Facoltà di scienze informatiche
In corso (58)
- Zeuner F. (2024) En route to 3D Hanle diagnostics in stellar atmospheres: the observational perspective
- Binder W. (2024) Benchmark Evolution Analysis
- Barbiero P. (2024) Towards Scalable Causal Deep Learning: A Pilot Study
- Crestani F. (2024) Evaluation of Empathic Conversational Search for Depression assessment & support
- Landoni M. (2024) SOL - Scaffolding to foster independence when children search Online for Learning
- Regazzoni F. (2024) MYRTUS - Multi-layer 360° dYnamic orchestrion and interopeRable design environmenT for compute-continUum Systems
- Bavota G. (2024) PARSED - Personalized and contextuAlized Recommendations for SoftwarE Developers
- Botti S. (2023) Cell-by-cell and bidomain models for cardiac derived stem cell tissue: innovative numerical and deep learning tools for regenerative medicine
- Tonella P. (2023) Sec4AI4Sec - Cybersecurity for AI-Augmented Systems
- Crestani F. (2023) PACINO - Personality And Conversational INformatiOn Access
- Baroli D., Multerer M. (2023) Cyber-Physical systems and digital twins for the decarbonisation of energy-intensive industries
- Gambardella L. M., Mastrolilli M. (2023) Computational methods for integrality gaps analysis
- Gjoreski M. (2023) XAI-PAC: Towards Explainable and Private Affective Computing
- Schmidhuber J. (2023) AiChemist - Explainable AI for Molecules - AiChemist
- Tonella P. (2023) TopoScope: a Topographical Approach to Software Testing
- Wolf S. (2023) The Informatics of Heat, Time, and Causality
- Langheinrich M. (2023) TRUST-ME - TRUST-ME: TRUstworthy enhancement of job SaTisfaction and productivity using Micro-sensing in work Environments
- Zulian P. (2023) Immersed Methods for Fluid-Structure-Contact- Interaction Simulations and Complex Geometries
- Langheinrich M. (2023) SmartCHANGE - AI-based long-term health risk evaluation for driving behaviour change strategies in children and youth
- Crestani F. (2023) ord47 - Open research data for the 7th art
- Krause R. (2023) CardioTwin - Precision Cardiology based on Digital Twins
- Pezzè M. (2023) A-Test Autonomic Software Testing
- Schenk O. (2023) Numerical Algorithms, Frameworks, and Scalable Technologies for Extreme-Scale Computing
- Multerer M. (2023) Multiresolution methods for unstructured data
- Ramelli R. (2023) Astrophysical Spectropolarimetry
- Sharygina N., Hyvärinen A. (2023) Formal Reasoning on Neural Networks
- González F. S., Krause R., Pizzagalli D. U. (2023) RE2Vital - REuse and REproducibility of intraVITAL microscopy via open data practices in image-driven immunological research
- Eugster P. T. (2022) CLOUDSTARS - Cloud Open Source Research Mobility Network
- Coiteux-Roy X. (2022) Entering the quantum-computing era: Complexity separations and quantum-secure cryptographic systems without hardness assumptions
- Crestani F. (2022) OPINION - What are Opinions? Integrating Theory and Methods for Automatically Analyzing Opinionated Communication
- Schenk O., Eugster P. T., Wit E. J. (2022) EUMaster4HPC - HPC euRopean ConsortiUm Leading Education activitieS
- Furia C. A. (2022) LastMile - Narrowing the Usability Gap of Software Verification
- Parchet R., D'Ambros M. (2022) Institutional Foundations of Industrialization, Financialization, and Globalization of the Swiss Economy. Evidence from 140 Years of the Commercial Registry
- Papadopoulou E. (2022) Dimension++
- Landoni M. (2022) TADAA - Tools for Assessing and Developing Affecting & Attractive Narratives for Girls in Informatics
- Didyk P. K. (2022) Perception-aware Optimizations for Appearance and Tactile Fabrication
- Alippi C. (2022) HORD GNN - Higher-Order Relations and Dynamics in Graph Neural Networks
- Horenko I., Gagliardini P. (2022) MaxEnt-Fin - Computational maximum entropy approach to high-dimensional modeling and analysis in finance
- Pautasso C. (2021) Modeling and Deployment of Flexible Choreographies in Multi-chain Environments
- Santini S. (2021) PROSELF - Semi-automated Self-Tracking Systems to Improve Personal Productivity
- Pezzuto S., Krause R. (2021) MICROCARD - Numerical modeling of cardiac electrophysiology at the cellular scale
- Krause R. (2021) ML2 - Multilevel and Domain Decomposition Methods for Machine Learning
- Mira A., Auricchio A. (2021) Multivariate spatio-temporal models with latent dynamics for cardiovascular disease prediction with heterogeneous factors
- Krause R., Multerer M. (2021) SURE - SUstainable and Resilient Energy for Switzerland
- Schmidhuber J. (2021) NEUSYM - NEUSYM
- Eugster P. T. (2021) BASIS - hyBrid Asynchronous/Synchronous dIstributed Systems
- Lomi A., Wit E. J. (2021) The Dynamics of Innovation: latent space modelling of patent citations
- Landoni M. (2020) EUGAIN - European Network For Gender Balance in Informatics
- Crestani F. (2020) ReMO - Researcher Mental Health
- Pozzi L. (2020) ADApprox - Towards Application-Driven Approximate Logic Synthesis
- Gambardella L. M. (2020) Assessing the development of computational thinking skills through an intelligent tutoring system: an exploratory study in the cantons of St Gallen, Vaud and Ticino.
- Hormann K. (2020) Barycentric Interpolation
- Pautasso C. (2020) API-ACE - Analytics-based Continuous Design and Evolution of Microservice APIs
- Bavota G. (2020) DEVINTA - An Artificial Assistant for Software Developers
- Schenk O. (2019) Can Economic Policy Mitigate Climate-Change?
