., Ghilardi G., Bertolini G. (forthcoming) A predictive model for planning emergency events rescue during COVID-19 in Lombardy, Italy, Statistical Methods and Applications-10
- Mazzonna F., Peracchi F. (forthcoming) Are Older People Aware of Their Cognitive Decline? Misperception and Financial Decision Making, Journal of Political Economy (forthcoming):---
- Gouvard P., Amir G., Sameer S. (forthcoming) Doing Organizational Identity: Earnings Surprises and the Performative Atypicality Premium, Administrative Science Quarterly:N/A-N/A
- Cestone G., Fumagalli C., Kramarz F. ., Pica G. (forthcoming) Exploiting Growth Opportunities: The Role of Internal Labor Markets, Review of Economic Studies:1-41
- Bettinazzi E., Amore M. D., Reuer J. (forthcoming) Family Ownership and Alliance Intensity, Journal of Management Studies:1-29
- Astrologo A. (forthcoming) L'art. 102 CP: un'analisi delle recenti vicende giurisprudenziali e della realtà applicativa, forumpoenale:46-51
- Allen F., Haas M., Nowak E., Tengulov A. (forthcoming) Market Efficiency and Limits to Arbitrage, Journal of Financial Economics:forthcoming-98
- Zunino D., Cirillo B., Wezel F. C., Breschi S. (forthcoming) New entrants, Incumbents, and the Search for Knowledge: The Role of Job Title Ambiguity in the U.S. Information and Communication Technology Industry, 2004–2014, Industrial and Corporate Change
- Barba Navaretti G., Fontagné L., Orefice G., Rosso A. C., Pica G. (forthcoming) TBTs, Firm Organization and Labour Structure, Review of International Economics:1-35
- Croci E., Ehrhardt O., Nowak E. (forthcoming) The Corporate Governance Endgame - Minority Squeeze-out Regulation and Post-Deal Litigation in, Managerial Finance:1-589039
- Gouvard P., Durand R. (forthcoming) To Be or Not To Be (Typical): Evaluation-Mode Heterogeneity and its Consequences for Organizations, Academy of Management Review:N/A-N/A
- Billari F., Giuntella O., Mazzonna F., Stella L. (forthcoming) Unhealthy sleep assimilation, European Sociological Review:---
- Mazzonna F., Gentili E. (forthcoming) What drives the substitutability between native and foreign workers? Evidence about the role of language, Economica:---
- Filippini M., Daminato C., Haufler F. (2024) Digitalization and Retirement Contribution Behavior: Evidence from Administrative Data, The Review of Finacial Studies:1-40
- Bursztyn L. ., Funk P. F., Cantoni D., Schönenberger F. R., Yuchtman N. (2024) Identifying the Effect of Election Closeness on Voter Turnout: Evidence from Swiss Referenda, Journal of the European Economic Association:Volume 22, Issue 2, April 2024, Pages 876-914
- Bettinazzi E., Jacqueminet A., Neumann K., Snoeren P. (2024) Media Coverage of Firms in the Presence of Multiple Signals: A Configurational Approach, Academy of Management Journal, 67 (1):150-177
- Beretta E. (2024) On the inflation-debt-bubble “vicious cycle” in times of evolving money—A memorandum of forward-looking lessons, Economies, 12 (2):26-26
- Beretta E., Burkhalter C., Camenisch P., Carcano-Monti C., Citraro M., Manini-Mondia M., Traversa F. (2024) Organiblò: engaging people in “circular” organizations and enabling social sustainability, Sustainability, 16 (8):3468-3468
- Beretta E., Bariviera A. F., Desogus M., Naguib C., Rossi S. (2024) Productivity and Keynes’s 15-hour work week prediction for 2030: an alternative, macroeconomic analysis for the United States, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 17 (306)
- Filippini M., Wekhof T., Leippold M. (2024) Sustainable Finance Literacy and the Determinants of Sustainable Investing, Journal of Banking and Finance:1-40
- Šimelytė A., Tvaronavičienė M., Peyravi B., Beretta E. (2024) The impact of the external environment on transferring from linear to circular economy with the mediating role of knowledge assimilation, Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development, 8 (2)
- Baruffini M., Rossi F. M. (2024) Who was more likely to work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic? A gender perspective in Switzerland, Regional Studies, Regional Science:236-254
- Beretta E. (2023) A difesa di monete e banconote: contro le incertezze finanziarie, geopolitiche ed informatiche, Veritas et Jus. Semestrale interdisciplinare di Lugano, 27:111-121
- Varghese A., Santos-Fernandez E., Denti F., Mira A., Mengersen K. (2023) A global perspective on the intrinsic dimensionality of COVID-19 data, Nature Scientific Reports:9761-9767
- Belliardi M., Caputo P., Ferla G., Antonioli Mantegazzini B., Cereghetti N. (2023) An innovative application of 5GDHC: A techno-economic assessment of shallow geothermal systems potential in different European climates, Energy:280-290
- Dupin L., Wezel F. C. (2023) Artisanal or Just Half-Baked: Competing Collective Identities and Location Choice Among French Bakeries, Administrative Science Quarterly:867-909
- Beretta E., Colombo E. (2023) Comparing the US financing sources during world wars and pandemics (Spanish flu vs. COVID-19), Applied Economics Letters
- Baker S. R., Janas P., Kueng L. (2023) Correlation in state and local tax changes, Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper (20-115)
- Gatti N., Mazzonna F. (2023) Cultural differences, intergenerational contacts, and the spread of Covid-19: Evidence from Swiss language regions, Population Studies, 77 (1):111-121
- Maggi R., Vroegop E. (2023) Decent work in traditional tourism destinations: tourism Agenda 2030 perspective article, Tourism Review, 78 (2):332-338
- Beretta E. (2023) Die unvorhergesehene (jedoch vorhersehbare) Inflation nach der Coronapandemie, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 24 (4):448-456
- Beretta E., Neuberger D., Senner R. (2023) Do product returns in the retail sector affect the price level? Evidence from the equation of exchange., Eurasian Economic Review
- Rajah J., Chernicoff W., Hutchison C., Gonçalves P., Kopainsky B. (2023) Enabling Mobility: A Simulation Model of the Health Care System for Major Lower-Limb Amputees to Assess the Impact of Digital Prosthetics Services, Systems:1-22
- Gatti N., Bordignon M., Onorato M. G. (2023) Getting Closer or Falling Apart? Euro Area Countries After the Sovereign Debt Crisis, Comparative Economic Studies, 65:191-220
- Allenspach S., Madsen A., Biffin A., Bartkowiak M., Prokhnenko O., Gazizulina A., Liu X., Wahle R., Gerischer S., Kempfer S., Heller P., Smeibidl P., Mira A., Laflorencie N., Mila F., Normand B., Rüegg C. (2023) Investigating field-induced magnetic order in Han Purple by neutron scattering up to 25.9 T, Physical Review B:104418-104425
- Beretta E., Neuberger D. (2023) Monetary aggregates in the US since 2020 and post-COVID-19 inflation. Evidence from the equation of exchange, Economics and Business Letters, 12 (4):321-330
- Denti F., Peluso S., Guindani M. (2023) Multiple hypothesis screening using mixtures of non‐local distributions with applications to genomic studies, Statistics in Medicine:1931-1945
- Mira A., Denti F., Peluso S. (2023) Multiple hypothesis screening using mixtures of non‐local distributions with applications to genomic studies, Statistics in Medicine:1931-1945
- Mokhtari M. (2023) Opioids ease my pain: Early-life malnutrition and elderly outcomes, Social Science & Medicine:1-12
- Colelli G., Barzaghi L., Paoletti M., Monforte M., Bergsland N., Manco G., Deligianni X., Santini F., Ricci E., Tasca G., Mira A., Figini S. (2023) Radiomics and machine learning applied to STIR sequence for prediction of quantitative parameters in facioscapulohumeral diseas, Frontiers in Neurology-10
- Ghiringhelli C., Piras G., Arbia G., Mira A. (2023) Recursive Estimation of the Spatial Error Model, Geographical analysis:90-106
- Bartolucci F., Li Donni P., Mira A. (2023) Temporal analysis of hospital network data by hierarchical Bayesian p2 models with covariates, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A:422-440
- Beretta E., Desogus M., Karthikeyan S. I. (2023) The effect of reducing wages of remote workers on society. A preliminary assessment., PSL Quarterly Review, 76 (307):373-392
- Beretta E., Desogus M., Karthikeyan S. I. (2023) The effect of reducing wages of remote workers on society. A preliminary assessment., PSL Quarterly Review, 76 (307):373-392
- Filippini M., Cerruti D., Daminato C. (2023) The impact of policy awareness: Evidence from vehicle choices response to fiscal incentives, Journal of Public Economics:1-11
- Beretta E., Brinberg D., Dianova V., Miniero G., Sponchioni C. (2023) The post-COVID-19 job market: AI in recruitment and career guidance services, California Management Review Insights
- Oliveira F., Eckhardt D., Leiras A., Gonçalves P., Brito Junior I., Yoshizaki H., Pedroso F. (2023) Toward the development of a Preparedness and Response Protocol for epidemics and pandemics, Production:1-15
- Filippini M., Srinivasan S. (2022) Adoption of environmental standards and a lack of awareness: evidence from the food and beverage industry in Vietnam, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies:307-340
- Cruz Barrientos M. M., Beck N. (2022) All we want is authentic beer: the role of geographic communities and authenticity on breweries' reactions to competition, British Food Journal:1-20
- Filippini M., Obrist A. (2022) Are households living in green certified buildings consuming less energy? Evidence from Switzerland, Energy Policy:112724-112724
- Gonçalves P. (2022) Back to basics: fundamental principles of system dynamics and queueing theory, System Dynamics Review:81-92
- Arioldi D., Ventura L., Witte M. D. (2022) Bargaining power and the currency denomination of trade, The World Economy:1-33
- Buonaguidi B., Mira A., Bucheli H., Vitanis V. (2022) Bayesian quickest detection of credit card frau, Bayesian Analysis:261-290
- Filippini M., Blasch J. E., Kumar N. (2022) Boosting the choice of energy-efficient home appliances: the effectiveness of two types of decision support, Applied Economics:3598-3620
- Filippini M., Boogen N., Daminato C. (2022) Can information about energy costs affect consumers’ choices? Evidence from a field experiment, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization:568-588
- Giuliani V., Barreca M. (2022) Civic crowdfunding at the intersection with multi-stakeholder engagement: an approach to co-create public value, Journal of Business Research and Management - IJBRM Special Issue - Social Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Finance: Theory and Practice in Challenging Times:---
- Baker S. R., Kueng L., Meyer S., Pagel M. (2022) Consumption imputation errors in administrative data, The Review of Financial Studies, 35 (6):3021-3059
- Maskell S., Zhou Y., Mira A. (2022) Control Variates for Constrained Variables, IEEE Signal Processing Letters:2333-2337
- Dupin L., Wang T., Wezel F. C. (2022) Designing and aligning interprofessional relations: third party ties and partnership formation in the silk industry of 18th century Lyon, Organization Studies:1891-1914
- Filippini M., Kumar N. (2022) Determinants to the adoption of energy-efficient retrofits and the role of policy measures, Applied Economics Letters:1-8
- Oliva R., Abdulla H., Gonçalves P. (2022) Do Managers Overreact When in Backlog? Evidence of Scope Neglect from a Supply Chain Experiment, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management:1-16
- Antonioli Mantegazzini B., Clastres C., Wangen L. (2022) Energy communities in Europe: an overview of issues and regulatory and economic solutions, Economics and Policy of Energy and Environment:5-23
- Le T., Raynal L., Hambridge H., Drovandi C., Mira A., Mengersen K. (2022) Framework for assessing and easing global COVID-19 travel restrictions, Nature Scientific Report:1-25
- Luini C., Boscolo S., Matscher M., Bernhart J. (2022) Gestione partecipata della risposta all’emergenza Covid-19. L’esperienza unica della Provincia autonoma di Bolzano, Mecosan (Vol. XXX):157-170
- Fretz S., Parchet R., Robert-Nicoud F. (2022) Highways, Market Access, and Spatial Sorting, The Economic Journal, 132 (643):1011-1036
- Baker S. R., Kueng L. (2022) Household financial transaction data, Annual Review of Economics, 14:47-67
- Filippini M., Suchita S. (2022) Investments in worker health and production: Evidence from Vietnam, Economics of Transition and Institutional Change:211-235
- Beretta E. (2022) Krisenmanagement: Schönwetteransatz, Wirtschaftsdienst - Journal for Economic Policy, 102 (1):9-9
- Ferrario M. (2022) La comunicazione transgiudiziale e i criteri interpretativi: una comparazione tra Svizzera e Italia, DPCE online:1117-1133
- Albert C., Ulzega S., Ozdemir F., Perez-Cruz F., Mira A. (2022) Learning Summary Statistics for Bayesian Inference with Autoencoders, SciPost Physics:043-055
- Gonçalves P., Ferrari P., Crivelli L., Albanese E. (2022) Model-informed health system reorganization during emergencies, Production and Operations Management:1323-1344
- Neuberger D., Beretta E. (2022) Narrative Ökonomik: Europa als „Transferunion“ oder „Risikogemeinschaft“? Eine empirische Analyse., Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, 71 (2):159-199
- Dutta R., Boudjeltia Z., Kotsalos C., Rousseau A., Ribeiro de Sousa D., Desmet J., Van Meerhaeghe A., Mira A., Chopard B. (2022) Personalized pathology test for Cardiovascular disease: Approximate Bayesian computation with discriminative summary statistics learning, PLOS Computational Biology:e1009910-e1009925
- Filippini M., Masiero G., Santarossa M. (2022) Productivity change and efficiency in the Swiss nursing home industry, Applied Economics:2837-2850
- South L., Drovand C., Oates C., Mira A. (2022) Regularized Zero-Variance Control Variates, Bayesian Analysis:1-24
- Raynal L., Chen S., Mira A., Onnela J. (2022) Scalable Approximate Bayesian Computation for Growing Network Models via Extrapolated and Sampled Summaries, Bayesian Analysis:165-192
- Bettinazzi E., Zollo M. (2022) Stakeholder Orientation and Experiential Learning: Evidence from Corporate Acquisitions, Journal of Management Studies:1422-1459
- Birhanu A., Wezel F. C. (2022) The Competitive Advantage of Affiliation with Business Groups in the Political Environment: Evidence from the Arab Spring, Strategic Organization:389-411
- Denti F., Doimo D., Laio A., Mira A. (2022) The generalized ratios intrinsic dimension estimator, Nature Scientific Reports:20005-20015
- Beretta E., Neuberger D. (2022) The inflationary potential of the historic 2021 SDR allocation, The Economists' Voice, 19 (1):25-35
- Santos-Fernandez E., Denti F., Mengersen K., Mira A. (2022) The role of intrinsic dimension in high-resolution player tracking data - Insights in basketball, The Annals of Applied Statistics:326-348
- Donelli N., Mira A., Peluso S. (2021) A Bayesian Semiparametric Vector Multiplicative Error Model, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis:107242-107242
- Denti F., Camerlenghi F., Mira A., Guindani M. (2021) A common atom model for the Bayesian nonparametric analysis of nested data, Journal of the American Statistical Association:1-12
- Filippini M., Steg L., Perlaviciute G., Sovacool B. K., Bonaiuto M., Diekmann A., Hindriks F., Jacobbson Bergstad C., Matthies E., Matti S., Mulder M., Nilsson A., Pahl S., Roggenkamp M., Schultema G., Stern P. C., Tavoni M., Thogersen J., Woerdman E. (2021) A Research Agenda to Better Understand the Human Dimensions of Energy Transitions, Frontiers in Psychology:672776-672776
- Dutta R., Schoengens M., Pacchiardi L., Ummadisingu A., Widmer N., Onnela J., Mira A. (2021) ABCpy: A High-Performance Computing Perspective to Approximate Bayesian Computation, Journal of Statistical Software:1-38
- Castañeda Acevedo J. A., Zodzi A., Gonçalves P., Rivera L. (2021) An analysis of CARE Zimbabwe’s emergency response process flow in the Masvingo Province through Lean Six Sigma tools, Production Planning & Control:1-19
- Beretta E. (2021) Bargeld im Wandel der Zeit – eine längst noch nicht beendete Geschichte, cards Karten cartes - Zeitschrift für Zahlungsverkehr und Payments (1):28-30
- Kovacs B., Carnabuci G., Wezel F. C. (2021) Categories, attention, and the impact of inventions, Strategic Management Journal:992-1023
- Cardoso B., Cunha L., Leiras A., Gonçalves P., Yoshizaki H., de Brito Junior I., Pedroso F. (2021) Causal impacts of epidemics and pandemics on food supply chains: A systematic review, Sustainability:1-28
- Motz A. (2021) Consumer acceptance of the energy transition in Switzerland: The role of attitudes explained through a hybrid discrete choice model, Energy Policy, 152:112152-112152
- Beretta E., Miniero G., Ricotta F. (2021) Consumers' journey between liquid and solid consumption, Sustainability, 13 (24)
- De Rossa F., Ferrario M. (2021) Covernance or Women’s Rights - How much Room for the Gender Equality Argument in the Swiss Headscarf Debate?, DPCE online:2801-2818
- Bartolucci F., Pennoni F., Mira A. (2021) COVID-19 count data with epidemiological interpretation and uncertainty quantification, Statistics in Medicine:5351-5372
- Beretta E. (2021) COVID-19-Impfstrategie: Wie geeignet ist Free to Choose?, Wirtschaftsdienst - Journal for Economic Policy, 101 (1):5-5
- Beretta E. (2021) Cryptocurrencies, evolution of means of payments and validity of monetary principles, Credit and Capital Markets - Kredit und Kapital, 54 (3):469-498
- Aranda A., Conti R., Wezel F. C. (2021) Distinct but not apart? Stigma reduction and cross-industry evaluative spillovers: The case of medical marijuana legalization, Academy of Management Journal:1901-1926
- Filippini M., Blasch J., Boogen N., Daminato C. (2021) Empower the consumer! Energy-related financial literacy and its implications for economic decision making, Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy:1-10
- Filippini M., Boogen N., Cattaneo C. (2021) Energy efficiency and the role of energy-related financial literacy: evidence from the European residential sector, Energy Efficiency:40-40
- Filippini M., Boogen N., Datta S. (2021) Estimating residential electricity demand: New empirical evidence, Energy Policy:112561-112561
- Leiras A., Gonçalves P., Chawaguta B., de Brito Junior I., Yoshizaki H. (2021) Food aid supply and distribution in insecure regions: world food programme operation analysis in Ethiopia, Production:2-13
- Filippini M., Kumar N. (2021) Gas demand in the Swiss household sector, Applied Economics Letters:359-364
- Gonzales G., Greco A., Luini C., Calciolari S., Meneguzzo M. (2021) Gestire la crisi COVID-19: il caso dell’Ospedale “La Carità” di Locarno nell’ambito della risposta del sistema ospedaliero ticinese alla pandemia., Mecosan (Vol. XXX):71-95
- Beretta E., Peluso S. (2021) Gold and bubbles: an impossible binomial? A review of historical and current evidence., Applied Economics Letters
- Ferrario M. (2021) «Guérir de l’homosexualité»? Sulla regolamentazione delle terapie di conversione in Svizzera, DPCE online:1543-1562
- Kooijman E., Beck N. (2021) Identity Reinforcement or Risky Organizational Change? Category Spanning in Humanitarian Projects, Administrative Sciences:1-17
- Mazzonna F., Giuntella O., Stella L., Lonsky J. (2021) Immigration Policy and Immigrants' Sleep: Evidence from DACA, Journal of Economics and Behavioral Organization, 182:1-12
- Baker S. R., Baugh B., Kueng L. (2021) Income fluctuations and firm choice, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 56 (6):2208-2236
- Beretta E. (2021) InInflation bald als Folgeeffekt der COVID-19-Pandemie?, List Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik, 46:359-377
- Ferrario M. (2021) La pathologisation de l’homosexualité: le rôle du droit dans le chemin vers l’interdiction des thérapies de conversion en Suisse, Ex ante:43-51
- De Rossa F. (2021) La regolamentazione delle retribuzioni e di un’equa rappresentanza di genere negli organi dirigenziali nel nuovo diritto della SA., Novità fiscali:168-174
- Ebert A., Mengersen K., Mira A., Ruggeri F., Wu P. (2021) Likelihood-free parameter estimation for dynamic queueing networks: case study of passenger flow in an international airport terminal, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society C:770-792
- Akhavan Anvari A., Gonçalves P. (2021) Managing the trade‐off between groundwater resources and large‐scale agriculture: the case of pistachio production in Iran, System Dynamics Review:155-196
- Ghiringhelli C., Bartolucci F., Mira A., Arbia G. (2021) Modelling Nonstationary Spatial Lag Model with Hidden Markov Random Fields, Spatial Statistics:100522-100530
- Masiero G., Santarossa M. (2021) Natural disasters and electoral outcomes, European Journal of Political Economy, 67:1-19. ISSN 0176-2680
- Filippini M., Kumar N., Srinivasan S. (2021) Nudging Adoption of Electric Vehicles: Evidence from an Information-Based Intervention in Nepal, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment:102951-102951
