Facoltà di scienze economiche
In corso (32)
- (2024) Reg4Fuels - Maximizing the value of carbon-neutral fuels in integrated energy networks through regulations
- Lomi A. (2024) Network Dynamics and Community Evolution: Coordination, Development and Resilience
- Mancini L. (2024) Climate risk: the unique role of insurers
- Colella F. (2024) The Role of Firms in Wage Formation: Evidence from Immigration and Local Taxes in Switzerland
- Schneider P., Multerer M. (2024) Large-scale kernel methods in financial economics
- Vatiero M. (2024) DIGITCHART - Governing the Commons: Building a Digital Archive of Community Charters from the 13th to the 19th Century in Ticino
- Espa I. (2024) reFuel.ch - Sustainable Fuels and Platform Chemicals
- Gouvard P. (2024) Exploring the effects of audience-organization linguistic alignment on access to social benefits
- Gonçalves P. (2024) TiSDG - Just transitions towards net-zero society - a support tool for the co-design of strategies at cantonal level in Ticino
- Gonçalves P. (2023) LEAPS - Integrating Multi-Disciplinary Expertise in a Learning and Adaptive European Pandemic Preparedness System
- Funk P. F. (2023) Female Editors in Economic Sciences
- Gonçalves P. (2023) Mapping Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Interlinkages For Effective Policy Making
- Colella F. (2023) Impacts of Covid-19 and policy measures on trade, labor demand, and job finding
- Martignoni D. (2022) Social Comparison and Reference Selection in Organizations
- Mazzonna F. (2022) Health and economic consequences of low-value mental health care: the case of benzodiazepines
- Beck N. (2022) How audience heterogeneity impacts the fate of organizations: the case of the beer boom and the development of the beer industry in Switzerland
- Plazzi A. (2022) The Determinants and Corporate Implications of Credit Derivatives: Evidence from the CDS Market
- Frésard L. (2022) Sustainable Investing, Information, and Real Effects
- Mira A. (2022) Feature Learning for Bayesian Inference
- Parchet R., D'Ambros M. (2022) Institutional Foundations of Industrialization, Financialization, and Globalization of the Swiss Economy. Evidence from 140 Years of the Commercial Registry
- Horenko I., Gagliardini P. (2022) MaxEnt-Fin - Computational maximum entropy approach to high-dimensional modeling and analysis in finance
- Mugellini G., Barreca M., Meneguzzo M., Villeneuve J. P. (2022) DEeP-GOV - Digital Education Partnership for effective and sustainable Governance
- Mancini L. (2021) Corporate short-termism
- Funk P. F. (2021) Women in Science
- Lomi A. (2021) Advancing the applicability of exponential random graph models (ERGMs) for the analysis of social and other networks: Algorithms, implementation, and applications
- Wezel F. C., Arora-Jonsson S. J. (2021) Theorizing identity-based competition: The case of formation and erosion of competitive positions among political parties
- Mira A., Auricchio A. (2021) Multivariate spatio-temporal models with latent dynamics for cardiovascular disease prediction with heterogeneous factors
- Lomi A., Wit E. J. (2021) The Dynamics of Innovation: latent space modelling of patent citations
- Franzoni F. (2021) The Role of Financial Markets Institutions in Capital Allocation
- Kueng L. (2020) Earnings and Housing Risk
- Schneider P. (2020) Scenarios
- Bettinazzi E. (2020) The relational antecedents of corporate development behavior
Conclusi (180)
- Mira A. (2024) Satellite to ISBA world meeting
- Lomi A. (2024) Duality@50: Making progress and looking forward
- Antonioli Mantegazzini B. (2023) Scenari evolutivi nella dinamica demografica del Canton Ticino. Condizioni di attrattività per i nuovi residenti e impatto sullo sviluppo economico regionale.
- Mazzonna F. (2023) CEPRA-NBER workshop on aging and health
- Mira A. (2022) Comfortably Numb3d by Numb3rs
- De Rossa F. (2022) A comparison of the institutional trajectories of common resources governance in two Alpine areas: Ticino and Trentino
- Scagnolari S. (2022) Night2Travel - A social cognitive analysis of night train travelling for leisure purposes
- Espa I. (2021) DemoUpCARMA - Demonstration and upscaling of carbon dioxide management solutions fo a net-zero Switzerland
- Pellegrini A. (2021) A Non-Parametric Multiple Discrete Continuous Model for assessing complementarity and rich substitution effects and intertemporal choices in time-use decisions
- Lomi A. (2021) The relational micro-structure of critical care transfer networks
- Mira A., Wit E. J. (2020) PERISCOPE - Pan-European Response to the ImpactS of COVID-19 and future Pandemics and Epidemics.
