Facoltà di scienze informatiche
Articolo pubblicato in rivista scientifica (297)
Andreella A., . Balafas S., Mira A. , Wit E. J. , Ruggeri F., Nattino G., Ghilardi G., Bertolini G. (in uscita)
A predictive model for planning emergency events rescue during COVID-19 in Lombardy, Italy , Statistical Methods and Applications-10
Belluzzi L. , Riva S. , Janett G. , Guerreiro N., Riva F. , Benedusi P. , del Pino Alemán T., Alsina Ballester E., Trujillo Bueno J., Štepán J. . (in uscita)
Accurate PRD modeling of the forward-scattering Hanle effect in the chromospheric Ca i 4227 Å line , Astronomy & Astrophysics:---
Vecchi E. , Bassetti D., Graziato F., Pospisil L., Horenko I. (in uscita)
Gauge-optimal approximate learning for small data classification problems , Neural Computation:1-45
(in uscita)
"Il cielo sopra Berlino": conquista del cielo e nostalgia dell’umano , Arabeschi. Rivista internazionale di studi su letteratura e visualità
Rosales Rosero E. E. , Basso M. , Rosà A. , Binder W. (in uscita)
Large-scale Characterization of Java Stream , Software: Practice and Experience:1-29
Bouvry P., Brorsson M., Canal R., Eftekhari A. , Hoefinger S., Smets D., Koestler H., Kozubek T., Krishnasamy E., Llosa J., Lukas-Rother A., Martorell X., Pleiter D., Proykova A., Sancho M. R., Schenk O. , Silvano C. (in uscita)
Shaping an European Curriculum for Master in HPC , Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing:1-40
Ndacyayisenga T., Uwamahoro J., Raja K. S. ., Uwamahoro J., Kwisanga C., Monstein C. (2024)
An Assessment of Solar Cycle 25 progress through observation of SRBs and associated Geomagnetic Storms , Advances in Space Research, 73 (12):6274-6287. ISSN 0273-1177
Afandi N. M. ., Umar R., Sabri N., Safei S., Monstein C. , Lau C., Zafar S. S. . (2024)
Burst-classifier: Automated Classification of Solar Radio Burst Type II, III and IV for CALLISTO Spectra using Physical Properties during Maximum of Solar Cycle 24 , Advances in Space Research. ISSN 0273-1177
Zeuner F. , del Pino Alemán T., Trujillo Bueno J., Solanki S. K. (2024)
Comparing Observed with Simulated Solar-disk-center Scattering Polarization in the Sr I 4607 Å Line , The Astrophysical Journal, 964 (10):1-12
Pesce-Rollins M., Klein K. L., Krucker S., Warmuth A., Veronig M. A., Omodei N., Monstein C. (2024)
Evidence for flare-accelerated particles in large scale loops in the behind-the-limb gamma-ray solar flare of September 29, 2022 , Astronomy & Astrophysics, 683:A208--
Gaedke-Merzhäuser L. , Krainski . E. ., Janalík R. , Rue . H., Schenk O. (2024)
Integrated Nested Laplace Approximations for Large-Scale Spatial-Temporal Bayesian Modeling , SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC), 46 (4):1-22
Ndacyayisenga T., Uwamahoro J., Uwamahoro J. C. ., Okoh D., Sasikumar Raja K., Rabiu A. B., Kwisanga C., Monstein C. (2024)
Low-frequency solar radio type II bursts and their association with space weather events during the ascending phase of solar cycle 25 , Annales Geophysicae, 42 (2):313-329
Guerreiro N., Janett G. , Riva S. , Benedusi P. , Belluzzi L. (2024)
Modeling the scattering polarization in the solar Ca I 4227 Å line with angle-dependent PRD effects and bulk velocities , Astronomy & Astrophysics, 683:A207
Harbrecht H., Multerer M. , Schenk O. , Schwab C. (2024)
Multiresolution kernel matrix algebra , Numerische Mathematik:1085-1114
Butera L. , Cini A. , Ferrante A. , Alippi C. (2024)
Object-Centric Relational Representations for Image Generation , Transactions on Machine Learning Research. ISSN 2835-8856
Li H., del Pino Alemán T., Trujillo Bueno J., Zeuner F. (2024)
Observation and Modeling of the Circular Polarization of the Cr I Magnetic-field-induced Transition at 533.03 nm , The Astrophysical Journal 964, 964 (2):155-162
Aguilar-Rodriguez E., Vourlidas A., Corona-Romero P., Monstein C. , Reeve W. D. ., Romero-Hernandez E., Andrade-Mascote E., Villanueva-Hernandez P., Peralta-Mendoza I. A. ., Perez-Leon J. E. ., Perez-Tijerina E. (2024)
Radio Signature of the Strong Compression between a Streamer and a Coronal Hole Boundary , The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 970 (2):L35
Vecchi E. , Kardoš J. , Lechekhab M. , Waechter A., Horenko I., Schenk O. (2024)
Structure-exploiting interior-point solver for high-dimensional entropy-sparsified regression learning , Journal of Computational Science:1-30
Grattarola D., Zambon D. , Bianchi F. M., Alippi C. (2024)
Understanding Pooling in Graph Neural Networks , IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 35 (2):2708-2718. ISSN 2162-2388
Riva S. , Guerreiro N., Janett G. , Rossinelli D., Benedusi P. , Krause R. , Belluzzi L. (2023)
Assessment of the CRD approximation for the observer's frame RIII redistribution matrix , Astronomy & Astrophysics, 679:A87
Vecchi E. , Berra G., Albrecht S., Gagliardini P. , Horenko I. (2023)
Entropic approximate learning for financial decision-making in the small data regime , Research in International Business and Finance, 65:101958. ISSN 0275-5319
Ishikawa R., Trujillo Bueno J., Alsina Ballester E., Belluzzi L. , del Pino Alemán T., McKenzie D. E. ., Auchère F., Kobayashi K., Okamoto T. J. ., Rachmeler L. A. ., Song D. (2023)
Evidence for the Operation of the Hanle and Magneto-optical Effects in the Scattering Polarization Signals Observed by CLASP2 across the Mg II h and k Lines , Astrophysical Journal, 945 (2):125
Battaglia A. F. ., Wang W., Saqri J., Podladchikova T., Veronig A. M., Collier H., Dickson E. C., Podladchikova O., Monstein C. , Warmuth A., Schuller F., Harra L., Krucker S. (2023)
Identifying the energy release site in a solar microflare with a jet , Astronomy & Astrophysics, 670:A56
Kopanicakova A. , Kothari H. , Krause R. (2023)
Nonlinear Field-Split Preconditioners for Solving Monolithic Phase-field Models of Brittle Fracture , Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 403 (115733):115733-115733
Basso M. , Prokopec A., Rosà A. , Binder W. (2023)
Optimization-Aware Compiler-Level Event Profiling , ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems:1-50
Rosales Rosero E. E. , Basso M. , Rosà A. , Binder W. (2023)
Profiling and Optimizing Java Streams , The Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming 7(3):1-39
Corecco S., Adorni G. , Gambardella L. M. (2023)
Proximal Policy Optimization-Based Reinforcement Learning and Hybrid Approaches to Explore the Cross Array Task Optimal Solution , Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, 5 (4):1660-1679
Adorni G. , Mangili F. , Piatti A. , Bonesana C. , Antonucci A. (2023)
Rubric-based Learner Modelling via Noisy Gates Bayesian Networks for Computational Thinking Skills Assessment , Journal of Communications Software and Systems, 19 (1):52-64
Benedusi P. , Riva S. , Zulian P. , Štěpán J. ., Belluzzi L. , Krause R. (2023)
Scalable matrix-free solver for 3D transfer of polarized radiation in stellar atmospheres , Journal of Computational Physics, 479:112013
Cini A. , Zambon D. , Alippi C. (2023)
Sparse Graph Learning from Spatiotemporal Time Series , Journal of Machine Learning Research, 24 (242):1-36. ISSN 1533-7928
Pasadakis D. , Bollhoefer M., Schenk O. (2023)
Sparse Quadratic Approximation for Graph Learning , IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 45:11256-11269
Alsina Ballester E., Belluzzi L. , Trujillo Bueno J. (2023)
The Potential of the Wavelength-integrated Scattering Polarization of the Hydrogen Ly-alpha Line for Probing the Solar Chromosphere , Astrophysical Journal, 947 (2):71
Kothari H. , Krause R. (2022)
A Generalized Multigrid Method for Solving Contact Problems in Lagrange Multiplier based Unfitted Finite Element Method , Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 392:114630-114630
Canivete Cuissa J. R., Steiner O. (2022)
An innovative and automated method for vortex identification. I. Description of the SWIRL algorithm , Astronomy and Astrophysics:A118-A118 (16 p.)
Kardoš J. , Kourounis D., Schenk O. (2022)
BELTISTOS: A robust interior point method for large-scale optimal power flow problems , Electric Power Systems Research, 212:1-31
Vecchi E. , Pospíšil L., Albrecht S., O'Kane T. J., Horenko I. (2022)
eSPA+: Scalable Entropy-Optimal Machine Learning Classification for Small Data Problems , Neural Computation, 34 (5):1220-1255
Gander L., Pezzuto S. , Gharaviri A., Krause R. , Perdikaris P., Sahli Costabal F. (2022)
Fast characterization of inducible regions of atrial fibrillation models with multi-fidelity Gaussian process classification , Frontiers in Physiology:757159-757159
Huang W. , Multerer M. (2022)
Isogeometric analysis of diffusion problems on random surfaces , Applied Numerical Mathematics, 179:50-65
Harbrecht H., Multerer M. , von Rickenbach R. (2022)
Isogeometric shape optimization of periodic structures in three dimensions , Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 391:114552-114552
Eftekhari A. , Gaedke-Merzhäuser L. , Bollhoefer M., Scheidegger S., Schenk O. (2022)
Large-Scale Precision Matrix Estimation With SQUIC , Social Science Research Network:1573-1375
ALAPPAT C., Wellein G., Schenk O. , Hager G. (2022)
Level-based Blocking for Sparse Matrices: Sparse Matrix-Power-Vector Multiplication , IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems:1-18
Horenko I., Pospíšil L., Vecchi E. , Albrecht S., Gerber A., Rehbock B., Stroh A., Gerber S. (2022)
Low-Cost Probabilistic 3D Denoising with Applications for Ultra-Low-Radiation Computed Tomography , Journal of Imaging, 8 (6):156
Peter H., Alsina Ballester E., Andretta V., Auchère F., Belluzzi L. , Bemporad A., Berghmans D., Buchlin E., Calcines A., Chitta L. P. ., Dalmasse K., del Pino Alemán T., Feller A., Froment C., Harrison R., Janvier M., Matthews S., Parenti S., Przybylski D., Solanki S. K. ., Štěpán J., Teriaca L., Trujillo Bueno J. (2022)
Magnetic imaging of the outer solar atmosphere (MImOSA) , Experimental Astronomy, 54:185-225
Kardoš J. , Holt T. A. B., Fazio V., Fabietti L., Spazzini F. ., Schenk O. (2022)
Massively Parallel Data Analytics for Smart Grid Applications , Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 31:1-18. ISSN 2352-4677
Horenko I., Vecchi E. , Kardoš J. , Schenk O. , Waechter A., O’Kane T. ., Gagliardini P. , Gerber S. (2022)
On cheap entropy-sparsified regression learning , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences:1-12
Gaedke-Merzhäuser L. , Van Niekerk J., Schenk O. , Rue H. (2022)
Parallelized integrated nested Laplace approximations for fast Bayesian inference , Statistics and Computing:1-20
Song D., Ishikawa R., Kano R., McKenzie D. E. ., Trujillo Bueno J., Auchère F., Rachmeler L. A. ., Okamoto T. J. ., Yoshida M., Kobayashi K., Bethge C., Hara H., Shinoda K., Shimizu T., Suematsu Y., De Pontieu B., Winebarger A., Narukage N., Kubo M., Sakao T., Asensio Ramos A., Belluzzi L. , Štěpán J., Carlsson M., Del Pino Alemán T., Alsina Ballester E., Vigil G. D., Leenaarts J. (2022)
Polarization Accuracy Verification of the Chromospheric LAyer SpectroPolarimeter , Solar Physics, 297:135
Butera L. , Ferrante A. , Prevostini M. , Alippi C. , Jermini M. (2022)
Precise Agriculture: Effective Deep Learning Strategies to Detect Pest Insect , IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, vol. 9, no. 2:246-258
Rachmeler L. A. ., Trujillo Bueno J., McKenzie D. E. ., Ishikawa R., Auchère F., Kobayashi K., Kano R., Okamoto T. J. ., Bethge C. W. ., Song D., Alsina Ballester E., Belluzzi L. , del Pino Alemán T., Asensio Ramos A., Yoshida M., Shimizu T., Winebarger A., Kobelski A. R. ., Vigil G. D. ., De Pontieu B., Narukage N., Kubo M., Sakao T., Hara H., Suematsu Y., Štěpán J., Carlsson M., Leenaarts J. (2022)
Quiet Sun Center to Limb Variation of the Linear Polarization Observed by CLASP2 Across the Mg II h and k Lines , Astrophysical Journal, 936 (1):67
Harbrecht H., Multerer M. (2022)
Samplets: Construction and scattered data compression , to appear in Journal of Computational Physics (2021/02):-----
Bollhoefer M., Schenk O. (2022)
Sparse Quadratic Approximation for Graph Learning , Technology Research:1-12
Wuensche C. A., Villela T., Abdalla E., Liccardo V., Vieira F., Browne I., Peel M. W., Radcliffe C., Abdalla F. B., Marins A., Barosi L., Brito F. A., Queiroz A. R., Wang B., Costa A. A., Ferreira E. G. M., Fornazier K. S., Landim R. G., Novaes C. P., Santos L., dos Santos M. V., Zhang J., Chen T., Delabrouille J., Dickinson C., de Gasperis G., Gurjão E. C., Harper S., Ma Y. Z., Machado T., Maffei B., de Mericia E. J., Monstein C. , Motta P., Otobone C. H. N., Reitano L. A., Remazeilles M., Roychowdhury S., Santos J. R. L., Serres A. J. R., Souza A. P., Strauss C., Vieira J., Xu H. (2022)
The BINGO project - II. Instrument description , Astronomy & Astrophysics, 664:A15-x
Piatti A. , Adorni G. , El-Hamamsy L., Negrini L., Assaf D., Gambardella L. M. , Mondada F. (2022)
The CT-cube: A framework for the design and the assessment of computational thinking activities , Computer in Human Behavior Reports (Elsevier), 5:100166-100166
Quintero Noda C., Schlichenmaier R., Khomenko E., Bellot Rubio L., Löfdahl M. G., Jurcak J., Bianda M. , Belluzzi L. , Berdyugina S. , Ramelli R. , Zeuner F. (2022)
The European Solar Telescope , Astronomy & Astrophysics, 666:A21
Canivete Cuissa J. R., Teyssier R. (2022)
Toward fully compressible numerical simulations of stellar magneto-convection with the RAMSES code , Astronomy and Astrophysics:A24-A24 (15 p.)
Harbrecht H., Multerer M. (2021)
A fast direct solver for nonlocal operators in wavelet coordinates , Journal of Computational Physics, 428:110056
Eftekhari A. , Pasadakis D. , Scheidegger S., Bollhoefer M., Schenk O. (2021)
Block-Enhanced Precision Matrix Estimation for Large-Scale Datasets , Journal of Computational Science, 53:1-39
Chegini F., Kopanicakova A. , Krause R. , Weiser M. (2021)
Efficient Identification of Scars using Heterogeneous Model Hierarchies , EP Europace, 23 (Supplement\_1):113-122
Grandits T., Effland A., Pock T., Krause R. , Plank G., Pezzuto S. (2021)
GEASI: Geodesic-based Earliest Activation Sites Identification in cardiac models , International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 37 (8):e3505-e3505. ISSN 2040-7939
Bollhöfer M., Schenk O. , Verbosio F. (2021)
High Performance Block Incomplete LU Factorization , Applied Numerical Mathematics, 162:265-282
Janett G. , Alsina Ballester E., Guerreiro N., Riva S. , Belluzzi L. , del Pino Alemán T., Trujillo Bueno J. (2021)
Modeling the scattering polarization of the solar Ca i 4227 A line with angle-dependent partial frequency redistribution , Astronomy & Astrophysics:A&A 655, A13 (2021)-A&A 655, A13 (2021)
Pasadakis D. , Alappat C. L., Schenk O. , Wellein G. (2021)
Multiway p-spectral graph cuts on Grassmann manifolds , Machine Learning:1-42
van Niekerk J., Bakka H., Rue H. ., Schenk O. (2021)
New frontiers in Bayesian modeling using the INLA package in R , Journal of Statistical Software, 100 (2):1-28
Pezzuto S. , Prinzen F., Potse M., Maffessanti F., Regoli F. D. , Caputo M. L., Conte G. , Krause R. , Auricchio A. (2021)
Reconstruction of three-dimensional biventricular activation based on the 12-lead electrocardiogram via patient-specific modelling , EP Europace, 23 (4):640-647
Bettinazzi E. , Feldman E. R. (2021)
Stakeholder Orientation and Divestiture Activity , Academy of Management Journal, 64 (4):1078-1096
Levie R., Huang W. , Bucci L., Bronstein M. , Kutyniok G. . (2021)
Transferability of spectral graph convolutional neural networks , Journal of Machine Learning Research:1-59
Piazzese C., M. Chiara C., Krause R. , Auricchio A. , Lynn W., Paola G., Gloria T., Gianluca P., Daniele A., Roberto M. L., Mauro P., Enrico G. C. (2020)
3D right ventricular endocardium segmentation in cardiac magnetic resonance images by using a new inter-modality statistical shape modelling method , Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 58 (101866):---
ALAPPAT C., Hager G., Schenk O. , Thies J., Basermann A., Bishop A., Fehske H., Wellein G. (2020)
A Recursive Algebraic Coloring Technique for Hardware-Efficient Symmetric Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication , ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing:1-40
Kopanicakova A. , Krause R. (2020)
A recursive multilevel trust region method with application to fully monolithic phase-field models of brittle fracture , Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 360 (1):---
Hormann K. , Zheng J. (2020)
Algebraic and geometric characterizations of a class of planar quartic curves with rational offsets , Computer Aided Geometric Design, 79:Article 101873, 15 pages
Eigel M., Marschall M., Multerer M. (2020)
An adaptive stochastic Galerkin tensor train discretization for randomly perturbed domains , SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 8 (3):1189-1214
Dölz J., Harbrecht H., Kurz S., Multerer M. , Schöps S., Wolf F. (2020)
Bembel: The Fast Isogeometric Boundary Element C++ Library for Laplace, Helmholtz, and Electric Wave Equation , SoftwareX, 11:100476
Grattarola D., Zambon D. , Livi L., Alippi C. (2020)
Change Detection in Graph Streams by Learning Graph Embeddings on Constant-Curvature Manifolds , IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 31 (6):1856-1869. ISSN 2162-237X, 2162-2388
Zulian P. , von Planta C., Vogler D., Saar M. O., Krause R. (2020)
Contact between Rough Rock Surfaces Using a Dual Mortar Method , International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences
Cirillo E., Hormann K. , Sidon J. (2020)
Convergence rates of a Hermite generalization of Floater-Hormann interpolants , Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 371:Article 112624, 9 pages
Gharaviri A., Bidar E., Potse M., Zeemering S., Verheule S., Pezzuto S. , Krause R. , Maessen J. G., Auricchio A. , Schotten U. (2020)
Epicardial Fibrosis Explains Increased Endo-Epicardial Dissociation and Epicardial Breakthroughs in Human Atrial Fibrillation , Frontiers in Physiology, section Computational Physiology and Medicine:68--
Deng C., Chang Q., Hormann K. (2020)
Iterative coordinates , Computer Aided Geometric Design, 79:Article 101861, 13 pages
von Planta C., Vogler D., Xiaoqing C., Nestola M. G. C. , Saar M. O., Krause R. (2020)
Modelling of hydro-mechanical processes in heterogeneous fracture intersections using a fictitious domain method with variational transfer operators , Computational Geosciences:---
Donatelli M., Krause R. , Mazza M., Trotti K. (2020)
Multigrid preconditioners for anisotropic space-fractional diffusion equations , Advances in Computational Mathematics
Griebel M., Harbrecht H., Multerer M. (2020)
Multilevel quadrature for elliptic parametric partial differential equations in case of polygonal approximations of curved domains , SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 58 (1):684-705
Sanan P. ., May D. A. ., Bollhöfer M., Schenk O. (2020)
Pragmatic Solvers for 3D Stokes and Elasticity Problems with Heterogeneous Coefficients: Evaluating Modern Incomplete LDL T Preconditioners , Solid Earth:2031-2045
Klawonn A. ., Lanser M. ., Uran M. ., Rheinbach O., Schenk O. , Wellein G., Schröder J. ., Balzani D., Janalík R. (2020)
Towards A Virtual Laboratory - Computation of Forming Limit Curves , Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Springer:1-42
Klawonn A. ., Lanser M. ., Uran M. ., Rheinbach O., Schenk O. , Wellein G., Schröder J. ., Balzani D., Janalík R. (2020)
Towards A Virtual Laboratory - Computation of Forming Limit Curves , Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Springer:1-42
Kardoš J. , Kourounis D. , Schenk O. (2020)
Two-Level Parallel Augmented Schur Complement Interior-Point Algorithms for the Solution of Security Constrained Optimal Power Flow Problems , IEEE Transactions on Power Systems:1340-1350
Schädle . P., Zulian P. , Sthavishtha . R. B., Nestola M. G. C. , Vogler D., Anozie E., Krause R. , Saar M. O. (2019)
3D non-conforming mesh model for flow in fractured porous media using Lagrange multipliers , Computers & Geosciences:42-55
Multerer M. (2019)
A note on the domain mapping method with rough diffusion coefficients , Applied Numerical Mathematics, 145:283-296
Rosà A. , Rosales Rosero E. E. , Binder W. (2019)
Analysis and Optimization of Task Granularity on the Java Virtual Machine , ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 41(3):19:1-19:47
Anisimov D., Hormann K. , Schneider T. (2019)
Behaviour of exponential three-point coordinates at the vertices of convex polygons , Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 350:114-129
Grattarola D., Livi L., Alippi C. (2019)
Change Detection in Graph Streams by Learning Graph Embeddings on Constant-Curvature Manifolds , IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems:1-14
Zambon D. , Alippi C. , Livi L. (2019)
Change-Point Methods on a Sequence of Graphs , IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 67 (24):6327-6341. ISSN 1941-0476
Pizzagalli D. U., Latino I., Pulfer A., Palomino-Segura M., Virgilio T., Farsakoglu Y., Krause R. , Gonzalez S. F. (2019)
Characterization of the dynamic behavior of neutrophils following influenza vaccination , Frontiers in Immunology, 20
Foster E. L. ., Hormann K. , Popa R. T. . (2019)
Clipping simple polygons with degenerate intersections , Computers & Graphics: X, 2:Article 100007, 10 pages
Ye Z., Liu Y. J., Zheng J., Hormann K. , He Y. (2019)
DE-Path: A differential-evolution-based method for computing energy-minimizing paths on surfaces , Computer-Aided Design, 114:73-81
Favino M. , Hunziker J., Caspari E., Quintal B., Holliger K., Krause R. (2019)
Fully-Automated Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Media Embedding Complex Heterogeneities: Application to Poroelastic Fluid Pressure Diffusion , Computational Geosciences:---
Barac D., Multerer M. , Iber D. (2019)
Global optimization using Gaussian processes to estimate biological parameters from image data , Journal of Theoretical Biology, 481:233-248
Zolfaghari H., Becsek B., Nestola M. G. C. , Sawyer W. B., Krause R. , Obrist D. (2019)
High-order accurate simulation of incompressible turbulent flows on many parallel GPUs of a hybrid-node supercomputer , Computational Physics Communications, 244:132-142. ISSN 0010-4655
Bollhoefer M., Eftekhari A. , Scheidegger S., Schenk O. (2019)
Large-Scale Sparse Inverse Covariance Matrix Estimation , SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 41 (1):380-401
Dölz J., Harbrecht H., Multerer M. (2019)
On the best approximation of the hierarchical matrix product , SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 40 (1):147-174
Cirillo E., Hormann K. (2019)
On the Lebesgue Constant of barycentric rational Hermite interpolants at equidistant nodes , Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 349:292-301
Harbrecht H., Multerer M. , Ilić N. (2019)
Rapid computation of far-field statistics for random obstacle scattering , Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 101:243-251
von Planta C., Vogler D., Chen X., Nestola M. G. C. , Saar M. O. (2019)
Simulation of hydro-mechanically coupled processes in rough rock fractures using an immersed boundary method and variational transfer operators , Computational Geosciences:1125-1140
Salza P., Ferrucci F. (2019)
Speed Up Genetic Algorithms in the Cloud Using Software Containers , Future Generation Computer Systems, 92:276-289. ISSN 0167-739X
Kopanicakova A. , Krause R. , Tamstorf R. (2019)
Subdivision-Based Nonlinear Multiscale Cloth Simulation , SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing:S433-S461
Milosevic J., Ferrante A. , Malek M. (2019)
Time, accuracy and power consumption tradeoff in mobile malware detection systems , "Computers & Security", "82":"314-328". ISSN "0167-4048"
Cirillo E., Hormann K. (2018)
An iterative approach to barycentric rational Hermite interpolation , Numerische Mathematik, 140 (4):939-962
Zambon D., Livi L., Alippi C. (2018)