- Secinaro S. ., Brescia V., Iannaci D. ., Barreca M. (2021) Performance Evaluation in the Inter-Institutional Collaboration Context of Hybrid Smart Cities., Journal of Intercultural Management, 13 (3):20-46
- Moshtari M., Altay N., Heikkila J., Gonçalves P. (2021) Procurement in Humanitarian Organizations: Body of Knowledge and Practitioner’s Challenges, International Journal of Production Economics:108017-108031
- De Rossa F., David C., Rovelli G. (2021) Rassegna di giurisprudenza sul diritto delle commesse pubbliche 2018-2020, RTiD - Rivista ticinese di diritto:347-403
- Agresti A., Bartolucci F., Mira A. (2021) Refections on Murray Aitkin's contributions to nonparametric mixture models and Bayes factors, Statistical modelling:1471082X20981312-1471082X20981312
- Allenspach S., Puphal P., Link J., Heinmaa I., Pomjakushina E., Krellner C., Lass J., Tucker J., Niedermayer C., Imajo S., Kohama Y., Kindo K., Horvati M., Jaime M., Madsen A., Mira A., Stern R., Weickert F. (2021) Revealing three-dimensional quantum criticality by Sr-substitution in Han Purple, Physics Review Research:023177-023177
- Gatti N., Retali B. (2021) Saving lives during the COVID-19 pandemic: the benefits of the first Swiss lockdown, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 157 (4):1-21
- Motz A. (2021) Security of supply and the energy transition: The households' perspective investigated through a discrete choice model with latent classes, Energy Economics, 97:105179-105179
- Baker S. R., Johnson S., Kueng L. (2021) Shopping for lower sales tax rates, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 13 (3):209-250
- Mokhtari M., Karimi S. M., Little B. B. . (2021) Short‐term fetal nutritional stress and long‐term health: Child height, American Journal of human biology:1-18
- Mira A., Wit E. J. (2021) The Capstone in Everyone's Delivery Room: Placing "Practice" at the Center of Data Science Education, Harvard Data Science Review
- Filippini M., Wekhof T. (2021) The effect of culture on energy efficient vehicle ownership, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management:105-/102400
- Kueng L., Li N., Yang M. J. (2021) The Impact of Emerging Market Competition on Innovation and Business Strategy: Evidence from Canada, Journal of Economic Behavior \& Organization:117-134
- Gonçalves P., Moshtari M. (2021) The impact of information visibility on ordering dynamics in a supply chain: a behavioral perspective, System Dynamics Review:126-154
- Filippini M., Daminato C., Dias-Farina E. (2021) The Impact of Smart Meters on Residential Water Consumption: Evidence from a natural Experiment in the Canary Islands, Resource and Energy Economics:999-999
- Filippini M., Daminato C., Diaz-Farina E. (2021) The Impact of Smart Meters on Residential Water Consumption: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in the Canary Islands, Resource and Energy Economics:101221-101221
- Faraudello A. ., Barreca M., Iannaci D. ., Lanzara F. . (2021) The Impact of Social Enterprises: A Bibliometric Analysis from 1991 to 2020. International, International Journal Of Financial Research, 13 (3):421-434
- Beretta E., Neuberger D. (2021) The war on cash: institutional hostility and Covid-19, The Cato Journal, 41 (3):593-620
- Curtale R., Sarman I., Evler J. (2021) Traffic Congestion in Rural Tourist Areas and Sustainable Mobility Services. The Case of Ticino (Switzerland) Valleys, Tourism Planning & Development
- Pellegrini A., Sarman I., Maggi R. (2021) Understanding tourists’ expenditure patterns: a stochastic frontier approach within the framework of multiple discrete–continuous choices, Transportation, 48 (2):931-951
- Beretta E. (2021) Von Coronabonds bis zu Entschädigungszahlungen. Die Gründe für die Notwendigkeit einer komparativ innovativen Analyse., WiSt - Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium - Zeitschrift für Studium und Forschung, 50 (1):40-43
- Peluso S., Mira A., Rue H., Tierney N., Benvenuti C., Cianella R., Caputo M., Auricchio A. (2020) A Bayesian spatio-temporal statistical analysis of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests, Biometrical Journal:1105-1119
- Mokhtari M. (2020) An assessment of the level, trend, and distribution of multidimensional poverty in Iran, The Journal of Planning and Budgeting, 25 (Summer 2020) (2):25-40
- Card D., DellaVigna S., Funk P. F., Iriberri N. (2020) Are Referees and Editors in Economics Gender Neutral?, Quarterly Journal of Economics:269-327
- Amann J., Fiordelli M., Brach M., Berstschy S., Scheel-Sailer A., Rubinelli S. (2020) Co-designing a Self-Management App Prototype to Support People With Spinal Cord Injury in the Prevention of Pressure Injuries: Mixed Methods Study, JMIR mHealth and uHealth:---
- O'Higgins N., Pica G. (2020) Complementarities between Labour Market Institutions and their Causal Impact on Youth Labour Market Outcomes, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy:1-37
- Allegra M., Facco E., Denti F., Laio A., Mira A. (2020) Data segmentation based on the local intrinsic dimension, Nature Scientific Reports:16449-16449
- Beretta E., Cencini A. (2020) Double-entry bookkeeping and balance of payments: the need for developing a new approach, Insights into Regional Development, 2 (3):610-629
- Beretta E., Cencini A. (2020) Double-entry bookkeeping and the balance of payments: the need for a substantial, conceptual reform, (Irving Fisher Committee) IFC Bulletin:1-21
- Sarman I., Curtale R., Hajibaba H. (2020) Drivers of Travel Insurance Purchase, Journal of Travel Research, 59 (3):545-558
- Masiero G., Santarossa M. (2020) Earthquakes, grants and public expenditure: how municipalities respond to natural disasters, Journal of Regional Science, 60 (3):481-516
- Beretta E. (2020) Ein Beispiel für die - auch in COVID-19-Zeiten - überfällige Reform der internationalen Währungsordnung, Ökonomenstimme
- Balachandran C., Wezel F. C. (2020) Employee external affiliation and inter-firm mobility: Evidence from Swedish microdata, Advances in Strategic Management:197-214
- Filippini M., Kumar N., Srinivasan S. (2020) Energy-related financial literacy and bounded rationality in appliance replacement attitudes: evidence from Nepal, Environment and Development Economics:399-422
- Varghese A., Drovandi C., Mengersen K., Mira A. (2020) Estimating a novel stochastic model for within-field disease dynamics of banana bunchy top virus via approximate Bayesian computation, PLoS Computational Biology:e1007878-e1007878
- Chen S., Mira A., Onnela J. (2020) Flexible Model Selection for Mechanistic Network Models, Journal of Complex Networks:cnz024-cnz024
- Belke A., Beretta E. (2020) From cash to central bank digital currencies and cryptocurrencies: a balancing act between modernity and monetary stability, Journal of Economic Studies, 47 (4):911-938
- Belke A., Beretta E. (2020) From cash to private and public digital currencies. The risk of financial instability and “modern monetary Middle ages”, Economics and Business Letters, 9 (3):189-196
- Filippini M., Kumar N. (2020) Gas demand in the Swiss household sector, Applied Economics Letters:published online-/
- Warne D., Ebert A., Drovandi C., Mira A., Mengersen K. (2020) Hindsight is 2020 vision: Characterization of the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic, BMC Public Health:1868-1880
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- Barone Adesi G., Carcano N. (forthcoming) Modern multi-factor analyses of bond portfolios: critical implications for hedging and investing. Palgrave MacMillan
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- Ratti R. (2016) L'ASSE FERROVIARIO DEL SAN GOTTARDO - Economia e geopolitica dei transiti alpini. Armando Dadò Editore
- Rossi F., Maggi R. (2016) Zurigo Lugano Milano. Studio sull'economia ticinese dopo AlpTransit. Armando Dado' Editore
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- Gagliardini P., Gourieroux C. (2015) Granularity Theory with Applications to Finance and Insurance. Cambridge University Press
- Ratti R. (2015) L'ITALIANO SULLA FRONTIERA - Vivere le sfide linguistiche della globalizzazione e dei media. Edizioni Casagrande
- Carcano N. (2015) Modern multi-factor analyses of bond portfolios: critical implications for hedging and investing (edited with Giovanni Barone-Adesi). Palgrave MacMillan
- Baranzini M., Rotondi C., Scazzieri R. (2015) Resources, Production and Structural Dynamics. Cambridge University Press. forthcoming
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- Valikangas L., Gibbert M., Balachandran Nair L., Paukku M., Peixoto I. (2015) Strategic Innovation. The definitive guide to outlier strategies. The Financial Times Press
- Russ-Mohl S., Fengler S., Eberwein T., Mazzoleni G., Porlezza C. (2014) Journalists and Media Accountability: An International Study of News People in the Digital Age. Peter Lang
- Ratti R. (2014) VIVERE E CAPIRE LE FRONTIERE IN SVIZZERA. Coscienza Svizzera / Armando Dadò Editore. ISBN 9788882813826
- Mirante A., Baranzini M. (2013) Economia Politica. Padova: CEDAM
- Calciolari S., Meneguzzo M. (2012) Management Sanitario: principi, esperienze locali e internazionali, prospettive. Bellinzona: Salvioni Edizioni
- Russ-Mohl S. (2012) Предговор. Iztok-Zapad
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- Padula M., Attanasio O. P., Battistin E. (2010) Inequality in Living Standards since 1980. American Enterprise Institute Press
- Ratti R. (2009) IDENTITA' NELLA GLOBALITA' - le sfide della Svizzera italiana. Coscienza svizzera e Gianpiero Casagrande editore
- De Rossa F. (2009) Il servizio pubblico, strumento di effettività dei diritti fondamentali del cittadino. Schulthess Zurigo
- Ratti R. (2009) SVIZZERA SEGRETA ? Il segreto bancario svizzero e la sua governanza territoriale. Giampiero Casagrande editore
- Ponsot J. F., Rossi S. (2009) The Political Economy of Monetary Circuits: Tradition and Change in Post-Keynesian Economics. Basingstoke e New York: Palgrave Macmillan, xxxiii + 223 pagine
- Cencini A. (2008) Elementi di Macroeconomia Monetaria. Padova: CEDAM
- Cozzi T. (2008) Le competenze manageriali tra Pubblica Amministrazione, Imprese e Non Profit. Cacucci Editore
- Rossi S. (2008) Macroéconomie monétaire: théories et politiques. Bruxelles, Parigi e Zurigo: Bruylant, LGDJ e Schulthess, 2008, xxvi + 481 pagine
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- Rossi S. (2007) Money and Payments in Theory and Practice. London & New York: Routledge, xvi + 151 pagine
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- Rochon L. P., Rossi S. (2006) Monetary and Exchange Rate Systems: A Global View of Financial Crises. Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, xxvi + 267 pagine (paperback 2007)
- Ratti R. (2005) LEGGERE LA SVIZZERA - Saggio politico economico sul divenire del modello elvetico. CasagrandeEditore - Lugano/Milano
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- Rochon L. P., Rossi S. (2003) Modern Theories of Money: The Nature and Role of Money in Capitalist Economies. Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, lvi + 588 pagine (paperback 2004)
- Visentin C. (2002) Il turismo contemporaneo. Cultura e mondo dell’impresa. Giampiero Casagrande editore
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- Lomi A. (2001) Dynamics of Organizations: Computational Modeling and Organization Theories. Menlo Park, CA / Cambridge, MA: AAAI / MIT-Press.
- Ratti R. (2001) GAINING ADVANTAGE FROM OPEN BORDERS. Ashgate. ISBN 0754617106
- Cencini A. (2001) Monetary Macroeconomics. A New Approach. London and New York: Routledge
- Rossi S. (2001) Money and Inflation: A New Macroeconomic Analysis. Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, li + 238 pagine (ristampa 2003)
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- Saporiti C. (forthcoming) 101 Donne di successo in Ticino. 101 Donne di Successo in Ticino. Edinem, 38-39
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- Dianova V., Beretta E. (forthcoming) Central bank expectations management in the age of cryptocurrencies. Encyclopedia of Monetary Policy, Financial Markets and Banking. Nicholas Apergis. Elsevier
- Beretta E., Gorini R. (forthcoming) Cryptocurrencies. Elgar encyclopedia of central banking (second edition). Louis-Philippe Rochon; Sergio Rossi. Edward Elgar Publishing - Cheltenham, UK/Northampton, MA, USA
- Beretta E., Gorini R. (forthcoming) Stable coin. Elgar encyclopedia of central banking (second edition). Louis-Philippe Rochon; Sergio Rossi. Edward Elgar Publishing - Cheltenham, UK/Northampton, MA, USA
- De Rossa F., Bueno N. (forthcoming) Switzerland: The Underuse of Civil Remedies for Corporate and State Human Rights Violations. Civil Remedies and Human Rights in Flux: Key Legal Developments in Selected Jurisdictions’. Hart Publishing, ---
- Vroegop E. (2024) Diving with Turtles: In Search of Nature in Recalled Vacation Trip Experiences and their Influence on Subjective Wellbeing. Nature-based Tourism and Wellbeing: Impacts and Future Outlook. CABI, 1-19
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- Dianova V., Beretta E. (2023) Central bank expectations management in the age of cryptoassets. Elsevier Reference Collection in Social Sciences. Elsevier
- Beretta E. (2023) Clearing balances. Elgar Encyclopedia of Post-Keynesian Economics. Edward Elgar Publishing, 61-62. ISBN 9781788973922
- Luini C., Gonzales G., Calciolari S., Meneguzzo M. (2023) Risposta del sistema ospedaliero ticinese all’emergenza Covid-19: tre casi a confronto.. Management e innovazione in sanità: strumenti manageriali, tecniche ed esperienze.. Giampiero Casagrande, 221-242
- Beretta E. (2023) Settlement balances. Elgar Encyclopedia of Post-Keynesian Economics. Edward Elgar Publishing, 368-369. ISBN 9781788973922
- Beretta E. (2023) Settlement system. Elgar Encyclopedia of Post-Keynesian Economics. Edward Elgar Publishing, 369-371. ISBN 9781788973922
- Vroegop E., Maggi R. (2023) Well-being for everyone involved in tourism: An invitation to create a destination well-being agenda. In M. Uysal & M.J. Sirgy (Eds.), Handbook of Tourism and Quality-of-Life Research II: Enhancing the Lives of Tourists, Residents of Host Communities and Service Providers. Springer International Publishing, 85-101
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- Barreca M., Meneguzzo M. (2021) Promoting Collaboration through Creative Networks: The Puglia Music Industry. Cultural Initiatives for Sustainable Development. Springer. Contributions to Management Science, 179-198
- Baruffini M. (2020) Innovation and Sustainable Inclusive Employment: Evidence from the “region Insubrica” during the COVID-19 Outbreak. The Importance of SMEs as Innovators of Sustainable Inclusive Employment New Evidence from Regional and Local Labour Market. Rainer Hampp Verlag, Augsburg, München, 281-293. ISBN 9783957102805
- De Rossa F., Borghi M. (2020) Le copinage, une forme de corruption pernicieuse et typique (mais sous-estimée) en Suisse. Droit pénal et criminologie - Mélanges en l'honneur de Nicolas Queloz. Perrin/Meylan/Fiolka/Niggli/Riedo, 243-258
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- De Rossa F., Cavadini - Birchler F. . (2019) Réflexions sur l’usage stratégique du droit des sociétés et les quotas de genre dans les organes dirigeants. Vers les sommets du droit - Mélanges en l’honneur de Henry Peter. Rita Trigo Trindade/ Rashid Bahar / Giulia Neri-Castracane, 345-363
- Baruffini M. (2018) Analysing Demand-oriented Skills in the Commercial Sector: The Swiss Case. Developing Skills in a Changing World of Work: Concepts, Measurement and Data Applied in Regional and Local Labour Market Monitoring Across Europe. Rainer Hampp Verlag, Augsburg, München, 227-239. ISBN 9783957102157
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- Urrea Castaño G. C., Bailey M. (2018) Innovating Short-Term Preparedness Actions using Climate Information. Decision-making in Humanitarian Operations: Strategy, Behavior and Dynamics. Palgrave Macmillan, 1-23
- De Rossa F. (2018) Nouvel Art. 43b Cst. Fed. - Droit aux prestations de service public. in: Benoît/ Flückiger/ Guy-Ecabert/ Rossat-Favre/ Weerts (a cura di), Révision imaginaire de la Constitution fédérale, Mélanges en hommage au Prof. Luzius Mader. Helbing Lichtenhahn, 135-140
- Urrea Castaño G. C., Pedraza-Martinez A. (2018) Private Donations for Humanitarian Operations. Decision-making in Humanitarian Operations: Strategy, Behavior and Dynamics. Palgrave Macmillan, 1-23
- Vatiero M. (2018) Transaction and transactors’ choices: What we have learned and what we need to explore. Ménard C. and M.M. Shirley (eds.), A research agenda for New Institutional Economics. Edward Elgar Publishers, 97-107
- Beretta E. (2017) From reparations to (net) interest payments on external debt. Same script, different cast. Quantum Macroeconomics. The Legacy of Bernard Schmitt. Jean-Luc Bailly; Alvaro Cencini; Sergio Rossi. Routledge - Taylor & Francis Group, London and New York, 105-121. ISBN 9781138186088
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- Barreca M., Meneguzzo M., Fiorani G. ., Nathalie C. . (2017) L’impact des évènements culturels dans le soutien des réseaux culturels et créatifs. Evènements et territoires – Aspects managériaux et étudas de case. Administration Publique aujourd’hui, 1re édition 2018 Ed. Bruylant, 311-329
- De Rossa F. (2017) L’influsso della giurisprudenza della Corte di Giustizia dell’UE sulla giurisprudenza del Tribunale federale - Tendenze e questioni aperte. Giurisprudenza recente del Tribunale federale. Sentenze di principio, cambiamenti di prassi e questioni lasciate aperte. Atti della giornata di apertura dell’Anno giudiziario 2016-2017. Helbing&Lichtenhahn, CFPG, 167-187
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- Ratti R. (2017) Nachwort -Schweizer Viersprachigkeit und globalisierungsprozesse: welche Stellung hat die Italizität?. Italienienisch ohne Grenzen - Zur Lage des Italienischen in der Schweiz. Penser la suisse - Seismo, 67-80
- Cencini A. (2017) National Banking Reform. Quantum Macroeconomics: The Legacy of Bernard Schmitt. London and New York: Routledge, 85-101
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- Baruffini M., Stricker L. (2017) The Governance Process in the Swiss Regional Labour Market Observatories. The Importance of Governance in Regional Labour Market Monitoring for Evidence-based Policy-making. Larsen, Christa; Rand, Sigrid; Schmid, Alfons; Nagel, Tilman; Hoess, Heike. Rainer Hampp Verlag, 25-39. ISBN 9783957102003
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- Cencini A. (2017) The Sovereign Debt Crisis. Quantum Macroeconomics: The Legacy of Bernard Schmitt. London and New York: Routledge, 144-157
- Ratti R. (2017) Trasporti e grandi infrastrutture. L'economia elvetica nella globalizzazione. Armando Dadò Editore, 193-214
- Nowak E. (2016) Crowdfunding as a success factor to shake up a sleeping. Strategic Innovation. Pearson Financial Times Press, 195-197
- Ratti R. (2016) Frontiere istituzionali e governanza territoriale nell'era globale-locale. Frontiere e coesione. Armando Dadò Editore, 129-142
- Cingano F., Pica G., Rosolia A. (2016) Long-term unemployment in Italy after the Great Recession. Long-Term Unemployment After the Great Recession: Causes and remedies. VoxEU.org Book, CEPR Press, 75-86
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- Baranzini M., Porta P. (2016) Luigi Lodovico Pasinetti: The Senior Heir of the Cambridge Keynesian School of Economics. in R. Cord (ed.) The Palgrave Companion to Cambridge Economics. London and New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 979-1001
- Ratti R. (2016) Postfazione - Quadrilinguismo svizzero e processi di globalizzazione: quale posto per l'italiano?. Italiano per caso - Storie di italofonia nella Svizzera non italiana. Casagrande, 170-175
- Ratti R. (2016) Postfazione. Quali scenari per la coesione nazionale?. Frontiere e coesione. Armando Dadò Editore, 185-191
- Arango S., van Ackere A. (2016) Simulation and Laboratory Experiments. Behavioural Operational Research: Theory, Methodology and Practice. Palgrave
- Baruffini M. (2016) The Impact of Industry 4.0 in a Regional Labour Market. Digital (R)evolution and Its Effects on Labour: Opportunities and Challenges for Regional and Local Labour Market Monitoring. Rainer Hampp Verlag, München u. Mering, 85-104
- Baruffini M. (2015) Assessing Data Collection and Data Quality for Labour Market Monitoring. Big Data and the Complexity of Labour Market Policies: New Approaches in Regional and Local Labour Market Monitoring for Reducing Skills Mismatches. Rainer Hampp Verlag, München, u. Mering, 255-274