- Gonçalves P. (2020) SYSSUS - Systems analysis MOOCs for sustainability transformation
- Wezel F. C. (2020) When two become one: The organizational antecedents and consequences of inter-firm mobility
- Peluso S. (2020) Bayesian Nonparametric Structural Learning
- Mancini L. (2019) Value Maximizing Insurance Companies: An Empirical Analysis of the Cost of Capital and Investment Policies
- Parchet R. (2019) Sorting, Tax Competition and the Rise of Local Tax Heavens
- Espa I. (2019) Governing Plastic: The Global Political Economy and Regulation of Plastic Production and Pollution
- Pica G. (2019) Internal markets and the endogenous formation of business groups
- Mazzonna F. (2019) CEPRA-NBER workshop on aging and health
- Schneider P. (2019) DIGITALSKILLS - New teaching methods for digital skills in economics and management
- Beck N., Martignoni D. (2018) Micro-and Macro Foundations of Learning from Experience
- Plazzi A. (2018) Conditional Skewness in the Cross-Section of Stock Returns and its Macroeconomic Foundation
- Frésard L. (2018) The Term Structure of Stock Price Informativeness and its Real Effects
- Antonioli Mantegazzini B., Meneguzzo M. (2018) DEA - Diversità e Arti performative per una società inclusiva del terzo millenio
- Meneguzzo M., Gianella T. (2018) Governativa - GovernaTI-VA
- Meneguzzo M., Gianella T. (2018) Gioconda - Gestione Integrata e Olistica del Ciclo di vita degli Open Data
- Maggi R. (2018) RSA Annual Conference 2018 - A World of Flows: Labour Mobility, Capital and Knowledge in an Age of Global Reversal and Regional Revival
- Gagliardini P. (2018) Society for Financial Econometrics (SoFiE) Conference 2018
- Funk P. F. (2018) Gender Differences in the Evaluation of Professors
- Seele P., De Rossa F., Stürmer M. (2017) Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP): Developing and Testing Sustainability Indicators for Public Procurement Tenders in Switzerland in line with the WTO Government Procurement Agreement - and their social acceptability and legal feasibility
- Franzoni F. (2017) Information Diffusion and Price Formation in Equity Markets: Empirical Analysis of Trading Networks
- Mancini L. (2017) The Empirics of Financial Stability
- Gagliardini P. (2017) New Econometric Methods for Big Data
- Mele A. (2017) Incertezza e volatilità nei mercati dei capitali
- Nowak E. (2017) Corporate and Personal Default Risk in the Long-Run: International Evidence
- Lomi A., Crestani F. (2017) The Global Structure of Knowledge Networks: Data, Models and Empirical Results
- Barone Adesi G. (2017) Market Predictability and its Rationale: new insights in the Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of the Pricing Kernel
- Funk P. F. (2017) Referendum Forecasts, Turnout and Ballot Results
- Gonçalves P. (2017) Lo studio delle organizzazioni umanitarie utilizzando risorse comuni
- Lomi A. (2017) Team composition, competencies and performance under conditions of technological change: The case of robotic surgery
- Arbia G., Mira A. (2017) Statistical solutions for regression-type models with big spatial data
- Meneguzzo M., Calciolari S. (2017) Swiss Learning Health System
- Monti A., Wolf S. (2016) Efficient Discrimination of Non-Local Correlation
- Mira A. (2016) Controlling Cybersecurity Risk: Fast Fraud Detection using sequential and optimal stopping techniques
- Schneider P. (2016) Model-Free Asset Pricing
- Plazzi A., Nowak E. (2016) Rischio di Fallimento nel Lungo Periodo: Il Caso della Svizzera, 1883-2015
- Prato M. (2016) BLINDSPOT - Diversity and Performance: Networks of Cognition in Markets and Teams
- Lomi A. (2016) The analysis of social networks: Theoretical perspectives, statistical models and empirical cases
- Mira A. (2016) Statistical Inference on Large-Scale Mechanistic Network Models
- Parchet R., Jametti M. (2015) Fiscal rules, fiscal performance and tax competition among municipalities in Switzerland
- Mazzonna F., Filippini M., Masiero G. (2015) An Economic analysis of antidepressant use
- Padula M. (2015) The policy impacts of the demographic transition
- Larsen E. R., Maggi R., Van Ackere A. (2015) Security of supply in electricity: an integrated approach II
- Lepori B. (2015) Research Organizations under Scrutiny. New Indicators and Analytical Results