Anomaly and Change Detection in Graph Streams through Constant-Curvature Manifold Embeddings , IJCNN 2018 : International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
Pezzuto S., Gharaviri A., Schotten U., Potse M., Conte G., Caputo M. L., Regoli F., Krause R. , Auricchio A. (2018)
Beat-to-beat P-wave morphological variability in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: an in silico study , EP Europace, 20 (suppl\_3):iii26-iii35. ISSN 1099-5129
Zambon D. , Alippi C. , Livi L. (2018)
Concept Drift and Anomaly Detection in Graph Streams , IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 29 (11):5592-5605. ISSN 2162-2388
Zambon D., Alippi C. , Livi L. (2018)
Concept Drift and Anomaly Detection in Graph Streams , IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 29:5592-5605
Chen R., Gotsman C., Hormann K. (2018)
Efficient path generation with reduced coordinates , Computer Graphics Forum, 37 (5):37-48
Giacomelli S. , Gibbert M. (2018)
“He likes playing the hero – I let her have fun shooting”. Gender games in the Italian forest during the hunting season , Journal of Rural Studies:164-173
Gantner R. N., Peters M. (2018)
Higher-order quasi-Monte Carlo for Bayesian shape inversion , SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 6 (2):707-736
Soulé R. , Basu S., Marandi P. J., Pedone F. , Kleinberg R., Sirer E. G., Foster N. (2018)
Merlin: A Language for Provisioning Network Resources , ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking (ToN):1-14
Haji-Ali A. L., Harbrecht H., Peters M. , Siebenmorgen M. (2018)
Novel results for the anisotropic sparse grid quadrature , Journal of Complexity, 47:62-85
Rosà A. , Binder W. (2018)
Optimizing Type-specific Instrumentation on the JVM with Reflective Supertype Information , Journal of Visual Languages & Computing 49:29-45
Chen R., Gotsman C., Hormann K. (2018)
Path planning with divergence-based distance functions , Computer Aided Geometric Design, 66:52-74
Dell'Accio F., Di Tommaso F., Hormann K. (2018)
Reconstruction of a function from Hermite-Birkhoff data , Applied Mathematics and Computation, 318:51-69
Pilato C., Garg S., Karri R., Regazzoni F. (2018)
Securing Hardware Accelerators: a New Challenge for High-Level Synthesis , IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, 3:77-80
Conti C., Deng C., Hormann K. (2018)
Symmetric four-directional bivariate pseudo-spline symbols , Computer Aided Geometric Design, 60:10-17
Ciobanu C. B., Gaydadjiev G., Pilato C., Sciuto D. (2018)
The Case for Polymorphic Registers in Dataflow Computing , International Journal of Parallel Programming, 54:54-62
Harbrecht H., Peters M. (2018)
The second order perturbation approach for PDEs on random domains , Applied Numerical Mathematics, 125:159-171
Boccia E., Gizzi A., Nestola M. G. C. , Cherubini C. (2018)
Viscoelastic computational modeling of the human head-neck system: Eigenfrequencies and time-dependent analysis , International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering:e2900-e2900
Bilgen C., Kopanicakova A. , Krause R. , Weinberg K. (2017)
A phase-field approach to conchoidal fracture , Meccanica:1-17
Rosà A. , Rosales Rosero E. E. , Binder W. (2017)
Accurate Reification of Complete Supertype Information for Dynamic Analysis on the JVM , ACM SIGPLAN Notices 52(12):104-116
Rosà A. , Chen L. Y., Binder W. (2017)
Actor Profiling in Virtual Execution Environments , ACM SIGPLAN Notices 52(3):36-46
Anisimov D., Panozzo D., Hormann K. (2017)
Blended barycentric coordinates , Computer Aided Geometric Design, 52-53:205-216
Nestola M. G. C. , Faggiano E., Vergara C., Lancellotti R. M., Ippoliti S., Scrofani R., Filippi S. ., Quarteroni A. (2017)
Computational comparison of aortic root stresses in presence of stentless and stented aortic valve bio-prostheses , Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering:171-181
Cirillo E., Hormann K. , Sidon J. (2017)
Convergence rates of derivatives of Floater–Hormann interpolants for well-spaced nodes , Applied Numerical Mathematics, 116:108-118
Hormann K. , Kosinka J. (2017)
Discretizing Wachspress kernels is safe , Computer Aided Geometric Design, 52-53:126-134
Rosà A. , Chen L. Y., Binder W. (2017)
Failure Analysis and Prediction for Big-Data Systems , IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 10(6):984-998
Dölz J., Harbrecht H., Peters M. (2017)
H-matrix based second moment analysis for rough random fields and finite element discretizations , SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 39 (4):B618-B639
Ballani J., Kressner D., Peters M. (2017)
Multilevel tensor approximation of PDEs with random data , Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Computations, 5 (3):400-427
Rietmann M., Grote M., Peter D., Schenk O. (2017)
Newmark local time stepping on high-performance computing architectures
Dambrine M., Harbrecht H., Peters M. , Puig B. (2017)
On Bernoulli's free boundary problem with a random boundary , International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, 7 (4):335-353
Harbrecht H., Peters M. , Siebenmorgen M. (2017)
On the quasi-Monte Carlo quadrature with Halton points for elliptic PDEs with log-normal diffusion , Mathematics of Computation, 86 (304):771-797
Zulian P., Schneider T., Hormann K. , Krause R. (2017)
Parametric finite elements with bijective mappings , BIT Numerical Mathematics, 57 (4):1185-1203
Lengauer C., Bolten M., Falgout R., Schenk O. (2017)
Special issue: Advanced stencil-code engineering , Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience:1-2
Kreienbuehl A., Benedusi P., Ruprecht D., Krause R. (2017)
Time--parallel Gravitational Collapse Simulation , Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science, 12 (1):109-128
Kourounis D. , Fuchs A., Schenk O. (2017)
Toward the next generation of multiperiod optimal power flow solvers , IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 33 (4):4005-4014. ISSN 0885-8950
Harbrecht H., Peters M. , Schmidlin M. (2017)
Uncertainty quantification for PDEs with anisotropic random diffusion , SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 55 (2):1002-1023
Kaitovic I., Obradovic F., Lukovic S. , Malek M. (2016)
A Framework for Disturbance Analysis in Smart Grids by Fault Injection , Springer Journal on "Computer Science - Research and Development"
Dölz J., Harbrecht H., Peters M. (2016)
An interpolation-based fast multipole method for higher order boundary elements on parametric surfaces , International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 108 (13):1705-1728
Li X., Benedusi P., Krause R. (2016)
An Iterative Approach for Time Integration Based on Discontinuous Galerkin Methods , Math. of Comp
Harbrecht H., Peters M. , Siebenmorgen M. (2016)
Analysis of the domain mapping method for elliptic diffusion problems on random domains , Numerische Mathematik, 134 (4):823-856
Schärfig R., Stamminger M., Hormann K. (2016)
Creating light atlases with multi-bounce indirect illumination , Computers \& Graphics, 55:97-107
Harbrecht H., Peters M. , Siebenmorgen M. (2016)
Multilevel accelerated quadrature for PDEs with log-normally distributed random coefficient , SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 4 (1):520-551
De Coninck A., De Baets B., Kourounis D. , Verbosio F., Schenk O. , Maenhout S., Fostier J. (2016)
Needles: Toward Large-Scale Genomic Prediction with Marker-by-Environment Interaction , Genetics:543-555
Dell'Accio F., Di Tommaso F., Hormann K. (2016)
On the approximation order of triangular Shepard interpolation , IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 36 (1):359-379
Dang H. T., Canini M., Pedone F. , Soulé R. (2016)
Paxos Made Switch-y , SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review:1-6
Hormann K. , Schaefer S. (2016)
Pyramid algorithms for barycentric rational interpolation , Computer Aided Geometric Design, 42:1-6
Arbenz P., Grigori L., Krause R. , Schenk O. (2016)
Special issue on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications (PMAA'14) , Parallel Computing:99-100
Anisimov D., Deng C., Hormann K. (2016)
Subdividing barycentric coordinates , Computer Aided Geometric Design, 43:172-185
Nestola M. G. C. , Cherubini C., Filippi S. ., Gizzi A. (2016)
Three-band decomposition analysis in multiscale FSI models of abdominal aortic aneurysms , International Journal of Modern Physics C:1650017-1650017
Lengauer C., Bolten M., Falgout R. D. ., Schenk O. (2015)
Advanced Stencil-Code Engineering (Dagstuhl Seminar 15161) , Dagstuhl Report, Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik:56-75
Krause R. , Veeser A., Walloth M. (2015)
An efficient and reliable residual-type a posteriori error estimator for the Signorini problem , Numerische Mathematik, 130 (1):151-197. ISSN 0945-3245
Bayrak A. G., Regazzoni F. , Novo D., Brisk P., Standaert F. X., Ienne P. (2015)
Automatic Application of Power Analysis Countermeasures , IEEE Transactions on Computers, 64:329-341. ISSN 0018-9340
Kourounis D. , Schenk O. (2015)
Constraint handling for gradient-based optimization of compositional reservoir flow , Computational Geosciences:1109-1122
Rosà A. , Chen L. Y., Binder W. (2015)
Demystifying Casualties of Evictions in Big Data Priority Scheduling , SIGMETRICS Perform. Eval. Rev. 42(4):12-21
Harbrecht H., Peters M. , Siebenmorgen M. (2015)
Efficient approximation of random fields for numerical applications , Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 22 (4):596-617
Banik S., Bogdanov A., Regazzoni F. (2015)
Exploring Energy Efficiency of Lightweight Block Ciphers , (IACR) Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2015
Dölz J., Harbrecht H., Peters M. (2015)
H-matrix accelerated second moment analysis for potentials with rough correlation , Journal of Scientific Computing, 65 (1):387-410
Regazzoni F. , Banik S., Bogdanov A., Isobe T., Shibutani K., Hiwatari H., Akishita T. (2015)
Midori: (A) Block Cipher for Low Energy (Extended Version) , (IACR) Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2015
Nestola M. G. C. , Gizzi A., Cherubini C., Filippi S. ., Succi S. (2015)
Novel risk predictor for thrombus deposition in abdominal aortic aneurysms , Europhysics Letters:28001-28001
Marras S., Váša L., Brunnett G., Hormann K. (2015)
Perception-driven adaptive compression of static triangle meshes , Computer-Aided Design, 58:24-33
Soulé R. , Bugra G. (2015)
RailwayDB: Adaptive Storage of Interaction Graphs , Very Large Data Bases Journal:1-18
Soulé R. , Hirzel M., Bugra G., Grimm R. (2015)
River: An Intermediate Language for Stream Processing , Software: Practice and Experience:1-39
Brumm J., Mikushin D., Scheidegger S. U., Schenk O. (2015)
Scalable high-dimensional dynamic stochastic economic modeling , Journal of Computational Science:12-25
Schneider T., Hormann K. (2015)
Smooth bijective maps between arbitrary planar polygons , Computer Aided Geometric Design, 35-36:243-354
Arbenz P., Grigori L., Krause R. , Schenk O. (2015)
Special issue on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications (PMAA'14) , Parallel Computing:135-136
Dyn N., Heard A., Hormann K. , Sharon N. (2015)
Univariate subdivision schemes for noisy data with geometric applications , Computer Aided Geometric Design, 37:85-104
Hirzel M., Soulé R. , Schneider S., Bugra G., Grimm R. (2014)
A catalog of stream processing optimizations , ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR):1-34
Barenghi A., Hocquet C., Bol D., Standaert F. X., Regazzoni F. , Koren I. (2014)
A Combined Design-Time/Test-Time Study of the Vulnerability of Sub-Threshold Devices to Low Voltage Fault Attacks , IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, PP. ISSN 2168-6750
Petra C. G., Schenk O. , Lubin M., Gaertner K. (2014)
An Augmented Incomplete Factorization Approach for Computing the Schur Complement in Stochastic Optimization , SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing:C139-C162
Váša L., Marras S., Hormann K. , Brunnett G. (2014)
Compressing dynamic meshes with geometric Laplacians , Computer Graphics Forum, 33 (2):145-154
Saba M., Schneider T., Hormann K. , Scateni R. (2014)
Curvature-based blending of closed planar curves , Graphical Models, 76 (5):263-272
Dickopf T., Krause R. (2014)
Evaluating local approximations of the L2-orthogonal projection between non-nested finite element spaces , Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods, and Applications, 7 (3):288-316
Chang H., Mariani L., Pezzè M. (2014)
Exception Handlers for Healing Component Based Systems , ACM transactions on software engineering and methodology. ISSN 1049-331X
Kollias G., Sathe M., Schenk O. , Grama A. (2014)
Fast parallel algorithms for graph similarity and matching , Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing:2400-2410
Fiorin L., Sami M. G. (2014)
Fault-Tolerant Network Interfaces for Networks-on-Chip , IEEE Trans. Dependable Secur. Comput., 11:16-29. ISSN 1545-5971
Grote M. J., Huber J., Kourounis D. , Schenk O. (2014)
Inexact Interior-Point Method for PDE-Constrained Nonlinear Optimization , SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing:A1251-A1276
Zhang J., Deng B., Liu Z., Patanè G., Bouaziz S., Hormann K. , Liu L. (2014)
Local barycentric coordinates , ACM Transactions on Graphics, 33 (6):Article 188, 12 pages
Wagner S., Sathe M., Schenk O. (2014)
Optimization for process plans in sheet metal forming , Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing}:2400-2410
Bekas C., Grama A., Saad Y., Schenk O. (2014)
Parallel matrix algorithms , Parallel Computing:159-160
Deng C., Hormann K. (2014)
Pseudo-spline subdivision surfaces , Computer Graphics Forum, 33 (5):227-236
Çavdar D., Rosà A. , Chen . Y., Binder W. , Alagöz F. (2014)
Quantifying the Brown Side of the Priority Scheduler: Lessons from Big Clusters. , SIGMETRICS Perform. Eval. Rev. 42(3):76-81
Petra C. G. ., Schenk O. , Anitescu M. (2014)
Real-Time Stochastic Optimization of Complex Energy Systems on High-Performance Computers , Computing in Science Engineering:32-42
Barenghi A., Pelosi G., Regazzoni F. (2014)
Simulation-Time Security Margin Assessment against Power-Based Side Channel Attacks , (IACR) Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2014
Becker G., Regazzoni F. , Paar C., Burleson W. (2014)
Stealthy Dopant-Level Hardware Trojans: Extended Version , Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, 4:19-31. ISSN 2190-8516
Fiorin L., Palermo G., Silvano C. (2013)
A Configurable Monitoring Infrastructure for NoC-Based Architectures , IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, PP. ISSN 1063-8210
Bol D., Hocquet C., Regazzoni F. (2013)
A Fast ULV Logic Synthesis Flow in Many-Vt CMOS Processes for Minimum Energy under Timing Constraints , IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, 59:947-951. ISSN 1549-7747
Derin O., Cannella E., Tuveri G., Meloni P., Stefanov T., Fiorin L., Raffo L., Sami M. G. (2013)
A system-level approach to adaptivity and fault-tolerance in NoC-based MPSoCs: The MADNESS project. , Microprocessors and Microsystems - Embedded Hardware Design, 37:515-529
Mariani G., Palermo G., Zaccaria V., Silvano C. (2013)
ARTE: an Application-specific Run-Time Management Framework for Multi-cores based on Queuing Models , Parallel Computing
Bayrak A. G., Regazzoni F. , Novo Bruna D., Brisk P., Standaert F. X., Ienne P. (2013)
Automatic Application of Power Analysis Countermeasures , IEEE Transactions on Computers, PP. ISSN 0018-9340
Schneider T., Hormann K. , Michael S. Floater (2013)
Bijective composite mean value mappings , Computer Graphics Forum, 32 (5):137-146
Bos L., De Marchi S., Hormann K. , Sidon J. (2013)
Bounding the Lebesgue constant for Berrut's rational interpolant at general nodes , Journal of Approximation Theory, 169:7-22
Harbrecht H., Peters M. , Siebenmorgen M. (2013)
Combination technique based k-th moment analysis of elliptic problems with random diffusion , Journal of Computational Physics, 252:128-141
Harbrecht H., Peters M. (2013)
Comparison of fast boundary element methods on parametric surfaces , Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 261--262:39-55
Mariani G., Palermo G., Zaccaria V., Silvano C. (2013)
Design-space Exploration and Runtime Resource Management for Multicores , ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) - Special issue on application-specific processors, 13:20:1-20:27. ISSN 1539-9087
Marras S., Cashman T. J., Hormann K. (2013)
Efficient interpolation of articulated shapes using mixed shape spaces , Computer Graphics Forum, 32 (8):258-270
Luisier M., Schenk O. (2013)
Gate-Stack Engineering in n-Type Ultrascaled Si Nanowire Field-Effect Transistors , IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices:3325-3329
Cashman T. J., Hormann K. , Reif U. (2013)
Generalized Lane–Riesenfeld algorithms , Computer Aided Geometric Design, 30 (4):398-409
Toffetti Carughi G., Gambi A., Pezzè M. , Pautasso C. (2013)
Kriging Controllers for Cloud Applications , IEEE Internet Computing. ISSN 1089-7801
Deng C., Hormann K. , Zhang Z. (2013)
On the norms of the Dubuc–Deslauriers subdivision schemes , Computer Aided Geometric Design, 30 (7):672-674
Denaro G., Pezzè M. , Tosi D. (2013)
Test-and-Adapt: An Approach for Improving Service Interchangeability , ACM transactions on software engineering and methodology, 22 (4):1-42. ISSN 1049-331X
Basini P., Nissen-Meyer T., Boschi L., Casarotti E., Verbeke J., Schenk O. , Giardini D. (2013)
The influence of nonuniform ambient noise on crustal tomography in Europe , Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems:1471-1492
Bonetta D. (2013)
TigerQuoll: parallel event-based JavaScript , 18th ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles and practice of parallel programming (PPoPP ’13):251-260
Cashman T. J., Hormann K. (2012)
A continuous, editable representation for deforming mesh sequences with separate signals for time, pose and shape , Computer Graphics Forum, 31 (2):735-744
Bol D., Hocquet C., Regazzoni F. (2012)
A Fast ULV Logic Synthesis Flow in Many-Vt CMOS Processes for Minimum Energy Under Timing Constraints , IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 59-II:947-951. ISSN 1549-7747
Winkel M., Speck R., Huebner H., Arnold L., Krause R. , Gibbon P. (2012)
A massively parallel, multi-disciplinary Barnes-Hut tree code for extreme-scale N-body simulations , Computer Physics Communications, 183 (4):880-889. ISSN 0010-4655
Curtis F. E., Huber J., Schenk O. , Wächter A. (2012)
A note on the implementation of an interior-point algorithm for nonlinear optimization with inexact step computations , Mathematical Programming:209-227
Christen M., Schenk O. (2012)
A Performance Study of an Anelastic Wave Propagation Code Using Auto-tuned Stencil Computations , Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2012:956-965
Cannella E., Derin O., Meloni P., Tuveri G., Stefanov T. (2012)
Adaptivity Support for MPSoCs based on Process Migration in Polyhedral Process Networks , VLSI Design, 2012 (Article ID 987209):15 pages
Sathe M., Schenk O. , Burkhart H. (2012)
An auction-based weighted matching implementation on massively parallel architectures , Parallel Computing:595-614
Hormann K. , Klein G., De Marchi S. (2012)
Barycentric rational interpolation at quasi-equidistant nodes , Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, 5 (1):1-6
Ruprecht D., Krause R. (2012)
Explicit Parallel-in-time Integration of a Linear Acoustic-Advection System , Computers \& Fluids, 59:72-83
Dyn N., Hormann K. (2012)
Geometric conditions for tangent continuity of interpolatory planar subdivision curves , Computer Aided Geometric Design, 29 (6):332-347
Toffetti Carughi G., Pezzè M. (2012)
Graph transformations and software engineering: Success stories and lost chances , Journal of Visual Languages \& Computing. ISSN 1045-926X
Marras S., Bronstein M. , Hormann K. , Scateni R., Scopigno R. (2012)
Motion-based mesh segmentation using augmented silhouettes , Graphical Models, 74 (4):164-172
Bos L., De Marchi S., Hormann K. , Klein G. (2012)
On the Lebesgue constant of barycentric rational interpolation at equidistant nodes , Numerische Mathematik, 121 (3):461-471
Harbrecht H., Peters M. , Schneider R. (2012)
On the low-rank approximation by the pivoted Cholesky decomposition , Applied Numerical Mathematics, 62 (4):428-440
Mariani G., Palermo G., Silvano C., Zaccaria V. (2012)
OSCAR: an Optimization Methodology Exploiting Spatial Correlation in Multi-core Design Space , IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design, 21 (-):740-753
Krause R. , Walloth M. (2012)
Presentation and Comparison of Selected Algorithms for Dynamic Contact Based on the Newmark Scheme , Applied Numerical Mathematics, 62 (10):1393-1410
Potse M., Krause D., Bacharova L., Krause R. , Prinzen F., Auricchio A. (2012)
Similarities and differences between electrocardiogram signs of left bundle-branch block and left-ventricular uncoupling , Europace, 14 (suppl 5):v33-v39
Derin O., Kuncheerath Ramankutty P., Meloni P., Cannella E. (2012)
Towards Self-adaptive KPN Applications on NoC-based MPSoCs , Advances in Software Engineering, 2012:16 pages
Weber O., Ben-Chen M., Gotsman C., Hormann K. (2011)
A complex view of barycentric mappings , Computer Graphics Forum, 30 (5):1533-1542
Krause R. , Walloth M. (2011)
A family of space-time connecting discretization schemes for elastodynamic contact problems with local impact detection , Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 200 (1):3425-3438
Derin O., Diken E., Fiorin L. (2011)
A Middleware Approach to Achieving Fault-tolerance of Kahn Process Networks on Networks-on-Chips , International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing, 2011 (Article ID 295385):14 pages. ISSN 1687-7195
Raviv D., Bronstein A. M., Bronstein M. , Kimmel R., Sochen N. (2011)
Affine-invariant geodesic geometry of deformable 3D shapes , Computers & Graphics 35(3):692-697
Fackeldey K., Krause R. , Krause D., Lenzen C. (2011)
Coupling Molecular Dynamics and Continua with Weak Constraints , Multiscale Modeling \& Simulation, 9 (4):1459-1494
Drolshagen M., Keilig L., Hasan I., Reimann S., Deschner J., Brinkmann K., Krause R. , Favino M. , Bourauel C. (2011)
Development of a novel intraoral measurement device to determine the biomechanical characteristics of the human periodontal ligament. , Journal of Biomechanics, 44 (11):2136-2143
Mariani L., Pastore F., Pezzè M. (2011)
Dynamic Analysis for Diagnosing Integration Faults , IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (PP). ISSN 10.1109/TSE.2010.93
Baluda M., Braione P., Denaro G., Pezzè M. (2011)
Enhancing structural software coverage by incrementally computing branch executability , Software Quality Journal, 19 (4):725-751
Hocquet C., Kamel D., Regazzoni F. , Legat J. D., Flandre D., Bol D., Standaert F. X. (2011)
Harvesting the potential of nano-CMOS for lightweight cryptography: An ultra-low-voltage 65 nm AES coprocessor for passive RFID tags , Springer Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, 1
Bronstein M. (2011)
Lazy sliding window implementation of the bilateral filter on parallel architectures , IEEE Trans. Image Processing 20(6):1751-1756
Ykman-Couvreur C., Avasare P., Mariani G., Zaccaria V., Palermo G., Silvano C. (2011)
Linking run-time resource management of embedded multi-core platforms with automated design-time exploration , IET Computers and Digital Techniques, 5 (-):123-135
Bos L., De Marchi S., Hormann K. (2011)
On the Lebesgue constant of Berrut's rational Interpolant at equidistant nodes , Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 236 (4):504-510
Conti C., Hormann K. (2011)
Polynomial reproduction for univariate subdivision schemes of any arity , Journal of Approximation Theory, 163 (4):413-437
Pezzè M. , Rinard M. C., Weimer W., Zeller A. (2011)
Self-Repairing Programs (Dagstuhl Seminar 11062) , Dagstuhl Reports, 1 (2):16-29