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- Ratti R. (2015) Il caso di governance/governanza. La lingua italiana e le lingue romanze di fronte agli anglicismi. Accademia della Crusca - goWare, 50-54
- Cencini A. (2015) "Inflation". The Encyclopedia of Central Banking. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA (USA): Edward Elgar Publishing, 248-251
- De Rossa F. (2015) La corruption au niveau de l’Etat et des administrations – une question de définition. Réflexions générales sur l’approche du législateur suisse et quelques propositions concrètes. Peter Hänni (a cura di), Verwaltungsorganisationsrecht – Staatshaftungsrecht – öffentliches Dienstrecht, Jahrbuch 2014, pag. 3 - 16. Association suisse du droit de l'organisation publique - ASSDPO/SVVOR, 3-16
- Cencini A. (2015) "Monetarism". The Encyclopedia of Central Banking. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA (USA): Edward Elgar Publishing, 324-329
- Cencini A. (2015) "Quantum Macroeconomics". The Encyclopedia of Central Banking. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA (USA): Edward Elgar Publishing, 422-424
- Beretta E. (2015) Schacht, Hjalmar Horace Greeley. The Encyclopedia of Central Banking. Louis-Philippe Rochon; Sergio Rossi. Edward Elgar Publishing - Cheltenham, UK/Northampton, MA, USA, 453-454. ISBN 9781782547433
- Baranzini M., Mirante A., , (2015) The Anglo-Italian Economics School at Oxford and Cambridge: On Some Research Programmes. Gli Economisti italiani. Protagonisti, Paradigmi, Politiche in Atti dei Convegni Lincei 290. Bardi Edizioni, 143-167
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- Pica G., Leonardi M. (2015) Youth unemployment in Italy. No Country for Young People? Youth Labour Market Problems in Europe. VoxEU.org Book, CEPR Press, 89-104
- Ratti R. (2014) Aree di potere, governanza territoriale e frontiere nella sfida globale-locale. Il nord e la macroregione alpina. EupolisLombardia / Guerini Associati, 81-98. ISBN 9788862505253
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- De Rossa F., Borghi M. (2014) L’inefficacité de la responsabilité pénale des entreprises, notamment dans les cas de sociétés simples, d’entreprises publiques et pour les actes de corruption. FS Walter Stoffel, in corso di pubblicazione. Heinzmann et al., ---
- Cristofoli D., Macció L., Markovic J., Meneguzzo M. (2014) Managing service delivery networks strategically. Developments in Strategic and Public Management. Edited by Paul Joyce, Marc Holzer and Paul Joyce. London: Routledge Macmillian
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- Rossi S. (2009) A common currency for Middle Eastern and North African countries? Lessons from the European Monetary Union. in D. Cobham e G. Dibeh (a cura di), Monetary Policy and Central Banking in the Middle East and North Africa, London e New York: Routledge, 2009, pp. 226-245
- Rossi S. (2009) Inflation targeting and monetary policy governance: the case of the European Central Bank. in C. Gnos e L.-P. Rochon (a cura di), Monetary Policy and Financial Stability: A Post-Keynesian Agenda, Cheltenham e Northampton: Edward Elgar, 91-113
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- Rossi S. (2009) Monetary circuit theory and money emissions. in J.-F. Ponsot e S. Rossi (a cura di), The Political Economy of Monetary Circuits: Tradition and Change in Post-Keynesian Economics, Basingstoke e New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009, pp. 36-55
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- Rossi S. (2009) Wechselkursschwankungen als Folge einer Währungsunordnung: Neugestaltung des internationalen Währungssystems im Sinne von Keynes. in J. Kromphardt e H.-P. Spahn (a cura di), Die aktuelle Währungsunordnung: Analysen und Reformvorschläge, Marburg: Metropolis Verlag, 175-208
- Chirico F., Salvato C. (2008) L'integrazione della conoscenza quale fattore di successo nelle imprese familiari operanti in contesti dinamici. CEDAM
- Rossi S. (2008) Money, credit, and income distribution: a monetary circuit analysis. Milano: Franco Angeli. in P. Bini e G. Tusset (a cura di), Theory and Practice of Economic Policy: Tradition and Change, 283-305
- Padula M., Dimitris C., Japelli T. (2008) Real and Financial Assets in SHARE Wave 2. First Results from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (2004-2007). Mannheim Research Institute for the Economics of Aging
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- Meneguzzo M. (2008) The study of public management in Italy. The study of public management in Europe and the US. Edited by Walter Kickert. London: Routledge
- Rossi S. (2007) European monetary integration: convergence, divergence, or exclusion?. Milano: Franco Angeli. in F. Bencardino e M. Prezioso (a cura di), European Territorial Cohesion and Sustainable Development: Convergence and Competitiveness, 288-301
- Rochon L. P., Rossi S. (2007) Metas de inflación, desempeño económico y distribución del ingreso. in A. Girón e E. Correa (a cura di), Del Sur hacia el Norte: economía política del orden económico internacional emergente, Buenos Aires: Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales, 83-96
- Castelnovo W., Simonetta M. (2007) Reducing Administrative Fragmentation Through E-Government. in Cunningham, P. and Cunningham, M. (Eds), Expanding the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications and Case Studies, IOS Press Amsterdam,311-318
- Rossi S. (2007) The monetary-policy relevance of an international settlement institution: the Keynes plan 60 years later. London & New York: Routledge. in A. Giacomin e M.C. Marcuzzo (a cura di), Money and Markets: A Doctrinal Approach, 96-114
- Rossi S. (2007) The role of the euro in the international monetary arena: present and prospects. in J. Bibow e A. Terzi (a cura di), Euroland and the World Economy: Global Player or Global Drag?, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 266-287
- Rossi S. (2006) Cross-border transactions and exchange rate stability. in L.-P. Rochon e S. Rossi (a cura di), Monetary and Exchange Rate Systems: A Global View of Financial Crises, Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, 191-209
- Rossi S. (2006) EMU and EU enlargement: lessons and perspectives. in C. Gnos e L.-P. Rochon (a cura di), Post-Keynesian Principles of Economic Policy, Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, 244-263
- Cencini A. (2006) Prolegomeni all'etica economica. Helbing & Lichtenhahn
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- Castelnovo W., Lasi A. (2006) Some critical factors in Local e-Government. in AA.VV. (Eds.), Project E-Society: Building Bricks, IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Springer Series in Computer Science
- Rossi S. (2006) The Bretton Woods institutions sixty years later: a "glocal" reform proposal. in P. Arestis, J. Ferreiro e F. Serrano (a cura di), Financial Developments in National and International Markets, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 56-76
- Pica G., Kugler A. D. . (2006) The Effects of Employment Protection and Product Market Regulations on the Italian Labor Market. Labour Market Adjustments in Europe. Edward Elgar Publishing, 107-142
- Rossi S. (2006) The institution of a single currency area: lessons for Asia from the European Monetary Union. in M.G. Plummer e E. Jones (a cura di), International Economic Integration and Asia, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 173-211
- Rochon L. P., Rossi S. (2006) The monetary policy strategy of the European Central Bank: does inflation targeting lead to a successful stabilisation policy?. in E. Hein, A. Heise e A. Truger (a cura di), European Economic Policies: Alternatives to Orthodox Analysis and Policy Concepts, Marburg: Metropolis Verlag, 87-110
- Rossi S. (2006) The theory of money emissions. in P. Arestis e M. Sawyer (a cura di), A Handbook of Alternative Monetary Economics, Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, 121-138
- Rossi S. (2005) Central banking in a monetary theory of production: the economics of payment finality from a circular-flow perspective. in G. Fontana e R. Realfonzo (a cura di), The Monetary Theory of Production: Tradition and Perspectives, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 139-151
- Padula M., Dimitris C., Japelli T. (2005) Generated Asset Variables in SHARE Release 1. The Survey of Health, Aging, and Retirement in Europe Methodology. Mannheim: Mannheim Research Institute for the Economics of Aging
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- Rochon L. P., Rossi S. (2004) Central banking in the monetary circuit. in M. Lavoie e M. Seccareccia (a cura di), Central Banking in the Modern World: Alternative Perspectives, Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, 144-163
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- Dafflon B., Rossi S. (2004) Tax competition between subnational governments: theoretical and regional policy issues with reference to Switzerland. in E. Hein, A. Heise e A. Truger (a cura di), Finanzpolitik in der Kontroverse, Marburg: Metropolis Verlag, 227-249
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- Rochon L. P., Rossi S., Dinero endógeno: visión evolucionista versus visión revolucionaria. in E. Correa e A. Girón (a cura di), México: la nueva agenda monetaria, fiscal y financiera, Mexico: Miguel Angel Porrúa Editores & Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas-UNAM
- Rossi S., Endogenous and exogenous money and credit. in P.A. O'Hara (a cura di), International Encyclopedia of Public Policy: Governance in a Global Age, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 188-198
- Rochon L. P., Rossi S., Horizontalism and structuralism: a suggested re-interpretation. in L.-P. Rochon (a cura di), Post-Keynesian Monetary Theory: Horizontalism and Structuralism Revisited - Reflections and Development, Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar
- Rossi S., Inflation. in P.A. O'Hara (a cura di), International Encyclopedia of Public Policy: Governance in a Global Age, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 357-372
- Gnos C., Rossi S., International money: where do we stand?. in J.-F. Ponsot e L.-P. Rochon (a cura di), The Nature of Money: A Multidisciplinary Approach, Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar
- Rochon L. P., Rossi S., Monetary policy without reserve requirements: central bank money as means of final payment on the interbank market. in C. Gnos e L.-P. Rochon (a cura di), Credit, Money and Macroeconomic Policy: A Post-Keynesian Approach, Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar
- Rossi S., Money and interest rate determination in a system with no reserve requirements. in L.-P. Rochon (a cura di), Post-Keynesian Monetary Theory: Horizontalism and Structuralism Revisited - Reflections and Development, Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar
- Rossi S., Taxes-drive-money approach. in P.A. O'Hara (a cura di), International Encyclopedia of Public Policy: Governance in a Global Age, Oxford: Oxford University Press, vol. 2, pp. 535-547
Working paper (140)
- Luini C., Calciolari S. (forthcoming) Does the Swiss gatekeeping model optimize healthcare access? Evidence from the Swiss Health Survey.
- Calciolari S., Luini C. (forthcoming) Effects of the bio-psycho-social frailty dimensions on healthcare utilisation among elderly in Europe: a cross-country longitudinal analysis (undegoing review)
- Mokhtari M. (forthcoming) The Vital Role of Cash Transfers: Lessons from the Largest Energy Subsidy Reform in the Developing World
- Schönenberger F. R. (2023) Out of Office, Out of Step? Re-election Concerns and Ideological Shirking in Lame Duck Sessions of the U.S. House of Representatives
- Schönenberger F. R. (2023) Strategic Policy Responsiveness to Opponent Platforms: Evidence From U.S. House Incumbents Running Against Moderate or Extremist Challengers
- Mazzonna F., Bakx P. (2022) Life Events Trigger of Benzodiazepine Use: The role of practice style
- Neuberger D., Beretta E. (2022) Narrative Ökonomik: Europa als „Transferunion“ oder „Risikogemeinschaft“? Eine empirische Analyse (05)
- Gatti N., Mazzonna F., Pica G., Parchet R. (2022) Opening the Labor Market to Qualified Immigrants in Absence of Linguistic Barriers (15631)
- Mensi A. (2022) Silent leges inter arma? L’annessione dei territori ucraini occupati alla luce del diritto internazionale
- Albertini M., Barisone L. (2022) The Residential Integration of Transnational Regional Economies: Evidence from the 2015 Swiss Franc Appreciation
- Arioldi D., Maggi R. (2021) Mega-events as a signal of liberalization
- Albertini M., Jametti M. (2021) The Real Estate Capitalization of Natural Hazards: A comparison across insurance systems
- Filippini M., Boogen N., Daminato C., Obrist A. (2020) Can Information about Energy Costs Affect Consumers Choices? Evidence from a Field Experiment
- Beretta E., Neuberger D. (2020) Institutional hostility to cash and COVID-19 (166)
- Belke A., Beretta E. (2020) Not the time for central bank digital currency. Why cash is still irreplaceable. / Nicht die Zeit für digitales Notenbankgeld. Warum Cash weiterhin unersetzbar ist. (100932)
- Filippini M., Daminato C., Haufler F. (2020) Personalized Digital Information and Tax-favoured Retirement Savings: Quasi-experimental Evidence from Administrative Data
- Filippini M. (2020) Voluntary adoption of environmental standards and limited attention: Evidence from the food and beverage industry in Vietnam
- Masiero G., Santarossa M. (2019) Earthquakes, grants and public expenditure: how municipalities respond to natural disasters (2019/01)
- Filippini M., Kumar N., Srinivasan S. (2019) Energy-related financial literacy and bounded rationality in appliance replacement attitudes: Evidence from Nepal (19/315)
- Belke A., Beretta E. (2019) From cash to central bank digital currencies and cryptocurrencies: a balancing act between modernity and monetary stability (816)
- Belke A., Beretta E. (2019) From cash to central bank digital currencies and cryptocurrencies: a balancing act between modernity and monetary stability (19-09)
- Filippini M., Srinivasan S. (2019) Investments in Worker Health and Labor Productivity: Evidence from Vietnam
- Arioldi D. (2019) Spatially correlated preferences in international trade
- Masiero G., Mazzonna F., Steinbach S., Verbeek O. (2019) The effect of local growth in antidepressant consumption on mental health outcomes (2019/02)
- Masiero G., Mazzonna F., Verbeek R. P., Steinback S. (2019) The effect of local growth in antidepressant consumption on mental health outcomes (2-19)
- Cerruti D., Daminato C., Filippini M. (2019) The impact of policy awareness: Evidence from vehicle choices response to fiscal incentives (19/316)
- Blasch J., Boogen N., Daminato C., Filippini M. (2018) Empower the consumer! Energy-related financial literacy and its socioeconomic determinants (18(289))
- Filippini M., Srinivasan S. (2018) Impact of religious participation, social interactions and globalisation on meat consumption: evidence from India (18/304)
- Urrea Castaño G. C., Villa S., Quintane E. (2018) In Need of Aid: Funding Uncertainty and Diversification in Humanitarian Operations
- Mejia J., Urrea Castaño G. C., Pedraza-Martinez A. (2018) Transparency in Crowdfunding for Emergency Management
- Urrea Castaño G. C., Pedraza-Martinez A., Besiou M. (2018) Volunteer Management in Charity Storehouses: Volunteer Experience, Congestion and Operational Performance
- Masiero G., Mazzonna F., Verbeek R. P. (2018) What drives the rise of antidepressant consumption? Evidence from Switzerland? (2018/01)
- Filippini M., Geissmann T., Karplus V. (2017) A Green Bargain? The Impact of an Energy Saving Program on Productivity Growth in China's Iron and Steel Industry
- Filippini M., Greene W. H., Kumar N. (2017) A note on the different interpretation of the correlation parameters in the Bivariate Probit and the Recursive Bivariate Probit (17/275)
- Daniele G., Geys B. (2017) Abandon Ship? Party Brands and Politicians' Responses to a Political Scandal
- Filippini M., Masiero G., Steinbach S. (2017) Ambient air pollution and hospital admissions (17/279)
- Rua Gomez C. C. (2017) How Gender-Equity Attitudes Affect Gender Performance Gaps
- Naguib C., Baruffini M., Maggi R. (2017) Identifying the impact of mismatch on job satisfaction using an instrumental variable approach
- Arango-Aramburo S., Smith R., Cardenas S., Jaramillo P., Olaya Y., Saldarriaga A., Restrepo O. J., Arboleda Y., Rua Gomez C. C., Bernal S., Larsen E. R. (2017) Mining Scenarios for Colombia: In Search of a Future for Mining (Revise and resubmit at Futures)
- Blasch J., Filippini M., Kumar N., Martinez-Cruz A. (2017) Narrowing the energy efficiency gap: The impact of educational programs, online support tools and energy-related investment literacy (17/276)
- Naguib C., Maggi R. (2017) Rank matters: an analysis of relative wage mobility as a neglected determinant of job satisfaction
- Rua Gomez C. C., Goossen M., Carnabuci G. (2017) Reaching for the Stars: How Third-Party Ties Affect Men’s and Women’s Ability to Connect with High-Status Colleagues
- Filippini M., Wekhof T. (2017) The Effect of Culture on Energy Efficient Vehicle Ownership (17/278)
- Filippini M., Masiero G., Steinbach S. (2017) The Impact of Ambient Air Pollution on Hospital Admissions
- (2017) The normalization of risky debt: The case of the Hungarian Forex market (submitted, Journal of Consumer Culture)
- Filippini M., Blasch J., Boogen N., Kumar N. (2017) The role of energy and investment literacy for residential electricity demand and end-use efficiency
- Naguib C. (2017) Wage mobility in Europe before and after the financial crisis: an empirical analysis for Germany and the United Kingdom
- Rua Gomez C. C., Carnabuci G. (2017) Who Benefits from Gender Diversity? How Organization-Level Gender Diversity Affects the Innovative Performance of Different Kind of Employees
- Filippini M., Blasch J., Kumar N. (2016) Boundedly rational consumers, energy and investment literacy, and the display of information on household appliances
- Redonda A. (2016) Corporate flat tax reforms and businesses’ location choices. Evidence from Switzerland
- Filippini M., Boogen N., Datta S. (2016) Demand-Side management by electric utilities in Switzerland:Analyzing its impact on residential electricity demand
- Giuntella O. (2016) If you don’t snooze you lose health and gain weight : evidence from a regression discontinuity design (2015/05)
- Giuntella O., Vargas Silva C., Nicodemo C. (2016) Immigration and the Reallocation of Work Health Risks (10304)
- (2016) Law enforcement, municipal budgets and spill-over effects: Evidence from a quasi-experiment in Italy
- Savio G., Baltrunaite A., Casarico A., Profeta P. (2016) "Let the Voters Choose Women"; Journal of Public Economics, forthcoming
- Filippini M., Geissmann T., Greene W. (2016) Persistent and Transient Cost Efficiency - An Application to the Swiss Hydropower Sector
- Filippini M., Greene W., Masiero G. (2016) Persistent and Transient Productive inefficiency in a regulated industry: electricity distribution in New Zeland (2016/03)
- Cavalcanti F., Daniele G. (2016) Popularity shocks and political selection: The effects of anti-corruption audits on candidates' quality
- Filippini M., Hirl B., Masiero G. (2016) Rational Habits in residential electricity demand (16/228)
- Filippini M., Alberini A., Bareit M., Martinez-Cruz A. L. (2016) The impact of Emission-Based Taxes on the Retirement of Used and Inefficient Vehicles: The Case of Switzerland (16, 257)
- Naguib C., Gagliardini P. (2016) Wage Mobility: a Functional Copula Approach
- Ariztia T., Nurjk Agloni, Agloni N. (2015) Beyond ethical consumption choices: Relinking ethics and consumption through care in Chile and Brazil (R&R at the British Journal of Sociology)
- Zsuzsanna V. (2015) Cartographies of the future: Financial forecasting and the formation of expectations in the Hungarian Forex mortgage market through Westernization narratives (under review)
- (2015) Direct Democracy, Partial Decentralization and Voter Information: Evidence from Swiss Municipalities
- Filippini M., Martinez Cruz A. L. (2015) Impact of environmental and social attitudes, and family concerns on willingness to pay for improved air quality: A contingent valuation application in Mexico City
- Filippini M., Hunt L. C. (2015) Measurement of Energy Efficiency Based on Economic Foundations (Working Paper 15/216)
- Giannoni M., Franzini L., Masiero G. (2015) Migrant integration policies and health inequalities in Europe
- Bello P., Galasso V. (2015) Old before their time: The role of employers in retirement decisions.