- Lepori B. (2015) ETER2 - European Tertiary Education Register - continuation
- Lepori B. (2015) Performances de la recherche en sciences humaines et sociales – Implementations- und Adaptationsprojekte 2015/2016
- Lomi A., Krause R. (2015) SNOWBALL - Snowball sampling and conditional estimation for exponential random graph models for large networks in high performance computing
- Horenko I., Gagliardini P. (2015) Towards the HPC-inference of causality networks from multiscale economical data
- Kovacs B. (2015) Organizational Research and Audiences: How Customer Reviews Reflect and Shape Organizational Processes
- Vatiero M. (2015) WINIR Symposium "The Nature and Governance of the Corporation"
- Lomi A. (2015) Relational event models for bipartite networks with applications to collaborative problem solving in organizations
- Lomi A., Mira A. (2015) Bayesian Modelling and Algorithms for Heterogenous Interorganisational Networks
- Lepori B. (2015) PREF - Analysis of national public research funding, by theme and by type of allocation
- Martignoni D. (2014) A Behavioral Perspective of Replication in Complex Environments
- Lomi A. (2014) Technological change and organizational structure. A longitudinal study
- Rudel R. (2014) GoEco! A community based eco-feedback approach to promote sustainable personal mobility styles
- Barone Adesi G., Mira A. (2014) A Bayesian estimate of the pricing kernel
- Mantegazzi D. (2014) Solving the ecological fallacy problem in the analysis of agglomeration economies: a spatial hierarchical approach
- Degeorge F. (2014) 41st Annual Meeting of the European Finance Association
- Vatiero M. (2014) Institutional complementarities among corporate ownership, employment protection and innovation: the Swiss case
- Carnabuci G. (2014) Inter-organizational mobility, social networks and innovative performance
- Cristofoli D., Meneguzzo M. (2014) 10th TAD - Transatlantic Dialogue “From Public Administration to XXI Century Collaborative Administration - The role of public networks”
- Lepori B., Lomi A. (2014) PEERE - New Frontiers of Peer Review
- Mira A. (2014) Diamo i Numeri!
- Ossola E. (2014) An Econometric Analysis of Linear Factor Models using Large Dimensional Datasets of Individual Assets
- Lepori B. (2014) IMPACT-EV - Evaluating the impact and outcomes of European SSH research
- Lepori B. (2014) RISIS - Research infrastructure for research and innovation policy studies
- Trojani F., Camponovo L., Ronchetti E. (2014) Higher order robust resampling and multiple testing methods
- Jametti M. (2014) The Swiss Confederation: A Natural Laboratory for Research on Fiscal and Political Decentralization
- Lomi A. (2014) Business Model Dynamics
- Maggi R. (2013) Post Car World
- Schneider P., Trojani F. (2013) Trading Asset Pricing Models
- Lomi A. (2013) The network dynamic of absorptive capacity: Models and empirical tests
- Lepori B. (2013) Developing indicators for the usage value of research in Communication sciences. Testing the productive interactions approach
- Lepori B. (2013) ETER - European Tertiary Education Register
- Prato M. (2013) Attention Networks and Cognitive Challenges: Positional Advantages in Complex and Distant Search
- Galasso V. (2013) International Conference on Redesigning the Welfare State
- Lepori B. (2013) SCCER - Entwicklung eines Controllin und Monitoring Konzeptes für die Kompetenz-zentren im Engergiebereich
- Lepori B. (2013) Performance della ricerca in scienze umane e sociali
- Trojani F. (2013) Term Structures and Cross-Sections of Asset Risk Premia
- Barone Adesi G. (2013) Sentiment and risk in financial markets
- Franzoni F., Plazzi A. (2013) Institutional Trading: Liquidity Provision, Managerial Incentives, and High-Frequency Trading
- Degeorge F., Franzoni F., Plazzi A. (2012) Institutional trades, corporate finance, and asset pricing anomalies
- Calciolari S. (2012) INTEGRATE - Integrated Care for better Management of Chronic and Age-related Conditions in Europe
- Horenko I., Gagliardini P. (2012) Mathematical modeling of credit and equity risk beyond homogeneity and stationarity assumptions: statistical factor models and high-performance data mining
- Larsen E. R., Maggi R. (2012) Security of supply in electricity: an integrated approach
