Facoltà di comunicazione, cultura e società
Approvati (3)
In corso (35)
- Greco S. (2024) Costruire spazi di dialogo per la risoluzione dei conflitti
- Lobinger K., Picco Schwendener A. (2024) CodeVis - Code of conduct for open data practices in visual social research
- Lomelí Hernández J. A. (2024) Evaluating arguments in online discussions: a descriptive study of a normative process
- Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J., Tardini S. (2024) FAIR-FI-LD - Moving towards a national FAIR-compliant ecosystem of Federated Infrastructure for Language Data
- Lee K. B. (2024) Conference Cinema and Audiovisual Futures
- Lobinger K. (2024) Doppio Sguardo: Riflessioni visive
- Schulz P. J. (2024) Felicità2.0: Uso dei social media e benessere in adolescenza
- Cantoni L. (2024) SECreTour - Sustainable, Engaging and CREative Tourism as a driver for a better future in rural and remote areas
- Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. (2024) ShareTIGR - Sharing the TIGR corpus of spoken Italian: an ORD case study
- Lepori B. (2024) RDM@SSM - Research Data Management @ Summer School in Social Science Methods
- Lee K. B. (2024) The Video Essay: Memories, Ecologies, Bodies
- Pierre E. J. D. (2023) The linguistic representation of agentivity in fashion controversies and its connection to argumentative strategies
- Lobinger K., Picco Schwendener A. (2023) ODSCOMS - Open Data Strategy for the USI Journal SComS
- Zamparini A. (2023) New Ways of Making Sense of Who We Are: How Digital Transformation Challenges Organizational Identity Construction
- Porlezza C. (2023) DIACOMET - Fostering capacity building for civic resilience and participation: Dialogic communication ethics and accountability
- Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J., Greco S., Rocci A. (2023) CHORD-talk-in-interaction - Data-sharing skills in corpus-based research on talk-in-interaction
- Greco S. (2023) ORBIS - Augmenting participation, co-creation, trust and transparency in Deliberative Democracy at all scales
- Schulz P. J. (2022) The effects of medical trust on antibiotics adherence in primary care settings: A dyadic mixed-method approach
- (2022) Improving communication to enhance patients’ health literacy, empowerment & self-management of heart failure
- Rocci A. (2022) iTrust - Interventions against Polarisation in Society for Trustworthy Social Media. From diagnosis to therapy
- Greco S. (2022) TEDYC - Toolkit for Educating to a Dynamic Citizenship
- Mengis J. (2022) Un resoconto pratico-teorico dell'attenzione organizzativa
- Bisello E. (2022) La “civiltà dell’anatomia”: il genere delle Anatomie letterarie nell’Italia del Seicento
- Villeneuve J. P. (2022) CORE-LESS : Assessing the nature and impact of transnational corruption through the lens of Swiss businesses
- Lepori B. (2022) Diversity of higher education systems, differentiation processes and policy mixes
- Villeneuve J. P., Bitonti A. (2022) CivicTrade - Deliberative Quality in Trade- Related International Organisations
- Mugellini G., Barreca M., Meneguzzo M., Villeneuve J. P. (2022) DEeP-GOV - Digital Education Partnership for effective and sustainable Governance
- Balbi G. (2021) Global Media and Internet Concentration Project
- Rocci A. (2021) Mining argumentative patterns in context. A large scale corpus study of Earnings Conference Calls of listed companies
- Pellandini-Simányi L. (2021) Social patterning of economic subjectivities and the digital transformation of retail finance in Switzerland
- Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. (2021) Subside de cotutelle ou partenariat de thèse 2022
- Bizzotto N. (2021) The Perils of Peer Advice: How Internet Support Groups Can Do Harm to Depression Patients
- Balbi G. (2020) The origins and spread of the World Wide Web. Rediscovering the early years of the Web inside and outside the CERN archive (1989-1995)
- Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. (2020) InfinIta - La categorizzazione delle fonti di informazione nell’interazione faccia a faccia. Una indagine basata sul corpus di italiano parlato TIGR.
- Gibbert M. (2020) Does it ‘pay’ to be on time? Different conceptualizations of time in qualitative theorizing and the link to citation impact.