- Sharygina N. (2019) Beyond Symbolic Model Checking through Deep Modelling
- Didyk P. K. (2019) PERDY - Perceptually-Driven Optimizations of Graphics Content for Novel Displays
- Pedone F. (2016) MaRS - Research Scholarships for Visiting Masters Students
Conclusi (395)
- Kothari H. (2023) Nonlinear Schwarz Preconditioned Quasi-Newton Methods
- Hormann K. (2023) Construction and implementation of efficient high-order numerical methods for Volterra integral equations
- Wolf S., Bédard C. A. (2023) The Thermodynamics of Information, Communication, and Cryptography
- Pozzi L. (2023) Incremental SAT Solving for Quantified Boolean Formulas
- Eugster P. T. (2023) Towards Dynamic Service Function Chaining
- Ramelli R., Belluzzi L. (2022) The Sun: our star
- Tonella P. (2022) Metamorphic Hyperproperty Testing
- Papadopoulou E. (2022) Algorithmic Advances in Voronoi diagrams and Nearest-Neighbor queries
- Hormann K. (2022) CSF Workshop on Generalized Barycentric Coordinates in Computer Graphics and Computational Mechanics
- Crestani F. (2022) EvalPCIR - Evaluation of Personalised Conversational Information Retrieval
- Multerer M. (2022) SimOcean - a High-Fidelity Tool for the Optimal Design of Wind Assisted Propulsion Technology
- Eugster P. T. (2022) Towards Session Type based Verification of Distributed Middleware Systems
- Pezzuto S., Krause R. (2022) SenseAF - Precision Cardiology for Atrial Fibrillation based on Physiology-Informed Machine Learning
- Alippi C., Ferrante A. (2021) SmartTrap - Machine learning enhanced traps for pest insects monitoring
- Krause R., von Planta C. (2021) CATT-Tool - Crawl-Align-Train-Translate/ Toolchain für das semi-automatisierte und beschleunigte Training von proprietären, domänenpezifischen NMT-Enfunes
- Eugster P. T. (2021) TLA+ based Verification of Blockchain Protocols
- Krause R. (2021) ExaTrain - towards Exascale training for Machine Learning.
- Krause R. (2021) FRANETG - Fracture Network Growth
- De Gottardi A., Krause R., Pizzagalli D. U. (2021) Predicting hospital admission in patients with advanced chronic liver disease (ACLD): a pilot study with a trajectomics approach
- Krause R. (2021) TIME-X - TIME parallelisation: for eXascale computing and beyond
- Chuprikov P. (2021) Towards comprehensive network monitoring and management
- Alippi C., Lukovic S. (2021) SWAIN - Sustainable Watershed Management Through IoT-Driven Artificial Intelligence
- Parrinello M. (2021) METADRUG - Drug release metadynamics simulations with natural micro- and nanostructured excipients
- Krause R. (2020) Simulation and visualization of fluid structure interaction in diaphragm pumps including the polymer piping system.
- Regazzoni F. (2020) EVEREST - dEsign enVironmEnt foR Extreme-Scale big data analytics on heterogeneous platforms
- Binder W. (2020) PARACAS - PARallelization tuning using ACcurate and efficient dynamic Analyses on managed runtime Systems
- Lanza M. (2020) INSTINCT - Improving Database Interactions in NoSQL Applications
- Alippi C., Lukovic S. (2020) GraPV - Graph-based predictors for photovoltaic power forecasting
- Schenk O. (2020) High-Performance Data Analytics Framework for Power Markets Simulation
- Schenk O. (2020) KAUST - Preparing for next-generation approximate Bayesian inference using R-INLA
- Pedone F. (2020) Fast Blockchain State Synchronization
- Eugster P. T. (2020) FORWARD - Fine-grained netwORk floW behAvior pReDiction
- Rosà A. (2020) Automatic and Scalable Test Coverage Extension via Dependent Applications
- Alippi C., Ferrante A. (2020) ARPI - Automated Recognition of Pest Insect Images
- Krause R. (2020) Stress-Based Methods for Variational Inequalities in Solid Mechanics: Finite Element Discretization and Solution by Hierarchical Optimization
- Eugster P. T. (2020) Anomaly Detection for Resource-constrained Devices
- D'Ambros M., Parchet R. (2020) Firms and tax competition in the digital economy: a data platform for geo-temporal network analysis
- Krause R. (2020) PersonalizeAF - Personalized Therapies for Atrial Fibrillation. A Translational Approach
- Langheinrich M. (2020) BASE - Behavioral Analytics for Smart Environments
- Bavota G., Lanza M. (2020) SENSOR - SENsible SOftware Refactoring
- Regazzoni F. (2020) CPSoSaware - Cross-layer cognitive optimization tools & methods for the lifecycle support of dependable CPSoS
- Mocci A. (2020) Beyond Watching: Next Generation Programming Tutorials Leveraging Interaction Data
- González F. S., Krause R. (2019) IMMUNEMAP - Enabling data-driven immunological research by making two-photon intravital microscopy data FAIR
- Hauswirth M. (2019) Conceptual Change in Learning to Program
- Hormann K., Bronstein M. (2019) GRAPES - learninG, pRocessing, And oPtimising shapES
- Wit E. J. (2019) Sparse inference of complex networks
- D'Ambros M., Ferrante A. (2019) E-WASTE - Cheap and Smart Boxes for Medical Waste Management
- Ferrante A. (2019) GNSS Data Acquisition and Replay System - Next Generation
- Landoni M. (2019) BEST - Beyond Screen readers and Alt Text - Designing Multisensory Alternative to Text for Different Reading Abilities
- Alippi C., Lukovic S. (2019) SONDER - Service Optimization of Novel Distributed Energy Regions