- Gonçalves P. (2012) A behavioural and experimental analysis of retailer order amplification in single-supplier multi-retailer supply chain
- Beck N., Wezel F. C. (2012) Islands of legitimacy: the effects of geographical heterogeneity on the entry, positioning and survival rates of Franconian breweries, 1989-2004
- Mira A. (2012) Zero-Variance Markov chain Monte Carlo
- Lomi A. (2012) Network influence and organizational performance: Empirical evidence from a longitudinal study of an Italian community of hospital organizations
- Maggi R., Mengis J. (2011) An interdisciplinary project on the role of relationality in urban transformation processes
- Wezel F. C. (2011) An Ecological Perspective on the Antecedents to and on the Consequences of the Top Management Team Diversity
- Calciolari S., Meneguzzo M. (2011) Gestione delle cure per pazienti fragili: Il ruolo della medicina e delle tecnologie nella gestione delle cure integrate e le implicazioni per l’innovazione e la valutazione
- Rigotti E., Barone Adesi G., Cottier B. (2010) BankAr-Cod - Le pratiche argomentative delle banche svizzere per riconciliare il conflitto di doveri nell''implementazione delle norme anti-riciclaggio
- Nowak E. (2010) Benefits of Listing for Entrepreneurial Firms in China
- Lepori B. (2010) Supporto alla Direzione del SSPH per lo svilupo di un questionario + analisi del risultato
- Mira A., Barone Adesi G. (2010) Adaptive Monte Carlo methods to estimate financial risk models
- Jametti M. (2010) Partial Fiscal decentralization
- Jametti M. (2010) The Swiss Confederation: A Natural Laboratory for Research on Fiscal and Political Decentralization
- Lepori B. (2010) Investimenti nei programmi di ricerca congiunti e impatto sul sistema della ricerca
- Cristofoli D. (2010) Do intermunicipality networks really work? Looking for the visibile and invisible predictors of public network performance
- Lepori B. (2010) Angebote der Schweizer Fachhochschulen im Bereich Public Health
- Meneguzzo M., Calciolari S. (2009) Enhancing the Role of Medicine in the Management of European Health Systems: Implications for Control, Innovation and User Voice Integrate
- Beck N., Wezel F. C. (2009) On Organizational Forms: Audience Expectations, Illegitimacy Discounts and Organizational Mortality
- Lepori B. (2009) EUROAC - The Academic Profession in Europe: Responses to Societal Challenges
- Maggi R. (2009) Avenir Suisse-Studie "Weissbuch Infrastruktur"
- Carnabuci G. (2009) The organizational antecedents of firms innovative performance
- Degeorge F. (2009) Financial Analysts: incentives, biases and information production
- Larsen E. R. (2009) Queieuing: a behavioural Approach
- Lepori B. (2009) Abklärungstudie über die PhD Programme der SSPH+
- Lepori B. (2009) TRUE - Trasformazione delle università in Europa
- Filippini M. (2009) Productive Efficiency in Non-profit and Public Nursing Homes
- Meneguzzo M., Gianella T. (2009) COOPSUSSI - Interreg IVA Italia-Svizzera 2007-2013- Progetto COOPSUSSI
- Lomi A. (2009) Niches, Networks and the Propensity of Organisations to Collaborate
- Wezel F. C. (2009) Networks of Influence: within and between firms impact of upper echelon's mobility
- Probst Schilter C. (2009) UNIPUB - Methodologies for the characterization of the publication output of higher education institutions using institutional databases
- Lepori B. (2008) Cambiamenti nella governance e il finanziamento dell´educazione superiore in Europa
- Lepori B. (2008) Classifying European Institutions for higher education
- Lepori B. (2008) Valutazione della qualità della ricerca in scienze della comunicazione
- Lepori B. (2008) Building indicators for researchers´ mobility based on electronic Curriculum Vitae (Euro-CV)
- Lepori B. (2008) Research performance measurement
- Meneguzzo M. (2008) Pôle national en administration publique
- Lomi A. (2007) Networks, Resources and the Evolution of Organizational Size Distributions
- Larsen E. R., Van Ackere A. (2007) Queieuing: a behavioural Approach
- Meneguzzo M. (2007) Progetto di collaborazione Italia-Svizzera in materia di conoscenza e sviluppo delle autonomie locali: Conoscenza e Sviluppo delle Autonomie Locali (CSAL)
- Maggi R., Albeverio S. (2007) Effects of Neighborhood Choice on Housing Markets