Bronstein A., Bronstein M. , Guibas L., Ovsjanikov M. (2011)
Shape Google: geometric words and expressions for invariant shape retrieval , ACM Trans. Graphics 30(1):1-20
Bronstein M. , Bronstein A. (2011)
Shape recognition with spectral distances , IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 33(5):1065-1071
Bacharova L., Mateasik A., Krause R. , Prinzen F., Auricchio A. , Potse M. (2011)
The effect of reduced intercellular coupling on electrocardiographic signs of left ventricular hypertrophy , J. Electrocardiol., 44 (5):571-576
Papadopoulou K., Keilig L., Eliades T., Krause R. , Jäger A., Bourauel C. (2011)
The time-dependent biomechanical behaviour of the periodontal ligament - an in vitro experimental study in minipig mandibular two-rooted premola , The European Journal of Orthodontics, 36 (1):9-15. ISSN 0141-5387
Donatelli M., Russel G., Rizzoli A. E. (2010)
A component-based framework for simulating agricultural production and externalities , Environmental and Agricultural Modelling
Bronstein A., Bronstein M. , Kimmel R., Mahmoudi M., Sapiro G. (2010)
A Gromov-Hausdorff framework with diffusion geometry for topologically-robust non-rigid shape matching , IJCV 89(2-3):266-286
Gorla A., Mariani L., Pastore F., Pezzè M. , Wuttke J. D. (2010)
Achieving Cost-Effective Software Reliability Through Self-Healing , Computing and Informatics, 29 (1):93-115
Curtis F. E., Schenk O. , Wächter A. (2010)
An Interior-Point Algorithm for Large-Scale Nonlinear Optimization with Inexact Step Computations , SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing:3447-3475
Raviv D., Bronstein A., Bronstein M. , Kimmel R. (2010)
Full and partial symmetries of non-rigid shapes , IJCV 89(1):18-39
Gross C., Krause R. , Steiner J. (2010)
Heterogeneous Coupling: A Comparison of two Approaches for the Modeling of thin Structures , PAMM, 10 (1):649-650. ISSN 1617-7061
Mitra N. (2010)
Intrinsic regularity detection in 3D geometry , Proc. European Conf. Computer Vision (ECCV)
Winkler T., Drieseberg J., Alexa M., Hormann K. (2010)
Multi-scale geometry interpolation , Computer Graphics Forum, 29 (2):309-318
Rosman G., Bronstein M. , Bronstein A., Kimmel R. (2010)
Nonlinear dimensionality reduction by topologically constrained isometric embedding , IJCV 89(1):56-68
He L., Schaefer S., Hormann K. (2010)
Parameterizing subdivision surfaces , ACM Transactions on Graphics, 29 (4):Article 120, 6 pages
Dong B., Dyn N., Hormann K. (2010)
Properties of dual pseudo-splines , Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 29 (1):104-110
Krause R. (2009)
A Non-Smooth Multiscale Method for Solving Frictional Two-Body Contact Problems in 2D and 3D with Multigrid Efficiency , SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 31 (2):1399-1423
Krause R. , Walloth M. (2009)
A Time Discretization Scheme Based on Rothe's Method for Dynamical Contact Problems with Friction , Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 199 (1-4):1-19
Bollhöfer M., Grote M. J., Schenk O. (2009)
Algebraic Multilevel Preconditioner for the Helmholtz Equation in Heterogeneous Media , SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing:3781-3805
Bailey D. V., Batina L., Bernstein D. J., Birkner P., Bos J. W., Chen H. ., Cheng C. ., van Damme G., Güneysu T., Gurkaynak F., Kleinjung T., Paar C., Regazzoni F. , Niederhagen R., Schwabe P., Uhsadel L., Van Herrewege A. (2009)
Breaking ECC2K-130 , IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2009:541
Derin O., Ferrante A. , Taddeo A. (2009)
Coordinated management of hardware and software self-adaptivity , Journal of Systems Architecture, 55 (3):170-179. ISSN 1383-7621
Dickopf T., Krause R. (2009)
Efficient simulation of multi-body contact problems on complex geometries: A flexible decomposition approach using constrained minimization , International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 77 (13):1834-1862
Derin O., Ferrante A. (2009)
Enabling Self-adaptivity in Component-based Streaming Applications , ACM SIGBED Review - Special Issue on the 2nd International Workshop on Adaptive and Reconfigurable Embedded Systems, 6 (3):14:1-14:4. ISSN 1551-3688
Schenk O. , Wächter A., Weiser M. (2009)
Inertia-Revealing Preconditioning For Large-Scale Nonconvex Constrained Optimization , SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing:939-960
Villa F., Rizzoli A. E. , Athanasiadis I. N. (2009)
Modelling with knowledge: A review of emerging semantic approaches to environmental modelling , Environmental Modelling and Software
Fackeldey K., Krause R. (2009)
Multiscale Coupling in Function Space - Weak Coupling between Molecular Dynamics and Continuum Mechanics , Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng, 79 (12):1517-1535
Gross C., Krause R. (2009)
On the Convergence of Recursive Trust--Region Methods for Multiscale Non-linear Optimization and Applications to Non-linear Mechanics , SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 47 (4):3044-3069
Schenk O. , Manguoglu M., Sameh A., Christen M., Sathe M. (2009)
Parallel scalable PDE-constrained optimization: antenna identification in hyperthermia cancer treatment planning , Computer Science - Research and Development:1865-2042
Bronstein A., Bronstein M. , Bruckstein A., Kimmel R. (2009)
Partial similarity of objects, or how to compare a centaur to a horse , IJCV 84(2):163-183
Pautasso C. (2009)
RESTful Web Service Composition with BPEL for REST , Data and Knowledge Engineering, 68(9):851-866
Tosi D., Denaro G., Pezzè M. (2009)
Towards autonomic service-oriented applications , International Journal of Autonomic Computing (IJAC), 1:58-80. ISSN 1741-8569
Schenk O. , Christen M., Burkhart H. (2008)
Algorithmic performance studies on graphics processing units , Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing:1360-1369
Schenk O. , Christen M., Burkhart H. (2008)
Algorithmic performance studies on graphics processing units , Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing:1360-1369
Carzaniga A. , Gorla A., Pezzè M. (2008)
Healing Web applications through automatic workarounds , International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT), 10 (6):493-502
Möller M., Kuzmin D., Kourounis D. (2008)
Implicit FEM-FCT algorithms and discrete Newton methods for transient convection problems , International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 57 (6):761-792. ISSN 1097-0363
Notkin D., Pezzè M. (2008)
Introduction to the special section from the ACM international symposium on software testing and analysis , ACM transactions on software engineering and methodology, 17 (2). ISSN 1049-331X
Schenk O. , Bollhöfer M., Römer R. (2008)
On Large-Scale Diagonalization Techniques for the Anderson Model of Localization , SIAM Review:91-112
Weber O., Devir Y., Bronstein A., Bronstein M. , Kimmel R. (2008)
Parallel algorithms for approximation of distance maps on parametric surfaces , ACM TOG 27(4)
Fiorin L., Palermo G., Lukovic S. , Catalano V., Silvano C. (2008)
Secure Memory Accesses on Networks-on-Chip , IEEE Transactions on Computers, 57 (9):1216-1229
Rizzoli A. E. , Donatelli M., I.N. A., Villa F., Huber D. (2008)
Semantic links in integrated modelling frameworks , Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
Mariani L., Pezzè M. (2007)
Dynamic Detection of COTS Component Incompatibility , IEEE Software, 24 (5):76-85. ISSN 0740-7459
Pezzè M. (2007)
Introduction to the special section on FASE 2003 , International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, 9 (2):133-134. ISSN 1433-2779
Schenk O. , Wächter A., Hagemann M. (2007)
Matching-based preprocessing algorithms to the solution of saddle-point problems in large-scale nonconvex interior-point optimization , Computational Optimization and Applications:321-341
Schenk O. , Bollhöfer M., Römer R. A. (2007)
On large-scale diagonalization techniques for the Anderson model of localization , SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing:963-983
Taddeo A., Ferrante A. (2007)
Scheduling Small packets in IPSec Multi-accelerator Based Systems , Journal of Communication(JCM) Academy publisher, 2 (2):53-60
Baresi L., Pezzè M. (2006)
An Introduction to Software Testing , Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 148 (1):89-111
Bollhöfer M., Schenk O. (2006)
Combinatorial Aspects in Sparse Elimination Methods , GAMM-Mitteilungen:342-367
Schenk O. , Gaertner K. (2006)
Fast Factorization Pivoting Methods for Sparse Symmetric Indefinite Systems , Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis:158-179
Bronstein M. , Bronstein A., Kimmel R., Yavneh I. (2006)
Multigrid multidimensional scaling , Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications (NLAA) 13(2-3):149-171
Schenk O. , Bollhöfer M., Römer R. A. (2006)
On Large-Scale Diagonalization Techniques for the Anderson Model of Localization , SIAM Journal on Scientific Computin:963-983
Hagemann M., Schenk O. (2006)
Weighted Matchings for Preconditioning Symmetric Indefinite Linear Systems , SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing:403-420
Arbenz P., Burkhart H., Maehle E., Schenk O. (2005)
Special section: SPEEDUP Workshop on Modern algorithms in computational science and information technology , Future Generation Computer Systems:1249-1250
Bronstein A., Bronstein M. , Kimmel R. (2005)
Three-dimensional face recognition , IJCV 64(1):5-30
Schenk O. , Hillmann M. (2004)
Optimal design of metal forming die surfaces with evolution strategies , Computers & Structures:1695-1705
Schenk O. , Gaertner K. (2004)
Solving unsymmetric sparse systems of linear equations with PARDISO , Future Generation Computer Systems:475-487
Schenk O. , Rollin S., Gupta A. (2004)
The effects of unsymmetric matrix permutations and scalings in semiconductor device and circuit simulation , IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems:400-411
Alippi C. , Galbusera A., Stellini M. (2003)
An Application Level Synthesis Methodology for Multidimensional Embedded Processing Systems , IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 22 (11):1457-1470
Macchetti M., Bertoni G. M. (2003)
Hardware Implementation of the Rijndael Sbox: a Case Study , ST Journal of System Research:84-91
Cherubini A., Crespi Reghizzi S., San Pietro P. (2002)
Associative Language Descriptions , Theoretical Computer Science, 270, 2002,463-491
Schenk O. , Gaertner K. (2002)
Solving Unsymmetric Sparse Systems of Linear Equations with PARDISO , Future Generation Computer Systems:475-487
Libro (6)
Harbrecht H., Multerer M. (2022)
Algorithmische Mathematik . Springer
Hormann K. , Sukumar N. (2017)
Generalized Barycentric Coordinates in Computer Graphics and Computational Mechanics . Taylor & Francis, CRC Press
Bronstein A., Bronstein M. , Kimmel R. (2008)
Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes . Springer
Pezzè M. , Young M. (2008)
Software Testing and Analysis: Process, Principles and Techniques . Wiley. ISBN 978-0-471-45593-6
Pezzè M. , Young M. (2007)
Software Testing and Analysis: Process, Principles and Techniques . Wiley. ISBN 0471455938
Krause R. (2001)
Monotone Multigrid Methods for Signorini's Problem with Friction . Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik
Contributo in libro (57)
Multerer M. , Pezzuto S. (2021)
Fast and Accurate Uncertainty Quantification for the ECG with Random Electrodes Location . Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart. FIMH 2021. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 561-572
Kardoš J. , Kourounis D. , Schenk O. (2020)
Parallel Structure Exploiting Interior Point Methods . Parallel Algorithms in Computational Science&Engineering - Parallelism as Enabling Technology in CSE Applications. Birkhauser, 1-30
Bollhoefer M., Schenk O. , Janalík R. , Hamm S., Gullapalli K. (2020)
State-of-The-Art Sparse Direct Solvers . Parallel Algorithms in Computational Science&Engineering - Parallelism as Enabling Technology in CSE Applications. Birkhauser, 1-30
Bollhoefer M., Schenk O. , Janalík R. , Hamm S., Gullapalli K. (2020)
State-of-The-Art Sparse Direct Solvers . Parallel Algorithms in Computational Science&Engineering - Parallelism as Enabling Technology in CSE Applications. Birkhauser, 1-30
Salza P., Musmarra P., Ferrucci F. (2019)
Agile Methodologies in Education: A Review . Agile and Lean Concepts for Teaching and Learning: Bringing Methodologies from Industry to the Classroom. Springer Singapore, 25-45. ISBN 9789811327513
Nestola M. G. C. , Becsek B., Zolfaghari H., Zulian P. , Obrist D., Krause R. . (2018)
An immersed boundary method based on the L2-projection approach . Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXIV. Springer International Publishing, 483-492
Becsek B., Zolfaghari H., Zulian P. , Obrist D., Krause R. . (2018)
An immersed boundary method based on the L2-projection approach . Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXIV. Springer International Publishing, 483-492
Ferrante A. , Malek M. , Martinelli F., Mercaldo F., Milosevic J. (2018)
Extinguishing Ransomware - A Hybrid Approach to Android Ransomware Detection . Foundations and Practice of Security. Springer International Publishing, 242-258. ISBN 978-3-319-75650-9
Peters M. , Wittwer L. D., Stopka A., Barac, D., Lang C., Iber D. (2018)
Simulation of morphogen and tissue dynamics . Morphogen Gradients. Humana Press, 223-250
Harbrecht H., Peters M. (2017)
Solution of free boundary problems in the presence of geometric uncertainties . Topological Optimization and Optimal Transport in the Applied Sciences. de Gruyter, 20-39
Harbrecht H., Peters M. (2016)
Combination technique based second moment analysis for PDEs on random domains . Sparse grids and applications - Stuttgart 2014. Springer International Publishing, 51-77
Grasedyck L., Löbbert C., Wittum G., Nägel A., Schulz V., Siebenborn M., Krause R. , Benedusi P., Küster U., Dick B. (2016)
Space and Time Parallel Multigrid for Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification in PDE Simulations . Software for Exascale Computing-SPPEXA 2013-2015. Springer, 507-523
Hormann K. (2015)
Geometry Processing . Encyclopedia of Applied and Computational Mathematics. Springer, 593-606
Hormann K. (2014)
Barycentric Interpolation . Approximation Theory XIV: San Antonio 2013. Springer. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 197-218
Dittrich A., Lichtblau B., Ribeiro Rezende R., Malek M. (2014)
Modeling Responsiveness of Decentralized Service Discovery in Wireless Mesh Networks . MMB \& DFT. Springer International Publishing Switzerland. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 88-102. ISBN 978-3-319-05358-5. ISSN 0302-9743
Durvaux F., Kerckhof S., Regazzoni F. , Standaert F. X. (2014)
Security IPs and IP Security with FPGAs . Secure Smart Embedded Devices Platform and Applications
Derin O., Fiorin L. (2014)
Towards a Reliability-aware Design Flow for Kahn Process Networks on NoC-based Multiprocessors . 10th Workshop on Dependability and Fault Tolerance (ARCS/VERFE''14). Springer. Lecture Notes on Computer Science
Gross C., Krause R. , Poletti V. (2013)
A Numerical Remark on the Time Discretization of Contact Problems in Nonlinear Elasticity . Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications 2011. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 165-173. ISBN 978-3-642-33133-6
Dittrich A., Ribeiro Rezende R. (2013)
Model-Driven Evaluation of User-Perceived Service Availability . Dependable Computing. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 39-53. ISSN 978-3-642-38788-3
Harbrecht H., Peters M. , Siebenmorgen M. (2013)
On multilevel quadrature for elliptic stochastic partial differential equations . Sparse grids and applications. Springer, 161-179
Toraldo M. L., Mangia G., Mercurio R., Consiglio S. (2013)
Play & fun politics to increase the pervasiveness of social community: the experience of Angels 4 Travelers . In Teigland, R. and Power, D. (eds) The Immersive Internet: Reflections on the Entangling of the Virtual with Society, Politics and the Economy. Palgrave – Macmillan, 138-147
Kakuda Y., Ohta T., Malek M. (2013)
Self-Organizing Real-Time Services in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks . Self-Organization in Embedded Real-Time Systems. Springer New York, 55-74. ISBN 978-1-4614-1968-6
Lukovic S. , Kaitovic I. (2013)
Systems Engineering for Assessment of Virtual Power System Implementations . Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 9th IFIP WG 12.5 International Conference, AIAI 2013, Paphos, Cyprus, September 30 -- October 2, 2013, Proceedings, 667-676. ISBN 978-3-642-41141-0. ISSN 1868-4238
Huber J., Schenk O. , Naumann U., Varnik E., Wächter A. (2012)
Algorithmic Differentiation and Nonlinear Optimization for an Inverse Medium Problem . Combinatorial Scientific Computing. Chapman and Hall/CRC, 203-231
Taddeo A., Mura M., Ferrante A. (2012)
Dynamic Adaptation of Security and QoS in Energy-Harvesting Sensors Nodes . e-Business and Telecommunications. Springer. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 243-258. ISBN 978-3-642-25205-1
Krause D., Potse M., Dickopf T., Krause R. , Auricchio A. , Prinzen F. (2012)
Hybrid Parallelization of a Large-Scale Heart Model . Facing the Multicore - Challenge II. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 120-132. ISBN 978-3-642-30396-8
Potse M., Dickopf T., Krause R. , Auricchio A. , Prinzen F., Krause D. (2012)
Hybrid parallelization of a realistic heart model . Facing the Multicore-Challenge II. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13-14
Regazzoni F. , Breveglieri L., Ienne P., Koren I. (2012)
Interaction between Fault Attack Countermeasures and the Resistance against Power Analysis Attacks . Fault Analysis in Cryptography. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Information Security and Cryptography Series, Springer, 257-272. ISBN 978-3-642-29656-7
Grillo A., Giverso C., Favino M. , Krause R. , Lampe M., Wittum G. (2012)
Mass Transport in Porous Media With Variable Mass . Advanced Structured Materials. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 27-61. ISBN 9783642305313
Braione P., Denaro G., Pezzè M. (2012)
On the integration of software testing and formal analysis . Lecture Notes on Computer Science. Springer, 158-193. ISBN 978-3-642-25230-3
Schenk O. , Gaertner K. (2012)
Parallel Numerical Linear Algebra . Encyclopedia of Parallel Computing. Springer, 1458-1464
Schenk O. , Sathe M., Ucar B., Sameh A. (2012)
Towards A Scalable Hybrid Linear Solver Based On Combinatorial Algorithms . Combinatorial Scientific Computing. Chapman and Hall/CR, 96-127
Gamrat C., Philippe J. M., Jesshope C., Shafarenko A., Bisdounis L., Bondi U. , Ferrante A. , Cabestany J., Huebner M., Parsinnen J., Kadlec J., Danek M., Tain B., Eisenbach S., Auguin M., Diguet J. P., Lenormand E., Roux J. L. (2011)
AETHER: Self-Adaptive Networked Entities: Autonomous Computing Elements for Future Pervasive Applications and Technologies . Reconfigurable Computing: From FPGAs to Hardware/Software Codesign. Springer, 149-184. ISBN 978-1-4614-0061-5
Mariani G., Avasare P., Ykman-Couvreur C., Vanmeerbeeck G., Palermo G., Silvano C., Zaccaria V. (2011)
Design Space Exploration for Run-Time Management of a Reconfigurable System for Video Streaming . Multi-objective design space exploration of multiprocessor SoC architectures: the MULTICUBE approach. Springer. 1, 189-204. ISBN 978-1-4419-8836-2
Mariani G., Avasare P., Ykman-Couvreur C., Vanmeerbeeck G., Palermo G., Silvano C., Zaccaria V. (2011)
Design Space Exploration of a Reconfigurable System for Supporting Video Streaming Run-time Management . Multi-objective design space exploration of multiprocessor SoC architectures: the MULTICUBE approach. Springer
Kavka C., Turco A., Palermo G., Silvano C., Zaccaria V., Mariani G., Bocchio S., Dongrui F. (2011)
Design Space Exploration of Parallel Architectures . Multi-objective design space exploration of multiprocessor SoC architectures: the MULTICUBE approach. Springer
Avasare P., Ykman-Couvreur C., Vanmeerbeeck G., Mariani G., Palermo G., Silvano C., Zaccaria V. (2011)
Design Space Exploration Supporting Run-time Resource Management . Multi-objective design space exploration of multiprocessor SoC architectures: the MULTICUBE approach. Springer
Mariani L., Pastore F., Pezzè M. , Santoro M. (2011)
Mining Finite-State Automata with Annotations . Mining Software Specifications: Methodologies and Applications. CRC Press. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 29-57
Silvano C., Fornaciari W., Palermo G., Zaccaria V., Castro F., Martinez M., Bocchio S., Zafalon R., Avasare P., Vanmeerbeeck G., Ykman-Couvreur C., Wouters M., Kavka C., Onesti L., Turco A., Bondi U. , Mariani G., Posadas H., Villar E., Wu S. Y. C., Dongrui F., Hao Z., Shibin T. (2011)
MULTICUBE: Multi-Objective Design Space Exploration of Multi-Core Architectures . VLSI 2010 Annual Symposium. Springer, 47-63. ISBN 978-94-007-1487-8
Rigoni E., Kavka C., Turco A., Palermo G., Silvano C., Zaccaria V., Mariani G. (2011)
Optimization Algorithms for Embedded System Design Space Exploration . Multi-objective design space exploration of multiprocessor SoC architectures: the MULTICUBE approach. Springer
Mura M., Sami M. G., Luppi A., Malchiodi G. (2011)
Progettazione e valutazione di soluzioni wireless multi-hop per il monitoraggio ambientale . MIARIA: Techologia e Conoscenza al Servizio della Sicurezza. Bellavite, 108-120. ISBN 978-88-7511-164-9
Palermo G., Silvano C., Zaccaria V., Rigoni E., Kavka C., Turco A., Mariani G. (2011)
Response Surface Modeling for Embedded System Design Space Exploration . Multi-objective design space exploration of multiprocessor SoC architectures: the MULTICUBE approach. Springer
Silvano C., Fornaciari W., Palermo G., Zaccaria V., Castro F., Martinez M., Bocchio S., Zafalon R., Avasare P., Vanmeerbeeck G., Ykman-Couvreur C., Wouters M., Kavka C., Onesti L., Turco A., Bondi U. , Mariani G., Posadas H., Villar E., Wu S. Y. C., Dongrui F., Hao Z. (2011)
The MULTICUBE Design Flow . Multi-objective Design Space Exploration of Multiprocessor SoC Architectures. Springer New York, 3-17. ISBN 978-1-4419-8836-2
Nesic S., Rizzoli A. E. , Athanasiadis I. (2011)
Towards a semantically unified environmental information space . Environmental Software Systems. Frameworks of eEnvironment, Springer
Dickopf T., Krause R. (2010)
A study of prolongation operators between non-nested meshes . Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XIX. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, 343-350
Prevostini M. , Mura M., Murillo L. G. (2010)
MDE Support for HW/SW Codesign: A UML-based Design Flow . Advances in Design Methods from Modeling Languages for Embedded Systems and SoC's. D. Borrione (eds.), Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2010, 19-37
Regazzoni F. , Cevrero A., Standaert F. X., Badel S., Kluter T., Brisk P., Leblebici Y., Ienne P. (2009)
A Design Flow and Evaluation Framework for DPA-resistant Instruction Set Extensions . Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 205-219. ISBN 978-3-642-04137-2
Pezzè M. , Wuttke J. D. (2009)
Automatic Generation of Runtime Failure Detectors from Property Templates . Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems. Springer-Verlag, 223-240. ISBN 978-3-642-02160-2
Brun Y., Serugendo G. M., Gacek C., Giese H. B., Kienle H., Litoiu M., Müller H. A., Pezzè M. , Shaw M. (2009)
Engineering Self-Adaptive Systems through Feedback Loops . Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems. Springer-Verlag, 48-70. ISBN 978-3-642-02160-2
Carzaniga A. , Gorla A., Pezzè M. (2009)
Handling Software Faults with Redundancy . Architecting Dependable Systems VI. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 148-171
Ferrante A. , Chandra S., Piuri V. (2009)
IPSec Database Query Acceleration . E-business and Telecommunications. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 188-200. ISBN 978-3-540-88652-5