- Furia C. A. (2019) Hi-Fi - Widely Applicable and Usable Automated Program Repair
- Crestani F. (2019) CLEF 2019, the 10th Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum
- Krause R. (2019) MMM - Medical Mockup Modelling
- D'Ambros M. (2019) Tako - Collecting and Visualizing Development Activities in Visual Studio Code
- Krause R. (2019) TurboLab - Lattice Boltzmann for Hydraulic Turbomachines
- Pozzi L. (2019) ML-edge - Enabling Machine-Learning-Based Health Monitoring in Edge Sensors via Architectural Customization
- Bianda M., Ramelli R. (2019) Astrophysical Spectropolarimetry
- Schenk O. (2019) Balanced Graph Partition Refinement using the Graph p-Laplacian
- Eugster P. T. (2019) Towards Fine-grained Network Flow Prediction
- Tonella P. (2019) Precrime - Self-assessment Oracles for Anticipatory Testing
- Crestani F. (2019) Time-aware Techniques for Online Mental State Assessment
- Soulé R. (2019) Debugging Programmable Data Planes
- Bianda M., Krause R. (2019) SOLARNET - Integrating High Resolution Solar Physics
- Wolf S. (2019) QSIT - Quantum Science and Technology
- Carzaniga A. (2019) DIGITALSKILLS - Reasoned, Rational, and Responsible Decisions
- Wolf S. (2018) From Algorithms and Information to Physics -- and Back
- Belluzzi L., Krause R. (2018) HPC-techniques for 3D modeling of resonance line polarization with PRD
- Steiner O. (2018) Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of the Solar Atmosphere
- Bronstein M. (2018) Learning faces from DNA
- Bronstein M. (2018) GoodNews - Fake news detection in social networks using geometric deep learning
- Gambardella L. M. (2018) Introdurre le persone alla ricerca in robotica attraverso una estesa comunità peer nel sud della Svizzera
- Bavota G. (2018) CCQR - Crowdsourced Code Quality Review
- Pedone F. (2018) TranScale - Towards a principled approach to highly available and scalable systems
- Parrinello M. (2018) MARVEL2 - Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials
- Sharygina N. (2018) Towards secure and trustful cryptographic currencies and consensus ledgers
- Pezzè M. (2018) ASTERIx - Automatic System TEsting of inteRactive software applIcations
- Pivkin I. (2018) Cell biomechanics in silico: Model development and validation
- Binder W. (2018) Scalable Program Analysis in Large Code Repositories
- Malek M., Alippi C., Lukovic S. (2018) ProUPS - Data Analysis-based Predictive Maintenance for Enhanced Availability of UPS
- Belluzzi L. (2018) The magnetic sensitivity of strong chromospheric lines: from the CLASP experiments to the sodium D1 paradox
- Ferrante A. (2017) MAKALU - PPP Geodetic-grade GNSS System
- Binder W. (2017) Cloud-based Dynamic Program Analysis for Android Devices
- Bronstein M. (2017) LEMAN - Deep LEarning on MANifolds and graphs
- Lanza M. (2017) PROBE - Live Actionable Software Analytics
- Schmidhuber J. (2017) AlgoRNN - Recurrent Neural Networks and Related Machines That Learn Algorithms
- Pozzi L. (2017) MyPreHealth - Predicting Episodic Disorders with Health Companions
- Soulé R., Lanza M. (2017) BIGDATA - Exploratory Visual Analytics for Interaction Graphs
- Sharygina N. (2017) From Parallel SMT to Parallel Software Verification
- Bavota G. (2017) JITRA - Just-In-Time Rational refActoring
- Schenk O. (2017) EQUILIBRIA - Computing equilibria in heterogeneous agent macro models on contemporary HPC platforms
- Krause R. (2017) FASTER - Forecasting and Assessing Seismicity and Thermal Evolution in geothermal Reservoirs
- Krause R. (2017) ExaSolvers - Extreme Scale Solvers for Coupled Systems
- Lomi A., Crestani F. (2017) The Global Structure of Knowledge Networks: Data, Models and Empirical Results
- Pezzè M. (2017) BLOODO - Virtual Ph+H1472:H1505ysiological Blood: an HPC framework for blood flow simulations in vasculature and in medical devices
- Ferrante A. (2017) GAD - Machine Learning GNSS Attack Detection
- Alippi C. (2017) ALPSFORT - A Learning graPh-baSed framework FOr cybeR-physical sysTems
- Krause R. (2017) HEARTFUSION - Imaging-driven Patient-specific Cardiac Simulation
- Bianda M. (2017) PRE-EST - Preparatory Phase for the European Solar Telescope
- Krause R. (2017) Stress-Based Methods for Variational Inequalities in Solid Mechanics: Finite Element Discretization and Solution by Hierar- chical Optimization
- Gambardella L. M., Mastrolilli M. (2017) Lift and Project Methods for Machine Scheduling Through Theory and Experiments
- Schenk O. (2017) ESORIMUS - Efficient Simulation and Optimization for Reliable Intercoupled Multi-Energy Carrier Systems (ESORIMUS)
- Parrinello M. (2017) Quantum Metadynamics
- Regazzoni F. (2017) CERBERO - Cross-layer modEl-based fRamework for multi-oBjective dEsign of Reconfigurable systems in unceRtain hybRid envirOnments
- Bronstein M. (2017) VideoPlus - A platform for augmented video content
- Monti A., Wolf S. (2016) Efficient Discrimination of Non-Local Correlation
- Krause R., Garoni C. (2016) PDE Discretization Matrices: Spectral Analysis, Spectral Symbol, and Design of Fast Iterative Solvers
- Pedone F. (2016) Cosmmus 2 - An infrastructure for scalable distributed applications
- Krause R. (2016) Multilevel Methods and Uncertainty Quantification in Cardiac Electrophysiology