Conclusi (252)
- Schulz P. J. (2024) The Effects of Health Campaign Messages on Stigmatization Reduction of Mental Illness: An Examination of Emotional Framing and Behavioral Intention to Share
- Maggi M. (2023) Congrès annuel ASLGC/SGAVL: Au bord du visible: littérature comparée et visibilité
- Schellino M., Cauzzi C., Geddo C. (2023) Grammatica italiana: storia linguistica e produzione libraria fra Italia e Svizzera
- Trissino L. (2023) Poesia contemporanea e società civile
- Drzewiecka J., Serafis D. (2023) Reassessing the "critical" in Critical Discourse Studies
- Villeneuve J. P. (2023) ACCORD - Anti-Corruption Consultations on Open Research Data
- Lobinger K., Venema R. (2022) Governance of digital hate speech from the users’ perspective
- Villeneuve J. P. (2022) Scholar at Risk - Call for Afghanistan. Project Representative Bureaucracy
- Balbi G. (2022) Media Concentration & Platform Regulation: Emerging Lessons from Canada, Switzerland and Selected EU Countries
- Jermini C. (2022) Quelle place pour les émotions des parties dans le discours en médiation des conflits?
- Serafis D. (2022) Un.H.A.T.E. - Unveiling Hatred discourses and Argumentation in The European public sphere-Return grant
- Bitonti A. (2022) Open lobbying. A political theory approach to lobbying regulation
- Villeneuve J. P., Belyaev D. O. (2022) Scholar at Risk – Call for Ukraine. Project Corruption, Civic Participation, and Accountability
- Cantoni L., De Ascaniis S. (2022) The convent, the mortar piece and the building site: An incredible adventure through geology, history and archaeology
- Suggs L. S. (2022) GrowGreen - Growing Green Communities
- Suggs L. S., Fadda M. (2021) PERSPECTIVES - Esplorare le prospettive sul vaccino e sulla vaccinazione tra il personale scolastico in Svizzera: Studio con metodo misto.
- Prandi S. (2021) La vita delle cose: materia, oggetto e immaginazione in Dante
- Lepori B. (2021) The Employment of Academics and Administrators in European Higher Education: National and Organizational Determinants
- Lepori B. (2021) ETERIV - Implementation and further development of the European Tertiary Education Register
- Villeneuve J. P. (2021) DigiPartIndex - DigiPartIndex
- Cantoni L., Tardini S. (2020) MOOC - Tourism Management at UNESCO World Heritage Sites (vol. 3)
- Cantoni L. (2020) AUDITORIUM - Cultural Sustainability Indicators for Heritage Tourism Management. Integrating the Local Community’s voice
- Porlezza C. (2020) JoIn-DemoS - Innovationen im Journalismus in demokratischen Gesellschaften: Index, Einfluss und Voraussetzungen im internationalen Vergleich
- Gibbert M. (2020) Teaching Sustainability Contextually: South-North Learning from the Best
- Serafis D. (2020) Un.H.A.T.E - Unveiling hatred discourses and argumentation in the European public sphere
- Picco Schwendener A. (2020) MAPAW - Making A Privacy Aware World
- Mulligan K. (2020) Functions, Relations, and Types
- Suggs L. S. (2020) COVIDisc - Public COVID 19 pandemic discourses - a focus on vector populations
- Villeneuve J. P. (2020) Determinants of sustainable Citizen-State relationships: A survey of trust, satisfaction and organizational deviances
- D'Ambros M., Parchet R. (2020) Firms and tax competition in the digital economy: a data platform for geo-temporal network analysis
- Suggs L. S. (2019) GlobalP3HS - GLOBALVUJK - SSPH+ Global PhD Program in Public Health Sciences
- Suggs L. S. (2019) GlobalP3HS- GLOBALSANC - SSPH+ Global PhD Program in Public Health Sciences
- Cantoni L. (2019) ICT4STD - Information and Communication Technologies for Sustainable Tourism Development
- Suggs L. S. (2019) SIM - Social inclusion marketing Project
- Cantoni L. (2019) MARKS - Progetto Interreg Comunità Montana Lario Intelvese