- Filippini M., Hirl B., Masiero G. (2015) Rational habits in residential electricity demand (2015/06)
- (2015) Second-homeowners’ intention to move: an integrated ordered logit
- Johnson R. (2015) The dynamics of project popularity from a collective behavior prospective: A study of creative crowdfunding
- (2015) The Marketization Research Program: Research on Markets or on the Effects of Economics? (R&R, Journal of Cultural Economy)
- Filippini M., Alberini A. (2015) Transient and Persistent Energy Efficiency in the US Residential Sector: Evidence from Household-level Data
- Filippini M., Hunt L. (2015) Underlying Energy Efficiency’ in the US (13/181)
- Eugster B. (2014) Culture and Taxes: Towards Identifying Tax Competition
- Filippini M., Bareit M., Alberini A. (2014) Does the Swiss Car Market Reward Fuel Efficient Cars? Evidence from Hedonic Pricing Regressions, Matching and a Regression Discontinuity Design (Working Paper 14-190)
- Filippini M., Datta S., Boogen N. (2014) Going beyond tradition: Estimating residential electricity demand using an appliance index and energy services (14/200)
- Filippini M., Greene W. (2014) Persistent and Transient Productive Inefficiency: A Maximum Simulated Likelihood Approach (14-197)
- Filippini M., Tosetti E. (2014) Stochastic Frontier Models for Long Panel Data Sets: Measurement of the Underlying Energy Efficiency for the OECD Countries (14-198)
- Di Giorgio L., Filippini M., Masiero G. (2014) The relationship between costs and quality in nonprofit nursing homes (2014/02)
- Filippini M., Heimsch F., Masiero G. (2013) Antibiotic consumption and the role of dispensing physicians
- Filippini M., Zhang L. (2013) Measurement of the “Underlying energy efficiency” in Chinese provinces (13/183)
- Filippini M., Blázquez ,. L., Heimsch F. (2013) The Economic Crisis and Residential Electricity Consumption in Spanish Provinces: A Spatial Econometric Analysis (13/173)
- Filippini M., Wetzel H. (2013) The Impact of Ownership Unbundling on Cost Efficiency: Empirical Evidence from the New Zealand Electricity Distribution Sector
- Filippini M. (2013) Underlying Energy Efficiency’ in the US (Working Paper)
- Filippini M., Farsi M., Agrell P. J., Koller M. (2013) Unobserved heterogeneous effects in the cost efficiency analysis of electricity distribution systems
- Filippini M., Datta S. (2012) Analysing the Impact of ENERGY STAR Rebate Policies in the US (86)
- Filippini M., González Ortiz L. G., Masiero G. (2012) Assessing the impact of antibiotic policies in Europe (12-02)
- Filippini M., González Ortiz L. G., Masiero G. (2012) Assessing the impact of national antibiotic campaigns in Europe (1202)
- Corsi F., Sornette D. (2012) Follow the Money: The Monetary Roots of Bubbles and Crashes
- Di Giorgio L., Filippini M., Masiero G. (2012) Implications of global budget payment on nursing home costs
- Cencini A. (2012) "Italy's sovereign debt crisis and the Euro Area: Diagnosis and remedy"
- Filippini M., Blázquez ,. L., Boogen N. (2012) Residential electricity demand for Spain: new empirical evidence using aggregated data (82)
- Filippini M., Masiero G., Medici D. (2012) The demand for school meals: an analysis of stated choices by Swiss households
- Antonioli Mantegazzini B., Massarutto A. (2011) A comparative analysis of municipal waste management regimes in Europe: from planning to vertical integration, from State to Market
- Audrino F., Corsi F., Filipova K. (2011) Bond Risk Premia Forecasting: A Simple Approach for Extracting Macroeconomic Information from a Panel of Indicators
- Saichev A., Sornette D., Filimonov V., Corsi F. (2011) Homogeneous Volatility Bridge Estimators
- Filippini M., Hunt L., Evans J. (2011) Measuring energy efficiency and its contribution towards meeting CO2 targets: estimates for 29 OECD countries
- Corsi F., Hosni H., Marmi S. (2011) Risk Allocation: The Double Face of Financial Derivatives
- Scholz C. (2011) Studio strategico del Bellinzonese : Idee progettuali per la fase intermedia
- Scholz C. (2010) Città attrattiva : dimensione ‘attrattività’ e la sua rilevanza per lo sviluppo (resoconto)
- Arango S., Castañeda Acevedo J. A. (2010) Mothballing in Power Markets: An Experimental Study
- Filippini M., Farsi M., Plagnet M. A., Saplacan R. (2010) The economies of scale in the French power distribution utilities
- Filippini M., Plagnet M. A., Saplacan R., Farsi M. (2010) Unobserved Heterogeneity and International Benchmarking in Public Transport
- Filippini M., Hunt L. (2010) US Residential Energy Demand and Energy Efficiency: A Stochastic Demand Frontier Approach
- Ben-David I., Moussawi R. (2009) Do hedge funds provide liquidity when it is most needed?
- La Vecchia D., Ronchetti E., Trojani F. (2009) Higher--Order Robustness
- Rossi S. (2009) International payment finality requires a supranational central-bank money
- La Vecchia D., Ferrari D. (2009) On fully parametric power-divergence minimization
- Duek Picon A. S. (2008) ASEAN Trade Performance
- Martin J. (2008) Job Market paper - Prop Ups During Lockups
- Rossi S. (2008) Nine years of inflation-forecast publishing in Switzerland: the Swiss National Bank as a flexible inflation targeter
- Martin J. (2008) The Impact of Optimistic and Privately Informed Managers on Firm Performance and Corporate Decisions
- Filippini M., Cambini C., Piacenza M., Vannoni D. (2008) The Influence of Corporatization Process on the Cost of Publicly Provided Local Utilities: Some Insights from Bus Transit Systems
- Galasso V., M L., Mattozzi A., Merlo A. (2008) The Labor Market of Italian Politicians
- Cozzi T. (2007) Competences and Capabilities at the base of Knowledge Management
- Myftari E., Rossi S. (2007) Prix des actifs et politique monétaire: enjeux et perspectives
- Rochon L. P., Rossi S. (2006) Endogenous money: the evolutionary versus revolutionary views
- Caprio L., Croci E. (2006) The determinants of the voting premium in Italy: The evidence from 1974 to 2003
- Cencini A. (2005) "World Monetary Discrepancies: A New Macroeconomic Analysis"
- Rossi S. (2004) Central bank money and payment finality
- Filippini M., Farsi M., Greene W. (2004) Efficiency measurement in network industries: application to Swiss railway companies
- Filippini M., Crivelli L. (2003) Federalismo e sistema sanitario svizzero
- Rossi S. (2003) Moneta, credito e produzione
- Cencini A. (2003) "Neoclassical, New Classical and New Business Cycle Economics : A Critical Survey"
- Filippini M., Farsi M., Kuenzli M. (2003) Unobserved heterogeneity in stochastic cost frontier models: a comparative analysis
- Zumbach G., Corsi F., Trapletti A. (2002) Efficient Estimation of Volatility using High Frequency Data
- Franzoni F. (2002) Where is beta going? The riskiness of value and small stocks
- Filippini M., Crivelli L., Lunati D. (2001) Regulation, ownership and efficiency in the Swiss nursing home industry
- Rossi S. (2001) The meaning of bank deposits
- Cencini A. (2001) "What Future for the International and the European Monetary Systems?"
- Cencini A. (2000) "World Monetary Disorders: Exchange Rate Erratic Fluctuations"
- Rossi S. (1999) Money, value, and effective demand: a circular flow analysis
- Filippini M., Maggi R., Mägerle J. (1999) Skalenerträge und optimale Betriebsgrösse bei den schwizerischen Privatbahnen
- Dafflon B., Rossi S. (1996) La logique des critères budgétaires du Traité sur l¿Union Européenne: premiers éléments d¿analyse critique
- Rossi S. (1994) Le problème d'une monnaie européenne parallèle
- Cencini A. (1993) "L'inflation: une analyse fondamentale"
- Cencini A. (1991) "Les pays face au problème de la dette"
- Cencini A. (1990) "The Specificity of the International Debt Problem"
Conference proceedings (48)
- Denti F., Mira A. (2023) A tool for assessing weak identifiability of statistical models. Pearson. Book of Short Papers Italian Statistical Society
- Denti F., Mira A. (2023) Bayesian nonparametric estimation of heterogeneous intrinsic dimension via product partition models. Pearson. Book of Short Papers Italian Statistical Society
- Raballo A., Mira A., Crestani F. (2023) Incremental Mixture of Normalizing Flows for Dynamic Topic Modelling. CEURWorkshopProceedings. 13th Italian Information Retrieval Workshop
- Vroegop E. (2023) Perceived quality of life among interacting groups in tourism destinations. ISQOLS 2023 Annual Conference ''Towards a People-First Economy and Society: A World to Win. International Society for Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS) annual conference. 24-08-2023
- Denti F., Mira A. (2022) A tool to validate the assumptions on ratios of nearest neighbor distances: the Consecutive Ratio Paths. Italian Statistical Society. Book of Short Papers Italian Statistical Society
- Denti F., Camerlenghi F., Guindani M., Mira A. (2022) Clustering artists based on the energy distributions of their songs on Spotify via the Common Atoms Model. Pearson. Book of Short Papers Italian Statistical Society
- Raffo D., Mira A. (2022) Optimization of Delayed Rejection Adaptive Metropolis. Pearson. Book of Short Papers Italian Statistical Society
- Akhavan Anvari A., Gonçalves P. (2020) Groundwater dynamics; a common-pool resources problem. System Dynamics Society. The 38th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society
- Moshtari M., Gonçalves P., Maghsoudi A. . (2020) Intended and Unintended Consequences of Social Media in Humanitarian Operations. Academy of Management Proceedings. Academy of Management
- de Gooyert V., Gonçalves P., Kampmann C., Kapmeier F., Kopainsky B., Rooney-Varga J., Rouwette E., Struben J., Videira N., Zimmermann N. (2020) System Dynamics & Sustainability: A Research Agenda for the Coming Decade(s). System Dynamics Society. International System Dynamics Conference
- Saltamacchia F., Rocci A., Garssen B., Godden D., Mitchell G., Wagemans J. H. M. . (2019) Arguments justify norms of politeness. A study of argumentative loci in a nineteenth-century treatise about politeness. Amsterdam Sic Sat. Proceedings of the Ninth Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation
- Filippini M. (2018) Cost efficiency of the Swiss nursing home sector. EWEPA. 15th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (EWEPA)
- Filippini M. (2018) Energy related investment literacy, bounded rationality and the energy efficiency gap. University of Vaasa. Workshop on Energy and Electricity Markets, University of Vaasa, Feburary 2, 2018
- Cerruti D., Daminato C., Filippini M. (2018) The impact of policy awareness: Evidence from vehicle registration taxes in Switzerland. EMEE. 11th International workshop on Empirical Methods in Energy Economics (EMEE 2018)
- Filippini M. (2018) The impact of policy awareness: Evidence from vehicle registration taxes in Switzerland. unpublished. The Yale Environmental Economics Seminar, New Haven, CT, USA, September 5, 2018
- Karthikeyan S., Arora-Jonsson S. J., Wezel F. C. (2018) Things Fall Apart: Dynamics of British party identities under the decline of class politics. Academy of Management. Academy of Management Annual Conference
- Blasch J., Filippini M., Kumar N. (2017) Energy-related investment literacy and choice of electric appliances: The impact of educational programs and online support tools. IAEE (International Association for Energy Economics). 15th IAEE European Conference 2017 'Heading towards Sustainable Energy Systems: Evolution or Revolution'?', Vienna, Austria, September 3-6, 2017
- Blasch J., Filippini M., Kumar N. (2017) Energy-related Investment Literacy and Choice of Electric Appliances: The Impact of Educational Programs and Online Support Tools. ETH Zurich. 3rd Maastricht Behavioral Economic Policy Symposium (M-BEPS 2017), Maastricht, The Netherlands, June 6-7, 2017
- Filippini M. (2017) Energy services, Aging and the Demand of Energy-Consuming Durables: Evidence from a Structural Model. EMEE. 10th International Workshop on Empirical Methods in Energy Economics (EMEE), USC, Los Angeles, US
- Costa R. S. F., Cotta Fontainha T., Leiras A., Yoshizaki H. T. Y., Gonçalves P., De Paula A. (2017) IT infrastructure at the Rio de Janeiro City Operations Center - the case of 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games. ISCRAM. 14th Annual Conference for Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management
- Cerruti D., Daminato C., Filippini M. (2017) Policy Awareness and the Impact of Fiscal Policies: Evidence from Vehicle Registration Taxes in Switzerland. Italian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. 6th Annual Conference of the Italian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists,
- Filippini M., Boogen N., Blasch J. (2017) The role of energy and investment literacy for residential electricity demand and end-use efficiency. /. 2017 European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (EWEPA), London, England, June 12-15, 2017
- Blasch J., Filippini M. (2017) The role of energy and investment literacy for residential electricity demand and end-use efficiency. IAEE (International Association for Energy Economics). 15th IAEE European Conference 2017, Vienna, Austria, September 3-6, 2017
- Filippini M. (2016) 22nd Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE). ETH Zurich. 22nd Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE)
- Filippini M. (2016) Boundedly rational consumers, energy and investment literacy, and the display of information on household appliances. EMEE. 9th International Workshop on Empirical Methods in Energy Economics (EMEE)
- Filippini M. (2016) Energy-related investment literacy, information display and the choice of household appliances. MEC. MEC
- Filippini M. (2016) Persistent and Transient Productive Inefficiency in a regulated industry: electricity distribution in New Zealand. IAEE. IAEE
- Montauti M., Wezel F. C. (2014) Blurred maps and sirens' calls: Category recombination and entrepreneurial inertia in the market for electronic music, 1978-2011. Academy of Management. Best Paper Proceedings, OMT Division
- Caimo A., Mira A. (2014) Delayed Rejection Algorithm to Estimate Bayesian Social Networks. Italian Statistical Society. 47th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society
- Scholz C., Brandberg Realini L. (2014) Multiple perceptions as a framing device for identifying relational places. IOS Press Amsterdam. The New Urban Configurations
- (2014) The irreplaceability of cash and recent limitations on its use: why Europe is off the track. Deutsche Bundesbank. International cash conference on “The usage, costs and benefits of cash revisited”. Swissôtel Dresden Am Schloss. 15 - 18 September 2014
- Filippini M., Boogen N., Datta S. (2013) Estimating residential electricity demand in Switzerland using household survey data:The role of appliance stock. Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics (SSES). 2014 congress of the Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics (SSES), Bern, Switzerland, April 24-25, 2014
- Scholz C., Brandberg Realini L. (2012) Multiple perceptions as framing device for identifying relational places. (I). EAAE / ISUF International Conference. TU Delft, The Netherlands. 16–19 October 2012
- Scholz C., Brandberg Realini L. (2012) Multiple perceptions as framing device for identifying relational places. (II)
- Filippini M., Deb K. (2012) Policy instruments for increasing demand for public transport in India. CODATU. CODATU XV: the role of urban mobility in (re) shaping cities, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, October 22-25, 2012
- Rapanta C., Botturi L., Schmeil A. (2010) Understanding team design communication through the designers' eye: a descriptive-analytic approach.. Proceedings of DRS2010- Design Research Society Conference. Montreal, Canada. July 7-9
- Castelnovo W., Simonetta M. (2008) Building Trust within Inter-Municipal Cooperation. Proceedings of The 8th European Conference on E-Government, ECEG
- Castelnovo W. (2007) A Public Value Evaluation of E-Government Policies. Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Management Evaluation, ECIME: 63-70
- Bramati L., Simonetta M. (2006) I fabbisogni formativi degli Enti locali in materia di Protezione Civile. Atti del Convegno: La Scuola Superiore di Protezione Civile al servizio degli Enti locali: fare formazione e pianificare le emergenze, RisorseComuni
- Bramati L., Simonetta M. (2006) Il patrimonio edilizio pubblico residenziale dei Comuni lombardi. Atti del Convegno: Politiche per la casa: nuovi strumenti e nuove risorse, RisorseComuni
- Castelnovo W., Simonetta M. (2006) La valutazione dei sistemi di e-government in un'ottica di valore pubblico. Atti itAIS
- Castelnovo W., Simonetta M. (2006) Le reti della Pubblica Amministrazione Locale nel Networked Government. Atti del VII Workshop dei docenti e dei ricercatori di Organizzazione Aziendale, WOA
- Castelnovo W., Simonetta M. (2006) Networks of SLGOs: from systems interoperability to organizational cooperability. Proceedings of The 6th European Conference on E-Government, ECEG
- Castelnovo W., Simonetta M. (2006) The Evaluation of E-Government projects for SLGOs. in Remedy, D. and Brown, A. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Information Technology Evaluation, ECITE
- Castelnovo W., Simonetta M. (2005) Dall'E-Government al Networked Government: le reti inter-organizzative della Pubblica Amministrazione Locale italiana. Atti itAIS
- Castelnovo W., Simonetta M. (2005) Integrated Systems of Local Government Organizations as Virtual Organizations. in Michelini, M and Pighin, M. (Eds.), Comunità virtuale: dalla ricerca all'impresa, dalla formazione al cittadino, Atti del Congresso Nazionale AICA
- Castelnovo W., Simonetta M. (2005) Organizing E-Gov for Small Local Government Organizations. Proceedings of The 5th European Conference on E-Government, ECEG