- Colombo G. (2007) Il processo di creazione del valore transgenerazionale nelle imprese familiari. Un approccio empirico basato sul modello ad equazioni strutturali
- Lepori B. (2007) ENID - European Network of Indicators Designers
- Maggi R. (2006) Evaluation of the optimal resilience for vulnerable infrastructure networks
- Lepori B. (2006) Indicators on Science, Technology and Innovation. History and New Perspectives
- Lepori B. (2006) La politique de la recherche en Suisse
- Ronchetti E., Gagliardini P., Trojani F. (2006) New Methods in Moment Based Econometric Models
- Lomi A. (2006) Dynamics of Actors and Networks accross Levels: Individuals, Groups, Organizations and Social Settings
- Larsen E. R., Lomi A. (2006) Resource Partitioning and the Limits to Growth of Organizational Populations
- Rudel R. (2006) Monitraf - Monitoraggio degli effetti del traffico stradale nello spazio alpino e misure comuni
- Nowak E. (2006) Regional Comparative Advantage and Knowledge Based Entrepreneurship
- De Giorgi E. (2006) Developing a Behavioural Asset Pricing Model
- Borghi M. (2006) L'equivalenza di testi giuridici redatti in diverse lingue
- Lomi A. (2005) The evolution of Organizational Populations: Dynamic Resource Constraints and density-Depndent Competition among American Television Stations 1940-2000
- Filippini M. (2005) Measurement of Cost Efficiency in the Presence of Unobserved Heterogeneity
- Meneguzzo M. (2005) PMP.CH - Politica e management pubblico
- Trojani F., Barone Adesi G. (2004) Learning and Robustness in Time Series Models
- Colombo G. (2004) FITS PROJECT - Family Firms as Arenas for Trans-generational Value Creation
- Meneguzzo M. (2004) E-MHEM - Corso virtuale di management per masters in economia e management sanitario
- Degeorge F. (2004) La reazione del mercato alle soglie di guadagno
- Lepori B., Filippini M. (2004) AQUAMETHPSR - Metodi quantitativi avanzati per la valutazione della performance della ricerca nel settore pubblico
- Audrino F. (2004) Modelli basati sulla tecnica FGD multivariata per la stima di superfici di volatilità implicita e la previsione della curva dei tassi
- Lepori B. (2004) ENIP - Rete europea di produttori di indicatori
- Lepori B. (2004) PRIME - Politiche per la ricerca e l'innovazione verso lo Spazio Europeo della Ricerca
- Borghi M. (2004) Diritto europeo online
- Filippini M. (2003) Analisi economica del consumo di antibiotici nelle cure ambulatoriali in Svizzera
- Degeorge F., Nowak E. (2003) Corporate Finance, struttura del mercato e teoria dell'azienda
- Filippini M. (2003) Gestione dell'offerta rivolta alla domanda per i servizi di sostegno alle famiglie
- Barone Adesi G. (2001) Tassi d'interesse e rischio di volatilità
- Trojani F., Barone Adesi G. (2001) Robust strategies for risk management. Asset pricing and option pricing
- Lepori B. (2001) Application of organization theory in higher education research
- Macaluso F. (2000) Profilo storico del partito liberale democratico ticinese.
- Barone Adesi G. (1999) Strategie dinamiche d'investimento basate sulle variazioni del rischio del patrimonio
- Maggi R. (1999) Utilità politico-economica dei trasporti
- Maggi R. (1999) Potenziale di mercato multimodale nel trasporto di merci attraverso le Alpi
- Ratti R. (1999) Verso una mobilità durevole: qualità dell'accesso ed accessibilità delle regioni
- Maggi R., Navone N. (1999) John Soane e i ponti in legno svizzeri. Architettura e cultura tecnica da Palladio ai Grubenmann
- Maggi R. (1999) Volkswirtschaftlicher Nutzen des Verkehrs
- Ratti R. (1997) Trasporti marittimi europei e intermodalità - Conseguenze per la Svizzera
- Maggi R. (1997) Die Nutzung neuer Telekommunikationsmittel in Industrie und Haushalten: eine Nachfrageanalyse für den Zukunftsraum Tessin
- Ratti R., Maggi R. (1997) Sistemi di comunicazione, trasformazioni sociali e strategie politico-territoriali
- Ratti R., Maggi R. (1997) Projet cadre: Nouveaux médias, réseaux de communication et transformations sociales
- Maggi R. (1997) L'utilizzo dei nuovi mezzi di telecomunicazione nelle imprese e nelle economie domestiche: un'analisi della domanda per lo spazio futuro del Ticino
- Maggi R. (1997) Piani per evitare la necessità di viaggiare in Europa
- Maggi R. (1996) Reti di infrastrutture strategiche integrate in Europa