- Mulligan K. (2019) Identity in Cognitive Science, Quantum Mechanics, and Metaphysics
- Suggs L. S. (2019) Developing and strengthening partnerships for nutrition promotion, monitoring and measurement among children
- Suggs L. S. (2019) A corpus linguistic approach to childhood public health
- Cantoni L. (2019) DESy - Sistema evolutivo della destinazione digitale
- Drzewiecka J. (2019) Migrant belonging: identity, affect and capital
- Lepori B. (2019) RISIS 2 - European Research Infrastructure for Science, technology and Innovation policy Studies
- Rocci A. (2019) DIGITALSKILLS - Multimodal Rhetoric Advertising: Digitalization and the Advertising Creative Process
- Benecchi E. (2019) DIGITALSKILLS - Social Media Management for the University
- Lasagni M. C. (2019) DIGITALSKILLS - Documentary: digital shooting and editing
- Cantoni L. (2019) DIGITALSKILLS - Digital Media Lab - Hands-on courses
- Lobinger K. (2018) Visualized relationships - social uses and conflicts. A repertoire-oriented study of visual and image-related communication between close friends and couples in Switzerland
- Balbi G. (2018) The Chinese Imaginary of the Internet governance
- Greco S. (2018) APPLY - European network for argumentation and public policy analysis
- Fornara N. (2018) A Framework for Automatic Monitoring of Norms and Agreements Concerning Digital Assets in the Web of Data
- Balbi G. (2018) Federalismo Digitale: la nascita della rete SWITCH e del CSCS di Manno (1985-1995)
- Balbi G. (2018) Digital Transformation, Going Out Policy and Chinese Standards: An Investigation on the Development of DTMB Standard, 1987-2017
- Balbi G. (2018) Decoding Wireless. An immersive and interactive experience to unveil the meanings, the (infra)structures and the historical construction of an omnipresent technology.
- Tedeschi L., Viroli M. (2018) Milano e il Ticino (1796-1848), costruire la spazialità di una capitale europea
- Greco S. (2018) ARGAGE - ARGAGE: Argumentation and Language / Argumentation et Langage
- Lepori B. (2017) ETER 3 - Implementation and Further Development of a European Tertiary Education Register
- Seele P., De Rossa F., Stürmer M. (2017) Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP): Developing and Testing Sustainability Indicators for Public Procurement Tenders in Switzerland in line with the WTO Government Procurement Agreement - and their social acceptability and legal feasibility
- Balbi G. (2017) The Chinese political economy of the Internet. Cultural Values, BAT strategies and Internet governance
- Balbi G. (2017) What Are the Frame Strategies New Media Use? A Comparative Study of Chinese and European Media
- Balbi G. (2017) Reconciliation or Polarization: A Case Study of the Pattern of Online Opinion Evolution on Controversial Issues
- Rocci A. (2017) Discourse approaches to financial communication 2. Building trust in the markets with story and argument
- Mulligan K. (2017) Connectives, Predicates, and Priority
- Greco S. (2017) The inferential dynamics of reframing within dispute mediators’ argumentation
- Gibbert M. (2017) (How) are Outliers Used for Theory Building in Management and Organization Science? The Link Between Rigor and Impact in Deviant Case Analysis
- Arbia G., Mira A. (2017) Statistical solutions for regression-type models with big spatial data
- Hibberd M., Russ-Mohl S. (2017) Herd Behavior in Mediatized Scandals – A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation
- Pellandini-Simányi L. (2017) Driving forces of the financialization of everyday life
- Seele P. (2017) Greenwashing accusations and their effect on CSR trust in B2B settings. Does it pay not to engage in greenwashing?