- Rossi S. (1997) A book-keeping analysis of a monetary economy: some basic theoretical elements. in S.P. Dunn et al. (a cura di), The Second Annual Postgraduate Economics Conference: Papers and Proceedings, Leeds: Leeds University Press, pp. 141-152
Article in conference proceedings (13)
- Beretta E., Faudot A. (2019) Early reactions to the Keynes Plan: the radical criticisms from Schumacher, Balogh and Kalecki. Money, banks and finance in economic thought. European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET) Conference. Université de Lille, Lille (Francia). 23-25/05/2019
- Mensi A. (2019) External action and self-determination. The coherence of EU external action with the principles of customary international law in the light of the Western Sahara Campaign. Paper. Europe as a Global Actor. Lisbon. 08/03/2019
- Arora-Jonsson S. J., Bomark N., Edlund P. (2019) Organizing a competitive logic in the Swedish school market. Academy of Management, ISSN 1543-8643. Academy of Management Annual Conference. Boston. August 9-13
- Arora-Jonsson S. J., Arora-Jonsson S. (2018) De-centring the field: Using post-colonial theory to infuse power into institutional theory. Academy of Management, ISSN 1543-8643. Academy of Management Annual Conference. Chicago. August 9-13
- Arora-Jonsson S. J., Bomark N. (2018) Picking the low-hanging apples: The case of “reverse cream skimming” among Swedish private schools. Academy of Management, ISSN 1543-8643. Academy of Management Annual Conference. Chicago. August 9-13
- Barreca M., Meneguzzo M. (2017) Network governance and evolution from cultural to creativity sector. Evidences from the Italian experience. -. AIMAC 2017 - 14TH International Conference on Art and Cultural Management. Beijing, China. 24-28 June, 2017
- Meneguzzo M. (2017) Network governance and evolution from cultural to creativity sector. Evidences from the Italian experience. -. AIMAC 2017 - 14TH International Conference on Art and Cultural Management. Beijing, China. 24-28 June, 2017
- Filippini M. (2017) The role of energy and investment literacy for residential electricity demand and end-use efficiency. Universidad de La Laguna (ULL), Salon de Grandos de la Facultad de Conomia. Empresa y Tursimo de la ULL. Teneriffa, Spain. April 20, 2017
- Meneguzzo M., Barreca M., Colasanti N. ., Frondizi R., Kurt P. (2016) Are Public Universities Evolving to Include Sustainable Development in their Governance and Strategy? A Cross-National Case Study Analysis. -. IIAS Annual Conference 2016. Chengdu, China. 20-25 September, 2016
- Filippini M. (2016) Boundedly rational consumers, energy and investment literacy, and the display of information on household appliances. 39th IAEE International Conference. Energy: Expectation and Uncertainty. Bergen. June 19-22, 2016
- Karthikeyan S., Arora-Jonsson S. J., Wezel F. C. (2016) Competitive Dynamics of Incumbents and Challengers in British Electoral Competition, 1955-2005. Academy of Management Proceedings. Academy of Management Annual Conference. Anaheim. August 9-13
- Barreca M., Laura M., Daniela C. . (2015) How to restore civil servants’ trust in Government? Count on public service motivation and leadership but avoid red tape. -. IIAS Annual Conference 2015. Rio de Janeiro. 22-26 June, 2015
- Motz A., Galletta R., Checchi C. (2012) A market game for the new gas balancing market in Italy. 9th European Energy Market Conference. 9th European Energy Market Conference. Florence. May 2012
Report in scientific conference (133)
- Beretta E. (2022) Carta canta(-va): e oggi? Riflessioni sul ruolo della cartamoneta negli attuali trend economico-monetari.. Finestre culturali Biblioteca Cantonale Bellinzona 2022. Bellinzona. 18.05.2022
- Beretta E. (2022) Carta e digitale: matrimonio di convenienza? Gli esempi del notariato, della carta moneta e delle fonti del diritto.. Finestre culturali Biblioteca Cantonale Bellinzona 2022. Bellinzona. 10.11.2022
- Beretta E. (2022) Economia e dematerializzazione della moneta fra mito e realtà.. Convegno "L’oblio fra passato, presente e futuro". Cinema Teatro Chiasso. 25.11.2022
- Calciolari S., Luini C. (2021) «Bio-psycho-social frailty and its effects on healthcare consumption among elderly Europeans: a cross-national longitudinal analysis». AIES 2021. Bocconi University. 2 December 2021
- Beretta E. (2021) Cryptocurrencies, evolution of means of payments and validity of monetary principles. Feierliche akademische Veranstaltung zum Gedenken an Herrn Prof. Dr. Ansgar Belke. Universität Duisburg-Essen (Campus Essen) (Germania). 25.-26.11.2021
- Calciolari S., Luini C. (2021) Effects of frailty bio-psycho-social dimensions on healthcare utilization among elderly in Europe: a cross-country longitudinal analysis. Presentation at iHEA Congress 2021 – Health Economics in a Time of Global Change. iHEA Congress 2021 – Health Economics in a Time of Global Change. Online. 12-15 July 2021
- Beretta E. (2021) From cash to cryptocurrencies and central bank digital currencies: a balancing act between modernity and monetary stability in an uncertain environment. Seminario - Banco de la República - Política Económica. Bogotà (Colombia) - online seminar. 20/10/2021
- Arioldi D. (2021) Spatially correlated preferences in international trade. Western Economic Association International (WEAI) 2021. Haway. 2021
- Meneguzzo M., Luini C., Boscolo S., Bernhart J., Rucinska S. (2021) The role of civic participation in response to the COVID-19 emergency: comparison of Slovak Republic and the Autonomous Province of Bolzano (Italy).. 2021 Virtual Workshop EGPA PSGVIII - Citizen Participation in times of crisis. Brussels. 18 March 2021
- Beretta E., Cencini A. (2020) Double-entry bookkeeping and the balance of payments: the need for a substantial, conceptual reform. Joint Banco de Portugal, Irving Fisher Committee on Central Bank Statistics and European Central Bank Conference: "Bridging measurement challenges and analytical needs of external statistics: evolution or revolution?". Banco de Portugal, Lisbona (Portogallo). 17-18/02/2020
- Arioldi D. (2020) Mega-events as a signal of liberalization. Western Economic Association International (WEAI) 2020. Denver. 2020
- Filippini M., Kumar N., Srinivasan S. (2020) Nudging the Adoption of Fuel-Efficient Vehicles: Evidence from a Stated-Choice Experiment in Nepal. Research Seminar in Collaboration with Tribhuvan University. Kathmandu, Nepal. 29.05.2020
- Filippini M. (2020) Nudging the Adoption of Fuel-Efficient Vehicles: Evidence from a Stated-Choice Experiment in Nepal. Research Seminar in Collaboration with Tribhuvan University. Kathmandu, Nepal. 29.05.2020
- Luini C., Gonzales G., Greco A., Calciolari S., Meneguzzo M. (2020) Response of Ticino’s hospital to the pandemic: the relevant case study of the hospital “La Carità”. (2020).. XXV AIES Conference. Milan (online). 1-2 October 2020
- Masiero G., Santarossa M. (2019) Does social expenditure mitigate the effect of environmental shocks on health?. 2019 World Congress on Health Economics. Basel. 13-17 July, 2019
- Masiero G., Santarossa M. (2019) Does social expenditure mitigate the effect of environmental shocks on health?. 18th Annual International Conference on Health Economics, Management & Policy. Athens. 24-27 June 2019
- Masiero G., Santarossa M. (2019) Earthquakes, Grants And Public Expenditure: How Municipalities Respond To Natural Disasters. 75th Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance. Glasgow. 21-23 August, 2019
- Masiero G., Santarossa M. (2019) Natural Disasters and Electoral Support. 75th Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance. Glasgow. 21-23 August, 2019
- Filippini M., Masiero G., Santarossa M. (2019) Total factor productivity and Baumol’s cost disease in the Swiss nursing home industry. 2019 World Congress on Health Economics. Basel. 13-17 July, 2019
- Filippini M., Masiero G., Santarossa M. (2019) Total factor productivity in the Swiss nursing home industry: the impact of the 2011 funding reform. 16th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (EWEPA XVI). London. 10-13 June, 2019
- Beretta E. (2019) Von Bargeld zu digitalem Zentralbankgeld und Kryptowährungen: das prekäre Gleichgewicht zwischen Modernität und Geldstabilität. Gastvortrag im Rahmen des Masterkurses „Geld- und Währungstheorie und -politik“. Universität Duisburg-Essen, Essen (Germania). 26/11/2019
- Masiero G., Santarossa M. (2018) Earthquakes and local government expenditure: evidence from Italy. XXX Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Public Economics SIEP 2018. Padova. 19-21 September, 2018
- Filippini M. (2018) Energy related financial literacy, bounded rationality and the energy efficiency gap. EIB. London, UK. May 31, 2018
- Masiero G., Santarossa M. (2018) Risk, preferences and electoral support. 59th Annual Conference of the Italian Economic Society (59ma RSA della SIE). Bologna. 25-27 October, 2018
- Filippini M. (2018) The Energy efficiency gap, bounded rationality and the role of energy related financial literacy. Seminar Series of Energy Technology Innovation Policy and The Consortium for Energy Policy Research, Harvard Kennedy School, Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government. Cambridge, USA. September 10, 2018
- Masiero G., Verbeek O. (2018) What drives the rise of antidepressant consumption? Evidence from Switzerland. 23rd Annual Conference of the Italian Health Economics Association (AIES). Napoli. 27-29 September, 2018
- Antonioli Mantegazzini B., Lepori B. (2017) Funding of European Higher Education Institutions: a cross-country and longitudinal perspective. Science, technology & Innovation Indicators. Paris. 6-8 September 2017
- Arioldi D. (2017) Impact of minimum wage in Ticino. Confronti. Bellinzona. 2017
- (2017) Impact of minimum wage in Ticino. Confronti. Bellinzona. 2017
- Rossi F., Maggi R. (2017) Leave or stay? Relocation of firms in Ticino: an ordered logit approach. Regional Studies Association Annual Conference. Dublin, Ireland. June 2017
- Scagnolari S., Pellegrini A. (2017) The relationship between length of stay and transportation mode in the tourism sector: a discrete-continuous analysis of Swiss data. 6th IATE Conference ( International Association for Tourism Economics). Rimini. 21 - 23 June
- Gallo F. (2017) The shaping of European identities: Modernity and the Reformation in the Risorgimento political thought. The Rethinking of Religious Belief in the Making of Modernity. American University of Bulgaria. May
- Borriello A. (2016) Detecting positive, negative, indifferent and ambivalent attitudes towards driving and commuting by car: an application with evaluative space grids. International conference on traffic and transport psychology. Brisbane. August 2-5, 2016
- Scagnolari S. (2016) Effective measures designed to reduce young drivers' risk: a model which integrates attitudes toward aberrant driving behaviours. 6th International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology (ICTTP). Brisbane, Australia. 02 - 05 August, 2016
- Rossi F., Dej M., Jarczewski W. (2016) Exploring determinants of firm relocation in Polish metropolitan areas. Regional Studies Association Annual Conference. Graz, Austria. Aprile 2016
- Rossi F., Dej M., Jarczewski W. (2016) Exploring determinants of firm relocation in Polish metropolitan areas.. ERSA. Vienna. Agosto 2016
- Scagnolari S., Maggi R. (2016) Is the pleasure of driving a constraint for leaving the car?. 16th Swiss Transport Research Conference. Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland. May 18-20, 2016
- Borriello A. (2016) Pleasure of driving components: a partial least square – path modeling approach. STRC. Monte Verità, Ascona. May 18 - 20, 2016
- Borriello A., Scagnolari S. (2016) The pleasure of driving as a constraint for leaving the car: evidence from a hybrid choice model. 14th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR). Shanghai, China. 10-15 July 2016
- Scagnolari S., Maggi R. (2015) Are commuters in Lugano ready to leave the car? Evaluating conventional and innovative solutions to facilitate the switch. 15th Swiss Transport Research Conference. Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland. April 15-17, 2015
- Rossi F., Mini V., Maggi R. (2015) Business travel decisions and high-speed train: an ordered logit approach. Regional Studies Association Annual Conference. Piacenza. Maggio 2015
- Filippini M., Boogen N., Datta S. (2015) Demand-Side Management by Electric Utilities in Switzerland: Analysing its Impact on Residential Electricity Demand. International Renewable Energy Agency. Abu Dhabi, UAE. June 3-5, 2015
- Filippini M. (2015) Econometric Modeling of Residential energy demand and Energy Efficiency. MIT - Tsinghua University. China. 1-3.7.2015
- Filippini M., Boogen N., Datta S. (2015) Estimating Efficiency Levels in Electricity Consumption by Swiss Households: A Stochastic Frontier Approach. Energy Conference in Mannheim (ZEW). Mannheim, Germany. May 7-8, 2015
- Filippini M., Boogen N., Datta S. (2015) Estimating efficiency levels in electricity consumption by Swiss households: A Stochastic Frontier Approach. 14th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis. Helsinki, Finland. June 15-18, 2015
- Sarman I. (2015) How attitudes and preferences influence tourists’ hazard-induced travel deterrence. ATLAS 2015 Conference “Risk in Travel and Tourism: geographies, behaviours and strategies”. Lisbon (Portugal). 20-23 Oct. 2015
- Filippini M. (2015) Impact of a malus/bonus system on vehicle retirement: the Swiss case. BAFU. Bern. September 2015
- Filippini M. (2015) Impact of Energy Policy Instruments on the level of Energy Efficiency. FSR - Florence School of Regulation - European University Institute. Florence. 22-23.10.2015
- Beretta E. (2015) Internationale Währungs(un)ordnung - nach wie vor: mögliche Reformperspektiven. 2. pluralistische Ergänzungsveranstaltung zur Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik. Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Münster (Germania). 07-09/09/2015
- Filippini M. (2015) Measurement of Energy Efficiency Based on Economic Foundations. FEEM. Venice. 23.10.2015
- Filippini M. (2015) Persistent and transient efficiency - An application to the Swiss power sector. EWEPA. Helsinki. 15-18.6.2015
- Filippini M. (2015) Persistent and transient productive inefficiency of the New Zealand electricity distribution companies. EWEPA. Helsinki. 15-18.6.2015
- Sarman I. (2015) Risk perception concerning different hazards: A stated choice model applied to travel decisions. 21st Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA) Conference. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). 14-17 May 2015
- Filippini M. (2015) Social Acceptance in Economics. Social Acceptance in Energy. St. Gallen. 6.11.2014
- Filippini M. (2015) The Effect of Registration Taxes on New Car Sales and Emissions: Evidence from Switzerland. EMEE 8th Annual Workshop. Maryland. 9-10.7.2015
- Beretta E. (2015) The irreplaceability of cash and recent limitations on its use: why Europe is off the track. The EMEA Cash Cycle Seminar (ICCOS). Milan Marriott Hotel, Milano (Italia). 24-27/02/2015
- Filippini M. (2015) The regional impact of a CO2 tax on gasoline demand: a spatial econometric approach. IIPF. Dublin. 20-23.08.2015
- Scagnolari S., Gogov A. (2014) An Image-Based SP Experiment to Measure Willingness to Pay of Residents and Tourists for Improving Quality of Urban Areas. Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference and Asia Tourism Forum. Hong Kong SAR, China. 18–20 May 2014
- Filippini M. (2014) Efficacité et compétitivité à court terme des entreprise hydrauliques suisse. 4ème Journée de l’énergie. Martigny. 8 October 2014
- Filippini M., Kind C., Alberini A. (2014) Energy Efficiency in the Home and the Role of Information: Do Professional Energy Consultants Mitigate the Energy Efficiency Gap?. 2014 Congress of the Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics (SSES). Bern, Switzerland. April 24-25, 2014
- Filippini M., Boogen N., Datta S. (2014) Estimating residential electricity demand in Switzerland using household survey data. Congress of the Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics (SSES). Bern, Switzerland. April 24-25, 2014
- Filippini M., Heimsch F. (2014) Gasoline Demand in Switzerland: Accounting for Fuel Tourism and Spatial Effects. SSES Annual Congress 2014. Bern, Switzerland. April 24-25, 2014
- Filippini M., Boogen N., Datta S. (2014) Going beyond Tradition: Estimating Residential Electricity Demand Using an Appliance Index and Energy Services. 7th EMEE Workshop 2014 on Empirical Methods in Energy Economics (EMEE 2014). Aachen, Germany. August 14–15, 2014
- Filippini M. (2014) Impact of energy policy instruments on the level of energy efficiency in the EU residential sector. The Energy Efficiency Gap: Reasons and Implications. Mannheim, Germany. 12.03.2014 - 13.03.2014
- Filippini M. (2014) Measurement of energy efficiency in the residential sector: An economic perspective. Montpellier Energy Conference 2014. Montpellier, France. November 20-21, 2014
- Filippini M. (2014) Measurement of the 'Underlying Energy Efficiency' in Chinese Provinces. Harvard China Project. Cambridge MA. 03.04.2014
- Filippini M. (2014) Social Acceptance in Economics. SCCER’s 1st annual conference. St. Gallen. Novembre 6th, 2014
- Sarman I. (2014) Swiss second-home owners’ intention to move to their dwelling: an integrated ordered logit model with latent variables.. New Perspectives on Second Home conference. Stockholm (Sweden). June 2014
- Filippini M. (2014) The economics of energy efficiency. Montpellier Energy Conference 2014. Montpellier, France. 20-21 Novembre 2014
- Filippini M. (2014) The Impact of Energy Policy Instruments on the Level of Energy Efficiency. ETIP/Consortium energy policy seminar series. Harvard Kennedy School, Cambridge, MA, USA. 21.04.2014