- Bianda M., Ramelli R., Steiner O. (2016) Astrophysical Spectropolarimetry
- Soulé R., Pedone F. (2016) Consensus Protocol Exploiting Network Co-Design
- Pedone F. (2016) GlobalFS - Geographically distributed file system
- Auricchio A., Krause R. (2016) Novel electro-mechanical phenotyping of heart failure patients candidate for cardiac resynchronization therapy
- Langheinrich M. (2016) PersonAAL - Personalized web applications to improve quality of life and remote care for older adults
- Papadopoulou E. (2016) VORONOI++ - VORONOI++
- Sharygina N. (2016) Guiding SMT-Based Interpolation for Program Verification
- Papadopoulou E. (2016) 32nd European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG) 2016
- Schmidhuber J. (2016) INPUT - Intuitive Natural Prosthesis UTilization
- Krause R. (2016) SOE-EBRAHIM - Credito supplementare per finanziare un visiting researcher
- Parrinello M. (2016) VARMET - Variational Metadynamics
- Schenk O. (2016) EXASTEEL-2 - Dual-Phase Steels - From Micro to Macro Properties
- Crestani F. (2016) AHTOM - Asynchronous and Heterogeneous Topic Mining
- Soulé R. (2015) Online Data Center Modeling
- Ferrante A. (2015) GDAS3 - High performance GNSS data acquisition system with software receiver
- Ferrante A., Malek M. (2015) A Personal Device for Automatic Evaluation of Health Status during Physical Training
- Belluzzi L., Bianda M., Ramelli R. (2015) Observation and theoretical modeling of anomalous circular polarization signals in strong chromospheric lines
- Pezzè M. (2015) ASysT - Automatic System Testing
- Pautasso C. (2015) Innovative teaching curricula, methods and infrastructures for computer science and software engineering
- Steiner O., Belluzzi L. (2015) Polarized Radiative Transfer in Discontinuous Media
- Bronstein M. (2015) Big Data Research in Science, Engineering and Management
- Krause R. (2015) Large-scale simulation of pneumatic and hydraulic fracture with a phase-field approach
- Schenk O. (2015) Tackling large dynamic stochastic equilibrium models with occasionally binding constraints
- Crestani F. (2015) Early risk prediction on the Internet: an evaluation corpus
- Pozzi L. (2015) E4Bio - Energy-efficient heterogeneous systems for embedded bio-signal analysis
- Lomi A., Krause R. (2015) SNOWBALL - Snowball sampling and conditional estimation for exponential random graph models for large networks in high performance computing
- Horenko I., Gagliardini P. (2015) Towards the HPC-inference of causality networks from multiscale economical data
- Crestani F. (2015) RelMobIR - Relevance Criteria Combination for Mobile Information Retrieval
- Horenko I. (2015) MS-GWaves - Multi-Scale Dynamics of Gravity Waves
- Wolf S. (2015) Information and Physics
- Carzaniga A. (2015) TagMatch - Fast Partial Matching for Content Filtering and Routing
- Regazzoni F. (2015) SAFECrypto - Secure Architectures of Future Emerging Cryptography
- Crestani F. (2015) Detecting and Tracking Emotion Expressions in Comparative Opinions
- Wolf S. (2015) Information-Theoretic Analysis of Experimental Qudit Correlations
- Pivkin I. (2015) SysMetEx - Transferring Systems Biology Knowledge into Applications
- Parrinello M. (2015) ENVIRON - A Library for Complex Electrostatic Environments in Electronic-structure Simulations
- Krause R. (2015) CATION - Cardiac activation time imaging for noninvasive characterization of ventricular conduction abnormalities
- Sharygina N. (2014) ARVI - Runtime Verification beyond Monitoring
- Bronstein M. (2014) 3D Hand Biometrics
- Malek M. (2014) Proactive Methods for Continuous Operation of the Power Grid
- Krause R. (2014) Phase Unwrapping Paraller Accellerator
- Binder W., Pautasso C. (2014) Fundamentals of Parallel Programming for Platform-as-a-Service Clouds
- Pozzi L. (2014) Magic ISEs - Enlarging the Scope of Automatic Instruction Set Extension
- Krause R. (2014) Modelling permeability and stimulation for deep heat mining - within NFP 70
- Schenk O. (2014) HPC Application Support for the PASC Solid Earth Dynamics Community
- Hormann K., Krause R. (2014) Geometry-Aware FEM in Computational Mechanics
- Langheinrich M. (2014) SHARING21 - Futuro digitale delle interfacce condivise
- Hauswirth M. (2014) ParaBoost - Exploiting multi-variant execution
- Gambardella L. M., Montemanni R. (2014) Hybrid Sampling-based metaheuristics for Stochastic Optimization Problems with Deadlines
- Malek M. (2014) AD-Converter with PLL for Space Applications
- Bianda M. (2014) Astrophysical Spectropolarimetry
- Pezzè M. (2014) SAM - Self Adaptive energy Market
- Schenk O. (2014) ANSWERS - Accelerating nano-device simulations with extreme-scale algorithms and software co-integration
- Sharygina N. (2014) Harnessing Parallel Computing for Model Checking
- Krause R., Auricchio A., Potse M. (2014) Integrative HPC Framework for Coupled Cardiac Simulations
- Krause R., Obrist D. (2014) AV-Flow - A Software Library for Fluid Structure Interaction Problems Based on Variational Transfer Immersed Boundary Method
- Eugster P. T. (2014) LiveSoft - Lightweight Verification of (Distributed Systems) Software
- Malek M. (2014) HAMS - A Hybrid Approach to Malware Detection on Smartphones