Fiorin L., Palermo G., Silvano C., Elmiligi H. (2009)
Security in NoC . Networks-on-Chips: Theory and Practice. Taylor and Francis Group, LLC - CRC Press, 157-194
Mariani L., Pezzè M. (2008)
Emerging Methods, Technologies and Process Management in Software Engineering . Testing Object Oriented Software. Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press
Mariani L., Pezzè M. (2008)
Testing Object Oriented Software . ISBN 978-0-470-08571-4
Basu A., Lajolo M., Prevostini M. (2005)
A Methodology for Bridging the Gap between UML and Codesign . UML for SOC Design. G. Martin and W. Müller (eds.) Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2005. UML for SOC Design, G. Martin and W. Müller (eds.) Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2005, pp 119-146, 119-146
Schenk O. , Vorst H. v. d. . (2005)
Solution of Linear Systems . Handbook of Numerical Analysis:Numerical Methods in Electromagnetics. Elsevier Science, 755-824
Prevostini M. , Balzarini F., Kostadinov A., Mankan S., Martinola A., Minosi A. (2004)
UML-based Specifications of an Embedded System Oriented to HW/SW Partitioning . Languages for System Specification. C. Grimm (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston / Dordrecht / London, 2004. Languages for System Specification, C. Grimm (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston / Dordrecht / London, 2004, pp 71-84, 71-84
Working paper (4)
Kopanicakova A. , Kothari H. , Karniadakis G. E., Krause R. (2023)
Enhancing training of physics-informed neural networks using domain-decomposition based preconditioning strategies
Albrecht S., Vandevelde J. R., Vecchi E. , Berra G., Bassetti D., Stüttgen M. C., Luhmann H. J., Horenko I. (2023)
Spiking neural networks provide accurate, efficient and robust models for whisker stimulus classification and allow for inter-individual generalization
Zulian P. , Kopanicakova A. , Nestola M. G. C. , Fink A., Fadel N. A., Vandevondele J., Krause R. (2021)
Large scale simulation of pressure induced phase-field fracture propagation using Utopia
Kopanicakova A. , Krause R. (2021)
Multilevel Active-Set Trust-Region (MASTR) Method for Bound Constrained Minimization
Atti di conferenza (41)
Lechekhab M. , Pasadakis D. , Schenk O. (in uscita)
Multilevel Diffusion Based Spectral Graph Clustering . IEEE. 28th Annual IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Virtual Conference
Goshtasbi A., Jamshidiyantehrani M. (2024)
AI-Infused Soft Fluidic Tactile Sensing . IEEE. 2024 IEEE 7th International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft). ISBN 9798350381818
Kothari H. , Kopanicakova A. , Krause R. (2024)
Nonlinear Schwarz preconditioning for nonlinear optimization problems with bound constraints . Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVII. Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVII. ISBN 9783031507687
Kothari H. (2024)
Nonlinear Schwarz preconditioning for Quasi-Newton methods . Springer, Cham.. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering. Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVII. ISBN 9783031507687
Condor Lacambra J. , Jarabo A. (2022)
A Learned Radiance-Field Representation for Complex Luminaires . The Eurographics Association. EGSR 2022. ISBN 9783038681878
Grattarola D., Livi L., Alippi C. (2019)
Autoregressive Models for Sequences of Graphs . IEEE. IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
Dang H. T., Hofmann J., Liu Y., Radi M., Vucinic D., Pedone F. , Soulé R. (2018)
Consensus for Non-Volatile Main Memory . IEEE. 1st European P4 Workshop (P4EU)
Jepsen T., Pacheco de Sousa L., Moshref M., Pedone F. , Soulé R. (2018)
Infinite Resources for Optimistic Concurrency Control . ACM SIGCOMM. Workshop on In-Network Computing (NetCompute)
Jepsen T., Moshref M., Carzaniga A. , Foster N., Soulé R. (2018)
Life in the Fast Lane: A Line-Rate Linear Road . ACM. (SOSR). Los Angeles, CA. March 28-29, 2018
Jin X., Li X., Zhang H., Foster N., Lee J., Soulé R. , Kim C., Stoica I. (2018)
NetChain: Scale-Free Sub-RTT Coordination . USENIX. 15th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI)
Cascaval C., Foster N., Hallahan W., Lee J., Liu J., McKeown N., Schlesinger C., Sharif M., Soulé R. , Wang H. (2018)
p4v: Practical Verification for Programmable Data Planes . ACM SIGCOMM. Conference on Applications, Technologies, Architectures, and Protocols for Computer Communications (SIGCOMM ’18)
Kumar P., Yuan Y., Yu C., Foster N., Kleinberg R., Lapukhov P., Lim C. L., Soulé R. (2018)
Semi-Oblivious Traffic Engineering: The Road Not Taken . USENIX. 15th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI)
Kumar P., Yu C., Yuan Y., Foster N., Kleinberg R., Soulé R. (2018)
YATES: Rapid Prototyping for Traffic Engineering Systems . ACM. (SOSR). Los Angeles, CA. March 28-29, 2018
Sultana N., Galea S., Greaves D., Wojcik M., Shipton J., Clegg R., Mai L., Bressana P. G., Soulé R. , Mortier R., Costa P., Pietzuch P., Crowcroft J., Moore A., Zilberman N. (2017)
Emu: Rapid Prototyping of Networking Services . USENIX. USENIX Annual Technical Conference
Jin X., Li X., Zhang H., Soulé R. , Lee J., Foster N., Kim C., Stoica I. (2017)
NetCache: Balancing Key-Value Stores with Fast In-Network Caching . ACM. Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP)
Wang H., Soulé R. , Dang H. T., Lee K. S., Shrivastav V., Foster N., Weatherspoon H. (2017)
P4FPGA: A Rapid Prototyping Framework for P4 . ACM Sigcomm. Symposium on SDN Research
Rogora D., Diwan A., Smolka S., Carzaniga A. , Soulé R. (2017)
Performance Annotations for Cloud Computing . USENIX. 9th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing
Dang H. T., Wang H., Jepsen T., Brebner G., Kim C., Rexford J., Soulé R. , Weatherspoon H. (2017)
Whippersnapper: A P4 Language Benchmark Suite . ACM Sigcomm. Symposium on SDN Research
Padilha R., Fynn E., Soulé R. , Pedone F. (2016)
Callinicos: Robust Transactional Storage for Distributed Data Structures . USENIX. USENIX Annual Technical Conference
Sherwany A., Zaza N., Nystrom N. (2015)
A refactoring library for Scala compiler extensions . Springer. Conference on Compiler Construction '15
Hormann K. , Staadt O. (2015)
Eurographics 2015: State of the Art Reports . Eurographics Association. Eurographics 2015. Zürich. May 4–8, 2015
Dang H. T., Sciascia D., Canini M., Pedone F. , Soulé R. (2015)
NetPaxos: Consensus at Network Speed . ACM Sigcomm. Symposium on SDN Research
Hormann K. , Liu L. (2015)
Solid and Physical Modeling 2014 . Elsevier. SPM 2014. Hong Kong. October 26–28, 2014
Hormann K. , McMains S., Umlauf G. (2014)
2013 SIAM Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling . Elsevier. SIAM Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling. Denver. November 11–14, 2013
Soulé R. , Shrutarshi B., Jalili Marandi P., Pedone F. , Kleinberg R., Gün Sirer E., Foster N. (2014)
Merlin: A Language for Provisioning Network Resources . ACM. Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies (CoNext)
Princehouse L., Chenchu R., Zhefu J., Birman K., Foster N., Soulé R. (2014)
MiCA: A Compositional Architecture for Gossip Protocols. . Springer Link. European Conference Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP)
Azadmanesh M. R., Sherwany A., Eynard D., Vitasek M., Hauswirth M. (2014)
Mobile vs. Desktop Programming Projects: The Effect on Students . ACM. PROMOTO '14
Bronstein M. , Favre J. M. ., Hormann K. (2013)
Vision, Modeling and Visualization 2013 . Eurographics Association. VMV 2013. Lugano. September 11–13, 2013
Deng J., Hormann K. , Kazhdan M. (2012)
Geometric Modeling and Processing 2012 – Part 1 . Elsevier. GMP 2012. Huangshan. June 18–24, 2012
Deng J., Hormann K. , Kazhdan M. (2012)
Geometric Modeling and Processing 2012 – Part 2 . Elsevier. GMP 2012. Huangshan. June 18–24, 2012
Derin O., Kabakci D., Fiorin L. (2011)
Online Task Remapping Strategies for Fault-tolerant Network-on-Chip Multiprocessors . ACM. Fifth ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip. ISBN 978-1-4503-0720-8
Bronstein M. , Bronstein A., Michel F., Paragios N. (2010)
Data fusion through cross-modality metric learning using similarity-sensitive hashing . Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
Mitra N., Bronstein A., Bronstein M. (2010)
Intrinsic regularity detection in 3D geometry . Proc. European Conf. Computer Vision (ECCV)
Bronstein M. , Kokkinos I. (2010)
Scale-invariant heat kernel signatures for non-rigid shape recognition . Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
Baluda M., Braione P., Denaro G., Pezzè M. (2010)
Structural coverage of feasible code . ACM
Juan C., Abad F., Cano J. (2010)
Tangible Cubes Used as the User Interface in an Augmented Reality Game for Edutainment . 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT). IEEE Computer Society 2010. Sousse, Tuneisa. 5-7 July 2010
Denaro G., Gorla A., Pezzè M. (2009)
DaTeC: Contextual Data Flow Testing of Java Classes . IEEE Computer Society
Pautasso C. , Zimmermann O., Leymann F. (2008)
RESTful Web Services vs. Big Web Services: Making the Right Architectural Decision . Proc. of the 17th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2008), Bejing, China, April 2008.
Braione P., Denaro G., Krena B., Pezzè M. (2008)
Verifying LTL Properties of Bytecode with Symbolic Execution . Elsevier
Denaro G., Pezzè M. , Shehory O. (2007)
SOQUA '2007: Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on software quality assurance . ACM. New York, NY, USA
Pezzè M. , Pollock L. (2006)
ISSTA '06: Proceedings of the 2006 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis . ACM. New York, NY, USA
Contributo in atti di conferenza (407)
Rim H., Schenk O. , Kardoš J. (in uscita)
Forecasting Renewable Energy at European Markets . 13th DACH+ Conference on Energy Informatics. ACM SIGEnergy Energy Informatics Review. 13th DACH+ Conference on Energy Informatics. Lugano, Switzerland. October 9-11, 2024
Crupi L., Butera L. , Ferrante A. , Palossi D. (2024)
A Deep Learning-based Pest Insect Monitoring System for Ultra-low Power Pocket-sized Drones . Distributed Computing in Smart Systems and the Internet of Things (DCOSS-IoT). Wireless Sensors and Drones in the Internet of Things (Wi-DroIT) 2024. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. April 29 - May 1
Schmidt J. ., Pasadakis D. , Sathe M., Schenk O. (2024)
GAMLNet: a graph based framework for the detection of money laundering . IEEE SDS24. IEEE. IEEE Swiss Conference on Data Science (SDS). The Circle Convention Center, Zurich Airport. May 30 – 31, 2024
De Felice G., Cini A. , Zambon D. , Gusev V., Alippi C. (2024)
Graph-Based Virtual Sensing from Sparse and Partial Multivariate Observations . The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations
Gravina A., Zambon D. , Bacciu D., Alippi C. (2024)
Temporal Graph ODEs for Irregularly-Sampled Time Series . Proceedings of the Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization
Kothari H. , Kopanicakova A. , Krause R. (2023)
A Multigrid Preconditioner for Jacobian-free Newton-Krylov Methods . Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVI. Springer. 26th Domain Decomposition Conference. Hong Kong, China. December 2020
Makri V., Pasadakis D. , Pasadakis N. (2023)
A Novel Chemometric Approach for Oil & Source Rock Clustering . European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers. IMOG. Montpellier, France. 10–15 September 2023
Jami J., Kardoš J. , Schenk O. , Koestler H. (2023)
AI Driven Near Real-time Locational Marginal Pricing Method: A Feasibility and Robustness Study . ISGT 2023. Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference. Université Grenoble Alpes, France. October 23rd-26th, 2023
Basso M. , Rosà A. , Omini L., Binder W. (2023)
Java Vector API: Benchmarking and Performance Analysis . CC. Montreal, Canada. February 2023
Pasadakis D. , Schenk O. , Vlacic V. ., Yzelman A. J. (2023)
Nonlinear Spectral Clustering with C++ GraphBLAS . IEEE HPEC 2023. IEEE. 27th Annual IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference. Virtual. 25 - 29 September 2023
Cini A. , Marisca I. , Zambon D. , Alippi C. (2023)
Taming Local Effects in Graph-based Spatiotemporal Forecasting . Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. Curran Associates, Inc.
Basso M. , Rosales Rosero E. E. , Schiavio F. , Rosà A. , Binder W. (2022)
Accurate Fork-Join Profiling on the Java Virtual Machine . EuroPar. Glasgow, United Kingdom. 22-26 August 2022
Rosales Rosero E. E. , Rosà A. , Basso M. , Villazon Torrico A., Orellana A., Zenteno A., Rivero J., Binder W. (2022)
Characterizing Java Streams in the Wild . ICECCS. Hiroshima, Japan. 26-30 March 2022
Bacciu D., Errica F., Navarin N., Pasa L., Zambon D. (2022)
Deep Learning for Graphs . 30th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, ESANN 2022. ISBN 978-2-87587-084-1
Antonucci A. , Mangili F. , Bonesana C. , Adorni G. (2022)
Intelligent Tutoring Systems by Bayesian Nets with Noisy Gates . 35. The International FLAIRS Conference Proceedings. Florida. May 2022
Mangili F. , Adorni G. , Piatti A. , Bonesana C. , Antonucci A. (2022)
Modelling Assessment Rubrics through Bayesian Networks: a Pragmatic Approach . 2022 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks. IEEE. SoftCOM. Split, Croatia. 22-24 September
Basso M. , Schiavio F. , Rosà A. , Binder W. (2022)
Optimizing Parallel Java Streams . ICECCS. Hiroshima, Japan. 26-30 March 2022
Schiavio F. , Rosà A. , Binder W. (2022)
SQL to Stream with S2S: An Automatic Benchmark Generator for the Java Stream API . GPCE. Auckland, New Zealand. December 2022
Munari M., Pasa L., Zambon D. , Alippi C. , Navarin N. (2022)
Understanding Catastrophic Forgetting of Gated Linear Networks in Continual Learning . 2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)
Antonucci A. , Mangili F. , Bonesana C. , Adorni G. (2021)
A New Score for Adaptive Tests in Bayesian and Credal Networks . 16. European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches with Uncertainty. Prague, Czech Republic. 21 September 2021
Villazon Torrico A., Sun H., Rosà A. , Rosales Rosero E. E. , Bonetta D., Defilippis I., Oporto S., Binder W. (2021)
Automated Large-scale Multi-language Dynamic Program Analysis in the Wild . SE. Braunschweig, Germany. February 2021
Sun H., Rosà A. , Bonetta D., Binder W. (2021)
Automatically Assessing and Extending Code Coverage for NPM Packages . AST. Madrid, Spain. May 2021
Paassen B., Grattarola D., Zambon D. , Alippi C. , Hammer B. E. (2021)
Graph Edit Networks . International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR). International conference on learning representations (ICLR). Virtual. 3-7 May
Holt T. A. B., Kardoš J. , Fazio V., Fazio L., Spazzini F. ., Schenk O. (2021)
High-Performance Data Analytics Techniques for Power Markets Simulation . SEST 2021. International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies 2021. Vaasa, Finland. September 6-8, 2021
Kothari H. , Krause R. (2021)
Multigrid and saddle-point preconditioners for unfitted finite element modelling of inclusions . 14th WCCM-ECCOMAS Congress 2020. WCCM-ECCOMAS2020. virtual congress. January, 11-15, 2021
Gaedke-Merzhäuser L. , Kopanicakova A. , Krause R. (2021)
Multilevel Minimization for Deep Residual Networks . FSG'19. ICML. FSG. ---. ---
Braglia V., Kopanicakova A. , Krause R. (2020)
A Multilevel Approach to Training . ICML 2020 Workshop: Beyond First Order Methods in Machine Learning. ICML. Viena. July, 2020
Bilgen C., Kopanicakova A. , Krause R. , Kerstin W. (2020)
A phase-field approach to pneumatic fracture. . PAMM. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. ---. __. ---
Rosales Rosero E. E. , Rosà A. , Binder W. (2020)
Analysis and Optimization of Task Granularity on the Java Virtual Machine . SE. Innsbruck, Austria. May 2020
Rosales Rosero E. E. , Rosà A. , Binder W. (2020)
FJProf: Profiling Fork/Join Applications on the Java Virtual Machine . VALUETOOLS. Tsukuba, Japan. May 2020
Zambon D. , Alippi C. , Livi L. (2020)
Graph Random Neural Features for Distance-Preserving Graph Representations . Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). PMLR. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research. Virtual
Rosà A. , Binder W. (2020)
P3: A Profiler Suite for Parallel Applications on the Java Virtual Machine . APLAS. Fukuoka, Japan. November 2020
Rosales Rosero E. E. , Rosà A. , Binder W. (2020)
Profiling Streams on the Java Virtual Machine . MoreVMs. Porto, Portugal. March 2020
Prokopec A., Rosà A. , Leopoldseder D., Duboscq G., Tuma P., Studener M., Bulej L. , Zheng Y., Villazon Torrico A., Simon D., Würthinger T., Binder W. (2020)
Renaissance: Benchmarking Suite for Parallel Applications on the JVM . SE. Innsbruck, Austria. February 2020
HASSANJANIKHOSHKROUD N. ., Nestola M. G. C. , Zulian P. , von Planta C., Vogler D., Köstler H. ., Krause R. (2020)
Thermo-Fluid-Structure Interaction Based on the Fictitious Domain Method: Application to Dry Rock Simulation . Proceedings,45rd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University. 45rd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering. Stanford University. 10-12 February
Villazon Torrico A., Sun H., Rosà A. , Rosales Rosero E. E. , Bonetta D., Defilippis I., Oporto S., Binder W. (2019)
Automated Large-scale Multi-language Dynamic Program Analysis in the Wild . ECOOP. London, United Kingdom. 2019
Zambon D. , Grattarola D., Livi L., Alippi C. (2019)
Autoregressive Models for Sequences of Graphs . IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
Alippi C. , Livi L. (2019)
Graph Embeddings from Random Neural Features . Advances in Neural Information Processing System (NeurIPS), Graph Representation Learning Workshop
Pilato C., Basu K., Shayan M., Regazzoni F. , Karri R. (2019)
High-Level Synthesis of Benevolent Trojans . Proceedings of the IEEE Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE)
Villazon Torrico A., Sun H., Rosà A. , Rosales Rosero E. E. , Bonetta D., Defilippis I., Oporto S., Binder W. (2019)
NAB: Automated Large-scale Multi-language Dynamic Program Analysis in Public Code Repositories . SPLASH. SPLASH. Athens, Greece. 20.08.19
Schiavio F. , Sun H., Bonetta D., Rosà A. , Binder W. (2019)
NodeMOP: Runtime Verification for Node.js Applications . SAC. Limassol, Cyprus. 2019
Rosales Rosero E. E. , Rosà A. , Binder W. (2019)
Optimization Coaching for Fork/Join Applications on the Java Virtual Machine . MoreVMs. Genova, Italy. 2019
Wahab M. A., Milosevic J., Regazzoni F. , Ferrante A. (2019)
Power and Performance Optimized Hardware Classifiers for Eefficient Oon-device Malware Detection . Cryptography and Security in Computing Systems. ACM. Valencia, Spain
Prokopec A., Rosà A. , Leopoldseder D., Duboscq G., Tuma P., Studener M., Bulej L. , Zheng Y., Villazon Torrico A., Simon D., Würthinger T., Binder W. (2019)
Renaissance: A Modern Benchmark Suite for Parallel Applications on the JVM . SPLASH. SPLASH. Athens, Greece. 20.10.19
Prokopec A., Rosà A. , Leopoldseder D., Duboscq G., Tuma P., Studener M., Bulej L. , Zheng Y., Villazon Torrico A., Simon D., Würthinger T., Binder W. (2019)
Renaissance: Benchmarking Suite for Parallel Applications on the JVM . PLDI. Phoenix, AZ, USA. 2019
de Lima Batista E. R. , Alchieri E., Pedone F. , Dotti F. (2019)
Resource Utilization Analysis of Early Scheduling in Parallel State Machine Replication . IEEE. 9th Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing (LADC). Natal, Brazil. 19-21 Nov. 2019
Mantegazza D. , Guzzi J., Gambardella L. M. , Giusti A. (2019)
Vision-based Control of a Quadrotor in User Proximity: Mediated vs End-to-End Learning Approaches . ICRA. ICRA. Montreal, Canada. March 2019
Verzelli P., Livi L., Alippi C. (2018)
A characterization of the Edge of Criticality in Binary Echo State Networks . 2018 IEEE 28th International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP). Aalborg, Denmark
Donfack S. ., Sanan P. ., Schenk O. , Reps B. ., Vanroose W. (2018)
A High Arithmetic Intensity Krylov Subspace Method Based on Stencil Compiler Programs . Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering. Springer International Publishing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9611. Springer, Cham.. HPCSE2017. Soláň, Czech Republic. May 2017
Luisier M., Ducry . F., Hossein . M. ., Hashemia B., Brück S. ., Calderara M., Schenk O. (2018)
Advanced Algorithms for Ab-initio Device Simulations . IEEE Xplore:. IEEE Xplore. 2018 International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD). Austin, TX, USA, USA. 24-26 Sept. 2018
Rosà A. , Rosales Rosero E. E. , Binder W. (2018)
Analyzing and Optimizing Task Granularity on the JVM . CGO. Vienna, Austria. 2018
Zambon D. , Livi L., Alippi C. (2018)
Anomaly and Change Detection in Graph Streams through Constant-Curvature Manifold Embeddings . 2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. 2018 World Congress on Computational Intelligence. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 8-13 July 2018
Lukovic S. , Gasparin A., Witzig J., Herbst I. (2018)
Arbon Demonstrator Eye-on-the-Grid, from Concept to Results . SCCER-FURIES Annual Conference
Simpson T. , Dimosthenis . P., Kourounis D. , Fujita K., Yamaguchi T. ., Tsuyoshi I., Schenk O. (2018)
Balanced Graph Partition Refinement using the Graph p-Laplacian . Proceedings of the ACM Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference. ACM New York, NY, USA, 2018. PASC18. Basel, Switzerland. July 02 to 04, 2018
Simpson T., Pasadakis D. , Kourounis D. , Fujita K., Yamaguchi T. ., Ichimura T. ., Schenk O. (2018)
Balanced Graph Partition Refinement using the Graph p-Laplacian . Proceedings of the ACM Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference. ACM. PASC’18. Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference (PASC). Basel. July 02 - 04, 2018
Pilato C. (2018)
Bridging the Gap between Software and Hardware Designers Using High-Level Synthesis . Advances in Parallel Computing
Eftekhari A. , Bollhoefer M., Schenk O. (2018)
Distributed Memory Sparse Inverse Covariance Matrix Estimation on High-Performance Computing Architectures . Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. ACM. SC18. Dallas, Texas. November 11 – 16, 2018
Salza P., Palomba F., Di Nucci D., D'Uva C., De Lucia A., Ferrucci F. (2018)
Do Developers Update Third-party Libraries in Mobile Apps? . Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC). IEEE/ACM International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC). Gothenburg, Sweden. 27-28 May 2018
O Malley C., Kourounis D. , Hug G., Schenk O. (2018)
Finite Volume Methods for Transient Modeling of Gas Pipelines . 5th IEEE International Energy Conference. IEEE Xplore. ENERGYCON. Limassol, Cyprus. June 3-7, 2018
Verbosio F., Kardoš J. , Bianco M., Schenk O. (2018)
Highly Scalable Stencil-based Matrix-free Stochastic Estimator for the Diagonal of the Inverse . 9th Workshop on Applications for Multi-Core Architectures. 30th IEEE International Symposium on Computer, Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD 2018). ENS Lyon, Lyon, France. September 24-27, 2018
Rosales Rosero E. E. , Rosà A. , Binder W. (2018)
lpt: A Tool for Tuning the Level of Parallelism of Spark Applications . APSEC. Nara, Japan. December 2018
Wittmann M., Hager G., Janalík R. , Lanzer M., Klawoon A., Rheinbach O., Schenk O. , Wellein G. (2018)
Multicore Performance Engineering of Sparse Triangular Solves Using a Modified Roofline Model . Proceedings of the 30th IEEE International Symposium on Computer, Architecture and High Performance Computing. IEEE Xplore Proceedings. SBAC-PAD 2018. École Normale Supérieure, Lyon, France. September 24-27, 2018
Schenk O. , Hug G. (2018)
Optimizing gas networks using adjoint gradients . x. x. x. x
Ferrante A. (2018)