- Beretta E. (2014) The irreplaceability of cash and recent limitations on its use: why Europe is off the track. International cash conference on “The usage, costs and benefits of cash revisited” organized by the Deutsche Bundesbank. Swissôtel Dresden Am Schloss, Dresda (Germania). 15-18/09/2014
- Di Giorgio L., Filippini M., Masiero G. (2014) The relationship between costs and quality in nonprofit nursing homes: is higher quality more costly?. 70th Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance. Lugano, CH. 20-23 August, 2014
- Scagnolari S., Gogov A. (2014) The role of urban landscape perception for ancillary spend of visitors to cultural institutions. 10th World Congress of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI), Bangkok. Ayutthaya, Thailand. May 26-30, 2014
- Filippini M. (2014) Underlying Energy Efficiency in the US Residential Sector and Potential CO2 Savings. Seminar Series 2013-2014. Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155. 28.04.2014
- Filippini M. (2014) Underlying Energy efficiency” in the US Residential Sector and Potential CO2 Savings. The Joint Program presentation series. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. 02.05.2014
- Filippini M., Alberini A. (2014) Underlying Energy Efficiency in the US Residential Sector and Potential CO2 Savings. 14th IAEE European Energy Conference. Rome. 28-31 October, 2014
- Sarman I., Scagnolari S., Maggi R. (2013) Acceptance of life-threatening hazards among young tourists: a stated choice experiment. 3rd International Choice Model Conference. Sydney (Australia). 3 July 2013 – 5 July 2013
- Baranzini M. (2013) Austerity certainly pays, but only in the very long-run and within a decentralized and self-controlled federal political system. Towards a Political Economy of Austerity, Inequality, Asymmetry. University of Cambridge. 19 giugno
- Filippini M., Di Giorgio L., Masiero G. (2013) Do quality differences explain cost variability? Evidence from Swiss nursing homes.. XXV conference of the italian Association of Public Economics. Pavia. 26-27.09.2013
- Filippini M. (2013) Efficiency measurements. PhD Workshop in Industrial and Public Economics (WIPE). Universitat Rovira I Virgili. 21.02.2013
- Filippini M., Hunt L. (2013) Energy Demand and Energy Efficiency: A Stochastic Demand Frontier Approach. 13th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis. Helsinki. 19.06.2013
- Filippini M. (2013) Energy Efficiency Incentives. 6th International Workshop on Empirical Methods in Energy Economics. Ottawa, Canada. 12.07.2013
- Filippini M., Hunt L., Zoric J. (2013) Impact of energy policy instruments on the estimated level of underlying energy efficiency in the EU residential sector. 13th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis. Helsinki. 19.06.2013
- Filippini M., Zoric J. (2013) Impact of energy policy instruments on the estimated level of underlying energy efficiency in the EU residential sector. SSES Annula Congress 2013. Neuchâtel. 21.06.2013
- Filippini M., Hunt L., Zoric J. (2013) Impact of Energy Policy Instruments on the Level of Energy Efficiency in the EU Residential Sector. Workshop: 2013 Economic Challenges for Energy. Madrid. 10.01.2013
- Filippini M., Di Giorgio L., Masiero G. (2013) Implications of global budget payment system on nursing home costs. SSES Annual Congress 2013. Neuchâtel. 20.06.2013
- Lepori B. (2013) Making Hybridity Sustainable. Discourse, practices and politics. EGOS Conference. Montréal. July 2013
- Scagnolari S., Gogov A., Maggi R. (2013) Relationality in Urban Processes: How Cultural Projects Makes Connections With The Human and Physical Reality. 13th Swiss Transport Research Conference. Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland. 24-26, April 2013
- Filippini M., Heimsch F., Blazquez L. (2013) The Economic Crisis and Residential Electricity Consumption in Spanish Provinces - A Spatial Econometric Analysis. SSES Annual Congress 2013. Neuchâtel. 21.06.2013
- Filippini M. (2013) The Impact of Ownership Unbundling on Cost Efficiency in New Zealand Electricity Distribution Sector. 13th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis. Helsinki. 18.06.2013
- Di Giorgio L., Filippini M., Masiero G. (2013) The Impact of the Institutional form on the Cost Efficiency of Nursing Homes. European Public Choice Society. ETH Zurich, Switzerland. 3 - 6 April 2013
- Filippini M., Di Giorgio L., Masiero G. (2013) The relationship between costs and quality in nonprofit nursing homes. 54a riunione scientifica annuale della società italiana degli economisti. Bologna. 24-26.10.2013
- Di Giorgio L., Filippini M., Masiero G. (2013) The relationship between costs and quality in nonprofit nursing homes. iHEA 9th World Congress on Health Economics. Sydney, Australia. 8 July 2013
- Filippini M. (2013) Underlying Energy Efficiency' in the US. EPPA seminar. Cambridge, Massachusetts. 03.09.2013
- Filippini M., Koller M., Farsi M., Agrell P. J. (2013) Unobserved heterogeneous effects in the cost efficiency analysis of electricity distribution systems. SSES Annual Congress 2013. Neuchâtel. 20.06.2013
- Filippini M. (2013) Unobserved heterogeneous effects in the cost efficiency analysis of electricity distribution systems. Workshop "Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Effizienzmessung in der Energiewirtschaft". Vienna. 8.11.2013
- Filippini M. (2013) USA Total Energy Demand and Energy Efficiency: A Stochastic Demand Frontier Approach. Permanent Seminar on Efficiency and Productivity. University of Oviedo. 9.01.2013
- Filippini M. (2013) USA Total Energy Demand and Energy Efficiency: A Stochastic Demand Frontier Approach. European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis. Helsinki. 18.06.2013
- Sarman I. (2012) Leisure travels choice characterized by personal safety hazard: a stated preference framework.. 62nd AIEST conference. Khon Kaen (Thailand). 26 - 30 August 2012
- Beretta E. (2012) The economics of systemic disorder: roots and remedies for unsustainable monetary imbalances. International conference on "Intra-European imbalances, global imbalances, international banking, and international financial stability". Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), Berlino (Germania). 17-18/09/2012
- Scagnolari S., Maggi R. (2012) Young drivers’ night-time mobility preferences and attitude toward alcohol consumption: a Hybrid Choice Model. 13th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research (ICTBR). Toronto, Canada. July 15-19, 2012
- Di Giorgio L., Filippini M., Masiero G. (2011) Cost efficiency in public and private non profit nursing home. 12th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis. Verona (Italy). 22-24 June
- (2011) Der Begriff "Land"/"Nation" in der internationalen monetären Makroökonomik - Jetzige Auswirkungen und zukünftige Perspektiven. Doktorandenkolloquium "Nationale und europäische Identität im Spannungsfeld weltgesellschaftlicher Orientierung". Deutsch-Italienisches Zentrum für europäische Exzellenz Villa Vigoni, Como (Italy), 12-17 September 2010. Europäisches Interdisziplinäres Doktorandenkolloquium. Deutsch-Italienisches Zentrum für europäische Exzellenz, Villa Vigoni (Loveno di Menaggio (CO)). 12.-17.09.2010
- Beretta E. (2011) Der Begriff ‚Land‘/‚Nation‘ in der internationalen monetären Makroökonomik - Jetzige Auswirkungen und zukünftige Perspektiven. Doktorandenkolloquium „Nationale und europäische Identität im Spannungsfeld weltgesellschaftlicher Orientierung“. Deutsch-Italienisches Zentrum für europäische Exzellenz Villa Vigoni, Loveno di Menaggio (Italien). 12-17/9/2010
- Fumasoli T. (2011) Le rôle des établissements universitaires dans le system d'éducation supérieure suisse 1990-2010. Les universités au risque de l'histoire. Principes, configurations et modèles. Colloque international, Nancy. 10-11 octobre 2011
- Liu M., Wezel F. C. (2011) Robin Hood Against the Big Four: Identity processes and Market Partitioning. Academy of Management Meeting, August, 2011, San Antonio
- Beretta E. (2011) Some monetary lessons from German economists of the past: lights and shadows in the collective memory. 14th Summer school on History of economic thought, economic philosophy and economic history - "Economic crises and crisis in economics: history, theory and policy". Institute of Social Sciences - Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbona (Portogallo). 01-08/09/2011
- Filippini M. (2011) US Residential Energy Demand and Energy Efficiency: A Stochastic Demand Frontier. XII European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis. Verona (Italy). giugno
- Filippini M. (2011) US Residential Energy Demand and Energy Efficiency: A Stochastic Demand Frontier. 18th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. Rome. june
- (2011) Von 'Staaten' und 'Nationen' im Kapitalismus des 21. Jahrhunderts: ihre makroökonomische Neudefinition. Interdisziplinäres Doktorandenkolloquium "Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft - heute. Zur Genese und aktuellen Konstellation des Verhältnisses von Staat und Kapitalismus". Deutsch-Italienisches Zentrum für europäische Exzellenz Villa Vigoni, Como (Italy), 13-17 November 2011. Interdisziplinäres Doktorandenkolloquium "Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft - heute. Zur Genese und aktuellen Konstellation des Verhältnisses von Staat und Kapitalismus". Deutsch-Italienisches Zentrum für europäische Exzellenz, Villa Vigoni (Loveno di Menaggio (CO)). 13.-17.11.2011
- Beretta E. (2011) Von ‘Staaten’ und ‘Nationen’ im Kapitalismus des 21. Jahrhunderts: ihre makroökonomische Neudefinition. Interdisziplinäres Doktorandenkolloquium „Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft - heute. Zur Genese und aktuellen Konstellation des Verhältnisses von Staat und Kapitalismus“. Deutsch-Italienisches Zentrum für europäische Exzellenz Villa Vigoni, Loveno di Menaggio (Italien). 13-17/11/2011
- (2010) Die quantische Wirtschaftslehre und ihr Beitrag zu den Unternehmenstheorien: mikro- und makroökonomische Einblicke. Hochschule Liechtenstein, PhD Seminar 'Theory of the Firm', Erwachsenenbildung Stein Egerta Anstalt, Schaan (Liechtenstein), 27 January 2010. Doktorandenseminar "Theory of the firm". Konferenzzentrum Stein Egerta Anstalt (Liechtenstein). 27.01.2010
- Beretta E. (2010) Die quantische Wirtschaftslehre und ihr Beitrag zu den Unternehmenstheorien: mikro- und makroökonomische Einblicke. PhD Seminar „Theory of the Firm“. Erwachsenenbildung Stein Egerta Anstalt und Hochschule Liechtenstein (Liechtenstein). 27/1/2010
- Lepori B., Fumasoli T., De Filippo D. (2010) Mapping and explaining diversity and differentiation processes in Swiss higher education. 23rd CHER conference, Effects of higher education reforms, Oslo 10-12 June 2010
- Ginsberg A. (2010) The Dynamics of Organizational Capabilities and the Persistence of Superior Competitive Performance. Academy of Management Meeting 2010, August, Montreal
- Padurean L., Frapolli E. (2010) The small ski resorts of tomorrow: The case of Ticino. World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the Principality of Andorra 6th World Congress on Snow and Mountain Tourism, Ordino April 14 2010
- Banfi Frost S., Filippini M. (2009) Resource Rent Taxation and Benchmarking - A New Perspective for the Swiss Hydropower Sector. 10th IAEE European Conference. Vienna. settembre
- Poglia E. (2008) Communication interculturelle: une approche pédagogique ou comment transmettre les Compétences interculturelles (CPI) à l'UNI. CPI 2008, Université de Neuchâtel
- Cozzi T. (2008) L'Unione Europea fra storia e sfide future. Jean Monnet Cdl Scienze della Formazione Taranto
- Lepori B., Fumasoli T. (2008) Swiss University Configuration: future changes and scenarios. Paper presented at the CHER Conference. Pavia. 11-13 September 2008
- Filippini M., Balmer M., Spreng D. (2007) experience curve analysis for the swiss hydropower schemes - How important is the scarcity of favourable sites?. 9th IAEE European Energy Conference. Firenze, Italy. 10-13.06.2007
- Cozzi T. (2007) Il Benessere Organizzativo nella P.A.. Università Tor Vergata-MIMAP
- Cozzi T. (2007) International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics. Matera, Italy june 2007
- Cozzi T. (2007) L'interpretazione del senso comune:aspetti economici. IRSEM
- Padurean L., Maggi R. (2007) "Marketing higher education based on location attractiveness". 5th APac-CHRIE & 13th APTA conference, "Coming off the Asian waves"
- Cozzi T. (2007) P.A. e Non Profit: la cultura della Responsabilità Sociale, lo sviluppo locale, le zone franche di sviluppo. IRSEM 2007
- Padurean L. (2007) "The experience factor". "Lugano Hotel Executive Seminar 2007"
- Cozzi T. (2006) Forum Europeo delle Direzioni del Personale della P.A.. Formez-Cagliari
- Cozzi T. (2006) Il Benessere Organizzativo nella P.A.. Università di Catania-Formez dicembre 2006
- Cozzi T. (2006) Incubatori Sociali d'Impresa. Conferenze Inverso-Roma
- Cozzi T. (2006) La politica di vicinato dell'U.E.: problemi e prospettive. Jean Monnet Cdl Scienze della Formazione Taranto
- Pagani G. (2003) A Re-evaluation of Corporate Culture versus National Culture in the Formation of International Strategic Alliances: A Theoretical Discussion. 19th IMP Conference. Lugano
- Gravelle H., Masiero G. (2000) Regulation in the market for primary care when quality is a private good. 1st International Conference of French Health Economists: L’Etat de la Réforme. Paris. 3-4 February 2000
Book review (15)
- Beretta E. (2020) A Crisis of Beliefs: Investor Psychology and Financial Fragility, by Gennaioli, Nicola and Shleifer, Andrei (Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2018), pp. iii+264. Economic Record. 96(314)
- Beretta E. (2020) Austerity: When It Works and When It Doesn’t Alberto Alesina, Carlo Favero, and Francesco Giavazzi Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2019, 296 pp. The Cato Journal. 40(1)
- Beretta E. (2019) Eliminating the IMF. An Analysis of the debate to keep, reform or abolish the Fund, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 178 p., 109,99 $. Aussenwirtschaft – Swiss Review of International Economic Relations. 70(I)
- Beretta E. (2019) Jerome Roos: Why not default? The political economy of sovereign debt, Princeton University Press, 2019, 416 p., 39.95 $. Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung – Quarterly Journal of Economic Research. 88(4)
- Beretta E. (2018) Steffen Henke: Fließendes Geld für eine gerechtere Welt: Warum wir ein alternatives Geldsystem brauchen, wie es funktioniert und welche Auswirkungen es hat. Tectum, 2017, 464 Seiten, 39,95 Euro; ISBN 978-3-8288-4023-2. Ökologisches Wirtschaften. Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung. 33(2)
- Beretta E. (2017) Geld als Medium oder Ziel?, Rezension von: Irene Schöne, Fair Economics. Nature, Money and People Beyond Neoclassical Thinking, Green Books, Cambridge 2015, 480 Seiten, broschiert, £ 29,99; ISBN 978-0-857-84309-8. Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Arbeiterkammer Wien. 43(1)
- Beretta E. (2017) Ilka Denk. Verantwortungsbewusste Unternehmensorganisation in Zeiten des globalen Finanzkapitalismus. Marburg: Metropolis-Verlag, 2016. 313 Seiten. Zeitschrift für Sozialökonomie. Verlag für Sozialökonomie - Rettberg-Gauke Verlags- und Medienservice. 54(192/193)
- Beretta E. (2017) Stephanie Hagemann-Wilholt, Das «gute» Unternehmen. Zur Geschichte der Unternehmenskommunikation, transcript Verlag, Bielefeld 2016, 528 S., € 54,99. Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte - Journal of Business History. Walter de Gruyter GmbH. 62(1)
- Beretta E. (2017) Wirtschaft ohne Ethik? Eine ökonomischphilosophische Analyse - Besprechung zum gleichnamigen Buch von Susanne Hahn und Hartmut Kliemt. Journal for Markets and Ethics - Zeitschrift für Marktwirtschaft und Ethik. 5(1). Walter de Gruyter GmbH
- Beretta E. (2016) Alvaro Cencini and Sergio Rossi, Economic and Financial Crises: A New Macroeconomic Analysis (Palgrave Macmillan, New York, NY, USA 2015) 296 pp. Review of Keynesian Economics. Edward Elgar Publishing. 4/2016
- Beretta E. (2016) Rebecca Piekkari, Denise Welch und Lawrence Welch: Language in International Business. The Multilingual Reality of Global Business Expansion. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar (2014), 272 S., 27,50 £.. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie. Walter de Gruyter GmbH. 60(1-2)
- Filippini M., Boogen N., Datta S. (2015) An Evaluation of the Impact of Energy Efficiency Policies on Residential Electricity Demand in Switzerland - Schlussbericht. Forschungsprogramm Energie - Wirtschaft - Gesellschaft (EWG)
- Beretta E. (2015) Die Euro-Bombe wird entschärft. Anmerkungen zum gleichnamigen Buch von Wilhelm Hankel. ORDO - Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Lucius & Lucius Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Stuttgart. 66/2015
- Beretta E. (2015) Simon Gonser: Der Kapitalismus entdeckt das Volk. Wie die deutschen Großbanken in den 1950er und 1960er Jahren zu ihrer privaten Kundschaft kamen (= Schriftenreihe der Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte, Bd. 108), München: De Gruyter Oldenbourg Verlag 2014, 239 S., €24,95. Archiv und Wirtschaft - Zeitschrift für das Archivwesen der Wirtschaft. Vereinigung deutscher Wirtschaftsarchivare e.V.. 3/2015
- Beretta E. (2014) Charles W. Calomiris / Stephen H. Haber: Fragile by Design. The Political Origins of Banking Crises and Scarce Credit. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ 2014, 570 S., $ 35,-.. Bankhistorisches Archiv. Franz Steiner Verlag. 40(1-2)
Technical report (37)
- (forthcoming) Rapporto sulle finanze pubbliche in Ticino, 2018
- (forthcoming) Rapporto sulle finanze pubbliche in Ticino, 2018
- Arioldi D., Maggi R. (forthcoming) Report on the state of public finance in Ticino, 2021