- Crestani F. (2014) OpiTrack - Tracking Opinion Change Over Time
- Horenko I. (2014) AnaGraM - Adaptive numerical methods for time series analysis of time-dependent dynamical Graphs in the presence of Missing data
- Pautasso C. (2014) Spottedmap - Emerging technologies integration
- Krause R. (2014) Parallel multilevel solvers for coupled interface problems
- Parrinello M. (2014) MARVEL - Materials’ Revolution: Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials
- Parrinello M. (2014) Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials
- Pedone F. (2014) MOSQL - MoSQL Storage Engine
- Lanza M. (2014) ESSENTIALS - People-centric Essentials for software evolution
- Prevostini M. (2014) PTA2 - Percorsi transfrontalieri condivisi
- Schenk O. (2014) Towards extreme-scale coupled electrothermal simulations of realistic nano-devices
- Hormann K. (2014) Generalized Barycentric Interpolation
- Bondi U. (2014) Alpine Energy Meetings on Advanced Technology
- Schenk O. (2014) A framework for multiscale seismic modelling and inversion
- Krause R., Auricchio A., Potse M. (2014) A Flexible High Performance Approach to Cardiac Electromechanics
- Krause R. (2014) SCCER Supply of Electricity
- Krause R. (2014) FURIESKRA - Future Swiss Electrical Infrastructure
- Pivkin I., Pezzè M. (2014) Angiogenesis in Health and Disease: In-vivo and in-silico
- Schenk O. (2014) GeoPC - Infrastructure development for hybrid parallel smoothers for multigrid preconditioners
- Schenk O. (2014) FURIESSCH - Future Swiss Electrical Infrastructure
- Malek M. (2014) FURIESMA - Future Swiss Electrical Infrastructure
- Malek M. (2013) BuildFit - Fast Retrofitting Assessment for Buildings in Balkan Region
- Langheinrich M., Crestani F. (2013) RECALL - Enhanced Human Memory
- Crestani F. (2013) KEYSTONE - Semantic keyword-based search on structured data sources
- Pezzè M. (2013) CloSE - Cloud Solving Engine
- Binder W. (2013) ASHLEY - Avionics Systems Hosted on a distributed modular electronics Large scale dEmonstrator for multiple tYpe of aircraft
- Malek M. (2013) Heart Failure Prediction Based on Continuous ECG Monitoring
- Papadopoulou E. (2013) Higher-order Voronoi Diagrams of Polygonal Objects
- Pautasso C. (2013) BenchFlow - A Benchmark for Workflow Management Systems
- Pezzè M. (2013) DyStaCCo - Dynamic and STatic Analysis Combined for code COverage
- Schenk O. (2013) EXA2CT - Exascale Algorithms and Advanced Computational Techniques
- Jazayeri M., Crestani F., Lanza M., Pautasso C., Pezzè M. (2013) BLISS - Bacau and Lugano – Teaching Informatics for a Sustainable Society
- Krause R. (2013) 22nd International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods
- Krause R. (2013) ExaSolvers - Extreme Scale Solvers for Coupled Systems
- Wolf S. (2013) QUANTUM - Quantum Physics
- Sharygina N. (2013) Quality of Interpolants in Model Checking
- Hormann K. (2013) Dynamic Mesh Compression
- Carzaniga A., Pezzè M. (2013) ReSpec - Characterizing and Using the Intrinsic Redundancy of Software
- Binder W. (2013) WORLD - WORkLoad analysis and consolidation for Datacenters
- Pedone F. (2013) Streamline 2 - An Architecture for Application-Level Data Networking
- Pedone F. (2013) COSMMUS - An infrastructure for massively multiplayer online games
- Lanza M. (2013) HI-SEA - Holistic Immersive Software Evolution Ambient
- Bianda M. (2013) High-Resolution Solar Physics Network
- Binder W. (2013) LoadOpt - Workload and Optimization for Multicore Systems
- Pautasso C. (2013) Feasibility study: Elastic Cloud platform for social networking
- Pautasso C. (2013) Elastic Cloud Platform for Social Networking
- Crestani F. (2013) HASS - Harnessing and Advancing Social Search (HASS): Understanding User Intent, Information Need and Temporal Relevance
- Pezzè M. (2013) RUNMORE - Run-time Model Projections for Software Failure Prediction
- Schenk O. (2013) Fast Methods for Frequency-Domain Full-Waveform Inversion in Strongly Heterogenous Media
- Krause R. (2013) Realistic Large-Scale Heart Model
- Regazzoni F. (2012) TRUDEVICE - Trustworthy Manufacturing and Utilization of Secure Devices
- Bondi U. (2012) Senergy - Secure Communication for the Measurment Layer of a Distributed Energy System
- Schenk O. (2012) HPC Community Network Development Project in Solid Earth Dynamics
- Pedone F. (2012) RS3 - Robust and Scalable Storage Systems
- Nystrom N. (2012) Foundations and Implementation of Safe, Modular Language Extensions
- Bronstein M. (2012) COMET - Foundations of computational similarity geometry
- Pedone F. (2012) The Datacenter Observatory
- Gambardella L. M., Mastrolilli M. (2012) Metodi euristici di ottimizzazione: analisi teorica e sperimentale IV
- Binder W. (2012) Runtime Adaptation for a Domain-specific Aspect Language for Dynamic Program Analysis
- Binder W. (2012) Design and Implementation of an Auto-tuning Framework for Parallelizing Dynamic Analysis on Multicores
- Horenko I., Gagliardini P. (2012) Mathematical modeling of credit and equity risk beyond homogeneity and stationarity assumptions: statistical factor models and high-performance data mining
- Hormann K., Krause R. (2012) Geometry-Aware FEM in Computational Mechanics
- Ramelli R. (2012) Astrophysical Spectropolarimetry