Panel IoT and pervasive computing: are new definitions of security and privacy needed? . Malicious Software and Hardware in Internet of Things Co-located with ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers 2018. Malicious Software and Hardware in Internet of Things Co-located with ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers 2018. Ischia, Naples, Italy. 05/2018
Regazzoni F. , Fowler A., Polian I. (2018)
Quantum Era Challenges for Classical Computers . Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation. ACM. New York, NY, USA. ISBN 978-1-4503-6494-2
Scheidegger S., Mikushin . D. ., Kuebler F., Schenk O. (2018)
Rethinking large-scale economic modeling for efficiency: optimizations for GPU and Xeon Phi clusters . IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'18). In Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'18). IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'18). Vancouver, Canada. May 25-29, 2018
Chaves R., Chmielewski \., Regazzoni F. , Batina L. (2018)
SCA-Resistance for AES: How Cheap Can We Go? . Progress in Cryptology -- AFRICACRYPT 2018. Springer International Publishing. Cham. ISBN 978-3-319-89339-6
O Malley C., Roald L., Kourounis D. , Schenk O. , Hug G. (2018)
Security Assessment in Gas-Electric Networks . IEEE Xplore Proceedings of the 20th Power Systems Computation Conference. IEEE Xplore Proceedings. PSCC 2018, 20th Power Systems Computation Conference. Dublin, Ireland. June 11-15, 2018
Regazzoni F. , Alippi C. , Polian I. (2018)
Security: The Dark Side of Approximate Computing? . Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Aided Design. ACM. New York, NY, USA. ISBN 978-1-4503-5950-4
Bianchi F. M., Livi L., Ferrante A. , Milosevic J., Malek M. (2018)
Time series kernel similarities for predicting Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation from ECGs . IJCNN 2018 : International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. IEEE. Rio, Brazil
Rosà A. , Rosales Rosero E. E. , Schiavio F. , Binder W. (2018)
Understanding Task Granularity on the JVM: Profiling, Analysis, and Optimization . Programming 2018. Nice, France. 2018
von Planta C., Vogler D., Nestola M. G. C. , Zulian P. , Krause R. (2018)
Variational Parallel Information Transfer between Unstructured Grids in Geophysics - Applications and Solutions Methods . Proceedings,43rd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University. 43rd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University. Stanford University. 12-14 February 2018
Worst-Case Execution Time Testing via Evolutionary Symbolic Execution . Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE). IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE). Memphis, Tennessee, USA. 15-18 October 2018
Aquino A., Denaro G., Salza P. (2018)
Worst-Case Execution Time Testing via Evolutionary Symbolic Execution . Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE). IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE). Memphis, Tennessee, USA. 15-18 October 2018
Bilgen C., Kopanicakova A. , Krause R. , Weinberg K. (2017)
A phase-field approach to pneumatic fracture . PAMM. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. ---. ---. ---
Rosà A. , Rosales Rosero E. E. , Binder W. (2017)
Accurate Reification of Complete Supertype Information for Dynamic Analysis on the JVM . GPCE. Vancouver, Canada. 2017
Sun H., Rosà A. , Javed O., Binder W. (2017)
ADRENALIN-RV: Android Runtime Verification using Load-time Weaving . ICST. Tokyo, Japan. 2017
Sun H., Javed O., Binder W. (2017)
ADRENALIN-RV: Android Runtime Verification using Load-time Weaving. . ICST. ICST. Tokyo, Japan. 2017
Zulian P. , Nestola M. G. C. , von Planta C., Krause R. (2017)
Contact, Fluid Structure Interaction and Variational Transfer . Proceedings of the 7th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry. 7th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry. Stuttgart. 11-13 October 2017
Zambon D. , Livi L., Alippi C. (2017)
Detecting changes in sequences of attributed graphs . 2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) Proceedings. IEEE. IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. 27 Nov.-1 Dec. 2017. ISBN 9781538627266
Eftekhari A. , Scheidegger S. U., Schenk O. (2017)
Parallelized Dimensional Decomposition for Large-Scale Dynamic Stochastic Economic Models . Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference. PASC17. June 26 - 28, 2017. Palazzo dei Congressi, Lugano, Switzerland
Bloch J., Schenk O. (2017)
Selected inversion as key to a stable Langevin evolution across the QCD phase boundary . Proceedings of the 35th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory. 35th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory. Granada, Spain. 18-24 June 2017
Rosà A. , Binder W. (2017)
Speeding up Type-specific Instrumentation for the Analysis of Complex Systems . ICECCS. Fukuoka, Japan. 2017
Rosà A. , Rosales Rosero E. E. , Binder W. (2017)
tgp: a Task-Granularity Profiler for the Java Virtual Machine . APSEC. Nanjing, China. 2017
Becsek B., Zolfaghari H., Nestola M. G. C. , Krause R. , Obrist D. (2017)
Viscoelastic computational modeling of the human head-neck system: Eigenfrequencies and time-dependent analysisUnderstanding Turbulent Flow issuing from the aortic valve} 5th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering . 5th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering - CMBE2017. CMBE2017. Pittsburgh. 10-12 April 2017
Milosevic J., Malek M. , Ferrante A. (2016)
A Friend or a Foe? Detecting Malware Using Memory and CPU Features . SECRYPT 2016, 13th International Conference on Security and Cryptography. SciTePress Digital Library. Lisbon, Portugal
Lukovic S. , Kaitovic I., Lecuona G., Malek M. (2016)
A Methodology for Proactive Maintenance of Uninterruptible Power Supplies . Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing (LADC2016) - Workshop on Dependability in Evolving Systems (WDES). Cali, Colombia. 10/2016
Benedusi P., Hupp D., Arbenz P., Krause R. (2016)
A Parallel Multigrid Solver for Time-periodic Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations in 3D . Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2015. ENUMATH 2015
Rosà A. , Chen L. Y., Binder W. (2016)
Actor Profiling in Virtual Execution Environments . GPCE. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 2016
Banik S., Bogdanov A., Fanni T., Sau C., Raffo L., Palumbo F., Regazzoni F. (2016)
Adaptable AES implementation with power-gating support . International Conference on Computing Frontiers CF''16. ACM Ney York, NY, USA. Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers. Como, Italy. ISBN 978-1-4503-4128-8
Rosà A. , Zheng Y., Sun H., Javed O., Binder W. (2016)
Adaptable Runtime Monitoring for the Java Virtual Machine . ISoLA. Corfu, Greece. 2016
Rosà A. , Chen L. Y., Binder W. (2016)
AkkaProf: a Profiler for Akka Actors in Parallel and Distributed Applications . APLAS. Hanoi, Vietnam. 2016
Rosà A. , Chen L. Y., Binder W. (2016)
An Endpoint Communication Profiling Tool for Distributed Computing Frameworks . ICDCS. Nara, Japan. 2016
Alippi C. , Wen Q., Roveri M. (2016)
An improved Hilbert-Huang Transform for non-linear and time-variant signals . 26th Italian Workshop on Neural Networks (WIRN 2016). Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy. 05/2016
Zheng Y., Rosà A. , Salucci L., Li Y., Sun H., Javed O., Bulej L., Chen L. Y., Qi . Z., Binder W. (2016)
AutoBench: Finding Workloads That You Need Using Pluggable Hybrid Analyses . SANER. Osaka, Japan. 2016
Alippi C. , Boracchi G., Carrera D., Roveri M. (2016)
Change Detection in Multivariate Datastreams: Likelihood and Detectability Loss . 25th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-16). New York, USA
Říha L., Brzobohat'y T., Markopoulos A., Kozubek T., Meca O., Schenk O. , Vanroose W. (2016)
Efficient Implementation of Total FETI Solver for Graphic Processing Units Using Schur Complement . Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering. Springer International Publishing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9611. Springer, Cham. HPCSE2015. Soláň, Czech Republic. May 2015
Rosà A. , Chen L. Y., Binder W. (2016)
Efficient Profiling of Actor-based Applications in Parallel and Distributed Systems . ICOOOLPS. Rome, Italy. 2016
Bu L., Alippi C. , Zhao D. (2016)
Ensemble LSDD-based Change Detection Tests . IEEE-INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN16). Vancouver, Canada
Bellon S., Favi C., Malek M. , Macchetti M., Regazzoni F. (2016)
Evaluating the Impact of Environmental Factors on Physically Unclonable Functions . International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA 2016. ACM New York, NY, USA. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM/SIGDA. Monterey, CA, USA. ISBN 978-1-4503-3856-1
Javed O., Zheng Y., Rosà A. , Sun H., Binder W. (2016)
Extended Code Coverage for AspectJ-based Runtime Verification Tools . RV. Madrid, Spain. 2016
Greco S. , Mehmeti T., Perret-Clermont A. N. (2016)
Getting involved in an argumentation in class as a pragmatic move: Social conditions and affordances . Proceedings of the first European Conference on Argumentation, Ed. D. Mohamed and M. Lewiński. ECA. Lisbon. 9-12 June 2015
Regazzoni F. , Ienne P. (2016)
Instruction Set Extensions for secure applications . Design, Automation Test in Europe Conference DATE 2016. IEEE. Dresden, Germany. ISBN 978-3-9815-3707-9
Milosevic J., Ferrante A. , Malek M. (2016)
MalAware: Effective and Efficient Run-time Mobile Malware Detector . The 14th IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing (DASC 2016). IEEE Computer Society Press. Auckland, New Zealand
Dell'Accio F., Di Tommaso F., Hormann K. (2016)
Multinode rational operators for univariate interpolation . Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms (NUMTA-2016). AIP Publishing. AIP Conference Proceedings. Pizzo Calabro, Italy
Dell'Accio F., Di Tommaso F., Hormann K. (2016)
On the enhancement of the approximation order of triangular Shepard method . Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms (NUMTA-2016). AIP Publishing. AIP Conference Proceedings. Pizzo Calabro, Italy
Livi L., Alippi C. (2016)
One-Class Classification Through Mutual Information Minimization . IEEE-INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN16). Vancouver, Canada
Alippi C. , Ntalampiras S., Roveri M. (2016)
Online Model-free Sensor Fault Identification and Dictionary Learning in Cyber-Physical Systems . IEEE-INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN16). Vancouver, Canada
Kaitovic I., Malek M. (2016)
Optimizing Failure Prediction to Maximize Availability . 13th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC). Würzburg, Germany
Rosà A. , Chen L. Y., Binder W. (2016)
Profiling Actor Utilization and Communication in Akka . Erlang. Nara, Japan. 2016
Banik S., Bogdanov A., Regazzoni F. , Isobe T., Hiwatari H., Akishita T. (2016)
Round gating for low energy block ciphers . 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust, HOST. IEEE Computer Society. McLean, VA, USA. ISBN 978-1-4673-8826-9
O'Neill M., O'Sullivan E., McWilliams G., Saarinen M. J., Moore C., Khalid A., Howe J., Del Pino R., Abdalla M., Regazzoni F. , Valencia A. F., Güneysu T., Oder T., Waller A., Jones G., Barnett A., Griffin R., Byrne A., Ammar B., Lund D. (2016)
Secure architectures of future emerging cryptography . International Conference on Computing Frontiers CF''16. ACM New York. Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers. Como, italy. ISBN 978-1-4503-4128-8
Ferrante A. , Medvet E., Mercaldo F., Milosevic J., Visaggio C. A. (2016)
Spotting the Malicious Moment: Characterizing Malware Behavior Using Dynamic Features . 2016 11th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES),. Salzburg, Austria. Aug. 31 2016-Sept. 2 2016
Howe J., Moore C., O'Neill M., Regazzoni F. , Güneysu T., Beeden K. (2016)
Standard lattices in hardware . Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Design Automation Conference DAC 2016. ACM. Proceedings of DAC. Austin, TX, USA. ISBN 978-1-4503-4236-0
Fumagalli E., Visconti L. M. , de Valck K. (2016)
To Me or Not To Me: Personal Body as Contested Ownership . Advances in Consumer Research. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research. ACR North American Conference. Berlin. October, 27-30 2016
Balac K., Akhmedov M., Prevostini M. , Malek M. (2016)
Topology Optimization of Wireless Localization Networks . European Wireless 2016. Oulu, Finland
Milosevic J., Ferrante A. , Malek M. (2016)
Trojan Families Identification Using Dynamic Features and Low Complexity Classifiers . 24th EICAR Annual Conference 2016 "Trustworthiness in IT Security Products". Nuremberg, Germany. 10/2016
Milosevic J., Ferrante A. , Malek M. (2016)
What Does the Memory Say? Towards the most indicative features for efficient malware detection . CCNC 2016, The 13th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications \& Networking Conference. IEEE Communication Society. Las Vegas, NV, USA
Homulle H., Regazzoni F. , Charbon E. (2015)
200 MS/s ADC implemented in a FPGA employing TDCs . FPGA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays ACM/SIGDA 2015. ACM. Proceedings of the 2015 ACM/SIGDA. Monterey, CA, USA. ISBN 978-1-4503-3315-3
Bhasin S., Regazzoni F. (2015)
A survey on hardware trojan detection techniques . IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2015. IEEE. Lisbon, Portugal. ISBN 978-1-4799-8391-9
Milosevic J., Ferrante A. , Malek M. (2015)
Can we Achieve both Privacy Protection and Efficient Malware Detection on Smartphones? . 1st Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Workshop 2015. Tallinn University of Technology. Tallin, Estona
Rosà A. , Chen L. Y., Binder W. (2015)
Catching Failures of Failures at Big-Data Clusters: a Two-Level Neural Network Approach . IWQoS. Portland, OR, USA. 2015
Regazzoni F. , Graves R., Di Natale G., Batina L., Bhasin S., Ege B., Fournaris A. P., Mentens N., Picek S., Rozic V., Sklavos N., Yang B. (2015)
Challenges in designing trustworthy cryptographic co-processors . IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2015. IEEE. Lisbon, Portugal
Faruque M. A. A., Regazzoni F. , Pajic M. (2015)
Design methodologies for securing cyber-physical systems . 2015 International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis CODES+ISSS. IEEE. Amsterdam, Netherlands. ISBN 978-1-4673-8321-9
Banik S., Bogdanov A., Regazzoni F. (2015)
Exploring Energy Efficiency of Lightweight Block Ciphers . Selected Areas in Cryptography: 22nd International Conference (SAC)2015. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Sackville, NB, Canada. ISBN 978-3-319-31300-9
Banik S., Bogdanov A., Regazzoni F. (2015)
Exploring the energy consumption of lightweight blockciphers in FPGA . International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs, ReConFig 2015. IEEE. Rivera Maya, Mexico City. ISBN 978-1-4673-9406-2
Piscitelli R., Bhasin S., Regazzoni F. (2015)
Fault attacks, injection techniques and tools for simulation . 10th International Conference on Design Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era DTIS 2015. IEEE. Naples, Italy. ISBN 978-1-4799-1999-4
Rietmann M., Peter D., Schenk O. , car B. U. ., Grote M. (2015)
Load-Balanced Local Time Stepping for Large-Scale Wave Propagation . 2015 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium. IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium. Hyderabad International Convention Centre Hyderabad, India. May 25-29, 2015
Banik S., Bogdanov A., Isobe T., Shibutani K., Hiwatari H., Akishita T., Regazzoni F. (2015)
Midori: A Block Cipher for Low Energy . 21st International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security ASIACRYPT 2015. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Auckland, New Zealand. ISBN 978-3-662-48799-0
Balac K., Prevostini M. , Malek M. (2015)
Optimizing Sensor Nodes Placement for Fault-tolerant Trilateration-based Localization . IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC). Zhangjiajie, China
Regazzoni F. (2015)
Physical attacks, introduction and application to embedded processors . 10th International Conference on Design Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era DTIS 2015. IEEE. Napoli, Italy. ISBN 978-1-4799-1999-4
Rosà A. , Chen . Y., Binder W. (2015)
Predicting and Mitigating Jobs Failures in Big Data Clusters . CCGrid. Shenzen, China. 2015
Kaitovic I., Lukovic S. , Malek M. (2015)
Proactive Failure Management in Smart Grids for Improved Resilience (A Methodology for Failure Prediction and Mitigation) . IEEE GLOBECOM SmartGrid Resilience (SGR) Workshop. San Diego, CA, USA
Baddour R., Paspaliaris A., Solis Herrera D. (2015)
SCV2: A model-based validation and verification approach to system-of-systems engineering . System of Systems Engineering Conference (SoSE), 2015 10th. IEEE
Milosevic J., Ferrante A. , Regazzoni F. (2015)
Security Challenges for Hardware Designers of Mobile Systems . 2015 Mobile Systems Technologies Workshop (MST)
Guo X., Karimi N., Regazzoni F. , Jin C., Karri R. (2015)
Simulation and Analysis of Negative-Bias Temperature Instability Aging on Power Analysis Attacks . IEEE Int. Symposium on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust. McLean, VA, USA
Coninck A. D. ., Kourounis D. , Verbosio F., Schenk O. , Baets B. D. ., Maenhout S., Fostier J. (2015)
Towards Parallel Large-Scale Genomic Prediction by Coupling Sparse and Dense Matrix Algebra . 2015 23rd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing. 23rd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing. Turku, Finland. 4th - 6th March, 2015
Rosà A. , Chen . Y., Binder W. (2015)
Understanding the Dark Side of Big Data Clusters: an Analysis beyond Failures . DSN. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2015
Rosà A. , Chen . Y., Binder W. (2015)
Understanding Unsuccessful Executions in Big-Data Systems . CCGrid. Shenzen, China. 2015
Kaitovic I., Lukovic S. , Malek M. (2015)
Unifying Dependability of Critical Infrastructures: Electric Power System and ICT (Concepts, Figures of Merit and Taxonomy) . IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC). Zhangjiajie, China
Lukovic S. , Miladinovic B. (2014)
A Conceptual Solution for Integration of EV Charging with Smart Grids . International Conference on Smart Grid and Clean Energy Technologies - ICSGCE 2014. Dubai
Milosevic J., Dittrich A., Ferrante A. , Malek M. (2014)
A Resource-optimized Approach to Efficient Early Detection of Mobile Malware . 3rd International Workshop on Security of Mobile Applications - IWSMA 2014. Fribourg, Switzerland
Amaral J., Regazzoni F. , Tomas P., Chaves R. (2014)
Accelerating differential power analysis on heterogeneous systems . The 9th Workshop on Embedded Systems Security (WESS) 2014. ACM. New Delhi, India. ISBN 978-1-4503-2932-3
Sanan P. D., Schnepp S., May D., Schenk O. (2014)
Composite Solvers for Linear Saddle Point Problems Arising from the Incompressible Stokes Equations with Highly Heterogeneous Viscosity Structure . American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting. San Francisco
Mariani G., Meeuws R., Palermo G., Sima V. M., Silvano C., Bertels K. (2014)
DRuiD: Designing Reconfigurable Architectures with Decision-making Support . 19th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC). Singapore
Sami M. G., Malek M. , Bondi U. , Regazzoni F. (2014)
Embedded Systems Education: Job Market Expectations . Workshop on Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems Education (WESE). ACM. New Delhi, India. ISBN 978-1-4503-3090-9
Dittrich A., Wanja S., Malek M. (2014)
ExCovery -- A Framework for Distributed System Experiments and a Case Study of Service Discovery . 28th International Parallel \& Distributed Processing Symposium, Workshops and Phd Forum (IPDPSW). IEEE Computer Society. Phoenix, AZ, USA. ISBN 978-1-4799-4116-2/14
Speck R., Ruprecht D., Krause R. , Emmett M., Minion M., Winkel M., Gibbon P. (2014)
Integrating an N-body problem with SDC and PFASST . Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering. Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering {XXI}
Bhasin S., Maistri P., Regazzoni F. (2014)
Malicious Wave: a Survey on Actively Tampering Using Electromagnetic Glitch . International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility 2014
Ferrante A. , Kaitovic I., Milosevic J. (2014)
Modeling Requirements For Security-enhanced Design of Embedded Systems . ICETE SECRYPT. ICETE. Vienna, Austria
Rosà A. , Binder W. , Chen L. Y., Gribaudo M., Serazzi G. (2014)
ParSim: a Tool for Workload Modeling and Reproduction of Parallel Applications . MASCOTS. Paris, France. 2014
Lichtblau B., Dittrich A. (2014)
Probabilistic Breadth-First Search -- A Method for Evaluation of Network-Wide Broadcast Protocols . 6th IEEE/ACM/IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS). IEEE Computer Society. Dubai, UAE. ISBN 9781479932238
Çavdar D., Rosà A. , Chen L. Y., Binder W. (2014)
Quantifying the Brown Side of Priority Schedulers: Lessons from Big Clusters . Greenmetrics. Austin, TX, USA. 2014
Dittrich A., Solis Herrera D., Coto Brenes J. P., Malek M. (2014)
Responsiveness of Service Discovery in Wireless Mesh Networks . 20th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC). IEEE Computer Society. Singapore
Milosevic J., Dittrich A., Ferrante A. , Malek M. , Rojas Quiros C., Braojos R., Ansaloni G., Atienza D. (2014)
Risk Assessment of Atrial Fibrillation: a Failure Prediction Approach . 41st Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC). IEEE Computer Society. Cambridge, MA, USA
Regazzoni F. , Burri S., Stucki D., Maruyama Y., Bruschini C., Charbon E. (2014)
Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes (SPADs) for quantum random number generators and beyond . 19th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC) 2014. IEEE. Singapore. ISBN 978-1-4799-2816-3
Lukovic S. , Kaitovic I. (2014)
Smart Charging Cell for Smart Cities . The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Energy Systems (IWIES)
Güneys T., Regazzoni F. , Sasdrich P., Wojcik M. (2014)
(THOR) - The hardware onion router . 24th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, (FPL) 2014. IEEE. Munich, Germany
Balac K., Di Giulio P. A., Taddeo A., Prevostini M. (2014)
Time of Flight Error Compensation for In-Tunnel Vehicle Localization . The Fourth International Workshop on Pervasive Networks for Emergency Management, 2014 (PerNEM''14). IEEE. Budapest, Hungary
Derin O., Kuncheerath Ramankutty P., Meloni P., Tuveri G. (2013)
A Low Overhead Self-adaptation Technique for KPN Applications on NoC-based MPSoCs . Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS) - Special Session on Self-Adaptive Networked Embedded Systems (SANES). Barcelona, Spain
Dittrich A., Kaitovic I., Murillo Miranda C. M., Ribeiro Rezende R. (2013)
A Model for the Evaluation of User-Perceived Service Properties . International Symposium on Parallel Distributed Processing, Workshops and Phd Forum (IPDPSW). IEEE Computer Society. Boston, Massachusetts, USA. ISBN 978-0-7695-4979-8
Schmitz S., Gottschalk H., Rollmann G., Krause R. (2013)
A Probabilistic Approach to Low-Cycle Fatigue . Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2013. ASME
Ferrante A. , Milosevic J., Janjusevic M. (2013)
A Security-enhanced Design Methodology For Embedded Systems . ICETE SECRYPT 2013. ICETE. Reykjavik, Iceland
Lukovic S. (2013)
Adapting Multi-Agent Systems Approach for Integration of Prosumers in Smart Grids . Proceedings of the IEEE Eurocon 2013
Ferrante A. , Chelodi M., Bruschi F., Mozzetti V. (2013)
An Algorithm for Extended Dynamic Range Video in Embedded Systems . SENSORNETS 2013 - 2nd International Conference on Sensor Networks. INSTICC. Barcelona, Spain
Bayrak A. G., Velickovic N., Regazzoni F. , Novo Bruna D., Brisk P., Ienne P. (2013)