- Filipovic D., Schneider P. (2021) Adaptive joint distribution learning (2021/04)
- Luini C. (2021) Report on Stakeholder Dialogue: Strategic and Organizational response of the Ticino acute hospital system to the COVID-19 emergency
- Maggi R. (2020) Report on the state of public finance in Ticino, 2020
- Arioldi D., Maggi R. (2020) Report on the state of public finance in Ticino, 2020
- Curtale R., Maggi R. (2020) Sondaggio sulla riapertura dei locali pubblici in Ticino dopo il COVID19
- Calciolari S., Gonzales G., Luini C., Meneguzzo M. (2020) Strategic and organizational response of Ticino’s public and non-profit multi-hospital system facing the COVID-19 emergency. Rapid Response Review for the COVID-19 emergency in Switzerland. (Policy Brief for the SLHS)
- Burger P., Cerruti D., Filippini M. (2019) Politische Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Energieeffizienzlücke
- Arioldi D., Maggi R. (2019) Report on the state of public finance in Ticino, 2019
- Filippini M., Blasch J., Boogen N., Kumar N. (2018) Energy efficiency, bounded rationality and energy-related financial literacy in the Swiss household sector
- Boogen N., Cattaneo C., Filippini M. (2018) PENNY – Psychological, Social and Financial Barriers to Energy Efficiency, Deliverable No 3.1 Report on the impact of energy literacy on the level of energy efficiency
- Boogen N., Cattaneo C., Filippini M., Obrist A. (2018) PENNY–Psychological, Social and Financial Barriers to Energy Efficiency, Deliverable No 3.1 Report on the impact of energy literacy on the level of energy efficiency
- Arioldi D., Maggi R. (2018) Report on the state of public finance in Ticino, 2018
- Boogen N., Filippini M., Gschwend E., Trageser J., Vettori A. (2017) Effizienz und Performance der kantonalen Gesundheitssysteme. Schlussbericht
- De Rossa F., PISCINA N. ., LARTIGAU F. (2017) La ratification des traités internationaux, une perspective de droit comparé : Suisse. Research Paper commissionato dal Servizio ricerca del Parlamento europeo
- De Rossa F. (2017) Recours des particuliers devant les cours constitutionnelles, une perspective de droit comparé : Suisse. Research Paper commissionato dal Servizio ricerca del Parlamento europeo
- De Rossa F. (2016) Le rôle des Cours Constitutionnelles dans la Governance à plusieurs niveaux. Suisse: le Tribunal fédéral, Research Paper commissionato dal Servizio ricerca del Parlamento europeo
- Filippini M., Betz R., Claudius J. ., Frauendorfer K., Geissmann T., Hettich P., Weigt H. (2016) Wasserkraft: Wiederherstellung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit (SCCER CREST)
- Yang M. J., Kueng L., Hong B. (2015) Business strategy and the management of firms
- Filippini M., Alberini A., Bareit M., Gutbrodt S. (2015) Economic Analysis of Policy Measures to Reduce CO2 Emissions of Passenger Cars in Switzerland: Descriptive Statistics (Bundesamt für Energie (BFE))
- Filippini M., Blasch J., Boogen N., Kumar N. (2015) Underlying energy efficiency and technological change in the Swiss household sector
- Filippini M., Geissmann T. (2014) Kostenstruktur und Kosteneffizienz der Schweizer Wasserkraft: Schlussbericht
- Arioldi D., Mini V., Maggi R. (2014) Report on the economic competitiveness in Ticino, 2013
- Kueng L., Yang M. J., Hong B. (2014) Sources of firm life-cycle dynamics: Differentiating size vs. age effects
- Kueng L. (2014) Tax News Shocks and Consumption
- Arioldi D., Maggi R., Mini V. (2013) EXPO 2015: opportunità e scenari futuri per il Ticino e la Svizzera
- De Rossa F. (2013) Prise de position de la Commission internationale des Juristes - Section Suisse relative au Projet de révision des dispositions pénales incriminant la corruption
- Arioldi D., Mini V. (2013) Report on the economic competitiveness in Ticino, 2012
- Mini V. (2013) Report on the economic competitiveness in Ticino, 2012
- Mini V. (2013) Report on the economic competitiveness in Ticino, 2012
- Doglio D. ., Meneguzzo M., Richeri G., Barreca M., Giordano F., Fiorani G. . (2012) Monitoraggio Puglia Sounds
- Cristofoli D. ., Crugnola P., Barreca M. (2011) Motivare all'amministrazione della res pubblica - Primo rapporto sulla motivazione di politici e funzionari comunali in Canton Ticino
- Filippini M., Banfi Frost S., Heimsch F. (2010) Tanktourismus (Bundesamt für Energie (BFE))
- Filippini M., Banfi Frost S., Horehájová A., Pioro D. (2007) Disponibilità a pagare per il miglioramento della qualità ambientale nel luogo di residenza
- Vrtic M., Schüssler N., Erath Rusterholtz A. L., Erath A., Bürgle M., Axhausen K. W., Frejinger E., Stojanovic J., Bierlaire M., Rudel R., Scagnolari S., Maggi R. (2007) Einbezug von Reisekosten bei der Modellierung des Mobilitätsverhaltens (DATEC / USTRA Forschungsauftrag Nr. 2005/004 auf Antrag der Vereinigung Schweizerischer Verkehrsingenieure)
Conference poster (4)
- Cauzzi C., Corti M., Schiaroli M., Guadagnoli A. (2024) Marcare la poesia del Novecento: uno studio per Ossi di seppia nell'ambito di AIUCD 2024 - Università degli studi di Catania
- Filippini M. (2018) Energy related investment literacy, bounded rationality and the energy efficiency gap. University of Vaasa
- Blasch J., Filippini M., Kumar N. (2017) Investment literacy and Choice of Electric Appliances: The Impact of Educational Programs and Online Support Tools. European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE). 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE)
- Canepa A. (2014) Eventi pubblici 2014/2015 semestre autunnale
Other publication (496)
- Luini C., Sculco C. (forthcoming) Facing the future: Evolving social-political-administrative relations and the future of administrative systems
- Beretta E. (2024) L’ordine monetario mondiale resiste agli ottant’anni di Bretton Woods
- Motz A. (2024) "Renewable Energy Communities in Italy: Why Still so Few? Insights from the Journey of a Grassroots Initiative
- Scagnolari S., Operti G. (2023) Il Ticino Turistico: la crisi legata al COVID-19 e la ripresa
- Beretta E. (2023) L'inflazione è la prevedibile eredità della pandemia
- Beretta E. (2022) COVID-19 e un'inflazione poco sorprendente
- Sarman I., Scagnolari S. (2022) Il Ticino Turistico: Rapporto Destinazione 2021
- Gahrens S., Petrovich B., Motz A., Wüstenhagen R. (2022) Is Perceived Climate Friendliness Driving EV Adoption? Exploring Consumer Knowledge at Different Stages of the Vehicle Purchasing Process
- Ferrario M. (2022) Rendez-vous avec l’histoire: la Svizzera eletta come membro non permanente del Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite
- Motz A., Petrovich B., Gahrens S., Wüstenhagen R. (2022) "Solar sharing economy" or "my home is my power plant"? Profiling collective and individual solar prosumers in Southern Switzerland
- Beretta E. (2021) Doch kein Aus für das Bargeld
- Beretta E. (2021) Il richiamo per tutti? L'economia ringrazia
- Sarman I., Scagnolari S. (2021) Il Ticino Turistico: Rapporto Destinazione 2020
- Beretta E. (2021) La sfida di gestire le vaccinazioni
- Beretta E. (2021) L’argent liquide a encore de beaux jours devant lui
- Beretta E. (2021) Lezioni economiche dalle pandemie della storia
- Beretta E. (2021) Rendimento e ritorno alla ribalta delle criptovalute
- Beretta E. (2021) Telelavoro e riduzione di salario: perché?
- Sarman I., Scagnolari S. (2021) Turismo alberghiero in Ticino: Domanda turistica: Anno 2020
- Motz A. (2021) What is the Value of Security of Supply for Households and Business Consumers? An Assessment Accounting for Trade-offs and Psychological Drivers
- Beretta E. (2020) Affari "in quarantena"
- Beretta E. (2020) Al telelavoro "forzato": da stigma a rivoluzione?
- Maggi R., Vroegop E., Scagnolari S. (2020) Approfondimento segmenti turistici: le tendenze pre e post COVID-19
- Beretta E. (2020) C'era una volta un "debito buono" ed uno "cattivo"...
- Mazzonna F. (2020) Cultural differences in COVID-19 spread and policy compliance: evidence from Switzerland
- Beretta E. (2020) Dopo la pandemia, l'inflazione?
- Beretta E. (2020) Grecia a 10 anni dalla crisi: il punto della situazione
- Beretta E. (2020) Il contante non è tutto: c'è anche l'oro.
- Beretta E. (2020) La nuova (a)normalità
- Beretta E. (2020) L’“essenzialità” e la pandemia: un concetto preoccupante
- Beretta E. (2020) Libra e 2020: l'anno della moneta digitale di Facebook?
- Beretta E. (2020) Nuove banconote - in Svizzera ed Eurozona
- Stricker L. (2020) Policy evaluation: labour market liberalization, unemployment and second home construction: Evidence from Switzerland
- Beretta E. (2020) Premi della cassa malati, scongiurare ulteriori rialzi
- Beretta E. (2020) Stime economiche: il regno dell'incertezza?
- Beretta E. (2020) Tassi d'interesse negativi: fino a quando?
- Sarman I., Scagnolari S. (2020) Turismo alberghiero in Ticino - Domanda turistica: Anno 2019
- Sarman I., Scagnolari S. (2020) Turismo alberghiero in Ticino - Offerta turistica: Anno 2019
- Beretta E. (2020) Vaccino e libertà di scelta: quali effetti.
- Arioldi D. (2019) Brexit and trade competition. Did trade competition affect the leaving vote?
- (2019) Brexit and trade competition Did trade competition affect the leaving vote?
- Pellegrini A., Scagnolari S., Curtale R., Sarman I. (2019) Cicloturismo in Ticino: caratteristiche e opportunità di un settore in ascesa
- Beretta E. (2019) Crisi da eccessi di credito: un evergreen
- Beretta E. (2019) Crisi economiche: normalità nell'eccezionalità
- Motz A. (2019) Die Schweiz ist keine Energieinsel
- Beretta E. (2019) Diritto di voto... per meriti economici
- Beretta E. (2019) Domenica, tabù economico?
- Beretta E. (2019) Ecologisti per forza
- Beretta E. (2019) Economia del debito: un trend pericoloso
- Beretta E. (2019) Il peso dei contributi
- Scagnolari S., Curtale R. (2019) Il Ticino Turistico: Rapporto Destinazione 2019
- Curtale R., Scagnolari S. (2019) Il Turismo MICE in Ticino
- Beretta E. (2019) Il valore del bel tempo
- Beretta E. (2019) Istituzioni economiche internazionali: business as usual?
- Beretta E. (2019) La governance dell'Area Euro necessita di una profonda revisione
- (2019) La necessità di un piano Marshall europeo di fronte alla crisi umanitaria nel Mediterraneo
- Beretta E. (2019) La tassazione patrimoniale
- Beretta E. (2019) L’anno che verrà
- Beretta E. (2019) L’economia da affitto breve ai tempi di Airbnb: fra opportunità e rischio
- (2019) L’incendio di Notre Dame e la protezione internazionale del patrimonio culturale
- Beretta E. (2019) L’inflazione in salsa italiana
- Beretta E. (2019) Mobiles Arbeiten erfordert einen Paradigmenwechsel
- Beretta E. (2019) Patrimonio, questo nemico
- Beretta E. (2019) “Redditi di cittadinanza” o “rendite di residenza”?
- Sarman I., Scagnolari S. (2019) Turismo alberghiero in Ticino - Domanda turistica: Anno 2018
- Sarman I., Scagnolari S. (2019) Turismo alberghiero in Ticino - Offerta turistica: Anno 2018
- Beretta E. (2019) Un binomio in evoluzione
- Sarman I., Scagnolari S. (2018) Accoglienza, modalità di prenotazione e mobilità dei turisti che soggiornano in case e appartamenti di vacanza ticinesi
- Beretta E. (2018) Banche versus assicurazioni: pari rischi?
- Beretta E. (2018) Bce: certezze e incognite
- Beretta E. (2018) Canone di locazione massimo: quali (s)vantaggi?
- Beretta E. (2018) Come spendere meno e meglio
- Beretta E. (2018) Concorrenza fiscale: quando è utile e legittima
- Beretta E. (2018) Criptovalute, fra "prezzo" e "valore"
- Beretta E. (2018) Debito pubblico, ruolo dello Stato
- Beretta E. (2018) Die gesellschaftliche Bedeutung von Luxus - heute wie morgen
- Beretta E. (2018) Economia: quali i "diritti dovuti"?
- Beretta E. (2018) Grammatica dell'economia: i "falsi amici"
- Beretta E. (2018) I giorni dello spread ‒ stavolta, nel 2018
- Beretta E. (2018) Il benessere è frutto della tecnologia ma anche della società dei diritti
- Beretta E. (2018) Il franco svizzero - Nato Calimero
- Beretta E. (2018) Il "nomadismo" lavorativo
- Curtale R., Scagnolari S. (2018) Il Ticino Turistico – Rapporto destinazione 2018
- Curtale R., Scagnolari S., Sarman I., Pellegrini A. (2018) Il turismo della terza età
- Beretta E. (2018) Immortali monopoli
- Beretta E. (2018) La Bns a Lugano
- Beretta E. (2018) La fake economy e le sue bolle
- Beretta E. (2018) L'amletico dubbio: imposte dirette o indirette?
- Beretta E. (2018) Le criptovalute, argomenti a favore
- Beretta E. (2018) Lezioni da Marchionne
- Beretta E. (2018) L'"intraprenditore chiave di rinnovamento economico
- Seele P., Steiner M., Stürmer M. (2018) Nachhaltige öffentliche Beschaffung: Chinas Seidenstrasse und die Schweiz
- Beretta E. (2018) Paese che vai, pedaggio che trovi
- Beretta E. (2018) Paese che vai, prodotto che trovi
- Beretta E. (2018) Quantitative easing: che rimane dell'inflazione?
- Rossi F. (2018) Rapporto sulla competitività economica ticinese 2017
- Beretta E. (2018) Tasse di soggiorno
- Beretta E. (2018) Taxi: nella "morsa" fra Stato e Uber
- Beretta E. (2018) Tra volontà e capacità
- Sarman I., Scagnolari S. (2018) Turismo alberghiero in Ticino - Offerta turistica: Anno 2017
- Beretta E. (2018) Vittimismo euroscettico 2.0
- Beretta E. (2017) A volte ritornano
- Beretta E. (2017) Aziende e l'"arte" del crisis management
- Beretta E. (2017) Bargeldobergrenzen und Bankengeschäft
- Filippini M. (2017) Behavioral Response - Energy Investments and Purchasing Decision
- Beretta E. (2017) "Beneficio" e "guadagno", una sottile differenza
- Beretta E. (2017) Capitalismo industriale, finanziario ed Internetcrazia
- Beretta E. (2017) Debiti degli uni, crediti degli altri
- Beretta E. (2017) Der Beitrag des Schweizer Tennis zum BIP
- Filippini M. (2017) Do Consumers Go for the Most (Cost-)Efficient Appliances
- Beretta E. (2017) "Due velocità" non sono una soluzione
- Beretta E. (2017) Economia dei "semafori"
- Beretta E. (2017) Economia dell'ambiente: custodi, non proprietari
- Filippini M. (2017) Energy Demand, Energy Efficiency and Financial Literacy
- Beretta E. (2017) Eurozona e Paesi membri: àncora di salvezza o zavorra?
- Beretta E. (2017) Gestire le crisi, la sfida degli Stati
- Beretta E. (2017) Globalizzazione e "posto fisso": quale futuro?
- Beretta E. (2017) Il "prevedibile imprevisto"
- Curtale R., Scagnolari S. (2017) Il Ticino Turistico – Rapporto destinazione 2017
- Curtale R., Scagnolari S. (2017) Il turismo MICE: una panoramica del fenomeno a livello ticinese
- Beretta E. (2017) In- o deflazione: cosa più temibile?
- Sarman I., Scagnolari S., Durando M. (2017) Inchiesta su case ed appartamenti di vacanza in Ticino: comportamenti degli ospiti e caratteristiche dei proprietari
- de Miguel C., Filippini M., Labandeira X., Löschel A. (2017) Informing the Transitions towards Low-carbon Societies
- Beretta E. (2017) Internet: economia e società del déjà-vu
- (2017) Internet: economia e società del déjà-vu
- Beretta E. (2017) La chimera dell'irreversibilità dell'Euro
- Beretta E. (2017) La "fatica" del risparmio
- Beretta E. (2017) La trappola del debito privato
- Beretta E. (2017) Lavorare meno ore a parità di efficienza
- Beretta E. (2017) L'inflazione 2.0
- Beretta E. (2017) “Moneta intera”: sinonimo di “piena sicurezza”?
- Filippini M. (2017) Past Experience and Difficulties of the Gathering of Residential Energy Consumption Data
- Filippini M. (2017) Past Experience and Difficulties of the Gathering of Residential Energy Consumption Data
- Beretta E. (2017) Potere contrattuale ed inflazione, privilegio di pochi
- Beretta E. (2017) "Potere" d'acquisto, il solito (ig)noto
- Rossi F. (2017) Rapporto sulla competitività economica ticinese 2016
- Beretta E. (2017) Ritorna lo spread?
- Beretta E. (2017) Spesa alimentare, quo vadis?
- Beretta E. (2017) Stati: macrospese, ma microrisparmi
- Beretta E. (2017) Tecnologia e lavoro
- Beretta E. (2017) Tracciare per vendere
- Sarman I., Pellegrini A., Scagnolari S. (2017) Turismo alberghiero in Ticino: Rapporto Trend – Anno turistico 2016
- (2017) Un'analisi storica delle relazioni tra popolazione, produttività e salari: i casi dell'Italia, della Svizzera e della Gran Bretagna
- Filippini M., Boogen N., Kumar N. (2017) Underlying energy efficiency and technological change in the Swiss household sector
- Beretta E. (2017) Valore economico e "tempi" della vita
- Beretta E. (2017) Warum wir eine Reform der globalen Währungsordnung brauchen
- Beretta E. (2016) Arbeitssuche über 50 - Besserung in Sicht?
- Arioldi D., Maggi R. (2016) Are regional differences in nominal wages compensated by a different cost of living in the swiss regions?
- Beretta E. (2016) Brexit e le sue conseguenze
- Beretta E. (2016) Conoscere se stessi
- Beretta E. (2016) "Costo" e "prezzo", gemelli diversi
- Beretta E. (2016) Dagobert Ducks Unternehmensgeist und das Heute
- Beretta E. (2016) Des chinesischen Yuan Afrikalandung
- Degeorge F., Martin J., Phalippou L. (2016) Does the Rise of Secondary Buyouts Help or Hurt Returns for Private Equity Investors?
- Beretta E. (2016) Economia a "somma zero"
- Beretta E. (2016) Eurozone und Übertragungswege der Krise: Eine Lehre
- Beretta E. (2016) Eurozone und wirtschaftliches Monogericht: eine weitere Lehre
- Beretta E. (2016) Hürde Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit? Nicht unbedingt!
- Beretta E. (2016) Hürde Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit? Nicht unbedingt!
- Beretta E. (2016) I debiti dimenticati
- Beretta E. (2016) Il dilemma inflazione
- (2016) Il quantitative easing un anno dopo
- Beretta E. (2016) Il quantitative easing un anno dopo
- Curtale R., Scagnolari S. (2016) Il Ticino Turistico – Rapporto destinazione 2016
- Beretta E. (2016) Inflation neu beurteilen
- Beretta E. (2016) KMU: zwischen Konkurrenzkampf und Steuerlast
- Beretta E. (2016) La mancata staffetta intergenerazionale
- Beretta E. (2016) L'Abc dei banchieri
- Beretta E. (2016) L'Euro parallelo: un'opzione realistica?