- Jori G., Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J. (2017) CDLLI - Progettazione e realizzazione del Centro di Didattica della Lingua e della Letteratura Italiana
- Villeneuve J. P. (2017) Sino-Swiss Free Trade Agreement: Challenges and Opportunities
- Ventimiglia G. (2016) Metaphysik und Ontologie in der Schweiz im Zeitalter der Reformation (1519-1648)
- Di Febo G. (2016) Souvenirs, notes et pensées intimes di Flaubert: un'inedita traduzione di Giorgio Caproni e la sua ricezione critica
- Cantoni L. (2016) Information and Communication Technologies to support cultural heritage tourism
- Mulligan K. (2016) Quantities
- Hannawa A. F. (2016) Interdisciplinary Horizons for Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety
- Ruspini P. (2016) SAREP - Study Abroad Research in European Perspective
- Mengis J., Lurati F. (2016) Eventi culturali in cerca di spazio: pratiche organizzative e relazionali del Locarno Festival
- Suggs L. S. (2016) Addressing the double burden of disease: improving health systems for Noncommunicable and Neglected Tropical Diseases
- Mazza R. (2016) Swiss edu-ID Phase II
- Balbi G. (2015) International Workshop on Transnational Histories of Telecommunications
- Balbi G., JIANG F. (2015) Remapping or Remapped – A workshop on Chinese Global Media
- Fornara N. (2015) A System for Automatic Web Data Collection by means of Norms and Semantic Web Technologies
- Hofstetter R. (2015) The Benefits of Thinking Less: How Deliberation Can Harm Consumer Judgment
- Villeneuve J. P. (2015) Global Conference on Transparency Research
- Greco S., Rocci A. (2015) Analysing children's implicit argumentation: Reconstruction of procedural and material premises
- Suggs L. S. (2015) Examining Children's Eating Behaviors and their Social Determinants In Ticino Switzerland
- Cantoni L. (2015) Cultura e Sicurezza in Africa
- Balbi G. (2014) Inventare il wireless europeo. Una storia culturale del wireless dalla telegrafia punto-a-punto al broadcasting uno-a-molti, 1903-1927
- Mendini M. (2014) Processing Style, Mood, and Regulatory Focus in Taxonomic vs. Thematic Product Choices
- Carassa A., Zaccagnino M. (2014) A Study On Attachment Relationships And Quality Of Caregiving on Children In Foster Care
- Ossola C., Rocci A. (2014) Le ragioni della cortesia. La nascita della cortesia contemporanea nella trattatistica comportamentale italiana dell'Ottocento.
- Schulz P. J., Nakamoto K. (2014) More Informed, More Involved: The Roles of Psychological Empowerment and Health Literacy for Older Patients’ Participation in Health Care.
- Cola M. (2014) Schweizer Kinder & Medien-Studie MIKE der ZHAW
- Suggs L. S. (2014) Tap it up
- Schulz P. J. (2014) Communication, Medicine and Ethics Conference
- Schulz P. J. (2014) Increasing acceptance of age thresholds for mammographic screening by applying the theory of regulatory focus
- Seele P. (2014) La mancanza di credibilità nel reporting sulla sostenibilità
- Hannawa A. F. (2013) MEDC - Toward a Theoretical and Empirical Conceptualization of Medical Error Disclosure Competence
- Rocci A. (2013) Natural Language Corpus Resources for Studying Dialogical Arguments
- Schulz P. J. (2013) Interpersonal Communication and Social Interaction
- Suggs L. S. (2013) SOPHYA - Swiss children's objectively measured physical activity
- Nakamoto K., Schulz P. J. (2013) Medication Literacy and Empowerment in the Misuse of Prescription Drugs
- Seele P. (2013) STUDIUM SUSTAINALE - Lo sviluppo, il test e l’analisi di un concetto di insegnamento che combina lo Studium-Generale traditionale con lo sviluppo sostenibile
- Schulz P. J., Nakamoto K. (2013) “Bad” Literacy, Health Empowerment, and the Problem of Vaccination Refusal
- Suggs L. S. (2013) USI SINC - Incubatore di Sostenibilà dell'Università della Svizzera italiana
- Colombetti M. (2013) An Infrastructure for Open Interaction Systems
- Russ-Mohl S. (2013) EPICUR II - Expanding Public Interest by Communicating Understandable Research: Marketing of the EJO as a Dissemination Network"
- Cantoni L. (2013) S-Play - LEGO Serious Play Learning per le PMI
- Fornara N. (2013) Automatic Web data collection from non-reactive sources by means of normative systems and Semantic Web Technologies
- Ruspini P. (2013) Migration and Transnationalism between Switzerland and Bulgaria: assessing social inequalities and regional disparities in the context of changing policies
- Richeri G. (2013) Réseau Cinéma CH
- Seele P. (2012) Esplorare la relazzione di CSR e filantropia aziendale
- Cantoni L. (2012) Futour - Progetto di formazione continua: Il turismo del futuro tra tecnologia, comunicazione e ospitalità
- Ruspini P. (2012) ISTME - In search of transcultural memory in Europe
- Cantoni L. (2012) e-TF - e-Tourisme Framework
- Miecznikowski-Fuenfschilling J., Rocci A. (2012) Dalla percezione all'inferenza. Aspetti evidenziali, argomentativi e testuali del lessico della percezione in italiano
- Carassa A. (2012) Pratiche di presa di decisione relative al fine vita: il caso della medicina generale, Modulo di NRP67, Programma di ricerca nazionale sul Fine Vita
- Carassa A. (2012) Intersubjective Experience and Mental Representations of Interpersonal Relationship (prolungamento)
- Rocci A., Perrin D. (2012) Argumentation in newsmaking process and product
- Schulz P. J. (2012) EMPOWER - Support of Patient Empowerment by an intelligent self-management pathway for patients
- Schulz P. J. (2012) Il piano di dimissione nei centri riabilitativi: che ruolo ha la partecipazione del paziente?