- Binder W. (2012) DYNASTY - Dynamic Analysis for Distributed Systems
- Bondi U. (2012) AlpStore - Strategies to use a variety of mobile and stationary storages to allow for extended accessibility and the integration of renewable energies
- Binder W., Gross C., Hauswirth M. (2012) FAN - Foundations of dynamic program Analysis
- Ferrante A. (2012) SDES - Progettazione di sistemi embedded orientata alla sicurezza
- Horenko I. (2012) Skalenübergreifende Modellierung in der Strömungsmechanik und Meteorologie
- Bronstein M. (2012) Smart World - Schermi intelligenti
- Krause R. (2012) Development of risk markers for atrial fibrilation based on numerical simulation
- Pedone F. (2012) Trustworthy Cloud Storage
- Pivkin I., Koumoutsakos P. (2012) Multiscale modeling of transport processes in healthy and tumor induced microcirculation
- Landoni M. (2012) G-DEDUCE - Gestures in the Design of new tools to express Emotions During User Centred Evaluations
- Schenk O. (2012) Petaquake - Large-Scale Parallel Nonlinear Optimization for High Resolution 3D-Seismic Imaging
- Binder W. (2012) SCC-COMPUTING - Strategic collaboration with China on super-computing based on Tianhe-1A
- Landoni M. (2012) Paper and Digital Resources in Schools
- Krause R. (2012) Development of mathematical Models and Efficient Algorithms to Simulate the Loading Conditions of the Periodontium in Dental Biomechanics: Clinical and Experimental Validation
- Malek M. (2012) DSD - Dependable Service Discovery for Decentralized Networks
- Gambardella L. M., Zaffalon M. (2012) UTOOL - A system for evaluation of unsecured credits
- Gambardella L. M., Rizzoli A. E. (2012) HCD 2.0 - Innovative and smart EV home charging system equipped with self-learning algorithms that optimizes energy consumption patterns and electrical network stability
- Krause R. (2012) Simulation of the loading conditions in the human spine
- Schenk O. (2012) Effiziente Nutzung von Manycore-Systemen für Simulationen und Visualisierungen in der Automobilindustrie
- Krause R. (2012) Collaborazione con Hospital of Cologne per un progetto finanziato dall DFG
- Pautasso C. (2011) USI Virtual Grid
- Papadopoulou E. (2011) Hausdorff and Higher-Order Voronoi Diagrams
- Pezzè M., Carzaniga A. (2011) SHADE - A Self HeAling DEsign methodology
- Hauswirth M. (2011) ParaBoost - Many-core exploitation through virtual-machine-level multi-variant speculation
- Wolf S. (2011) Information and Physics
- Gomez F. (2011) Advanced Cooperative NeuroEvolution for Autonomous Control
- Wolf S. (2011) QSIT - Quantum Science and Technology
- Crestani F. (2011) Natural Language Processing for Opinion Finding and Polarity Detection in Blogs
- Malek M., Sami M. G. (2011) WiBRATE - Wireless, Self-Powered Vibration
- Sami M. G. (2011) Mastering_NT (exposing Master Students to Nano-Tera innovation)
- Sami M. G. (2011) TRA.S.P.-CH - Security and anti-conunterfeiting components enabling a platform for manufacturing process traceability in the leather supply chani
- Gambardella L. M. (2011) New sampling-based methaeuristics for stochastic vehicle routing problems II
- Binder W. (2011) PEARL - Productive and Efficient dynamic Analysis thRough aspect-oriented domain-specific Languages
- Hormann K. (2011) Interactive Modelling of Dynamics 3D Surfaces
- Sami M. G., Bondi U. (2011) STRATOS - Open System for TRAcTOrs’ autonomouS Operations
- Pedone F. (2011) Swift-WAN2 - Performance and dependability for data center applications
- Kuhn F. (2011) Algorithmic Foundations of Wireless Communication Networks
- Binder W. (2011) Institutional Partnership with Shangai Jiaotong University, China
- Langheinrich M. (2011) SAPIENT - Supporting fundamentAl rights, Privacy and Ethics in surveillaNce Technoligies
- Bondi U. (2011) GeoGreen - Optimizing green energy and grid load by geographical steering of energy consumption
- Gambardella L. M., Rizzoli A. E. (2011) Swiss2Grid - Algorithm based approach to decentralized load management
- Gambardella L. M., Di Caro G. (2011) SWARMIX - Synergistic Interactions in Swarms of Heterogenous Agents
- Bondi U. (2010) Tencia-1 RF Module for Space Borne GNSS Receivers
- Gambardella L. M., Di Caro G. (2010) NCCR Robotics
- Krause R. (2010) ASIL - Advanced Solvers Integrated Library
- Sami M. G., Ferrante A. (2010) Bmob2 - Subscriber vehicle identification and position detection in on-street partking
- Crestani F. (2010) MUMIA - Multilingual and multifaceted interactive information access
- Carzaniga A. (2010) P2PImpulse - Fully Decentralized Estimation of Global Properties of Peer-to-Peer Networks
- Horenko I. (2010) AnaGraph - Adaptive numerical methoda for nonstationary time series analysis of time-dependent graphs in context of dynamical systems
- Bondi U. (2010) VSS - Visual speed sensor development: functionality extension, miniaturization, application-specific tuning and characterization
- Pezzè M. (2010) AVATAR - Automated coVerAge-based Testing via static-dynamic Abstraction Refinement and coarsening
- Binder W. (2010) CIAO - Composite Instrumentations And Optimizations for multicores
- Krause R. (2010) A Decomposition Approach for the Numerical Solution of Fristional Contact Problems in Nonlinear Elasticity