- Beretta E. (2016) Logica economica: aut-aut oppure et-et?
- Beretta E. (2016) Miracoli economici, passato o futuro?
- Beretta E. (2016) Perché è stato un buon investimento mantenere il Franco svizzero
- Rossi F. (2016) Rapporto sulla competitività economica ticinese 2015
- (2016) Rapporto sull’indagine IRE 2015
- Beretta E. (2016) Rating europeo, l'occasione mancata
- Beretta E. (2016) Reddito e rendita, simili eppur diversi
- Beretta E. (2016) Reform der Sonderziehungsrechte. Eine verpasste Chance
- Beretta E. (2016) Sanità e timer, binomio improprio
- Beretta E. (2016) Si restringono i tagli
- Beretta E. (2016) "Sorpresa" 2016? Perchè l'economia globale non stupisce
- Beretta E. (2016) Specchio deformante
- Beretta E. (2016) Stress test, esercizio autolesionistico?
- Beretta E. (2016) Ticino e Baviera, possibili sinergie
- Beretta E. (2016) Tobin tax rediviva
- Beretta E. (2016) Tormentone petrolio
- Beretta E. (2016) Trasporti ed efficienza economica
- Beretta E. (2016) Travail de bachelor ou de master, un défi insurmontable? Pas du tout!
- Beretta E. (2016) TTIP: ideale versus applicazione
- Sarman I., Pellegrini A., Scagnolari S. (2016) Turismo alberghiero in Ticino: Rapporto Trend – Anno turistico 2015
- Beretta E. (2016) UE, quanto mi costi
- Beretta E. (2016) Von der Idee einer EU-Steuer: Mögliche Szenarien
- Rossi F., Mini V., Maggi R. (2015) Alptransit e il futuro della location Lugano. Secondo rapporto intermedio sull'avanzamento del progetto.
- Rossi F., Maggi R. (2015) Alptransit e il futuro della location Lugano. Ultimo rapporto intermedio sull'avanzamento del progetto.
- Beretta E. (2015) Anno nuovo, economia vecchia?
- Tretyakevich N., Curtale R., Scagnolari S. (2015) Approfondimento - il turismo d'affari
- Beretta E. (2015) Arbeitsproduktivität: Zeit für einen Paradigmenwechsel (Teil 1)
- Beretta E. (2015) Arbeitsproduktivität: Zeit für einen Paradigmenwechsel (Teil 2)
- Beretta E. (2015) Banken-Stresstests: Die Kunst, sich selbst zu schaden?
- Beretta E. (2015) Bargeldobergrenzen bedrohen Wirtschaft unnötig
- Beretta E. (2015) Contanti al bando? Un grave sbaglio
- Beretta E. (2015) CSR und EU: das Binom der Zukunft?
- Beretta E. (2015) Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt neu gedacht
- Beretta E. (2015) Das europäische Wer-sagt-was-Problem
- Beretta E. (2015) Das europäische Wer-sagt-was-Problem
- Beretta E. (2015) Die 5 grössten Problemzonen der EU
- Beretta E. (2015) I peccati originali dell'Eurozona
- Beretta E. (2015) Il contante e l'ammonimento greco
- Beretta E. (2015) Il regno su cui non tramonta mai il sole
- Tretyakevich N., Sturm C. S., Sarman I., Scagnolari S. (2015) Il Ticino turistico - Rapporto Destinazione 2014
- Curtale R., Scagnolari S. (2015) Il Ticino turistico - Rapporto Destinazione 2015
- Beretta E. (2015) In 10 anni da malata a locomotiva d’Europa
- Beretta E. (2015) Inflation: Teuerungsrate gut, alles gut?
- Beretta E. (2015) Inflazione, àncora di salvezza? Non proprio e non sempre
- Beretta E. (2015) IVA, la più amata dai Governi europei
- Beretta E. (2015) La BCE e la liquidità della discordia
- Beretta E. (2015) La flessibilità lavorativa "positiva"
- Beretta E. (2015) Le crisi europee
- Beretta E. (2015) Le plafonnement des règlements en espèces est une menace inutile pour l’économie
- Degeorge F. (2015) Le sens des buyouts secondaires
- Beretta E. (2015) Lebensmittel-Verschwendung: das zu trennende Kompositum
- Degeorge F. (2015) On Secondary Buyouts - Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation
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- Scagnolari S. (2015) Paesi Scandinavi – Rapporto Source Market 2015
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- Beretta E. (2015) Richtiger SNB-Entscheid?
- Beretta E. (2015) Riforme (mancate) dell'economia internazionale
- Degeorge F. (2015) Secondary Buyouts—Creating or Destroying Value for Investors?
- Beretta E. (2015) Tassare maggiormente patrimoni ed eredità?
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- Sarman I., Pellegrini A., Scagnolari S. (2015) Turismo alberghiero in Ticino: Rapporto Trend – Anno turistico 2014
- Beretta E. (2015) Umstrittener Entscheid der SNB
- Beretta E. (2015) Un valore economico misconosciuto
- Beretta E. (2015) Una proposta nuova per riformare il PIL
- Beretta E. (2015) Zweijahrestakt-BIP: ein Reformkonzept
- Rossi F., Mini V., Maggi R. (2014) Alptransit e il futuro della location Lugano. Primo rapporto intermedio sull'avanzamento del progetto.
- Beretta E. (2014) Arbeit und Freizeit im 21. Jahrhundert: auf der Suche nach der passenden work-life-balance/Lavoro e tempo libero nel Ventunesimo Secolo: alla ricerca della giusta work-life-balance
- Beretta E. (2014) Die Etikette des Geschäftemachens
- Degeorge F. (2014) Etica e finanza: la scelta del marshmallow
- Scagnolari S., Qumsieh Mussalam G. (2014) I Paesi del Golfo – Rapporto Source Market 2014
- Degeorge F., Loringett D. (2014) Il Nobel parla, il gestore ascolta
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- Borghi M. (2014) Le copinage, une forme de corruption typique (mais sous-estimée) en Suisse
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- Rossi S. (2009) Crisi economica: valgono ancora i rimedi di nonno Keynes?
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- Rossi S. (2009) Critica al piano anticrisi
- Rossi S. (2009) Dalla FINMA nuove regole per i bonus
- Rossi S. (2009) Dopo la crisi nasceranno migliaia di nuovi posti di lavoro
- Rossi S. (2009) État et marché complémentaires
- Rossi S. (2009) G20: «Il aurait fallu un changement de système»
- Rossi S. (2009) G20: la Svizzera in purgatorio
- Rossi S. (2009) Gli strumenti della politica monetaria non sono appropriati per assicurare la stabilità finanziaria
- Rossi S. (2009) I mercati finanziari tornano a speculare sul nostro futuro?
- Rossi S. (2009) I problemi e le illusioni creati dal G20
- Rossi S. (2009) Il bilancio del presidente della Bns Roth
- Rossi S. (2009) Il Consiglio federale decide il terzo pacchetto di stabilizzazione congiunturale
- Rossi S. (2009) «Il faut abandonner le dollar comme référence universelle»
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- Rossi S. (2009) Il futuro della cassa pensione
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- Rossi S. (2009) La BNS stabilise peu à peu sa politique monétaire
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- Rossi S. (2009) La Confederazione vende le sue azioni UBS
- Rossi S. (2009) La crise, c'est fini?
- Rossi S. (2009) La crisi farà "tabula rasa" delle banche più piccole
- Rossi S. (2009) La famiglia sceglie la slow economy
- Rossi S. (2009) La guerra dei prezzi
- Rossi S. (2009) La Suisse devient un bon élève sous pression
- Rossi S. (2009) L'asimmetria della politica monetaria europea
- Rossi S. (2009) Lavoro meno
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- Rossi S. (2009) Le dimissioni di Jean-Pierre Roth
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- Rossi S. (2009) Le franc retrouve son équilibre
- Rossi S. (2009) Le prospettive di politica monetaria della BNS
- Rossi S. (2009) Les leçons à tirer de la crise
- Rossi S. (2009) Les lois de la finance
- Rossi S. (2009) Les manquements du G20
- Rossi S. (2009) Les monnaies alternatives fleurissent
- Rossi S. (2009) Les néolibéraux n'ont pas vu venir la crise
- Rossi S. (2009) Libera circolazione al giro di boa
- Rossi S. (2009) Mancata trasparenza nel caso UBS-Confederazione
- Rossi S. (2009) Méfaits de l'euro
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- Rossi S. (2009) «Nous nous engageons en terrain inexploré»
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- Rossi S. (2009) Peter Kurer: lui aussi serait mouillé
- Rossi S. (2009) Pregi e difetti della libera circolazione
- Rossi S. (2009) Prove di stabilizzazione congiunturale per l'economia svizzera
- Rossi S. (2009) Quale stabilizzazione congiunturale per l'economia svizzera?
- Rossi S. (2009) Quali riforme per l'industria finanziaria?
- Rossi S. (2009) Relance économique: Obama convaincra-t-il?
- Rossi S. (2009) Rinnovo ed estensione dell'accordo di libera circolazione con l'Unione europea
- Rossi S. (2009) Risks and drawbacks of adopting the euro in Poland
- Rossi S. (2009) Scudo, fine del primo tempo
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- Rossi S. (2009) Se la vigilanza finanziaria non va oltre il buon senso, gli Stati-nazione resteranno in balia dei mercati
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- Rossi S. (2009) Segreto bancario sotto tiro incrociato
- Rossi S. (2009) Segreto bancario: un classico colpo al cerchio e uno alla botte
- Rossi S. (2009) Siamo ufficialmente in recessione
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- Rossi S. (2009) Svizzera e (dis)integrazione monetaria europea
- Rossi S. (2009) Svizzera-Usa, il teatrino delle (contro)parti
- Rossi S. (2009) Taux hypothécaires: il faut se garder des illusions
- Rossi S. (2009) Terzo scudo fiscale italiano: quali conseguenze per le banche nel Ticino?
- Rossi S. (2009) Tra Roma e Washington l'eutanasia del segreto bancario
- Rossi S. (2009) UBS: persi 20 miliardi di franchi nel 2008
- Rossi S. (2009) UBS: una perdita più pesante del previsto
- Rossi S. (2009) Un anno fa la Confederazione entrò in UBS
- Rossi S. (2009) «Une amende trop faible n'aura aucun effet dissuasif»
- Rossi S. (2009) Un'imposta alla fonte sui redditi da capitali stranieri in Svizzera crea più difficoltà di quante ne risolva
- Rossi S. (2009) Verso la fine di un regime economico
- Rossi S. (2009) Visi pallidi al G20
- Rossi S. (2009) Zagrożenia i przeszkody na drodze do przyjęcia przez Polskę waluty euro
- Rossi S. (2008) 10 façons de sauver notre argent
- Rossi S. (2008) 4 scénarios pour la crise en Suisse
- Rossi S. (2008) A pagare saranno i contribuenti americani
- Rossi S. (2008) Accordi di Basilea, abbiamo un problema
- Rossi S. (2008) Actions UBS lâchées par ses top managers
- Rossi S. (2008) Anche la Fed è assalita dal panico
- Rossi S. (2008) Ancora un taglio dei tassi di interesse
- Rossi S. (2008) «Bâle II» et la finance créative
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- Rossi S. (2008) Berne a déjà son plan de relance
- Rossi S. (2008) Capitalismo connivente
- Rossi S. (2008) Ces non-dits de la politique monétaire US
- Rossi S. (2008) Ci risiamo
- Rossi S. (2008) Cifre rosse per UBS
- Rossi S. (2008) Comprate casa
- Rossi S. (2008) Confederazione e Banca nazionale svizzera soccorrono UBS
- Rossi S. (2008) Cosa sta succedendo all'euro?
- Rossi S. (2008) Crédit Suisse et UBS dégraissent en masse
- Rossi S. (2008) Crédit Suisse licenzierà 5300 persone
- Rossi S. (2008) Crisi della finanza o crisi di un sistema economico?
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- Rossi S. (2008) Des montants énormes
- Rossi S. (2008) Drastica riduzione del tasso di interesse della Banca nazionale
- Rossi S. (2008) Dubbi sul rilancio economico
- Rossi S. (2008) Economia schizofrenica
- Rossi S. (2008) Elettricità: 2009 senza aumenti
- Rossi S. (2008) Emplois perdus: « Ce n'est qu'un début »
- Rossi S. (2008) Et si UBS coulait?
- Rossi S. (2008) Fallimenti bancari a catena
- Rossi S. (2008) Fannie Mae e Freddie Mac sotto tutela
- Rossi S. (2008) Finanza spericolata
- Rossi S. (2008) Fuori Ospel: UBS cerca il rilancio davanti agli azionisti
- Rossi S. (2008) I Bilaterali tra Svizzera e UE: non sarà un voto bulgaro
- Rossi S. (2008) Il "Caro Franco" non è privo di effetti negativi, ma...
- Rossi S. (2008) Il faut revoir les salaires
- Rossi S. (2008) Il paniere del consumatore: un indicatore in continuo movimento
- Rossi S. (2008) Il primo anniversario della crisi dei "subprime"
- Rossi S. (2008) Il ricorso a fondi sovrani non risolve il problema alla radice
- Rossi S. (2008) Imposta sul capitale azzerata nel Liechtenstein
- Rossi S. (2008) Imprese imprese: analisi e commento al risultato della votazione federale
- Rossi S. (2008) Inflation, récession, le couple maudit
- Rossi S. (2008) Inflazione record in Svizzera
- Rossi S. (2008) Intervento coordinato sui tassi di interesse delle principali banche centrali
- Simonetta M. (2008) Intervista
- Rossi S. (2008) La crise se propage
- Rossi S. (2008) La crisi finanziaria
- Rossi S. (2008) La Fed in aiuto dei mercati
- Rossi S. (2008) La Giornata mondiale del non-acquisto
- Simonetta M. (2008) La rete e il sistema di sussidiarietà locale per l'integrazione scolastica degli alunni disabili
- Rossi S. (2008) La situation est grave
- Rossi S. (2008) La valeur de l'argent
- Rossi S. (2008) L'anno della crisi
- Rossi S. (2008) L'architecture financière internationale en 2042
- Bramati L., Chiesa C., Simonetta M. (2008) Le amministrazioni comunali lombarde e l'integrazione scolastica degli alunni disabili
- Rossi S. (2008) Le Conseil fédéral a pris les choses en main
- Rossi S. (2008) Le Conseil fédéral ne peut agir seul
- Simonetta M. (2008) Le gestioni associate comunali di lunga durata e la prospettiva della fusione: opportunità e criticità
- Rossi S. (2008) Le regole per riformare l'economia globale
- Rossi S. (2008) L'economia del "tasso zero"
- Rossi S. (2008) Lehman Brothers, fratelli di sventura
- Rossi S. (2008) Les banques s'islamisent
- Rossi S. (2008) Les financiers aiment le risque...
- Rossi S. (2008) L'Etat ne pourrait sauver ni UBS, ni Crédit Suisse
- Rossi S. (2008) L'euro en Europe et au-delà
- Rossi S. (2008) L'inflazione che non c'è
- Simonetta M. (2008) L'innovazione nei progetti: ambito socio-assistenziale
- Rossi S. (2008) L'origine della crisi dei mutui "subprime"
- Rossi S. (2008) L'origine della crisi dei mutui "subprime"
- Rossi S. (2008) Modesti risultati dal vertice del G20
- Rossi S. (2008) Ora scende
- Rossi S. (2008) Oro alle stelle
- Rossi S. (2008) Politica monetaria a tasso zero, e poi?
- Rossi S. (2008) Politica monetaria, il dollaro bucato
- Rossi S. (2008) Politique monétaire et surveillance
- Rossi S. (2008) Pourquoi la Suisse s'épargne un vrai plan de relance
- Rossi S. (2008) Prezzo del petrolio e speculazione finanziaria
- Rossi S. (2008) Profondo rosso per UBS
- Rossi S. (2008) Quando il franco si rinfranca
- Rossi S. (2008) Recensione del volume The Development of Monetary Economics: A Modern Perspective on Monetary Controversies (Edward Elgar, 2007) di Denis Patrick O'Brien
- Rossi S. (2008) Regagner la confiance à grands coups de milliards
- Rossi S. (2008) Se l'asino non vuol bere...
- Rossi S. (2008) Trois questions à Sergio Rossi (sur la réduction des taux d'intérêt de la BNS)
- Rossi S. (2008) Trois questions à Sergio Rossi (sur la réunion du G20)
- Rossi S. (2008) Twin peaks: subprime e deficit statunitensi
- Rossi S. (2008) UBSos
- Rossi S. (2008) Un moment terrible, mais intéressant
- Rossi S. (2008) Una catena spezzata: crisi in Ticino
- Rossi S. (2008) Una misura che non sorprende gli esperti
- Rossi S. (2008) Una riforma, ma per la finanza
- Rossi S. (2007) Banche centrali alla mercé dei mercati finanziari
- Rossi S. (2007) Ce la faranno gli economisti delle banche centrali?
- Rossi S. (2007) Deprezzamento del franco e caro euro
- Rossi S. (2007) Der starke Euro und seine Folgen für die Schweiz
- Rossi S. (2007) Finanza, case e castelli di carta
- Rossi S. (2007) Il battito della congiuntura
- Rossi S. (2007) Il gioco degli specchi nella politica monetaria
- Rossi S. (2007) La bolla dei "subprime"
- Rossi S. (2007) L'argent des vacances
- Rossi S. (2007) Le problème du ciblage d¿inflation à l¿aune des banques centrales
- Rossi S. (2007) Perdite miliardarie per UBS
- Rossi S. (2007) Politica monetaria e mercati immobiliari
- Rossi S. (2007) Politiques monétaires africaines: des choix problématiques
- Rossi S. (2007) Quando le scelte di politica monetaria sono discutibili
- Bramati L., Simonetta M. (2007) Stato degli Sportelli Unici per le Attività Produttive lombardi e prospettive di semplificazione previste dalla Legge Regionale 1/2007
- Rossi S. (2007) "Subprise!" Cifre rosse all'UBS per la crisi dei mutui subprime
- Rossi S. (2007) UE vs CH: cartellino giallo per la Confederazione
- Rossi S. (2006) Banca mondiale, oltre l'aiuto finanziario
- Cozzi T. (2006) Economia: il tessile-abbigliamento in Italia e Tunisia
- Rossi S. (2006) Eldosuisse: l'oasi fiscale più amata dai vip
- Rossi S. (2006) Fisco, il prezzo della concorrenza
- Rossi S. (2006) Greenspan out, Bernanke in
- Cozzi T. (2006) Il Knowledge Management
- Rossi S. (2006) Il paradosso delle aspettative
- Rossi S. (2006) La solution aux anticipations inflationnistes implique un changement de paradigme
- Rossi S. (2006) L'impiego a fondo perso
- Cozzi T. (2006) L'integrazione economica tra Italia e Mediterraneo
- Rossi S. (2006) Quando l'inflazione è sbagliata
- Rossi S. (2006) Tassi ipotecari in crescita
- Rossi S. (2005) Le "wir", une drôle de monnaie septuagénaire
- Cozzi T. (2005) Logistica Economica integrata
- Rossi S. (2004) Elezioni USA: economia in secondo piano
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- Simonetta M. (2002) Linee guida per lo sviluppo della qualità negli Enti locali
- Simonetta M. (2001) Cinque passi verso le Unioni di Comuni
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