An eda-friendly protection scheme against side-channel attacks . Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE). Grenoble, France
Carzaniga A. , Gorla A., Mattavelli A., Perino N., Pezzè M. (2013)
Automatic Recovery from Runtime Failures . Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2013). San Francisco, California, USA
Prevostini M. , Taddeo A., Balac K., Jermini M., Linder C. (2013)
Calibration and in-Field Validation Tests of a Web-based Adaptive Management System for Monitoring - Scaphoideus titanus . Future Integrated Pest Management in Europe
Widmann D., Balac K., Taddeo A., Prevostini M. , Puiatti A. (2013)
Characterization of In-tunnel Distance Measurements for Vehicle Localization . IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC). Shanghai, P.R. China
Powolny F., Burri S., Bruschini C., Michalet X., Regazzoni F. , Charbon E. (2013)
Comparison of Two Cameras based on Single Photon Avalanche Diodes (SPADS) for Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Application with Picosecond Resolution . International Image Sensor Workshop (IISW). Snowbird Resort, Utah, USA
Kuzmin A., Luisier M., Schenk O. (2013)
Fast Methods for Computing Selected Elements of the Green's Function in Massively Parallel Nanoelectronic Device Simulations . 19th International Conference of Euro-Par 2013: Parallel Processing. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 19th International Conference of Euro-Par 2013: Parallel Processing. Aachen, Germany. August 26-30, 2013
Gaudio L., Grote M. J., Schenk O. (2013)
Interior Point Method for Time-Dependent Inverse Problems, in Proceedings of 11th Internat . Conf. on Math. and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation (WAVES) 2013. WAVES 2013. Gammarth (Tunisia). 2013
Burri S., Stucki D., Maruyama Y., Bruschini C., Charbon E., Regazzoni F. (2013)
Jailbreak Imagers: Transforming a Single-Photon Image Sensor into a True Random Number Generator . International Image Sensor Workshop (IISW). Snowbird Resort, Utah, USA
Bogdanov A., Mendel F., Regazzoni F. , Rijmen V., Tischhauser E. (2013)
Lightweight AES-Based Authenticated Encryption . Fast Software Encryption (FSE). Singapore
Dickopf T. (2013)
Numerical study of the almost nested case in a multilevel method based on non-nested meshes . Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XX. 91
Mariani G., Sima V. M., Palermo G., Zaccaria V., Marchiori G., Silvano C., Bertels K. (2013)
Run-time Optimization of a Dynamically Reconfigurable Embedded System Through Performance Prediction . 23rd International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL). IEEE. Porto, Portugal
Charbon E., Regazzoni F. (2013)
Single-Photon Image Sensors . Special Session, 50th Design Automation Conference (DAC). Austin, Texas, USA
Bayrak A. G., Regazzoni F. , Novo Bruna D., Ienne P. (2013)
Sleuth: Automated Verification of Software Power Analysis Countermeasures . Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES). Santa Barbara, California, USA
Lukovic S. , Čongradac V., Kulić F. (2013)
Smart Building Integration in Smart Grids . The 44th Heating Ventilation Air Condition and Refrigeration Congress and Exhibition - KGH 2013
Becker G., Regazzoni F. , Paar C., Burleson W. (2013)
Stealthy Dopant-Level Hardware Trojans . Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES). Santa Barbara, California, USA
Fantuzzi C., Gutman P. O., Kaitovic I., Larcher L., Marzani S., Ruggeri M., Zagurskis V. (2013)
STRATOS: open System for TRAcTOrs' autonomous OperationS . EFITA Internation Conference on Sustainable Agriculture through ICT Innovation. European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and the Environment. Torino, Italy
Ribeiro Rezende R., Dittrich A., Malek M. (2013)
User-Perceived Instantaneous Service Availability Evaluation . 19th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC). IEEE Computer Society. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Speck R., Ruprecht D., Krause R. , Emmett M., Minion M., Winkel M., Gibbon P. (2012)
A massively space-time parallel N-body solver . Proceedings of the Supercomputing Conference 2012. IEEE Computer Society Press. 92. Salt Lake City. ISBN 9781467308045
Marras S., Cashman T. J., Hormann K. (2012)
A mixed shape space for fast interpolation of articulated shapes . Proceedings of Vision, Modeling, and Visualization 2012. Eurographics Association. VMV 2012. Magdeburg, Germany
Favino M. , Drolshagen M., Bourauel C., Krause R. (2012)
Zaparanuks D., Hauswirth M. (2012)
Algorithmic profiling . PLDI '12: Proceedings of the 33rd ACM SIGPLAN conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation. ACM. New York, NY, USA. ISBN 978-1-4503-1205-9
Favino M. , Krause R. , Steiner J. (2012)
An Efficient Preconditioning Strategy for Schur Complements Arising from Biphasic Models . Biomedical Engineering
Mariani L., Pezzè M. , Riganelli O., Santoro M. (2012)
AutoBlackTest: Automatic Black-Box Testing of Interactive Applications . Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), 2012 IEEE Fifth International Conference on
Eisenbarth T., Gong Z., Gneysu T., Heyse S., Indesteege S., Kerckhof S., Koeune F., Nad T., Plos T., Regazzoni F. , Standaert F. X., Oldenzeel L. V. O. (2012)
Compact Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Block Ciphers in ATtiny Devices . Progress in Cryptology - Africacrypt. Ifrance, Morocco
Balasch J., Ege B., Eisenbarth T., Grard B., Gong Z., Gneysu T., Heyse S., Kerckhof S., Koeune F., Plos T., Poppelmann T., Regazzoni F. , Standaert F. X., Van Assche G., Van Keer R., Oldenzeel L. V. O., von Maurich I. (2012)
Compact Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Hash Functions in ATtiny Devices . 11th Smart Card Research and Advanced Application Conference (CARDIS). Graz, Austria
Mariani G., Palermo G., Zaccaria V., Silvano C. (2012)
Evaluating Run-time Resource Management Policies for Multi-core Embedded Platforms with the EMME Evaluation Framework . Workshop on Parallel Programming and Run-time Management Techniques for Many-core Architectures
Rietmann M., Messmer P., Nissen-Meyer T., Peter D., Basini P., Komatitsch D., Schenk O. , Tromp J., Boschi L., Giardini D. (2012)
Forward and adjoint simulations of seismic wave propagation on emerging large-scale GPU architectures . International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC'12). International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC'12). Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. 10-16 November 2012
Rietmann M., Messmer P., Nissen-Meyer T., Peter D., Basini P., Komatitsch D., Schenk O. , Tromp J., Boschi L., Giardini D. (2012)
Forward and adjoint simulations of seismic wave propagation on emerging large-scale GPU architectures . International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC'12). International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC'12). Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. 10-16 November 2012
Pezzè M. (2012)
From off-Line to continuous on-line maintenance . ICSM
Lamichhane B., Mudda S., Regazzoni F. , Puiatti A. (2012)
LEXCOMM: A low energy, secure and flexible communication protocol for a heterogenous body sensor network . IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics. Hong Kong, China
Kaitovic I., Ribeiro Rezende R., Murillo Miranda C. M., Fantuzzi C. (2012)
Model-driven approach to design ICT infrastructure for precision farming . 17th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. Kraków, Poland. ISBN 978-1-4673-4736-5
Speck R., Krause R. , Gibbon P. (2012)
Parallel remeshing in tree codes for vortex particle methods . International Conference on Parallel Computing
Christen M., Schenk O. , Cui Y. (2012)
Patus for convenient high-performance stencils: Evaluation in earthquake simulations . International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC'12). International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. 10-16 November 2012
Peternier A., De Filippi M., Pasquali P., Cantone A., Krause R. , Vitulli R., Ogushi F., Meroni A. (2012)
Performance analysis of GPU-based SAR and Interferometric SAR image processing . Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (APSAR). APSAR
Burkhart H., Sathe M., Christen M., Rietmann M., Schenk O. (2012)
Run, Stencil, Run, HPC Productivity Studies in the Classroom . 6th Conference on Partitioned Global Address Space Programming Models. Conference on Partitioned Global Address Space Programming Models. Fess Parker's Doubletree Resort Santa Barbara, California, USA. Oct 10-12, 2012
Malek M. (2012)
Securability: the Key Challenge for Autonomic and Trusted Computing . IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence Computing / International Conference on Autonomic Trusted Computing (UIC/ATC)
Fiorin L., Ferrante A. , Padarnitsas K., Regazzoni F. (2012)
Security Enhanced Linux on Embedded Systems: a Hardware-accelerated Implementation . 17th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, ASP-DAC 2012. Sydney, Australia
Barenghi A., Pelosi G., Regazzoni F. (2012)
Simulation-Time Security Margin Assessment Against Power-Based Side Channel Attacks . 7th Workshop on Embedded Systems Security (WESS). Tampere, Finland
Fantuzzi C., Gutman P. O., Kaitovic I., Larcher L., Marzani S., Ruggeri M., Zagurskis V. (2012)
STRATOS: Open System For Tractors' Autonomous Operations . 5th International Conference on Automation Technology for Off-road Equipment (ATOE). International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (CIGR). Valencia, Spain. ISBN 84-615-9654-4
Mirzaaghaei M., Pastore F., Pezzè M. (2012)
Supporting Test Suite Evolution through Test Case Adaptation . Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), 2012 IEEE Fifth International Conference on
Meloni P., Tuveri G., Raffo L., Cannella E., Stefanov T., Derin O., Fiorin L., Sami M. G. (2012)
System Adaptivity and Fault-tolerance in NoC-based MPSoCs: The MADNESS Project Approach . Proceedings of the 15th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design Architectures, Methods and Tools (DSD''12). Izmir, Turkey
Lukovic S. , Srivastava A. (2012)
System Level Approach to Denial-of-Service Detection in MPSoCs . Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Embedded Systems Security (WESS''2012), A Workshop of the Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK''12)
Mariani G., Sima V. M., Palermo G., Zaccaria V., Silvano C., Bertels K. (2012)
Using Multi-objective Design Space Exploration to Enable Run-time Resource Management for Reconfigurable Architectures . Proc. Design, Automation Test in Europe Conf. Exhibition (DATE)
Lukovic S. , Vukmirović S., Kaitovic I., Erdeljan A. (2012)
Virtual Metering for Virtual PHEV Aggregation . Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON2012). Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia
Bayrak A. G., Regazzoni F. , Brisk P., Standaert F. X., Ienne P. (2011)
A First Step Towards Automatic Application of Power Analysis Countermeasures . 48th Design Automation Conference (DAC). San Diego, Califorina
Taddeo A., Morales L. G. G., Ferrante A. (2011)
A Framework for Security and Workload Gradual Adaptation . SECRYPT. ICETE. Seville, Spain
Kaitovic I., Lukovic S. (2011)
Adoption of Model-Driven methodology to aggregations design in Power Grid . INDIN ''11: Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics. Caparica, Lisbon, Portugal
Cappiello C. , Hinostroza A., Pernici B., Sami M. G., Henis E., Kat R. I., Meth K. Z., Mura M. (2011)
ADSC: Application-Driven Storage Control for Energy Efficiency . Information and Communication on Technology for the Fight against Global Warming - First International Conference ICT-GLOW. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Toulouse, France. ISBN 978-3-642-23446-0
Mariani G., Palermo G., Silvano C., Zaccaria V. (2011)
ARTE: an Application-specific Run-Time Management Framework for Multi-core Systems . Proceedings IEEE SASP''11 - Symposium on Application Specific Processors. San Diego, CA, USA
Mariani L., Pezzè M. , Riganelli O., Santoro M. (2011)
AutoBlackTest: a tool for automatic black-box testing . ICSE ''11: Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering. ACM
Daniel B., Luo Q., Mirzaaghaei M., Dig D., Marinov D., Pezzè M. (2011)
Automated GUI refactoring and test script repair . ETSE''11:Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on End-to-End Test Script Engineering. ACM
Krdu A. J., Lebrun Y., Ahmad U., Pollin S., Li M. (2011)
Beamforming for interference mitigation and its implementation on an SDR baseband processor . SiPS''11: Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems. Beirut, Lebanon
Jovic M., Hauswirth M. (2011)
Catch me if you can: performance bug detection in the wild . OOPSLA '11: Proceedings of the 2011 ACM international conference on Object oriented programming systems languages and applications. ACM. New York, NY, USA. ISBN 978-1-4503-0940-0
Fiorin L., Micconi L., Sami M. G. (2011)
Design of Fault Tolerant Network Interfaces for NoCs . Proceedings of 14th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design Architectures, Methods and Tools (DSD''11). Oulu, Finland
Baddour R., Chiumento A., Desset C. (2011)
Energy-Throughput Simulation Approach for Heterogeneous LTE scenarios . ISWCS''11: Proceedings of The Eighth International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems. Aachen, Germany
Barenghi A., Hocquet C., Bol D., Standaert F. X., Regazzoni F. , Koren I. (2011)
Exploring the Feasibility of Low Cost Fault Injection Attacks on Sub-Threshold Devices through an Example of a 65nm AES Implementation . 7th Workshop on RFID Security and Privacy (RFIDSec). Amherst, Massachussets, USA
Regazzoni F. , Yi W., Standaert F. X. (2011)
FPGA Implementations of the AES Masked Against Power Analysis Attacks . 2nd International Workshop on Constructive Side-Channel Analysis and Secure Design (COSADE). Darmstadt, Germany
Medwed M., Petit C., Regazzoni F. , Renauld M., Standaert F. X. (2011)
Fresh Re-Keying II: Securing Multiple Parties against Side-Channel and Fault Attacks . 10th Smart Card Research and Advanced Application Conference (CARDIS). Leuven, Belgium
Grote M., Huber J., Schenk O. (2011)
Inexact Interior-Point Methods for Time-Harmonic Inverse Medium Problems . 10th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves. 10th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves. Vancouver, Canada. July 25-29, 2011
Kerckhof S., Durvaux F., Veyrat-Charvillon N., Regazzoni F. , de Dormale G. M., Standaert F. X. (2011)
Low Cost FPGA Implementations of the SHA-3 Finalists . 10th Smart Card Research and Advanced Application Conference (CARDIS). Leuven, Belgium
Cannella E., Derin O., Stefanov T. (2011)
Middleware Approaches for Adaptivity of Kahn Process Networks on Networks-on-Chip . DASIP''11: Proceedings of the Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing. Tampere, Finland
Fackeldey K., Krause D., Krause R. (2011)
Numerical validation of a constraints-based multiscale simulation method for solids . Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations V. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering
Fackeldey K., Krause D., Krause R. (2011)
Numerical Validation of Constraints Based Multiscale Methods . Proc. Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations V. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 79
Derin O., Kabakci D., Fiorin L. (2011)
Online Task Remapping Strategies for Fault-tolerant Network-on-Chip Multiprocessors . NOCS ''11: Proceedings of the Fifth ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Krause R. , Krause D. (2011)
Parallel Scale-Transfer in Multiscale MD-FE Coupling Using Remote Memory Access . eScience Workshops, IEEE 7th International Conference on E-Science
Potse M., Dickopf T., Krause R. , Auricchio A. , Prinzen F., Krause D. (2011)
Poster: hybrid parallelization of a realistic heart model . SC Companion
Cevrero A., Regazzoni F. , Schwander M., Badel S., Ienne P., Leblebici Y. (2011)
Power-Gated MOS Current Mode Logic (PG-MCML): A Power-Aware DPA-Resistant Standard Cell Library . 48th Design Automation Conference (DAC). San Diego, Califorina
Taddeo A., Morales L. G. G., Ferrante A. (2011)
System Policies for Gradual Tuning of Security and Workload in Wireless Sensor Networks . Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Telecommunication Symposium (WTS). New York, USA
Cannella E., Di Gregorio L., Fiorin L., Lindwer M., Meloni P., Neugebauer O., Pimentel A. (2011)
Towards an ESL design framework for adaptive and fault-tolerant MPSoCs: MADNESS or not? . Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia (ESTIMedia), 2011 9th IEEE Symposium on
Prevostini M. , Taddeo A., Balac K., Rigamonti I., Baumgärtner J., Jermini M. (2011)
WAMS - an adaptive system for knowledge acquisition and decision support: the case of Scaphoideus titanus . IOBC/WPRS European Meeting. Working Group on Integrated Protection and Production in Viticulture. Lacanau, France
Mariani G., Palermo G., Zaccaria V., Brankovic A., Jovic J., Silvano C. (2010)
A Correlation-based Design Space Exploration Methodology for Multi-Processor Systems-on-Chip . Proceedings of DAC 2010: Design Automation Conference. Anheim, CA, USA
Fiorin L., Palermo G., Silvano C. (2010)
A Monitoring System for NoCs . Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Network on Chip Architectures (NoCArc''2010). Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Tumeo A., Regazzoni F. , Palermo G., Ferrandi F., Sciuto D. (2010)
A Reconfigurable Multiprocessor Architecture for a Reliable Face Recognition Implementation . Proceedings of Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) Conference. Dresden, Germany
Vukmirović S., Lukovic S. , Erdeljan A., Kulić F. (2010)
A Smart Metering Architecture as a Step Towards Smart Grid realization . Proceedings of the IEEE EnergyCon 2010. Bahrain
Vukmirović S., Lukovic S. , Erdeljan A., Kulić F. (2010)
A solution for CIM based integraton of Meter Data Management in Control Center of a power system . Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Workshop on Environmental, Energy, and Structural Monitoring Systems (EESMS''10). Taranto, Italy
Lukovic S. , Čongradac V., Kulić F. (2010)
A system level model of possible integration of Building Management System in SmartGrid . Complexity in Engineering (COMPENG 2010). Rome, Italy
Derin O., Diken E. (2010)
A Task-aware Middleware for Fault-tolerance and Adaptivity of Kahn Process Networks on Network-on-Chip . ReCoSoC 2010: Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Reconfigurable Communication Centric System-on-Chips. Karlsruhe, Germany
Lukovic S. , Kaitovic I., Bondi U. (2010)
Adopting system engineering methodology to Virtual Power Systems design flow . CPSWEEK/GREEMBED 2010: Proceedings of the First Workshop on Green and Smart Embedded System Technology: Infrastructures, Methods and Tools. Stockholm, Sweden
Mariani G., Ykman-Couvreur C., Zhang K., Zhang L., Lafruit G. (2010)
An Efficient Run-Time Management Methodology for Stereo Matching Application . 2PARMA: Proceedings of the Workshop on Parallel Programming and Run-time Management Techniques for Many-core Architectures. Hannover, Germany
Vukmirović S., Lukovic S. , Erdeljan A., Kulić F. (2010)
An enhanced workflow management for Utility Management System . Proceedings of the International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems (ICUMT 2010). Moscow, Russia
Mariani G., Avasare P., Vanmeerbeeck G., Ykman-Couvreur C., Palermo G., Silvano C., Zaccaria V. (2010)
An industrial design space exploration framework for supporting run-time resource management on multi-core systems . Proceedings of Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) Conference. Dresden, Germany
Carzaniga A. , Gorla A., Perino N., Pezzè M. (2010)
Automatic Workarounds for Web Applications . FSE''10: Proceedings of the 2010 Foundations of Software Engineering conference. ACM. New York, NY, USA
Mirzaaghaei M., Pastore F., Pezzè M. (2010)
Automatically repairing test cases for evolving method declarations . Software Maintenance (ICSM), 2010 IEEE International Conference on. ISBN 978-1-4244-8630-4
Krause R. , Steiner J. (2010)
Cosserat-Rods and Elastic Bodies: On the Numerical Simulation of a Coupled System . 9th International Symposium on Computer methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. Arup, Solihull. CMBBE2010. Valencia, Spain
Toffetti Carughi G., Gambi A., Pezzè M. , Pautasso C. (2010)
Engineering autonomic controllers for virtualized web applications . Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Web engineering (ICWE). Springer-Verlag. ICWE''10. Berlin, Heidelberg. ISBN 3-642-13910-8, 978-3-642-13910-9
Lukovic S. , Christianos N. (2010)
Enhancing Network-on-Chip Components to Support Security of Processing Elements . Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Embedded Systems Security (WESS''2010) A Workshop of the Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK ''10). Scottsdale, AZ, USA
Mytkowicz T., Diwan A., Hauswirth M. , Sweeney P. F. (2010)
Evaluating the accuracy of Java profilers . PLDI '10: Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGPLAN conference on Programming language design and implementation. ACM. New York, NY, USA. ISBN 978-1-4503-0019-3
Medwed M., Standaert F. X., Großschädl J., Regazzoni F. (2010)
Fresh Re-Keying: Security against Side-Channel and Fault Attacks for Low-Cost Devices . Proceedings of Progress in Cryptology - Africacrypt. Stellenbosch, South Africa
Lukovic S. , Kaitovic I., Mura M., Bondi U. , Kulić F., Popović D. (2010)
Functional model of Virtual Power Plant (VPP) . Proceedings of the 2010 CIGRE (International Council on Large Electric Systems) Session. Paris, France
Taddeo A., Micconi L., Ferrante A. (2010)
Gradual Adaptation of Security for Sensor Networks . IEEE WoWMoM 2010: Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks. Montreal, Canada
Schärfig R., Hormann K. (2010)
Hardware accelerated 3D mesh painting . Proceedings of Vision, Modeling, and Visualization 2010. Eurographics Association. VMV 2010. Siegen, Germany
Fiorin L., Ferrante A. , Padarnitsas K., Carucci S. (2010)
Hardware-assisted Security Enhanced Linux in Embedded Systems: a Proposal . Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Embedded Systems Security (WESS''2010). Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
Gallais J. F., Großschädl J., Hanley N., Kasper M., Medwed M., Regazzoni F. , Schmidt J. M., Tillich S., Wojcik M. (2010)
Hardware Trojans for Inducing or Amplifying Side-Channel Leakage of Cryptographic Software . 2nd International Conference on Trusted Systems (INTRUST). Beijing, China
Favino M. , Steiner J., Gross C. (2010)
Heterogeneous Coupling: A Comparison of two Approaches for the Modeling of thin Structures . PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. PAMM
Lukovic S. , Christianos N. (2010)
Hierarchical Multi-Agent Protection System for NoC based MPSoCs . Proceedings of the International Workshop on Security and Dependability for Resource Constrained Embedded Systems (SD4RCES 2010). Vienna, Austria
Avasare P., Vanmeerbeeck G., Ykman-Couvreur C., Mariani G., Palermo G., Zaccaria V., Silvano C. (2010)
Linking run-time management with design space exploration at multiple abstraction levels . Proceedings of the DATE''10 workshop on Designing for Embedded Parallel Computing Platforms: Architectures, Design Tools, and Applications. Dresden, Germany
Barenghi A., Breveglieri L., Koren I., Pelosi G., Regazzoni F. (2010)
Low Cost Software Countermeasures Against Fault Attacks: Implementation and Performances Trade Offs . 5th Workshop on Embedded Systems Security (WESS). Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
Zaccaria V., Palermo G., Castro F., Silvano C., Mariani G. (2010)