- Lanza M. (2010) SOSYA - Systems of Systems Analysis
- Papadopoulou E. (2010) Generalized Voronoi Diagrams of Polygonal Objects: Algorithms and Applications
- Landoni M. (2010) HEBE - Highly Engaging eBook Experience
- Sami M. G. (2010) SecWear - Design of Very Low Power Robust And Secure Nodes For Wearable Sensor Networks
- Binder W. (2010) Design and Implementation of an Aspect-Oriented Domain-Specific Language for Dynamic Program Analysis
- Parrinello M. (2010) PUSHBOUND - Pushing the Boundaries of Molecular Dynamics Simulations
- Krause R. (2010) Probabilistic Modeling of Crack Initiation
- Sharygina N. (2010) PINCETTE - Validating Changes and Upgrades in Networked Software
- Schenk O. (2010) Multiscale analysis and simulation of waves in strongly heterogeneous media
- Hormann K. (2010) Interaktive Modellierung dynamischer 3D-Flächen
- Langheinrich M. (2010) pd-net - Towards Future Pervasive Display Networks
- Horenko I. (2010) MetStroem - Discrete-continuous hybrid models based on integral conservation laws
- Pedone F. (2010) Spin Fund Bmob
- Langheinrich M. (2010) PALS - Privacy-Aware Location Sharing
- Lanza M. (2010) Gsync - Global Synchronous Software Development
- Prevostini M. (2010) SMART VINEYARD - Wireless Sensor Network-based Adaptive Management System to Forecast Vineyard pests
- Crestani F. (2010) ChatMiner - Mining conversational content for topic modelling and author identification
- Pedone F. (2010) Streamline - An architecture for Application-level Data Streaming
- Pautasso C., Jazayeri M. (2010) S-Cube - Reti di Sistemi e Servizi Software
- Sami M. G. (2010) Wireless Sensor Network-based Subscriber vehicle Identification and Position Detection in On-Street parking Areas
- Binder W., Pautasso C. (2010) SOSOA - Self-organising Service-Oriented Architectures
- Crestani F. (2010) C-MS-TDT - Robust Incremental Clustering for Multi-stream Topic Detection and Tracking
- Crestani F. (2010) IRF Studentship award agreement (student's project title: "Interactive Patent Search" (IPS))
- Sami M. G. (2010) MADNESS - Methods for predictAble Design of heterogeNeous Embedded System with adaptivity and reliability Support
- Prevostini M. (2009) Piattaforma tecnologica alpina
- Carzaniga A. (2009) Theoretical basis for the design and evaluation of content-based routing protocols
- Gambardella L. M. (2009) Metodi euristici di ottimizzazione: analisi teorica e sperimentale III
- Albeverio S., Gambardella L. M. (2009) Mathematical modelling of online communities
- Crestani F. (2009) MS-TDT - Multi-Stream Topic Detection and Tracking
- Krause R. (2009) Development of Mathematical Models and Efficient Algorithms to Simulate the Loading Conditions of the Periodontium in Dental Biomechanic
- Bondi U. (2009) AlpEnergy - Virtual power systems as an instrument to promote transnational cooperation and sustainable energy supply in the alpine space
- Sharygina N. (2009) Rich-Model Toolkit - An Infrastructure for Reliable Computer Systems
- Krause R. (2009) High Performance and High Productivity Computing
- Langheinrich M. (2009) LiSS - Living in surveillance societies
- Pautasso C. (2009) CLAVOS - Continuous Lifelong Analysis and Verification of Open Services
- Crestani F. (2009) OpiSoft - Combining Soft Computing and Statistics for Opinion Finding and Polarity Detection in Blogs
- Krause R. (2009) Sviluppo di sensori di corrente bionici per sistemi di misurazione idrodinamica modellati sulla linea laterale dei pesci
- Pezzè M., Carzaniga A. (2009) WASH - WorkArounds for Self-Healing
- Hauswirth M. (2009) VIA - Vertical Profiling and Optimization of Modern Interactive Applications
- Pedone F. (2009) Exploiting transporters in the tumor-stroma interface to aim for a more efficient chemo-therapy
- Sami M. G. (2009) MIARIA - Monitoraggio Idrogeologico Adattativo a supporto del Piano di Rischio Integrato Alpino
- Gomez F. (2009) Advanced Cooperative Neuro-evolution for Unsupervised Learning and Autonomous Control
- Pedone F. (2009) Swift-WAN - System support for distributed dynamic content Web services
- Pautasso C. (2009) USI Desktop Grid II
- Landoni M. (2009) DEDUCE - Design of New Tools to Express Emotions During User Centred Evaluations
- Sami M. G. (2009) COMES - COmplexity Management in Embedded Tera-Systems
- Schmidhuber J., Gambardella L. M. (2009) IFF - Intelligent Fill in Form
- Jazayeri M. (2009) Introduction of the informatics in the Licei in Ticino
- Pautasso C. (2008) Projet B02 - AAA / SWITCH, e-Infrastructure for e-Science; Swiss Grid Portal
- Pautasso C. (2008) Projet B02 - AAA / SWITCH, e-Infrastructure for e-Science; Virtual EZ-Grid
- Pozzi L. (2008) Architectural design and exploration of innovative coarse grained reconfigurable arrays
- Shrimpton T. (2008) Design principles for cryptographic hash functions: foundations, primitives and transforms
- Sharygina N., Gross C. (2008) Detection of Security Flaws and Vulnerabilities by Guided Model Checking - extension
- Pautasso C. (2008) SMSCG - Projet B02 - AAA / SWITCH, e-Infrastructure for e-Science; Swiss Multi-Science Computing Grid
- Crestani F. (2008) ADIR+ - Extending Adaptive Distributed Information Retrieval