- Rigotti E., Rocci A., van Eemeren F. H. (2012) ArgupolisII - Argumentation practices in context
- Gibbert M. (2012) When do different category formats influence mass customization decisions?
- Ruspini P. (2011) ADAPT - Adattare il sistema sanitario europeo alla diversità
- Gibbert M. (2011) Does it pay to be rigorous? The link between validity, reliability and impact in management case-study research
- Cantoni L. (2011) CROSS-FIELD - FertilizatIon betwEen formal and informal Learning through Digital technologies
- Richeri G. (2011) Partnership between Faculty of Communication Sciences, USI, and the Communication University of China
- Colombetti M., Fornara N. (2011) Open Interaction System: An approach based on Atificial Institutions, Environments, and Institutional Spaces
- Russ-Mohl S. (2011) HERTA - Hedging European Research Transfer Activities
- Fornara N. (2011) Open Interaction Systems: an approach based on Artificial Institutions, Environments, and Institutioanal Spaces
- Cantoni L. (2011) Progetto INTERREG PIT IntegraMedia 2007-2013, Laghi e Monti Life
- Nakamoto K., Schulz P. J. (2011) Guided Health Literacy and Empowerment: The Role of Social Interaction
- Colombetti M. (2011) Open Interaction Systems: an approach Based on Artificial Institutions and Service Oriented Architecture with an application to electronic market places
- Paolini P. (2011) Comunicazione Multimediale Integrata per la Filiera del Turismo
- Schulz P. J. (2011) Judgement Skills in Health Literacy: Measurement and Role in Effective Patient Empowerment
- Schulz P. J., Nakamoto K. (2011) Adaptivity in Communication and Health
- Tardini S. (2011) OIKODOMOS - Consolidation and expansion of a Virtual Campus
- Cantoni L. (2011) eTourRep - eTourism Reputation Index
- Rigotti E., Barone Adesi G., Cottier B. (2010) BankAr-Cod - Le pratiche argomentative delle banche svizzere per riconciliare il conflitto di doveri nell''implementazione delle norme anti-riciclaggio
- Paolini P. (2010) LEM - The Learning Museum
- Visentin C. (2010) The Federal Tourism Policy, 1917-1955
- Hungerbühler Savary R., VALSANGIACOMO COMOLLI N. (2010) Egalité des sexes: une idée suisse?