Multicube Explorer: An Open Source Framework for Design Space Exploration of Chip Multi-Processors . 2PARMA: Proceedings of the Workshop on Parallel Programming and Run-time Management Techniques for Many-core Architectures. Hannover, Germany
Silvano C., Fornaciari W., Palermo G., Zaccaria V., Castro F., Martinez M., Bocchio S., Zafalon R., Avasare P., Vanmeerbeeck G., Ykman-Couvreur C., Wouters M., Kavka C., Onesti L., Turco A., Bondi U. , Mariani G., Posadas H., Villar E., Wu S. Y. C., Dongrui F., Hao Z., Shibin T. (2010)
Multicube: Multi-objective design space exploration of multi-core architectures . ISVLSI 2010: IEEE Annual Symposium on VLSI. Lixouri, Kefalonia - Greece
Gambi A., Toffetti Carughi G., Pezzè M. (2010)
Protecting SLAs with surrogate models . Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Principles of Engineering Service-Oriented Systems. ACM. PESOS ''10. New York, NY, USA. ISBN 978-1-60558-963-3
Taddeo A., Mura M., Ferrante A. (2010)
QoS and Security in Energy-harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks . Proceedings of ICETE SECRYPT. Athens, Greece
Carzaniga A. , Gorla A., Perino N., Pezzè M. (2010)
RAW: runtime automatic workarounds . ICSE''10: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (Tool Demo). ACM. New York, NY, USA. ISBN 978-1-60558-719-6
Derin O., Ferrante A. (2010)
Scheduling energy consumption with local renewable micro-generation and dynamic electricity prices . CPSWEEK/GREEMBED 2010: Proceedings of the First Workshop on Green and Smart Embedded System Technology: Infrastructures, Methods and Tools. Stockholm, Sweden
Taddeo A., Ferrante A. (2010)
Security and Packets Delivery Trade-Off for WSN . Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), 2010 7th IEEE
Mariani L., Pezzè M. , Riganelli O., Santoro M. (2010)
SEIM: static extraction of interaction models . Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Principles of Engineering Service-Oriented Systems. ACM. PESOS ''10. New York, NY, USA. ISBN 978-1-60558-963-3
Vukmirović S., Erdeljan A., Kulić F., Lukovic S. (2010)
Software architecture for Smart Metering systems with Virtual Power Plant . Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON2010). La Valleta, Malta
Lukovic S. , Pezzino P., Fiorin L. (2010)
Stack Protection Unit as a step towards securing MPSoCs . Proceedings of 24th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS). Atlanta, USA
Baluda M., Braione P., Denaro G., Pezzè M. (2010)
Structural coverage of feasible code . Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Automation of Software Test. ACM. AST ''10. New York, NY, USA. ISBN 978-1-60558-970-1
Castrillon-Mazo J., Velasquez R., Stulova A., Sheng W., Ceng J., Leupers R., Ascheid G., Meyr H. (2010)
Trace-based KPN Composability Analysis for Mapping Simultaneous Applications to MPSoC Platforms . Proceedings of Design, Automation and Test in Europe(DATE) Conference. Dresden, Germany
Argyris I., Mura M., Prevostini M. (2010)
Using MARTE for Designing power Supply Section of WSNs . M-BED 2010: Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Model Based Engineering for Embedded Systems Design (a DATE 2010 Workshop). Dresden, Germany
Lukovic S. , Kaitovic I., Mura M., Bondi U. (2010)
Virtual Power Plant as a bridge between Distributed Energy Resources and Smart Grid . Proceedings of 43th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS''43). Hawaii, USA
Mariani G., Palermo G., Silvano C., Zaccaria V. (2009)
A Design Space Exploration Methodology Supporting Run-Time Resource Management for Multi-Processors System on-Chip . Proceedings IEEE SASP''09 - Symposium on Application Specific Processors. San Francisco, CA, USA
Gross C., Krause R. (2009)
A Recursive Trust--Region Method for Non-convex Constrained Minimization . Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XVIII. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering
Taddeo A., Ferrante A. (2009)
A Security Service Protocol for MANETs . Consumer Communications and Networking Conference. CCNC 2009. IEEE. in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Mariani L., Pastore F., Pezzè M. (2009)
A toolset for automated failure analysis . Software Engineering, 2009. ICSE 2009. IEEE 31st International Conference on. ISBN 978-1-4244-3453-4
Lo D., Mariani L., Pezzè M. (2009)
Automatic steering of behavioral model inference . ESEC/FSE ''09: Proceedings of the the 7th joint meeting of the European software engineering conference and the ACM SIGSOFT symposium on The foundations of software engineering. ACM. New York, NY, USA. ISBN 978-1-60558-001-2
Bondi U. , Sami M. G. (2009)
Creating an Embedded Systems Program from Scratch: Nine years of experience at ALaRI . Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Embedded System Education. Grenoble, France
Denaro G., Gorla A., Pezzè M. (2009)
DaTeC: Dataflow Testing of Java Classes . ICSE Companion''09: Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering (Tool Demo). ACM. New York, NY, USA
Mady A. D., Tonini A., Finardi D. (2009)
Design Space Exploration of PISA Architecture For ONU Auto-discovery Process . proceedings of 6th International Conference of Electrical Engineering (ICEENG). Cairo, Egypt
Denaro G., Pezzè M. , Tosi D. (2009)
Ensuring interoperable service-oriented systems through engineered self-healing . ESEC/FSE ''09: Proceedings of the the 7th joint meeting of the European software engineering conference and the ACM SIGSOFT symposium on The foundations of software engineering. ACM. New York, NY, USA. ISBN 978-1-60558-001-2
Lukovic S. , Kaitovic I., Mura M., Bondi U. (2009)
Functional requirements of embedded systems for monitoring and control structure of Virtual Power Plants . Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Workshop on Environmental, Energy, and Structural Monitoring Systems. Crema, Italy
Chang H., Mariani L., Pezzè M. (2009)
In-field healing of integration problems with COTS components . Software Engineering, 2009. ICSE 2009. IEEE 31st International Conference on. ISBN 978-1-4244-3453-4
Pezzè M. , Wuttke J. D. (2009)
LuMiNous - model-driven assertion generation for runtime failure detection . Software Engineering - Companion Volume, 2009. ICSE-Companion 2009. 31st International Conference on
Mariani G., Palermo G., Silvano C., Zaccaria V. (2009)
Meta-model Assisted Optimization for Design Space Exploration of Multi-Processor Systems-on-Chip . Euromicro Proceedings of DSD''09 - Conference on Digital System Design. Patras, Greece
Fiorin L., Palermo G., Silvano C. (2009)
MPSoCs Run-Time Monitoring through Networks-on-Chip . The 2009 Conference on Design, Automation and Test In Europe (DATE''09). Nice, France
Mariani G., Palermo G., Silvano C., Zaccaria V. (2009)
Multicube Explorer - A Design Space Exploration Framework for Embedded Systems-on-Chip . Proceedings of the DATE''09 workshop on Designing for Embedded Parallel Computing Platforms: Architectures, Design Tools, and Applications. Nice, France
Silvano C., Palermo G., Zaccaria V., Fornaciari W., Zafalon R., Bocchio S., Martinez M., Wouters M., Vanmeerbeeck G., Avasare P., Onesti L., Kavka C., Bondi U. , Mariani G., Villar E., Posadas H., Wu S. Y. C., Dongrui F., Hao Z. (2009)
MULTICUBE: Multi-Objective Design Space Exploration of Multiprocessor Architectures for Embedded Multimedia Applications . Proceedings of the DATE''09 workshop on Designing for Embedded Parallel Computing Platforms: Architectures, Design Tools, and Applications. Nice, France
Mariani G., Palermo G., Silvano C., Zaccaria V. (2009)
Multiprocessor System-on-Chip Design Space Exploration based on Multi-level Modeling Techniques . Proceedings of IEEE IC-SAMOS''09 - International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, MOdeling, and Simulation. Samos, Greece
Taddeo A., Marcon P., Ferrante A. (2009)
Negotiation of Security Services: a Multi-criteria Decision Approach . Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Embedded Systems Security. Grenoble, France
Gross C., Krause R. , Walloth M. (2009)
Nonlinear Decomposition Methods in Elastodynamics . Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications. Institute of Computational Science, University of Lugano
Milic B., Malek M. (2009)
NPART - node placement algorithm for realistic topologies in wireless multihop network simulation . Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques. ICST (Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering). ICST, Brussels, Belgium, Belgium. ISBN 978-963-9799-45-5
Christen M., Schenk O. , Neufeld E., Messmer P., Burkhart H. (2009)
Parallel data-locality aware stencil computations on modern micro-architectures . 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel Distributed Processing. 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel Distributed Processing. Aurelia Convention Centre, Rome, Italy. May, 25-29, 2009
Čongradac V., Kulić F., Lukovic S. (2009)
Prediction of the type of heating with EnergyPlus program and fuzzy logic . 40th International Congress on Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning (KGH Congress). Belgrade, Serbia
Manguoglu M., Sameh A. H., Schenk O. (2009)
PSPIKE: A Parallel Hybrid Sparse Linear System Solver . Proceedings of the 15th International Euro-Par Conference on Parallel Processing. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series, LNCS, volume 5704. Proceedings of the 15th International Euro-Par Conference on Parallel Processing. Delft, The Netherlands,. August 2009
Upasani G., Calimera A., Macii A., Macii E., Poncino M. (2009)
Reducing Timing Overhead in Simultaneously Clock-Gated and Power-Gated Designs by Placement-Aware Clustering . Proceedings of the 19th international workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS 2009). Delft, The Netherlands
Taddeo A., Ferrante A. (2009)
Run-time Selection of Security Algorithms For Networked Devices . 5th ACM International Symposium on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks. Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
Murillo L. G., Mura M., Prevostini M. (2009)
Semi-Automated HW/SW Co-design for Embedded Systems: from MARTE Models to SystemC Simulators . FDL'09, Proceedings. FDL'09 Proceedings Sophia-Antipolis, France, 22-24 September 2009. FDL'09. Sophia-Antipolis, France. 22-24 September 2009
Derin O., Ferrante A. (2009)
Simulation of a Self-adaptive Run-time Environment with Hardware and Software Components . SINTER ''09: Proceedings of the 2009 ESEC/FSE workshop on Software integration and evolution @ runtime. ACM. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN 978-1-60558-681-6
Gambi A., Pezzè M. , Young M. (2009)
SLA Protection models for virtualized data centers . Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems, 2009. SEAMS ''09. ICSE Workshop on. ISBN 978-1-4244-3724-5
Sathe M., Schenk O. , Burkhart H. (2009)
Solving Bi-objective Many-Constraint Bin Packing Problems in Automobile Sheet Metal Forming Processes . Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimizatio. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization,. Nantes, France. April 2009
Bailey D. V., Baldwin B., Batina L., Bernstein D. J., Birkner P., Bos J. W., van Damme G., de Meulenaer G., Fan J., Gurkaynak F., Güneys T., Kleinjung T., Lange T., Mentens N., Paar C., Regazzoni F. , Schwabe P., Uhsadel L. (2009)
The Certicom Challenges ECC2-X . Workshop on Special Purpose Hardware for Attacking Cryptographic Systems (SHARCS). Lausanne, Switzerland
Carzaniga A. , Denaro G., Pezzè M. , Estublier J., Wolf A. (2009)
Toward deeply adaptive societies of digital systems . Software Engineering - Companion Volume, 2009. ICSE-Companion 2009. 31st International Conference on
Krause D., Krause R. , Fackeldey K. (2009)
Weak Coupling Algorithms in Multiscale Simulations . Proceedings of the third Inter. Confer. on Comp. Meth. for Coupled Problems in Science and Engrg.
Dickopf T., Krause R. (2009)
Weak information transfer between non-matching warped interfaces . Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XVIII. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering
Dutta Choudhury A., Palermo G., Silvano C., Zaccaria V. (2009)
Yield Enhancement by Robust Application-specific Mapping on Network-on-Chips . NoCArc''09: Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Network on-Chip Architectures. New York City, USA
Bertoni G. M., Breveglieri L., Farina R., Regazzoni F. (2008)
A 640 Mbit/s 32-bit Pipelined Implementation of the AES Algorithm . SECRYPT. Porto, Portugal
Lambers L., Mariani L., Ehrig H., Pezzè M. (2008)
A Formal Framework for Developing Adaptable Service- Based Applications . FASE '08: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
Ferrante A. , Pompei R., Stulova A., Taddeo A. (2008)
A Protocol For Pervasive Distributed Computing Reliability . SecPri_WiMob 2008. IEEE. Avignon, France
Fiorin L., Palermo G., Silvano C. (2008)
A Security Monitoring Service for NoCs . Sixth IEEE/ACM/IFIP International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES+ISSS''08). Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Bonesana I., Paolieri M., Santambrogio M. D. (2008)
An adaptable FPGA-based System for Regular Expression Matching . Proceedings of Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) Conference. Munich, Germany
Lukovic S. , Fiorin L. (2008)
An Automated Design Flow for NoC-based MPSoCs on FPGA . RSP 2008, The 19th IEEE/IFIP International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping. Monterey, USA/CA
Mariani G., Palermo G., Zaccaria V., Silvano C. (2008)
An Efficient Design Space Exploration Methodology for Multi-Cluster VLIW Architectures based on Artificial Neural Networks . Proc. IFIP International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration VLSI - SoC 2008. Rhodes Island, Greece
Lukovic S. , Puzović N., Stanisavljevic M. (2008)
An Enhanced Service Provider Communication Interface with Client Priorization . proceedings of IEEE/WFMC International Conference on e-Business
Lorenzoli D., Mariani L., Pezzè M. (2008)
Automatic Generation of Software Behavioral Models . ICSE '08: Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Software Engineering. IEEE Computer Society
Christen M., Schenk O. , Messmer P., Neufeld E., Burkhart H. (2008)
Biomedical Hyperthermia Cancer Treatment Planning on Leading Multicore Platforms . Proceedings of the First International Workshop on New Frontiers in High-performance and Hardware-aware Computing (HipHaC'08). IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-41). IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-41). Lake Como, Italy. November 8-12, 2008
Regazzoni F. , Eisenbarth T., Breveglieri L., Ienne P., Koren I. (2008)
Can knowledge regarding the presence of countermeasures against fault attacks simplify power attacks on cryptographic devices? . Proceedings of 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems (DFTS 08)
Mura M., Sami M. G. (2008)
Code Generation from Statecharts: Simulation of Wireless Sensor Networks . Proceedings of DSD08. Parma, Italy
Denaro G., Gorla A., Pezzè M. (2008)
Contextual Integration Testing of Classes . FASE '08: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
Mura M., Panda A., Prevostini M. (2008)
Executable Models and Verification from MARTE and SysML: a comparative study of code generation capabilities . DATE'08, Workshop on Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded Systems with the MARTE UML profile, Proc. pp 29-34. DATE'08, Workshop on Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded Systems with the MARTE UML profileProc. pp 29-34 Munich, Germany, 14 March 2008. Workshop on Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded Systems with the MARTE UML profile. Munich, Germany. 14 March 2008
Fiorin L., Lukovic S. , Palermo G. (2008)
Implementation of a Reconfigurable Data Protection Module for NoC-based MPSoCs . Proceedings of the 21st IPDPS 2007 Reconfigurable Architecture Workshop (RAW), 21th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium. Miami, USA/FL
Mura M., Murillo L. G., Prevostini M. (2008)
Model-based Design Space Exploration for RTES with SysML and MARTE . FDL'08, Proc. pp 389-394. FDL'08 Proc. pp 389-394 Stuttgart, Germany, 23-25 September 2008. FDL'08. Stuttgart, Germany. 23-25 September 2008
Mura M., Fabbri F., Sami M. G. (2008)
Modelling the Power Cost of Security in Wireless Sensor Networks : the Case of 802.15.4 . Proceedings of IEEE ICT08. Saint Petersburg, Russia
Carzaniga A. , Gorla A., Pezzè M. (2008)
Self-Healing by Means of Automatic Workarounds . SEAMS '08: Proceedings of the 2008 International Workshop on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems. ACM. New York, NY, USA
Chang H., Mariani L., Pezzè M. (2008)
Self-healing strategies for component integration faults . Automated Software Engineering - Workshops, 2008. ASE Workshops 2008. 23rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on
Müller H. A., Pezzè M. , Shaw M. (2008)
Visibility of Control in Adaptive Systems . ULSSIS '08: Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on Ultra-large-scale software-intensive systems. ACM. New York, NY, USA. ISBN 978-1-60558-026-5
Fiorin L., Palermo G., Lukovic S. , Silvano C. (2007)
A Data protection Unit for NoC-based Architecture . CODES+ISSS 2007, in proceedings of the Fifth IEEE/ACM/FIP International Conference of Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES+ISSS 2007). Salzburg, Austria
Dadda L., Ferrante A. , Macchetti M. (2007)
A Memory Unit for Priority Management in IPSec Accelerators . proceedings of ICC07. Glasgow, Scotland: IEEE Communications Society. Glasgow, Scotland
Ferrante A. , Chandra S., Piuri V. (2007)
A Query Unit for the IPSec Databases . SECRYPT 2007. Barcelona, Spain
Giesbers B., Taddeo A., Vegt W., Bruggen J., Koper R. (2007)
A Question Answering service for information retrieval in Cooper . COOPER Workshop in conjunction with EC-TEL07 Conference
Palermo G., Mariani G., Silvano C., Locatelli R., Coppola M. (2007)
A Topology Design Customization Approach for (STNoC) . Nano-Nets 07, in proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Nano-Networks (Nano-Nets 2007).. Catania, Italy
Palermo G., Mariani G., Silvano C., Locatelli R., Coppola M. (2007)
Application-Specific Topology Design Customization for STNoC . DSD07, in proceedings of 10th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design Architectures, Methods and Tools (DSD 07). Lübeck, Germany
Giaconia M., Macchetti M., Regazzoni F. , Schramm K. (2007)
Area and Power Efficient Synthesis of DPA-Resistant Cryptographic SBoxes . International Conference on VLSI Design \& Embedded Systems. Bangalore, India
Mariani L., Papagiannakis S., Pezzè M. (2007)
Compatibility and Regression Testing of COTS-Component-Based Software . Software Engineering, 2007. ICSE 2007. 29th International Conference on. ISBN 0-7695-2828-7
Ferrari F., Amador E. (2007)
Design exploration for an Ogg/Vorbis decoder for VLIW architectures . Workshop on Application Specific Processors (WASP ''07). Salzburg, Austria
Denaro G., Pezzè M. , Tosi D. (2007)
Designing Self-Adaptive Service-Oriented Applications . Autonomic Computing, 2007. ICAC ''07. Fourth International Conference on
Christen M., Schenk O. , Burkhart H. (2007)
General-Purpose Sparse Matrix Building Blocks using the NVIDIA CUDA Technology Platform . First Workshop on General Purpose Processing on Graphics Processing Units. GPGPU '08. Washington, DC, USA. March 08 - 08, 2009
Nacul A. C., Regazzoni F. , Lajolo M. (2007)
HardwareScheduling Support in SMP Architecture . Design, Automation and Test in Europe(DATE). Nice, France
Ferrante A. , Piuri V. (2007)
High-level Architecture of an IPSec-dedicated System on Chip . proceedings of NGI 2007. IEEE Press. Trondheim, Norway
Lambers L., Ehrig H., Mariani L., Pezzè M. (2007)
Iterative Model-driven Development of Adaptable Service-Based Applications . ASE '07: Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering
Derin O. (2007)
Learning Java by a Card Game: A Case Study . LG2007: Proceedings of Learning with Games Conference. Sophia Antipolis, France. ISBN 978-88-901168-0-3
Palermo G., Mariani G., Silvano C., Locatelli R., Coppola M. (2007)
Mapping and Topology Customization Approaches for Application-Specific STNoC Designs . IEEE Proceedings of ASAP''07 - 18th International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors. Montréal, Québec, Canada
Regazzoni F. , Eisenbarth T., Großschädl J., Breveglieri L., Ienne P., Koren I., Paar C. (2007)
Power Attacks Resistance of Cryptographic S-boxes with added Error Detection Circuits . proceedings of: ''22nd IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems (DFT''07). Rome, Italy
Mura M., Paolieri M., Negri L., Fabbri F., Sami M. G. (2007)
Power Modeling and Power Analysis for IEEE 802.15.4: a Concurrent State Machine Approach . Proceedings of CCNC 2007. Las Vegas, USA
Otero J., Regazzoni F. , Lajolo M. (2007)
Rapid Creation of Application Models from Bandwidth Aware Core Graphs . Proceedings of: IP Based SoC Design 2007. Grenoble, France
Paolieri M., Bonesana I., Santambrogio M. D. (2007)
ReCPU: a Parallel and Pipelined Architecture for Regular Expression Matching . Proceedings of 15th Annual IFIP International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (IFIP-VLSI 07),(best paper award). Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Salvioni C., Taddeo A. (2007)
Remote Cooperation on Project-centred Learning: a Working Implemented Solution in Academia . COOPER Workshop in conjunction with EC-TEL07 Conference
Bozzon A., Iofciu T., Nejdl W., Taddeo A., Tonnies S. (2007)
Role Based Access Control for the interaction with Search Engines . COOPER Workshop in conjunction with EC-TEL07 Conference
Mura M., Paolieri M. (2007)
SC2: State Charts to System C: Automatic Executable Models Generation . proceedings FDL07. Barcelona, Spain
Fiorin L., Silvano C., Sami M. G. (2007)
Security Aspects in Networks-on-Chips: Overview and Proposals for Secure Implementations . DSD07, in proceedings of 10th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design Architectures, Methods and Tools (DSD 07). Lübeck, Germany
Ferrante A. , Taddeo A., Sami M. G., Mantovani F., Fridkins J. (2007)
Self-adaptive Security at Application Level: a Proposal . ReCoSoC 2007, Jun. 2007, in proceedings of ReCoSoC 2007
Denaro G., Pezzè M. , Tosi D. (2007)
SHIWS: A Self-Healing Integrator for Web Services . Software Engineering - Companion, 2007. ICSE 2007 Companion. 29th International Conference on. ISBN 0-7695-2892-9
Regazzoni F. , Badel S., Eisenbarth T., Großschädl J., Poschmann A., Toprak Z., Macchetti M., Pozzi L. , Paar C., Leblebici Y., Ienne P. (2007)
Simulation-based Methodology for Evaluating DPA-Resistance of Cryptographic Functional Units with Application to CMOS and MCML Technologies . International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS IC 07). Samos, Greece
Mura M., Paolieri M., Negri L., Sami M. G. (2007)
StateCharts to SystemC: a High Level Hardware Simulation Approach . Proceedings of GLSVLSI 2007. Stresa, Italy
Regazzoni F. , Bonesana I., Djakov M., Mattiuz A. (2007)
Tairona, an Open Source Platform for Worldwide Meeting and Tutoring . World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 7 (ED-MEDIA 07). Vancouver, Canada
Lorenzoli D., Mariani L., Pezzè M. (2007)
Towards Self-Protecting Enterprise Applications . Software Reliability, 2007. ISSRE ''07. The 18th IEEE International Symposium on
Mura M. (2007)
Ultra-low power optimizations for the IEEE 802.15.4 networking protocol . proceedings of MASS
Bollhöfer M., Grote M., Schenk O. (2006)
Algebraic Multilevel Preconditioning to Helmholtz Equation . In Proc. of Europ. Conf. on Comput. Fluid Dynamics (ECCOMAS CFD 2006. ECCOMAS'06
Macchetti M., Chen W. (2006)
ASIC Hardware Implementation of the IDEA NXT Encryption Algorithm . IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Kos, Greece