- Gambardella L. M. (2008) New sampling-based methaeuristics for stochastic vehicle routing problems
- Pedone F. (2008) Colloc 2 - Local Replication Strategies for Global Content Management in Large-Scale Distributed Systems
- Crestani F. (2008) Cross-media Indexing for Multimedia Information Retrieval
- Pautasso C. (2008) USI Desktop Grid
- Lanza M. (2008) REBASE - REfactoring-BAsed object-oriented Software Evolution
- Pezzè M. (2008) RESERVOIR - Resources and Services Virtualization without Barriers
- Pedone F. (2008) System Support for Distributed Dynamic Content Web Services
- Sami M. G., Bondi U. (2008) MULTICUBE - Multi-Objective Design Space Exploration of Multi-processor Soc Architectures fro Embedded Multimedia
- Crestani F. (2008) SoftStat - Combining Soft Computing Techniques and Statistical Methods to Improve Data Analysis Solutions
- Gambardella L. M. (2008) IN3 - Intelligent In Vitro Incubator
- Lanza M. (2007) DiCoSa - Distributed Collaborative Software Analysis
- Binder W. (2007) FERRARI - Framework for Efficient Rewriting and Reification Applyining Runtime Instrumentation
- (2007) Astrophysical Spectropolarimetry
- Crestani F. (2007) ADIR - Adaptive Distributed Information Retrieval
- Hauswirth M. (2007) VIA - Vertical Profiling and Optimization of Modern Interactive Applications
- Pedone F. (2007) Automatic Reconfiguration of High Performance Data Management Systems
- Pezzè M., Carzaniga A. (2007) Perseos - Pervasive self-adaptive software systems
- Prevostini M. (2006) CEOS - CEOS Centro di eccellenza per l'open source e per i sistemi flessibili di produzione del software
- Pozzi L. (2006) Tecnologia di compilazione per processori integrati personalizzabili
- Sharygina N. (2006) Rilevamento di falle nella sicurezza e vulnerabilità mediante controllo guidato dei modelli
- Gambardella L. M. (2006) Swarmanoid - Towards Humanoid Robotic Swarms
- Gambardella L. M. (2006) Routing Problems with Objective Function of Increasing Complexity
- Jazayeri M. (2006) PLASTIC - Providing Lightweight and Adaptable Service Technology for pervasive Information and Communication
- Sami M. G. (2006) ATHER - Self-Adaptive Embedded Technologies for Pervasive Computing Architectures
- Jazayeri M. (2006) NEPOMUK - Networked Environment for Personalized Ontology-based Management of Unified Knowledge
- Jazayeri M., Lanza M. (2006) The Fundamental Programming Modules
- Pedone F. (2006) Database Systems: Concepts, Design and Architecture
- Eppler M., Lanza M. (2006) Viz.ch - An E-learning Course on Visual Literacy for Communication, Engineering and Business
- Sami M. G., Bondi U. (2005) COOPER - Collaborative Open Environment for Project-Centered Learning
- Sami M. G. (2005) LOMOSA - Low-Power expertise for Mobile & multimedia System Applications
- Pedone F., Murphy A. (2005) MICS - Data dissemination in mobile ad hoc sensor environments
- Lanza M. (2005) NOREX - Network of Reingeneering Expertise
- Gambardella L. M. (2005) Metodi euristici di ottimizzazione: analisi teorica e sperimentale II
- Pedone F. (2005) Colloc - A Replication Engine for Peer-to-Peer Content Management in Large-Scale Distributed Systems
- Murphy A. (2005) Extending Sensor Network Lifetime
- Carzaniga A. (2005) Formal analysis and novel protocol designs
- Lanza M. (2005) EVOSPACES - Multi-dimensional Navigation Spaces for Software Evolution
- Giordano P. (2005) CostCARE - Automi cellulari a stati continui ed equazioni random - Applicazioni alla crescita urbana e ai modelli di traffico
- Lanza M. (2005) COSE - Controlling Software Evolution
- Bondi U. (2005) Master of Science in Embedded System Design
- Gambardella L. M. (2005) SEAMLESS - System for Environmental and Agricultural Modeling; Linking European Science and Society
- Pedone F. (2004) SPRINT - Adaptive Data Management for Main-memory Database Clusters
- Pedone F. (2004) GORDA - Open Replication of Databases
- Gambardella L. M. (2004) Power Aware Computing
- Sami M. G. (2004) Design methodologies for energy-efficient secure cryptography coprocessors
- Gambardella L. M. (2003) Metodi euristici di ottimizzazione: analisi teorica e sperimentale
- Sami M. G. (2003) Consumo di energia e problemi di sicurezza per la crittografia
- Hutter F. (2003) ORAUE - Optimal Rational Agents in Unknown Environments
- Gambardella L. M. (2003) Biology-inspired techniques for self organization in dynamic networks
- Gambardella L. M. (2002) AdhocAnts - AdhocAnts
- Sami M. G., Bondi U. (2002) ANTITESYS - A Networked Training Initative to Embedded Systems Design
- Sami M. G. (2002) Approcci innovativi per la soluzione di problemi di sicurezza per sistemi mobili
- Gambardella L. M. (2001) Swarms of self-assembling artefacts
- Gambardella L. M. (2001) Safety improvement in road & rail tunnels using advanced ICT and knowledge intensive DSS
- Gambardella L. M. (2001) Decision support system for integrated door-to-door delivery - Planning and control in logistic chains
- Gambardella L. M. (2001) Resources Allocation and Scheduling in Flexible Manufacturing systems
- Gambardella L. M. (2000) Metaheuristics and local search network
- Gambardella L. M. (1999) Resources Allocation and Scheduling in Flexible Manufacturing Systems
- Gambardella L. M. (1999) On-line fleet management