- Cantoni L. (2010) RE-ACT - Social REpresentations of community multimedia centres and ACTions for improvement
- Haas A., Snehota I. (2010) Value Orientation of Salespeople: Conceptualization, Consequences, Antecedents, and Contingencies
- Schulz P. J. (2010) PRIMAeT - Gestione del rischio psicosociale, Formazione per l''educazione professionale
- Schulz P. J. (2010) PALADIN - Promoting Active and Ageing of Disadvantage Seniors
- Schulz P. J. (2010) LL-MoM - Language Learning Medics on the Move
- Schulz P. J. (2010) ACE - Legami europei per l'autismo
- Richeri G., D'Amato G., Poglia E. (2010) The role of media in cultural and social identities construction
- Schulz P. J. (2010) HELPER - Validazione del modello e strategie comunicative per migliorare la gestione di dolore cronico
- de Chernatony L. (2010) Thought Leaders International Conference in Brand Management
- Cola M. (2010) Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies
- Russ-Mohl S. (2010) MediaACT - Responsabilità e trasparenza dei media in Europa
- Corsaro D. (2010) Understanding the Relationship between Network Picture Characteristics and Strategic Networking Activities in Business Markets
- Suggs L. S. (2010) SOPHYA2 - Swiss children's objectively measured physical activity II
- Maggi M. (2009) La letteratura italiana nella tradizione del moderno: Leopardi e le "favole moderne" dei Patriarchi
- Ruspini P. (2009) MIRACLE - Migrants and Refugees - A challenge for learning in European Schools
- Cantoni L., Alberton S. (2009) Wi - com - Understanding motivations of wireless communities participants
- Schulz P. J. (2009) HARPE - Masters in Health Rehabilitation through Physical Exercise
- Schulz P. J. (2009) FREPY - Friendly Resources for Playful Speech Therapy
- Ruspini P. (2009) EDICC - Diploma Europeo di Competenze Interculturali
- Ruspini P. (2009) Successful Pathways for the Second Generation of Migrants
- Colombetti M. (2009) Lo sviluppo di un quadro concettuale per gli accordi fra agenti intelligenti
- Richeri G. (2009) The Swiss Influence in the International Telecommunication Union
- Colombetti M., Fornara N. (2009) Open Interaction Systems: an approach Based on Artificial Institutions and Reasoning Agents with an application to Collaborative Environments
- Carassa A. (2009) Intersubjective Experience and Mental Representations of Interpersonal Relationship
- Rocci A. (2009) Endoxa e parole chiave culturali nella pragmatica del discorso argomentativo. Il funzionamento pragmatico e lo sfruttamento persuasivo delle parole chiave nel discorso dei rapporti annuali e dei rapporti sulla sostenibilità.
- Ureta Vaquero I. (2009) Learning Arabic for Increasing Business and Mutual Understanding
- Cantoni L. (2009) Web2rism - Web 2.0 reputation analyzer for tourism
- Poglia E. (2009) Décrire et mesurer la fécondité de la recherche en sciences humaines et sociales à partir d'études de cas
- Ureta Vaquero I. (2008) Analysis of 20th Century Migration
- Cantoni L. (2008) PREDIL - Promoting Equality in Digital Literacy
- Suggs L. S. (2008) Tailoring Physical activity communication: A test of the theory of planned behavior and persuasive communication strategies
- Cantoni L. (2008) MELISSA - Measuring E-Learning Impact in primary Schools in South African Disadvantaged Areas
- Ureta Vaquero I. (2008) LEARNINARABIC - Learning Arabic language for approaching Arab countries to increase business and mutual understanding
- Rigotti E., Nowak E. (2008) L'argomentazione come alternativa ragionevole al conflitto
- Rigotti E. (2008) Argupolis - Argumentation practices in context
- Rocci A., Rigotti E. (2008) La modalità nell’argomentazione. Uno studio semantico-argomentativo della previsione nei quotidiani economico-finanziari italiani
- Cantoni L. (2008) DOOR adapter for Moodle
- Cantoni L. (2008) RED INK - The Role of Communication in Rethinking Education in the Knowledge Society
- Schulz P. J. (2008) Identität und Vielfalt der Kommunikationswissenschaft
- Schulz P. J. (2008) Effectiveness of tailored promotional messages in the areas of organ donation
- Schulz P. J. (2008) RADO II - Tailoring Health Messages - Effectiveness of tailored promotional messages in the areas of organ donation