Bongio A., Bruggen J., Ceri S., Cristea V., Dolog P., Hoffmann A., MATERA M., Mura M., Taddeo A., Zhou X., Zoni L. (2006)
COOPER: Towards A Collaborative Open Environment of Project-centred Learning . proceedings to EC-TEL''06 conference. Crete, Greece
Chandra S., Regazzoni F. , Lajolo M. (2006)
Hardware/software partitioning of operating systems: A behavioral synthesis approach . GLSVLSI ''06: Proceedings of the 16th ACM Great Lakes symposium on VLSI. ACM Press, New York, USA. Philadelphia, PA, USA. ISBN 1-59593-347-6
Lorenzoli D., Mariani L., Pezzè M. (2006)
Inferring State-Based Behavior Models . WODA '06: Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Dynamic systems analysis. ACM. New York, NY, USA. ISBN 1-59593-400-6
Röllin S., Schenk O. (2006)
Maximum-Weighted Matching Strategies and the Application to Symmetric Indefinite Systems . Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, volume 3732). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 3732. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Applied Parallel Computing, State of the Art in Scientific Computing. PARA 2004.. Lyngby, Denmark.. 2007
Pena J. A., Upegui A., Sanchez E. (2006)
Particle Swarm Optimization with Discrete Recombination: An Online Optimizer for Evolvable Hardware . 1st NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems (AHS-2006). Istanbul, Turkey
Negri L., Zanetti D. (2006)
Power/Performance Tradeoffs in Bluetooth Sensor Networks . HICSS ''06: Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. IEEE Computer Society. Washington, DC, USA. ISBN 0-7695-2507-5
Taddeo A., Ferrante A. , Piuri V. (2006)
Scheduling Small Packets in IPSec-based Systems . CCNC. Las Vegas, NV, USA
Bertoni G. M., Breveglieri L., Farina R., Regazzoni F. (2006)
Speeding Up AES By Extending a 32 bit Processor Instruction Set . ASAP ''06: Proceedings of the IEEE 17th International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP''06). IEEE Computer Society. Washington, DC, USA. ISBN 0-7695-2682-9
Denaro G., Pezzè M. , Tosi D., Schilling D. (2006)
Towards Self-Adaptive Service-Oriented Architectures . TAV-WEB '06: Proceedings of the 2006 workshop on Testing, analysis, and verification of web services and applications. ACM. New York, NY, USA. ISBN 1-59593-458-8
Ferrante A. , Piscopo G., Scaldaferri S. (2005)
Application-Driven Optimization of VLIW Architectures: A Hardware-Software Approach . RTAS ''05: Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Real Time on Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium. IEEE Computer Society. Washington, DC, USA. ISBN 0-7695-2302-1
Regazzoni F. , Nacul A. C., Lajolo M. (2005)
Automatic Synthesis of the Hardware/Software Interface in Multiprocessor Architectures . FDL''05 - Forum on Specification and Design Languages. Lausanne, Switzerland
Basu A., Lajolo M., Prevostini M. (2005)
Design and Synthesis of Reusable Platforms with Programmable Interconnects . UML-SoC 2005 (DAC Workshop). UML-SoC 2005 (DAC Workshop) Proc. pp 43-48, Anaheim, California, 12 June 2005. UML-SoC 2005 (DAC Workshop), Proc. pp 43-48. Anaheim, California. 12 June 2005
Banushkina P., Schenk O. , Meuwly M. (2005)
Efficiency Considerations in Solving Smoluchowski Equations for Rough Potentials . First International Symposium on Computational Life Sciences, CompLife. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 3695. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. First International Symposium on Computational Life Sciences. Konstanz, Germany. September 25-27, 2005
Krause R. , Sander O. (2005)
Fast solving of contact problems on complicated geometries . Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering {XV}. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 40. Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering
Negri L., Sami M. G., Tran Q. D., Zanetti D. (2005)
Flexible Power Modeling for Wireless Systems: Power Modeling and Optimization of two Bluetooth Implementations . WOWMOM ''05: Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM''05). IEEE Computer Society. Washington, DC, USA. ISBN 0-7695-2342-0-01
Salvioni C. (2005)
From a young academic institute a broad minded approach: the working and learning environment of the ALaRI Intranet tool (case study) . MICROLEARNING 2005: Learning \& Working in New Media Environments. Innsbruck, Austria
Regazzoni F. , Lajolo M. (2005)
Hardware/Software Partitioning and Interface Synthesis in Networks On Chip . IP Based SoC Design 2005. Grenoble, France
Macchetti M., Dadda L. (2005)
Quasi-Pipelined Hash Circuits . IEEE ARITH 17. Cape Cod
Macchetti M., Rivard P. (2005)
Small-scale Variants of the Secure Hash Standard . ECRYPT workshop on RFID and lightweight cryptography. Graz, Austria
Sami M. G., Macchetti M., Regazzoni F. (2005)
Speeding Security on the Intel StrongARM . Embedded Intel Solutions
Boiko U., Ferrante A. , Lo Duca A., Piuri V. (2004)
A Methodology for Testing IPSec-based Systems . SoftCOM 2004. Split
Dadda L., Macchetti M., Owen J. (2004)
An ASIC design for a high speed implementation of the hash function SHA-256 (384, 512) . GLSVLSI ''04: Proceedings of the 14th ACM Great Lakes symposium on VLSI. ACM Press, New York, USA. Boston, MA, USA. ISBN 1-58113-853-9
Atasu K., Breveglieri L., Macchetti M. (2004)
Efficient AES implementations for ARM based platforms . SAC ''04: Proceedings of the 2004 ACM symposium on Applied computing. ACM Press, New York, USA. Nicosia, Cyprus. ISBN 1-58113-812-1
Negri L., Sami M. G., Macii D., Terranegra A. (2004)
FSM--based power modeling of wireless protocols: the case of bluetooth . ISLPED ''04: Proceedings of the 2004 international symposium on Low power electronics and design. ACM Press, New York, USA. Newport Beach, California, USA. ISBN 1-58113-929-2
Regazzoni F. , Lajolo M. (2004)
Interface Synthesis in Multiprocessing Systems-on-Chips . IP Based SoC Design 2004. Grenoble
Fürlinger K., Schenk O. , Hagemann M. (2004)
Task-Queue Based Hybrid Parallelism: A Case Study . proceedings of the European Conference on Parallel Processing. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Euro-Par 2004: Euro-Par 2004 Parallel Processing. Pisa, Italy. August 31, 2004 - September 03, 2004
Negri L., Bondi U. (2004)
The ALaRI Intranet: a Remote Collaboration Platform for a Worldwide Learning and Research Network . World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 04 (ED-MEDIA 04). AACE Press. Lugano, Switzerland
Dadda L., Macchetti M., Owen J. (2004)
The Design of a High Speed ASIC Unit for the Hash Function SHA-256 (384,512) . DATE ''04: Proceedings of the conference on Design, automation and test in Europe. IEEE Computer Society. Washington, DC, USA. ISBN 0-7695-2085-5-3
Lajolo M., Basu A., Prevostini M. (2004)
UML Specifications Towards a Codesign Environment . FDL'04 Proc. pp 313-324. FDL´04 Proc. pp 313-324, Lille, France, 14-17 September 2004. FDL'04. Lille, France,. 14-17 September 2004
Piscopo G., Prevostini M. , Stefanini I. (2004)
UML System-Level Analysis and Design of Secure Communication Schemes for Embedded Systems . FDL'04 Proc. pp 301-312. FDL´04 Proc. pp 301-312, Lille, France, 14-17 September 2004. FDL'04 Proc. pp 301-312. Lille, France. 14-17 September 2004
Salvemini L., Sami M. G., Sciuto D., Silvano C., Zaccaria V., Zafalon R. (2003)
A Methodology for efficient architectural exploration of energy-delay trade-offs for embedded systems . SAC 2003. Melbourne
Bircan A., Macchetti M., Bertoni G. M., Breveglieri L., Zaccaria V., Fragneto P. (2003)
About the Performances of the Advanced Encryption Standard in Embedded Systems with Cache Memory . ISCAS 2003. Bangkok
Schenk O. , Selig M. (2003)
Advancing Crash Forming Capabilities through Solver Technology . Proc. of the Second MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics. MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics. Boston, USA
Bertoni G. M., Breveglieri L., Fragneto P., Macchetti M., Marchesin S. (2003)
Efficient Software Implementation of AES on 32-Bit Platforms . CHES ''02: Revised Papers from the 4th International Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems. Springer-Verlag. London, UK. ISBN 3-540-00409-2
Minosi A., Mankan S., Martinola A., Balzarini F., Kostadinov A., Prevostini M. (2003)
Intelligent, Low-power and Low-cost Measurement System for Energy Consumption . IEEE-VECIMS'03, Proc. pp 125-130. IEEE-VECIMS´03 Proc. pp 125-130, Lugano, Switzerland, 27-29 July 2003. IEEE International Symposium on Virtual Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces and Measurement Systems. Lugano, Switzerland. 27-29 July 2003
Minosi A., Martinola A., Mankan S., Prevostini M. , Kostadinov A. N., Balzarini F. (2003)
Intelligent, low-power and low-cost measurement system for energy consumption . VECIMS 2003. Lugano
Schenk O. , Hagemann M., Röllin S. (2003)
Recent Advances in Sparse Linear Solver Technology for Semiconductor Device Simulation Matrices
Alippi C. , Galbusera A., Stellini M. (2002)
An Application Level Synthesis Methodology for Embedded Systems . ISCAS 2002. Scottsdale
Bona A., Sami M. G., Sciuto D., Silvano C., Zaccaria V., Zafalon R. (2002)
An Instruction-Level Methodology for Power Estimation and Optimization of Embedded VLIW cores . DATE 2002. Paris
Bona A., Sami M. G., Sciuto D., Silvano C., Zaccaria V., Zafalon R. (2002)
Energy Estimation and Optimization of Embedded VLIW Processors based on Instruction Clustering . 39th Design Automation Conference. New Orleans
Minosi A., Martinola A., Mankan S., Prevostini M. (2002)
System-level design of embedded applications by UML: the Wireless Meter Reading case . MSy2002 Workshop. Winterthur
Fornaciari W., Salice F., Bondi U. , Magini E. (2001)
Development cost and size estimation starting from high-level specifications . CODES ''01: Proceedings of the ninth international symposium on Hardware/software codesign. ACM Press, New York, USA. Copenhagen, Denmark. ISBN 1-58113-364-2
Cassoli F., Polloni F., Marchesin S., Macchetti M., Bertoni G. M., Breveglieri L., Fragneto P. (2001)
Efficient C implementation of the ECC and AES cryptographic systems . Technology Leadership Day - organized by the MicroSwiss Network. Fribourg
Bondi U. , Saraceno G., Mazzoni L. (2001)
The 'Smart Card System' project: From plastic money to mobile transaction support . Technology Leadership Day - organized by the MicroSwiss Network. Fribourg
Relazione in convegno scientifico (10)
Milosevic J., Ferrante A. , Malek M. (2015)
A General Practitioner or a Specialist for Your Infected Smartphone? . IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Security and Privacy. 36th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy. San Jose, California, USA. May 18-20, 2015
Arcelli Fontana F., Arcelli Fontana F., Spinelli S., Spinelli S. (2014)
Investigating the impact of code smells debt on quality code evaluation . Third International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt (MTD). Zurich. 05-06-2012
Arcelli Fontana F., Marino A., Walter B., Martenka P. (2013)
Investigating the Impact of Code Smells on System's Quality: An Empirical Study on Systems of Different Application Domains . 29th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM). Eindhoven. 24-09-2013
Prevostini M. , Taddeo A. (2013)
Monitoring of Pests and Diseases: a Technological Vision . IOBC/WPRS European Meeting: "Working Group on "Integrated Protection and Production in Viticulture”. Ascona, Switzerland. October 14-17, 2013
Arcelli Fontana F., Spinelli S. (2012)
Investigating the impact of code smells debt on quality code evaluation . Third International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt (MTD). Zurich. 05-06-2012
Prevostini M. (2007)
Introduction to SysML . Workshop on UML for SoC and Embedded Systems Design, DATE '07, Nice, France, April 2007. Workshop on UML for SoC and Embedded Systems Design, DATE '07. Nice, France. April 2007
Prevostini M. , Sivakumar G. (2006)
Bridging the Gap between SysML and Design Space Exploration . FDL'06 Proc. pp 389-394 Darmstadt, Germany, 19-22 September 2006. FDL'06, Proc. pp 389-394. Darmstadt, Germany. 19-22 September 2006
Basu A., Lajolo M., Prevostini M. (2004)
UML in an Electronic System Level Design Methodology . UML-SoC 2004 (DAC Workshop) Proc. pp 47-52, San Diego, California, 6 June 2004. UML-SoC 2004 (DAC Workshop), Proc. pp 47-52. San Diego, California. 6 June 2004
Minosi A., Mankan S., Martinola A., Balzarini F., Kostadinov A., Prevostini M. (2003)
UML-based Specifications of an Embedded System oriented to HW/SW Partitioning: a case study . FDL´03 Proc. pp 226-237, Frankfurt, Germany, 23-26 September 2003. FDL'03 Proc. pp 226-237. Frankfurt, Germany. 23-26 September 2003
Minosi A., Mankan S., Martinola A., Prevostini M. (2002)
System-level Design of an Embedded Applications by UML: The Wireless Meter Reading Case . MSy´02 Proc. pp 181-187, Winterthur, Switzerland, 3-4 October 2002. MSy'02, Proc. pp 181-187. Winterthur, Switzerland. 3-4 October 2002
Rapporto tecnico (73)
Kelorazi M. E., Le L. H., Pedone F. (2022)
Heron: Scalable State Machine Replication on Shared Memory (2022/01)
Filipovic D., Schneider P. (2021)
Adaptive joint distribution learning (2021/04)
Prokopec A., Rosà A. , Leopoldseder D., Duboscq G., Tuma P., Studener M., Bulej L. , Zheng Y., Villazon Torrico A., Simon D., Wuerthinger T., Binder W. (2019)
On Evaluating the Renaissance Benchmarking Suite: Variety, Performance, and Complexity (2019/02)
Dang H. T., Bressana P. G., Wang H., Lee K. S., Zilberman N., Weatherspoon H., Canini M., Pedone F. , Soulé R. (2019)
Partitioned Paxos via the Network Data Plane (2019/01)
Le L. H., Fynn E., Eslahi Kelorazi M., Soulé R. , Pedone F. (2018)
DynaStar: Optimized Dynamic Partitioning for Scalable State Machine Replication (2018/01)
Dettmers T., Soleimani Bidhendi H. (2016)
Computational and Parallel Deep Learning Perform-ance Benchmarks for the Xeon Phi (2016/04)
Le L. H., Benevides Bezerra C. E., Pedone F. (2016)
Dynamic Scalable State Machine Replication (2016/02)
Pacheco de Sousa L., Halalai R., Schiavoni V., Pedone F. , Rivière E., Felber P. (2016)
GlobalFS: A Strongly Consistent Multi-Site File System (2016/01)
Dang H. T., Bressana P. G., Wang H., Lee K. S., Weatherspoon H., Canini M., Pedone F. , Soulé R. (2016)
Network Hardware-Accelerated Consensus (2016/03)
Jepsen T., Pacheco de Sousa L., Dang H. T., Pedone F. , Soulé R. (2016)
Optimistic Aborts for Geo-distributed Transactions (2016/05)
Marras S., Hormann K. (2015)
Exploring compression in edge shape space (2015/04)
Sciascia D., Pedone F. (2015)
Geo-Replicated Storage with Scalable Deferred Update Replication (2015/03)
Dang H. T., Canini M., Pedone F. , Soulé R. (2015)
Paxos Made Switch-y (2015/05)
Benevides Bezerra C. E., Pedone F. , Renesse . R. v. ., Geyer . C. . (2015)
Providing Scalability and Low Latency in State Machine Replication (2015/06)
Benevides Bezerra C. E., Cason D., Pedone F. (2015)
Ridge: high throughput, low-latency atomic multicast (2015/01)
Azadmanesh M. R., Hauswirth M. (2015)
Space-Time Views For Back-In-Time Debugging (2015/02)
Fedyukovich G. , Sharygina N. (2014)
Automated Discovery of Simulation Between Programs (2014/05)
Soulé R. , Gedik B. (2014)
Optimized Disk Layouts for Adaptive Storage of Interaction Graphs (2014/04)
Papalini M., Khazaei K., Carzaniga A. , Wolf A. (2014)
Scalable Routing for Tag-Based Information-Centric Networking (2014/01)
Ponzanelli L., Mocci A. , Bacchelli A., Lanza M. (2014)
Understanding and Classifying the Quality of Technical Forum Questions (2014/02)
Alberti F., Sharygina N. (2013)
Decision Procedures for Flat Array Properties (2013/04)
Kardoš J. (2013)
Evaluating realistic tsunami simulations with SWE model on GPU-enabled clusters (2013/03)
Mikushin D., Likhogrud N., Zheng Zhang E., Bergst C. (2013)
KernelGen the design and implementation of a next generation compiler platform for accelerating numerical models on GPUs (2013/02)
Benevides Bezerra C. E., Pedone F. , Garbinato B., Geyer C. i. (2013)
Optimistic Atomic Multicast (2013/01)
Giaquinta E., Pozzi L. (2012)
An effective exact algorithm and a new upper bound for the number of contacts in the hydrophobic-polar 2D-lattice model (2012/02)
Cheilaris P., Arseneva E. , Papadopoulou E. (2012)
Randomized incremental construction of the Hausdorff Voronoi diagram of non-crossing clusters (2012/03)
Software Analytics for Mobile Applications
Alberti F., Sharygina N. (2012)
Tackling divergence: abstraction and acceleration in array programs (2012/01)
Hattori L., Lanza M. , D'Ambros M. (2011)
A qualitative analysis of preemptive conflict detection (2011/05)
Gross C., Krause R. (2011)
On the Globalization of ASPIN employing Trust-Region Control Strategies - Convergence Analysis and Numerical Examples (2011/06)
Bos L., De Marchi S., Hormann K. (2011)
On the Lebesgue constant of Berrut's rational interpolant at equidistant nodes (2011/01)
Malekpour Koupaei A., Carzaniga A. , Toffetti Carughi G., Pedone F. (2011)
Probabilistic FIFO Ordering in Publish/Subscribe Networks (2011/04)
Gross C., Krause R. (2010)
A Generalized Recursive Trust-Region Approach - Nonlinear Multiplicatively Preconditioned Trust-Region Methods and Applications (2010/09)
Commit 2.0 for Eclipse - Enriching Commit Comments with Software Visualization
Nesic S., Jazayeri M. , Crestani F. (2010)
Concept-Based Semantic Annotation, Indexing and Retrieval of Office-Like Document Units (2010/01)
Wettel R., Lanza M. , Robbes R. (2010)
Empirical Validation of CodeCity: A Controlled Experiment (2010/05)
Ansaloni D., Binder W. , Heydarnoori A. (2010)
Exploiting Under-Utilized Cores with Deferred Methods (2010/07)
Jalili Marandi P., Primi M., Pedone F. (2010)
High Performance State-Machine Replication (2010/08)
Papadopoulou E. (2010)
Net-aware Critical Area Extraction for Opens in VLSI Circuits via Higher-Order Voronoi Diagrams (2010/06)
Schiper N., Sutra P., Pedone F. (2010)
P-Store: Genuine Partial Replication in Wide Area Networks (2010/03)
Conti C., Hormann K. (2010)
Polynomial reproduction for univariate subdivision schemes of any arity (2010/02)
Sciascia D., Primi M., Jalili Marandi P., Schiper N., Pedone F. (2010)
Tapioca: Flexible Data Storage for Datacenter Applications (2010/04)
Conen L., Gross C., Krause R. (2010)
The Linear Algebra Module in ObsLib++ - Description, Comparisons and Numerical Results (2010/10)
Dickopf T., Krause R. (2009)
A contact method for parametric finite elements (2009/09)
Dickopf T., Krause R. (2009)
A pseudo-L2-projection for multilevel methods based on non-nested meshes. (2009/10)
Bianculli D., Binder W. (2009)
Automated Performance Assessment for Service-Oriented Middleware (2009/07)
Wuttke J. D. (2009)
Defining Model Transformations for Property Templates (2009/05)
Hall C., Carzaniga A. (2009)
Doubly Stochastic Converge: Uniform Sampling for Directed P2P Networks (2009/02)
Schiper N., Pedone F. (2009)
Fast, Flexible, and Highly Resilient Genuine Fifo and Causal Multicast Algorithms (2009/03)
Fer A., Murphy A. (2009)
FROMS: A Failure Tolerant and Mobility Enabled Multicast Routing Paradigm with Reinforcement Learning for WSNs (2009/04)
Schiper N., Sutra P., Pedone F. (2009)
Genuine versus Non-Genuine Atomic Multicast Protocols (2009/01)
Carzaniga A. , Hall C., Toffetti Carughi G., Wolf A. (2009)
Practical High-Throughput Content-Based Routing Using Unicast State and Probabilistic Encodings (2009/06)
Robbes R., Lanza M. , Pollet D. (2008)
A Benchmark for Change Prediction (2008/06)
Schiper N., Toueg S. (2008)
A Robust and Lightweight Stable Leader Election Service for Dynamic Systems (2008/01)
Zaparanuks D., Jovic M., Hauswirth M. (2008)
Accuracy of Performance Counter Measurements (2008/05)
Zuikeviciute V., Pedone F. (2008)
Correctness Criteria for Database Replication: Theoretical and Practical Aspects (2008/03)
Bonzini P., Pozzi L. (2008)
On the Complexity of Enumeration and Scheduling for Extensible Embedded Processors (2008/07)
Wuttke J. D. (2008)
Property Templates and Assertions Supporting Runtime Failure Detection (2008/04)
Schiper N., Pedone F. (2008)
Solving Atomic Multicast when Groups Crash (2008/02)
Denaro G., Gorla A., Pezzè M. (2007)
An Empirical Evaluation of Data Flow Testing of Java Classes (2007/03)
Camargos L. J., Pedone F. , Wieloch M. (2007)
High-Performance Transaction Processing in Sprint (2007/01)
Camargos L. J., Schmidt R., Pedone F. (2007)
Multicoordinated Paxos (2007/02)
Schiper N., Pedone F. (2007)
Optimal Atomic Broadcast and Multicast Algorithms for Wide Area Networks (2007/04)
Robbes R., Lanza M. (2007)
Towards Change-aware Development Tools (2007/06)
Tsitovich A. (2007)
Understanding vulnerabilities (2007/07)
Foerster A., Murphy A. (2006)
A Feedback-Enhanced Learning Approach for Routing in WSN (2006/03)
Camargos L. J., Wieloch M., Pedone F. , Madeira E. (2006)
A Highly Available Log Service for Distributed Transaction Termination (2006/08)
Zuikeviciute V., Pedone F. (2006)
Conflict-Aware Load-Balancing Techniques for Database Replication (2006/01)
Hall C., Carzaniga A. , Wolf A. (2006)
DV/DRP: A Content-Based Networking Protocol for Sensor Networks (2006/04)
Schiper N., Schmidt R., Pedone F. (2006)
Optimistic Algorithms for Partial Database Replication (2006/02)
Bonzini P., Pozzi L. (2006)
Polynomial-Time Subgraph Enumeration for Automated Instruction Set Extension (2006/07)
Rose J. N., Hall C., Carzaniga A. (2006)
Spinneret: A log random substrate for P2P networks (2006/06)
Carzaniga A. , Rembert A. J., Wolf A. (2006)
Understanding Content-Based Routing Schemes (2006/05)
Poster per conferenza (3)
Mion F. U., Faldarini M., Scardino F., D'Ambros M. , Prevostini M. , Beti G. (2022)
IoT for medical waste management: the case of a Swiss multisite hospital . EHMA. EHMA 2022 Annual Conference | From people to systems: leadership for a sustainable future
Mion F. U., Faldarini M., Scardino F., Ferrante A. , D'Ambros M. , Prevostini M. , Beti G. (2022)
IoT for medical waste management: the case of a Swiss multisite hospital . EHMA. EHMA 2022 Annual Conference | From people to systems: leadership for a sustainable future
Rosà A. , Chen . Y., Binder W. (2014)
When Things Turn Sour at Big Data Clusters: Understanding Unsuccessful Executions
Brevetto (5)
Kourounis D. , Schenk O. (2020)
Method to Accelerate the Processing of Multiperiod Optimal Power Flow Problems
Fiorin L., Palermo G., Silvano C., Catalano V., Locatelli R., Coppola M. (2012)
Programmable data protection device, secure programming manager system and process for controlling access to an interconnect network for an integrated circuit
Lajolo M., Nacul A. C., Regazzoni F. (2008)
Hardware scheduled SMP architectures
Macchetti M., Fragneto P., Bertoni G. M. (2004)
Method of implementing one-to-one binary function and relative hardware device, especially for a Rijndael S-box
Macchetti M., Marchesin S., Bondi U. , Breveglieri L., Bertoni G. M., Fragneto P. (2003)
Method and circuit for data encryption/decryption
Altra pubblicazione (10)
Michael S. Floater, Hormann K. , Sukumar N. (2020)
Generalized Barycentric Coordinates
Kopanicakova A. (2020)
Multilevel minimization in trust-region framework
Villazon Torrico A., Sun H., Rosà A. , Rosales Rosero E. E. , Bonetta D., Defilippis I., Oporto S., Binder W. (2019)
Automated Large-scale Multi-language Dynamic Program Analysis in the Wild (artifact)
Ruprecht D. (2014)
Hybrid Space-Time Parallel Solution of Burgers' Equation
Gianelli C., Hormann K. , Žagar E. (2014)
Recent Trends in Theoretical and Applied Geometry
Croce R., Ruprecht D., Krause R. (2013)
Parallel-in-Space-and-Time Simulation of the Three-Dimensional, Unsteady Navier-Stokes Equations for Incompressible Flow
Masiero L., Sarman I. , Guglielmetti G. (2012)
Turismo alberghiero in Ticino: Rapporto Trend - Stagione estiva 2011
Bronstein M. (2010)
Computational metric geometry: a new tool in image sciences
Krause R. (2009)
Swiss TV (SF1 10vor10) reports about CSCS a
Prevostini M. (2007)
Introduction to SysML