- Cantoni L. (2008) GRAPPLE - Generic Responsive Adaptive Personalized Learning Environment
- Russ-Mohl S. (2008) Accuratezza e credibilità nei quotidiani regionali
- Cantoni L. (2008) RED - INK - Rethinking Education in the Knowledge Society
- Richeri G. (2008) Réseau Cinéma CH
- Schulz P. J., Lomi A., Nakamoto K. (2008) Communication and Health
- Cantoni L. (2007) OIKODOMOS - A virtual campus to promote the study of dwelling in contemporary Europe
- Domenighetti G. (2007) ABID2 - Applying Biometrics to Identity Documents
- Colombetti M. (2007) Model checking e monitoring di norme definite da istituzioni interdipendenti
- Schulz P. J. (2007) SENACA - An integrated e-learning, information and collaboration platform for Continuing Education on Health and Diseases of the Elderly (SENACA)
- Colombetti M. (2007) Istituzioni artificiali: specifica di sistemi di interazione aperti e distribuiti
- Schulz P. J. (2007) SCIRA - Structure and Effects of Societal Communication on non-Ionizing Radiations
- Richeri G. (2006) Gehört - gesehen: Das audiovisuelle Erbe und die Wissenschaft
- Hungerbühler Savary R. (2006) Lingua e divergenze delle identità politiche in Svizzera
- Cantoni L. (2006) CATCH - Tecnologie della Comunicazione per i Beni Culturali
- Laffranchi M. (2006) TEMAS - Materials and Structures
- Eppler M., Lanza M. (2006) Viz.ch - An E-learning Course on Visual Literacy for Communication, Engineering and Business
- Poglia E. (2006) I2C - Migliorare la comunicazione interculturale
- Schulz P. J. (2006) ECHO - E-course in comunicazione per gli operatori della salute
- Poglia E. (2006) Competenza plurilingue e identità dei giovani adulti nella Svizzera italiana
- Paolini P. (2006) Communication Technologies for Health Heritage
- Richeri G. (2006) Réseau Cinéma CH
- Richeri G. (2005) Cultural Studies Today: Problems and Perspectives
- Ventimiglia G. (2005) Emerging Technoethics of Human Interaction with Communication, Bionic, and Robotic Systems
- Richeri G. (2005) La dieta mediale nelle famiglie della Svizzera italiana
- Schulz P. J. (2005) PANDORA - Doctor-patient relationships in the information age
- Rigotti E. (2005) Per una nuova posizione dell'italiano nel quadrilinguismo elvetico
- Cantoni L. (2005) BET K-12 - eLearning and primary school teacher training in a disadvantaged brazilian context
- Domenighetti G. (2005) L'opera narrativa di Plinio Martini nel quadro della letteratura svizzero italiana del secondo dopoguerra.
- Colombetti M. (2005) Istituzioni artificiali: specifica e verifica di sistemi di interazione aperti e distribuiti
- Cantoni L. (2004) TREE - Teaching and research in engineering in Europe
- Schulz P. J. (2004) Mercati per l´informazione sanitaria
- Cantoni L. (2004) PENG - Programmazione personalizzata di notizie
- Hungerbühler Savary R., Ganz-Blättler U. (2004) Hear and See. Un progetto sulla memoria dei media
- Rigotti E. (2004) ARGUMENTUM - E-course di Teoria dell'Argomentazione per le scienze umane e sociali
- Meneguzzo M. (2004) E-MHEM - Corso virtuale di management per masters in economia e management sanitario
- Cantoni L. (2004) USABLE - Analisi di usabilità attraverso l'apprendimento dedicato
- Cantoni L. (2004) eTeach.net - Rete di eTeaching per la formazione e il sostegno
- Russ-Mohl S. (2004) DIGIREP - Digital Repository
- Schuerch D. (2004) MEDIALP - MEDIALP
- Schulz P. J. (2004) (ONESELF I-II-III) - Utilizzo di strategie on-line per migliorare le informazioni e il supporto sociale per l'autogestione della lombalgia cronica
- Ceri S. (2004) Un framework per la modellizzazione formale delle interazioni web e il suo utilizzo per monitorare e migliorare le applicazioni web
- Cantoni L. (2004) DELOS - Una rete di eccellenza per le biblioteche digitali
- Cantoni L. (2004) EPOCH - Rete europea di eccellenza sul patrimonio culturale
- Cantoni L. (2004) ERIC - Risorse europee per la comunicazione interculturale
- Paolini P., Schulz P. J. (2003) Wed - Web come discorso
- Mazza R. (2003) Edukalibre - Edukalibre
- Colombetti M. (2003) Una struttura per l'interazione nei sistemi multiagente aperti
- Cantoni L. (2003) HOSPITALIS - Piattaforma sanitaria online condivisa per aumentare in Ticino e in Lombardia l´assistenza e le cure agli stranieri
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